Right now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, looking live from the exclusive Sales Force Tower camera on this tuesday morning, and we look at the east bay with the beautiful bay bridge sparkling. Good morning. Its tuesday, june 16th. Im michelle griego. And im len kiese. Good morning on this tuesday. Right to the forecast for with mary lee. Good morning, len and michelle. Clear skies, and you can see it on the Sales Force Tower camera. Breeze in spots. 15miles an hour at fairfield, and also 9 miles an hour in oakland. Its going to be a breezy day through tuesday. Daytime highs, upper 60sin San Francisco. 76 in san jose, and 81 for concord. Around where we should be for this time of the year, and plenty of sunshine. I will show you futurecast, winds going through the day, thats in a few minutes. Im anne makovec at the live news desk, and breaking news and road closures to tell you about in the south bay, and one person has died in a car accident, and this happened, in san jose. This is redmond avenue. This video on instagram. The person inside was badly injured and trapped. Firefighters got the rson pced deon the scene. Some of the lanes are closed and will be for the next few hours. Gianna will keep an eye on that for traffic. We will keep you posted. A confrontation over pride flags at the livermore Farmers Market is going viral. You need to read the schools and read the section of cooperating with market management. I will suspend you right now. This video was captured on sunday. The woman speak sergeant head of the california Farmers Market good. The owner is a guy married man, and he said theres only a ban on flyers being given out at his booth. It made me feel worthless, like she was trying to dominate n and dominate me. The Farmers Market Association Says they have designated a free speech zone where dan can pass out rainbow flags, and its not a matter of discrimination. I didnt really mean political. I meant in a sense, its not food. Its in another category. Its the same as when animal cruelty people, facty farming, people against a law, we have all kinds, every market has 10 to 20 Different Things people argue about. Floyd said he will not return to the livermore Farmers Market, instead opening up a store to cookies all day on sunday. It means justice is unstoppable. In the meantime, the lbgtq community is celebrating a major legal win after the Supreme Court ruled the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects guy and transgender employees from workplace discrimination. California already had that law, but now all 50 states are moving to equality. I think the protections will make a world of difference to people in many states. Maybe not california, but theres a lot of americans who have not had full protection of the law. Its important we have made the stance, and we will not stand the discrimination of the law. As a person who is trans, thats incredibly important to me. Until yesterday, 22 states protected the rights of the lbgtq employees. In another th Supreme Court refused to consider President Trumps challenge to californias sanctuary law. The law limits cooperation with Law Enforcement and federal immigration authorities. The president argued the law is meant to undermine the feds. Its been their project, their campaign from the beginning of the presidency to shut down socalled sanctuary jurisdictions or jurisdictions who dont want to cooperate with immigration enforcement. We are pleased and vindicated, i am, to see our own look at what is constitutional and what is not constitutional as a Guiding Light has been upheld by the Supreme Court. San francisco and oakland have their own sanctuary policies. Live look from the white house. Today President Trump is expected to sign depolicing. Across , tejuy ittee will comes after the deaths of multiple black men and women across the country. The latest from washington. Reporter Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is rushing in reforms to her police department. If a Police Officer sees another the Police Officer using force, beyond reasonable under the circumstances, they are duty bound to become involved. Reporter it comes after Rayshard Brooks was shot after police tried to arrest him. Brooks family wants justice, and they are awaiting a charging decision by the District Attorney. His life mattered George Floyds life mattered Breonna Taylors life mattered. Reporter several black families with loved ones killed by police are expected to meet with President Trump today before he signs the new executive order on policing, expected to outline the standards for use of force and call for a data base to track officers with complaints. We want law and order. Reporter the Senate Judiciary committee will have a hearing this afternoon on the police use of force. Republicans are expected to soon introduction legislation that includes the restrictions a serious proposal for Law Enforcement. Reporter nationwide protests have sparked many local reform in the weeks since George Floyds death. The the new York City Police department is disbanding the plain clothes anticrime units, and Seattle City Council passing a ban on tear gas. Natalie brand, cbs news, washington. With american was across the country standing up against injustice and racism, we have been called to reckon with the systemic failures that allow the Police Misconduct to perpetuate. The agenda for police reform, calling on police to adopt eight cant wait, banning choke holds, shooting at moving vehicles, and forcing others to intervene when an officer is using excessive force. It will also place limits on crowd control techniques like tear gas and rubber bullets. The Oakland City Council will consider the banning the use of tear gas. In San Francisco a new direcould ke crim ges being filed from a suspect if an officer involved has ever committed serious misconduct. The San Francisco District Attorney said the new policy is aimed at ensuring no one is falsely prosecuted at the word of an officer with known history of excessive force, dishonesty, or racial bias. The statue of john sutter was remo why Sutter Health decided to take action. [ cheers ] reporter pulled from the pedestal and hoisted away from what had been its place in sacramento history. The the massive john sutter statue, a symbol of sacramentos first days, removed at the request of native american groups. Everyone around the country is tired of it, tired of seeing people who represent slavery and people who represent colonizat it ion. To be quite honest with you, i think its a mmer. Im a native american indian. Its part of the history. Reporter Sutter Health out of respect for some Community Members viewpoints and out of interest of safety for patients and staff, we are removing the statue that was originally donated to sutter general hospital. A California Coalition against racist symbols is also calling for the removal of a statue in the capitol gardens and the Christopher Columbus statue inside of the Capitol Building citing their genocide of native americans. Theres so many different moving parts to the sutter story. Reporter steve beck is a sacramento historian who spent 20 years working with the state Parks Department as a sutter fort guide. Any time we try to compare 19th century standards to 21st century values, we are always going to end up on opposite levels. Reporter taking down the symbol of sacramento a monument intended to stand the test of time is no more. Theres a move to replace confederate statues in tennessee with a different icon, dolly parton. The change. Org petition has more than 6,000 signatures. The organizer said Dolly Partons heart and music has changed tennessee and the wo for the better. Could Collin Kaepernick be close to an nfl return . The the leagues sudden change of heart on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. Looking live at the city of San Francisco, the skyline this morning at 4 41. We will be right back. This crisis has changed almost everything, but not our resolve. Weve pulled together, worke ve attened the curve and are starting to reopen our communities. We can protect the people we love, and help californians get back on their feet. For our families and our communities, lets stay the course and stop the spread. Developing this morning, suted lden state killer is expected to plead guilty. The deal will spare him the death penalty. Joseph dangelo was arrested after 40 years of investigations. He is accused of terrorizing california with murders and kidnapping. Victims said the guilty plea brings rways look him in the eye. I will always stand to hold him accountable. Jennifer coroleys father and stepmother were murdered. Dangelo is expected to enter the plea in a sacramento courtroom later this month. Positive news in the fight against the coronavirus, the governor said california is flattening the curve, but warns we are not out of the woods yet in all, the state has seen more than 148,000 covid19 cases w more than 5,000 reported , governor said the Positivity Rate is 5. 4 , well below the 8 threshold when the spread becomes worrisome. He says hospitalization rates are fairly stable, and icu numbers have been plat. We were the first state in the country to move forward with the statewide stayathome order, and the purpose was self evident. We wanted to avoid a major spike and buy time to build out our capacity, both physical assets, human capacity, and making sure we were preparing for inevitably reopening the economy. The state leaders are closely monitoring 13 counties because of an increase in transmission, hospitalization rates, or ca westfield just reopening several massive malls in the bay area to lines of eager customers, but shopping for the foreseeable future will be different. Signs reminding shoppers to stay six feet wash hands, and wear masks. Able to return, and then, im a mall brat. I look forward to window shopping. One of my favorite things to do. The food court at valley fair will only serve togo orders until the county gives the green light for indoor dining. Only 40 of stores reopened this past weekend. The rest are expected to reopen by today. The impact of the pandemic on major league sports. The nfl has an outbreak on two teams as the league addresses recent civil rights protests. Theres a growing call to get former 49er Collin Kaepernick, back on a team. Laura podesta reports. Reporter the commissioner of the National Football league said he is pushing for a team to sign Collin Kaepernick. I welcome that. Reporter the 32yearold, former quarterback has not played for three seasons, last lengnational he 49ers when he anthem to protest racial injustice. Roger goodell said on espn Sports Center special the return to sports, players on two texas teams have tested positive s. Althe players, fortunately have had either mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. Reporter the nfl has plans to return to play in september. The nba had a plan to resume the season at disney in orlando. The idea that players would skip it is becoming a reality including those who feel it could detract from the current events. Its in the middle of a recession or worse with 40 million unemployed, and now the social unrest in the country, and as we work through the issues, i can understand how some players feel its not for them. Reporter Major League Baseball had high hopes that games would resume this summer, but there have been negotiation challenges between the ownerses and players union. Its just a disaster for our game. Reporter the commissioner said he believes theres a hathe reason may not happen at all. Laura podesta, cbs news. Some california high schools now have the green light to kick off their training, in case fall sports return. In turlock, parents are asked to sign a waiver saying they understand the risk of exposure to themselves and their kids, and it requires them to release the school from liability. I know the virus is very real, but i just want life to be normal again. Its the uncertainty, and i just couldnt sign a waiver saying whatever happens happens. The California Interscholastic Federation that oversees High School Sports says the individual districts make the call over when trai can. Stataders wionon sp until next month. Check this out, stunning images capturing the bright green glow streaking across the sky over western australia. The meteor was caught by cell phone over cape preston. Its believed it could have been asteroid 2002nn4, estimated to travel at 41 miles per second. Thats pretty fast. Heres mary lee with the forecast. Good morning. Good morning, len. We are looking at clear skies and breezy conditions in spots. The winds will be picking up through the afternoon. Heres a live look with the Sales Force Tower camera under the clear skies, and a pretty view of the bay bridge in the east bay. Temperatures this morning, mid to upper 50s. 5 in concord and oakland. 55 for livermore and San Francisco. 58 in san jose. Santa rosa at 57 degrees. Now checking the winds. We are looking at 20mile an hour winds sustained out of the west at sfo. 8miles per hour in santa rosa. We will see the sunshine as we continue our day, d ui with thb bay. The new normal daytime highs, much warmer as we look to ddle this low pressure system is dropping the cold front. We will continue to see the strong winds throughout the day. Hourbyhour on futurecast, and its picking up through the afternoon. Especially along the coast and around the bay, up to 20 to 30 miles an hour out of the northwest for the winds. Future cast, the skies, and sunshine through your tuesday afternoon. Looking at wednesday, more sunshine, and temperatures will be on the rise. Heating up for sure, beginning tomorrow, and now highs, 76 in san jose. 81 for morgan hill. 75 for santa claire. The trivalley, mid to upper 70sthis afternoon. Around the bay, upper 60s for San Francisco. Mid60s for daily. East bay to berkeley, 73 degrees. Daytime highs for the north bay this afternoon, upper 70s to low 80s, and then looking at 82 in santa rosa and 82 for st. Helena. Heres the extended forecast and what you can expect as we look at the temperatures on the rise, beginning tomorrow, and then we are going to be in the 90s inland on wednesday. Heating up more on thursday. The hottest day of the week, and we will be warm to hot, looking ahead to the next ral the da lets go to gianna to look at traffic. Good morning. Good morning, as we look at the roadways right now, we have the usual stuff through the altamonte pass. Slow and go out of tracy, over to 205, about to grantline. Mary, you were just talking about the windy conditions this morning, and theres a few wind advisories in effect, issued by chp this morning, and that will altamonte pass. Gusty through there, and wind advisory through the bay bridge. Careful as you work your way across the span, especially in a highprofile vehicle. The traffic at the bay bridge is light. At the limit as you head into San Francisco, out of the east bay, Golden Gate Bridge looking good this morning. No troubles or issues out of the north bay, headed into the city. Things are quiet through there, and traffic is light overall, and san mateo bridge looking good as well. Theres a wind advisory in effect for the san mateo bridge and the dunbarton bridge. 880, theres a 13 minute drive. 101, itself, problem free with no delays both directions working your way northbound into San Francisco, and southbound, clear, as you work your way into the south bay. Thats your morning drive. All right, gianna, thank you. So check this out. A wildlife trapper in florida had his hands full when he caught a 17foot python in the everglades. 130 pods ant e trapper g in as he was trying to get it in the boat. Wildlife officials estimate 100,000 pythons live in the florida everglades. Its the largest baby on both sides of my family. A big shock for a pair of sacramento parents, and just how much this little bundle of joy weighing in. Thats next on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. Wow as we head to break a live look at downtown san jose, and time now is 4 53. Remember kpix 5 wants to bring you the good news happening in the bay area. Go to kpix. Com together, and you can find stories how we are Better Together and you you spoke. We listened. Tiny tacos are back for good grab a box of 15 or try them loaded. Get em now with no contact delivery. Grab a box of 15 or try them loaded. Get em now with no contact delivery. Is 4 56. New this morning, one california couple is celebrating the birth of their new baby girl. Her arrival was a bigger surprise than expected. Bridget and Lamarcus Williams have Underlying Health conditions and were not sure if they would be able to be parents. Their baby kayla was a huge surprise in more than one way. I was in recovery, and they came in and said the baby is 12 pounds. I went what . Did you say 12 pounds . Did i hear you right . Shes the largest baby on both sides of my family. The new mom says kayla was expected to weigh just 9 pounds at her last ultrasound, but she turned out be big ndle re. Oy parent shes, but i would have said what, too. In the next half hour, Major Airlines doubling down on the mandatory mask policy. What will now happen if you refuse to comply. Kpix 5 has a new app that give use easy 24 7 access to cbsn bay area. You have to delete the old right now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn, crews are on the scene of an overnight crash. What we are just learning. It made me feel like was t situation and dominate me. A pride flag dispute at an Alameda County Farmers Market going viral. This morning we are hearing from both sides. A historic California Coastal city named after confederate general considering changing its name, completely. The big vote in a matter of days. Good morning, its tuesday. Good morning, everyone. It is all right, it is tuesday. It im len kiese. Can not say good morning enough. Now to mary lee. Good morning to you. [ laughter ] all right, good morning excellent michelle. We are looking at clear skies. 15miles an hour winds at sfo and Half Moon Bay and 12 for fairfield and santa rosa. We will continue to see breezy conditions throughout th

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