Ready jet go is made possible in part by when children are prepared for success in school, theres no limit to what they can achieve. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and ready jet go narrator with the right foundation and encouragement, curious young minds can get smarr and smarter every day. Kumon is proud to support ready jet go for all the preschoolers who love to learn. Ing and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. And by contributions to your pbs station [together] ready jet go jet propulsion hats his name jet propulsion hell rocket to fame when he arrived, he created a buzz cause there was no house and then there was, he said people of earth you aint seen nothing yet im from bort and my name is jet jet propulsion thats his name he looks like us but he isnt the sa im a space tripper and a galaxy crosser my parents brought me here in a flying saer and just to prove it was a fact he flew them out to space and back jet propulsion [spaceship whirring] jet propulsion [together] ready jet go he showed up, and now its a blast looks like the future really got here fast nice to meet you, human race tell me all about the place jet propulsion jet propulsion jet opulsion all ready jet go [orchestral sic] [sunspot yells] [spider web boings] [doorbell rings] sydney. Sean. Mindy. Weve called you all over here because theres something funny going on that you earthies may understand. Oh, we sure dont. All the houses in the neighborhood have changed lately. Look at the petersens place. Yes what are those things . Pumpkins, fake spider webs, and plastic bats. But thats not all. At the supermarket today, everyone was b all the candy. What on earth is happening . Theres a good explanation for all of this. Tonight is halloween. Halloween . Huh. Whats that . Ooh ooh i know what halloween is. And turn them into jackolanterns. Dress up in a costume. Go doortodoor and say, trick or tre collect as much candy as you can. Get back home and eat the candy. Oh, yeahg] [steam engine blow and last, but not least, visit a haunted house. Oh, yeah ah. A haunted house. Hoo sounds like fun. Yeah, cant wait to find out what hated means. Oh lets go inside and figure out e how to fix up our plson with the earthies on this special holiday. Great i want to do all the things on that list. But first, we have to make a list. Huh. Heh, good. Sunspot already did. Wels do everything on thilist, and itll be the best halloween ever ooh i almost forgot. One more thing. On halloween, if a full moon rises, a witch flies across it on a broom. [thunder roars] really . Yup. Its super spooky, but im not afraid, cause ill be with you guys tonight. Wow, a witch is gonna fly across the moon tonight . Right. A witch is ii know what a witch is. I saw it in a movie one time. The wizard of something no place like earth dresses all in black. Huge pointy hat. Green skin, right . H t whats this flying eahicle . This broohoom . A flying broom . What fascinating earthie technology. I wonder what powers it. Antigravitating fluxinators . I cant wait to see it when a witch flies on a broohoom across the moon what . You guysoo theres no witch on a flying across the moon. That stuff is made up. [gasps] mitchell of course theres witches on brooms flying across the moon on halloween. Come on. Have you ever seen one . Well, no. But thats what halloween is all about. Tches and brooms and. So whos right . Mindy or mitchell . Do witches really fly on brooms . Im that mitchell is right. Yeah, it is actually made up. But it is a cool idea. Haha. Then how awesome would it be for mindy to see a witch flying across the moon on a broom tonight [sunspot jabbers quietly] er [whispering] very iting plan, sunspot. To see anything fly across the moon, since its halloween and its gonna be a full moon. Haha i love everything about this amazing earth holiday. Its even gonna happen on the night of a full moon whoohoo i agree, jet. This is gonna be cool. And spooky. And spookycool yoohoo ds. Its time to carve the earth produce into spooky faces. Ah glad youre here, kids. Whoa. Yes were making this the best halloween spookyhouse ever. Cool so, please explain the johnolanterns again. Um, actually, theyre called jackolanterns. [laughs] , right. Hehheh. Ah, jackolanterns. Anyway, i went to the store to purchase this earth produce to carve into faces. Both okay. Yeah, the pumpkins were all sold out. [gasps] these are even better. Lets do this. [drum roll] [both laugh] whooh yeah they [jet, carrot, and celery sh] wonderful. [sunspot squeaks] ooh excellke earth insect webbing, sunspot. Ooh and thats a terrific fake giant earth iect. Soon, well fit right in with the other houses. What else do we need . Look at those jackolanterns, cody. Everything that the propulsion family does is stran. [cody barks] just look at these. And now theyre carving fruits and vegetables but no pumpkins . And who hangs an ant from their house on halloween . What is going on over there, cody . [cody snores] sometimes, i wonder how dedicated a detective you are, cody. [cody yawns] [sighs] well, come on,ody. Its time to get ready for halloween. [cody barks] there it is this is so exciting. Not only is loween its also a full moon not only that my mom just told me that tonight, between 8 00 and theres gonna be a total eclipse of the moon a Lunar Eclipse. A lunar eclips fantastic wait, ah, whats a Lunar Eclipse . It means itll get all super dark. Super dark . Ooh thnds super halloweeny. But, um, why are we getting a Lunar Eclipse . Is it happening right now . Pe, the eclipse wont happen until 8 00. Why . Okay. Lets say this pingpong ball is the moon and this tennis ball is the earth an [tires screech] and this sunspot is the sun. So, as the earth orbits around sunspot, this little pingpong ball, the moon, is orbiting around the earth. And sometimes, the moon gets on t far side of the earth, and it gets completely covered by the earths shadow. Hmm. Good try. I, uh. I think i get it . [sunspot pops and squeaks] sunspots right we dont need a demonstration with pingpong balls. We can go see the real thing. Go see the real thing . You mean yup, we can fly to outer space and see this Lunar Eclipse for ouelves. Cool wait. Cant we just look up Lunar Eclipses online . I mean, it isnt happening rightow. What will we actually see . [horn honks] we can s t the sun, the earth, a moon, all from the unique perspective of outer space. Both yes you ready . Hop in, kids. Me and my big mouth. [sighs] lets gonto outer space. Sunspot halloween road trip okay, ill take you out to look at the moon. But lets hurry so were back ri time for your treatoring. Its actually called trickortr 5 4 321 doors are shut gines on everybody in their place . Lets go into outer space all ready jet go [tires screeching] [engine whooshing] all right, were far enough out and your moon. So cool. These will be the before the eclipse pictures. So, i still dont get how does this eclipse work . Jet, you notice that sometimes the moon gets on the far side of the earth, and itcompletely covered by the earths shadow . What makes it a lunaeclipse is that the earth blocks the sunlight that usually lights up the moon. Jet and sydney oh wait. Isnt that exactly how i explained it back in your yard . Arth . Yes, but its so fun to look at the actual earth and moon and sun from space. [sighs] youre right. It is fun. And im not even spacesick. [gasps] i can see the earths shadow covering the moon. It may take a while to completely cover it. Exactly, sydney. The total Lunar Eclipse will be later tonight. Is there an eclipse every halloween . Oh nope. Its just tfun halloween surpriight. The full moon should get all dark, right whenckoure out treatortg. You mean trickortreating. Ah. Right. Wonderful earth phrase. Oh, speaking of trickortreating, its time to get back. We all have to get into our costumes. Next stop, boxwood terrace all excelsior hmm. For mehis halloween . [cody yawns] pirate . No. Clown . Too scary. Ooh, sherlock holmes. The gr detective of all. Perfect for my halloween plans. Hee hee hee. [cody barks] [engine whooshing] [tires screech] wow that was so cool to go look at the moon on halloween night. Yeah ha this is the best earth halloween. And my first earth halloween. [sunspot squeaks] haha. Right. Wait till you see what sunspot a i have planned. What . Yeah. What do you have pla trust me, my earthie friends. Its only the best halloween plan ever [sunspot shrieks] have you eoked up at the moon at night and wondered why it looks like its changing shape . Sometimes, it looks like its fuland round, and other times, its just a halfcircle. Sometimes, its not there at all. Whats going on wi that . Hi, im astronomer amy mainzer. Ive gn the moon right here hands. Well, okay, its not really the moon, but you get the idea. Th isnt really changing shape, of course. Its just matter of your point of view. As the moon is traveling around the earth, the earth is traveling around the sun at the same time, and that means different shadows are moving across the moon. Thats wkes it look like its changing shape. We call this the phases of the moon. The earth travels around the sun once a year, and the moon is traveling around the earth once a month. As the moon travels around the earth, we sometimes see the side thats lit up by the sun, and other times, when the moons between the earth and the sun, were looking at the part thats in shadow. Thats what makes it look ke its changing shape. So, the next time someone tells you youre just going through a phase, just ask them which one half, full, quarter, crescent you get the idea. [laughs] this is my kind of basketball. [ominous howling] [kids laughing] lets make the garage into our halloween haunthouse. But, carrot, are you suggesting we let people in our garage where they can see all our alien stuff . Yep whoo sounds good to me. But who would want to look at a prete haunted garage . Ah, halloween. I love it, cody. Eaits a detectives drholiday. I can be in costume and go undercover. [cody yawns] it is my perfect chanc to solve three propulsion family mysteries. Tonighres mysteries to solve why was sunspot carrying a green alien head . Was jet sittinin a smar or a big clamshell . Why did d mrs. Propulsion carve so many different vegetables but no pumpkins . This is a big case, cody. Ready to our halloween investigation . [cody squeals] goodoo. Aha stuffy bear. I applaud yoe, creative choice of cost young, gifted mindy. Thanks, sydney. I mean, the coolest commander cressida ever. [siren wailing] hello, doctor. [giggles] [engine whooshing] tada [sighs] jet. Im not sure if its the best idea an alien . What . I thought i was an earth cucumber. Hello, im carrot and celerys son, cucumber. [sunspot beeps] no, jet, thats an alien costume. And i can check wear a costume off my greatest halloween ever todo list. Actually, you probably can be an alien tonight, since its halloween. Brilliant so now we just need sean. You mean. Neil armstrong . The first human to walk on the moon . Mindy and jet wow looking od, mr. Astronaut. Thanks, you guys. Speaking of neil, i am so excited that its a oon and a total Lunar Eclipse tonight. , my mom told me this the moon will also look red tonight. But im not sure why. All ed . Hmm, a red moon . Another halloween mystery. And i will hope at a witch flies across the moon on a broom. Heh, me too, stuffy bear. Okay, commander cressida, dr. Sunspot, neil strongarm lets trickyourtreat [chuckles] im so excited you get to trickortreat with us tonight, mindy. Well have fun now, jet, whats your secret plan with sunspot . [sunspot beeps] itll be worthait, sydney. Hmm. Is that your secret plan, sean . No, this is myfail Scientific Method formula to get the most candof in the least amount ime. T equals h plus c squared. Treats equhouses plus. And the better the costume, the more candy you get. [giggles] want to know my plan . I just on the door and ask for candy. Makes sense to me, mindy. [mysterious music] begin in costume, no one will recognize me. [snickering] [cody barks] nocking] [electric chanking] ah, check. And the next item on my halloween list collect candy. Lets do it. One, two, three all rick or treat ah, okay. We have a teddy bear. Commanessida. You dressed your pet up. Huh. Oh, hello, neil armstrong, sir. And, uh. [elephant calls] are you a cucumber . Oh, i thought so too, but actually, im an alien. Im from bortron 7. Our house is actually a spaceship, our van turns into a flying saucer, and sunspois my bortronian pet. [sunspot beeps and whistles] [nvous laughter] [laughs] [in alien voice] well, have some earth candy, son of neighbors. Heh bye. Wow, jet, you really can get away with being an alien all night. [laughs] yes [electricity sizzling] hello to our first treatortrickers magic trick . Or mushy, wet cereal treat . Mr. Unknown neighbor, who are you . Iim sh holmes. Both welcome to you, mr. Holmes aah i really lovscary ha. The scarier, the better. Ee by the way, anyonesunspot . [all screaming] [relved laughter] scary. Scarier, the better, right, sean . All trick or treat [laughs] okay, these are all awesome costumes. Dr. Rafferty, have you heard of bortron 7 . Well, thats where im from. Im an alien from far away ah, bortron 7, right. Well, jet, welcome to earth. And soon, youll be able to see the total Lunar Eclipse. All cool the sun, earth, and moon form a straight line, e earth blocks the moons light. Its shadow does, right . Ma [laughs] exactly, cer cressida. Okay, now, as a parent, i h sist that you all brur teeth thoroughly after eating your candy tonight, hmm . All we will. Mom, about the red moon. Why does it turn red during a Lunar Eclipse . Aha i thought youd ner ask. You see, the color red goes through the atmosphere better than other colors, so even when the earth blocks most of the suns light, the moon still has a reddish color. All cool [laughs] i agree. Enjoy the rare halloween eclipse and red moon tonight. I will. [doorbelrings] all trick or treat oh thanks for taking mindy around tonight. She feels so grownup. I really do. Thanks, mom. Sydney, sean, and jet bye, dr. Melendez thanks [jazzy lounge music] wow so its not a saucer, but some kind of cool toy. Didnt expect that. One mystery solved. Aah aah all trick or treat trick or treat ooh, spoton commander cressida. Uhhuh, great wow, bortron 7, really . Huh, i always wanted to meet an alien. And heres an alien trick and treat for you a bortronian folk dance [grunting rhythmically] i really hope we see a flying witch tonight. Oh, you never know with a full moon. Yeah, and ill be full of the most ndy ever. [sunspot honking] butbuthow did how didhow did he do that . [chuckles] its sunspot. Well never know. [gasps] hi, mitchell. Did i ever tell you was an alien from bortron 7 . Youre really from there . D you get here . Do you speak alien . Silly, its a halloween joke. Oh. So the green alien head is a part of jets costume. Another mystery solved. Y barks] okay now ive done everything on my list exisit a haunted house. Ohhaunted house . Theres a weird but really awesome one righthere. Hey, that line goes to my house. How coul be . Oh, no [elephant trumpets] sean and sydney uhoh. In why is it vales day stuff . Both boo [whispering] ah, it looks like they worked really hard on this. Can we act really scared . [all screaming] [laughing amusedly] terrified. They were terrified. Yeah, that w that was go. Usha went to a haunted ho check. Ha and i did everytng on my list yes oh, my gosh. I almost forgot. E eclipse is about to happen. Come on, guys. Sunspot, its go time. Go time . Come on, you can tell us. [whispering] i need you to help bring mitchell and mindy to the tree house. Tell them there will be something extra special about the moon t. L wow whoa, it is red the Lunar Eclipse is making the moon red. So amazing. A real red moon [mindy sighs] if only a witch would fly across the moon, it would be perfect. Ah, mindy, there is no way that a witch [cackling] [gasps] look its really happening a witch on a broom wow told you, mitchell. Look, the witch even has her kitty cat with her. [cackling] halloween. My favorite earthie holiday. Whoohoo [laughs] yup, that looks like a witch, all right. Butbut hld that be . This is impossible. Sydney, mindy, and sean we allaw it. You have to believe, mitchell. A witch really rode her broom across the moon. And this was the best halloween ever sean, sydney, and jet right best ever lookyinow its just the cat on the broom. [sunspot chittering] all happy halloween [sunspot cackles] halloween on pbs kids is ndy halloween is magica cat in the hat simply fantastical jet its stinky. Sally and hairy nature cat i was going for scary. Vo where ghosts get to rule. Martin oh yeah, creepy cool vo plus arthur, all new. Arthur yes dw i wanna come too. Pink peter boo vo its a frightfully fun halloween. All this monthn pbs kids and the pbs kids video app. Both happy halloween meet xav new r. Om pbs kids a kid o loves pretty much everything. Xavier then art, then basketball. Vo but lives for adventure. Xavier to theecret museum vo the new show xavier riddle and the secret museum starts monday, november 11th on pbs kids. Ready jet go is made possible in part by learning math, recognizing shapes and colors, starting to read. Thats the excitement of learning. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and ready jet go narrator bright, confident, and independent kids can get smarter every time they discover and explore new worlds. Kumon is proud to support ready jet go for kids who love to learn. Io and by contrib to your pbs station from viewers like you. Excelsior woman solar energy is kinda hard to see. But try this get a black plastic bottle, put a balloon over its top, now set it outsi the hot sun and watch as it grows bigger and bigger a bigger. As the air in the bottle heats up, it expands and filthe bal. Zzzrr remember, you o n watch ready jet ganytime on pbskids. Org. But now, more fun next. Vo question whats pink and pinkalicious th is so cool vo pinkalicious and peterrific, on pbs kids where nearly anything is possible girl fairies are real gertie do you believe in gertie the dragon . Vo and the only thing more awesome than pink [kazoo sound] is the adventure friends have together pialicious let the royalntiv [cheering] vo pinkalicious and peterrific weekdays on pbs kids and watch it any time on the pbs kids video app vo the new showier riddle and the secret museum. Coming this fall to pbs kids. Brad i love butterflies. Yadina theyre ve fluttery. Brad they start out as just fuzzy little caterpillars. Then they grow wings and fly. I cant wait to join the Butterfly Club so i can learn all about them. Theyre here excuse me ng the Butterfly Club star woman yes, just inside. Brad um, what does that ten plus mean . Woman oh, you have to be at least ten years old to joithe club. Brad but im not ten years old yet. Woman you can visit the butterfly garden when were done. Brad but i wanna join the club so i can learn more about butterflies. What am i gonna do . Yadina to the sect museum vo xavier riddle ane secret museum. A brand new show starting monday, november 11th on pbs kids. P. D on the pbs kids video the van eekeren family, founders of land ofrost, supporting over 12,000 youth sports teams across the country. And by the hamilfamily foundation, the segal family foundation, Irving Harris foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis foundations, polk brothers foundation, Elizabeth Morse genius charitable trust, alvin h. Baum family fund, and by the following. The corporation for public broadcasting, and by contributions from viewers like you. Thank you thats me, fred the housecat. When my family leaves for the day, i dot just sit inside watching the world go by. I become. Nature cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire oh, go go go tallyho go go go tallyho werembing up the trees now were swinging through the breeze now ere getting muddy knees now nature cat, nature cat nature cat, nature cat, nature cat so what are we waiting for . Were so excited to explore tu all that na has in store with nature cat go go go tallyho go go go tallyho hes our favourite nature guide we just cant wait to get outside were swinging through the ees now were jumping in the leaves no were getting muddy knees now were nature cat yho nature cat, nature cat, nature cat llyho narrator runaway pumpkin. Mwahhaha mwahhaha bah oh such a cute costume, nature cat cute . really . I was going for scary. Mwahhaha hi, nature cat really . Nothin not at all scary to you . Scary . you mean like this . Yyyyikes but do you think scariest jackolantern at the Halloween Party, nature cat . Nature cat . Nature cat . Yes, its scary really, really scary chuckling nervously nice work, hal thank you, kind sir not everything about halloween has to be scary, nature cat look at my fairy costume floating, floating, floating gently, floating, floating floating to the ground whoa nice pumpkin, daisy oh, thanks im going to enter it in the biggest and most beautiful pumpkin contest. Manohman, i ju s love this pumpkmuch i love it too how its so halloweeny and orangey and mpkininy. It sure is a beaut. I st hope its big enough to win. Eh, i dont think i have to worry about that. Tada all whoa w thats a pumpkin oh, they certainly grow up fast all aww. Ive been raising this big guy since it was a tiny, tiny seed. I love my prey pumpkin just so orange and round here lies my pretty pumpkin no bigger can be found the fruit came from the flower that bloomed so big and bright the vines grew by the hour the leaves grew overnight my pump n grew so very fa faster than a weed it seems like only yesterday my pumpkin was a seed and now its all grown up sniffling i guess its time. Oh, i cant do it i just cant do it. Ohy, of course you can. Now the pumpkins fully grown, healthy, and beautiful, all thanks to you and now you can shrybody else how gorgeous it is gasping straining how about a picture to commemorate this occasion of ppkin and friend . Oh, id like that very much, nature cat. Nature okay, say. Halloween halloween d nature cat ay, hold still and oh, wait, whoops. Sorry not sure how to work this. Uh, huh. Did it take picture . No. I dont what do i press . giggling oh, nature c. Here, ill show you. Just press right here, the Big Red Button, okay . Oh no, thats a selfie. Yeah, okay, press that, okay . Ahha gotcha. So, the Big Red Button it is just stand back next to your pumpkin . shutter clicking whered it go . pumpkin fear not nature cat is here to save the day tallyho dont worry, daisy well get your pumpkin in, everyone onward and yonward hurry, nature cat hurry were almost there sha ha get ready coop it up and. straining whoa oops. Sorry, guys. My pumpkin hooray its flying this way actually, i think its falling this way look out east we got my pumpkin now. Not for lo look out all whoa grunting help water, whyd it have toe water . Ha ha tallyho nature cat, look out waterfall , this is not good. screaming phew. Ah both nature cat mpkin never fear i got this yelling oh, no look out, nature cat i cant watch pumpkins gonna be crushed. Not on my watch, daisy tallyho ha ha i dt straining fine. You win. Oh, nature cat thank you you saved my pumpkin oh, i just love ya pumpkin way to go, nature cat you saved it, nature cat yay for you thank you. straining could i get a lile help. straining phew. So, what are we iting for . Pk lets get this p to the party yes wooo sweet huh . Onward and yonrd se making trumpeting n all Halloween Party time time, time, time. Announ get set go woohoo water, whyd it have to be water . Yeah ah hi screaming ooh woohoo cheering yeah gather round one and all it is now time for the mpkin contest go, daisy come on pumpkin its your birthday you got this i mean halloween hmm. Quite tall. Quite tall. Rather how do you say . Rotund, wouldnt you say . Daisy. Yes . Daisy, this pumpkin is. Absolutely magnificent ive never seen its equal. Woohoo woohoo you have obviously tended this pumpkin with much love and care. I not only ard you with biggest and most beautiful pumpkin. bds cawing chirping . But i deem this specimen our pumpkin of the year cheerin what an awesome pumpkin cheering male animal look at that thing i knew you could do it. Yeah way to go, daisy yeah, you won it, daisy you too, pumpkin nice work hoo theres always next ar. Whoa hey wait what are you doing . Well, my pumpkin didnt win and halloween is almost over. What use is it now . Yeah. What use is it . Manohman, pumpkins are good for so many things like what . Well show you everyone, back to our yard youre all invited to the firstever halloween pumpkin after party w the whoosywhatsywhatosy . A halloween pumpkin after party . Love it onward and yonward welcomto the halloween pumpkin after party now youll see how much fun and how many Different Things you caith pumpkins after halloween tallyho yep, were making yummy food like ppkin pies, and roasted pumpkin seeds and pumpkin bread whoops so yummy it, you guys youll have your own pumpkin birdfeeder in no time, and the birds will thank you this winter and did you know you can put the pumpkin insides to the compost pile, or separate out the seeds to roast and eat them . Yum yum and you guys, you can use pumpkins in the garden. Its really cool. They decompose and become a part of the garden. And get this, then in the spring, their seeds grow into pumpkins, like this bell ringing come and get it mwahhaha so, what are you gonna do with your pumpkin, daisy . There are so many possibilities im no. But for now, id just like to sing to it i love my pretty gempkin, just so ornd round here lies my pretty pumpkin, no bigr can be found hurry, nature cat ittime for our favourite band. Dog gone yippee all right come on, lets go exploring explon a cave were ready for a big adventure well be so bold and brave ng along a friend or two or three or four the more the merrier when youre going to explore put a hard hat on your head and a flashligh lets all go underground to this magical land dy oh, were r for a big adventure well be so bold and brave amazing sigd s and sounds abo in the Wonderful World of a cave oh, wegre ready for a venture well be so bold and brave amazing sights and soundsbound in the Wonderful World of a cave well see something new at every twist and turn look, a sightless salamander and a glowing glow worm the deeper you go in the darker it will get there may be water in a cave so youre likely to get wet oh, were ready for a big adventure well be so bold and brave amazinghts and sounds abound in the Wonderful World of a cave oh, were ready for a big adventure well be so bold and brave amazing sights and sounds abound in therful world of a cave amazing sights and sounds abound in the Wonderful World of a cave amazing sights and sounds abound come on, guys wait until you see my flowers oooh i love your flowers ive been working so hard to grow the prettiest rose bushes, just like granny bunnys. Oooh i love granny bunny shes soranny and so bunny and all at the same time oh, ma look at all. Each one should bloom into a gorgeous, colourful rose hey, these leaves are so pretty i really love all the big les. Oh, no what . what is it . Did you see a worm . Did you see a slug . did you see a spider . please dont be a spider its not a spider, nature cat. Its these holes in all my roses leaves squeeks whoa, it looks like somethings been. Eating them. sniing ugh they dont smell so good. I wouldnt eat em. I dont see any leafeaters. I know what to do we can get a really close look at those leaves with my. Magnificent magnifying glass oh, oh, oh i see something i see something squeeks whoa, look at those little guys walking around. I bet theyre making the holes. They are and thre damaging my roses how do we stop them . do not worry yourself, daisy. For i know exactly how to solve this problem excuse me, tiny creatures you are ruining my friends beautiful flowers. Halt, immediately or prepare to face. The consequences hayah ochop boom waho row pretty intimidating moves, eh . Im sure those teenytiny creatures are running away, frightened for their teenytiny lives. Theyre, uh. Not scared and theyre t running away. Theyre not afraid of me . whgsdo these little hink they are . thats it im calling the expert. shutter clicking dialling, phone ringing hello . Hi, granny bunny ranny bunny its me hal daisys friend you know . M im the, um e dog. Oh, hi, hal. Im so happy to see you all. Oh. But i see you have some aphids. Aphids . Where . Get them off me get them off me and what are aphids, exactly . Aphids are those little bugs making tse holes in your roses leaves and drinking their juices. Ey are just terrible for gardens. Oh. What should we do,ranny bunny . What you need are some tiny beetles called ladybugs. They eat aphids. Oh, ill text you a picture. Oh thanks, granny bunny good luck, my sweet little daisy phone beeping squeeks so thats a ladybug. Ive seen those at sunset park uh, you mean to tell me that those adorable, little, polkadotted bugs are going uh, no. Sorry. They are too cute. Granny bunny knows what shes doing. Well need a lot of ladybugs to save es. Lets go onward and yonward to find lady bugs oh, i dont see any ladybugs. How are we going to find them . oh oh oh i have an idea that just might work. I all help you hey, arent you ze worm whisperer . in french accent no for i am his brother, ze ladybug whisperer. chortling for i, ze ladybug whisperer, will find all ze ladybugs and save ze garden it is my. Destiny. Hal, you cant just who is this hal . Surely you do not refer to moi just go with it. sniffing aha ladybugs are zis way ze ladybug voila ah, okay. Uh, her name ees lulu. Nice job, hal i mean, ze ladybug whisperer. Look at the widdle cutiewootie wadybug. You are just adorable. Yes, you are but i do not see how this little cutie awn get rid of thosl aphids. I mean, guys, they werent even scared of me uh how you say . Um, tough. Squeeks i like this ladybugs style. Shes so sophisticated and she is owning th red. Zat red colour tells other bugs and anils that ze ladybug tastes terrible. Yuck how do you know that . Because ze ladybug whisperer. Knows all. And once i tried to eat one. Le pew nature cat gasping look at that it can fly whoa and it looks like it has two sets of wings daisy precisely those hard wgs on the outside must protect the delicate set of wings underneath. Now thats cool sniffing whispering indistinctly le good news there are some ladybugs near butterfly fields. Ng nature cat, please b lulu to daisys garden while ze rest of us search for more ladybugs. Toodleoo see ya later, nature cat. Alouette, boop be doop be doo all righty shall we go to the garden, lulu . Oh, ladybug. Look at you. Youre so small and super te. sighing how wonderful it must be to be tiny like you. Then come on wah whoa look at this. My wish came true and look at the flower from your point of view whoa yeah and theres a lot more to see, follow me will do onward and downward oh so feathery and the smell too . sniffing . Just le carrots. Ah chuckling thanks, lulu no problemo, natur this is amazing nature is even better when youre as small as a spider. A spider . sing not today, spider. Whoa your world is so much more dangerous than i thought. Yeah, well thats why we ladybugs are so tough yeah tough. And so cute look at you oh, dont you worry, lulu. Im right here if you need me. Okay, nature cat. But lets get that garden. I hear there are a lot of aphids to the garden it is well, get ready cause pretty far away. Far . chuckling why, the garden is just over. There. Oh. chuckling i guess youre right. It is fal i forgot. Im smw. We can make it. Lets fly uh, lulu, you may have two sets of wings, but i have no sets of wings at all and therefore cannot fly. Oh, right. Well, i guess were walking. Tallyho worms are so smart, going underground where its cool and da. bird chirping whoa bird chirping bird chirping oh, thank you, lulu. No problem. Most birds know that i taste pretty bad. Ze ladybug whisperer was right. Come on, nature cat bird chirping im coming ah who knewrass could be so dangerous . Ugh hey good news were almost at daisys garden being small is exhausting but i did it. It wasnt always easy, no, i stood my ground and stared it right in the eye and lulu dragonfly at twelve oclock screaming what do i do . what do i do . im not red like you, lulu, and i dont have those awesome hard, shieldlike wings. Im doomed oh, i got this roaning what is that disgusting, awful, terrible stench . you see, nature cat, when we ladybugs sense danger, we release a really bad smell to conthnce our predators we arent worth eating. chuckling its, uh, pretty wild. Impressive ugu ladybugs sure are after all. Oh, you know it ladybug tough ha ha. Now come on. Lets get to the garden daisy nature cat check out all these ladybugs we found making trumpeting noise go now, ladybugs to hide and le wat for ze thirst ze lady bugs are set to live here and get rid of ze aphids we made it, lulu. Welcome to your new home, you amazing, tough, little ladybug can those little ladybugs really save the day . You Better Believe it, squeeks. Go get em, lulu and so long, pesky aphids it is truly g how different the world looks when youre so tiny. Right, lulu . And a special thanks to ze ladybug whisperer hey, whered he go . Oh, hey, guys. Whatd i miss today . , look. Ladybugs whered they come from . Le wink, le wink. Narrator nature cat, squeeks, daisy, and hal, are cartt n characters, and real animals. To keep all of our animal friends safe, checth a grownup before you bring a pet on your next nature adventure. Yahoo nature cat is brought to you today by slime. Thats right, slime. [children] ewwww. [voiceover] its icky, its sticky, its slimy. Plants make it, animals make it too, a snails trail. S even you can make somelime, so make some slime today. Slime by nature. Cautioing with slime may be habit forming. Returns not accepted. Vo halloween on pbs kids is mindy halloween is magical cat in the hat simply fantastical jet its stinky. Sally and hairy nature cat i was going for scary. O vo where ghosts get trule. Martin oh yh, creepy cool vo plus arthur, all new. Arthur yes dw i wanna come too. Pink peter boo vo its a frighully fun halloween. All this month on pbs kids anboth happy halloween pp. About a special place that can take you anywhere. Ow the secret museum re xaviery for an adventure . Yadina read brad [sighs] ready. Id vo xaviere and the secret museum starts monday, november 11th on pbs kids. The vadeeekeren family, fo of land ofrost, supporting over 12,000 youth sports teams acro the country. And by the hamill family foundation, the segal family foundation, v harris foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis foundations, dpolk brothers foon, Elizabeth Morse genius charitable trust, d, alvin h. Baum family f and by the following. S charitable trust, the corporation for public broadcasting, and by contribkeions from viewers ou. Thank you wild kratts is made possible by announcer at readingiq, we believe that when you love to read, theres no limit to the adventures you can take. Readingiq, offering a world of reading opportunities, the corporation for public broadcastin and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Than wild kratts hey, im chri and im martin. Together, were the kratt brothers. But tonight were the bat brothers. Lookinfor bats. Ut maybe we c find one sleeping in its day roost