Epidemic of Violent Crime in america. His focus, overwhelmingly and as expected is on guns. If White House Correspondent peter doocy starts us off from the north lawn, good evening. A few minutes ago, the president said he never gives up hope that congress could someday pass on Assault Weapons Ban but in the meantime he thinks there are more common sense measures that can be taken to protect crimeridden cities making the same joke twice. He doesnt think anybody needs a gun with 100 rounds of ammo unless they think a deer is wearing kevlar. We arent changing the constitution, we are enforcing it. Speak of the headlines of the president s multipoint plan are arrest firearms dealers, help former prisoners reenter the community and expandable limit opportunities for young adults. Help make sure the young people pick up a paycheck instead of criminal. Critics argue criminals are emboldened by softer sentencing standards and bail reform. The biden plan will not address the rise in murder and vicious assaults in this country. We have a lack of prosecution and weve declared war on the police and that his back firing on those who have done it. On another front, the Vice President is ready to make her first trip to the southern border. The Vice President will travel to el paso, texas, on friday. The white house said two months ago or focuses on addressing addressing the northern triangle. I havent been to europe, i dont understand the point that youre making im not discounting the importance of the border. Texas lawmakers are puzzled. The Rio Grande Valley is almost on the southern tip of texas, its 800 miles away there to give you a sense of how far they are, chicago, illinois, is closer to washington, d. C. , then el paso is to mcallen. Its unclear why the Vice President s visit in the border this week but the announcement comes just a head of the trip to the texasmexico border by former President Trump. Was it important for the white house to have her seen at the border before former President Trump has a trip there next week . We made an assessment within our government about when its an appropriate time for her to go to the border. On the same day we find out the Vice President is going to go to the border, we also find out the Bidenharris Administration sent a letter to the head of the border patrol, giving him three options. Relocate, retire, or resign. Rodney scott, the chief wrote on his facebook said hes going to stick around 60 more days in the position and then at that point, the administration will be able to put in somebody they want in the job. Bill lots of talk about later, thank you peter doocy from the white house tonight. Now for a different perspective on the crisis along the border, Alex Hogan Talks with the mayor of one community about his plans to deal with the current search. Shes reporting tonight from mcallen, texas. Along the countrys southern border, more calls for local leaders to send federal resources. The Rio Grande Valley is the busiest sector for illegal immigration. In mcallen, texas, the newly elected mayor javier via lobo said hes the first republican to take the role in 24 years. He said the city is safe but local agencies are stretched thin as crossings continue to climb and Nonessential Travel remains banned. The ones that we know that come across our bridge and affect our economy, thats something that washington said look at our economy, look at how its affecting us and look at what is going on, youre making us spend money on something we shouldnt. Customs and Border Protection agents say the extreme south texas heat is forming Human Traffickers to keep stash houses to keep smuggled migrants under the radar. Just south of the rio grande river, 19 people including 15 Innocent Bystanders were killed saturday in a gun battle between rival gangs. In many of these bordering towns, this is home. Hence Housing Thousands of migrants hoping to one to enter the u. S. Spirit asylumseekers whose claims were decided under a Trump Administration policy that forced them to wait in mexico will have a Second Chance at eligibility to enter the u. S. The Biden Administration announcing that registration began today. Any people say we are not going back to our countries. We say we dont go back. Many people are sick, others are afraid they are going to be killed. Vice president Kamala Harris will visit el paso on friday, Border Agents say apprehensions are up 267 , but right here in the Rio Grande Valley that number is even greater at more than 400 . Bill alex hogan along the border tonight come on now to our own fox poll and we put out just a moment ago. President bidens Job Approval Rate is up about a ticket, the latest number shows the president at 56 up from 54 in may. On the individual issues hes above water on covid at 64 , the economy at 51, his underwater on russia where 52 disapprove. Immigration, 54 disapprove and the same for china 39 to make 54 . Americans are extremely or very concerned about inflation, 83 in our polling. Taxes are next followed by unemployment, the deficit, and interest rates. As far as your personal financial situation, 27 of those surveyed said they are falling behind now, 56 say they are Holding Steady at about 70 say things are getting better. To talk about crime, immigration or more with Florida Republican senator marco rubio, welcome to our program and good evening to you tonight. You heard the president , the white house a moment ago clearly putting a target on illegal guns, how much will that stop the current crime wave . Guns are the instrumentality that are being used by the real target are the criminals, its the criminals who are stealing guns and selling them in the streets to one another and committing these acts of violence. What we have seen all over the country in the last few months are really things out of a hollywood movie except its real and its tragic. Shootouts on highways and i think its the inevitable consequence of when you take crazy, nonsensical ideas and get elected on them and try to implement them into policy or at least create the perception youre going to create policy based on them and the result is this and the migratory crisis on the border and other things. The idea these people have are nuts and when you elect people who have these ideas it almost encourages and incentivizes these terrible outcomes. Bill it will get worse with the summer months hes probably right about that but these strike teams are getting put together to go out to major American Cities wont be in operation for 30 days, how effective could that be . I think its better than nothing, we have to see how its structured but one of the most important things we should have done and continue to do is support local Law Enforcement. We have a major Brewing Crisis in american Law Enforcement. You see the numbers in many cities, people taking retirement, i know a number of Law Enforcement officers who are seeking now to get on the retirement pathway. They have the opportunity to retire in the state of florida, called a drop, many are forgoing that and retiring at a certain age and getting outcome of the other thing you have to keep an eye on i was on the academies. For the life of me, i dont know why how anybody can be encouraged to go in Law Enforcement given the fabric that surrounded that profession for the better part of a couple years. We have a Brewing Crisis there were i think its going to get harder and harder to keep highly trained, highly Competent Police officers on the job and get good people moving forward. Bill on the border, Kamala Harris will be in el paso on friday, what do you hope she sees there . I dont know why they chose el paso, its not the epicenter of the crisis. Thats more closer to mcallen, texas. What they are going to see is what they created, that Migratory Pressure has always been there, i dont care what rhetoric you here, i know people who have relatives in Central America and the message they got in november of last year and in january when joe biden was sworn in was theres a new administration, they are going to do everything the opposite of trump, there will be no law. Some of the first actions they took ron immigration in terms of deferring deportation of people who may have been in jail. New asylum processes, getting rid of stay in mexico policies all of this sends a message and that is its going to be easier to get in and Trafficking Networks took advantage of it. They recruited people to go on trips by telling them its going to be easier to go in, easier to stay especially if you bring a child and thats what we are getting now. Bill in 15 days, and guatemala she said the following with nbc news. Do you have any plans to visit the border . At some point we are going to the border, we have been to the border. This whole thing about the border, weve been to the border, we have been to the border. Democratic Congressman Cuellar has a Border District and said to you and the president , come. I care about whats happening on the border. Bill as you know, President Trump will be there next week, what do you think explains what took so long for them to go there . They dont want to highlight the border, its a very sensitive topic in a far radical fringe of their own base, there are people at the base of the Democratic Party who think there should be no border, people show up and we should allow them in. Vice president harris when she was running for president made the argument we shouldnt be turning people away who are arriving in the u. S. Looking for help. Any visit that highlights the crisis is going to be controversial in the base of their own party. When she went to guatemala and said do not calm, thats the opposite of what she said for months while running for president , there were people in her own party that went bonkers about that because thats not their attitude. Their attitude is it you show up you get to stay, there are people who believe in that and they are active in the Democratic Party. Bill two more topics, we asked about covid and where it came from, 60 of those surveyed said if he came from china and it was leaked from a lamp. Will the bite of the administration make sure they get to the bottom of this . I dont know if they will, i dont know if anybody can but i dont think theyre going to try, in order to try youve got to use all these friends you claim to have in europe and around the world to put pressure on china to say open up your labs because this isnt just about finding out about covid, its not just about covid. The experiments that could have led to a lab leak which is just as likely as if it was naturally transmitted those experiments are happening now on other viruses. We could have another pandemic, we could have another lab a leak of some kind of virus in the future and it could be far deadlier than covid was. Those experiments are going on now without any ethical restraints or proper security, we dont know. They are hiding it, that is what totalitarian regimes do. Its important to make it a priority, its only go to if the rest of the will joins us but you got a rally that and hes not doing it. Bill finally, val demings congresswoman from florida, she wants your job. This week she said you when things get shaky you blow like the wind. Can she when your job . Florida is always a very competitive place and we are going to run very hard. I feel good about the job weve done. I can tell you this, over the last four years, a group came out, Bipartisan Group and ran to me the most effective republican senator in congress, another group ranked me number two in leadership, one the most bipartisan senators come on my office received an award for constituent service. I named the ppp program that saved half a million Small Businesses in florida and millions of Small Business job, the va accountability act, my Foreign Policy work on china got me sanction from the chinese government, i have a record to run on, she has done nothing. Shes in congress, what does she do . She does nothing, i look forward to talking about that. Bill senator, thank you for your time, time, Marco Rubio On Capitol Hill tonight. Breaking tonight, the taliban is taking over more and more territory in afghanistan as u. S. Troops withdraw from the site of americas longest war. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has details tonight about that from the pentagon. More than a dozen afghan districts have fallen to the taliban and in the last 24 hours as the islamic militants see is a key road to the north of kabul that connects five provinces. The u. S. Militarys top officer testified to it today on capitol hill. It is true that the taliban are sniping at and picking off outposts, et cetera and they have seized logistics. There are 300,000 plus or minus to force, Afghanistan Army and police force and it is their job to defend their country. The Wall Street Journal reports new intelligence shows the Afghan Government could fall to the tell a within six months of the u. S. Withdrawal. Its time for President Biden to acknowledge the consequences of his decision. The u. S. Military is planning to be out of afghanistan this summer, well before the September 11th Deadline Set by President Biden. Last week the president s top brass conceded isis and al qaeda could regroup in afghanistan if the Afghan Government collapsed. It would take possibly two years for them to develop that capability. If there was a collapse of the government or dissolution of the Afghan Security forces, that risk would increase. Right now about two years or so. Like many lawmakers, Congressman Seth Moulton A former marine with four tours in iraq is concerned about the thousands of afghan interpreters. The taliban will kill them if they can. I consider them a moral imperative to take care of those that observed along our side. We are prepared to execute whatever we are directed. The u. S. Military said its withdrawal is more than 50 complete and could be done in a matter of weeks, President Biden meets with afghan president ashraf ghani at the white house on friday. Bill Jennifer Griffin from the pentagon. Stocks were mixed, the dow lost 71 points, the s p fell about five and the nasdaq gained 18 to finish at yet another record close. Up next to fight over Political Correctness and Critical Race Theory in schools is getting physical in one town, we will take you there coming up. 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Serious allergic reactions may occur. Call us or visit us online. Were here for you. One, two one, two, three only pay for what you need with customized Car Insurance from Liberty Mutual call us or visit us online. Nothing rhymes with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To prove our aa battery is the worlds longestlasting, we tested it against our competitors best battery. meowing clicking and energizer ultimate lithium wins again energizer, backed by science. Matched by no one. Bill from new york tonight, Brooklyn Borough president eric adams appears to have a slightly did new york citys Democratic Primary race for mayor, as Ballot Counting began on tuesday, a plurality of democrats ranked adams as their first choice in the race. But it could be weeks before it becomes clear who actually wins. Thats because its the first citywide election to use ranked choice voting. Former president ial candidate andrew yang conceding two hours after polls closed last night, hes bowing to work with the next mayor. On the republican side, the u. S. Supreme court said the Pennsylvania Public School wrongly suspended a cheerleader after a vulgar social media posts. The justices voting 81 in favor of brandy leafy, she was a 14yearold High School Freshman when she expressed her disappointment on snapchat when she did not make the varsity cheerleading team. She used a string of curse words and a raised middle finger, but she was not in school when she did it. The court ruling the suspension violated her First Amendment rights. Meanwhile emotions are running high tonight in a suburban Washington School district and at times its getting physical. Up the issue Political Correctness and Critical Race Theory in the classroom, Chief Washington correspondent mike emanuel reports tonight in virginia. A loud and county Virginia School Board Meeting dissolved into chaos during a discussion over the schools proposed transgender policy, the Sheriffs Office said the School Superintendent declared the School Board Meeting on on unlal assembly. Those who stayed would be subject to trespassing, two arrests were made to. Members of the school board shall not answer questions or respond directly to the public. 259 people signed up to speak about the proposed transgender policy, only 51 were able to express their views. You put the feelings of a few about the safety and discomfort of the entire rest of the student body and that is unacceptable. I want my children to be exposed to axles of policies. Things like putting pronouns next the name tags are having teachers teach students about pronouns make all the difference in normalizing it. Bodies matter, calling girls bigots because they dont want to use a toilet in a stall next to a boy or get undressed next to a boy is cruel and wrong. A republican State Senator blasted the school board. Your teaching children to hate others because of their skin color and youre forcing them to lie about other kids at gender. There are two Hot Button Issues right now in Loudoun County Public Schools that have been simmering for months. One is transgender policy, the other is Critical Race Theory. Parents are worried that Curriculum Change will divide the children and teach them to see skin color. As long as you marxists push your unconstitutional agenda on my child, you will not be returning back to Loudoun County. The School Board Chair called the disruptions politically motivated antics and that boat on transgender policy is expected to take place in august. Bill mike emanuel in Northern Virginia tonight. Up next we will go live to chicago which is being ravaged by outofcontrol violence and we will find out what Britney Spears wants to do about her Family Financial feud. If heres what some of our other Fox Affiliates are covering tonight, fox 26 in houston as more than 150 employees of houston Methodist Hospital lose their jobs after there were fusible to be vaccinated for covid19. Last week a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by dozens of the workers, another lawsuit is working its way currently through the courts. There is a live look from ws bun, royal caribbeans Freedom Of The Seas cruise ship returning to the port after a test run for covert safety protocols. About 600 vaccinated employees acted as passengers on a two night voyage at sea. Some of the protocols includes masks being required in certain areas like shops but not outdoors. Thats a live look outside the beltway from Special Report and we will be right back. When traders tell us how to make thinkorswim even better, we listen. Like jack. He wanted a streamlined version he could access anywhere, no download necessary. And kim. She wanted to execute a preset trade strategy in seconds. 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They are taking advantage of loopholes in the Background Check System and unveiled his Crime Strategy at the white house. In many ways, chicago has been ground zero for the crime surge and because this is 2021 a lot of that crime is captured on video. Senior correspond of mike tobin reports tonight from chicago. What appeared to be an executionstyle murder caught on video in chicagos Humboldt Park is now being investigated as a double homicide. Yasmine perez a young mother of two shot in the neck survived for two days on tuesday succumbed to her injuries. Police say they dont know of any Gang Activity or another aggravating factor that led to these young parents being done down in plain sight. Something happened before or after we dont know yet, somebody may be pointed a gun, we dont know yet but it doesnt appear to be a car jacking, it appears to be a minor traffic accident. A man jumps from a Passenger Side of a car and opens fire with an automatic weapon. A father and his 11yearold son were both shot but survived. We have a number of evil predators in our community that are focusing on our children, that are indiscriminately Firing Weapons and enough is enough. In flint, michigan, police say a 19yearold woman opened fired on a Police Officer come after returning fire, the officer appears to break down in tears. In colorado a 19 year veteran of the Arvada Police force was killed in an ambush along with the samaritan who tried to help him. He was targeted because he was wearing a Police Uniform and a badge. Officer beasley was ambushed by a person who expressed hatred of Police Officers. If it seems like the nation has become more violent, thats because it has. According to the Gun Violence Archive from 2019 to mecca 2020, the number of homicides rose by almost 4,000, now its nearly 9500 homicides for 2021, the nation is outpacing last years bloodshed. Here in chicago, the gunfire doesnt stop. The day started with a triple shooting on the south side in which one person was killed. Go shootings followed and the sun is down yet. Bill mike tobin in chicago. In other news, Britney Spears says her financial situation is toxic, the entertainer wants to be freed from the arrangement that has her father controlling most of her money and she says much of her life. Chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt has the breaking details in los angeles as it moves tonight, hello. The hearing just wrapped up and in an angry, impassioned, and extraordinary statement, Britney Spears told the judge by phone that she had a lot to say, so she said to bear with me. She went on to tell the story of wrapping up her 2018 tour and going into a rehearsal for her vegas show. She said i wasnt good, i was great but she said she said no to one dance move at that point she said her management and others involved in the conservatorship went Behind Closed Doors and that shortly that, her doctors changed her meds and put her on lithium. She said i felt drunk, i never wanted to be on it. And she said not only did my family not do a thing, my dad was all for it. He approved all of it. Shes referring to her father, jamie spears who was largely in control of her conservatorship. If she said he forced her to go to a rehab center in california, she said she cried on the phone for an hour and he loved every minute of it. She compared what her father did to her to in her words sex trafficking. She said she cries every day, she doesnt know how the state of california can allow this she said i want changes, i want my life back. She said the conservatorship is in her words, stupid. She hasnt said anything publicly until now because shes been scared and embarrassed and she said its time i got my life back, all i want is to own my money. She also said she would like to consider getting married again and she would like to have more children, and mapped, she she said she has an iud Contraceptive Device in her body, she wanted to get it removed so she could become pregnant again and the conservatorship would not allow her to do that. Bill no shortage of headlines in that hearing, Jonathan Hunt thank you from los angeles. A short time ago the creator of the Mcafee Antivirus Software was declared dead tonight, he was found in his cell in a jail near barcelona, spain, its been described as an apparent suicide. It came a few hours after a Spanish Court issued a preliminary ruling in favor of his extradition to the u. S. To face a tax related criminal charges. John mcafee is dead at the age of 75. Up next, the panel on President Bidens plan to address the nationwide crime surge but beyond our borders tonight the Russian Military sang one of ships in the black sea fired warning shots at a british destroyer and a warplane dropped bombs to force the ship away from an area in crimea. British say at their was not fired upon. Hong kong will publish its final edition on thursday to mono. Apple daily is being forced to shut down after five executive editors were arrested, all on chinas recent crackdown on dissent. Millions of dollars of assets have been frozen. Pope francis hitting that special visitor in his audience, a man dressed in a spiderman costume set in a vip section. He works with Sick Children in hospitals and give the pontiff a spiderman mask at the end of the events. Just some of the stories beyond our borders tonight and we will be rightno back. Customers are engaged. Near Real Time Data for fast decision making. This is business at the speed of 5g. 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Community policing and programs that keep neighborhood safe and folks out of trouble. These efforts work, they save lives. Bands are not the problem here, the gun was that we passed, the gun control that we passed the things the president wants to do are all going to attack lawabiding citizens. We have a lack of prosecution and we declared war on the police and that is backfiring on those who have done it. Reaction now to the president s Crime Prevention Program Announced a short time ago, i want to bring in our panel now. Then dominant publisher of the federalist, harold ford jr. Former tennessee congressman and trey gowdy former congressman from South Carolina and ceo of empowerment and inclusion capital, nice to see you all tonight. If you heard the president earlier today, will this make a difference . Lets begin there. What i found stunning was hearing joe biden said Gun Prosecutions actually were way down under president obama, when he was the Vice President s yeah, keeping guns out of the hands of people who are criminally inclined is a great idea, which is why we already have laws that control who can have weapons, what kind of weapons you can have and where you can have them, but those laws do no good if they are not enforced and prosecutions were down under the obamaBiden Administration. Bill how did you see it today when the target was all about guns . I think trey is right in a huge way, we have to prosecute laws that are on the books, lets prosecute those who violate gun laws on the books. I think we have to go further, we have to take an assessment of whats working and whats not working. You have to wonder, how can these kids, these gang members in chicago where we focus a lot on over the last several weeks you cant seem to find fresh fruit, a good book, a dental office visit but somehow or another can find their hands on the guns and are able to commit all these awful crimes. I think we ought to think about ways in which to learn who owned these guns before, where they manufactured to . Not to limit anyones Second Amendment rights but to make sure they are helping Police Officers and moms and dads across the country who for the life of me are also wondering how all these guns flooded to the neighborhoods and communities where they largely have black kids and brown kids and often times poor kids with very few opportunities, the focus has to be as much there as it is on prosecuting the laws we have on the books today. Bill looking at crime in america, carjackings, auto theft, arson, the president was criticized immediately after for not having much bigger enthusiasm and his delivery, how did you write that . First off, i will say the president should probably stop trying to quote americas founding generation, he once again garbled another quote, hes done this repeatedly. If i have to pick between Thomas Jefferson and joe biden, i think you know which inside im going to be on. When it comes to this gun issue and the way hes putting it forward, we are talking about a white house in the last 24 hours has engaged on both crime in big cities and on the border, sending Kamala Harris in a way that i think is a signal about the message they are receiving from internal political polls and indications about the direction that hispanic voters in particular are taking in this country. Hispanic voters, particularly of middleclass, hispanic voters across the country are not down with this agenda of the Democratic Party is pushing. They are not down with their agenda when it comes to the border, when it comes to police think about when it comes to schools, when it comes to Critical Race Theory, when it comes to any of these other aspects. This is a desperate attempt to hedge against what Many Democrats feel is going to be a Wave Election in this midterm that sweeps republicans into power. I think unfortunately Joe Biden Joe biden and Kamala Harris are not going to be the kinds of messengers who are going to change the minds of a lot of different voters across this country who do not see what they would like to see from innercity politicians, urban politicians who they do not feel are representing their best interests. Bill he said see how that plays out over the next year and a half and see how it goes. Early today and americas newsroom, we spoke to police in new york and california and michigan and the one female came back to was the morale of the place officers in these big cities, have a listen to this right here. When you vilify hes such an extent, police feel like youre in a darned if you do, darned if you dont environment at dido both Police Officers including myself we got up to save lives, not have our hands tied and watch people become victimized. There is no deer out there, Police Departments cant do their jobs like they used to and thats the situation. Its great if you want to get guns off the street, how are you doing at . Law enforcement, legislators, most importantly the communities we serve, we need to Work Together to get the guns off the street and that starts with funding the police. Bill what would you say to the message and the president as it goes to the men and women in blue . I wouldve liked to have heard more. Ive actually prosecuted cops, get rid of all the bad ones, punish them to the fullest extent of the law and appreciate the other 99 . For a year, we had a hard time distinguishing between arson mystic cops, youve got the Vice President bonding people out who were accused of crimes and now joe biden is talking about getting tough on crime. Its a lot easier when you just stay tough on crime, dont decide youre going to do it, stay tough on Violent Crime. No other write matters if youre dead, i dont care about your right to free speech, it aint going to do you much good if youre dead. Bill a week away from the 1st of july, Stand By In A Moment Vice President Kamala Harris you mentioned she is finally going to the southern border, well take that on. My psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen. Painful. Emerge tremfyant™. With tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis. Can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. 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Nothing rhymes with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Do you have plans to visit the border . Not today. But i have before and im sure i will again. Weve been to the border. You havent been to the border. And i havent been to europe, i dont understand the point that youre making. She has also said when its the right time, she may visit the border. Was it important for the white house to have her seen at the border before President Trump had a trip there next week . We made an assessment within our government about when was an appropriate time to go to the border. Bill its official after more than 90 days Kamala Harris will go to the border, it happened on friday in el paso, texas, back with a panel right now. Do you wish this wouldve happened sooner . Sure, i think its important that its happening now. I said all along weve had a crisis at the border for many months. I do give the Vice President kudos for recognizing the root cause part of this Immigration Challenge has to be addressed with messaging and Border Protection does as well, shes going to address both of those when she goes down. I might add, new york city democratic voters put in front of their first ballot, the one candidate of the democratic side who did not call for defunding the police in any way. Theres some hope at least in my home city they are moving in the right direction on this front. Bill we found in our fox poll lane, the first question about Kamala Harris Job Performance shes at 5047 and our polling so far. President bidens Job Performance on the issue of immigration, hes underwater at 54 , how much does that have to do with this visit . It has everything to do with this visit, its not a planned visit, its orchestrated at the last minute in order to throw together some kind of desperate attempt to indicate Kamala Harris is taking this situation seriously. If you want to deal with root causes about this situation as ive said before you can walk over to the oval office. If youre going to have a policy that welcomes people that come here, any amount of saying dont come here is not going to prevent them from coming here. This is a situation that unfortunately has been exacerbated at every stage by the Biden Administration. Unfortunately i think this is not going to change anytime soon but it isnt something thats starting to scare democrats when it comes to the upcoming midterms. It is making them very concerned, they at least need to have the kind of the visual representation of addressing this as some kind of issue. Unfortunately its not going to lead to anything that actually changes the terrible situation on the border for any of these inhumane camps that we are continuing to learn more about despite the fact that there has been a ban on any real access when it comes to the press. Bill it seems to be a bit of a soft target for republicans, President Trump will be their midweek next week with Texas Governor greg abbott. I asked marco rubio about that earlier in the program, i want to know what he wants her to see. What they are going to see is what theyve created. When she was running for president she made the argument we should be turning away people arriving at the u. S. Looking for help. Any visitor that highlights not just the crisis but any efforts to stop the flow is going to be controversial in the base of her own party. Bill what about the politics of that answer . Its nights like this one that i am thankful for congressman ford, a smart, reasonable, fair person on the other side of the ideological aisle. I dont understand why she has not been. What is your reason for not going, and now that you are going, why are you going to be 750 miles from the epicenter of the crisis . I am literally closer to washington, d. C. , sitting in South Carolina than she will be to the epicenter of the crisis. If she were a republican, i would understand because the media would play back all the things you said as a senator and a candidate that led to the crisis, but shes not a republican. They arent going to do that to her, i dont know why she hasnt been and i dont know why shes not going anywhere near the epicenter of the crisis. Bill your name was invoked, can you do it in ten seconds . We could be critical of her but at the end of the day we have to recognize we have a problem. I dont agree that it started with President Biden in the oval office, this predated him and we tried to do this many times including his late fatherinlaw who worked very hard. They have made mistakes, they have fumbled but i hope they can get it right in her visit might be what accelerates to get a good policy. Bill when we come back, tomorrows headlines in a moment. Finally tonight, a look at tomorrows headlines. Then, we begin with you. You have honors. My for tomorrow is simply free britney. I think from all the things we heard today from that terrible hearing, we have to understand how obscene the situation really is. This woman really ought to be free to have her own life and her own finances. May not happen tomorrow but we will follow it. I am for freedom too. I am a fan of kd, lebron, and steph curry. New faces. New talent. Giannis, trey young is going to make it exciting. Bill okay, well watch that. Trey. Bill, mine is on this day in history, Gun Prosecutions were way, way down under president obama and Vice President biden, which makes reasonable people wonder why you are asking for new laws if you did a really lousy job prosecuting the current and old ones. Bill we can debate that peer gentlemen, nice to have you all. Good discussion. Then, trey, harold, thank you, fellows. Mitch mcconnell is here tomorrow night on Special Report. But for now, to my colleague, will cain. Who are you doing . Will im good. Good evening to you. Thank you so much. I will take the baton from here. Good evening and welcome to fox news primetime. Im will cain and tonight joe biden finally addressed the crime wave that has been plaguing American Cities. But he didnt propose many solutions. In fact, he dodged. He distracted. He used the stage to attack Assault Weapons. Assault weapons and highc

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