cease-fire. what we are learning about their time being held by hamas. >> the food was not enough and the water was not enough. >> norah: our new reporting as the cia director negotiates for the remaining hostages, as no americans are released today. the snow chaos that led to a multicar pileup, as nearly 220 million americans face freezing temperatures. >> taking her child to the hospital for an emergency? how one medical center changed its procedures to be ready. >> this is something that every hospital should strive for. ♪ ♪ >> norah: and meet the man teaching us about forgiveness and building community, one sweet treat at a time. >> they are terrific. >> so good. >> i'm just thankful that we were given the opportunity and we made the best of the american dream. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this tuesday night. and we do want to begin tonight with the nations goodbye to former first lady rosalynn carter. hundreds were in attendance for a powerful memorial service in atlanta. 99-year-old former president jimmy carter made a rare public appearance to pay his respects to his beloved wife. remember, they were together for more than three quarters of a century. president biden and first lady jill biden sat right there in the front row with former present bill clinton and all the living former first ladies on this second day of a three day tribute to her life and legacy. the georgia native and devout christian was remembered for her love of family, her humanitarian work, and her tireless dedication to others. the trailblazing first lady died last week at the age of 96 after a battle with dementia. cbs's mark strassmann will start us off tonight from outside the glenn memorial church in atlanta. good evening, mark. it was a beautiful ceremony. >> reporter: good evening, norah. family, friends, former presidents all here, and the only mystery going in was whether jimmy carter would feel strong enough to join him. he did. [singing] inseparable once again, rosalynn carter and her husband, jimmy carter, the 39th president, a frail, 99, draped in a blanket embroidered with her images. >> my mother, rosalynn carter, was the most beautiful woman i have ever met. and pretty to look at, too. >> reporter: star power in the sanctuary. america's most exclusive sisterhood. all five living first lady's. >> secretary clinton and dr. biden, we also welcome your lovely husband's. [laughter] >> reporter: their husbands making a trio of presidents in the world beer ♪ imagine all the people ♪ admiration for mrs. carter shimmered throughout. she was plains born, plainspoken, from her days as first lady to a half secretary of globe-trotting as a voice for the voiceless. >> it is remarkable how far she could see and how far she was willing to walk. >> reporter: jason carter, one of her 11 grandchildren beard > she never talked to a group of people bigger than her sunday school class, and then she elected a governor and a president. [singing] >> reporter: the carters shared a great american love story, married for 77 years. their daughter, amy carter. >> my mom spent most of her life in love with my dad. >> reporter: catherine cade, one of her closest friends. she talks to me about mrs. carter's long life of service. >> she was really in many ways my northstar. she had a vision for how each of us could really make a difference in this world and she exemplified that herself. >> reporter: today is a service had a who's who quality to it. tomorrow's funeral will be small and private. rosalynn carter will be buried in plains on the family property. norah? >> norah: dedicating her life to public service. mark strassmann, thank you so much peered heading overseas now to the release of a dozen more hostages from inside gaza on this fifth day of a temporary cease-fire between israel and hamas. the latest group of hostages bring the total number freed during the truth to 81. cbs's lilia luciano reports from tel aviv that once again, no americans were part of this latest exchange. >> reporter: nine women, most elderly, 18, and two thai citizens, walked from hamas to freedom on the fifth day of a temporary truce. dragged from her home in kibbutz nir oz was released, her partner was not. 17-year-old mia leimberg was held and released with her dog, bella. in the west bank, ahmed salaymeh, a 14-year-old, is the youngest among 30 women and children released today by israel in the exchange. the relative calling for the truth had water, food, and phil trickling into gaza as the u.s. airlifted more than 54,000 pounds of humanitarian aid for the 1.8 million displaced and stuck within the enclave's borders. as we learned more from the israeli hostages about their conditions in captivity. >> she told me some time the food was not enough and the water was not enough. she told me at some point they had a small bottle of water for each person for two days. >> reporter: yair says his knees, 13-year-old, speech wife i come emerge on saturday thinner, paler, and quieter. speak of the terrace made them speak very quiet all the time. they're hushing them, had to whisper at night, they didn't want, and in the daytime, they told him be very quiet, so she is like, whispering. >> reporter: defined the terms of the deal, hamas separated hila from her mother, raaya. what has she said about that moment? was she able to talk to her mom? >> they came and took hila. okay, just two of you, of course, it was a very sudden moment, and hila said they allowed him to go and give a hug. >> reporter: in tel aviv today, and o out cried orange balloons, demanding the release of the youngest hospital of all, 10-month-old kfir bibas as well as his 4-month-old brother ariel and their parents. there are up to nine americans believed to be held captive, including 19-year-old itay chen. the fact that your son is an israeli soldier, does that worry you that he is in any kind of different position? >> yeah, it is difficult to answer that one. we just have to hope that the fact that he is a u.s. citizen, maybe that gives him an extra layer of protection, but i don't think it matters too much to hamas. >> reporter: cia director bill burns was indo hot today and secretary of state antony blinken will be here in tel aviv and also in the west bank later this week, all part of the u.s.'s efforts to assist in the release of all of the hostages that means to take a deal beyond just some women and children, to include men and soldiers, like ruby's son, itay appeared to be negotiations. lilia luciano, thank you so much peered back at home, millions of americans are in the path of another round of wintry weather with heavy snows in parts of the northeast and freeze warnings as far south as florida. cbs's elaine quijano reports from a snowy central new york. >> reporter: there were whiteout conditions across part of the midwest and northeast as the first major snow of the season dropped up to two feet in some places. >> i think it is a great change of pace for us. you know we are a little overdue. >> reporter: in ohio, at least 20 vehicles were involved in a pair of pilots on interstate 271 near cleveland, find out snow spots. more than 100 schools closed today because of the weather. in new york, airport crews in rochester were hard at work on the tarmac deicing claims before takeoff. and near buffalo, thunder snow, as a lake effect vic's of snow, clogged roads and town. >> it was crazy, for about 8 miles, and slick when it was plywood. >> reporter: as the snow fell, the plow's, shovels began the tough task of clearing it out. >> this snowfall is kind of what we used to get. never bothered me. >> reporter: snow flurries dusted parts of philadelphia and baltimore. and late today, a holiday mishap outside the white house, when a powerful gust of wind toppled the national christmas tree. the national park service says thursday's tree lighting ceremony will still take place as planned. meantime, here in central new york, more snow is expected overnight and officials are warning the slippery road conditions, low visibility, and a potentially dangerous morning commute. norah? >> norah: elaine quijano, thank you so much. and while the snow will taper off overnight, the deep freeze will continue for much of the country, so for a look at the chile forecast let's bring meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. hey there, mike. >> norah, good evening. winter chill has settled in and so too has the snow pure gold snow around the great lakes will be winding down, but several more in western new york where elaine was reporting from. you can see the hour by hour forecast. keep some light snow through the middle of the day tomorrow. most places get less than 5 inches and the farther you get away from the lakes the less snow you will end up seeing. boy, the cold air, though, has really spread its wings throughout the day today, very chilly pier for a lot of places around the lakes in the teens among the i-95 corridor, most places will be below three freezing in the cold air goes all the way of south past i tend including right in tallahassee, norah comics putting their first freezing morning temperature tomorrow morning ped >> norah: that's called. mike bettes, thank you. not to capitol hill where this could be embattled congressman's george santos' final week. accuses the republican of using campaign funds for botox, adult site only fans, and even spinning more than $6,000 in a luxury store. two-thirds of the house will vote to expel him. >> reporter: the clock is now taking on the brief, tumultuous congressional career of new york republican george santos. >> they want to send me home, if they think this was a fair process, if they think this is how it should be done and if they are confident that this is a constitutional way of doing it, god bless their hearts. >> reporter: democrats made a move on the house floor today. >> represented george santos be and hereby is expelled from the house of representatives. >> reporter: forcing republican leaders to bring the expulsion resolution to the floor within two days, with many of santos' own g.o.p. colleagues supporting his ouster. he said he won't fight it. why not? >> it is not a good use of my time. >> reporter: santos has pleaded not guilty to federal fraud and conspiracy charges, accused of stealing the identity of his campaign donors and bringing up thousands of dollars of purchases on their credit cards. the long island republican has already acknowledged fabricating many parts of his life story, is also charged with submitting false reports to the federal election commission. do you think it needs to move now? >> it should have moved long ago based on his own admissions. >> reporter: momentum toward his expulsion began building earlier this month, after a blistering report by the house ethics committee accused santos of using campaign money for luxury goods, botox treatments, and personal trips. >> he has no right to be here, and it is actually a travesty that he has been here for 11 months. >> norah: at scott macfarlane joins us now from capitol hill. scott, i understand there is also some news tonight on a different matter. the house investigation into hunter biden, the president's son offering to testify publicly. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah, norah, the house oversight committee which has been investigating the presidents on all year and subpoenaed him last month has rejected that offer, saying they want him behind closed doors for a deposition first, as others have gone. the bidens attorneys told the committee they want this public. they think it is a baseless probe and they say they want all americans to see it, norah. >> norah: scott macfarlane, thank you very much. big news today in a 2024 presidential election. nikki haley picked up the endorsement of the political action network founded by the billionaire koch brothers in the republican primary. the influential group is launching a multimillion dollar ad campaign this week and all early voting states, and this gives the former south carolina governor and u.n. ambassador a major boost less than seven weeks before the iowa caucuses. the conservator organization says haley "offers america an opportunity to turn the page on the current political era." tonight, the world health organization is tracking a wave of respiratory illnesses among children and others in china. take a look at this. hospital emergency rooms, especially in beijing and china's north, are full of kids with illnesses, including pneumonia. now chinese health officials claim that most of these cases they are seeing are caused by the flu and other known pathogens and not by a new virus, as was the case with covid-19. and tonight's "eye on america," the difference between life andk child can often come down to proper training, equipment, and supplies. cbs's janet shamlian shows us what emergency rooms across the country are doing to save their youngest patients. >> he got really tired and he stopped breathing at i couldn't wake him up. >> reporter: it is every parents fear: their child's life in danger. >> any medications in your purse, mom? >> reporter: in this case, it is a simulated emergency. >> what kind of things could we work on our do better? >> reporter: part of pediatric training at grand river health, a hospital in rival colorado. what is the motivation for this hospital or any others to do this? >> i think the statistics speak for themselves. a 40% reduction in morbidity and mortality for kids and e.r.s that are pediatric ready is huge. >> reporter: critically-ill children are almost four times more likely to die in hospital emergency rooms, with the lowest pediatric readiness scores. according to a study published in the journal of pediatrics. in most states, readiness programs are voluntary. >> a hospital trade group has come out and said it is not fair to expect every hospital in the country to have expertise in specialized pediatric care. what would you say to that? >> i would say that it is certainly something every hospital should be doing. >> reporter: emergency equipment and medicine is different for children. >> so this is our pediatric code cart. >> reporter: at grand river health, they have color-coded trachea tubes and other supply based on a child's weight, something kehaulani rust is grateful for. >> we knew it was urgent. >> reporter: what was your fear level at that point? >> hi. very high. >> reporter: and tucker rust, a 4-year-old with diabetes, became critically ill, the emergency room was ready. >> i think it is incredible. i think the biggest and for us that we love about it is we don't have to travel to a children's hospital for tucker to get seen. so what should parents do if there is no pediatric trauma unit nearby? experts say most pediatric emergencies can be handled appropriately in any e.r. so parents should take their child to the closest hospital to be stabilized, then advocate for a transfer if necessary. do you have any doubt that the changes you have made here have saved the lives of children? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: giving young patients like tucker... a fighting chance. for "eye on america," janet shamlian, rival colorado. >> norah: dozens of workers are rescued after being trapped for 17 days inside a collapsed tunnel. that story is next. ♪ ♪ but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive . in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. a first child can be stressful. so to make things a little less overwhelming, progressive is offering special rewards for new parents. but we're not stopping there. we think even cat ladies deserve rewards. left-handed people. people with birthdays. recent grads who can't move on with their lives. all of them and these people we found on the internet can be automatically enrolled in the progressive loyalty program and get special rewards. even people who just got back from europe. it's actually pronounced croissant. i was just in europe. ugh, this guy again... pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. >> norah: cheers erupted in northern india today as rescuers pulled out all 41 construction workers who were trapped inside a collapsed tunnel. rescuers drilled through nearly 200 feet of rocks, dirt, and metal to get to the men. they survived 17 days, receiving food, water, and oxygen through a pipe. today, pope francis canceled his upcoming trip to dubai for a u.n. climate conference. the pope is recovering from the flu and inflammation of his respiratory tract. doctors suggest that the 87-year-old canceled the trip. the pontiff has had a series of health issues and had one lung removed when he was a teenager. dolly parton is celebrating a major achievement. the details next. ♪ ♪ travel. there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't been easy. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, you can clearer skin and noticeably less itch serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent is this for me? 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,Mike ,Partners ,Winter Chill ,Weather Channel ,Great Lakes ,Chile Forecast ,Western New York ,Middle ,Winding Down ,Hair ,Way ,Lakes ,South ,Teens ,Lot ,Corridor ,Pier ,Boy ,Wings ,I 95 ,95 ,Capitol Hill ,Freezing Morning Temperature ,Tallahassee ,Congressman ,Thank You ,Republican ,Store ,House ,George Santos ,Botox ,Adult Site ,Fans ,Campaign Funds ,000 ,6000 ,Process ,Career ,Clock ,Brief ,It ,Expulsion ,Hearts ,Move ,House Floor Today ,Leaders ,House Of Representatives ,Resolution ,God ,Democrats ,Many ,Use ,Floor ,Colleagues ,Ouster ,Reports ,Thousands ,Life Story ,Conspiracy ,Credit Cards ,Charges ,Identity ,Fraud ,Campaign Donors ,Purchases ,Long Island ,Election ,Commission ,Momentum ,Admissions ,House Ethics Committee ,Scott Macfarlane ,Travesty ,Campaign Money ,Botox Treatments ,Trips ,Goods ,Matter ,Son Offering ,Hunter Biden ,House Investigation Into ,Attorneys ,Probe ,First ,Committee ,House Oversight Committee ,Deposition ,Offer ,Behind Closed Doors ,Endorsement ,Action ,Network ,Billionaire Koch Brothers ,Nikki Haley ,2024 ,States ,Campaign ,Primary ,Ambassador ,Voting ,Iowa Caucuses ,South Carolina ,Seven ,Illnesses ,Tracking A Wave ,World Health Organization ,China ,Conservator Organization ,Page ,Flu ,Pneumonia ,Kids ,Health Officials ,Most ,Cases ,North ,Hospital Emergency Rooms ,Beijing ,Case ,Training ,Pathogens ,Equipment ,Virus ,Eye On America ,Covid 19 ,Breathing ,Janet Shamlian ,Patients ,Emergency Rooms ,Supplies ,Rival ,Things ,Medications ,Motivation ,Danger ,Purse ,Grand River Health ,Colorado ,Part Of Pediatric Training ,Statistics ,Reduction ,Times ,Mortality ,Morbidity ,Four ,40 ,Hospital Trade Group ,Study ,Readiness Programs ,Pediatric Readiness Scores ,Journal Of Pediatrics ,Medicine ,Pediatric Code Cart ,Emergency Equipment ,Expertise ,Specialized Pediatric Care ,Supply ,Weight ,Level ,Fear ,Trachea Tubes ,Kehaulani Rust ,Biggest ,Emergency Room ,Children S Hospital ,Diabetes ,Tucker Rust ,Emergencies ,Trauma Unit ,Transfer ,E R ,Experts ,Lives ,Fighting Chance ,Doubt ,Tucker ,Workers ,Picture ,Vyvgart ,Dozens ,Collapsed Tunnel ,Participants ,Adults ,Activities ,Ability ,Positive ,Gmg Treatment ,Myasthenia Gravis ,Clinical Trial ,Side Effects ,Headache ,Muscle Weakness ,Vyvgart Treatment Schedule ,Respiratory Tract Infections ,Doctor ,Symptoms ,History ,Infection ,Risk ,Reactions ,Infections ,Subcutaneous Injection ,Vyvgart Hytrulo ,Rewards ,Little ,Progressive ,Injection Site Reactions ,Neurologist ,Loyalty Program ,Internet ,Cat Ladies ,Birthdays ,Grads ,Europe ,Croissant ,Shave ,Razor ,On Yuh Face ,Guy ,Pops ,Ya ,It Ain T My Dad ,Ugh ,Little Somethin ,Gillettelabs ,Flexdisc ,Shaving Experience ,Hairs ,Face ,Contours ,Green Bar ,Gillette Labs ,Texts ,Gillette ,Gamechanga ,Lookin ,Bout Hookin ,Shaving ,Generation ,Bettuh ,Rescuers ,Cheers ,Northern India ,Construction Workers ,Rocks ,Dirt ,Metal ,Oxygen ,Pipe ,200 ,41 ,Trip ,Pope ,Pope Francis ,Pontiff ,Doctors ,Dubai For A U N Climate Conference ,Health ,Issues ,Series ,Inflammation ,Lung ,Respiratory Tract ,87 ,Dolly Parton ,Achievement ,Teenager ,Details ,Nothing ,Hasn T ,Dupixent ,Skin ,Passion ,It Dancing ,Eczema ,Travel ,Asthma ,Walter Don T ,Eye Pain ,Pains ,Changes ,Eye Problems ,Pitch ,Aches ,App ,Deals ,Toys ,Anything ,Socks ,Chewy ,Money ,Gifts ,Liberty Mutual ,Walking ,Excitement ,Car Insurance ,Dog Walking Business ,Bunny ,Sesame ,Ahhhh ,Ahhhhh ,Dog Barks ,Calm Down Taco ,Sit Duchess ,Archie ,Linzess ,Pay ,Ibs C ,Belly Pain ,Constipation ,Laxative ,Pill ,Say Yess ,Stomach Pain ,Help ,Discomfort ,Bloating ,Bowel Movements ,Bowel Blockage ,Side Effect ,Diarrhea ,Relief ,Yess ,Aren T ,Stools ,Ibs C ,Abbvie ,Ironwood ,Rock Star Norah ,Album ,Record ,Rock ,Donut ,Double Album ,Charting ,Country Music ,Rock Star ,Billboard 200 ,Drake ,Taylor Swift ,3 ,Won T ,Breathing Problems ,Heart Condition ,Symptom Improvement ,Flare Ups ,Rescue Inhaler ,Breztri ,Spain ,High Blood Pressure ,Chest Pain ,Vision Changes ,Eye ,Osteoporosis ,Thrush ,Mouth ,Swelling ,Tongue ,Problems Urinating ,Fudge ,Joy ,Holidays ,Tree ,Sides ,Gift ,Salt ,Needle Catastrophes ,Slush ,Back ,Weathertech ,Cargoliners ,Front ,Floorliners ,Sizes ,Corners ,Ingredients ,Improvement ,Makers ,Pain Relief Patches ,Array ,Peeling ,Salonpas ,89 ,Beneful ,Swing ,Vo ,Choice ,Dogs ,Try Incredibites ,Challenges ,Content ,Athletes ,Money Habits ,Special Olympics ,Bank Of America ,Goals ,Employees ,Ingredients Matter ,Plant Ingredients ,Stuff ,None ,Herbal Essences ,Hair Touchably ,Collections ,Entresto ,Heart Failure Brand ,Baby ,Death ,Harm ,Cardiologists ,1 ,Angioedema ,Blood Pressure ,Kidney Problems ,Blood ,Race ,Aliskiren ,Ace Inhibitor ,Arb ,Potassium ,Heart Failure ,Donuts ,Giving ,Lesson ,Adam Yamaguchi ,Route 66 ,66 ,Jim Nakano ,Shop ,Doughnuts ,Doughnut Shop ,Donut Man ,Southern California ,Community Fixture ,1972 ,Specialty ,Strawberry Doughnut ,Strawberry ,Shortage ,Glazed ,Crowd Pleasers ,Doughnut ,World War Ii ,Some ,Japanese Internment Camp ,Chapter ,Culture ,Closer ,Cbs News ,Los Angeles ,50 ,Judge Judy ,Grandmother ,Loans ,Electricity ,Divorce ,In Law ,Announcer ,Affair ,Nina Draper ,Judith Sheindlin ,Courtroom ,Nicole Scott ,Captions ,Daughter In Law ,Cbs Television Distribution ,Ms ,Parties ,You Re Welcome ,Rise ,Calendar ,Byrd ,Draper Vs ,456 ,Mother In Law ,Plaintiff ,Issue ,Answer ,Complaint ,Occasions ,Yes ,Balance ,Loan ,Claim ,Judge ,Amount ,012 ,3012 ,

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