Discrimination and a lack of diversity. How they say it affects civil rights investigations and the fight to stop injustice. And honoring van halen. Guitar god Eddie Van Halen dies, leaving an historic legacy of sound and fury. What his groundbreaking technique meant to his disciples and his fans. Ah, nobody like him. But first, heres todays eye opener. Its your world in 90 seconds. This virus doesnt care what Political Party you belong to. It infects us all. It will take anyones life. Its a virus. President trumps Senior Adviser, Stephen Miller, is the latest in the white house to contract covid19. He has been selfquarantining for five days, but nevertheless, tested positive based on a prior exposure. But look, were taking all necessary precautions. After calling off talks for covid relief aid, President Trump now says that he wants to approve relief funds. The bipartisan spirit seems to have dissipated as weve gotten closer and closer to the election. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and other top military leaders under quarantine after a senior coast guard official tested positive. Hurricane delta exploded into a monster storm, threatening millions. Right towards the louisiana coastline as a category 3 storm. The st. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters face a grand jury indictment for evidence tampering and firearms violations. All that the Seattle Storm won the wnba championship. Utter and complete domination and all that matters. We lost another beloved american today. The great Eddie Van Halen. Hear an eruption for the first time . Run with the devil . Jamies cryin. Unbelievable. Somehow, in my mind, i thought that Eddie Van Halen would just live forever. Do you know what i mean . Totally. On cbs this morning. Announcer this mornings eye opener is presented by progressive, making easy to bundle insurance. That gets you every time, doesnt it. So good. And the way he would look in camera, like this is good. Right . I read that he said he just wanted to make people feel good with his music, and he did that. Yeah. He definitely did. Sure did. It was a shocker. We, of course, will be talking about him later on in the broadcast, but right now, we welcome you to cbs this morning and begin with this. At the white house, there is confusion this morning after the president said he would stop talks aimed at helping americans through this pandemic, and then appeared to reverse course. The president made no public appearances yesterday as he continues to battle the coronavirus, but on twitter, he did call for his negotiators to walk away from efforts to pass a second stimulus package. That message immediately sent stocks into a nose dive and drew sharp criticism from members of both parties. More than 26 million americans are on unemployment right now. Many are in desperate need of help. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Nancy, the president has since tweeted he does want some type of stimulus. What exactly is going on here . Reporter well, his flood of tweets last night, anthony, indicates that he is aware of the fallout over his decision to walk away, but the piecemeal approach hes now proposing is unlikely to win support from democrats. I can tell you from talking to aides on both sides that his announcement that he was pulling out of the talks came as a surprise to both parties. It all started tuesday afternoon, when the president abruptly tweeted, i have intructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election, when, immediately after i win, we will pass a major stimulus bill. That means that americans, at least for now, will not be getting another round of 1,200 stimulus checks. Just a few hours before the president s announcement, the Federal Reserve chair was making the case for more rescue funding now. Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses. Reporter confusingly, the president tweeted that he agreed with powell, after he had shut down the talks. His decision sent the dow plunging almost 600 points and drew fire from the airlines, the chamber of commerce, and even some republicans. Amid the backlash, the president took to twitter again in the evening, saying congress should approve 25 billion in funds for Airline Workers and 135 billion for Small Businesses, as well as those 1,200 stimulus checks. Speaker pelosi called the president s move to end the talks an act of desperation. And in a phone call with fellow democrats, she speculated that the steroids he is on for covid may be impacting his thinking. One person who did agree with the president s decision was Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, who said that the two sides were still pretty far apart and were unlikely to reach a deal in time for the election anyway, but other republicans worry that by walking away, the president is going to get the bulk of the blame and that that could affect the entire party right before election day. Tony . Either way, millions of americans do not have time to wait. Nancy, thank you very much. The coronavirus outbreak at the white house continues to grow. The president s Senior Adviser, Stephen Miller, is the latest to test positive, and that means about a dozen people closely associated with the president , plus mr. Trump himself, are known to have gotten sick. Ben tracy is at the white house for us. Ben, good morning to you. Whats the mood there . Reporter well, tony, good morning. This is a white house in crisis this morning with a lot of people wondering, whos next . Its also a white house that is nearly empty because a lot of the president s staff is either in quarantine or theyre working from home to avoid getting sick. Stephen miller, one of the president s most loyal and controversial aides, is the latest Administration Official to be infected with the virus. He was seen walking to marine one last week with top aide hope hicks, who tested positive the next day. Miller tells cbs news he tested positive tuesday after five Straight Days of testing negative, during which he says he worked at home. Covid also now has virtually all of the nations mostsenior military officials in quarantine, including joint chiefs chairman general mark milley and vice chairman general john hyten. Who coordinates the militarys Covid Response. They were exposed to admiral commandant admiral charles ray. Its unclear where he contracted the virus, but he tested positive monday, eight days after this visit to the white house for an event for military families where few people wore masks. The pentagon insists there is no change to the operational readiness or Mission Capability of the u. S. Armed forces. We all remain cautiously optimistic and on guard. Reporter and there are still questions about the president s health. His physician, dr. Sean conley, still will not say whether the president has lung damage or if he is still taking the powerful steroid dexamethasone. On tuesday, conley released a brief, foursentence update, saying President Trump continues to do extremely well and reports no symptoms. The president continues to downplay the virus, again comparing it to the flu in a tweet tuesday, saying, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with covid. But in just seven months, covid has killed more than 210,000 in the u. S. Thats more than have died for flu in the past five years combined. Twitter flagged the president s tweet for misleading information. Facebook took it down. You dont get a pandemic that kills a million people, and it isnt even over yet, with influenza. So, it is not correct to say its the same as flu. Reporter President Trump and the first lady are both recovering in the white house residence, and theyve reduced the staff there, so there are fewer people coming in contact with them. Those who do have to have contact with the first family, they have to wear full ppe. Gayle . Ben, thank you very much. Were now joined by dr. Ashish jha, the dean of Brown University school of public health. Good to see you, dr. Jha. We just heard ben tracy say that the white house, people working at the white house are waiting to see whos next. It must be very unsettling to work under those conditions. Do you think because there have been so many outbreaks at the white house that maybe they became overconfident in their testing, or is there something wrong with the testing . They use that Rapid Testing there. Good morning, gayle. Thank you so much for having me on. The bottom line is that i think they misunderstood the role of that test. The test is fine. Theres nothing wrong with it. But its not anywhere near perfect, and they decided that somehow that was enough. They didnt need to do masking. They didnt need to do social distancing. That if they tested negative, everybody could go about their business. We knew that wasnt true and weve been warning that this was likely to happen, and sorry to see that it has. You know, the president has compared covid19 to the flu, so which all the experts say is just totally incorrect. So much so that facebook took down a tweet where he was saying that. When you heard that, what did you think . And can you just give us set the record straight on why there is such a difference between the two, for people that may still be confused . Yeah. So, it was frustrating because weve been saying this for people have been saying this for so many months. The bottom line is that covid is about five to ten times more deadly than the flu, for almost every age group. And we dont even know the longterm effects of covid. It may end up being quite substantial. So, at this moment, comparing the two i think is irresponsible, and Everybody Knows that covid is much more deadly, and i was hoping that the president would have changed his tune after going through what hes gone through, but that tweet was really upsetting for a lot of us to see. Yeah, the president s doctor just released a couple of words yesterday. He said that he reported no symptoms, said his vital signs remain stable. Yet, were still being told hes not out of the woods yet. What do you need to see, or what do doctors need to see to say that he is out of the woods . What should we be looking for . Well, you know, what we know about this disease is that some people will feel just fine for a while, and then day seven to ten will all of a sudden take a turn for the worse. So, were still in that time period for the president. Obviously, we hope that hes not one of those people. We hope he recovers easily. But were going to have to watch through the end of this week and maybe even into the weekend before were going to sigh a sense of relief that the president is through this. Five days out, dr. Jha, we still dont know when he got his last negative test. I think that seems to be very important for people who might have come in contact with the president. What do you think would be the reasoning for not releasing that information . You know, gayle, i am baffled by this. I dont understand why the white house is being evasive on this. Hes the president. Lots of people have been around him. Right. He should and they should just release the information. It will make it much, much easier for people to know if they were potentially infected, when he turned positive. The fact that theyre being evasive on this really is baffling to me. Dr. Ashish jha, thank you for taking time for us this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you. The pandemic is dominating preparations for tonights Vice President ial debate in salt lake city. In fact, youre looking at the debate hall at the university of utah in salt lake city. Organizers had to address safety concerns after the latest news about more white house officials testing positive for the virus. Nicole killion is at the site of tonights debate in salt lake city. Nicole, good morning to you. Whats the situation there now . Reporter well, tony, Vice President mike pence and senator Kamala Harris have indicated they are looking forward to tonight, but there has already been plenty of debate. Up until last night, both campaigns were going back and forth over everything, from the seating arrangements on stage to those plexiglass barriers. Late tuesday, crews at the university of utah installed plexiglass shields to separate the Vice President ial candidates who will be seated at least 12 feet apart. The team for Vice President mike pence, the head of the Coronavirus Task force, initially opposed the extra precaution, which was requested by the Biden Harris Campaign. Communications director tim murtagh. Do you think thats warranted . Well, i dont know. Im not sure that the science is settled on that, that a plexiglass divider has any impact whatsoever. Reporter a spokesperson for senator Kamala Harris said, if the trump administrations war on masks has now become a war on safety shields, that tells you everything you need to know about why their Covid Response is a failure. Pences Office Released memos from his physician and the head of the centers for disease control, saying that it is safe for the Vice President to participate in the debate because he has not been in close contact with the president and has repeatedly tested negative. Meanwhile, the president says he intends to debate former Vice President joe biden next thursday night in miami, but biden says they should follow strict guidelines. If he still has covid, we shouldnt have a debate. Reporter earlier in the day, biden echoing president abraham lincoln, called for unity in a speech delivered at gettysburg. This pandemic is not a red state or a blue state issue. This virus doesnt care whether you live, or where you live, what Political Party you belong to. It infects us all. Reporter he also addressed the divide over policing in america. I believe in law and order. Ive never supported defunding the police, but i also believe injustice is real. Reporter and biden acknowledged the pain many black americans feel. I think about what it takes for a black person to love america. That is a deep love for this country that has for far too long never been recognized. Reporter unlike the previous president ial debate, this one is expected to touch on more topics. It will be divided into nine segments, and the Debate Commission says it will escort guests out who do not wear a mask, something that was not fully enforced last time. Gayle . Lessons learned from last time. Thank you very much, nicole. Many families that lost loved ones to covid19 say they are just frustrated that the president is still downplaying the threat after his hospital stay. Amanda kloots, for instance, wife of broadway star nick cordero, who died from the coronavirus, recorded an emotional response after the president s statement on monday night. Dont let it dominate you. Dont be afraid of it. Let it dominate your life . No ones letting it. Nick didnt let it. It wasnt a choice. Have some empathy to the people who are suffering and grieving. More than 3,100 americans have died of covid since mr. Trump revealed his positive test five days ago. Our lead National Correspondent David Begnaud spoke to others who say they, too, are hurt by the president s comments. I just felt really disrespected and unheard. Reporter this is karen goucher, a Long Distance runner. Her grandfather, calvin heyworth, died yesterday from complications from the coronavirus. When we spoke to her earlier in the day, she told us she could not believe what the president was saying about covid19. Im glad that he was treated and is being treated and beat covid, but for hundreds of thousands of people in this country, thats not the case, and the pain is very, very real. The tone from the top matters. Karen aguirre told us it was the president s behavior that upset her. She lost her cousin, 65yearold sandy melgar, and sandys 66yearold husband rene to the virus last month. They died three days apart. When i saw him get in the car with the secret Service Agents and drive around and wave to everybody. And i thought, the people in the car have families. The people who tend to him, they have families. And now theyre exposed to a virus theyre going to take home with them. Reporter as the president continues to downplay the virus, goucher is asking President Trump for more compassion. I really was thinking today, watching my grandfather struggle with every breath of his being, his life is worthy. He is a world war ii veteran. He deserves to die with dignity and with respect and with his family surrounding him. And if we had all worn our masks, and if we had all social distanced, we would be able to hug him and tell him what we feel and hold his hand, and its devastating to lose him. Reporter kara was especially close to her grandfather. He helped to raise her and her sisters after karas dad died, killed by a drunk driver when kara was just 4 years old. Both of the women you just heard from, both of them, went out of their way to say, we are glad the president is recovering and we want him to do well, but gayle, kara in particular, said, david, for those of us who are suffering, some empathy goes a long way. Boy, david. Thank you very much. Its so important to hear those voices, anthony. It reminds me of the pieces you do so beautifully about the lives that have been lost and a reminder that these are real people behind these numbers. Yeah. And that it affects the old, 9 young. Every income bracket, every race, creed, color, you know. Gayle, its just its almost what, 210,000 210,000. I thought amanda made a good point, where she said, we didnt let it dominate our lives. It happened to us. It destroyed our lives. Theres nothing we could do. Boy. Ahead, its one of those stories, you look at that story and all you can do is just go hmm. Hmm. Well look at the legacy of guitar god, thats what he was, Eddie Van Halen, and his lasting influence on rock n roll. Ahead only on cbs this morning, black former fbi agents tell us there is a concerning lack of diversity at the bureau. Youre watching cbs this morning. Everyone remembers the moment they heard. You have cancer. How their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. For some, this is where their keytruda story begins. Keytruda a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. One of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, nonsmall cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. This can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. 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A good education takes you many different horizons and that sticked to my mind. So, when 1 a day came out, i said, why not . Why not just utilize that resource. And walmart made that path open for me. Without the 1 a day program, i definitely dont think id be in school right now. Each week for me in school is just an accomplishment. I feel proud every step of the way. They do one of the most is jdeven in normal times. S, our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. This is a kpix5 news. Good morning. Its 7 26. These four bay area counties are not allowed to move in to the next reopening tier. Thats because they have high coronavirus cases and disadvantaged neighborhoods meaning they do not meet the required new equity measure. You will be able to catch a movie in theaters starting today. The city announced indoor theater also be allowed to reopen at limited capacity. Cal fire said it expects to have the glass fire contained in two weeks as of this morning, the blaze has consumed more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma. Things have changed at the bay bridge toll plaza. We have a back one the meters lights on. Its a slow ride from the foot of the maze. More cars on the ride. We have two separate trouble spots on the upper deck of the bay bridge. Brake lices as you work through there. Theres a trouble spot through Treasure Island and one near the incline locking lanes. Adding to a busy ride as you head toward the bay bridge toll plaza. Its a little busy as well. Extra volume. On the west end toward 101. Get ready for a school down. Its a foggy and cloudy start for many locations. As we go through the day partly sunny to mostly cloudy. Mid70s to low 80s. Upper others for the coast. Good air quality for most of us ut for oscar the grouch here to tell you, yeah, you, to wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. Welcome back to cbs this morning. The music world is mourning the loss of one of rock n rolls biggest and brightest stars, legendary guitarist Eddie Van Halen died yesterday after a 20year battle with cancer. He was just 65 years old. In a touching tribute, his son and current bandmate, Wolf Van Halen wrote, he was the best father i could ever ask for. Every moment ive shared with him on and off stage was a gift. This morning, Eddie Van Halen is being celebrated for changing the face of music. Reporter with his effortless smile, electric stage presence, and revolutionary riffs, Eddie Van Halens legacy as a guitar god is second to none. Born in amsterdam in 1955, van halen and his family moved to california when he was 7. He and his brother, alex, started as classical pianists at a young age before turning to rock n roll. Alex was playing my drums, and he got better than me, so i said, take my damn drums, ill play your guitar. Worked out for the best. Reporter their musical genius would chart the path for one of the greatest rock bands in history. Van halens selftitled first album garnered instant critical acclaim and commercial success with hit songs like runin with the devil reporter the group skyrocketed to national and international fame, playing to soldout arenas around the world. They finally reached the top of the charts with their first and only number one single. Jump reporter we spoke to the lead guitarist of the heartbreakers, mike campbell, about his admiration for the music legend. Its sad. We lost a good one. He was innovative with his technique, and i could never figure out how he did that stuff. Eddie van halens legacy on rock n roll and pop music i to. Reporter kory grow is a Senior Writer for rolling stone. His whole approach is fluid and easy and effortless. Everybody always tried to copy it. He was an innovator, he was ahead of the curve, and i think thats what people will remember. Eddie van halens former wife, actress valerie bertinelli, posted a picture of the two of them with their son and wrote, through all your challenging treatments for lung cancer, you kept your gorgeous spirit and that impish grin. I am so grateful wolfie and i were able to hold you in your last moments. Aw, and she had a lot of broken heart, broken heart, broken heart. It was beautiful. And shes right about the impish grin. Lenny kravitz was here the other day and said, heaven will be electric tonight. I like that. I like that he was part of the good fathers club for men. To have the respect of your son. And frankly, your exwife, who he actually went to her when she got remarried, he went to her wedding, so their relationship held up, despite their splitting. Ozzy osbourne wrote, his influence on music and especially the guitar has been immeasurable, and i think thats true. Can i ask you a dumb question, though . Were talking about the guitar playing, but theres also the hair. Yes. The hair stands out. Well, it was that time, tony. Whats the question . The question is, is that considered a hair band . It was id say at a certain moment in time, it absolutely was a hair band. It was a hair band, all right. Good to know. What do you mean . The big hair the hair band term. Oh, that was a term. Oh, okay. Absolutely. That was a dumb question. Im like, what . Whats the answer, anthony . All right. Ahead, an important look at diversity and Law Enforcement. There are 13,000 fbi special agents around the world, but only 4 are black. Up next, we hear from black former fbi agents about the urgent need for change and why its so important at this moment. Well be right back. To be honest. A little dust . It never bothered me. Until i found out what it actually was. Dust mite matter . Ewww. Dead skin cells . Gross so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. Dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high. To grab, trap and lock away gross dust. Nice for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. The heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies. No matter where they hide. No more heebie jeebies. Phhhhew. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. 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Discover how an allinone humana Medicare Advantage plan could save you money. Humana, a more human way to healthcare. Hi sabrina hi jen hi. So youre the scientist here. Does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day . Its true jen. Really . this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. Impressive aveeno® healthy. Its our nature. Proposition 16 takes some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Only on cbs this morning, a group of black former fbi agents are speaking out to us about a lack of diversity at the countrys premier Law Enforcement agency. The cbs news Investigative Unit spent several months speaking with dozens of current and former black fbi agents, and we heard stories of discrimination and anger, anger that has deepened in the months since protests for Racial Justice swept the country. In an exclusive interview, jeff pegues sat down with those. Reporter as we speak, the fbi is investigating possible civil rights investigations in the killings of george floyd and Breonna Taylor. Concern that communities of color arent getting a fair shake from the fbi, a group of former agents is coming forward, exposing what they believe is a culture of discrimination within the fbi itself. The people you have here today, weve given more than half of our professional life in the service of the fbi. Reporter mike mason retired from the fbi as an executive assistant director, the highest rank a black agent has ever achieved, after decades of special agents, Rhonda Glover reese i had a 34year career. It was awesome. But there needs to be change. Reporter Deborah Evans smith what weve done in the past really is not working. Reporter and aaron lashure left the fbi in the last two years, all on their own terms. I was in a class of 38, and i was the only africanamerican. And you have to realize, in my career, everywhere i went, i was the only one. Reporter they are all members of a group called the mirror project. And what they seek to change is a number at the bureau that has remained virtually the same for decades. Of the 13,000 fbi special agents around the world, only 4 are black. Do you think black agents are held to the same standard as white agents . No. No africanamerican in the bureau is held to the same standards. You have to be twice as good to get just as far as someone else. Reporter in addition to the members of the mirror project, cbs news spoke with more than two dozen current and former black agents, all of whom describe facing some sort of Racial Discrimination while working inside the fbi. Do we bump up against bias, racism . Absolutely. Ive experienced, you know, invisibility, where you talk about being a black female in the fbi. Sometimes youre not even seen. Reporter these former agents told us that managers inside the fbi who are mostly white tend to only promote individuals who look like themselves. You start to wonder, is it because im black . I mean, what do i need to do in order to position myself to be promoted, to go to that next level . Reporter today, of the agents running the fbis 56 field offices across the country, only 3 are black. A picture is worth a thousand words. Diversity amongst more than gender is also important. Reporter fbi recruiting videos give the appearance of a bureau made up of a Diverse Talent pool, but the agents we spoke with say that is not what the fbi is like at all. The fact of the matter is that the fbi is majority white male. Thats who youre going to majority grow up with, and so, youre going to be the beneficiary of that more than anybody else is. It is not solely the responsibility of a minority to bring minorities into the fbi. Its everyones issue. Reporter they believe it matters now more than ever, because the fbi is investigating potential civil Rights Violations in the Police Killings of george floyd in minneapolis. I cannot breathe. Reporter Breonna Taylor in louisville [ gunfire ] and the seven shots fired into the back of jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin. As the fbi, we are the lead agency to protect civil rights. Do you think that there are enough black agents working on those cases right now . No, i dont. The fbi should actually have minorities working those cases. A white male growing up in nebraska is not going to have the same Life Experience as a black female growing up in new york city. Do you think communities of color are getting a fair shake from the fbi . No. Reporter members of the mirror project sent this letter to director wray last month. In it, they called for the fbi toe held accountable for its hiring and promotions practices, through formal reporting to congress, the department of justice, and the office of inspector general. If the leaders, the senior executives, if they dont believe in it, then its not going to happen. Reporter the fbi declined our repeated request for an interview. Hoever, they did send us a statement, saying that diversity is a, quote, core value. An official also told us that director wray is planning to engage members of the mirror project. It is a rarity for former agents to speak out in this manner, and yet, tomorrow you will hear from two more, including a former top female agent. Both of them say they faced repeated obstacles rising through the ranks of the fbi, they say because of their race. Gayle. Boy, jeff, that was very, very powerful to hear what they have to say. I now hope that director wray will sit down and talk with you. Everybody that knows him says that hes a real reasonable guy. Because all of those agents made a very strong and powerful case about why changes need to happen at the fbi. I like the one woman who said its not just their issue, its everybodys issue. Reporter thats right, gayle. And we did, by the way, get some cooperation from agents and employees on the inside. However, because theyre concerned about their job security, obviously, they werent about to go on camera. All right. All right. More to come. Thank you very much, jeff. Ahead, Vladimir Duthiers ready to juvederm it . 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Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Time now for what to watch and we have a flirty introduction from a secret admirer by the name of beachfern. That is the screen name, all we had. No sugar for your coffee, no worries, vlad will soften your morning with what to watch. Man beachfern, okay. Doesnt want to identify her. We tried. We could not get a name. [ laughter ] i love that. Thank you very much, beachfern. Here are a few stories we think youll be talking about today. Facebook is removing pages, groups, and instagram accounts representing the phony Conspiracy Theory qanon. Facebook began targeting the far right movement in august but says its now taking stronger action, even in context where violence is not discussed. Qanon supporters believe america is run by child sex traffickers and President Trump is the only person who can stop them. There is no, no factual evidence to support that claim. Big news there from facebook. All right, moving on to this, groundbreaking journalist connie chung is where our place is. Its in the voting booth. We asked her why this election is different. The asian vote can actually tip the balance in key battleground states. For 35 years and one never crosses the line, but i decided if there was any time to cross the line and to not stay on the sidelines anymore, this is that moment. Chung also told us it was breathtaking to be the minority covering the watergate hearings 47 years ago. Look at this picture of her in 1972. Our weijia jiang also told me, as much progress as we think weve made this is weijia in november of 2019 the fact is, we have not. Wow to learn more about this discrimination in a new documentary, Asian Americans battling bias, it airs this friday night at 8 00 7 00 central on cbsn, our 24 7 streaming news service. All right, the story weve all been waiting for weve got a huge update to this story. This years fat bear has been named. 747 rolled over 12 chunky competitors at alaskas katnai national park. In the end, it came down to him ad another fearsome fatty called chunk. 747 has been runnerup in recent years but never finished on top of the heap. Hes been nicknamed, folks, the earl of avoir dupois. It means weight. They estimate he weighs, but they have to use a scanner to get the information. Large. Thousands of people voted, folks. This is a real thing. 100,000. He won in a landslide, like 40,00020,000. Thats right. Vlad, thanks. Coming up, nba legend and entrepreneur Magic Johnson. Stay with us. Well be right back. Pto diarrhe. Pepto® diarrhea is proven effective to treat symptoms, and it also targets the cause of diarrhea. The 3 times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. While the leading competitor does nothing to kill the bacteria, pepto® diarrhea gets to the source, killing the bad bacteria. So, try pepto® diarrhea, and remember to have it on hand every time you travel. Also try pepto®bismol liquicaps for onthego relief. Working within amazon transportation services, i really saw the challenge of climate change. We want to be sustainable, but when you have a truck covering over 300 miles, or you have flights going hundreds of miles, its a bit more challenging. We are letting the data guide us to the best solution. Its inspiring to try to solve a problem that no one else has solved. Thats super exciting. And then theres street smart. Its inspiring to try to solve a problem that like a hybrid with an available bestinclass, epaestimated range of 582 miles. And ford copilot360 technology. To help you outsmart some of the things youll encounter on the road. With an available bestinclass second row legroom. This is the completely reimagined, street smart, 2020 ford escape. Hey shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. Because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. But no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. So what can protect you . Shingrix protects. For the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90 effective. Shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. Shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about protecting yourself with shingrix. Shingles doesnt care. Shingrix protects. Shingles doesnt care. When you take a it all begins to unravel. Ann ravels no reformer, shes backed by big corporations whove poured hundreds of thousands into her campaign. And she opposes ballot measures to make the economy more fair for working people. Only dave cortese is endorsed by the California Democratic party. Hes helping us battle the pandemic with a sciencebased approach. And expanding Health Services and child care to those in need. For state senate, Democrat Dave cortese. Good morning. It is 7 56. Cal fire expects to have the glass fire contained in two weeks. As of this morning the fire is consumed more than 100 square miles in napa and sonoma, its 58 contained. Officials say that the state has not seen a link between increased coronavirus transmission and reopening of schools for in person learning. So far 28 counties have resumed some form of in person education. Santa clara county is celebrating a milestone. The number of registered voters has passed the one million mark for the first time ever. It reflects 83 of the more than 1. 2 million eligible voters in the county. We are looking at cooler temperatures for today. All because that have stronger ocean breeze. Lets check out the daytime highs. Its a foggy and cloudy start. Many locations. The 40s and 50s this morning. As we head through the day partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies. Mid70s to low 80s this afternoon inland, around the bay in the 60s. Low 60s in San Francisco, upper 60s in oakland and upper 50s with the cloudy conditions. Cool, especially along the coast. Now looking good for the air quality for most of the region with that stronger on shore flow. For the north bay, of course because of the glass fire we have a spare the area alert for the north ba its wednesday, also known as hump day, october 7, 2020. Welcome back. Covid crisis. The white house outbreak grows ahead of tonights Vice President ial debate. The clash over a safety measure on the stage. Beyond basketball. Magic johnson talks about social justice in the game today. Bon jovi is back. His bands new album for a year of pain and grief. Plus his thoughts on the death of Eddie Van Halen. First, here is todays eye opener at 8 00. The white house says theres confusion after the president said he would stop talks aimed at helping americans and then appeared to reverse course. His announcement that he was pulling out of the talks came as a surprise to both parties. The coronavirus outbreak at the white house continues to grow. The president s Senior Adviser is the latest to test positive. This is a white house in crisis with a lot of people wondering who is next. Its also a white house that is nearly empty because a lot of the president s staff is in quarantine or they are working from home. Vice president pence and senator harris are looking forward to tonight. There has been plenty of debate. Both are going back and forth over everything from the seating arrangements on stage to those plexiglas barriers. Barefoot, you cant see the ball, but you will hear the reaction. It went in oh, my goodness. John daly just made a hole in one, and i got it on video. Did people seem surprised or did they think, you go . I think theyre surprised. Its always a surprise. When you get a hole in one. He was bare fofoot. Thats not a conventional golf outfit. We will start with this, mixed messages coming from President Trump on the future of the coronavirus stimulus talks. Yesterday, he sent out a flury of tweets. Telling his team to stop talks until after the election. After a backlash from both parties, he partially reversed course, tweeting he is willing to sign deals and funding for Small Businesses and the airline industry. This came hours after Jerome Powell said more measures are necessary for a speedy economic recovery. The coronavirus outbreak inside the white house continues to grow. The president s Senior Adviser is just the latest person to test positive. He is the sixth person overall to get sick who took part debate preparation sessions before the first president ial debate. Safety concerns are hanging over tonights Vice President s debate. Nicole killian is at the site of the debate in salt lake city. There was lastminute drama over safety measures. What are they . Reporter exactly. Its been the debate before the debate. Vice president mike pence has consistently tested negative for the coronavirus since President Trumps diagnosis. That has not stopped extra safety precautions from being taken. You can see tall plexiglas shields have been set up to separate the candidates, providing a double barrier between them. The Biden Harris Campaign actually requested these shields. However, the Vice President s team did not want them. They felt it wasnt medically necessary since the candidates will be seated 12 feet apart and other precautions are being taken like covid testing. The diagnosis of trump aide Stephen Miller has impacted this debate. His wife is the Vice President s press secretary. She left salt lake after learning her husband tested positive. Former Vice President joe biden says the next debate should be called off if the president still has coronavirus. The Trump Campaign says the president intends to do it in person. That will be up to his doctors. We shall see. Thank you very much. For more on tonights Vice President ial debate, we are joined by these two gentlemen. The democrats would seem to have a slight edge according to the polls. What does senator harris have to do to move people to the polls and get this vote out . Thanks for having me. My commute was very short. Im here at home. This is a good show to do today. I think Kamala Harris has to shes got a lot of excitement for her Chuck Taylors shes been wearing and the boots. Tonight is an opportunity to put meat on the bone about her policy chops. We know, senator harris has done very well in debates during the primaries. One of the things that got in her way when she was trying to be Vice President was the way she took on joe biden. She can deliver a punch. We have to see, can she count r counterpunch . That has not been her best strength. We will see whether she can deliver, counterpunch and she will focus, i think, from talking to the campaign, they will focus more on President Trump than Vice President pence, who is a nice guy but is a debater. He described himself as rush limbaugh. How important is tonights debate for the republican ticket . Look, i mean, i spent 20 years as a Campaign Manager from everything from the state house to the white house preparing candidates in debate prep. Theres two real things you have to focus on as preparing a candidate, number one is be prepared for any question so you can answer it. Then turn around and pivot and go back and deliver your message. The message of donald trump and mike pence is that they are the best to lead the country economically out of this crisis. You saw the president last night was able to turn this back around and make it an economic issue. It seems like it was a crazy way do it. But he was able to do it. Thats their message. Thats what you will expect Vice President doing tonight. He will parlay her attacks. Shes a former prosecutor. She will be good. You saw what she did to joe biden during the debates and how she attacked him, implying he was a racist. He will have to turn back. We were looking at numbers showing that the trump pence ticket is trailing among seniors by double digits. In the 20s. This is a group the president won in 2016. A lot has to do with the virus response. Do you expect a different tone this evening . Expect the same tone you have from Vice President pence. But thats a different tone than the president. You will expect more of the same from him from as far as a tone. Thats always been a different tone than the president s tone. It will change. He will be consistent. I know you have coached candidates in the past when debating a woman. I didnt know that was a thing. Whats the difference on how debate prep is handled when you are working with a female candidate . A question for you both. I think everybody has a couple of different things. Obama was worried about being an angry black man when he was doing debates. Kamala harris has to be worried about being a black woman in a similar context. For mike pence, hes to be worried about whether he seems to aggressive. He can obviously go at her record, talk about her. Shes no slouch when it comes to aggression, Kamala Harris. Absolutely. You always have to calibrate how people are getting this at home. You gotta pay a little attention to that. Then we have donald trump who threw all the rules out the window. He stalked Hillary Clinton four years ago. Nobody can do what donald trump can do. He is a candidate of his own. The question for Kamala Harris is going to be, can she go after donl Donald Trumps record . I think he is fair game tonight. Knowing that mike pence is going to be a fierce sometimes monotone but fierce defender. We are all home right now because they havent figured out how to solve this problem. Terry, you want to wrap it up . I think that were not all at home because they havent figured out how to solve this problem. Those are the over the top we have a national crisis. We are trying to get through this. Theres plenty of blame to go around. Its with the coronavirus, not a politician. Terry, jamal, good to see you. Terry, i will talk about the beard later. No judgment. Im trying to figure out, should it looks good. I love it. Wish i could grow one. Thank you. Bye. I grow hair where i can. Ahead, two men who biked all the way across the country to show americans how to live we have much more news ahead, including gayles we have much more news ahead and an interview with Magic Johnson. H how an encounter when he was a teenager inspired his second career. This week on the upper hands. Special guest flo challenges the hand models to show off the ease of comparing rates with progressives home quote explorer. International hand model jonjon gets personal. Your wayward pinky is grotesque. Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. Its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. 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Tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant or nursing. Every day matters. And i want more of them. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. Just to see my parents. Saving money on gas from walmart would allow us to see them more often. I love that. The Los Angeles Lakers are a game away from their 17th nba championship. They are so close, after beating the miami heat last night. Magic johnson won five championships during his legendary career with the lakers. After retiring, he created a business empire. Hes doing very well. Hes the chairman and ceo of Magic Johnson enterprises. Its known for a wide range of businesses, from movie theaters to a recent partnership with hemp and cbd company uncle buds. I just like saying uncle buds. Johnson is also the subject of an upcoming docuseries about his life and career, and just yesterday, it was announced that the director, rick famuyiwa, known for films like brown sugar and the wood will helm this entitled project. We spoke with Magic Johnson yesterday about the nba finals, his successful business career, and working with famuyiwa for the docuseries. This man has a smile that lights up a television screen. Its no surprise to anybody that theres now going to be a documentary about your life. How did that come about . What happened is after the success of Michael Jordans documentary, then everybody started calling me up and say, listen, youve got a story, too so, do you plan to be very hands on, or are you going to turn it over to rick . Rick, who ive known for a long time, excellent director. I wanted to make sure that i had an africanamerican who understood me. He grew up watching the lakers. So, he had a sense of me already. I had a sense of him already. I remember Sports Illustrated cover. You were 31 years old at the time. And you said then, im a big dreamer. For some reason, id like to own an office building. When i was young, about 14, 15 years old, i ran into two africanamerican men who lived in lansing, michigan, where im from, greg eaton and joe ferguson. And they showed me that we as minorities could own buildings. So, my dreams actually changed because of those two guys. And so, i also wanted to become a businessman after my career was done with the lakers. You know what, earvin, you were thinking about brands before people even thought about what a brand was. So, as we sit here today in 2020, what does a Magic Johnson brand mean to you . Well, first of all, i think it represents all people. It represents giving back, because i love to effect change, especially in urban america, in the inner cities. How do i make the world better . And i think thats what i would say my brand stands for. Do you have anything that youre excited about right now . Theres a few businesses that are really exciting. I mean, i got into uncle buds, and it excites me because of the fact that it has, you know, cbd. It really helps me in terms of my pain relief. As ive gotten older, its harder for me to recover from working out. Because we should say, youre not a doctor, but youre saying this works for you. I think it works for me, and everybodys got to find what works for them, right . And so, if you want to look it up, look it up and do your homework, do your research. Hey, earvin, does it work on bad knees . Oh, yeah. Ive got some bad knees. Yes, ive got some, too, thats why i use it. [ laughter ] hey, after all those years on the basketball court, ill take any help i can get. We must talk about basketball for a second. James drives hard, bank shot, good. Count it what do you think is going to happen . It seems to me that its almost preordained for the lakers, considering all that has happened this year to the laker family. All season long has been dedicated to winning the championship, especially once kobe passed away. Lebrons been focused. It is hard for me, because i love pat riley. And if miami was playing another team, i would be cheering for the miami heat and pat riley. He is a very, very close friend of mine. But you know, circumstances gayle, when youre playing against my lakers, i cant cheer against my lakers. Miamis no joke, though, earvin. Miamis no joke. Yeah, miamis good, but i think the lakers are a better team. And usually, the better team wins, and i think the lakers will win. Lebron is on a mission because he wants his fourth ring. So, theres a matchup between lebron james and Michael Jordan. Whos winning . Whos a better player, in your opinion . If youre looking for a scorer m. J. , oh oh, he did it its going to be Michael Jordan, right . Theres nobody that can compete with michael scoring the basketball ever. But if youre talking about allaround game, then youre talking about lebron james. Now, weve got to say, Michael Jordan won six championships. Lebron is on his way to winning his fourth, so hes just got to catch him in the championships. If he does that, then, whoo, watch out, then he can replace the king, the g. O. A. T. But the g. O. A. T. Right now is still Michael Jordan. The players took on an activist role, social justice. They spoke up after the shooting of jacob blake. They announced a boycott. What did you think when you saw that they had taken that action and decided to boycott . Gayle, i was proud of not just the nba players, but also the nfl players, the wnba players. To see them rally behind george floyd and Breonna Taylor, on and on and on, has been good because black lives do matter. Yeah, you know, when you were a player, the story was rodney king. And unfortunately, theres a story in the news today Jonathan Price in texas. Yes. I just wonder, how many more times do we have to hear this story . Gayle, you and i have been around long enough to understand that, you know, change has to come. Its happening far too many times. We just want to make sure that all people can have equal rights, all people can be safe when they leave their home. And i just hope that we can end this one day. We all wish that. Magic johnson. I mean, he said, even he still gets nervous when he sees a police car. And we all know who he is. But hes got such a magnetic smile. Hes such a great human being. Yes. On so many different levels. One of the things i said to him yesterday, one of the things i admire you about you is how much you love your wife, cookie. Theyve been married for several years. And his devotion to her hes loud and proud and says shes a big part of the success that he is today. So, as for the game, they can wrap it up on friday, or they could wrap it up in game seven. But he says its going to be wrapped up with a lakers victory. I love seeing his love of the lakers, you know . Yes, yes, yes. How deep and enduring it is. Special year for the lakers, too. And if lebron catches jordan in championship, greatest of all time. All right, coming up, bon jovi stay with us. Thats the song limitless from rock band bon jovis new album. Ahead, lead singer jon bon jovi will be joining us to talk about what inspired him to write new. Good morning. Its 8 25. The son of a woman who was attacked in San Francisco is speaking out. We want to warn you that these images are hard to look at. He said a man knocked his 71 yearold mother unconscious in an unprovoked attack. Police have arrested a suspect. A Public Safety emergency due to record high crime rates. The citys poa said that wont do anything to address the real problem and will many take money from the streets. These nurses in alameda are on strike this morning. They are siting labor practices and safety concerns at three hospitals in the middle of the pandemic. Alameda Health Services said the strike is unnecessary and harmful to patients in need. Metering light on at the toll plaza and traffic slow in to the city. We have brake lights across the upper deck. We had an earlier crash near Treasure Island. The damage is done with a slow ride off 80 and 580 westbound as well as 880 northbound. Southbound 880, slow and go conditions here out of heyward as you work into union city and its sluggish getting across the san mateo bridge. Slow on the peninsula side. We are looking at a cooler day today with that stronger ocean breeze kicking in. Today the start of a cooling trend. Good air quality for most of area but for the north bay because of the glass fire with that spare the area alert. Check out the daytime highs. Mid70s to low 80s inland. 60s around the bay and upper 50s for the coast. Looking at co say yes. To the best bargains ever at ross yes oh, yeah yep. Yesss savings on savings on savings . Thats yes for less. At ross. In the tubbs fire. The flames, the ash, it was terrifying. Thousands of family homes are destroyed in wildfires. Families are forced to move and higher property taxes are a huge problem. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims so families can move without a tax penalty. Nineteen will help rebuild lives. Vote yes on 19. To wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. Proposition 16 takes some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Oh, yeah theres always somethiat ross. N store yep. Oh yeah say yes to those looks, the best brands. And check you out bargains savings from top to bottom thats yes for less. At ross. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Its tha time to bring you some of the stories we call talk of the table this morning. And tonys in the pole position. Ive got a little talk about halloween. Its coming up. There will be new ways to celebrate, for sure, but one thing will definitely remain the same candy, lots of candy. And parents may be wondering, you know, when the kids have so much candy and you take some away, are you unusual in that . Turns out, youre not. A new poll finds that nearly 80 of parents take candy from their children after the kids go trick or treating. So, kids beware as well. Mom and dad are definitely raiding your bag when you go to sleep, so hide that thing, okay, if youre listening. Got to get my candy corn. I love candy corn, too. The poll is done from the National Confectioners association. Heres another fact here. 31 of parents admit that when they take candy from their kids, theyre actually stashing it for thmselves. I believe that. Of course they are of course they are. I believe that. And frankly, your kids come home with so much candy. I know. Its almost insane. Were doing them a favor, right . Thats it. Taking the candy. Thats actually it. Parental intervention. The way i look at it. Its a good thing. All right, i have an update from our Dinosaur Department on a trex skeleton that went up for auction last night and nearly quadrupled estimates during the sale. Wow. At christies, it went for 31. 8 million, including fees. A new world record for any dinosaur skeleton or a fossil ever sold at auction. The dinosaur nicknamed stan yes, stan, the man is one of the worlds most complete trex skeletons. A buyer has not been identified, but stan is 13 feet high, 40 feet long. They estimate he weighed 8 tons when he was alive, and he was sold at the impressionist and modern painting sale, which seems kind of weird, but he is kind of a work of art in his own way. I want to know where stans going. I do, too. We dont know, but you can still see stan for two weeks in the window of christies at rockefeller center. My story is about Russell Westbrook of the houston rockets. He left a massive tip for housekeeping in the nba bubble at disney worlds grand floridian resort. He left a 8,000 tip, along with a virtually Spotless Hotel room, cording to dan townsend of the dallas morning news. He confirmed he left a tip but wouldnt say how much, which says something about him. Somebody else revealed it. He also left a thank you note for the housekeeping staff, saying they took good care of us, it was the right thing to do and i like to do the right thing. So, bravo to you. I dont know whats a bigger deal, the 8,000 tip or leaving the virtually Spotless Hotel room, because theres not a lot of guys that do that. Im going to go with the tip. He has a higher daily atm limit than i do, 8,000 in cash. Great that he noticed and did something. Really good. I love it. Grammy awardwinning band bon jovi recently released their highly anticipated new album. You do what you can, this aint my thats do what you can from the bands 15th studio album called 2020. Rock icon, philanthropist, and lead singer jon bon jovi was inspired by the pandemic and the black lives Matter Movement to write the bands most topical record so far. In the new song american reckoning, bon jovi takes on Racial Injustice after the death of george floyd. Americas on fire, theres protests in the street her conscience has been looted and her soul is under siege another mothers crying as history repeats i cant breathe such a powerful song. Yes. Jon bon jovi joins us now. Jon, good morning. Thanks for being with us. I want to get to the album in one second, but i know you toured with Eddie Van Halen and van halen back in 1995. And i just want to get your thoughts this morning on the loss of Eddie Van Halen. Well, every teenager of my era couldnt look at an electric guitar and not wish that they could play like Eddie Van Halen. He was an innovator of our generation. Hell be remembered forever and sorely missed. The two songs that we just played, jon, you originally werent planning to put on 2020, the album. You were pretty much done. But things changed. What made you sit down and write those songs . Well, we went to nashville to create this album in march of 2019. And what i thought was the record was really, in essence, the first batch of songs. I had come up with the title 2020. It had a dual meaning, initially, which was clarity and vision. I knew where i was going musically. But also, the cuteness and the wryness of an Election Year and probably will sell a lot of tshirts. But as events started to unfold, i continued that writing process and then pulled the album in light of what had happened with the shutdown and the covid crisis. So, if i was going to have claimed to have written a topical record, i had to address covid, and then, ultimately, the black lives Matter Movement and the death of george floyd, so i wrote american reckoning. And then 2020 took on a whole different meaning as an album title, where i was just bearing witness to history. You wrote american reckoning, which is such a powerful song, after some feedback from your wife, when she first heard the song. What did she say to you . Well, you know, it was an exercise that ive done many times over the years. Ill write a song. Ill think its presentable. And the first person i play it for would typically be my wife. And arthea walked in and said, the verse is great, but she says the chorus could use some work. So, i went back to the room, shut the door and came back with the call to action, which is to shine a light and use your voice, and then you will remember me in our american reckoning. And the process went on, because i had to play it for friends of mine who would be able to opine as writers and as members of the community, all the way through the recording process when i went in the studio and it was our drummer, teco torres, who said to me, i still think you can come up with a better title. As i was scanning the lyric, american reckoning was a line in the third verse, and i utilized that as the title. And of course, that is what the songs about, our american reckoning. And i thought, that makes it perfect. That makes it right. Thank you to the lovely dorothea, jon, your own personal builtin truthteller. I love the words, though. Very powerful to me. One lyric says when did a judge and a jury become a badge and a knee on these streets . Are you worried about criticism that you may receive or alienating some of your fans . Normally, people of your stature, when they speak out, people, you get hammered, and sometimes then youre judged. Are you worried about that . Well, id be lying if i said i wasnt, but i can only say this, gayle. I bear witness to history throughout the course of this record. When all of us watched that news segment, how could you not be moved . Wheres the humanity if youre not moved by what you saw with the death of george floyd, when he called out for his mom . Yeah. Now, with that said, believe me, i love the police. I have done so much for police and firefighters and emt workers over the years. But in this instance and in others that we see daily, the most recent one with Jonathan Price, it happens. And i had to write the truth. Yeah. You also speak the truth. I love the album story of love and lower the flag, two of my favorites. You also reportedly got together with bruce springsteen. Two new jersey boys getting together. His album comes out october 23rd. Boy, would i love to be a fly on the wall for that session, where you played each others music. Howd that go . Oh, its always great. Ive been blessed to have known him for my entire adult life. So, he came over and heard this record. And i was at his home and heard his record weeks ago. And so, you know, its incredible for me as a fan to have had that opportunity throughout my adult life. And its touching that, you know, were close enough to sit there and listen to each others songs and talk about them. Jon, you dealt with covid in a couple of different ways, both within your family and within your band. How serious were those cases . And hows everybody doing . Everybodys fine now, thank you very much. And for those who still dont believe that the covid crisis was real, we can tell you here in new york city, this was the epicenter. And having known more than one person who is no longer with us as a result, this was very real. Then two members of my band contracted it and were sick for four, five, six weeks. One of my sons contracted a very, very mild case. He was sick for three or four days. So, its all around us, and you had to take it seriously. But when i wrote do what you can, we were at one of our jbj soul kitchens, where gayle is very familiar. And i was washing dishes one day early on in the pandemic. And dorothea snapped a picture of me so that we could tell the inneed public that wed be there. In fact, we were we decided to deem ourselves essential, because we remained open so that the inneed population could come and eat, and we were there. Can i recommend so, i wrote the song. Thats good, thats good, but i really want people to know about this. Youve got to get the latest issue of people magazine. Have you seen that couple on the cover . And then when you see the interior picture. I love, jon, i love so much the interior picture of you and your four children and the shots of you and dorothea, younger, because i think what a testament it is to the two of you and your children get to see their mom and dad who were dating in high school, who are still together today. I opened it and saw that picture and im not kit kiding it made my heart do little pitypats. So, im curious, you guys are all quarantining together. Hows that going for you all . You said youre spending more time together than you did in a long time. And the older kids, too. Well, everybody was together for the first month, and then the big kids made a break for it and they said, well take our chances. Weve got to golf. A lot of families got a little too close. Jon bon jovi, thank you so much for being with us this morning. Congrats bon jovis new album 2020, garage door opening it is my fathers love. It is his passion it is his fault he didnt lock the garage. Dont even think about it been there, done that. With liftmaster® powered by myq®, know whats happening in your garage from anywhere. Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, they do one of the most deven in normal times. S, our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. You can take a day off fromy worrying about your packages. Ohhh yeahhh just connect your myq® app to key. Ohhh yeahhh get free ingarage delivery with myq® and key by amazon. Two tennessee men are trying to bring our country together with a bike ride from coast to coast. Andre block sr. And Jonathan Williams do not agree on politics, and they come from very different backgrounds, but they set out on this unity ride to prove everyone can find something to agree on, no matter how many differences they may have. Vladimir duthiers spoke to them after they finished their journey this past week. Vlad, good morning again. Good to see you again so, from portland, maine, to portland, oregon, and everywhere in between, these two men, a Small Business owner and a film student, have cycled nearly 3,000 miles across the United States in 6 1 2 weeks to bring attention to one important idea. The unity ride kind of came out of that concept of, you know, two people, different backgrounds, different skin color, different political leanings, just set a common goal, a lot can be accomplished. Reporter so, jonathan, what do you talk about when youre on these long rides together . A little bit of everything. We do get into some very serious, heated conversations about a lot of things. We talk about america. We talk about it all. We talk about immigration. We talk about politics in general. Right, yeah. We talk about black lives matter. There are times when its like, dude, i adamantly disagree with you, but theres a lot of times when we adamantly agree with one another. Reporter the two knoxville, tennessee, men became fast friends after meeting at a new Years Eve Party in 2015. Theyve since embarked on a crosscountry journey together, not once, not twice, but three times. In d. C. , i think we talk about current issues. The ride reporter but 2020s ride carries even greater meaning for the duo. Have you found through your discussions that youve been able in some way to change each others minds about one particular thing . As a white american, i dont necessarily understand some of the issues that black america has with police today. First trip we did together in 2017, andre was a little bit ahead of me on the bike, and i came up behind him, and there was a Police Cruiser right around the corner that had basically was stalking andre. And i didnt notice it. I didnt see it. And im scared. But thats the first one that really made me realize that, hey, this is a true, legitimate reaction and a feeling that happens. Its one of the most profound moments of our relationship, to see him have that understanding. Reporter poignant moments all along the way. Andre and jonathan both carve out time for the unity ride, supported by a couple of friends driving an rv, all hoping to inspire others to share some common ground. Every time we get back together and get on the bikes, it is for the unity of our country. And it feels so good to be able to get this message out. Andre and jonathan have experienced a positive response and sparked curiosity in the people theyve met along the way. The two hope to keep the unity ride going with another trip next year. What was really profound about that yall remember that song walk a mile in my shoes . Yes. Thats what happened during that moment. In real time. And i love such a moving story. Its too bad he got to see it, but in a way, im glad he got to see it. That was the whole point gives you a better understanding. And that began with a chance meeting the a new Years Eve Party. Exactly. Exactly. Nicely done, mr. Duthiers. Thank you very much. Before we go, how an uninvited guest crashed a girls photo shoot at their tea party. Oh, i love st. Bernards well be right back. Im voting yes on prop 19. Nineteen limits taxes on seniors. It limits property tax on people like me. Nineteen limits taxes on wildfire victims. It says so right here. If 19 passes, seniors can move closer to family or medical care. I looked at moving but i cant afford the taxes. Will you help californias most vulnerable . Vote yes on prop 19. Before we go, an adorable, and i do mean adorable st. Bernard, could not resist crashing a girls tea party. Two young sisters were having a photo shoot in omaha, nebraska, this was, in a park last week. This dog wandered over from his own photo shoot. The girls oh, i love this picture the girls photographer snapped a few pictures, but then the dog ran off before she cold get the owners contact information. So, she posted the images to facebook, hoping to find the owners and share the photos. Well, you know, it didnt take long to track them down, which made for a very happy ending. Now i want to know, is that a boy or a girl . Whats the dogs name . Ive had st. Bernards, a sebastian and samantha, and they are the best, best, best dogs. That dogs showing up in a lot of pictures. Yeah. Very well trained. I dont see him eating the biscuits on the table. Knows what to do. Beautiful dog. Beautiful dog. That will do it for us. Well see you tomorrow on cbs this morning right here at the table. Byebye. Take it easy. In the bay area, we believe in science. Traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. Thats why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. Which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. To keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. So, i go to floor decor where i find every imaginable tile, wood, laminate or stone without compromising my design. Cause one aisle doesnt cut it. I need an entire store. Explore floor decor in person or online. When you take a it all begins to unravel. Ann ravels no reformer, shes backed by big corporations whove poured hundreds of thousands into her campaign. And she opposes ballot measures to make the economy more fair for working people. Only dave cortese is endorsed by the California Democratic party. Hes helping us battle the pandemic with a sciencebased approach. And expanding Health Services and child care to those in need. For state senate, Democrat Dave cortese. This is a kpix5 news morning update. After an eight month long investigation five suspects are behind bars in whats believed to be the largest stolen property bust of its kind ever in the bay area. Eight Million Dollars worth of items was recovered. Officials say the state has not seen a link between increased coronavirus transmission and reopening the schools for in person learning. So far 28 counties have resumed some form of in person education. Another uc berkeley professor was awarded the noble prize this morning. This time in chemistry. She received it for developing a method of genome editing. The Traffic Center and its still slow. South 880 as you work along the freeway out of heyward into union city. No crashes but lots of brake lights into area. If you are getting onto the san mateo bridge you will have a few slow and go spots but its let up nicely. We are seeing a better ride. Not a lot of brake lights toward the peninsula coming out of that heyward area. At the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are still on. Are you slow from before that 880 overpass, a sluggish conditions off the upper deck in to the city and most of the main free ways in the green. Are you ready for a cooldown . We have it today through the rest of the week. Partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies for today with that stronger on shore flow. Daytime highs in the mid70s to low 80s inland around the bay in the 60s and the upper 50s. Looking good for that air quality for most of the bay area but for the north bay due to the glass fire. Check out that the cooler temperatures t proposition 16 takes on discrimination. Some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Wayne can i get a witness . I am feeling real good wayne lets take a ride on the cash train. Jonathan its a new audi wayne hows that . Cat, that was pretty funky. Tiffany for sure. Jonathan zonkaroo move on up wayne lets do it. You did it make it rain with cash oh, my god jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. Thank you so much for tuning in. This is waynes favorite folks week. Now we had all my favorite folks on the show. And todays no different, we have cbs soap stars. If you know me, im a big soap fan. I got a chance to play in the soap, in the sand box, soap box over with my friends over at bold and the beautiful. My daughter was on the show, my mama likes the show

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