>> far too many palestinians have been killed. >> norah: the strongest words yet from america's secretary of state, as international concern heightens for civilians in gaza. tonight, the fighting nears hospitals that are quickly running out of supplies. the new details about the investigation into those fentanyl-laced envelopes sent to election offices. what one of the letters said. >> they are intentionally trying to break us. break us enough to stop elections, and that's not going to happen. >> norah: breakig news. the fbi seizing new york city mayor eric adams' electronics including his cell phone. what investigators are looking for. sign stealing scandal. why the big ten just suspended michigan's football coach jim harbaugh less than 24 hours before the big game against penn state. emergency rooms are filling up with babies and rsv as a new treatment is in short supply. what parents need to know. >> for adults, it's nothing major, but for an infant, it can be devastating. ♪ ♪ >> norah: ahead of this veterans day, we go "on the road" with a family honoring the legacy of a fallen soldier. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's me, hi, i'm the problem, it's me ♪ and the grammy nominees are in. sza dominates, but it's taylor swift who's making history. ♪ it must be exhausting ♪ ♪ always rooting for the antihero ♪ ♪ ♪ good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us. we begin tonight with mounting global pressure on israel over the war in gaza and the soaring number of civilian casualties. america's top diplomat, secretary of state antony blinken, joined the growing list of those speaking out. and french president emmanuel macron was even more blunt in an interview with the bbc, calling on israel to "stop killing women and babies," in his words. prime minister netanyahu visiting israeli troops on this shabbat, telling them fighting will not stop until the task is completed. israeli tanks have surrounded hospitals in gaza city. israel accuses hamas of setting up infrastructure in and around those hospital facilities. palestinian officials say several dozen people were killed after explosions at hospitals and that the total number of deaths in gaza now top 11,000. the u.n. says the constant bombardment has destroyed or damaged more than 45% of all of the homes in gaza. cbs's debora patta has the very latest in the war, and she will start us off tonight from east jerusalem. good evening, debora. >> reporter: good evening, norah. the united nations warning tonight that the protection of hospitals and the delivery of life-saving medical supplies is an obligation under the laws of war and both, it says, are needed in gaza right now. and we should warn that some of the images you are about to see are hard to watch. >> [shouting] >> reporter: a massive strike at the al-shifa hospital grounds, gaza's largest medical facility. israel insists hamas is using hospitals to coordinate attacks and hide its commanders. but sheltering at al-shifa, thousands of civilians. their one place of refuge now a blood-soaked battleground. reeling in stunned disbelief, this man shouts, "they bombed the hospitals!" nearby, a young girl breaks down crying hysterically: "my mom, my father, my brother." inside, doctors and nurses fight another war, the battle to keep the injured alive with virtually every critical medical supply running out. today, at least five hospitals have been caught up in the fighting, including one for children. here this video appears to show a pediatric hospital surrounded by israeli military vehicles. worn down by war, hunger, and exhaustion, civilians flee al-shifa, too. only to run headlong into more danger. even the evacuation corridor is not spared. the spiraling civilian death toll saw secretary of state antony blinken issue one of his most direct condemnations to date. >> far too many palestinians have been killed. far too many have suffered. >> reporter: adding israel has to do more to minimize harm. "we just can't bear it anymore." a cry echoed by the red cross, which says gaza's health system has reached the point of no return. and questioned by the media, the israeli military said, "we don't fire on hospitals," norah, "but if we see hamas firing from them, we will do what we need to do." >> norah: debora patta, thank you. we want to turn now to some breaking news out of new york city. cbs news has confirmed that the fbi seized mayor eric adams' electronic devices this week as part of a federal investigation into the mayor's campaign fundraising. we get more of this breaking news now from cbs's roxana saberi in new york. >> reporter: cbs news has learned the seizure of mayor eric adams' phone and other electronic devices happened on monday and comes days after fbi agents raided the home of adams' chief fundraiser, brianna suggs, a 25-year-old former intern, for alleged campaign finance violations. adams addressed that raid on wednesday. >> i just want to be completely transparent is what i have stated all the time. i sleep well at night. i am clear that we follow the rules. >> that i will support... >> reporter: it's a dramatic escalation of a federal corruption investigation into whether adams' 2021 campaign conspired with the turkish government and others to receive illegal foreign donations, according to "the new york times." eric adams' attorney telling cbs news tonight, "it was discovered that an individual had recently acted improperly. the mayor has not been accused of any wrongdoing and continues to cooperate with the investigation." according to suggs' linkedin profile, she claims to have helped raise more than $18 million for the 2021 adams campaign. and tonight, a source close to the investigation tells cbs news, after the fbi seized the mayor's devices on monday, he found and later handed over additional electronic devices, including iphones and laptops. some of the devices seized have now been returned to the mayor. norah? >> norah: that's some new information. roxana saberi, thank you. in some more breaking news we are following tonight, michigan football's jim harbaugh, one of the highest profile and highest-paid coaches in the sport, has been banned from the sidelines by the big ten for the rest of the regular season. the punishment is a result of a cheating scandal that has shaken the college football world. cbs's errol barnett has more on the suspension. >> boy, this michigan offense hard to stop right now. >> reporter: jim harbaugh tonight has been benched by the big ten. banning the michigan head coach for the team's last three games, including saturday's pivotal head-to-head against penn state. the suspension comes after a former michigan staffer allegedly ran an in-person scouting operation, where he sent friends to steal opponents' play-calling signals ahead of games. do you think this merely amounts to a slap on the wrist? >> it's a slap on the wrist and is more for public consumption. it's embarrassing to michigan. >> reporter: the conference says it was a violation of bylaws which prohibit off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents, as well as unsportsmanlike or unethical conduct. harbaugh's punishment prevents him from being on the sidelines of games, but he can participate in activities during the week. michigan, which is ranked third in the college playoffs, is undefeated, with hopes of winning a national championship. harbaugh is a former quarterback at michigan and one of the highest-paid coaches in the conference, earning nearly $7 million a year. he spent years as an nfl coach before joining the wolverines in 2015. >> if michigan were to win a national championship, there should be a bit of an asterisk. >> reporter: now, for his part, coach harbaugh has denied any knowledge of signal stealing, and the school says it intends to appeal this decision and fight back. interestingly, the coach and the team learned of the suspension, norah, when they landed in pennsylvania ahead of saturday's matchup. >> norah: what a story. errol barnett, thank you so much. well, now to those details of those frightening mail threats against election workers. a letter believed to contain fentanyl was intercepted today before it could reach the elections office in lton county, georgia. while officials in california confirmed election offices in los angeles and sacramento were also targeted with fentanyl-laced letters. cbs's jeff pegues reports on how authorities are trying to find the suspect. >> reporter: a letter in georgia is among more than a dozen sent to election offices in at least five states. one letter says "end elections now." another warns of "white powder" and referenced communists. both featured symbols of left-wing groups. law enforcement sources say the letters sent across the country appear to be threats to scare rather than seriously harm. >> they are intentionally trying to break us. break us enough to stop elections. and that's not going to happen. it, quite frankly, did the opposite. it lit a fire underneath us. >> reporter: investigators are working to track down the sender using the messages, symbols, and paper itself, along with examining the stamps for fingerprints to pinpoint the location where the envelopes were dropped in the mail. right now, the focus appears to be on the pacific northwest. [honking] the scene of recent left-wing extremist activity. >> someone is trying to make people fearful as they open ballots, as they respond to routine correspondence. and this is the exact definition of domestic terrorism. >> reporter: threats like these are having an impact on the volunteers working at the polls. norah, according to a recent survey by the brennan center, one in five election workers has left their job, in part because they're concerned about their safety. >> norah: it's a threat to democracy. jeff pegues, thank you so much. we want to turn now to the nationwide rise in cases of the respiratory illness rsv. a children's hospital in fort worth, texas, says it's seeing 500 patients a day as cases climb. supplies of a new antibody shot designed to protect infants from the virus are not keeping up with demand. as cbs's mark strassmann reports in tonight's "health watch," parents in hard-hit areas like georgia are scrambling to find the life-saving shots. >> reporter: little lucas cerna's mother was lucky to get him an rsv shot, while his pediatrician still had it in stock. >> i've just been seeing it a lot in the news, and babies get real sick, so i was like, might as well just do it. >> reporter: demand for the antibiotic shot has been unprecedented. so popular, the cdc is now recommending pediatricians like dr. jennifer shu give it only to their most vulnerable patients: infants younger than six months and those with underlying conditions that put them at risk. >> we are hoping it's going to really cut down on hospitalizations, as well as complications like pneumonia, or even death. >> reporter: why are they particularly susceptible? >> their immune systems aren't developed yet. second thing is that their airways are a little bit smaller. >> reporter: rsv symptoms include a high fever, worsening cough, and trouble breathing. symptoms that can lead to hospitalization and even death. chris comstock's 20-month-old daughter adilynn got rsv in september. she spent nine days fighting for her life in the hospital. >> i just remember my wife and i were standing in the hospital room crying, going, "what do you do?" i have zero control, sitting in that hospital room, knowing i can do nothing to help my child. and then watching her walk and run and get back to health again, you can't put a price tag on the thankfulness that we have. >> reporter: dr. shu says with cases still rising in georgia, she's almost out of shots. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. >> norah: now to a cbs news investigation. sports betting in the u.s. is a big business, with americans wagering about $93 billion every year. recent college sports scandals have raised new questions about the impact gambling has on the integrity of the game. cbs's jim axelrod has the warning from the ncaa president about protecting athletes and the game. >> college football rivalry at its finest. >> reporter: when iowa took on iowa state in september, it was five players not on the field who made headlines. they all faced criminal betting charges, including iowa state starting quarterback hunter dekkers. was he betting on his own team? >> yes. i mean, any athlete betting on their own events, period, in our world, just can't happen. >> what about the sec? >> reporter: matt holt runs u.s. integrity, a company that crunches data for every major college conference to make sure games are conducted fairly and squarely. >> i think iowa and iowa state was a huge eye-opener. >> i've met with all 97 conferences... >> reporter: but ncaa president charlie baker's were already open, especially on a kind of wager called a prop bet. >> i think prop betting in some respects is one of the parts i worry about the most. >> reporter: prop bets are side bets made on some part of the game, like will a given player make his first shot? it could be hard to detect if the make or miss is on the level, and of $93 billion bet on sports legally in the u.s. last year, a staggering $12 billion were prop bets. >> my concern about prop betting is just that putting myself in the shoes of a young person who is on a campus, who has a friend or two that come up to them and say, "you know, i love you, i have always supported you, if you could just miss your first couple of free throws this week. it won't affect the outcome of the game." >> reporter: our cbs news investigation found 22 states where gambling is legal that ban prop betting specifically on college sports. at least eight states still allow it. baker, the former governor of massachusetts, signed the law legalizing online gambling there, except on college sports. >> i've talked to a lot of coaches about this and i've talked to a ton of conference commissioners and athletic directors, and yeah, they are all concerned, and i think they are concerned about it for the same reasons we are. >> reporter: while the ncaa tells us only there's been a sharp rise in the number of gambling cases it's investigating, cbs news has learned that as of this summer, there were 17 active gambling investigations underway. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> norah: the manhunt for a former national guardsman accused of assaulting police at the u.s. capitol comes to an end. we've got the details next. we've got the details next. ...e way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪♪) ever notice how stiff clothes and nutrients for immune health. can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. >> norah: after an intense manhunt, a suspect in the january 6th attack on the capitol surrendered to police in central new jersey today. gregory yetman turned himself in without incident and will appear in court on monday. the 47-year-old former national guardsman faces a long list of charges, including assaulting officers. he has denied any wrongdoing. taylor swift makes history: music history. that's next. ♪ it's me ♪ ♪ hi, i'm the problem ♪ ♪ it's me ♪ ♪ at teatime ♪ me ♪ ♪ at teatime ♪ only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? ucard gets you in with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes - your ucard is all you need. huh - that's easy! can it help keep my smile looking good? yep! use your ucard at the dentist. say cheese! get access to what matters with the ucard only from unitedhealthcare. if you think you have dupuytren's contracture, there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments. what happened? well, when you opened up the chewy box, you went a bit... ...bonkers. that's one word for it. i guess i blacked out. this is the best squeaky toy ever. probably shouldn't. but we did get you a few more gifts. honey. ooh, there's more. chewy's prices were so great. you don't need to explain yourself, linda. keep on saving. pet's aren't just pets. they're more. well, i hope i got a leaf blower this year. you got a turtleneck. unwrap the excitement with deals up to 40% off at chewy. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro for your husband! iphone 15 pro — ♪ talk to a hand specialist about your options, (wife) carolers! to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (husband) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, and you'll get iphone 15 pro, ♪ ♪ aaannnnnddddd apple tv 4k, and apple one - ♪ ♪ all three on them! ♪ (wife) do that. (carolers) ♪ we tried to tell him but he paid us a lot... ♪ (husband) it was a lot... ♪ mhmmm ♪ (vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon. >> norah: taylor swift is capping off her remarkable year making grammy awards history. ♪ it's me ♪ ♪ hi, i'm the problem ♪ ♪ it's me ♪ swift's hit "anti-hero" is nominated for song of the year, making her the first artist to be nominated seven times in that category. the 12-time grammy winner is up for six more awards on music's biggest night. this year, sza leads the class with nine nominations. the grammys will be handed out on february 4th right here on cbs and paramount+. "on the road" is next, with one family's veterans day tribute that keeps a soldier's memory alive. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by ashley. america's number one furniture and mattress store. number one e and mattress store. 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[bugle plays "taps"] >> reporter: here at arlington national cemetery, the final lines of 400,000 life stories are etched on marble, each ending sad to someone. but you can also find uplift in these final chapters, as we learned from the family of army sergeant jack bryant jr. jack, who everyone called jay, was killed in iraq almost 20 years ago now. >> it's important for me to let that legacy live on through my kids. >> reporter: jennifer souza of stafford, virginia, is jay's sister. go ahead. and her kids... >> my name is jayda. >> reporter: her niece. >> jayla. >> reporter: they are all named after jay in one way or another. >> my name is tj. >> my name is paris. >> reporter: paris? >> he visited it two days before he passed. >> reporter: i see. none of the kids knew jay, but they have spent just about every veterans day of their lives overcoming that loss. >> it's a good moment. we are all together, it's just nice. >> it feels like we are right next to him, but he's up. >> reporter: tj, especially, has surrounded himself with his uncle's memory. he's got his old comforter, a poster of his favorite musician, and, of course, pictures. and every year, copies of those pictures get cut, laminated, and laughed over, as the family prepares to decorate his grave one more time. and jennifer says it's rituals like this that move those memories across the generational divide. what do you feel when you see them embracing his memory? >> it's a sense of just joy. i absolutely look forward to celebrating him on veterans day. >> reporter: i've never heard of joy associated with veterans day. but you make me feel it. [laughter] spinning pain into pride. a bryant family tradition. steve hartman, "on the road," in arlington, virginia. >> norah: what a beautiful family and what a wonderful way to remember him. happy veterans day to all of you out there. that's tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donn apec kicks off tomorrow and people are already reworking their commute ahead of the potential traffic mess. >> i didn't want to drive today, that's exactly why i took the ferry. >> we will help you navigate the maze of security closures, and a vibrant scene in chinatown right now as the night market kicks off. and a north bay community rallies around a palestinian family after their business was hit with hateful graffiti. >> we didn't expect any of this. we know they like us, but not that much. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> hello, i'm sara donchey, apec kicks off tomorrow and there are plenty of signs up already, warning about closures, 21 world leaders will be arriving in the coming days, and getting around the city will be much tougher, all the way through next friday. the high security zone is around moscone center , and in hill where the world leaders are expected to stay. they will be closures around the legion of honor and the exploratory and for different events. once you are here, getting into the city can be a huge headache, too. jose martinez shows us what to keep in mind. >> it's definitely going to be a complicated ek

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Investigation Into Whether Adams ,Turkish ,2021 ,Wrongdoing ,Attorney ,Individual ,Improperly ,The New York Times ,Profile ,Source ,Adams Campaign ,8 Million ,18 Million ,Laptops ,Information ,Coaches ,Punishment ,Result ,Sidelines ,Sport ,Cheating Scandal ,Rest ,Season ,Games ,Suspension ,Team ,Head Coach ,Errol Barnett ,Boy ,Offense ,College Football World ,Three ,Staffer ,Scouting Operation ,Friends ,Opponents ,Play Calling Signals ,Campus ,Conference ,Wrist ,Slap ,Violation ,Consumption ,Bylaws ,Conduct ,Scouting ,Activities ,Championship ,Quarterback ,College Playoffs ,Hopes ,Undefeated ,A Million ,7 Million ,Coach ,School ,Bit ,Signal Stealing ,Asterisk ,Knowledge ,Coach Harbaugh ,Wolverines ,Nfl ,2015 ,Story ,Decision ,Pennsylvania ,Saturday ,Matchup ,Election Workers ,Threats ,Letter ,Mail ,Georgia ,Fentanyl ,Elections Office ,Lton County ,California ,Suspect ,States ,Jeff Pegues ,Authorities ,Sacramento ,Los Angeles ,Symbols ,End Elections ,Communists ,Another ,Groups ,Country ,Law Enforcement Sources ,White Powder ,It ,Opposite ,Fire ,Sender ,Location ,Messages ,Fingerprints ,Stamps ,Itself ,Paper ,Focus ,Pacific Northwest ,Scene ,Someone ,Correspondence ,Definition ,Extremist Activity ,Honking ,Ballots ,Job ,Center ,Impact ,Domestic Terrorism ,Polls ,Volunteers ,Survey ,Cases ,Rise ,Threat ,Safety ,Democracy ,Respiratory Illness Rsv ,Texas ,Fort Worth ,500 ,Demand ,Infants ,Mark Strassmann Reports ,Antibody ,Areas ,Virus ,Health Watch ,Scrambling ,Lot ,Shots ,Shot ,Pediatrician ,Sick ,Mother ,Stock ,Little Lucas Cerna ,Brain Infection ,Conditions ,Jennifer Shu ,Dr ,Pediatricians ,Cdc ,Six ,Symptoms ,Thing ,Hospitalizations ,Immune Systems ,Pneumonia ,Airways ,Complications ,Breathing ,Hospitalization ,Hospital ,Life ,Cough ,Fever ,Trouble ,Daughter ,Got Rsv In September ,Chris Comstock ,Nine ,Wife ,Hospital Room ,Nothing ,Control ,Child ,Zero ,Health ,Price Tag ,Thankfulness ,Mark Strassmann ,Sports Betting ,Impact Gambling ,College Sports Scandals ,Questions ,Big Business ,Atlanta ,3 Billion ,93 Billion ,Game ,Integrity ,President ,College Football ,Players ,Iowa State ,Iowa ,Athletes ,Finest ,Field ,Jim Axelrod ,Ncaa ,Events ,World ,Charges ,Athlete ,Yes ,Criminal ,Made Headlines ,Hunter Dekkers ,College Conference ,Company ,Data ,Eye Opener ,Sec ,Matt Holt ,97 ,Prop Bets ,Charlie Baker S ,Kind ,Prop ,Parts ,Conferences ,Most ,Prop Bet ,Respects ,Side Bets ,Wager ,Player ,Sports ,Miss ,Make ,Level ,Last ,Bet ,12 Billion ,2 Billion ,Person ,Two ,Friend ,Prop Betting ,Shoes ,I Love You ,Investigation ,Ban Prop ,Gambling ,Throws ,Couple ,Outcome ,College Sports ,Eight ,22 ,Conference Commissioners ,Law ,Athletic Directors ,Ton ,Massachusetts ,Gambling Investigations ,Gambling Cases ,Reasons ,Summer ,17 ,Manhunt ,Guardsman ,End ,Police ,U S Capitol ,Fasenra ,Reactions ,Way ,Asthma ,Breathing Problems ,Add On Treatment ,Asthma Attacks ,Eosinophils ,Infection ,Doctor ,Headache ,Don T ,Asthma Treatments ,Sore Throat ,Everybody ,Lives ,Community ,Life Enrichment Director ,Goal ,Residents ,Tiktok ,Sarah Escherich ,Waukee ,Independence Village ,Kids ,Ones ,Living ,Fun ,Protein ,Nutrients ,Energy ,Sugar ,Minerals ,Vitamins ,Ahh ,Woo Hoo ,Skin ,Clothes ,Downy ,Perfumes ,Dyes ,Towel ,Gentle ,Moderate ,Dupixent ,Running ,Kayaking ,Eczema ,Pitch ,Spain ,Vision ,Eye Problems ,Eye Pain ,Joint Aches ,Gregory Yetman ,Attack ,Capitol ,Incident ,Court On Monday ,January 6th ,New Jersey ,47 ,Officers ,Music History ,Member Card ,Doors ,Ucard ,Plans ,Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage ,National Provider Network ,Huh That ,Pharmacy ,Dentist ,Cheese ,Smile ,Unitedhealthcare ,Yep ,Hand Specialist ,Options ,Treatments ,Anywhere ,Test ,Surface ,Dupuytren S Contracture ,Hand Flat ,More ,Box ,Toy ,Gifts ,Word ,Shouldn T ,Ooh ,Bonkers ,Honey ,Saving ,Excitement ,Deals ,Chewy ,Leaf Blower ,Turtleneck ,Linda ,Aren T Just Pets ,Pet ,Unwrap ,Prices ,40 ,Husband ,Apple ,Carolers ,Iphone ,Pro ,Plan ,Wreck ,Tv ,Verizon ,Aaannnnnddddd ,15 ,4k ,Vo ,Condition ,Titanium ,Apple Tv ,Mhmmm ,Hit ,Times ,Anti Hero ,Artist ,Making Grammy Awards History ,Song Of The Year ,Seven ,Grammys ,Paramount ,February 4th ,Music ,Night ,Winner ,Awards ,Nominations ,Category ,Class ,12 ,4 ,Tribute ,Portion ,Cbs Evening News ,Announcer ,Furniture ,Mattress Store ,Ashley ,Number One E ,Entyvio ,Relief ,Infusion ,Crohn S Disease ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Remission ,Clinical Trials ,Weren T ,Infections ,Sores ,Pml ,Liver Problems ,Healthcare Provider ,Crohn S ,Biologic ,Uc ,Entyvio Bladder ,1 ,Body ,No Other ,Door ,Leak Underwear ,Happening ,Keys ,Core ,Double Leak ,Sides ,It Contours ,Leaks ,Gush ,Help ,Always Discreet ,Retinol ,Lines ,Results ,Age ,Cell Turnover ,Skin Tone ,Neutrogena ,Flu ,Power ,Sneeze ,Dude ,Dripping ,Gels Cold ,Style ,Powermax ,Plop ,Alka Seltzer Plus ,Fizz Winter Warriors ,P ,Purina ,Sotyktu ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Feeling ,Psoriasis Treatment ,Pill ,Outfit Psoriasis ,Chance ,Swimsuit ,Primetime ,Dad ,Muscle Problems ,Kidney Problems ,Liver ,Changes ,Vaccine ,Tb ,Ability ,Lymphoma ,Cancers ,Labs ,Triglycerides ,Tyk2 Inhibitor ,Jak Family ,Risks ,Find ,Dermatologist ,Hiding ,Jak Inhibitors ,Nation ,Army Sergeant ,Service Member ,Forces ,Men ,Sacrifice ,Generations ,Steve Hartman ,Uplift ,Life Stories ,Ending ,Marble ,Taps ,Bugle Plays ,Arlington National Cemetery ,400000 ,Bryant Jr ,Everyone ,Jay ,Chapters ,Jack ,Who ,Iraq ,Sister ,My Name ,Jennifer Souza Of Stafford ,Virginia ,Jayda ,One Way Or Another ,Jayla ,My Name Is Tj ,Name ,Loss ,Paris ,None ,Memory ,Uncle ,Tj ,Old Comforter ,One More Time ,Musician ,Pictures ,Course ,Poster ,Dover ,Copies ,Laminated ,Pictures Get Cut ,Rituals ,Memories ,Jennifer ,Divide ,Sense ,Joy ,Pride ,Laughter ,Bryant Family Tradition ,Commute ,Traffic Mess ,Security Closures ,Ferry ,Maze ,Night Market Kicks Off ,Chinatown ,Business ,Graffiti ,North Bay ,Signs ,Bay Area ,Sara Donchey ,Apec ,Juliette Goodrich ,Leaders ,Moscone Center ,Closures ,City ,Security Zone ,Hill ,21 ,Mind ,Ek ,Legion Of Honor ,Jose Martinez ,

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