Still trying to figure out what cause today. It appears the car lost control, hit a curb and crashed into a large oak tree. The police say the two children were under 15 years old and at least one was a student in the Pleasanton Unified School district. This evening we saw people coming by the crash site. This is the first time a fatality happened along here. We heard from those that knew the family. Lets hear from them now. It is crazy. How, oh, what happened . What happened for the car to have, you know gone here . Reporter a neighbor of the family heart broken and disbelief stopped by to see where the crash happened that took a family of four. I just heard the news. And while there are still so many questions, neighbors, community, and coworkers stopped by to pay their respects. As a neighbor who has known her, known both of them, their kids. We just wanted to come and see, you know, take a moment of silence here. And, just. It is very shocking. You know, very nice person. Always, you know, energetic. And always, great to work with him and talk to him and have a lot of conversations. So, it is really sad and tragic to kind of. I spoke to a Community Member that told me that his son went to school, he was his classmate. They are all just trying to come together and grieve and understand how this could of happened. And certainly, the School District is doing what it can to send out notices to talk to parents and family that they will have counselors on the campuses. Lets hear from the pleasanton unified unified School District it is tragic. We understand that human impact that, that it has on our family. So, we want to do everything that we can to support them. You know, this is not the first time tragedy struck here. It is a dangerous stretch where drivers are known to speed. There have been four other deadly crashes herein cluing one christmas night of 2019. Twin teenage brothers and their friend were killed, their vehicle also slammed into a tree. As we are back out here live you can see that people left flowers and notes at the scene of the crash. This is very busy. Goes from two lanes down to one lane. Even to have people come by and pay respects it has been dangerous. People will come by and they can not stop like you might expect but certainly hearts are grieving tonight for this family of four that was killed here along foothill road. So tragic, i will send it back to you now, sara. Really hard to wrap your head around what their family must byebye feeling and classmates especially those little kids, all right, thank you for bringing you us the update. That crash may be like another tragedy. Last month a young family of four was killed by a speeding driver at a bus stop at west portal. The city has been surveying residents and Business Owners there about making traffic changes. But, despite the promise that it could make things safer for pedestrians, not everyone is sold on the plan. They have not even released the report yet on why the accident happened. So, smta has not finished their study on the accident and yet they are putting onut this proposal. Sfmta has not made decisions about the changes yet. It is simply looking are input at this point. They are collecting feedback through sunday. It is one expensive parking job. Something that no driver wants to walk up on, a ticket, a tow. It might be happening more as the city promises to crack down on people violating parking goals. The people that issue the parking tickets are worried about more enforcement as they told us, now they feel like they have an even big target on their back it is very stressful. I have anxiety. It is scary. Reporter dozens of parking control officers with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency took a break from enforcing the citys laws to rally and fight for themselves. Including this worker. She says two years ago she had an experience she will never forget. She placed a parking citation under someones windshield wiper and drove away. Thinking that intersection was over. She was wrong. Someone got upset because they got a ticket. He followed me about two or three blocks. Waited for me. Punched the window and it cut my eye. Reporter the glass from the vehicles window cut her face and her eye. She could not work for 10 months while she recovered. I thought i was going to lose my eye. Reporter she says sfmta is pressing charges but the case is still pending. She did think about leaving her job. I thought about doing a desk job. I was like i am not going to let him win. So, i initially went back out. I am still aphencive to this day. Reporter trevor adams, the president of the parking control Officers Union says that she is not alone in her experience. We deal with everything from objects being thrown at us, all of the way up to official assaults, threats being made on our lives and our family. Reporter sfmta said in a at the same time they prioritize their employees safety and Safety Incidents are down 48 since 2018. They say the officers get deescalation training, selfdefense tools and have access to a dispatch center that communicates directly with the police. But adams says they are calling on sfmta to do more i would like them to include us in the conversation more realistically. Actually go ahead and hear what they have to say. Reporter he says the parking control officers did not know about the intensive Parking Enforcement sweeps that were announced by the director. It was kind of shocking to me because, you know, we do have forms where we can meet with the mayor and with our leadership and never once have we been brought into that conversation. We found out on the news just like everybody else found out. Reporter the announcement, the up coming sweeps makes them more concerned for their safety. Every day i am constantly looking over my shoulder. I am traumatized. Reporter these workers say while they continue to negotiate their contracts, all options are still on the table. Including possibly striking. The parking sweeps are expected to kick into high gear next month. Part of the vision 0 plan. Scientists capture them, tag them, trap them. Why they in the south bay are trying to learn more about the patterns of very important birds. We never have been able to see data like this on the west coast before. Time lapse looking over the bay and the bay bridge. Towards the end of the loop, the fog, the cloud cover, rolling back in. Talking about drizzle chances and breezes on friday norman, bad news. I never graduated from med school. What . But the good news is. Xfinity mobile just got even better now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. Plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. I gotta get this deal. Thats like 20 a month per unlimited line. I dont want to miss that. Thats amazing doc. Mobile savings are calling. Visit xfinitymobile. Com to learn more. Doc . Pollinating plants, spreading seeds, control insects but in the past 50 years 30 of the birds in north america, that is three billion of them, have vanished. Mostly because of habitat loss, pollution and now Climate Change. In tonights project earth, Cutting Edge Technology in the bay area is helping scientists Work Together to better understand ways to help birds. The wild birds come here at the southern edge of the bay area surrounded by urban sprawl. Native birds found a safe haven on a strip of forest this is a Little Island of natural habitat for everything that lives here specifically we watch the birds. Reporter katie is with the San Francisco bay bird observatory. Over the past 40 years volunteers with the nonprofit have studied birds at the coyote creek field station. They have seen a decline in some species with Climate Change these ecosystems are impacted. These species are impacted often in a negative way. Reporter to shed light on the issue katie and her team collect data using a Traditional Research method known as banding. Got a very big personality. Reporter the birds are gently caught, their feathers inspected. By blowing on the bird they can check for it. It rolls and goes up and down. I ban with a unique number is fitted around its leg and then the bird is released. If the bird is caught again the id allows scientists to keep track of the movement. We recapture a low percentage of the birds you band. You have to band a lot of the birds to have any of them turn up at another station. Now a Game Changing technology is blowing researchers away. We have never been able to see data like there on the west coast before it uses radio transmitters to track wildlife as it travels distances across the globe revealing incredible new details. We had detections of western meadow larks here in the valley. When the northern part of the valley were tagged in montana. Heading up the program for the California Department of fish and wildlife. So far california has more than 50 stations with antennas placed from the oregon border to the salton sea. This one in sha salono county. It will move by. Reporter they put on tracking tags to small birds, bats, even butterflies and bees. When the wildlife flies by a tower the tag emits a unique radio signal that gets picked up by the antenna. See the red flashing lights . Right along the bottom. The signal goes to the cloud and ends up in a Central Data Base then it is is available for the public to take a look at. Reporter what is key . Researchers are sharing data. The hope . Scientists will understand where the birds are spending time and identify which areas are the most important to protect as the planet continues to warm. I am very concerned. Reporter back at the coyote creek station there is a station, katie hopes that the data and humans will help give these birds a fighting chance. The more we can slow Climate Change the better. Reporter in this case aiming for more than just a wing and a prayer. There are now 1200 stations across 31 countries that are monitoring at least 250 species of birds, bats, insect. To see where they are travel going to kpix. Com. All right, paul, we were talking about a little bit of sunshining through and a lot of wind. Sounds like more wind heading our way, too, right . More clouds rolling in across the pay area. Peaks of sunshine, we will tell you what to know as we get closer to the weekend. Patchy drizzle and a passing showerheading through the first half of friday and clearing skies and breezy conditions on friday with winds gusting up to potentially almost 40 miles an hour. We will see the weather calming down heading not weekend and warm weather will stick around into the first half of next week. Even a little bit of above average temperature pattern by tuesday and wednesday. Looking at future cast, a lot of gray and clouds heading through tonight and tomorrow morning. Just not seeing much green. That is the latest run of the forecast model. It shows a little bit of shower activity making a run along the coast. Late morning, to midday. The bulk of the shower, running through the central valley. That is where the thunderstorms will occur. Snuff enough instability on that. Heading through tomorrow night. Plenty of sunshine heading through the weekend. Lets talk about the wind. It is noticeable out there this evening. The strongest gusts are approaching. Breezy conditions beginning the day on friday. The wind noticeable, not strong. It picks up heading into friday afternoon with more gusts in the 2530 mileanhour range staying at the threshold where a wind advisory is necessary. Tell move you around in the road and try to rearrange the Patio Furniture as well. You can see all of the fog rolling in. This is the video from the hotel. You can tell you, this is any camera. The temperatures are topped out in the 60s earlier today. 71 degrees, enough sunshine before the clouds return. We will see similar readings tomorrow. Mostly on the short side of 70 degrees. This is the view as we look out right now from the hotel. A drizzle accumulating on the camera lens. Temperatures in the 50s to around 60 degrees. Now, going through the rest of tonight, we will see the temperatures dropping down to mostly below 50s. Highs tomorrow, still about a 36 degrees below average. Despite the slightly above average start we will not be able to warm up with that wind bringing in plenty of cool air. The warmest areas hitting 70s. Not a lot through the weekend. Just barely touching 60 degrees in San Francisco. Mostly in the middle 60s. Warmer locations as the skies clear out. Maybe, climbing back out in the upper 60s. Farther downtheline. Warming trend kicking in by tuesday and wednesday. Above average temperatures, the Climate Prediction Center taking us through the first five days of may shows us a run of below average temperatures, that is associated also with a chance of above average precipitation, keep in mind average rainfall in early may it is essentially 0. Even a little bit of showers would qualify as above average. We will keep you updated on that. No significant rain chances. A warm up heading into the weekend. Saturday returns us to normal temperatures, same thing on sunday, monday, a few degrees warmer before the second half of the weekend the warmest day, downtheline. Average basis for inland parts of the bay area. The temperatures bayside, not going to warm up as much. Up to around or above 70 degrees. Monday, tuesday, again on wednesday. Along the coast, you may if you are, sensitive to a degree or two worth of warm up, you may notice the warm up next week. Really we are just talking about the temperatures getting above 60 degrees on tuesday. You will see more sunshine earlier in the day. Especially monday, tuesday. The fog and low cloud cover will back away from the coast as we begin the day. We will keep you. As tensions over the war in gaza boil over on college camps, a shocking announcement from usc, they canceled the main commencement ceremony. 100 people were arrested following a protest. It definitely is disappointing to me usc went the wrong way with that. I feel especially bad for the people who have nothing to do with this conflict. The protest fueled in part by the decision to cancel the speech by the propalestinian valedictorian, they are citing safety concerns. Holding smaller ceremonies for graduates is in place right now. In the meantime, Jewish Community celebrates passover they put up this empty seat to honor those lost. Organizers issued a list of demands including divestment. Now, students camping out for days now, also, calling for university dives tment it was put up at Columbia University where more than 100 people were arrested. Blockbuster video. The story will have you asking what year is it . People are checking out vhs tapes. Yes, you heard that correctly and dvds when you are in a movie culture that has been all but lost. This is a free blockbuster. It is like the lending libraries that are common but for movies. They set it up in l. A. And it is a fad that is spreading across the country and even internationally. It just takes us back to being five or six years old again at home, watching the same tape over and over again. Not everyone is on board with miniblockbuster. Dish sent a letter asking people to stop using it. There goes the fun. Thank you for watching. The news continues at 8 00 on announcer its time to play family feud. Give it up for steve harvey. [cheering and applause] steve heh. How yall . Thank you very much. I appreciate that, folks. Thank yall. Thank you, everybody. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man, steve harvey. [cheering and applause]

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