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University of utah in Salt Lake City where the candidates are gearing up for the Vice President ial debate. We have a look at the anticipated face off. Final preparations underway at the university of utah where mike pence and Kamala Harris will go head to head tonight. Voters hoping for Something Different from last weeks president ial match up. The candidates be civil in their actions. The debate will be divided in to nine seconds but are expected to include the coronavirus which is now in the white house, the economy and the Supreme Court vacancy. You see those two people with great experience going after the issues. This is why this will be the most watched Vice President ial debate in history. With the two president ial candidates being the oldest in history the stakes are high. We have two very senior people running for president and theres a real focus on the Vice President in a way we have never seen before. Ahead of the debate there was plenty of back and forth over Safety Measures including seating arrangements. Crews installed the shields to separate the candidates. The pence team opposed the extra precautions at first. Im not sure the science is setled on that, that a divider has any impact. A spokesperson for senator harris said if the trump administrations war on marks has become a war on safety shields that tells you everything you need to know about why their Coronavirus Response is a failure. Guests who do not wear masks will be escorted out of the debate hall. Cbs news Salt Lake City. The Vice President s Office Released memos from his doctor and the cdc saying its safe for him to participate. They say he has tested negative and he has not been in close contact with the president. You can watch the debate tonight right here on kpix5. We have a special line up. Kpix5 news at five followed by the cbs evening news. The debate starts at six. A special edition of kpix5 news at six and an hourlong newscast at ten. The dow is up about 560 points right now. The markets reversing course from yesterdays steep losses. That is in part due to a change in tune from the president. Now he said that he will sign off on a stimulus package if its a much smaller deal. Is he urging congress to move fast on a loan bill to send out 1,200dollar checks to millions of americans. Its a big change from tuesday when he called off negotiations with democrats over a broader stimulus package. It became obvious over the last couple days that a complete bill was just going to get to a point where it didnt have really much republican support at all. It was more of a democrat led bill. Democrats have rejected past attempts at limited bills saying the need is too great to pick and choose. As for the president s Coronavirus Fight this morning his doctor released an update that his patient said he feels great. He added the president s lab work from yesterday detected coronavirus antibodies. Steve inmiller is the latest white house staffer or visitor to test positive. In the east bay thousands of nurses on strike at this hour. They are siting labor practices and safety concerns at Alameda County hospitals. They said that they have been demanding change now for months. The next five days, workers with Alameda Health services will walk the picket lines rather than going into work. They say thats because its not safe for them or their patients. Out even before the sun came up, hundreds of Highlands Medical Center Health Worker was walking the sidewalks with science, hoping their message, they say, is finally heard. They havent been communicating clearly with us about any of these basic needs. When we go communicate to them for years, kind of over and over they turn a deaf ear and nothing changes. They want safer working conditions, better and more equipment and a better environment for their patients. They say the strikes a last resort for worker who have spent ten months at the baring table and have not asking for change for years. We have shortages in these critical things. You have to run around. Is that a danger for the patient . Its dangerous for the public and the patients. That hasnt fallen on deaf ears. Some say they will be out here picketing with workers and at last nights Board Meeting they talked about replacing the leadership of the hospital. Thank you for your service. We appreciate what you have done up to this point but clearly you are no longer effective. Aahs declined an interview but sent us this statement saying in part, while we are disappointed that the unions called this victim at a time when this there are extraordinary strains on health care we encourage them to return to the baring table where we can resolve our differences and Reach Agreement on a fair, beneficial contract. Nurses and workers planning ralliesa the all locations across alameda. This is happening in the next five days. Ahs said they will bring in extra help to make sure their patients arent affects. In oakland. Emily turner. Kpix5. We got new video of the rally inial immediate a. The first day of strike underway right now in front of the hospital. Nurses were seen Holding Signs calling on officials to make changes. A live look outside in san francisco. Cooler conditions around the bay area today. Mary has a closer look at our forecast. All right. We are looking at that on shore flow kicking in for us and with it those cooler temperatures. You can see its still foggy on the Golden Gate Bridge camera at this hour. Checking temperatures, 24 hour change and we are looking at temperatures much much cooler compared to yesterday at this time. From 14 degrees cooler in santa rosa and fairfield, 11 degrees cooler in haywood. 16 degrees livermore and five degrees cooler in san francisco. Its all because of the High Pressure system moving away and the low press ire system bring in that stronger ocean breeze. With that sea breeze kicking in our temperatures are cooler today and in fact today the start of a cooling trend as we head through the week. Taking you hour by hour on future tract we are looking at partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies as we go through our day today. And looking at tomorrow even cooler still with that stronger sea breeze kicking in for us and we will see the clouds hanging around as well for your thursday. Checking daytime highs, looking at temperatures a lot cooler. Low 80s for concord. There we go with that extended forecast. Im keeping the chance of showers in the forecast for friday and for saturday. They expect to have the glass fire contained in two weeks. Flames have burned more than 6 many thousand acres. Its 58 contain. We are hearing the newest noble prize winner. She is a professor at uc berkeley. She was awarded the prize this morning. It was for developing a method of genome editing. They hope it can one day help cure disease. He started it back maybe five years ago with the vision of bringing genome editing to bear on problems facing humanity in bio medicine or agriculture. The technology could change the fight against coronavirus. It uses Gene Editing Technology to scramble the viruss genetic code. Another drug maker is stepping up to the plate in the race to come up with a coronavirus treatment. They are requesting emergency use. They said last month its drug helped reduce the rate of hospitalization and emergency room visits. Too storm watch. Delta has made landfall in mention do. The category 2 storm ripped through the yucatan peninsula. Its halfway between two popular tourist towns. After delta moved up the peninsula itll likely strengthen over the gulf waters before moving north toward the louisiana coast. This would make the third hurricane in six weeks for the southern state. New at noon Louisville Police just released details of its investigation into the death of breonna taylor. The mayor after making what he called necessary retaxes released reductions released body cam videos and other files. We will update this story as we get them. The former Police Officer charged with the murder in the murder of george floyd has been released from prison after posting bail. He posted the Million Dollar bond today. He had been at a state correction alpha silt. He and three former officers will stand trial in march. Still ahead, netflix in legal trouble. Why the company is facing felony charges over a movie it streamed. And alleged torture against inmates involving a popular kids song. You can send ideas to oscar the grouch here to tell you, yeah, you, to wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. They do one of the most deven in normal times. S, our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. The november in yolo county announcing new efforts in the states fight against Climate Change. Lets listen in. Over 30 of the states lands to be conserved here in the state of california and extend that to our coastal waters as well. 30 by 30 by 2030 is the mandate and the goal. We will be the first state in the United States of america to do both Land Conservation and coastal conservation and we will join other parts of the globe, some 38 nations and some National Government that have done the same. This is an international movement, california, as the 5th largest economy in the world needs to flex its muscles. Needs to assert itself into advance that cause, not only as it relates to its global impacts but hopefully jump start efforts, similar efforts in other state across this country. Its a goal and its ana chiefable goal. Its a goal thats consistent with our stated goals on our efforts to change the way we produce and consume energy here in the state of california and advance our low carbon green Growth Strategies in the state of california. Builds on the order we advance a few weeks back as it relates to the clean car mandate by 2035. Builds on the w we are doing in our cap and trade Program Action orps, renewable portfolio sad around and the efforts we are doing to decarbonize the economy and to jump start the economy greening and leading in the next Big International economic opportunity. That is the green sector. So as advancement in this cause we cannot forget about our lands, our working lands, we cant forget about our deserts, wetlands, forget about our coasts. We cour coasts. We cant forget about agriculture here in the state of california. Just think about this. 70,000 farmers and ranchers here in the state. Some 400 commodities we sell to the world. We sell to the world and we sell to this nation over a third of all the vegetables. Two thirds of the fruits and nuts like the walnut that are produced here at sierra orchards. Thats californias game that we do better than anyone else. The other game that separates our game from the game played elsewhere is innovationn. Trying to bring it and conservation, innovation in agriculture, in land use, in species and bio diversity protection, is really where we can truly separate ourselves and thats the spirit and the construct. Behind this executive order that we are advancing here today. To create a cooperation and to keep a mind set where we arent pitting one group against the other but bringing people to the table, around the table to advance these goals. We have a mind set here in the state of california. Thats what makes california so unique, so special. And thats the mind set we are bringing to this executive order, to bring parties together that in the past havent always seen eye to eye. That have struggled to work in a cooperative spirit and to bring those parties together to advance our collective goal of future proofing the state of california, to making california more resistant and resilent to the realities of Climate Change. I have said this before. Its self evident to anyone on the west coast, let alone here in the state proper. The hots are getting a lot hotter, the dries getting dryer, just recall with 2011 to 2017 where we experienced a historic drought that led 163 Million Trees dead in its wake. Not only the hot is getting hotter, the weather is getting wetter. These rivers that we are experiencing that we have never experienced in the past, the hottest august in recorded history that we just experienced here in the state of california. The hottest recorded, hottest recorded temperature ever in modern recorded World History that we experienced some seven plus weeks ago in death valley, 130 degrees this is real, this is happening and as i said on many different occasions if you dont believe in science have you to believe your own eyes. You dont believe in science and data, you arent open to argument, interested in one thing, thats evidence. That is the evidence that is self evident here in the state of california about things radically changing as scientists had predicted years and years ago. What they predicted though we anticipated happening and manifesting years and years from now and the reality is its happening much sooner than some had even predicted. As a consequence of that we have to accelerate our efforts here in the state, we have to do more and we have to manage things better. So im here in a remarkable place, since 1980s here, uorchard has been a leader, craig and his team have been they are true pioneers in the california spirit. It was Horace Greeley said go west young man, go west. We talk in terms of that spirit, what makes california great. What makes that dream so relevant and so alive to so many people. The nature of that Pioneering Spirit and that innovation. That mind set is present here at this orchard since 1980 has been moving in a different direction from many of the neighbors. Perhaps people may have rolled their eyes at 10, 15, 20 years ago, people may have dismissed craig and his wifes work the work on this farm as an out liar and now folks are paying attention. Now folks are not only paying at tension but starting to educate folks right here on this farm about, craig, how come you are not using as much water, why are there so many morin nexts on your plants in why are things greener . Even during these drought years on your property than other properties . Why is it just seem more v ib r aps and that goes to the spirit of this executive order. Its around bio diversity, around alternatives to synthetic fertilizers and new strategies on mulching and composting. Itsable recognize that Climate Change is not just about Green House Gas emissions from tail pipes of vehicles but its the opportunity to sequester in our soils these Green House Gases, the carbon that presents itself as an extraordinary opportunity to future proof our state, our nation and the world that we are trying to build in light of global Climate Change. Just think about this. 2850 different types of soil here in the state of california. Close to 3,000 different soil types. The remarkable bio diversity that exists and persists here in the state of california. I mentioned the 5500 different plant species again 40 here in the state of california. The aboundance that we have. Its sitting right here. We are standing right on it. We are looking all round and the ability to bring to bear mother natures extraordinary contribution, that life and liveliness she brings to bear every single day, all the solutions are around us. The answer to all of our anxiety and stress is around us. Its abundant. Abundant mind set is what we bring to this order. A sustainable mind set. Not a situational mind set is what we bring to this executive order. This is a critical part of the Climate Change conservation. Its it iso often omitted when we talk about Climate Change. We get so consumed as we should by energy and industry, commercial and residential side of this and we forget about our working lands, our natural lands, about species and we forget about animals and plants and insects and all of these things that truly make life not only worth living but life even capable, human beings even capable of living. I want to just extend again a bias by connecting the dot on my fathers side, left another legacy as it relates to preserving land as he did with prop117 which he led her in the state of california. Set aside land for mountain lions. The contribution that was my first pet when i was a young child, a river otter. Some people have dogs and cats, i had a river otte; potter the otter. He whats my first pet when think about Climate Change i think about animals. I think about plants. I think about insects. I think about farming. Of course growing up how proud are we of our farmers, of our ranchers. When you think about california, we talk about exporting innovation and that spirit. We talk about the fact that we are entertaining the world with you be are feeding the world. Its part of the three legged stool that makes california such a special and unique place. We are not going to walk away from agriculture. We are not going to dismiss or deny agricultures future in this state. We have profound respect for those men and women that are out there every single day doing the hard work that we often take for granted when he are out there Grocery Shopping and the choices that we have and we want that extended for generations to come. So that is why we are committed to working in a transition thats inclusive, where we have incentives for the kind of behavior that resides in each and every farmer. You have been watching the update from the governor on Climate Change, speaking live from yolo county. Our coverage continues online. He announced a new plan to conserve 30 of californias land and coastal waters, more on this in our late every in the bay area, we believe in science. Traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. Thats why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. Which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. To keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight Climate Change. And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. You with see in that shot its foggy out there. Depends on where you are. Cooler temperatures today. Thats pretty good. I like it. I will take it. I will take it too. That is going to do it for kpix5 news at noon. We are on 247 on cbsn bay area. The next newscast is at 5 00. Have a great afterno brooke i didnt want to let myself believe. And then, seeing the petals trailing from my room, i remembered last time

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