Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20240712

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Country does not love us back. In the wake of george ford stuff the league has gone into overdrive to try and raise awareness for change. Black lives matter, painting on the courts, personal messages on their backs, clearly in their opinion that wasnt enough. Things like that happening makes me frustrated and makes me question my decision and if this was the right decision or are we really making a change western mark i was watching tnt tonight, coverage of the nba of the show with charles barkley. And kenny smith at one point took off his microphone and boycotted the tv Show Services across all spectrums and as i say, unprecedented and guys, we go back to you. Giants are dodgers tonight will keep you abreast of those developments. You have got to think about how it has all changed since Colin Kaepernick took a knee. We should have listened to Colin Kaepernick when he took any and voiced concern for the exact same thing were talking about today. A couple of years when calling to me against the chargers. All right to dennis, thank you. Several nba players reacting to the bucs playoff game strike, warriors players both support the move saying it is bigger than basketball. Saying we demand change, we demand justice. Former warriors player says the power of a unified voice can never be denied. And out to the latest from wisconsin, two peoplet over the shooting and now a 17yearold is under arrest. Cell phone video shows a person with a semi automatic rifle being chased by demonstrators. The video shows the gunmen fell to the ground and started shooting, got up, later walked with his hands up toward police vehicles. The shooting happened during the third night of unrest, Police Used Tear Gas and rubber bullets on the crowd. The sheriff said that people who he called a militia were patrolling the city streets like a vigilante group. President trump said he is sending in federal officers and the governor has deployed 500 additional members of the National Guard. This is what it took, and this is what we are highlighting, we lost these lives mr. Plank is recovering. I wish him the best. The whole situation is tragic. The curfew started minutes ago, one hour earlier than previous nights. On the fire watch, crews are scrambling to take advantage of cooler weather to up containment on the bay area lighting fires. Take a look at the numbers, the complex has the highest containment at 33 . Kpix 5s kiet do in the Santa Cruz Mountains and evacuees are anxious to get back home. Skies are smoky and streets are empty. Cal fire says they get it, once the fire starts to settle down people get antsy and they want to go home but a mile up from the road there is a controlled burn going on and this thing is far from over. Week two of the fire and we are entering a new phase, switching from defense to offense. Cal fire is bringing the fight to the flames. With wind and temperatures down and humidity up crew sent back fires that increased the buffer zone. The control line and the main fire without being too aggressive and too hot of a burning fire. Hotspots are getting harder and harder to find. The fire is growing albeit slowly. The same can be said for the anxiety and frustration of the tens of thousands of evacuees. Are you ready to go home . Of course. Ron mcintyre has been at the Evacuation Center for the past week sleeping in one of the dozens of red cross tenants inside the building. This morning a searchable map was really showing addresses of homes destroyed. Rons house was not one of them. There part of you that wants to sneak back in i am not going to do it, it is all blocked off, you cannot get back in there. We can, so we double checked and rons house is still there. Seen that the flames are miles away from your home. It makes me relieved that i am not going to lose everything. This was the scene burned down power poles, distribution lines dangling from tree branches. Theyre already looking at areas to restore power and lift evacuations, but no timeline was given. Its process we are going to work for it. Also evacuated as much as he wants to go back he gets it. We go in for work and their cops everywhere. I dont know what i would do once i got in there. How much progress have they made in clearing the roads in the evacuation zone . We have driven the roads that we did a couple of days ago, there were downed power lines, trees fallen over they have cleared much of the large debris out they still have a lot of work to do, passable, but not looking great. Those roads on a normal day are pretty narrow and can be tricky to get around. Thank you. As of this afternoon, the Damage Assessment map counted 527 structures destroyed or damaged in santa cruz county. That number far outweighs 11 structures burned in san mateo county. You can check out the map on our website, kpix. Com. I am ken bastida, extra fire support is here in wine country in a much different uniform. The National Guard arrived at the Sonoma County fairgrounds, about 250 soldiers have completed a weeklong crash course in firefighting and they will be working alongside cal fire crews to contain the walbridge fire. Theyre going to go in behind some of the fire lines and they are going to reinforce those to make sure that the fires are not going to jump those lines. The complex is now 33 come percent contained. Evacuated areas are paving the way for residents to finally return home. What is going on behind the scenes with utility companies, public works crews, and others in evacuation zones affecting repairs to make areas safe for you to get back home . There is still a lot of work to be done and that the multistate effort. More than 2000 people are working around the clock. And, we are getting a look at the aftermath of these fires. Neighborhoods are ravaged, homes one standing are piles of ash. A card torch, several homes on the other side of the street are Still Standing ironically. In total, the complex destroyed 978 homes. Another day of poor air quality across the bay area, the marine layer did help San Francisco but all of the smoke certainly is sticking around. Gradual improvement as we head through the next several days, but a continuation where the air quality is better but not great. We have numerous good air quality reports, this was not the case over the past few days. There are still spots where it is unhealthy. But in the vicinity of them. And in the neighborhood of the lnu complex complex we are seeing some of those red and purple dots indicating unhealthy air quality levels. Again, it is a day where it is going to be unhealthy for sensitive groups, severe asthma, emphysema and unhealthy for solano county, we are going to see the gradual improvement into the weekend. Fire crews are working to get containment on these fires and we will take a look at tomorrows humidity and wind speeds. All right, improving trends, certainly good news. Still ahead and streaming, hurricane laura is now an extremely dangerous category four as a closes and on the louisiana texas coast. We have a live report on the scramble to evacuate during a pandemic. New coronavirus guidelines, why one local Health Official says she was blown away. Concerns for redwoods. How wildfires give a crew want restaurants to open . And schools . Want the economy to get back on track . Youre not alone. And you can help make it happen. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask every time you leave your home. Choose to join the fight against covid19. Do your part. Slow the spread. Confusion on cdc guidelines on testing. People without symptoms should not get tested even if they have been in close contact with an infected person. Its that people with exposure to covid19 should be tested even if they are asymptomatic. We have the local Health Officials baffled and they are not the only ones. Reporter across california local public Health Officials have called the new cdc recommendations anything from bazaar to appalling. A steady stream of people walking up to the testing site are anxious to know whether they have been exposed to covid 19. But, in a dramatic change, new guidelines from the cdc are raising questions about who should be tested. The federal government is no longer recommending testing for people who show no symptoms but were within six feet of a positive case. Local health defectors directors were blown away. When i heard about the change i didnt believe it because it seemed entirely bizarre. It undercuts are very basic tenants of how we control and infectious disease. Governor gavin newsom says federal testing policy will not change how things are done in the golden state. We will not be influenced by the change, we are influenced by experts in the field that feel differently with some respect to the cdc, that is not the policy guideline that we will embrace or adopt the state of california. Clinical professor calls the new guidance appalling. It is the wrong direction, testing is our eyes on the pandemic. Its about being able to see what the virus is doing to the human population and we dont know what to do to control it. The doctor says to get rid of zoom schooling because more swapping is needed. Is how we will get children back in the classroom through testing, through knowing your status, absolutely foundational. The change in the guidelines came down in an unusual way, several news outlets reporting it may be the result of lyrical pressure . Thats right, it was not a decision that the cdc made in a vacuum. Multiple reports including confirmation that this came from the department of health and Human Services and even above that this all happened while dr. Anthony fauci was in surgery under general anesthesia. All right, andria borba in San Francisco. Hurricane laura is gaining strength as it swirls closer and closer to louisiana, the louisiana texas border. Forecasters predict it could be the most powerful storm to make landfall in louisiana since the civil war. Take a look at this foreboding image, the satellite view shows the hurricane bursting with lightning in the gulf coast. Reporter camilla is live in texas, good evening. How are folks in this region getting ready for this . Reporter good evening, people who are getting ready are up against the clock. We are hours away from the severe weather, right now is what you would call the calm before the storm but the reality is that so many people that was a warning from authorities that some areas could experience wind speeds the picture you just showed, the perfect picture is scaling right now tracking at 150 miles per hour, only seven miles away from a category five hurricane. It is massive, what authorities are calling a master and it is saying on survivable because of the storm surge, it could be up to 20 feet of storm surge and the water, the rain, and the wind of course. That wind can knock down power lines rip off roofs and of course that also means that people may be without power for weeks at a time thats why people are being told to evacuate, leave the area as soon as possible. Really at this point to make a decision. People need to stay put at this point so they are not driving or out in general as the storm approaches. Its very complicated. The governor went on to say that the storm surge could be on survivable as well soar folks heeding the warning . What can they do . Heres the thing, not only is it on survivable but they are saying theyre not going to come and rescue. There is a blackout. Between about 7 00 p. M. Tonight local time and 9 00 a. M. Local time where they will not come to rescue you even if you call 911 so that is why it is so important to evacuate out of the area. It is why they are saying from now on there on their own. Anyone staying behind is going to be riding out the storm on their own, after that they will start preparing for search and rescue operations because that is what they expect from a storm this massive. It has not hit this area specifically the border between texas and louisiana ever, this area is used to a lot of the storms like harvey, ike, rita, but this is different. This comes with force and is expected to move inland fairly quickly in the next couple of hours. On top of all of this, there is a pandemic which is complicating the issues. All right, thank you so much. This thing is massive, you have covered hurricanes before, the storm surge, is that the biggest concern here . Its the immediate concern. Windsor going to do damage around the vicinity, strongest winds in the wall which is the area surrounding the calm at the center of the storm. This is an impressive looking satellite perspective. The more symmetrical a hurricane looks the stronger it is, the more it has its act together, 150 mileperhour sustained winds. It is moving, Hurricane Harvey stalled out over texas and backed up a little bit, this is going to continue progressing but it will be a rough ride. The radar you can clearly see the ice surrounding very heavy rainfall and intense wind. In the orange shaded area, 150 mileperhour sustained winds and gusts will be to 175 180 miles per hour. Taking it directly toward lake charles louisiana putting them on the side where you dont want to be maintaining strength around 11 00 our time tonight. It does move inland quickly and as it interact with land, slowing down the wind speeds. Then it becomes posttropical for the next couple of days. In terms of the storm surge. Lets zoom in for a closer look. All of these areas will get at least 12 feet so over the height of a onestory house is the wall of water moving inland, some places 20 feet. This is an entire stretch of land for the elevation is about 5 to 10 feet above sea level. 30 or 40 miles inland, for us we still have to contend with smoke keeping an eye on hurricane laura fogg will be the issue tonight which helps us out in terms of pushing humidity further inland still areas of smoke and haze. Clouds than the hazy sunshine breaks through and filters through. Gradually gets a little thinner it continues through the end of the workweek. Continue to provide some support to the fire crews, the further inland to come the lower gets. 25 to 35 percent is acceptable. Not that low, still some moisture in the atmosphere. The onshore breeze is not going to be a strong tomorrow meaning the fog will backup to a greater extent than it did today, still fogged in around the bay but the onshore breeze is a consistent direction that delivers a bit of additional moisture to the vicinity of the fires. This layer is locked in place right now. Temperatures at 57 degrees, only 62 in oakland only in the 70s, a few spots did manage to crack 80 degrees, tomorrow is the fog retreats we should see temperatures warming up a little bit more. Tomorrow morning in the mid to upper 50s in most locations warming up to close to what is normal for this time of year into the 60s in the city, 70s on the east side of the bay upper 80s to around 90 degrees for the inland east bay, temperatures on friday warm up a little bit more, then we hover around what is normal for the weekend and a bit of a warm up around the bay by tuesday and wednesday as the winds shift to an offshore direction. Coming up, mike pence makes his case for another four years as one of the president s most vocal defenders we love our new home. Theres so much space. We have a guestroom now. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. Its a lot of house. I hope you can keep it clean. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. Which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. Did you get my friend request . Uh, ill have to check. doorbell ringing aunt jonis here for bundling made easy, go to geico. Com. Hello . People are looking for change, for answers. One answer is at your fingertips, the 2020 census. Census takers will be visiting households to make sure we are counted. Because an undercounted community could miss out on billions of funding for schools, healthcare and job assistance each year for the next ten years. Too much is at stake. Respond online today. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. A somber day for a family and friends of an army veteran. Nothing shy of a heroes memorial, dozens gathered to pay respect in san jose this morning, his family presented a flag during the final honors. The sergeant died earlier this month from covid19, he served the department of corrections for 34 years he was 55. A large gun bust leads to several arrest. Or than two dozen guns in the sunset district including assault weapons with drugs and ammunition. Four people are now facing a variety of weapons and drug charges. More on breaking news at 5 30, the giants reportedly joined a growing social justice boycott in the sports world. The latest developments and the first fire, what does the aftermath look like russian mark pretty much everything you see behind me, we will show you then and now. And a remarkable story of survival, the 88yearold man who escaped two of the worst wildfires in the states history. Celebrating womens equality day, and lo e wa kpix news at 5 30. Streaming on bay area, breaking news, report saying the giants will join a social justice boycott. Tonights game against the dodgers may be postponed. This follows nba players walking off the court, three playoff games postponed as outrage grows across the country and spreads to the sports world over the shooting of jacob lake. Crews switching from defense to offense and battling the compliments in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Wendy and temperatures are down and humidity is up. Crews are sending back as much fuel as possible. Extra support battling fires in one country, 250 troops arriving at the fairgrounds many working to contain the walbridge fire. Resilient redwoods standing tall, why experts believe the flames that charred

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