Hardest hit areas. Cal fire has been around 120 years and there really has not ftburnedto the his magnitude in ground the tally doubled overnight. The firefighters are doing what they can with the limited resources they have it. We are doing the greatest good for the residents by assuming the defensive role and going house, to house. We are firing around the houses. Reporter at least 50 structures have been destroyed that they do expect the number to increase with more than 24,000 structures threaten. Eric gordon believes his home is okay for now but not his coworkers place nearby. There were houses on fire including the house across the street from his that burned down. There were cal firefighters out there actually putting ou flames. What is your understanding of how many people kenny, that remain in the area yeedto cal fire officials thing the majority of residents in this area have left ace on the observations that they have made over the last couple of days. They always say there will be some stragglers and People Holding back and staying inside their homes. We traveled for several roads checking from house to house. We did not see many residents. We did talk to some people in this area but they were actually working, trying to get the gas station up and running. There are a few people here but for the most part, this town is empty. You are seeing a lot of cars going through but those cars are mostly first responders. The consequences can be deadly if you do not leave, kenny thank you. If you have plans to head to the beach in Half Moon Bay or pacifica this weekend, cancel them. The cities have shut down the beaches there monday. The countys urging people to stay away to keep the roads clear for emergency vehicles. To the massive l and you complex fire in the north bay that destroyed homes and killed four people it is now, the 10th largest fire in state history. This is new video of homes burning. An army of 1000 firefighters have been deployed doubling in size from yesterday. Re stillhas no containment. The mandatory evacuation orders have expanded north. They cover for us to bill, and areas around lake sonoma. Minutes ago this update from cal fire. The fire right now is moving down towards rushing river. It has not crossed but i am concerned about the change in weather conditions and the possible change of the South Southwest wind. u Wilson Walker is on the front ouide of that area. Wilson . Reporter yes, i am 3 1 2 not even for miles outside of healdsburg. We will show you what is going on on the ridge appear. This is where the fire has been burning today. As you can see just outside of town this is about where we showed you the same flareup yesterday afternoon as you can see it is picking up a little bit with the afternoon wind. Now there is good news to report. Firefighters think they have made progress today. That is much to the relief of anyone living in this area. It feels eerie and scary. But is something we are used to. This amount of ash falling in the air is a part that is unsettling. Reporter if hills barrow needed a reminder on whats happening, it can falling from the sky this afternoon. You can see it on the ta. Mebody emptied out a fireplace on top of the tables. Reporter where was that ash coming from . The nearest active fire was bite dry creek valley. There are a lot of homes, a lot of property, vineyards, wineries, jobs for people. Reporter grapes are due next week so a skeleton staff was still here trying to protect the property and keep the gears of the winery running. This is ag business and Mother Nature doesnt stop for Mother Nature or the pandemic. For that matter. I have been on the fire line for the last four days. On the fire line and we can back here. This afternoon. Reporter lawrence left one side of the fire only to see the looming over his family home. He and his mother used a garden hose to save his house back in 1972. Only that time the power stayed on. Now that the electricity is off i just bought that generator and by golly i will not stand by and watch this place burn. I will do my damnedest to keep it here. We are seeing so many stories like this talking to people that are staying behind and protecting their homes. Where other resources right now . Are they spread thin obviously but how is it in your area . I think i hear air enforcement . Reporter plenty of air resources today. They started late yesterday and then came in early this morning. Thats obviously advantageous for anyone over on the side of the fire. We did get a briefing in the last hour or so. We were told that the number of firefighters here on this immediate wall bridge fire have just about doubled today which is, something everyone here was just before. Thats very good news obviously. The marine layer said to help. The fire did slosh around and homes were lost in the chemise area. Thats kind of where you can see the fire still burning. Progress has been made, which i think is the first thing anyone wants to hear given the fact that resources were such a challenge through the first three days of this fire. Wilson thank you. We see the winds pick up hopefully that will not be a factor this evening. Cal fire is sending a stern message this evening to those defining the evacuation orders. Evacuation zones are dangerous. They contain many hazards for the public. You remaining in the areas could hamper firefighting efforts. It is a priority. As soon as you talk about evacuations we are working up repopulation plans. Fire crews are getting help from 10 states including oregon idaho, texas, arizona they are all helping in the effort and governor gavin newsom is asking canada and australia to send crews into help. We have more people but its not enough. We have more r noenough. That is why we need the support of our fellow partners. Hill. Senators Kamala Harris and feinstein sent a letter to President Trump pushing for an expedited major disaster declaration. Their letter endorses governor gavin newsom kpix. Com california has more resources to battle the fires. We brought you the live update from the governor and cal fire this morning. We are streaming for free 24 hours a day on kpix. Com , on apple tvs and other streaming devices. Looking live along the point raised National Seashore were fire crews continue to battle a very challenging fire. The woodward fires continuing to spread triggering new evacuationd ofadways. Threated. S are the fire is or has consumed 2100 acres and far itis 0 contained. That fire along with the fires for must much of the smoke thats filling the bay area. You can see the haze near our Salesforce Tower camera. Paul has the latest on air air quality and dry lightning storms which started this all. Very busy and a lot to keep track of. Including the fires going on right now. You can see the smoke plumes racing off of them. As the wind pushes it off. Thats why even though it is separated from the heart of the urban areas. Heres how it works. The upper level winds will bring the smoke and ash mainly from the l and you fire complex into San Francisco and tri valley area. All the way down to the Santa Clara Valley. Then the geogy the area just the whole shape plus the heat dome over had we been talking about over a week. It keeps it trapped to place. The conditions vary from time to time as the winds kick in. The afternoon so does make for challenging firefighting conditions but mixes the air around a little bit and helps to either improve the air quality or just push the worst conditions around a little bit. Every once in while we do get a break. Here is the air quality conditions. Its worse in livermore, cong and hon san jose. The wind direction does push the worst air quality away from the immediate vicinity. The fire weather watch kicks in monday and midday tuesday. Thunderstorms possible again not it a exact repeat. But something we need to keep an eye on. More details coming up. We will look for you then, if you are coughing or gasping for breath today you are certainly not alone. That smoke is not just hanging in the air it is also filling our lungs and making problems like asthma much worse. The best advice from the can. Rs is, stay home if you as well as change or air filters. I also know that exposure to wildfire smoke make especially the elderly more susceptible to cardiac outcomes. So things like heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, all increase in areas where there is increased air pollution and increased covid19 rates. As for which mask you should wear for air pollution you want to wear the and 95 with the event. With so many people in need right now, if you want to donate to help out visit red cross. Org donate. Or text red cross to the number on your screen. 90999 to make a 10 donation. More coverage of the lightning fire still ahead. Thats including an update on the scu complex fires. We are constantly updating lists of evacuation orders, in each coun on. Com. Heres morthe fire watches as if crews e nole of grass fires in the soh y. Road bailey avenue. So far the fire has consumed 40 acres. Also a fire earlier near the coyote creek golf course peers. No evacuations have been ordered and we will stay on top of this. Coming up, Actress Lori Loughlin and her husband headed to prison. The tearful apologies for cheating their daughters way into college. The Golden State Killer learns his fate. The event the message from court to the victims he terrorizes terrorize. The big question is a birds chirping woman chattering [narrator] ordering dinner for the family . family gasps rewarded with a side of quiet. Get a frivery perk when you orr. [gup] grubhub. Ar cnie t ar together, we can save energy and money. By taking steps to stay cool while using less. Keep safe and keep it golden. A apology from the lden state killer Joseph Deangelo. It came as a judge sentenced him to 12 life terms. Thats the maximum amount of time allowed by law. For crime spree that included 13 murders, and 13. Reporter Chris Martinez has the latest. Reporter the socalled Golden State Killer apologized, just before a judge in sacramento sentenced him to multiple life in prison terms, without the possibility of parole. And i am really sorry. To everyone i have hurt. Reporter Joseph Deangelo pleaded guilty in june to 13 murders and 13 related charges to avoid the death penalty. He also admitted to dozens of attacks and sexual assaults. Thats across 11 counties. He really wanted to hurt as many people as he could. And he did just that. Reporter he was a former Police Officer and he terrorize california residents from 1975 until 1986. He evaded ear arrest until 2018 when new dna testing techniques help track him down. Friday sentencings followed several days of victim impact statements. He is a calculating, cruel, pathetic piece of scum. Reporter victims have asked that he could be sent to the toughest prison available with no considerations of his advanced age. Well, Joseph Deangelo wont go anywhere for a while. California department of corrections has indefinitely halted transfers to prisons because of covid19. Another case we are following Actress Lori Loughlin is headed to prison after a federal judge accepted heard guilty plea in the call it College Admission scandal. Her and her husband pleaded paying half 1 million to get their children into usc. A federal judge sentenced Actress Lori Loughlin to two months in prison, accepting her guilty plea. Appearing by video in a boston court room. Lori loughlin is chock choked up as she apologized for her crime saying quote i will do everything in my power to redeem myself. She was ordered to pay a 150,000 fine and perform 100 hours of community service. The prosecution making this sentencing judge. They were trying to say look your honor, it is time, they finally accepted responsibility, we have to all recognize that they did this. Atthink both sides were scared to accept the plea agreement. Hours earlier her husband Mossimo Giannulli was sentenced to five months in prison after telling the judge quote, i am ready to accept the consequences and move forward with the lessons i have learned from this experience. At the sentencing this morning the judge chastised the husband for saying that he had been the leader and he had really brought shame to fall upon his wife. The couple originally fought the charges for more than one year before pleading guilty in may. Admitting to paying half 1 million in bribes to get their two daughters into the university of rn california as recruits. Even though neither of them were rowers. Lori loughlin and her husband are among dozens that also pleaded guilty. Actress felicity has beena Actress Felicity Huffman was a first. So both Joseph Deangelo, and Mossimo Giannulli they surrender november 19. Onto campaign 2020. It shifting to next weeks bide accepted the democratic nomination for president. Biden spent a good portion 20 the coronavirus pandemic, and he promised to be a president for the whole country. Not just democrats. We can choose a different path and together, take this chance to heal, to reform and to unite. A path of hope and light. This is a lifechanging election. Monday its republicans turned. Vp mike pence is artie pushing back on bidens criticisms. Thats on the Administration Response to the pandemic. I have a news flash for joe biden we do think there is a miracle around the corner and we believe that we will have one or more vaccine for the coronavirus before the end of this year. All of that is attributed to President Trumps leadership. The theme of next weeks Republican National convention is honoring the Great American story with featured speakers each night. The us postmaster general was in the hot seat in a committed, and fully capable of processing election mail on time. We will scour every plan leading up to election day. Moving forward trying to have any negative impact on the election is a outrageous claim. There is no heled to test the testify before the House Committee on monday. We have new video to the newsroom from contra costa county. A fire there. Crews stopped this house fire from spreading to neighboring homes in antioch today. Flames gutted this home tearing the roof off and leaving behind this haunting scene. Of a burnedout living room. Flooding the street with cruise breaking a water main while trying to tame the sk its pretty much that icky, brown, gray colors. But in the midimmediate vicinity is fires but where its not sending straight up it is blue skies around it. And then we see the smoky conditions downwind. Were looking from Sonoma County this is a Western Branch of the l and you complex. This is a walbridge fire. It still sending plenty of smoke into the air. Weather conditions around that fire on this part of the complex upper 80s and low 90s. Theres a little more moisture in the atmosphere things to the marine layer that snuck in overnight. 3040 humidity. Winds northwest pushing into the north and west bay. Winds gusting 15 mph. Numerous file fires on the east end. S tyimilar 2545 ty whichis low enough for the fires complex that fire in contract and contra costa county. Chapters in the 80s, humidity is a little lower because youre farther inland and windsor gusting 15 mph in the cz you and the czu fire winds out of the northwest so its pushing the smoke down towards santa cruz and towards monterey. Humidity is higher because of the coasts. Temperatures are in the 80s. Winds are occasionally gusty. Its how the wind behaves determining the air quality even if you are not in the vicinity or under threat from one of the fires directly. Unhealthy at least for sensitive groups not just flat out unhealthy. Thats tomorrow again. Spare the air day thats on sunday as well. Likely to behesmoke and behind it there is the fog. The marine layer will try to sneak back in. It is 71 degrees downtown on the warm side for this time of year. A mix of 80s and 90s inland. 91 degrees in santa rosa. Livermore 92 degrees concord has one of the warm spots. We will drop back in the 50s and 60s later tonight. Similar temperatures and we woke up to this morning. As temperatures go down humidity goes up. All of the beneficial conditions on the fire crews then temperatures heat back up tomorrow just short of 70 degrees in the city. Midsixties along the coast. Mid 70s on the side of the bamboo 80s on the south and. Then mid to upper 80s for Santa Clara Valley low to mid 90s for the trivalley and our inland portions of the east bay upper 80s and low 90s for the north and. Still above average but not record sending. Setting. The fire watch consent midday sunday. The first potential round of thunderstorms lower than a 50 50 chance, of any storms impacting your immediate vicinity will kick in late sunday afternoon. It will continue into the mid Morning Hours monday. Lightning strikes will be the primary threat and there could be some gusty winds around the storms as we. Hedo develop. It will result and erratic fire behavior as we head into early next week. I have more details on where the moisture is coming from coming up on our 5 30 half hour. Right now it is still hot at least not ridiculously hot. Low 70s for the foreseeable future and small smoke will be the dominant future. Thank you. Coming up a couple of mid air mass confrontations. The x navy seal that kiosdeoted from a flight. Why he claims he is not be neat but the bad guy. Why a mother says now to the fight against the coronavirus. Napa county is no longer listed on the states covid19 monitoring list. Making it the first bay area county to come off the list since it was added in july. Businesses will not be allowed to open for indoor operations just yet, not until the state gives the goahead. California reported 5500 new cases and 135 more deaths. Hospitalizations are down coverage of the raging t two wildfires coming up at 5 30. The wildfire burning of the east but held in san jose nearly doubled overnight. I am devon, and i will tell you what the firefighters strategy is to prevent the loss of homes. And the scenes of devastation in the santa cruz mountains, the horses that survived the flames. The story of one man who used beer cans to save his a shop fr [narrator] did you just reward yourself for spending a perfectly reasonable amount of time on the couch with tacos from grubhub . Rewarded get a free delivery perk when you order. Grubhub

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