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I will take it from here. We look at the roadways. Its a quiet commute. If you are getting out early are you in luck. We have a lit of a hiccup. Just some slight crowding into the pass. Overall things are moving for the mast part seamlessly onto the dublin interchange. Taking a look at the other super commuters route. Thats the drive out of gilroy to morgan hill. We are be clocking in nice speeds. If you are going north into san jose toward the peninsula things quiet. Only 36 minutes for the travel time to go from there to sfo. Highway 4 checking in problem free and the east shore freeway see nothing delays or brake lights. Im getting reports of debris westbound 80 at carlson. The United States has reached another grim milestone. More than 2,000 deaths report from coronavirus on tuesday. According to data from johns hopkins. There have been 20 other days with more than 2,000 deaths were recorded. The last time we saw a toll this high was back in may. In california the state reported more than 15,000 new cases yesterday along with an increasing positive rate and an 81 spike in hospitalizations. Here is a look at bay area positive rates ranging between 1. 5 in marin and 3. 7 in contra costa. Happening today, we are likely to see a lot more traffic on bay area bridges. This was the stream last night. Today is expected to be the busiest thanksgiving travel day according to aaa50000000 americans will be on the move. The majority by car despite Public Health recommendations. As we look live at sfo this morning. Airports will likely see a surge of travelers. We havent seen since before the pandemic started. Emily turner is live from sfo where people are still braving the skies this holiday season. Usually things are super busy here on the day before thanksgiving. That is not the case as you can see. Its a vastly different story. Not so many people here. Now its kind of interesting. As usual, there are some people who are deciding to travel but thats not the case for the vast majority of folks dealing the pandemic. Think say they have chosen to stay home. Airlines are continuing to add flights as a resilt of people who decided they are in fact going to fly. They say its not necessarily a risk they are taking. I think its ethical. We would not fly people if it wasnt safe. Everybody has to make a decision about their own personal risk. Its a very personal decision. And so today again usually the busiest travel day of the year. There are still a lot of people who are traveling but they say they are taking the precautions they need. They are have their mask. A lot of people have face shields on. We will continue to follow this story throughout the morning and bring you the latest. Reporting live. Emily turner kpix5. You this this morning some air Traffic Controllers at John Wayne Airport in la are in quarantine after possibly being exposed to coronavirus. An employee tested positive forcing the controllers to self isolate. Operations have been cut with the tower closing early each day because of staffing levels. A muni operator has died from coronavirus complications. The director said that the operator had been on long term leave since before the pandemic started and had not been in contact with anyone in months. Around 90muni workers have tested positive for coronavirus so far. Looking live at San Francisco this morning the city remains in the red tier but the Public Health director is expecting a move to purple soon, possibly later this week. Here you can see the cases climb over the last few weeks and just how close San Francisco is to reaching the threshold for the purple tier. The city is around 13 cases per 100,000 residents per day and rapidly approaching the surge case rate from july. While this is still lower than the national and state average, we are at a critical moment. We cannot let the virus get so far ahead of us or we will never catch up. Happening today sup soups are scheduled to hold talks on a proposal banning all gatherings in la county. Health officials said thanksgiving gatherings were allowed as long as he this why limited to three households held outside and did not last more than two hours. Now the latest proposal would ban all gatherings. Californias leading Restaurant Group just lost a battle to block la county from banning Outdoor Dining that. Means tonight restaurant also have to close their patios, tents and sidewalks. Many say they predict that the decision will lead to massive layoffs before the holidays. Im really worried. Im worried about paying my rent, my bills. Businesses around here cant with stand it. The shut down has no basis in science. Its a fail. The la county judge said he denied the order to stop the closures Going Forward because the California Restaurant Association did not show solid evidence that the dining ban was inappropriate. Happening today closer to home the San Jose Police chief will update Sundays Church stabbing attack. This morning the San Jose Community is rallying behind an injured city employee. They were one of the three victims, stabbed while volunteering at the church. He suffered serious injuries but is now stable at the hospital. His friends say they was committed to helping the homeless, often seen giving out food and supplies. Very caring guy. He does things out of a place of love and he is also the guy who, you know, when you need something done he will get it done. A go fund me page has been set up to help with his medical costs and has raised nearly 30,000. The San Jose Police chief is expected to confirm the identity of the suspect in custody today. To San Francisco, police have released body camera video that ended with officers shooting a man outside the westfield mall on market street. In the video you can see the moments before police opened fire as they confront a man identified as Antonio Estrada who is holding a large knife and a frying pan. He refuses to drop both of them and suddenly he charges at police, one officer deploys pellets a less lethel weapon but that had no effect. The second officer then discharged his firearm. Officers ordered him several more times to drop the knife and to stay down on the ground. He did not comply. The strange incident started at an Apartment Building where police say that he lit a floor on fire with gas and then ran outside with a large knife and later a frying pan and then got in a fight with other men. Police arrived shortly after this video was taken. Time now is 5 08. Forget the freshman 15. Its now the pandemic 15. Still ahead, and streaming on cbsn bay area. Pizza. Cookies. Noodles. Or boba. The Science Behind coronavirus cravings and how to get your eating habits under control. Its a little warmer this morning. You may notice the temperatures about three to five degrees better than yesterday. It wont stay that way. We go in to the afternoon. Cloud wills clear out it. Will be sunny and warm. Ly have more on that coming up. And if you are getting out the door early you are in luck. Some pretty quiet freeways. Your travel time coming up. And lets take another look before we head to brake this time at eastern span of the bay bridge. Its 5 09 on this day i just lost my job. With the kids at home and less money coming in, thered be no way we could afford health insurance. My kids think im a superhero. But even superheroes need help sometimes. We found help at covered california. And not just us. 9 out of 10 people who enrolled got financial help. Covered california. This way to health insurance. Enroll now at coveredca. Com twto treat acute, nonlow back stmuscle and joint pain doctors with topical nsaids first. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. One day until thanksgiving and the day is driving lots of us to the fridge or pantry with those intense cravings for comfort food. This mornings original report juliet on the Science Behind coronavirus cravings and what you can do to gain back control. Nearly nine months in to the pandemic and we are coping but. Things arent Getting Better as we thought. Paranoid all the time. I havent started school yet. I dont know what will happen with my job. While a mask can slow the spread of the virus there is one thing that it cant do. Stop the cravings. Ice cream. Pizza. Cookies. Noodles. Theres a lot of eating of our feelings. If are you always craving comfort food during coronavirus you are not alone. Our brains are wired that way. We are really fighting some tough things. What we eat and the impact on health. Coronavirus is a perfect storm for stress eating. She explains how the pandemic has created a chronic stress situation when faced stress our bodies churn out high doses of cortisol a stress hormone. It then activates a part of the brain called the rewards area. Our reward area creates cravings. Cravings are a survival mechanism. Anything sweet is soothing and regulates stress. We are going to try to go for the rewarding high comfort foods like those high sugary dessert foods or high fat, high sugar combination foods. An expert on stress eating health. She said that once the connection is made it can create a vicious psyche many. If makes the association between stress, comfort food, reward, pleasure and when we are stressed we tend to go for the foods over and over. I continue to do it because it makes me happy even though i know i shouldnt be unfortunately. All of this is creating a different kind of Public Health crisis inside our belly. A shifting metabolism. When we are stressed we tend to deposit fat around the stomach. That puts us at risk for insul in resistance, Heart Disease and cancer. And while life feels out of controllers there is hope. We have control about what we eat. Lets just focus on sugar sweetened drinks. She heads up a study take started last year involving several sutter hospitals. Half swapped out sugar for healthy choices. If we can reduce that fat its just improves the risk factors for disease. 650 employees signed up. A smaller pilot study at ucsf revealed a big benefit. Those who drank fewer sugary drinks. Their waists reduced significantly. Her study was interrupted by the pandemic, fires and the election. Her study now includes questions on anxiety, stress and eating. Analysis starts early next year. Until then, what is in your pantry . Whats in your fridge . Think about it. You got this. These are decisions you can make. Swap out one sugary drink for a zero calorie drink. By the end of the month you will drop a pound. In Alameda County. Write some of that stuff down. Their website has some great information on how to cope with pandemic fatigue, stress, sleep problems, and depression. We have more information on kpix. Com. Good to know. In pennsylvania itll be last call for any booze this evening. Thats because the state is ordering bars and restaurants to stop serving alcohol for thanksgiving eve in abhijit effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. The ban will remain in place until tomorrow morning. Patrons will still be able to purchase alcohol to go. The limit no alcohol sales even at a table makes no sense to me. We are always all about safety, keeping our staff safe, our patrons safe. We already have no bar service. Nobody could get a drink and come um to the bar. Why limit people from not getting Table Service . Some Business Owners say they plan to open their doors bright and early thanksgiving day to try to make up for that lost revenue. New, Yellowstone National park had its busiest october on record. More than approximate 3a 60,000 visited the park last month. Thats an increase of 110 from the year before. It passes the 2015 record of 252,000 visitors. About 5 17. Gianna is watching traffic for us. How is it looking . Good morning. Its not to bad in some spots. In fact we will see light volume likely today since its the day before thanksgiving. If you are hitting the roadways, later you may see more cars. We just have one hot spot to report as far as crashes. Its in the south bay. Southbound 680. Couple cars tangled up here. That fast lane is blocked in. Chp just reporting theres a semitruck involved in the trouble spot. The left lane and the right should certify where that activity is. Not seeing brake lights just yet. Low volume on the roadways. We will watch that to see if there are any injuries. Elsewhere southbound 101 at mckie. Look out for a traffic hazard. Looks like a broken down vehicle in that left lane. 101 pretty quiet out of the south bay. No brake lights out of morgan hill and work north of there into san jose. Checking traffic into the pass. We have just some crowding as you work from that 205, 580 connector. Looking good out of tracy. It just slows down from the connector over toward north flynn. You have no brake lights heading toward the dublin interchange. Our travel times still in the green. Thats great news. 29 minutes. 205 toward 680. East shore freeway westbound highway 4 to the his checking this with a 14 Minute Travel time. Couple things on the east shore. Westbound 80 at carlson. We have reports of debris in the roadway. Chp may be running a traffic break and the new trouble spot in to the traffic center. Eastbound 80. Two cars blocking the middle lane. Thats a look at your morning drive. Its 5 18. How is the forecast going to be for thanksgiving . Itll be a little breezy at times. Specifically tomorrow morning. Little bit of the off shore wind event. Ly show you where that will be noticed. You may not notice it. I will spotlight the place that will probably feel that tomorrow. First, another morning where we are seeing the clouds and that degrees warmer than yesterday. We were clear skies yesterday and now from our camera on top of the Sales Force Tower looking down you can see the clouds underneath the point here. Thats pretty much widespread. We have enough clouds that the temperatures are back up again. It is only 50 in concord right now. 47 in livermore. 55 in oakland. Look at santa rose a. Still cold at 39. If you do the comparison must of these are anywhere from five to ten degrees warmer. Its seven degrees warm america concord. Eight degrees warm america livermore. We didnt change up here. If we look at the clouds theres no clouded for santa rosa. Everybody else has them. That will stick around, probably through about the late morning and then we will get there to sunshine today. Back up in to the low and mid 60ss for daytime highs. You may notice the wind today. Watch the future cast open the wind speeds. The brightern the color the stronger the windsw. He will see gusts up to near 30 into the later morning today in the north bay. Basically the closer you are to the coast the more you will notice the wind. By the afternoon that will die down. Then a totally different wind comes back on thursday morning. Watch the time frame here. That says tomorrow at 6 30. Look at the stream lines. They are going off shore and watch the wind come back from the other direction. This is where we will start to notice it a bit if you are like just down wind of a hill or Mountain Range so the winds are coming in from the northeast. They race over the hills. The east bay hills. Down toward san leandro. Up in the north bay. Any of the communities on the western side of a Mountain Range. Got the wind come overhead. Things will look breezy. Theres no wind advisory from it. Its just you may notice it thursday morning. These are really the only things i have that stand out other than that its sunny and low to mid60ss. Theres your forecast for thanksgiving and as far as the daytime highs today. Low to mid60ss. Bay area wide and in the seven day forecast theres no rain on it. Its low to mid60ss. Thats what we are doing all the way through. Ly have more coming up on the other side of 5 30. Back to you. Finding the merry in merry christmas. Next on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. How one mall is embracing the retrictions of 2020 with a new holiday experience. And coming up at seven on cbs this morning on the about usest travel day of the pandemic whats being done to protect Airline Workers and travelers. And the race to a vaccine and update on the distribution timeline. Vaccine safety and side effects. And the emotional arm from Meghan Markle revealing heart breaking news. We will be right back. Great gifts at this price . Is this for real . Not exactly thats bargain bliss setting in youre basking in the glow of great gifts at deep discount prices. And is that. Mmhmm Grocery Outlet jingle i want a doll house, a pony bike. The city of San Francisco is getting into the holiday spirit with the festival of lights kickoff last night. The palm trees at union square were lit up. Snowflakes and other designs were also projected on the building around the area to make sure that everybody stays safe this holiday season. Union square ambassador also hand out masks to visitors. Looks beautiful. Despite the pandemic kids should still be able to find a mall santa this year. And one mall is trying to bridge the gap with technology and nostalgia over a favorite christmas movie. Vancouver mall will have a new interactive holiday experience based on the 83 movie a christmas story. You can see the leg lamb many there. Protocols will be many place. The walk through set will combine elements of a selfi, museum to interact with the movie. We will have an app so that will unlock different filters as families go through the set. They will be able to place themselves bunny costume. The bunny outfit and have that immersive experience with the movie itself. The mall will be cleaning and sanitizing regularly. Everybody can have a safe i want to go michelle. One of my favorites. Looks like a lot of fun. I love that movie too. History made on wall street. The dow topping 30,000. What pushed the market over the milestone. What it means for economic recovery. Thats in our next half hour on kpix five. And once upon a time this was the busiest travel day of the year. Take a look at the empty curve behind me. It tells a very different story. Sfx turkey gobble sfx dog bark sfx bubbles give thanks, no matter how you share it. Live from the cbs bay area studios this is kpix five news. Right now on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. Hitting the roads are taking to the skies are you not alone. What you need to know if you choose to travel despite the warning. Preparing to distribute. How quick some frontline workers could quiet are get the vaccine after approval and the test run this week. And a shocking new report. Nurses good morning everybody. Its wednesday. November 25th. Good morning to you. Happy wednesday. Lets get to your forecast first. Good morning. There are some very subtle changes happening in the weather as we head into this holiday. Today, tomorrow and friday. The breeze will pick up at times and we will probably see the temperatures change in the mornings. With reabout five to seven degrees warmer no you than yesterday at this time. Thats just because we pulled in more clouds like san jose. Its 46 here. Oakland is 55. Concord is 50. Your number was in the upper 30s at this time. As we look ahead to today itll be another beautiful afternoon. Sunny and low to mid60ss. Itll be breezy at times and then torment. Thanksgiving morning. I want to talk about those winds coming up in the forecast in a few minutes. How is the drive looking out there . Its looking busy now. We have a new trouble spot to report. That ride in to the pass. Westbound 580 right around grant line. Thats where we are getting reports of an accident blocking at least one lane and traffic starting to build behind it. Your ride out of tracy starting to get busy. We are seeing brake lights. Connecting onto 580. Once are you past that point most of the brake lights held up by that crash it. Looks better once are you past there heading thwart the dublin interchange. As far as your travel times looking at 36 minutes. We are in the yellow zone. Things slow as you go from 205 toward 680. The rest of our major freeways checking in problem free. Trouble spot on 680. And im emily turner at sfo where usually its the busiest travel day avenue the year. Take a look at curve. When have you seen this much empty space on the day before thanksgiving . Not as crowded as it usuallys. The interesting thing here is that the new forecast is only a 10 decrease from last years prepandemic levels. Aaa think that the number could be lower as coronavirus cases surge. Last week the cdc said to cancel your Holiday Travel but this past weekend was the busiest three days since travel crater, d. Major airlines gearing up for more pieces and adding flights for the First Time Since march. Airline Industry Groups say they arent encouraging travel but arent discouraging it. I have been on far to many flights this year just im not concerned. I know everybody is taking the right precautions. Im traveling to see my daughter. Just the two of us. We will just cook thanksgiving dinner and be together. Now the concerning thing is that Health Experts say due to the 14 day incubation for coronavirus they are worryd that thanksgiving travel could actually lead to a christmas time spike in cases but i guess only time will tell. At sfo. Emily turner. Kpix five. As we get closer to a vaccine being available the government said that more than six Million Health care workers could be the first to receive a vaccine and that could happen with in 24 hours of fda approval. The plan to ship out vaccines across the United States is part of what the Trump Administration is calling operation warp speed. The hope is that federal regulators will authorize the vaccine on an emergency basis in the next few weeks. Federal agency also try a practice run of the Coronavirus Vaccine distribution plan. They are also laying out who will get it first. By the end of december to have enough vaccine to vaccinate those who are most at just by way of sizing scaling. By the end of january we think woe would have enough to vaccinate Senior Citizens and Health Care Workers and first responderns and as the general talked about progressively, week after week. Vaccines for the public could be given as soon as next april. This morning we have learned cedar sinai will be a Distribution Site for a vaccine once its approved. Officials say the Research Center has a ultra cold freezer that can store the vaccine. The Health Department will set aside a specific amount of vaccine which will be shipped directly to us. We will store that, take it out of the Storage Containers and put them directly into our freezers which are in a secure location. Dr. Smith said the freezer units can store between 100,000 and 200,000 vaccines. For the latest news on the race to a vaccine download the news app that gives you easy 24 7 access to cbsn bay area and the newscast. We have also learned of ana alarming stat when it comes to nurses who are dieing coronavirus nationwide. Nearly a third of them are of philippines descent but they only make up 4 of the nursing population nationwide. In the bay area roughly 30 of the nurses are philippines descent and of the 17 who are died in the state, nearly 70 were of the philippines descent. I ask myself whats happening. Up im not surprise to see a lot of them are affected but at the same time i feel that question can change this. This morning the relative of a san rafael nurse who lost his life to coronavirus has a stern warning. People are saying its just flu. People are just thinking its just the flu. No. Coronavirus can kill you. A Nursing Union also said that the nurses most likely to volunteer to take extra shifts. Another idea is that they are less likely it speak up about not enough ppe. Looking live at capitol hill. More than 125 economists have signed an open letter urging congress to send a second round of payments to americans hit hard by the pandemic. Congress is in a thanksgiving break with no stimulus bill in sight. The president elect is set to address the nation today. He will decisive a thanksgiving message. Is he expected to discuss the shared sacrifices americans are making this holiday is he son and offer a message of hope that we will get through the coronavirus pandemic. The president elect introduced his National Security and Foreign Policy team to the public yesterday. It includes former secretary of state john kerry who will be the nations first ever climate envoy. Less than a day after the transition was authorized mr. Bidens staff met with Trump Administration officials. Looking live at the white house this morning where a possible pardon for the president s first National Security adviser is being discussed. Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the fbi but later tried to disavow that plea. Sources say there have been discussions about pardoning multiple people in the president ial orbit. For the first time of the dow topped the 30,000 mark surging into record territory. The dow closed up more than 450 points. It was a good day for the nasdaq and the s p as well. The dow accelerated after news that the president elects transition is starting. Invicepresident ors seem comfortable with his treasury secretary pick. Former cal professor and Federal Reserve chair janet yellen. When she was chair she presided over environment of low Interest Rates and was very hesitant to raise rates. The market has been in a month long rally. The dows milestone marks a speedy come back from march when the index fell below 19,000 as the pandemic tightened its grip. Invetors signaling optimism that an economic recovery can in sight. More money watch headlines now. Diane king hall is live from the cbs Broadcast Center in new york. Good morning. Good morning. Lets start with a Bleak Outlook for the Airline Industry. Its predicted air kay years are set to loose a total of 157 billion through next year. The Airline Trade group cited the second wave of Coronavirus Infections rippling across the globe for its downgraded forecast. Best buy is buckling the trend of struggling retailers. The Electronics Giant said that Quarterly Earnings rose to 391 million and sale topped 11. 8 billion as consumers turn to the big box chain for a wide variety of items ranging appliances to laptops. The and money could motivate some to get a Coronavirus Vaccine. 40 of people surveyed say that they would get a vaccine if they were paid 100 or more to do it. The 39 would get one even if they were not paid to do it. On the flip side 23 said they wouldnt get a vaccine even if you paid them. Lets talk holiday decor. Is it too soon to start putting out the lights . I know the answer to this question from me. Its the season to deck the halls according to a new survey more than a quarter of americans have their Christmas Tree on display before thanksgiving. On the flip side 69 said they dont break out the lights and tree until after turkey day and with stay at home the theme 70 said they would focus on indoor decor for this season. Going on two weeks now with the tree up. Turn the lights on. Every night. Im not mad. 2020, you need all the Holiday Christmas cheer. To bring the warm and fuzzies you can get. Do it. Set up the lights. You dont have to wait for tomorrow. Im with you. Thank you so much. We will see you again at 6 30 when the stock market opens up. You got it. We have been decorated for would weeks too. My husband just put up all the outside lights yesterday. Look at that. Clark griswold over here. Time is 541. Helping other drivers in need. Next and streaming on cbsn bay area. How app based employees lending a helping hand to their if el owe gig workers this holiday season. And High Definition doppler. There is actually some rainfalling in far northern california. That is a weak system thats going to have some impact on our weather here. As we go into thanksgiving. I will sort that out coming up in the forecast. And we have a couple of hot spots on the roadways. A trouble spot into the pass and we will get the update on the accident in the south bay. And before we head to break lets take another look outside from our sales theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. Do you have cheese . Of course, more cheese for less chedder in our dairy. Do you have kale . Absolutely more kale for less cabbage in our produce section. How about pizza . Yep, more pizz. More pizza for less dough in the freezer section . Now youre getting the hang of it. More milk . For less moolah. 778,000 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits last week. Its a 30,000 increase since the prior week and the highest in five weeks. Happening today in oakland, Alameda County Community Food bank will wrap up its thanksgiving food distribution. Organizers say that hunger has doubled in Alameda County due to the pandemic so they are expecting long lines at the drive through event on oak port street. It all starts at 8 30 this morning. A group of bay area ride share drivers helping other gig workers in need this holiday season. Members of the group we drive progress handed out thanksgiving dinners to other app workers tuesday. They said ride share drivers are being hit especially hard. We will be shelter. People working from home. Students still its not to much work right now. Its hard for drivers, im a driver and its hard for me right now to get money to buy some food. In addition to free meals the group has spotted giving out information to the gig workers about how they can give others support from the app worker union. A push to reconsider your thanksgiving menu. Peta handing out vegan roasts in oakland on tuesday. Its part of their hash tag thanks Vegan Campaign aimed to encourage families to cut out meat from their thanksgiving tables. I think people are waking up to the cruelty that factory farming and that killing animals is. 46million turkeys are being killed just for thanksgiving. When they are being raised they are being raised in crowded, cramped, iffy conditions. Peta said vegan roasts and other alternatives can be bought at any grocery store. Lets get a check on the roads with gianna. Its looking busy. If are you going along 580. You arent cruising especially near this accident. We have a trouble spot. Brake lights start around mount house and you will see the slow and go speeds onto that 580 connector. You will get a bit of a break and speeds improve but slow as you head through there. No word on when they will clear the crash. 36 minute drive time. 205 toward 680. East shore freeway problem fee and highway for looking good. Lets jump to the south bay. Its the noncommute direction. And not a lot of volume on the roads traveling at long 680 but its a serious crash. Involving a big rig and several other vehicles. Theres debris in the roadway. At least one lane is blocked. You have to you crews headed out to the scene. If are you going in that area you may see the slight delays as you approach the trouble spot but still moving at the limit. You can use 101 instead. 1401 is pretty quiet. We had the earlier trouble spot near mckie but thats been cleared out of lanes. Bay bridge toll plaza. No metering lights. They are would have been turned on around 5 45. Doesnt look like that could be the case. We will see lighter conditions on the roadway being that than is tomorrow and the Golden Gate Bridge looking good right now as well. You will see more volume on the southbound side but overall things moving at the limit out of marin county into the city and same goes for the san mateo bridge. More volume but as far as travel times, 13 minutes between 880 to 101. Its 5 47. Time to check the forecast. The clouds came back for many of us. We are like five to ten degrees warmer today than yesterday. I have two issues i want to talk about for the holiday. Wind and really its two different time frame for the wind that i want to talk about. You can see the wind pick up and then again tomorrow on thanksgiving morning. They will be two totally different kind of winds. Tomorrow its an off shore wind. I want to show you what may feel that. Lets start off with the big picture. High definition doppler. So, there is a weak storm that will be moving through california over the next day and a half as we go through the high day. We dont notice the wind prosecute it but that will fall apart way up here in the far northern third of the state and we are not going to notice anything locally in terms of rain. There will be night snow in the searchy. Watch what happens as we look at later today that. Says today 4 05 from the Late Afternoon in to the evening. There will be some light snow that falls in to the searchy. I just point that out for anyone who is traveling. This afternoon or evening in the mountains. Its not a winter storm warning. You probably wont need chains but there could be some delays. If are you going over the mountains make sure you are aware of that. Here is the most noticeable impact from this weeks thanksgiving storm. The wind. Here is the late this morning. This is a up tick in wind. Its going to be perhaps a 25 to 30mile an hour wind. For some of us most of us dont notice a lot. Itll be a bit breezy this afternoon. Thats the first one. Here comes the next one. We will skip ahead to thursday morning and here is where itll come from the total different direction. This is now thursday morning. Tomorrow, watch the winds come back again only this time they are off shore. As that passes with he will feel the strzoker northeast winds. If we were in the yips of fire season we would talk about high level concerns. We have gotten enough rain over the last three weeks that we dont have any significant fire weather concerns. May notice the wind on thursday morning. Over in the east bay. I would say inland, contra costa. You may notice this more than most places. Livermore may notice it as well. By the time we get to thursday evening things will calm down. Theres the forecast for thanksgiving. Other than a bit of a breeze which we just looked at. Thanksgiving doesnt have any other issues. Sunny and mid60ss for daytime highs and just to show you where we are all going for daytime highs. Bay area wide. Its sunny and low to mid60ss and you will notice the theme here. That holds for the rest of this forecast as well and you will see that across the entire thing. We are staying sunny and in the low to mid60ss. Pretty much all the way through. I will see you with more on this in the 6 00 hour. Back to you. All right. Thank you. Happening today fans of taylor swifts folklore are about to get more of the album. Filmed in upstate new york in september and directed by swift itll feature performances of the 17 songs from or latest album while sharing the stories behind them. It debuts today on disney plus. The queen. The grammy nominations out and beyonce got nine of them including record of the year for black parade. She has won 24 grammies. Taylor swift could also take home some big wins. Both artists nabbed six nominations each. You can watch the Grammy Awards sunday, january 31th right here on kpix5. The biggest day for shopping going to look different this year. Next on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area the major changes in store for black friday shoppers. And coming up today on the drew barymore show Carey Rowland joins to talk about merry advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer can take away so much. But today theres a combination of two immunotherapies you can take first. One that could mean. A chance to live longer. Opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with nonsmall cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pdl1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Its the first and only approved chemofree combination of two immunotherapies that works together in different ways to harness the power of the immune system. Opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more days. More nights. More beautiful weekends. More ugly sweaters. More big hugs. More small outings. Opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. This may happen during or after treatment has ended and can become serious and lead to death. Some of these problems may happen more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. See your doctor right away if you have a new or worse cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain; nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; extreme tiredness; weight changes; constipation; excessive thirst; changes in urine or eyesight; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; fever; or tingling in hands and feet. These are not all the possible side effects. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if youve had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. Heres to a chance for more together time. A chance to live longer. Ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. Thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. Clouds came back in for most us. For the majority of the bay area, five to ten degrees warmer than you remember yesterday being. That means instead of low 40s. Its mid to upper 40s and a few low 50s like oakland. Look at that beautiful shot from the sales force looking off toward the east. You see downtown and that deck of clouds overhead keeping you warm for now. The clouds are going away by late morning i will show you the warm up in the rest of the forecast in just a bit. All black friday is just around the corner. Like Everything Else this year it wont quite be what we are used to. Because of the pandemic major chains are laying out their black friday deals earlier than ever and mostly online. The Big Box Stores are also urging their customers to pick Curbside Service or buy Holiday Gifts online. For Many Companies started offering deals weeks ago to limit in person interactions. Come in store but i just got to amazon it this time. Just saying, wow, its thanksgiving week. We are in the store and there was like hardly anyone in there. Which is probably good. The National Retail Federation Said that total holiday sales this year could reach about 766 billion. A 5. 2 increase from last year. Time now is 55. If you gained weight, i know i have, we are not alone. We are not. Still ahead, and streaming on cbsn bay area the Science Behind coronavirus cravings and how to swap out the sweets. All right. And it is usually the busiest travel day of the year but take a look at that empty curb behind me. Very few people out here traveling. Very the story just ahead. And before we head to break lets take another look from the Treasure Island camera looking out at the city of San Francisco on sfx turkey gobble sfx dog bark sfx bubbles give thanks, no matter how you share it. No one sees you need help. No one knows youre not okay. So when someone recognizes the importance of Mental Health and offers a hand, it means everything. My illness may be invisible. But thanks to covered california, im not. All covered California Health insurance plans are comprehensive with Mental Health coverage, and financial help for people who need it. Covered california. This way to health insurance. Enroll by december 15th. This is kpix5 news. Right now on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. New details expected today in a deadly san jose stabbing spree. What we will learn about the suspect behind the attack. And we are asked to keep than than small but now there is a push to cancel it all together. The california county behind the crack down. And defying travel warnings. Bay area airports bracing for a surge of travelers. We are live with how the Airline Industry is weighing in. Good morning everybody. Its wednesday. November 25th. Good morning to you. Lets get to your forecast first with darron standing by with that. Good morning, itll be a theme of subtle differences in the forecast today. First one is we are about five 20 eight degrees warmer than it was yesterday at this time because of the clouds. You see that beautiful deck. I will show you the view looking over the tri valley. This from our camera that sits up above dublin

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