Tonight, one exit plan. Plus stephen welcomes keith urban and casey wilson featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause theme song playing stephen hey nice to see. Delightful delightful cheers and applause stephen good to see you there you go Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen stephen nice. There you go. A busy night. A busy night here. Spring is in the air. Nice to see you, chris. Welcome, one and all, to the late show. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. Another candidate cheers and applause yet another candidate has dropped out of the democratic race. And were getting a clearer picture of americas future, and it looks a lot like americas past. laughter and ill give you the latest in tonights edition of i have a plan for that. I beat trump. Corn pop was a bad dude aaahhh bing, bing, bong, bong. Fury road to the white house 2020 come on stephen now cheers and applause piano riff stephen folks, im afraid i have sad news for fans of competence, because friend of the show Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the president ial race. audience reacts the onetime frontrunner, warren made the classic campaign mistake of being able to finish a coherent sentence laughter and not having a penis. Laug warren is gone now. Thats it. Shes out of the race. Further proof that america can not have nice things. laughter she had a plan for everything a healthcare plan, an immigration plan, a student loan plan. And her most popular plan of all, kneecapping Michael Bloomberg with a croquet mallet. laughter cheers and applause jon oh huhoh piano riff stephen hold still tata laughter not surprisingly, warren was gracious and eloquent, reportedly telling her staff, i will carry you in my heart for the rest of my life. If i leave you with one piece of advice choose to fight only righteous fights. That is beautiful. But fear not bufear, warrenans. Joe bi con that fight ws ou message of yabbadabba, democrats lifelong laughter mama see, mama sa, mama koo sa come on laughter now cheering piano riff really got to get the flipdowns. Once she addressed the press, warren lamented how the narrative of this primary seemed to have been written in advance. Stephen yes, despite her best effort, that democratic road still has just two lanes, and two drivers who probably should have their keys taken away. laughter okay . applause eyes are just going. Now get a golf cart. Get a golf cart. At one p, abouthe young women as who look up to her. Stephen are you happy, america . You made Elizabeth Warren break her pinky promise. laughter now she has to hope to die and stick a needle in her eye laughter warren was also asked whether sexism might have played a role in her campaigns ending. Stephen and im guessing most of it will be bleeped. laughter then warren was asked whether she would be endorsing either biden or sanders. Heres what she said stephen okay, shes right. Lets all just take a deep breath. And hold it until the coronavirus is gone. laughter you know theres going to be a fierce battle between biden and sanders to win Elizabeth Warren. as bernie liz, im sorry i called you a liar. Please, my heart cant take much more of this. Thats doctors orders. I guess what im saying is, you complete me literally. I need an organ donor. In your eyes the light, the heat your eyes but biden cheers and applause but bidens not going to give up without a fight. as biden dont listen to him, lizzie. After all, you are my cousin. Oh, wait, they switched em on me. Point is, i want you to endorse me for u. S. Senate. No, i mean that, folks laughter and as they waited for warrens announcement, the press camped out on her lawn, and one reporter snapped this picture of her dog, bailey. Awww. Look at that face. Dang, that should have been her Campaign Slogan all along vote for Elizabeth Warren, or youll make a dog sad. laughter but applause but, like a lot of us, bailey evidently is a stress eater, because after the announcement, warrens press secretary, gabrielle farrell, posted on twitter bailey legit just swiped someones burrito. laughter along with footage of staffers trying to get the texmex from his maw. laughter yes, yes, its your burrito, but bailey has a plan for that. laughter jon oh, oh, a plan so, ladies and gentlemen, now it is time cheers and applause today today we are all bailey. So its time to say goodbye to Elizabeth Warren. Oh here comes her horse ride, lizzie ride laughter applause so now its down to biden and sanders showdown at high noon, right before they both eat dinner. laughter either one of these men would be the oldest president in u. S. History, so its going to be important they choose a running mate that is experienced, yet seems a lot younger. So. Jimmy carter. laughter applause now, the other big story Strom Thurmond . No, Strom Thurmonds gone. Okay. The other big story is still the coronavirus. Its all anybodys talking about. You could say america has coronavirus fever. But you should not. That would be in poor taste. How dare you . laughter ill give you the latest in tonights goin viral. Lick me, im delicious cheers and applause stephen the coronavirus continues to spread. So far, there have been 210 confirmed cases in 18 states with doubledigit fatalities. So last night, donald trump went on fox news to lie about everything. laughter specifically, he lied about the most recent World Health Organization estimate that the global death rate of coronavirus is 3. 4 . He disagreed. I think the 3. 4 is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch. Stephen science is not based ht thats why bill nye the science guy is more successful than his rival phil munch, man of hunch laughter trump applause its a good show, though. A really good show. Trump backed up his fake hunch with some fake math. It seems like 3 or 4 , which is a very high number, as opposed to as opposed to a fraction of 1 . I think the number personally, i would say the number is way under 1 . Stephen this isnt the art of the deal. You cant negotiate with science as trump youre saying i have six to eight weeks to live . Uhhuh, okay. How about 10 to 12, all right . laughter nine weeks. Final offer, or im walking. Oh, youre saying i wont be able to walk then . Okay. laughter trump didnt just have bad numbers. He also had some bad advice a lot of people will have this, and it is very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They dont even see a doctor. They dont even call a doctor. You never hear about those people. We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work. laughter stephen go to work . Maybe some of them do go to work, but they shouldnt go to work, because thats a good way to spread a pandemic. Trumps like the mayor in jaws, but worse. as trump dont listen to the sheriff, okay . Sheriff doesnt know what hes talking about. The beaches are open for summer a lot of people a lot of people going to get attacked by a shark, but a lot of people arent. Never hear about the hundreds of thousands of people who dont get chomped up. Some of them will get their leg eaten off, but theyll come to shore, and theyll get better just by sitting around. Their legs will grow back. I have a hunch. laughter but cheers and applause piano riff you see, its a message of hope, jon. Jon message of hope . Really . Stephen never say die. But maybe the worst corona lie was what trump said about the current fatalities. When you do have a death if washingtonu e york. Stephen no, we did not have one in new york laughter but he said it. Now an intern in the Trump Administration is going to have to make it true. Im so sorry. He said it on hannity. stay still its for College Credit hold still laughter its not a real gun. Its not a real gun. laughter piano riff these are anxious times demanding swift, decisive action. And, for once, congress has stepped up, because, first the house and then today the senate, both passed an 8. 3 billion emergency spending package to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. Dang with that kind of money, you could go on amazon and buy six face masks laughter applause six. Now, some americans yes. There you go. Second time, second time. Some republicans think that 8. 3 billion is an overreaction, like florida congressman and man thinking, you cant arrest me for drunk driving. Im florida congressman matt gaetz, matt gaetz. laughter gaetz was there for yesterdays budget vote, and he showed up for it wearing a gas mask. Well, that is one way to prevent people from smelling the liquor on your breath. laughter and then and then, that wasnt gaetzs only picture wearing the gas mask. Here he is surrounded by all of his friends. laughter and id like to point out, id like to point out, ladies and gentlemen, that he is the only man who could wear a gas mask to work and still have the dumbest part of his outfit be his shoes. cheers and applause theyre like clown feet, but they didnt grow. One person actually taking the coronavirus seriously is bond, james bond. james bond theme song cheers and applause yesterday, the new james bond movie was postponed over oducerof the farre shaken and stirred. laughter ironically, the film is named no time to die. laughter it didnt help that the bond girl is named pam demic. laughter i applaud the producers for putting Public Health ahead of their marketing schedule, but i think they can do more. Thats why im calling on them to release a new version of one of their classic songs. Wash fingers laughter cheers and applause seriously, wash your fingers. Weve got a great show for you tonight. Keith urban is here. But when we come back, its meanwhile time, yall. Its meanwhile. cheers and applause band playing [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh wha woof eeh woof wuh [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] dramatic opera music swells from radio [howling continues] way more than you think. Check out this game. Yes. Galaxy 5g means you will beat your friends what if i want to show my friend this little guy . Calling the whole gang is even better with galaxy 5g. Wait a minute, are you bored . Obviously imagine a future where the best seats in the house are in your hand. With galaxy 5g yelling its like being there. Without being there. cheers and applause cheers and applause band playing Stephen Jon Batiste and stay human right there thats the band im not the band. Theyre the band cheers and applause jon jon, tonight, my friend jon got to get into it, man stephen my friend, tonight we are graced, we are graced by a Country Music superstar, keith urban is going to be here tonight. cheers and applause jon oh, yeah stephen hes going to talk, hes going to play. Its going to be the whole nine yards. Jon with a song. Amazing. Stephen sir keith urban. Jon sir. Stephen yeah. He can be knighted, dolly parton, i heard. Stephen just did that. Did that, with a bread stick. laughter you know, folks, every night i stand right over there and i stir you up a vat of the finest fermented news hops and barley to handcraft the highend topical microbrew that is my monologue. But every now and then, i like to gather up all the leftover plastic solo cups halffilled with discount hooch, malt liquor and backwash, dump them in a blender and whip up the multicolored, barely drinkable, mindaltering slurry of news i call meanwhile cheers and applause meanwhile is the engine of this economy. Meanwhile is is an alternative fuel source, is what it is. Meanwhile, a man brought a llama to his sisters wedding, delighting just about everyone but the bride. laughter im going to guess the llama wasnt super psyched about it, either. Be honest, man. Do you really like me, or am i just here as a joke . Im meeting your family. This is a big step. laughter meanwhile, a Florida Police department is offering to test your recreational drugs for coronavirus. Posting on their facebook page, bring it by our station, and we will test your batch within minutes laughter bracelets on you, behind youting ckto keep from touching your quartined for 1025 years in a science cage. laughter the cops even tagged cheers and applause science science and this is true the cops even tagged the post with the friendly hashtag better safe than sorry, hashtag help us help you, and hashtag virusfree meth. laughter they just forgot the hashtag please be this stupid. laughter meanwhile, there was a woefully underreported super tuesday election, the mayoral race in fair haven, vermont, where the winner was murfee, a threeyearold cavalier king charles spaniel. And heres murfee, announcing his bold platform of lets stand on the porch and wonder what birds are. laughter it was a close race, but murfee edged out the incumbent, a threeyearold nubian goat named lincoln easily the secondroughest end to a political career for a lincoln. laughter jon goodness. Oh, my. Its a little too soon. Stephen really . Really . Well, then you should have seen before we edited this script. laughter meanwhile, in world news, nearly 32,000 people have signed a petition asking the Oxford English dictionary to update its definition of woman, which currently includes such synonyms as bitch, piece, bit, mare, baggage, wench, petticoat, frail, bird, bint, biddy, and filly. That is horrible also, what is a bint . laughter it sounds like an old scottish word for the tool used to club a squirrel. scottish accent angus i dont like the way that ones looking at me. Get me me bint. The wench has it. Ooh, that fillys a fine bit o baggage. This is fun. Lets never change the way we talk, you bitch laughter jon oh, my stephen now cheers and applause piano riff the synonyms arent the only problem. One of the example sentences in the dictionary showing how to use the word woman is god, woman will you just listen . laughter audience reacts first of all, thats two sentences. laughter second, was the guy who wrote the dictionary in the middle of a fight when he was writing this . It would explain why the example sentence for the word happy is, god, patricia i didnt know you were saving those bananas to make banana bread i threw them away because they were turning black im not a mind reader just talk to me what happened to us . we used to be so happy laug well be right back with keith urban. cheers and applause urban. cheers and applause band playing whenever thenee,athey can s. Do what they need to do, something that they can use wherever they are. We care about keeping you safe. At verizon, we are here, and we are ready. We are open 24 7 online, so you can keep managing all you need from home and through the verizon apps and verizon. Com. 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We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . Wityour money almostes offered feels like its frozen. With capital one, you can open a new savings account in about 5 minutes and earn five times the national average. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Step by step, were going to figure this out. Were gonna find a way through this. R rsesr. Rking really, hos, so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these. All across puget sound, people have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just know were all with you. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses. band playing stephen hey, everybody welcome back to the late show ladies and gentlemen, my first guest tonight is the fourtime grammy awardwinning singer and songwriter with hits including somebody like you, stupid boy, and blue aint your color. Please welcome to the late show, keith urban. cheers and applause band playing stephen exactly why not . Stephen cant be too careful these days. Cant be too safe. Welcome to the show. Thank you very much. Stephen nice to have you on. Nice to be on, thank you. Stephen im not breaking any news here. Everybody knows americas one of the worlds biggest Country Music stars, but maybe not Everybody Knows you grew up in australia and were born in new zealand down there in gods country. Thats right. Stephen well, was Country Music big growing up down there . You know, im a little bit older than you are, but in america, even though you grew up in the south, you werent exposed to that much Country Music. Where did you learn it . My parents record collections. My dad particularly loved american Country Music. I grew up with the records playing merle haggard, charley pride, johnny cash. All that sort of stuff. Thats how i heard about it originally. Stephen thats nice. Do you remember the first concert you went to . The first one took us to was johnny cash applause yeah. When i was five years old. Stephen wow im jealous. I never got to see cash live. Those are cool parent taking you to see johnny cash. Crazy, really, i think, because that kind of crowd, when youre five years old, its insane. They were hammered beyond hammered, the whole audience, including my dad. Stephen what kind of venue was it . Where was it . A place called festive hall in brisbane, and its a boxing venue, so holds about 5,000 people ready to go. Stephen beer on the floor, Something Like that. And it was just rowdy. But when youre five, it was, you know, like a stadium to me. And this crowd was so noisy and intense and rowdy, and i was sitting there, and my brother who is two years older than me we have our little western shirts on, bolo ties and the whole thing. And i just remembered this roar, this crowd like i never heard before. And then the lights went out, and it got even louder, and i remember this guy walking out on stage with a guitar and a spotlight, and he talked, and the whole crowd went to this quiet hush, and im just like, whats going on . Stephen all in black, im guessing. Yeah, it was amazing. Stephen did you ever get to tell him that . No, i never met johnny. I would have loved to tell him that. Stephen youre a dad yourself, you and your lovely wife, nicolle kidman. Heres the two of you at dollywood, right there. Thank you. Stephen this is your instagram for valentines day. Right. Stephen your daughters are eleven and nine. Yeah. Stephen do you take them to concerts . Whats the first concert you took them to . Can you beat johnny cash . You cant beat johnny cash. We took them to see the kids bop thing that goes around. laughter stephen thats a little more age appropriate. They were, like, five and three, or something. Stephen slightly different crowd. A little bit. A little bit more sober. Stephen yeah. Just a little bit. Some of the dads. Stephen do you send them in or go in . We went in, all four of us. It was at the Ryman Auditorium stephen in nashville. And we were on the balcony, and the band comes out and are rocking out all the cover songs. At one point, i looked up, and the two girls were leaning over the balcony going crazy, head banging. It was awesome. Stephen i want to ask you a thing about dollywood in pigeon ford, tennessee. How long have you been a dolly fan . Because ive been a dolly fan since i was a kid. I used to watch her on the Porter Wagoner show when i was growing up. Right, well. I probably heard of her when i was seven, eight, years old, nine years old, did a few of her songs. Stephen i know you did, because we found a tape of you. I dont know what show this was on, but youre ten years old. Oh, no. Stephen doing dolly on tape. Jim . Wed sit and wed drink apple jack and old apple jack then hed take his banjo down and ask me if id sing and he would play the banjo while i played my tambourine cheers and applause stephen you sound a little like her you got it. You got that dolly tremalo there. Im prepubescent there. My voice hadnt even broken yet, so i could sing in her key. laughter stephen right. Now, clearly you have been performing since you were quite young. Right. Stephen how old were you when you starred playing . Six when i started playing guitar. Stephen and a lot of kids have imaginary friends, but i understand that you had an imaginary band. Well yeah. What it was, my mom and dad used to take us to see a band called country fever every sunday afternoon at this football club. They were just a cover band. They played all the top 40 f. But thought there awes i thought, man, i wish i had a band. So i built this little stage we had a garage separate to the house, and i built a little stage on the outside of the garage, with the wall of the garage its outside of the wall of the garage as a sort of backdrop to my stage. Stephen of course. Invite people to the lawn, and ill put on a concert. I was like, i need a band name. Country fever was taken, so i thought, ill call myself rock fever. I said to my dad, can i spray paint rock fever on the side of the garage . Hes, like, no laughter so, obviously, sorry. So i got the spray can out, and i sprayed rock fever on the side of the garage. Stephen because thats rock and roll. I wasnt thinking it through at all. And, of course, he came home from work and all hell broke lose, and there was this big rock fever thing. Ur i got punished for tha ens epunish . Mnto my room it was a big deal. And they said, well have a good think about this. They said, we think your punishment is were going to take your guitar away from you for two weeks. audience reacts well, i didnt think that. Inside, i was like, thats it . laughter thats a pretty high crime, you know what i mean . Stephen sure, you were told not to do it and you did it anyway, thats a mortal sin. Plus, its not going to come off the garage wall easily, right, so on the outside, im, like, please, no and on the inside, its, i just got away with murder. Its fantastic laughter so several days after that, i said, id love to play my guitar. I said to my mom, can i just grab it out of the closet . Shes, no, two weeks. And later, i said it again, and she said, no, two weeks. It turned out to be the best punishment, because toward the end of that i was ten years old i got on a bus and went. Into the city and went into a guitar store and got a guitar just so i could play. So when i got the guitar back, i never let it go. It was the best punishment, really. Stephen take away something your child loves, and theyll desire it more. laughter exactly. Stephen youve got a new single coming out ahead of the new album. Yeah. Stephen what are you going to play for us tonight . We have a couple of things coming out. Tonight well play god whispered your name. Its brand new. Stephen god whispered your name. Yeah. Stephen we look forward to it, keith. Thanks so much for being here. Stick around for a performance by keith urban cheers and applause well be right back with casey wilson stick around, everybody and ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day can no longer transmit hiv through sex. 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My name is daryl. cheers and applause band playing stephen hey, everybody, welcome back ladies and gentlemen, my next guest tonight is an actress and comedian you know from happy endings, saturday night live, and showtimes black monday. I have been knocking for 20 minutes sorry, my grandparents soundproofed all the bedrooms during the dirty 30s. Wow, this really is the perfect apartment. I know. And i love it, but this isnt the way im supposed to get it. My parents were supposed to give it to me when we got married, like everyones parents do. Sweety, i think your sense of reality is yeah, because reality sucks. I deserve the dream i dreamed off, not this offbrand version. Its barbies dream house, not midges. Is that a real story . My friend had one, came with a block of cheese. Stephen please welcome to the late show, casey wilson cheers and applause band playing hi stephen hello. Hi. Stephen hi, thanks for being here. Thank you for having me. Stephen i understand congratulations are in order for you. Yeah. Stephen because you recently got arrested with jane fonda. cheers and applause thank you. All the best people do. All the best do. I got arrested. She is an ongoing protester called fire drill fridays to demand climate justice. I was arrested. Stephen this is down in d. C. , right . Down in d. C. I was told, youre going to be in a holding cell for probably eight to ten hours. Wavery s move smart. thaty is all those moves were smart, but i was seated next to so they bring you into this holding cell, and i got so lucky because theyll seat you next to whoever youre with you are with them for 10 hours. Stephen you dont get to move around . No. I was seated next to a nurse from ohio and Gloria Steinem. audience reacts is. Stephen is that what this is . Whats happening mere . This was right before our arrest. Stephen thats you and Gloria Steinem there. Thats when spirits were bright and high. Stephen before the arrest. Yeah, before the arrest. Stephen when you felt good. Yeah. Stephen what did you and gloria talk about, ten hours . Ten hours, im asking her all these questions, im picking her brain, im so excited. And then, as the hours go on, youre hangry. I start complaining. Ive soiled myself. A lot happens. Stephen congratulations. Thank you so much. And it got darker and darker. And im, like, what garbage tv do you watch . Stephen what garbage tv do you watch. And im getting questions, like, i dont want this for gloria. Stephen she does havent to put up with you. She should never have to. And im sorry that you also have to. Stephen no, im very happy to. Finally, they were like, okay, you guys can shuffle around. And ive never seen anyone move so fast to the real celebs, to your janes and the head of haee i would ner tph did you g . She lovely laughter stephen you also, i understand, have added a new item to your resume. Youre going to be a published author. Youre working on a book. I am. Stephen ive written some, and i need perfect conditions. Like, the right music has to be on and everything. Are you one of the lucky people that can write anywhere . Yes and no. I work out of a kind of coworkspace where women have to multitask. So i often will be writing while im getting my hair colored, for instance. Someone will come, and ill get other things done while im working. Stephen other people are working there, too, having color done . Yeah, its not great. Nt t hau all, g la so she last time not this last time, i want to make that clear it was a year and a half ago she was coloring my hair and, unfortunately, she screamed and said, you have lice. audience reacts i know. See, this is a tough story to tell. The audience is turning. This is, again, a year and a half ago. laughter and she screamed. We ran from the building. My hands were shaking. And it turned out you know, i have a two and fouryearold. This is from their preschool class again, all clear now. laughter basically, my kids had it, i had it, the baby sitter had it. And my husband came home, and i said, if you dont have this, youre not spending enough time with our kids. Stephen thats a good. St know. I said, they better be fully grown, too. Stephen sure, sure. And . He had them, but not a lot, not a lot. But he had them. Stephen but, still, it says good things about your relationship. That warmed my heart, yeah. Stephen you host the popular podcast bitch sesh. Thank you. Stephen what does casey wilson feel like bitching about right now . Its strange, but i brought it for you. Everyone see this little product, afrin. Stephen its a bottle of afrin. Its a nasal spray you use, and hopefully we wont need it, instantly opens your sinuses. Stephen what is there to complain about afrin . Afrin is a miracle product. This is a miracle product that i cannot get open. When i tell you google it, afrin, cant get it open. There are hoards of people on the internet just like me. I have had to use a wrench. I had to go to a neighbors house. When you need, this you need it, guys. Stephen do you l, pl ofrs. Heres what i want to i want to see the c. E. O. Of afrin in a room by himself or herself. He or she will go crazy. Stephen can you not get that open . No. Push down gently, it says thats ridiculous and then open. cheering stephen just call me. Are you in the new york area . Do you live in the new york area . I live in california, but i guess theres fedex. Stephen sure. Im embarrassed, but im telling you all, this is a strong man. The average person laughter stephen i am telling you all, i am not a strong man. laughter lovely to meet you. Nice to meet you. Stephen thank you so much for being here. Again, no lice. Stephen the Second Season of black monday premieres march 15th on showtime. Casey wilson, everybody well be right back with a performance by keith urban. And ensuring for others, especially now. 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Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Humira is proven to help stop further joint damage,. And its the 1prescribed biologic for psa. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira citratefree. Z3u2cz zi0z you may not be thinking about blood donation, but blood is needed to save the lives of people who are sick with a range of illnesses. Its easy and safe to give. If you are in good health, please donate. We need heroes now. Visit red cross blood dot org to schedule an appointment. Stephen performing his new single, god whispered your name, ladies and gentlemen, keith urban . I was so cold and lost and nothing seemed to ring true couldnt bear the cross for everything id been through and each day, i knew i needed change but there was no way, no way and then god whispered your name and thats when everything changed and love came out of the rain and talk about being saved suddenly i wanna live more than i ever did im never gonna be the same oh, when god whispered your name i can see the sunshine for the first time in a while girl, its like ive been baptized by the warmth of your smilel, cf or call it crazy either way, its amazin, amazin grace oh, when god whispered your name and thats when everything changed love came out of the rain talk about being saved well, suddenly i wanna live more than i ever did im never gonna be the same when god whispered your name its just what i needed to hear, baby it couldnt have been more loud and clear oh, when god whispered your name and thats when everything changed love came out of the rain and talk about being saved oh, suddenly i wanna live more than i ever did im never gonna be the same when god whispered your name oh, yeah, hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah ooh, hallelujah, baby hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah ooh, yeah, i can see the sunlight shinin through your pretty eyes, baby cheers and applause stephen thanks, man. Keith urban, everybody well be right back. Stephen now stick around for james corden. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry where it is you come from itll be all right its the late late show reggie ladies and gentlemen,

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