Up. I dont begrudge the governor for keeping california same. And the reason for all of this is this. Earlier this week the governor called out beach goers in orange and ventura counting calling them an example of what not to do if the state wants to continue its progress of fighting the virus. His decision is drawing fire from governments up and down the state that want to see us letting up on restrictions and not adding new ones. We will hear from them later but lets hear from the governor. Here he is. To the stay at home order. We have been working with our local partners throughout the state of california, local Health Directors, local elected officials but also local sector leaders. What i mean by that is we start to consider these changes over the next few weeks as it relates to expanding the definition of essential, beginning to expand the opportunities for more retail in the state of california, more manufacturing of nonessential goods, consider the opportunity to open up spaces all across the state that have otherwise been closed. We have been breaking those conversations down, working with our economic and recovery advisers and working to understand the unique challenges of businesses large and small. We had wonderful conversations yesterday with elected officials, federal representatives, democrats, republicans, from all across the state of california. Had very spirited conversations around regional changes, everybody making the point each and every part of the state is different from other parts of the state. We need to be aware to all of the work we do here in sacramento. Not from the frame top down but bottom up. Community by community. Region by region. All working for the greater good in the state of california. We are moving along very swiftly. Im breaking down the guidance with the consideration that these changes will be in place in the next number of weeks. Making sure we are doing that in partnership with local leaders all throughout the state of california. One thing is become crystal clear. When we talk about economic opportunities, Economic Growth and reopening with changes the economy in a safeway in the state of california. Not only should we be driven by data and Public Health as a predicate and we will be but we also have to be driven by considerations of work force. That means we really have to consider the needs of our workers, particularly those with children. That is why today i want to announce about an effort that has been almost two decades in the making. These challenges are the you know they birth a need and innovation. What we are announcing today is because of that a portal, a platform that the department of social services has put up for child care in this state. I have four kids. Many of you watching have children, many of you hoping to get back to work. Many of you struggling to educate our kids and take care of yourself and others and child care has been a huge challenge. 63 of licensed child care facilities in the state have been impacted from this crisis. Thats a jaw dropping number. Despite that there has been heroic work done, working partnership with our Hospital System up and down the state. We were able to partner with them, partner with others to put 432 pop up child care facilities, very strategic throughout the state of california. Becaused leadership of tony and great leadership of our speaker of the assemlbly. They have with their colleges across the political aisle. The support of emergency grants for child care slots. I had a wonderful conversation with the womens caucus here in the state of california led by connie. Focused on the issue of child care. Their advice and counsel and direction, they want to make sure that 100 million is being well used and well invested with real transparency. 50 million of the 100 was for new vouchers and then 50 million in partner with the department of education for facilities. Making sure they are sanitary and we are the appropriate protective gear. They just put u7 their information today on where those 50 million are going. They will get the money given out and they put out that guidance and couldnt come too soon. We are grateful its up and we are going to get the money out. 100 million in that space. This newportal which i will introduce in a moment, years and years in the make, weeks and weeks in its creation. Then positive news the space. 350 million that came from the cares act because of the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the partnership she was able to form across the leader. Talked to kevin mcarthey. It provided 350 million of grant that will we will give out in the new budget. We are very close to finishing our work. We will make that public on the 14th. That 350 million working with the womens caucus. With colleagues of all political stripes and the senate will have priorities to the investment of the dollars in realtime as well. In the interim this portal is profoundly important. This portal is a tool to navigate. Where we do a lot of the vetting and the research. Its updated and type in your zip code and then see pop ups of all of these child area facilities. Health and safety. If they are being met. You will have a chance to learn about the quality. Not just the access to the available slots. You will learn about the number of available slots. The hours of operation,s size of the facilities and other information that is now being made available. All throughout the state of california. There are still areas in you have your zip code where we recognize not a lot of centers will pop up. Thats on us to do more and do better in that space and again the constraint was so many of these facilities shutting down makes it more challenging but thats our responsibility to work through and figure out. Thats the part of that 100 million dollars, the 350 million is find the child care deserts in the state and make sure everybody has access to high quality child care in this state. This portal by the way, was inspired by the good work of two well known brands. Unions in the state of california. Udw and sciu. They have a version of this called corina cares. It focuses on their employer based, there are some requirements that separate what we are doing from what they are doing. I just want to acknowledge the incredible effort they put in place some time back that became the inspiration for this broader effort and now made available to all members of the public. The most important member of the public today is the person that really spearheaded this effort and really lead this if he cussed movement over the last four weekss. He made a point earlier that i will repeat again, how many years this has been in the making and how wonderful it is to be in this position where we get to present it to you today. If may not be as big of a deal, many of you without kids but those with kids, and understand the power and importance of child care and understand its economic development. Its an economic question. As much or more than so many others. Its about work force, economic and work force development. Cant have a work force unless they are taking care of their children and are confident in the quality of that care. Im confident in the quality of the leadership of kim johnson who is here to go through this care site with you. The head of the department of social services and again i just want to thank her and her team for putting this site out today and you will have a chance to take a look at it. Thank you so much go. It is this has been a long time in the making. We know that child care keeps california working. It also provides that critical activity for supporting the Healthy Development of children. Into vestment will service 20,000 individuals in accessing child kara cross the state. Its rolling out. Its for those essential workers and its for our at risk pop lathes. Those that have been in the Child Welfare system, those experiencing homelessness and domestic violence. Those with differing learning abilities and special health care needs. We are glad to provide this additional resource to address the needs of all. This portal will help them get that Southern California sessions and locate the programs near community. Ly share with you how you can access this information. On our c website today there is a new bar that says find child care options that. Will take you directly to a screen that has a map of california where you will be able to identity and include your address or zip code for the area that are you looking for child care to locate in. Once you have done that, you will have a listing of again, open child care programs, both Family Child Care homes and Child Care Centers across the state in that area. Any of these that are of interest to you, you can click on which will then bring you Additional Information around the Contact Information of this facility. The current availability of spaces available, capacity of that site and again Critical Health and Safety Information around the licensing history of this. You will also find access to your local child Care Resource and Referral Agency that can help you navigate and answer question that may be helpful to you as you look for child care for your family. A long time in the making in the critical support. I absolutely want to thank the partners in this effort including open lattice, childrens data network. The local referral and resource agency. The net all of the hard work in developing tool. I want to thank the employersa us contract the state for the 430 pop up Child Care Centers we have been able to open, that expansion thats be able to happen in child care homes. We want to thank you for stepping up and identifying and addressing the needs of your work force in this space. Certainly dont want to leave out the work force its itself. The providers and Early Learning work force who are serving to buffer the stress thats happening with this Public Health emergency across the state while they are caring for themselves and their families. Thank you so much for what you are providing to children and families across the state. We will continue to take thoughtful approaches to ensure the safety and well being of children as we look at our road map to modify the stay at home order. I want to point everybody to guidance that the department of social Service Released around social distancing and physical distancing in child care programs. Really keeping those group sizes as small as possible for children. Extending that indoor environment to outdoors. Its perfect weather to do so. Using carpet squares, mats and other visual things for children to keep that social distancing in place. Those cots for nap time, six feet apart. Frequent hand washing with learning counting, learning songs and making sure that is happening across the board and also how you can modify your pick up and drop off practices to reduce the entry in and out of your facility. The department of social services looks forward to continued engagement with the community, womens caucus, other stake holders as we ensure our children and familiar think have the support they need. Thank you, kim. Again, always health and safety as the foundation of our approach for all of our efforts here in the state of california. The child care is e and these are essential workers that need child care. We need to provide that support in child care becomes even more important as we begin to modify the stay at home order in the state of california. I want to thank her team and all those that were part of this effort. Want you to know that the site is available at covid 19. Ca. Gov. Thats again the portal for so much information related to this crisis and our response to the crisis that will send you to the specific site and hope people will take advantage of the site and fill the opportunity to get some of these slots or high quality slots in their neighborhoods so they can get the relief they deserve. Speaking of the website i encourage people to go that website, not just again for child care information but as i suggest for a lot of information. We update on a fairly consistent basis. Our statewide stay at home order. The guidance is dynamic. Based on conditions, based upon the incredible decision that so many of you have made to stay home and physically distance. We have been able to continue to update that site. We have just as an example, number of days ago updated to allow for people to get clarity if they sell bikes, to allow folks to sell bikes working with the counties, to adjust on a county by county basis those points of guidance. Those guidance are up for the entire state of california. I met with faith based leaders a few weeks ago. They wanted clarity which we did update as it relates to social services, so many of our Faith Community providing critical social services, essential social services for our community, including for those with Behavioral Health issues, our homeless brothers and sisters, seniors, substance boss programs and we wanted to make sure there was clarity of those being essential services and that guidance was updated on the site accordingly. We were able to do the same as it relates to activities like showing homes, realtors, and the like. So, i encourage you to take a look. Particularly in light of some of the updates today on open space and outdoor activities. Its essential that people recognize and avail themselves to the essential nature of physical and emotional support. We recognize the state of california recognizes with its 200 park that are still open in the state of california that there is a real need and desire to have more points of access and more points of clarity on what is allowed and what is not allowed. About two dozen editions were made on that site. I encourage you take a look at it in regards to social distancing. Its been allowed the hiking protocols. Issueslarge and small. Lot of conversations about things like golfing. Put out some guidance on that. We wanted to clarify where the state stands. We have. That is a spacenning up with changes and conditions. Folks, rural parts of the state, some closer to suburb an and urban areas asked about horse back riding, being able to play catch with your kids, kick a soccer ball around. Those kinds of activities. Yes they are appropriate as long as you practice physical distancing. We put clarity out on that. Tennis, we have guidance on tennis as an activity and Outdoor Activity which we encourage again as long as you practice physical distancing. Want to you see sunsets and we want you to enjoy again, activities outdoors, again the only thing we dont want you to do is linger outdoors in ways where you are mixing or gathering or you are violating the principles we set out on our stay at home order related to large events and related to your health. I hope you will take a look at those guidelines. They are more than we have seen. We lope to continue to update them as i said. That site gets updated fairly consistently. Want to mechanic sure that you avail yourself to it and we of course are working hand and glove with our local Health Departments to make sure we are squaring water guidance and clarifying where there may be confusion. There is the phase we are in. Over the next few weeks, many, many months we will continue to work with our county Health Directors, our local officials and they will be constant need to update, to toggle. To that end that thats what we need to do as it relates to what we saw in the activity last saturday in particular and sunday to some degree on a couple of our beaches in the state of california. One has to be open to article, interested in evidence. We have to be driven by the spread of this disease. I will announce in a moment the number of people lost their lives, getting close to record numbers yesterday. The fact that we saw 5point increase in the number of new positive cases in the state. Saw modest increases in hospitalizations icus. I will update those numbers in a moment. Its just another reminder this disease hasnt gonna way. A few people reached out saying will. Just need a little sunlight and itll be solved. There is a sense that people are spread that around that its a cleaner itself. We hope there may be a seasonality to covid19 but the reality is even in countries like singapore they opened up too early and had a big set back and had to close down. I think they had roughly 1400 cases in one calendar day just in city nation state of singapore. They may have moved too quickly to open things back up its a way of making point. We are guided by health. We are guided by your health and the health of others. I want everybody to know, nobody is invincible. Some of us are more at risk, seniors, people with compromised immune system. Doesnt matter the time of life. If you have a compromised immune system you could be much younger, yosken pknowin w days later after your negative test you may have gotten the disease, have no symptoms and now spreading to your loved ones back in to the community. So thats why we really are sincere about our desire to coop you safe and to monitor and to meet the conditions as they change. The conditions last week, the images we saw on a few of our images were disturbing. I was candid about that. We have been consistent about that and we had anticipated a week ago today concerns with that weather coming back up and wanted people to be aware. Unfortunately as i said just in a couple of our beaches we didnt see that happen. The vast majority of them we did. He we saw people doing all the right things, incredible leadership in la, the county and city level, the mayor and great work being done. San diego, their county and their partner ship, even up in mendicino, bay area, so many outstanding examples where people met the moment, both as, you know, citizens of this state, and as local leaders, Law Enforcement and the like. We just want to acknowledge that. I want to thank everybody for that outstanding work. That will help us get to this goal of beginning to reopen the state much much sooner. Lets keep that up. In areas where we didnt see that, you have to acknowledge that. Have you to own that. You have to figure that out. I have been led by my Health Directors and partnership with counsel, with many Health Professionals that feel we need to address that little more specifically in a targeted way. The volume of density and the volume of people and concentrated space, particular apply in a few stays, few coastal cities, off and around the Orange County area. Those were the point of particular concern. Today we want to make some clarification. We will do a hard close in that part of the state. Just in the Orange County area. They put together interesting thoughtful guidelines on reopening their local economy. Its just an example of a lot of great work thats being done at the local level. We are bringing that into the conversations we are having up here. Thats the spirit that we want to see all across the state. I want to acknowledge that spirit in Orange County. Specific issues on some of those beaches have raised alarm bells. People that are gathering and werent practicing physical distancing. That may go back to their community outside of Orange County and may not even know they contracted the disease and now they people at risk. Put the Hospital System at risk and the like. I will remind you la county. These are large counties. Ra county, san diego county, Orange County, those are three of the four largest areas of concern in this state as it relates to total number of people that have tested positive and the people that have been in the hospital. So Orange County has been ott list of Health Concerns and they have done a wonderful job. I think we can tighten that up a little bit. We will have a temporary pause on the beaches down there. State and local beaches. We want to work very closely with local elected officials and we are committed to doing that. If we can get some framework and guidelines to get this right we can reopen very, very quickly. We have to make sure we can get this right. Why you do all the great progress lets move this state Forward Together and i know theres that urge and that desire and thats why i hope you take a look at all of the new Outdoor Activity that are absolutely allowable. The 200 state park that are open and the state of california and as long as we are modifying our behavior and practicing the physical distancing, we are going to move through into this next part. We talk about that phase2 in the next few weeks. Only thing that will set us back is behavior, not not indictment of the people that wanted to go to the beach. My gosh, by the way, i have been a beach advocate. Martins beach, hollister ranch. I signed a bill to open the beaches. Passionate about your right and our collective responsibility. Not only to give you access but to keep you safe. Thats an and, not an or. My job is to keep you safe. When our health folks tell me they cant promise that if we promote another weekend like we had then i have to make this adjustment. So, i hope its a very short term adjustment. Confident itll be because the spirit that defines the moment is the spirit of cooperation. Theres always exceptions but they are exceptions. Its very far getted, very focused. Trying to solve a Health Problem and mitigate one that could grow in to the future and i want to update you on that space as well. Just briefly before we open up to questions, i will update you. We had 95 people, 95 families completely torn apart just in the last 24 hours that lost their lives. This virus, i said it doesnt take weekends away. Its not gonna way. Dont be fooled by that. I know we want it to go away. We are doing everything in our power and you have that power. Your decisions have helped us flatten the curve in the state of california. We havent bent that curve down. We have just flattened that curve. Its stable. 95 souls were lost in the last 24 hours. I hope thats a point of reminder and caution in terms of the behavior that we are seeing just a few of our beaches in the state. Accordingly we saw 5. 2 increase in the number of positives. We are doing more tests and im proud to know in excess of 625,000 tests. We made a commitment to go from 2,000 tests a day to get to 15,000 tests. Get up to 20 and get on our way by the end of this month. 25,000 tests we are meeting those goals. Your expectations. We are getting those testing sites up in Rural California and inner city california. Still so many people. Even in a county like Orange County which is one of the highest rates of total number of positives, size and scope. Very limited number of people tested in that county. We need to provide more tests and as we do you will see the positives. 5. 2 increase yesterday. Hospitalization as i said went up but just modestly with in a percent point. Less than that. We are seeing some stability. Some positive signs and thats why i want to keep this momentum just be smart. Targeted way about enforcing the stay at home order. Enforcing those events and whats happening is, you know, same reason we are not reopening arenas with tens of thousands of people. We dont want beaches with tens of thousands of people mixing for the same reason. That doesnt keep people healthy. Most people would go yeah, i get why you arent doing it at the arena but you may want to look on the beach and go not healthy here either. I know its outside and i know all that. Lets be guided by common sense and by these Public Health officials that have done such a great job guiding us through this pandemic so far. We are getting close. Lot more work to do. I just want to thank all of you for everything that you have done. If we can just hold the line we will get through this and i remain optimistic about getting through it much more strongly than we got into it. Thank you for your patience and ind ul gence and the opportunity to make the announcements and the now that we are about a week out from those massive crowds that you saw in Orange County, are there any outbreak of cases, hospitalizations, anything like that which you have seen that would indicate there has been an Health Impact from the crowds that would necessitate for you to take that . It has been less than four days. It may be premature to judge on the basis, remember it is thursday and this is through the weekend. Again, i maintain that we have to do a lot more on community surveillance. That is the predicate of moving from phase 2 to phase 3 and

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