Why does everyone like winnie the pooh so much . After the war there was so much sadness. Then winnie the pooh came along and happiness came out. Goodbye christopher robin, rated pg. Now playing in select theaters. And now, bbc world news. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i jane obrien. Am President Trump denied the congresswomans claims that he made insensitive comments during a phone call to a widow of a soldier killed in action. Pres. Trump did not say what that congresswoman said, did not say it at all. She knows it and now is not saying it. I did not say what she said. Jane realizing the chinese dream, president xi jinping says it is time for china to take center stage as a great political and military power. 20 years after the hugely successful his dark materials book series, Philip Pullman talks to us about a world in chaos. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. President trump has found himself at the center of a continuing controversy involving his treatment of a widow of a fallen soldier. The mother of Sergeant Ladavid Johnson has backed a democratic congresswomans claim that mr. Trump displayed in sensitivity towards the soldiers pregnant wife when he found to offered his condolences. The president has flatly denied the claim. Our north american correspondent reports. Reporter an alltoofamiliar picture, the return of a fallen hero, the brief of a family that will never be the same again. Sergeant Ladavid Johnson was killed, along with three other soldiers, in an ambush in niger two weeks ago. But his family and local congresswoman say the president disrespected his memory in a phone call just before the body arrived back home. I was in the car when President Trump called. He never said the word hero. He said to the wife, i guess he knew what he was getting into. How insensitive can you be . Reporter whats more, according to the congresswoman, the call left the widow in tears as the president did not seem to know her husbands name. In characteristic style, donald trump responded on twitter. Democratic congresswoman totally fabricated what i said to the wife of a soldier who died in action, and i have proof. Sad. The white house later said there was no recording of the phone call. And in the cabinet room, he was asked, just what did you say to sergeant johnsons widow . Pres. Trump i did not say what she said. I would like her to make the statement again, because i did not say what she said. I had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife, who sounded like a lovely woman. Did not say what the congresswoman said. Most people are not too surprised to hear that. Reporter earlier in the week, the president had to respond to claims that he had been slow to call and write to the families of Fallen Service personnel, particularly as almost two weeks had passed since the niger incident. That led him to lash out at his predecessor, accusing president obama of neglecting to contact families. More than many other countries, america displays a deference and respect for its military, which makes this a controversy the president could well do without. Gary odonoghue, bbc news, washington. Jane for more on this, i spoke to our north american editor jon sopel a short time ago. It is hard to think of a more sensitive issue. Who is responsible for politicizing this . Jon if you would imagine there was a single issue that would be hermetically sealed away from the to and fro of daily politics, it would be a widow hunched over her husbands casket as his body was brought back, and also a president s private call to that widow. But it has become part of the Political Drama in washington, accusations flying as to who is responsible. We heard the congresswoman in garys report saying the president disrespected. That has been a view echoed by the mother. At the White House Briefing this afternoon, a very different story. Sarah huckabee sanders, the president s press secretary, saying no, it was this woman who broke confidence, behaved disgracefully. But then you go back a bit further and say, it was President Trump who politicized the issue originally by drawing attention to the fact that he said he dealt with the families of fallen victims better than his predecessors. Jane jon, this is that was jon sopel outside the white house. We apologize for a few technical problems. President xi jinping has told the communist Party Congress that china is now a great world power and ready to take center stage. In a threehour speech, he said the party had achieved miracles and chinas International Standing had grown. But he warned that the fight against Party Corruption must go on. Our china editor Carrie Gracie reports from beijing. Reporter like no other party conference, nearly 90 million members, more than 2000 of them here. They are all tightlipped on the way in. [speaking chinese] reporter the first time i came to one of these was 25 years ago. The striking thing is that the choreography just does not change. China has changed. It now has more billionaires than the United States, but the ruling party is making the point that whatever else happens, it will go on and on. China as a global power which affects us all, but the politics are as secretive as north korea. There are rumors of the risks between the men at the top, but there are rumors of the rif ts between men at the top, but on stage, there is only one voice. [translated] the banner of socialism with chinese characteristics is now flying high for all to see. It will be an era as china moves closer to center stage. Reporter socialism with chinese characteristics means socialism that allows for private enterprise and brings economic growth. He is determined he wont be swept away like communists in the soviet bloc. [translated] no stone being left unturned and no tolerance shown. Reporter a firm message against corruption there. Behind the rhetoric of the speech, there is a Clear Mission statement a disciplined and united party and his firm leadership. He has already disciplined nearly 1. 5 Million People. No wonder they follow his every word. Xi jinping has set out his goals modernize the economy, cleanup pollution, and build a mighty army. It is a Strategic Vision not just for five years he is looking ahead 30 years. But it is the partys vision, insiders only. That speech lasted nearly three and a half hours, which has made delegates late for lunch. Hunger and political survival, two good reasons not to talk to the bbc. But some delegates were inspired. It sends a message that for china, for the development of china, for the future of china, that the communist party and the people are full of confidence. Reporter it is nearly 30 years since a peaceful democracy protest, right here in tiananmen square, was crushed by the army. Today china is far richer and far stronger, but its all but its all powerful leader is more determined than ever not to give his people a say. Carrie gracie, bbc news, beijing. Jane a quick look at some of the days other news a second u. S. Federal judge has blocked President Trumps latest travel ban. Hawaii and maryland have issued restraining orders on the bill, which bars citizens of eight countries from entering the u. S. Both judges say that despite the inclusion of venezuela and north korea, the order still resembles a muslim ban. A Senior Member of Kenyas Electoral Commission has led to the u. S. After receiving death threats. Roselyn akombe said the commission was under political siege. Next week kenya is heading into a tense president ial Election Rerun after the Supreme Court and old the original vote Supreme Court annulled the original vote. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell says all players should stand for the National Anthem, but the leak will not make them do it. Goodell told reporters they would try to deal with the underlying issues behind the protest. President trump has repeatedly criticized Football Players who kneel during the National Anthem as a protest against racial inequality. In the worlds Fastest Growing humanitarian crisis, almost one million Rohingya Muslims have left myanmar and crossed into bed with us,. 5 million since august. It follows an offensive by the burmese army which says rohingya militants attacked police checkpoints. Thousands of people are stranded at the border with limited food and water. The bbcs clive myrie is there and he sent this report. Clive in the distance in myanmar, where rohingya villages have burned and people have been driven out, there is another fire. It is ethnic cleansing, says the u. N. The purged our fleeing for their lives into neighboring bangladesh. [translated] in my village, many were killed, but my son has just been born, so we have only now been able to escape. We have not had time to name him. Clive another man we came across spoke of violence and murder. [translated] along the way, we saw many dead people, their heads and limbs chopped off. The slaughter took place outside my house. Clive as we drew closer to the border, nothing had prepared us for the full extent of the days exit this exodus. Almost as far as the eye could see left and right, a tide of humanity. Between 10,000 and 15,000 people had crossed the border in one night. Young and old, hungry, exhausted, traumatized. And for the weak, it is a painful journey into exile with the searing heat stinging the skin infection of this child beneath an unrelenting sun. They had been hiding out for close to a week to avoid detection along the border. This, a first meal without having to watch their backs. A man makes a call to tell relatives he has made it. While others, parched and desperate, take their chance with the filthy water all around. As you can see, they are carrying with them whatever they could salvage from their villages, their homes they say were burned by the myanmar military. Look at that baby there in a basket, and another one here. So many Young Children we are seeing here today. This has to be one of the biggest single day influxes of refugees, from across the border just over there, in the whole of this crisis. Many just dont have the strength to walk, including this woman. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy just hours before crossing into bangladesh. Born on a riverbank, he first opened his eyes to see a cruel world in which it seems there is no place for him or the other Rohingya Muslims. [translated] i begged god to save us. We have not eaten for two days and she went into labor. I dont know what will happen to my baby now. He is so fragile. Clive the new arrivals could , thep in one of these giant camps built in a matter of days on hillsides freshly stripped of trees. The largest will soon become the biggest refugee camp on earth. I have seen a lot of these crises around the world, and i really was not quite prepared for the degree of suffering and despair. And yet these people are very resilient. They have not lost hope. They still think they can make a life again in their home country. It simply doubles our resolve to go back and find more resources for them until we can bring them home. Clive some have died seeking sanctuary. This week, a boat carrying 60 Rohingya Muslims escaping myanmar capsized. 14 paris, most of them children. For the bangladeshis, the mass influx of so many refugees is difficult to control. After a delay, these Rohingya Muslims should begin moving to an established refugee camp. The border remains open, but for those still wanting to escape myanmar, the fear is that soon the gates could shut. Tens of thousands are already massing on the frontier, ready to make their dash for survival. Jane clive my rate reporting from the bangladeshimyanmar border. In 2014, the Islamic State group had control over 10 Million People in syria and iraq. This week with the followup wrapped up, the dream of the caliphate is in ruins, but that does not mean it is finished. Some isis franchises remain, and in many ways the situation is back to where was in 2014. Syria is still at work, iraq is still divided, and the u. S. , russia, turkey, and i ran all have their own interest in the region. When asked . What next . My colleagues put that question to former u. S. Defense secretary and bbc world news Affairs Analyst william cowan. Do you agree with this notion that we are back where we were before isis took over those last swaths of land so suddenly in syria and iraq . I think it is too early to claim victory over isis. Isis is much like mercury on a mirror. Iraq and aren in successful in raqqa, but it spreads elsewhere. It seems to me it is much like Robert De Niro in raging bull, you may have knocked me down but not out. I think we have to keep our focus on countering terrorism wherever it is, wherever it threatens us, but it is not going away. They may have lost territory or land. They have not lost control of the minds of too many people who have that ideology to bring terror into the lives of millions of other people. I guess the significance of losing raqqa, beyond the symbol, is they have lost operational ground and the ability to train people. How would you in practical terms expect isis to carry on operating and causing disruption and terror now . They will go underground, to the extent there are those who are surviving. According to estimates, anywhere from 6000 to 10,000 isis soldiers still in existence in various parts of iraq or syria or elsewhere. They will either lower their profile and weight to see how long the United States and the west and other countries are able to sustain the effort to build and rebuild society. This raises the question with raqqa. Now what . You have got a city, half of which has been decimated. You have a displacement of Something Like 200 and 30,000 or 235,000 people, coming back to a city which has been leveled in terms of its infrastructure. Then you have got the warring tribal interests, and who is going to be in charge . That has to be worked out politically. Jane that was former u. S. Defense secretary William Cohen talking to the program 100 days. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, is america in need of an unprecedented constitutional intervention . Some people think so. We explain why the 25th amendment is getting a lot of attention. Jane she was maltas most famous investigative journalist, a woman who was not afraid of being critical of those in power. Whennday, she was killed the car she was driving exploded as she left home. There has been outrage and shop in malta, with thousands taking to the streets. This evening, the Prime Minister of malta will make a statement about her death. Daniel sanford has this report. Been watchinge this morning, 20 or so specialists poring over the hillside wearing forensic suits. They are working both in the fields and on the road, which maduro which Daphne Caruana galizia was driving down when her car exploded. She had just left her home and the car bomb detonated inside the vehicle, her body was thrown out, and the car ended up in a field. This is a very important seen, where one of maltas most wellknown investigative journalists was killed on monday afternoon. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a thorn in the side of many people in the maltese political establishment. She criticized the Prime Minister, his wife, the attorney general. Politics inwas that malta was becoming corrupted by money overseas, by the arrival of the Online Gambling industry, by organized crime. And she wrote about it. Iscourse, the great worry that somebody she was investigating decided she had to be killed. Her family and friends are concerned that the people who are investigating her death are the very police she criticized, overseen by the very same politicians that she criticized. So this has become a very delicate investigation on a mediterranean island which is in a deep state of shock. Jane the 25th amendment is the ultimate constitutional check, a mechanism that deals with secession to the presidency. It is something that has been getting a lot of attention recently, as the bbc has been finding out. Reporter will Donald Trumps presidency last a full four years . One of his closest former advisors believes there is only a 30 chance of him lasting until 2020, because of something called the 25th amendment. It is one way a president can be removed from office. We often hear about impeachment, a process which gives congress the power to oust a president. With the 25th amendment, it is the president s own cabinet colleagues who can stick the knife in. The majority of President Trumps cabinet would need to come together, plus the Vice President , and sign a letter declaring the president is unfit to govern or, in the official words, is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. That is a good question, but many say that when a president is mentally or physically unable to do the job, that is open to interpretation. Once that letter is delivered to congress, the Vice President automatically becomes the acting president. The president would also be offered the chance to give a written response in defense of himself. Then it is up to congress to decide, and it would take a two thirds majority in both the senate and house for any change of power to go ahead. The odds of it happening are fairly slim. Even though President Trumps cabinet seem to be dropping like flies, he has still very much got the public support of his Vice President michael pence, who is unlikely to sign any letter trying to get rid of him. Then there is congress, which is republicancontrolled and also unlikely to get rid of their president. Lastly, history. Never before has the 25th amendment been used to depose a sitting president. Now, Philip Pullmans fantasy trilogy his dark materials was a global success, selling millions of copies. 20 years old, readers are getting a chance to return to the parallel Dark Universe with the publication of a new trilogy. Our editor has been to meet the author. The inn was a rambling, comfortable place. There was a terrace above the river, where peacocks, one called norman and the other called barry reporter Philip Pullman reading from his latest book, la Belle Sauvage, in which he returns to the fantastical world of dust and daemons he created. It sees the return of lyra, who is now sheltering in a priory from her father, in a story that pits liberals against totalitarian oppressors. I think the greatest menace to the world is the point of view that says onesizefitsall, there is one answer and we have it and if you dont believe it, we will kill you or torture you or imprison you or whatever. Reporter the book is set in oxford, one of the worlds Great Centers of education, a subject , as an x teacher, on which the author has some views. I think the way we educate children now discounts greatly discounts the importance of imagination and overemphasizes a culture of getting things right and getting the right answer and checking the right box and rewarding it in a quantitative way. Yes, you got four out of five, room for improvement. That discounts about 90 of what the child is doing, what anyone is doing. You will see when a child is actively and imaginatively engaged in the world, and you can see the sad results when they are not, when all they have had to do is look at a screen, that is all the entertainment, the only way into the world they have had because they cannot play outside, the traffic is too dangerous, there is a pedophile hiding in every bush. There is a terrible imaginative polity that i am afraid dominates the lives of so many people. Reporter are you watching what is going on in the world . Oh yes. Reporter and adjusting your writing and story along with what is happening . Im not describing our world. There is no direct commentary on brexit, for example. Reporter but it is not a million miles away, this sort of themes and the outcomes. The world is in the most extraordinary state. I have never known things so desperately confused. People so bitterly angry. Solutions so far away. Naturally, if you are a thinking person at all, if you reflect on what you see in the news and read in the paper, that is going to color your understanding of things. Reporter la Belle Sauvage might be set in an alternative reality, but the themes and conflicts played out in is 500 plus pages reveal an author deeply concerned with and connected to the here and now. Bbc news. Jane i am jane obrien. Thanks for watching. With the bbc news app, our vertical videos are designed to work around your lifestyle, so you can swipe your way through the news of the day and stay up to date with the latest headlines you can trust. Download now from selected app stores. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And fox searchlight. Mom says you are writing a book to stop people going to war. I would really like if you write a book for me. Have you come to see my woods . Im going to call my bear winnie. You should call him pooh. If he ignores you, you can pretend you were just saying pooh. Pooh why does everyone like winnie the pooh so much . After the war there was so much sadness. Then winnie the pooh came along and happiness came out. Goodbye christopher robin, rated pg. Now playing in select theaters. Announcer bbc world news was pr captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc sreenivasan good evening. Im Hari Sreenivasan in washington. Woodruff and im Judy Woodruff in phoenix, arizona. Sreenivasan on the newshour tonight i wont do anything to enrich the insurance companies. Sreenivasan in an apparent reversal, President Trump backs away from a Bipartisan Health care bill that would stabilize insurance markets. Woodruff also ahead, a look at the future of the demoratic party. I sit down with congressman ruben gallego, a young, rising star from arizona. Sreenivasan plus, cleaning up mosul. The massive task of clearing mines and bombs left behind from isis fighters, as iraqis make their way back home. Members of the University Staff found bombmaking instructions among the rubble. This was likely an isis bomb making factory, and judging by the crater, a high value target

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