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I think that was a huge nervey block. Yeah. Didnt trust the followthrough. Jim ancer for eagle. Never even thought of taking relief. The ball is sitting so nicely and no interference. Another birdie on a par 5 for him. Nick wow. Yeah. Jim another green in nd gen i region. Is i hiseer st iany event. And the most g. I. R. s by any player at this tournament since. 80 es got three holes to play. How about that ball striking . O ancer to 20 under. Another one here in a moment. Tyrrell under pressure. Has got to follow that in. Theres been a bit of a sense of whos going to blink first here all day long. Ick yeah. Technically a fabulous stroke. Read was. Od the do thats a bnk. Nick yeah. [captioning funded by cbs sports division] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] frank a short flag. Further or 15 yards away than what he would like, mark. Mark just 140 carries frank. Ing, and playing back into the setting sun. And nice pitching wedge. Just oh, once again, im amazed at these ick yeah. Jim back at the r. B. C. In just a moment. Jim were back at harbour town links. Nes golf its been all weekend long just contested. Htly we got two tied. Eading to the 16th hole. Is ancer. Impsons in close at 16. Garcia. Missing the green at 72nd. To 17. Open face lob wedge for the pitch for Daniel Berger. Oh, yeah ian oh, what a shot competitor. A drain pipe. A rat up a ian fantastic shot there. Three in a row for berger. In a ing for two wins row. Back to back. Rookie. Year. Rookie of the year. Winner. Tw in memphis. Last week at colonial. To was not an easy shot get from that lie. Ick no. N i can tell you he was distracted right before the shot and pulled away suspect recovered and got away and and got himself set. Nick the secret was that big tide takeaway. Pick it. Y to drive it low and get the spin. Ian wow. Three at 20 under. Jim that means sergio needs to somehow knock this one in. Get there. At 16. Rank webb to get to 21. Nick oh, my goodness. E has found his range. Shelling peaings. Every single one of hese have been center cut. Frank yeah. These guys are just getting birdies in bunches. Ancer all the way back at the of this hole. Dottie playing from the four ee like they were yesterday. Frank well positioned. Striking is just bout flawless. Frank Tyrrell Hatton all of a up a has to amp it ittle. Hanging on and made find the rough. Nick just suddenly starting to balance a touch on the followthrough. Dottie he seems a little tight through impact right now. Ust not flowing the way it was earlier in the round. Rank to 18. Jim final stroke for sergio in a round of 65 for the third day n a row. I mean, after what a gorgeous over at is, looking out at daufuskie island. And for so many players he had of him, birdies 11 and 12 nd then really gets hot. After that, i mentioned that this is a young man thats really taken to sergio as kind mentor. Niemann at the tee at 18. If he pulled ul it. No. Hes fine. It runout if you pull left. Jim 16. Frank just a moment ago, he ad bogeyed 15. And just got straight back on the horse. Good bounceback. A little disappointed when he looks at that leaderboard. In front of ad him. I want to give you my target so come here. How are we doing back there . Pretty good. Perfect. Ian you would have to say one of the best playercaddie relationships on tour. Without a doubt. And theyve gotten so sharp over the last hour or so. Lifting each other to heir best performance. 8iron is the club of choice, ian. Ian great line. Just needed to land it where its finished and would have to the hole. To 18. In the up jim niemann 172. Tighter angle than sergio just had. To play in the middle of the green just in ase. Jim groaning and didnt love it. 6. Happy fathers day frank not yet a father. But could very well be another inner again. Flag is only quiet, please. Frank four from the left. Ncer slightly further right. About the dottie, there is very ittle to play with here. Dottie just 12 feet. Want to get down to it. Across the bunker. No breeze whatsoever. Frank thats a commercial iss. To 18. Jim berger. So bad. Nick he must feel like he can do anything after chipping in at 17. Jim yeah. Shades of boo weekley doing that. Remember that . The year he won. Oh, yeah. Jim webb, though, getting it to 21 under. Berger. Ancer at 20. J. T. Poston comes in 65 today. Fine finish. 7 under. Abbatini 65. Brian harman. Remember years ago when he kid. Here just a young 5. Nesmith, got engaged a few years back here at har bown august ew up in harbour town and grew up in augusta. Ernie, goode you re playing. Nger. Ernhard la a little comment about a 62yearold making a cut. And 62 and making the cut just fantastic. Hes the iron man. Commitment, dedication. And literally every day, that man works out. Stretches. So it doesnt none of this happens by accident. To 16. Ts go ank ancer had a look at the leaderboard. Dottie not that im aware of but pretty hard to avoid them now. And theyve actually rank he looked that over. To 18. Im niemann has to make it hes made some long ones today. About one more . Ok. 5 it is. Simulated fist pump. And on he goes to another high finish. To 16. Et dottie to finish my thought it the one ard to avoid thats behind him to the right. It was right on his line when at this from the other side. A bit inally gives one of a rush. Flags at 17 and 18 today. Remember the president s cup. Played so well down in melbourne and said he wanted to tiger woods and shows you e sort of mettle and wants the opportunity. Ian unfortunately he got him. Frank like most do. Not always a good thing. Hatton. Ll h. His hand back in the mix. Webb simpson up ahead. 21 under. Three players at 20. 17. Ian unbelievable leaderboard. This is to go to 22. This is the one. Oh, wow. That might be the cushion. Two holes . Th those nick wow. Ian could it be an extra happy for webb simpson father of five . To make two at 17. Ian what a putting exhibition few holes and that brilliant second shot at 15 to make the two putt birdie. Awesome. Frank as well as hes played, two adrift. Two guys who got to make two. At two got to make two 7. Are , my god, dude, what you doing . Trying to k he was hit a draw. On it and te rescued it a bit with the ollowthrough. Same good target. Yeah. This doesnt run out of the left, does it . Not at all. The lighthouse the right edge of the ighthouse. Ok. Down a little right to left. Ok. Nick that little extra adrenalin running. E wants to be sure if he was to hook it a touch he wouldnt run out. Ark he has the attitude running on high right now. And the golf swing is under full control. Early this week to get some work on the game done fter the missed cut last week. Would say its been fruitful. Go. Nick popped it up. Land soft. Jim 17. Dottie thats a 7iron on the way. Low as you would imagine. Yeah. Two guys have faded. N weve seen a lot of balls to the right, dottie, the last hour or so. Ust a hint of breeze and a demanding pin. Nick a tough shot for the faders right now, isnt it, under pressure . It lean into it and block a hair. Ian just a little bit, yes. Looks like fun. Justin t and his dad and his dad maybe . They said they were going fishing. Ick i think youre right. Dottie it seems abraham can urn this ball over easier than tyrrell did. Nick that would be the shot. Ian has hit all 16 greens regulation. Jim that sounded thinner than most. A little lower. Nick might get there. Might be perfect. Ian settle. Edge. N the back right so he hit 16 out of 18 yesterday. Today. S hit 17 of 17 thats impressive. Ian correct. Exhibition. Ng nick wow. Ian from abraham ancer. This man has a serious future if he can do that on this golf course. Ian but still two back unfortunately. To hole ts on , giving himself great chance. Tyrrell hatton. Going for backtoback wins. Last win he played on the pga tour. Pretty like it got good out there. Where is ryan . Of mine. Le right ive never seen that high of tide. Me, either. Good reminder me for next year to really get a goodium on this downslope. Does a good number on this downslope. It does matter. Ready. A day like yeah. Jim already plotting for next april. Nick yeah. I say, kid. They put all that information into the yardage and youve here for 10 years, you have a bunch of information. Jim on the green at 18. Erger. Oh. Great speed. A good go. 65. Nother hat a return to competition. For Daniel Berger. It was. Ee round nick pretty impressive afternoon, jim. Somebody birdied the hole for the last three hours. Jim amazing, doesnt it . Exciting. Nick yeah. 79 basic. 98 hole. Something. Sk you to 17. Ts go mark can he hit as good of did as Daniel Berger earlier . Dottie the same zip code. Ot an easy shot, though, dottie. Sno, its not. Have to land it on the green ith these conditions, i think. Ian oh, my goodness. A great little chip. The emotions. That was a really good try, tyrrell. Just 28 years of age. Ranking of 20. Second win on tour. Nd oh, an inch further left, ottie. Weve seen some shots late this afternoon. Dottie you got to love pour their body entire heart and soul into winning a Golf Tournament and thats exactly what this guy has done. Emotions even when they suspended play on the second hole. Are we on the same thing . Yep. Great commitment. Thats all i ask. 25 down, 25 right to left . Correct. Tesori was a collegiate golfer at florida and been on webbs bag since 011. And his instructor as well. 7iron. Ats a nick just got to swoop a little more. Jim come on down, though. Tumbling down. Nick thats a nice break. Jim 17. Ian needs it. Nick gets it. Dottie he took a very long came around the corner and stopped and looked again. Ian impressive young man. Amanda. With you. K in amanda here with joaquin niemann. Joaquin, first time here 19 nder par you were in the mix the entire time. What did you love most about this golf course . Yeah. Mean, everything is such a good place. And just looked back i was so close on missing the cut. On friday. I think i made a couple of good birdies and made a cut. Nd i mean, i was just in contention. So yeah. Pretty happy with this week and eally excited to be back here. And yeah. It was close. Amanda all right. Out to 17. Thanks for the time. Ian thanks, amanda. Always nice to hear from joaquin and the Young Players tour. Their way on what a very, very good upanddown for Tyrrell Hatton. O close to the birdie, dottie. But smile on the face. And he did his best. Did not hit that last iron. Thats what i mean. Nick yeah. The new normal is 82. 83. Thats true. Your new normal is 83. You and i are a little different. Should be 13 apart. 3. Still still staying 204, 205. It is . Yeah. Jim surprised by the result here. Result with he the second shot at 15. He wasnt sure where that one had landed, either. Surprised. Ntly it as you said earlier on was 89 degrees with the heat index. T was hot. And the golf course probably just going at two or three more rds and what they were talking with all those calculations. Ancer, though. Dottie driver in hand. Jim can come chasing. Just one back. Should be fine. Nick much further down. Much shorter club. From y hit a 9iron there. On the tee. Calibogue sound to the left. Condominiums and out of bounds to the right. Get it, man. Huh . Jim we actually had seven players miss the fairway today at 18. After 10 through the first three rounds. To webbs putt at 18. Nick a little closer than that one, please. Jim well, hes won on fathers mentioned this 2012 u. S. Open victory at olympic club and won on mothers day. Inning the players championship. A year ago. If he can winone fathers day, even extra special. G lofment his father lost his father since his u. S. Open win that happened on day. s sam simpson. Passed away as mentioned in 2017. Eres ryan palmer. To be a sub 70 round but shoot 69 on a day like today theyre blowing by you. Its a rough feeling. Yeah. Ll these guys who shot 69, 68. 67. Oh, boy. Shaking their heads. Had a rotten day. Jim group at 17 under is tied for eighth. Thomas. Dechambeau. Palmer. Fittlei out early today. As you said, a little bit is comfortable. Nick not going to take long. He knows what hes doing. Im not a problem. Hat a fantastic round. I dont know. We need to find out. Thats horrific. Who . Ortiz . Ok. Some omebody left ootprints. Jim webbs dad introduced him to the game really when they would take their annual a tions to wilmington on pete dye golf course there in wilmington, north carolina. Landfall. Club of at 17. Still got a chance here. Nick yellow shirt is always the leader. If it wins hirt he race. Enyet. Out t the bad breaks there. That sucks. I know. Awesome. It might help with that line. There. Nine one more. I know its warmer. To get help ng off that alignment and only on he back end. To the pin. Control it. Now. T the grip on your left. Jim has to hole it. To have a chance. Right, gentlemen. Nick get the kick as well

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