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mid-40s for oakland. upper 30s in livermore. upper 40s in san francisco and santa rosa coming at 37. as we head to today, we will see plenty of sunshine and milder daytime highs. 60 for a high in san francisco. 63 oakland. 66 later on today in san jose and 65 for concord. temps running want to 7 degrees above average. talk about some changes in that extended forecast coming up. let's check in with gianna with a new crash. >> yeah, we got them delays because of this accident. was found 37 right around wilson. we got two cars and a big rig tangled up here. we are seeing some delays there. you're going to see some brake lights, especially getting on the 37 there. 37 minutes:go from 80 over towards 101. definitely give yourself a few extra minutes. another way to do it, another way to go from the east bay to marin, you can always use the richmond/san rafael bridge. your drive times overall, nine minutes to make that trip across the span i'm anne makovec at the news desk. e second east bay freeway shooting in 24 hours. it happened late last night . it closed and part of 880 for a few hours. it has now been reopen. at about 10:20 p.m., a red cavalier was hit by multiple shots. this is the on the 23rd avenue on-ramp to northbound 880. nobody was injured. a chp says if you're looking for a grey nissan pickup truck in this case. and they still have not denounced any suspects or arrests in a shooting on 880 rep in fremont. that happened at about 3:00 a.m. a b&w shot 5 to 6 times before the driver was able to escape. right now, the chp has not said anything about whether or not these two incidents are related. back to you. >> an rv crack down in fremont. the city plans to remove people living in rvs and trailers along 880. they will be using boulders to drive campers away. kpix 5's jackie ward is there now with a live look at the situation. >> reporter: it does not matter if you live and an rv, a trailer, or a you are a truck driver trying to get some extra sleep but the city of fremont is going to come here and tell these people to leave. signs like these are posted all along the 1 to 3 mile stretch, wadding of what is to come. over the last several months, dozens have set up their trailers and rvs along this road in fremont. starting today, the city said it will be telling people they have to go and replacing those vehicles with boulders to keep them from coming back. fremont has said it has received complaints from businesses and workers. the growing debris and trash on the side of the road. that people who live here, say they don't have another place to go. >> they are kicking us out when we are down. you know what i mean? instead of lifting us up. >> they want to drag it out of the way. shame on them. they know we exist. they just don't want to have to look at us. >> reporter: the east bay times reports the number of homeless has gone up by about 27% in the last two years to roughly 600 people. aside from the homeless, a lot of people who work here ready to load and unload. we are here all morning long, monitoring the situation, waiting for the city of fremont to come here to tell these people to leave. live in fremont, diane king hall, kpix 5. happening today, the trial continues for the man accused of killing nia wilson. defendant john lee cowell was booted from the court after his outburst disrupted opening statements. the prosecutor also showed surveillance video of the deadly stepping. >> that is the last known image of her, being happy-go-lucky. just to see that last image and to know that is what he did to my a.b. girl. >> the prosecutor called wilson's merger a premeditated deliberate surprise attack. he noted that that howl ran from the scene, changed his clothes, and then tossed the knife into a construction zone. a defense blamed towel's schizophrenia, saying he heard voices urging him to hurt people. the ntsb is headed to the wallaby county. a single engine cessna crashed after 6:00 near the columbia airport. it is not clear where the plane was headed and no word yet on who the victims are. the feds and local authorities have searched four -- served four search warrants, rather, in the investigation of the disappearance of smart. one of the homes searched is in san pedro. that is about 25 minutes from los angeles. the man who lives there is believed to be the last person who saw smart alive. officials stopped by a property and another one in washington state. no word yet if any evidence was recovered. a southern california college student is facing charges this morning after he went on a racist and homophobic rant in class. the incident was all caught on video. >> [ bleep ] hate [ bleep ]. let it be known. i'm not getting. [ bleep ]. like $50 million. >> the video shows dayton king ring sitting in class saying he has been drinking all day and pulling a green bottle out of his back. the 21-year-old can be heard yelling obscenities. students ey t the class d that is when he throws and stomps resistarrest. janitors are dem new deal for immigrant workers. many janitorial and maintenance personnel are immigrant workers. they are demanding building owners respect the right to unionize for fair pay and conditions. and they also want to eliminate exploitation and sexual harassment in the workplace. the march in oakland and san jose today. that event kicks off 11:30. residents of one contra costa county neighborhood say their streets are overflowing with trash and one man claims nothing is being done to stop the dumping. trash hauling is a pottage industry. not all the junk ends up there. there are piles of garbage dumps along streets. it has become so common some neighbors have just come to accept it. one man is so fed up he bought a gopro camera to document the trash piles and complains regularly to city hall about it. >> i get cops in the city of richmond telling me they won't fine anybody. why don't they get out here and >> he says one of the big problems in the city allows trash and recycling hollers to park their trucks in the residential neighborhood, which causes junk to pile up and the people city area as a convenient place to dump. kpix 5 could not reach anyone from the city for comment. it is 6:08. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, san francisco pride organizers giving google another chance. coming up, the ban that was just lifted. plus, access granted for self-driving testing on bay area streets. coming up, what uber has to check off its list before hitting the road. don't forget your winter coat as you leave the house as we are looking at chilly temps, once again this morning. here's a live look with our cells first camera. as we head through the afternoon, changes with our next weather system. details coming up. that morning commute in full swing. this portion of the nimitz looks pretty good. tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. good morning to you. chilly start to the day. many of us looking up to clear skies. but also patchy fog along the coast. dense fog at half moon bay. down to 0 for the visibility this morning. so please be extra careful if your commute takes you along the coast. we will talk more about our full forecast coming up. careful along highway 1 this money because of that. if you plan on taking the bay bridge, metering lights are on and we will see our usual backup here. your backup into the maze at this point. pretty much a parking lot. good news, once you're past that, it is clear. live look at in san francisco, where we are just a couple days away from the big lunar new year great. and later today, city officials are expected to hold a meeting to discuss safety. the meeting comes after organizers posted this message on their website saying they are aware of the coronavirus concerns and are monitoring the situation. as of this morning, they say they have no plans to cancel the parade. this morning, san francisco pride has decided not to ban google from this year's oblation. it comes after a small group of pride members pushed for the ban. the controversy started last year when youtube refused to removed videos that were reported as homophobic. a part's executive director telling us in a statement, quit, we are saying yes to inclusivity. this morning, uber now has a permit from the dmv to test its self driving cars. but the san francisco based rideshare company says it is in no hurry to start. the company has to make sure all autonomous vehicles have certified human drivers and vehicles have to be inspected and tested in a controlled environment. uber is taking its time after an accident with the self- driving car killed a person in arizona in 2018. it is 6:13 this morning. the rush hour is definitely on, especially at the bay bridge. >> yeah, yeah, came on. it is busy as you work your way on the westbound side. out of emeryville, as you head into san francisco, about 30 minutes now. definitely plan for that. just after 5:00 this morning. it is backed up as you work your way in that area. once you get past the portion, looks good. no delays on the lower deck. 880, a pretty good ride so far, at least for this. we have not seen any delays or troubles near the coliseum. here's a live look at nimitz. southbound, definitely going to hit some brake lights. you can see on our maps here, that is where we are seeing some slow speeds on that southbound side. coming away from 238 and passed there, almost into union city at this point. 27 minutes from 237. we will see brake lights at the san mateo bridge, at the toll plaza there. in a vehicle causing a bit of a hang up here. slow writes there. as you work your way from walnut creek. we got slow-and-go conditions out of tracy, heading into the altamont pass. you are clear, though, once you get more into the livermore valley. lookout for an exit, south 17th. it is blocking lanes. and out of the south bay, northbound 101,, you can see some brake lights. the usual stuff. speed down to about 17 miles per hour. other than that, though, it is fairly quiet. pretty good news here out of san jose. using 280. no delays as of rds 87 s pret recast ly tempetures. definitely bundle up if you're heading out the door this morning, for work and school, because we are looking at temps in the 30s and in the 40s this morning. not as cold as yesterday. but still, we are dealing with those chilly conditions. here's a live look with your salesforce tower camera. looking east at the bay bridge, with mostly clear skies. in concord, you are 42 respect livermore, 38. 38 in san francisco. down to 41 in san jose and 37 for for santa rosa. so 24-hour temperature change, anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees warmer compared to yesterday at this time. your with your headlines, what you need to know as you head out the door, patchy fog, especially for the coast. indee fog along the coasts and visibility at half moon bay down to 0 this morning. please be careful on the roadways if your commute the afternoon, we will have that sunshine in, mild daytime highs, well above average for this time of year and that will be the case, not just dais terny and saturday. changes, though, on sunday as a dry cold front pushing through. so breezy conditions and cooler for all of us to end the weekend. so satellite and radar, that ridge of high pressure, blocking any weather systems from coming our way. i wish i could tell you, some rain is coming soon. but it does not look like it is going to be the case with that ridge of high pressure in control. so taking you hour by hour on two ask you can see all of that sunshine and and again, similar conditions with chilly warnings, warm to mild afternoons. friday and saturday. but as we look ahead to sunday, some changes. so mild temps for us with that ridge of high pressure in control. but then, by the end of the weekend, much cooler temps with eight low pressure system dropping a dry cold front our way. so temps will be dropping and the winds will be picking up come sunday. in the meantime, our sunrise at 7:09 and our sunset at 5:38. so daytime highs above average for the time of year. for the south bay we go looking at 66 for santa clara in san jose. 57 in morgan hill. looking at the east bay, coming in at 65 for an afternoon high time. 66 in fairfield. 66 in livermore. 64 for walnut creek. san francisco, topping out at 60. also for berkeley, 61 in alameda and for san leandro. oakland, you will see a high of 63. and 69 for lakeport. here's a that extended forecast and what you can expect as we are looking at those mild temps through saturday. cooler, breezier on sunday and starting off the workweek next week with that sunshine. thank you. carmelo soprano, nurse jackie and now tommy. edie falco is returning to television to play the first a female chief of police for los angeles. cbs's new drama. >> i'm sorry,. i think we skipped the interest. i am abigail thomas, usually just tommy. >> a trueblu new yorker, abigail "tommy" thomas keeps social political and national security issues from hindering law enforcement in l.a. i spoke with edie falco. >> in her case, she has a grown daughter that she is not particularly close to. they live on opposite ends of the country. what does that mean? it is op trying to do a job and juggle their personal lives at the same time, oftentimes, which is very tricky. >> you can check out the sears premier of "tommy", that is tonight at 10:00 right here on kpix 5. it is 6:19. next on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area , do you give cash to someone in need? coming up in our "project home" series, bay area study hoping to make a difference. and let's take a live look from our sutro camera, looking at the gorgeous city of san francisco, all those lights this morning. cigna. we are streaming now on cbsn bay area. obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to impducation, and and develotive way hworked together teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. what'd we decide could save you 15%utes or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. a new study shows that giving cash to the poor is the best way to. the cycle of poverty. >> the research carried out in rural kenya could be applied here. during a professor's trip, they gave kenyans at thousand dollars in cash as a st. louis. professor miguel says most kenyans spent it on food, home improvements, and education for their children. >> relatively small amount of cash could help households that over the on the edge of assistance avoid very painful choices. it can avoid setting off cycles of poverty. >> studies show 57% of u.s. families don't have enough cash to cover an extra $500 expense. in the bay area, where the margin of error is so small, families can easily lose their footing to an unexpected health event or car accident. >> the homeless population in the bay area, where there is substance abuse, maybe the best thing to do would be combined cash with assistance. >> professor miguel and his team plan to to continue the study in years to come to determine if the cash infusion and help reduce income inequality overtime. keep sending your stories and ideas to "project home" at see you can see all of our original reporting on our website. happening today, in san francisco, the on the line of the warriors newly refurbished basketball courts west side? >> located on sutter street near the medical center. the court revealed events start at 4:00 today. in san francisco ommira london breed along with former warriors player donald foil will take part in the dedication. the warriors but statement ahead of the big reveal writing part, this program underscores the importance that our franchise and partners in this case, pepsico, placed on providing space for community citizens to play basketball and to build camaraderie. the warriors say that this is the 85th refurbished basketball court in the bay area. the foundation was established back in 2012. it is 6:25. coming up in our next half hour, president expected to deliver his first remarks a day after being equated. a look at tom: my mom always told me louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. z3qruz zi0z y3qruy yi0y while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message not just wealthy campaign contributors. >> announcer: live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. right now and streaming on cbsn bay area, a possible treatment for the deadly coronavirus may right here in the bay area. what a new drug could finally be tested. and the latest battle between the 49ers and santa clara now impacting november ballot. good morning. it is thursday, february 6. i'm kenny choi. >> and i'm michelle griego. it is just about 6:30, and we want to check in with mary lee with a look at the weather. >> a beautiful start to the day with mostly clear skies . goldish colors starting to form in our sky as the sun is just about to rise this morning. it is a chilly start for sure. temps as cold as yesterday morning. but you will definitely feel that chill in the air with temps in the 30s and in the 40s. with patchy fog along the coasts, dense fog this morning. along the coasts, otherwise, clear skies, light winds, sunshine and mild temps as we had through the afternoon with above average temps, not just today but through saturday. changes ahead on sunday for the next weather system. that coming up. let's check in with gianna. typically takethat, reports of reroutes and bus shuttles that are in place bee of an accident in the city. we've got a trouble spot here at san jose. that is where that accident is. between balboa park at 22nd. b.a.r.t. also providing later. so do plan for those delays this morning. we will keep you updated on that. you got brake lights, a lot of them. slow ride, 42 minutes. happening today, the former head of san francisco public works will appear in court. mohammad is charged with federal corruption crimes. the fbi arrested him last week. he was freed on $2 million bail. he is still accused in five schemes involving bribery take it and the use of city contractors for personal business. earlier this week, san francisco city attorney launched a formal corruption investigation into the public works director. he is hearing starts at 11:30 this morning. new video of a major sterilization and disinfection program is underway at the chinese city of yichang . everything from maintenance to farm producers is being sterilized in hopes of preventing further spreading of the illness book americans evacuated from the upper senate of the outbreak, spending their first morning at travis air force base in fairfield. those 178 americans are quarantined in a hotel with in the air force base. so far, it is not known if any of them are carrying the virus, but a child is in the hospital for testing after getting a fever. sent roth has two young daughters and a wife quarantined at the base. >> it is not some wet she is bound inside. let's and. she is able to go outside and most of the people are wearing masks. >> the passengers will be monitored at the base for couple of weeks. the coronavirus is causing increasing concerns among travelers at the bay area's three international airports. earlier in this podcast, we spoke with cbs news travel at about what pastors can you. >> you want to practice good personal hygiene, wash your hands. and of course, if you are on an airplane, you want to wipe off anything that your skin is going to touch with -- >> a bay area, but he is working with china to see if its experimental drug could treat the symptoms of coronavirus. gilead says its anti-viral drug has showed some success treating mers and saoirse, viruses that are similar to the coronavirus. while the drug is not licensed or approved anywhere in the world, gilead says it is working to support clinical trials on coronavirus patients in china as early as next week. the number of people killed by the coronavirus continues to rise the death toll now stands at 563 with more than 28,000 confirmed cases. state with kpix 5 for the latest information on the coronavirus. you can always get news updates anytime on cbsn bay area. it is available on all of your favorite devices. i'm anne makovec at the live new stats . that's go live to washington, dc, where the national prayer breakfast is underway. president trump speaking right now. this is his first appearance, fresh off of his impeachment acquittal yesterday. let's listen in. >> we have 350 many people in our country. a are proud americans. and the respect what we are doing. those that don't think so much like us, respect us, want to be with us. >> a lot of it, so far, has been talk of politics and touting some of the programs that he has been able to inform and so far. he also at the beginning of his appearance held up a few newspapers talking about his acquittal. and here's an awkward factor. nancy pelosi is also there. this all breakfast is supposed to be about unity. back to you. >> in less than three hours, president trump is also suspected to make a public statement on his impeachment acquittal. >> and he is here by acquitted of the charges and said articles. >> the senate vote on abuse of power and obstruction of congress felt mostly along party lines. only one republican mitt romney from utah, voted to convict. >> corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one's oath of office that i can imagine. >> the reaction inside the gop was swift and severe with the president's son, don junior, tweeting out, quote, mitt romney is forever bitter that he will never be. authorities. he is now officially a member of the resistance and should be expelled from the gop. hours after the acquittal, protesters took to the streets. about 20 rallies were held in the bay area. hundreds more erupted across the country. campaign 2020 now. pete buttigieg and bernie sanders may both have bragging rights one all the caucus votes are finally counted in iowa. the latest results show buttigieg with a slight lead in the state delegates and sanders ahead by a small margin in the popular vote for each category, elizabeth warren, joe biden, amiable klobuchar are currently third, fourth, and fifth. 97% of the precincts, another update is expected later today. monday's caucuses were impaired by technical problems and reported delays. the candidates have shifted their focus to new hampshire, which holds the nation's first primary this coming tuesday. here in california state assemblyman david chiu and three superior candidates held a news candidate. to encourage early voting. a 230 event will be at the civic center plaza in san francisco. election day in california is march 3rd. as we gear up for super tuesday, kpix 5 has you covered. just head over to for the latest campaign and election updates. the 49ers have often squabbled with city officials since moving to santa clara several years ago. no, team ownership is accused of probably contributing money to defeat a city ballot measure. santa clara currently has six city council districts with each represented by one councilmember. the measure "c" calls for 3 districts with two counts of members in each. opponents say that measure "c" would dilute votes from minority groups. last month, city clerk said that he uncovered evidence of undisclosed donations by the 49ers but would not say exactly what he found. he sent a letter warning to top 49ers executives including ceo jed york and this week, the city clerk's office received a filing indicating that york had donated money to the no on "c" campaign. >> what do you think of that? >> i think it speaks for itself. >> he will make a case on nothing. >> 49ers management releasing the statement, reads in part, made sure "c" threatens to disenfranchise minority communities and strip them of equal representation in our local government. no amount of manufactured -- will distract from the fact that measure "c" is antidemocratic. the city plans to remove people living in rvs and trailers along 880. it will be used to drive campers away. dozens have set up their trailers and rvs along this frontage road near tesla and seagate. city officials say they received complaints from businesses and workers of the growing debris and trash on the side of the road. the east bay times reports the number of homeless in fremont has gone up by about 27% in the last two years to roughly 600 people. aside from the homeless, a lot of truckers parked in the area waiting to load and unload tesla products. the city says it is working with tesla on finding a solution. new this monday, a high- speed train derailed in northern italy, killing two workers and leaving at least 28 more people hurt. this is about 25 miles from milan, italy. doctors and red cross members escorted the passengers away from the wreckage. work had been done on that stretch of the truck overnight. but officials there say that it is unclear whether that factored into the crash. time now is 6:39. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area , shattering a spaceflight record. historic mission. and wall street opened up just about to minutes ago. as we take a look at the dow, it is up a little bit, about 27 points right obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. good thursday morning to you. it is a chilly start to the day so grab your coat. beautiful a live look with clear sky >> we will talk about some big changes coming up. and taking a look at the roadways right now, we got problems in san francisco on san jose avenue. it is causing some delays. by -- shuttles are now in place. coming up for a look at what is coming up later on "cbs this morning." anthony mason joins us now from new york. good morning. >> reporter: good mine. ahead on "cbs this morning", president trump is expected to deliver his first remarks later today after being acquitted in his impeachment trial. can the president and congress move beyond the bitter partisanship? plus, how a video of a dummy being violently tossed around in a crash test leaves serious safety concerns about a booster seat. a group of girls gaining new confidence and finding their voices through a unique theater program. very cool kids. we will see you all at 7:00. >> sounds good. we will see you in at 7:00. 6:43 warning about the number of americans applying for unemployment benefits is the lowest that we have seen in decades. >> and joining us is financial reporter jason brooks. good morning. >> reporter: good money. that is right. the labor department reporting a drop of 50,000 to 202,000, jobless claims. that is not far from the 50 year low said last april. the n benefits continue to pull back. the private sector added 291,000 jobs in january. the strongest gain in several years. the labor to blame delivers its january jobs report tomorrow. economists are looking at a gain of about half of what adp reported. they believe the unemployment rate will remain at a 50 year low. twitter is being celebrated for its fourth-quarter earnings results. for the first time ever, top $1 billion in quarterly revenue. this came on a strong gain in the fourth quarter. its bottom line, however, was impacted by higher costs associated with some software glitches.'s twitter also planning to ramp up its spending in 2020, plenty to add to its staffing levels by 20%. we know, the focus is on twitter's big revenue gain. a stock soaring higher today by 15% in the early. stock market overall, sort higher this week. nasdaq and s&p each setting record highs. the dow is not far from setting its own all-time high. it looks to be going off a little bit. let's get to the big board. the dow up bisecting points. mastic up five point now. the s&p up by just one points. michelle and kenny, back to you. >> jason, thank you. climate change education reduces carbon emissions. that is according to researchers. and a first of its kind study, professor eugene wanted to find out if education on sustainable living actually changed people's habits. he tracked the students and the climate change course from 2007 to 2012 and he found it had a lasting impact on students' lives. >> we were able to see a big difference between students who had taken our course and the average californian. the reduction was a tens per year. it is a similar reduction to having an electric car. >> professor cordero is now preparing lesson plans for middle school science courses. he is department is also reaching out to younger audiences by producing a cartoon series. certain e-cigarette flavors may be harder to find with the fbi five. the fda says some new rules on the flavors, vaping flavors manufacturers are allowed to produce. businesses have until may 12 to comply with the ban before the fda will start in ate sametime, core said that juul is still marketing its products to minors overseas. the company may continue to be advertising its products are safer than traditional cigarettes. juul declined to comment on the findings. nasa astronaut christina, at who returned to earth this morning, she returned after 328 days in space. that is a record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman. she landed in kazakhstan along with a european space agency astronaut and a russian cosmonaut. she took part in the first all- female spacewalk. a mission is providing data for nasa and will get the agency ready for a trip to mars. very cool. >> very impressive, yes. and nasa is also setting to launch that artemis program that will send hopefully the first female to the man. hello. >> kenny is talking. >> isn't that cool? gianna and mary, and three, two -- >> we are going to go to -- what are we going to do? we're going to go to traffic. gianna, take it away. >> there she is. >> hello. >> i will save the day. bay bridge is stacked up. you got a busy ride. especially heading out of the east bay into san francisco. so give yourself some extra time. there's no accident or stalled vehicles as you heading through there. definitely lots to cover. definitely making friends there as you work your way on the bay bridge. plan for that this morning. 35 minutes out of emeryville, heading into the city right now but san mateo bridge, also starting to stack up this morning. definitely thickening in there. heading over into foster city. your drive time, 23 minutes from 880 over towards 101. we got a stall on the dumbarton bridge on the west end. so the is certainly slowing things down on the dunn-martin bridge. 880 over towards there. northbound 101 right at the especially, also another crash reported near trimble. lanes are blocked here. that was causing some delays. you can see traffic busy on the northbound side of 101 out of san jose. your drive times, 14 minutes. over towards 680, 280, that is where traffic really starts to bog down in that area. getting busy. 60 minutes to go from 680 over thjacket. . it is chilly morning. here's mary. a very good advice, gianna. yeah, chilly temps as we start off th t or ab that coat as you head school. the stunning sunrise on our salesforce tower camera. love those cold and the sky. 40 degreesright now for concord. livermore, you're coming in at 38. san francisco, 48. 41 in san jose. and 37 in santa rosa. so it is chilly. not quite us cold yesterday morning. so looking at 1 to 7 degrees warmer. >> the 24 hour temperature change. as we head through the afternoon, enjoy the sunshine. daytime highs a little bit warmer compared to yesterday. upper 50s for the coast. low 60s this afternoon for the bay and mid to upper 60s inland. so above average temps. not just today, but over the next couple of days. as this ridge of high pressure blocks any weather system moving away. that which is going to move right over a >> that is why we're looking at those mild to warm temps as we go through our afternoon then you can see all of that sunshine and as we head through our afternoon and that will be the case for tomorrow. there's chilly mornings. afternoons. tomorrow as well as for saturday. so mild for us thanks to the rich. and then watch as we look ahead to the end of the weekend. sunday, we will see those low pressure system dropping a dry cold front away. much cooler times and also the winds will kick up. so very similar to yesterday. last week, when we head that dry cold. pushed through an our temps. we do it all over again. this weekend. for today, looking at above average times for this time of year. for the south bay we go, 56 in santa clara, also for san jose. for the east bay, 65 in concord. pleasant hill. san francisco, topping out at 60 degrees. also for you in berkeley, 61 in alameda. 63 in oakland. 61, san leandro. and 68 for cloverdale. here's the extended forecast and what you can expect. as we're looking at those mild temps, friday and saturday, cooler, though, on sunday. many of us will be in the 50s due to that cold front. breezy conditions. at mild for the start of early next week. kenny? thank you. it is 6:51. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area , bizarre behavior on the first day of a high-profile murder trial. a look at what is next for day two. and we just got word from the city of fremont on when they will be growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. when it comes to your business internet, which is more important? ♪ ♪ okay, i wish i didn't have to choose. like the more i think about it, the more i want to jump to each room. what if i said you can have it all? ♪ ♪ comcast business gives you connectivity that goes beyond. that's what we want! that's speed, reliability, and security, all from one provider. touchdown! get started with internet and voice for an amazing price. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer.g d heus, pl to mclean odair that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm live on kato road. several rvs and trailers parking and living here overnight. you can see that this is frontage road along 880. well, now, today, the city of fremont says they have had enough of these rvs parking here but they're actually going to be coming here in about an hour and a half to remove the people who live here. you can see a lot of signs up and down this one to 3 mile stretch of road, warning people of the new parking restrictions. the city of fremont will actually be placing boulders now, where the rvs were once blocked. to discourage people from moving back here anytime soon. according to east bay times, the number of homeless people has increased by 27% in recent ararth er noope le we ho live here say th have no other place to go. truck drivers also stay here. they work for tesla. they will be working with tesla to figure out another plan, another place for these truck drivers to sleep. in, 19. time for a look at the other top stories for the latest on several crashes in the bay area. this car was shot on an unwrapped. gianna will have more on that. this happened a little after 10:00 last night in oakland on the ramps to northbound interstate 880. chp says one vehicle was struck by gunfire. no one was injured. this is the second shooting near 880 in just 24 hours. yesterday, car was shot up in your the on-ramp. no one was hurt in that shooting either. day two of the trial of the man accused of killing "tommy" on the b.a.r.t. station in. the defendant was kicked out of the courtroom after an outburst. prosecutors called the murder a premeditated surprise attack. americans evacuated from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, spending their first morning at travis air force base in fairfield. those 178 people are now quarantined. president trump has been acquitted of charges of impeachment, only one republican, mitt romney, straight from the party lines. the president is expected to make his first public statement on that felt in about two hours. cbs news will have a special report. and the i was caucus results are still trickling in. senator bernie sanders leads the popular vote. pete buttigieg leads with state delegates. another update is expected later today. the first primary is in new hampshire next tuesday. we start off with city streets in san francisco. there is a crash at san jose. muniz is the bus shuttles are now in place. because of that, b.a.r.t. also offering 8. you can use that. again, bus shuttles for j church line. as far as your freeways go to was found 24, the just cleared a broken-down vehicle. still slow out of brenda. a crash northbound 101. okay, gianna, a beautiful view of our salesforce tower camera, looking west with clear skies and some patchy fog out there. temps running in the 30s and in the 40s. bundle up this morning. as we head through the afternoon, enjoyed the sunshine and milder daytime highs above average for this time of year. when e-sports in the 60s later on today. 60 in san francisco. 63 in oakland. 64, mountain view. fremont, 66 in san jose. there we go with that extended forecast. those chilly mornings and mild to warm afternoons. friday, saturday, much cooler on sunday. dry cold front pushing through. that means cool temps, breezy conditions to end out the weekend. and a little bit more sunshine with those milder temps. mary, thank you. let's check in now with michelle in our new cbsn bay area newsroom. streaming news and live updates all day long. michelle, what do you have a for us this morning? >> reporter: we have a lot going on this morning, including an interview with the vice president of charles schwab. you don't want to miss that. plus, a popular rescue puppy part with something a little extra. we will introduce you to a three-month-old great dane mix. so if you're about to head out the door right now, log on to and check out cbsn bay area. you can watch those stories and much more throughout the day on multiple devices and platforms. t, to you. ad the cbs news app. >> michelle thank you. we want to thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. enjoy this beautiful sunrise. >> gorges. left it. >> "cbs this morning" is good morning to you. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. >> president trump acquitted his plan victory speech today. and what he's saying about the one republican who voted against him. >> massive storm risk. powerful weather front kicks up destructive tornadoes in mississippi and dumps snow on the central u.s. now targeting nearly all of the east coast. car seat concern. the maker of a popular booster seat marketed to parents whose children were too small to be protected in a crash, the result of a year long investigation. smart self-defense. elizabeth smart who survived kidnapping and sexual abuse tells how another attack inspired her new effort to help women and girls protect themselves.

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