You thought about thinking about it. I talked to one person, and i decided to think no more. ticking few countries are more dangerous for reporters than the philippines. And many say the president , Rodrigo Duterte, is to blame. Have you been threatened with violence . Yes. Have you been threatened with death . Yes. Has the violence been described to you . Yeah, blow my head off, or bury me alive. They are. Theyre just made up. The president and his rhetoric bear no responsibility . No, because people in this country know this president. Hes a teaser. A teaser . Yeah, he teases people. ticking im lesley stahl. Im Bill Whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im norah odonnell. Im scott pelley. Those stories and more, tonight, on 60 minutes. ticking not even our competitors best battery can match the power of energizer. Because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] backed by science. Matched by no one. But allstate helps you. 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So who better to ask about President Trumps tariffs and trade war, the income gap, and the recent criticisms of him by democratic president ial candidate Elizabeth Warren. So Elizabeth Warren said in iowa the other day, our democracy has been hijacked by the rich and powerful, and you jumped in and said this week about her that she was vilifying successful people and having harsh words for wall street bankers. Jamie dimon what i was commenting on is that anything that vilifies people, i just dont like. I think, you know, most people are good, not all of them. I think you should vilify nazis, but you shouldnt vilify people who worked hard to accomh itsmerican society,rest is wore wealthy and wellconnected, and jamie dimon she brings you up doesnt want that to change. Dimon im not going to comment on anyone in particular. Stahl but shes commenting on you. Youve become a target. Whether you want to respond to it or not, youre her target and youre alexandria Ocasio Cortezs target. Dimon i understand that a person in this seat is going to be a target in this day and age of certain politicians and stuff like that. But the notion that im not a patriot or that some of these other folks arent pat thats just dead wrong. So you know, my view is lets all working together. And i dont mind if i a few barbs are thrown my way by anybody. Stahl youre tough. Dimon im not that tough, but i dont theres nothing i can do about it. Stahl the stock market is going through the roof, and yet manufacturing production is down over the past year. Wage growth is slowing. So, when you look at the state of the economy right now, what do you see . Do you see strength . Do you see petering out . Dimon the consumer, which is 70 of the u. S. Economy, is quite strong. Confidence is very high. Their Balance Sheets are in great shape. And you see that the strength of the American Consumer is driving the American Economy and the Global Economy. And while business slowed down, my current view is that, no, it just was a slowdown, not a petering out. Stahl you sound pretty optimistic about the economy. Dimon yeah, well, i am. Stahl well what about the issue of unpredictability right now on the economy . Is that worrisome to you . It must be worrisome to every businessman in the country. Dimon the world is unpredictable. I think its a mistake stahl well, more unpredictable than usual. Dimon no. If you look at history, if you take a newspaper and open it at any month of any year, youd have the same list of hugely unpredictable things. Stahl why doesnt it feel that way . Why does it feel as if we were in a particularly uncertain time . Dimonma ndeacts the short run. But again, thereve been like 50 or 60 internati only one really affected the Global Economy in the short run. Stahl what was that . Vietnam . Dimon that would be no. Vietnam did not. Vietnam obviously totally changed america. But it was the oil crisis in the middle east in 1973 when oil went from 2 to 20 and we had a global recession. Thereve been wars with india and pakistan, we got iraq, afghanistan, korea, vietnam, china had wars with vietnam, china had wars with russia. None of those things affected the Global Economy. And the other thing is, people look at the negatives. There are positives. The berlin wall went up, the berlin wall came down. So. Stahl and the economy wasnt affected, is that what youre saying . Dimon barely. This is the most prosperous economy the world has ever seen and its going to be a very prosperous economy for the next 100 ye stahl dimons even unfazed by the trade war and President Trumps imposition of tariffs on china. Dimon ive been in chi and the chinese will say, he brought us to the table. Stahl you know, the tariffs, its like a bomb that you detonate and the problem is it falls on you. The bomb falls on them, but the bomb falls on you. Dimon the risk of tariffs was that that it ends up being more a trade war as opposed to a quietly negotiated thing. It has to be resolved. This is not going to war, okay, this is trade and economics and resolution would be a good thing. And so i hope that takes place. Stahl china is the far Eastern Frontier of dimons Global Financial empire that he oversees from his office at j. P. Morgan chases headquarters in new york city. This is vast. This is the heart of the banks empire. Little trading is done on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange these days. Traders mostly buy and sell over computers on their own trading floors. This is one of several at j. P. Morgan chase. Dimon this is one of six trading floors in the building. Theres like 450 people in this trading floor. An equivalent to this in london, half of this in hong kong, and in 23 other countries around the world. Stahl j. P. Morgan chase moves more money in a day than most countries earn in a year. Dimon we move 6 trillion of money every day. Stahl every day . Dimon every day. We deal with, like, 10,000 clients. Which include governments, central banks, mutual funds. Stahl and wealthy individuals, including about half the worlds known billionaires. An exclusive club that jamie dimon himself belongs to. He was born in queens, new york, the grandson of a greek immigrant who did well enough to become a stock broker. Dimons dad became one too, so, it was in the family. After Harvard Business school, he went straight to wall street where he climbed quickly and helped usher in the age of the megabanks, earning a reputation as a ruthless costcutter. He became c. E. O. Of j. P. Morgan chase in 2006, when profits were soaring on wall street and the financial crisis was brewing. In the early days of the crisis in 2008, dimon got a phone call from the head of one of the largest investment banks on wall street at the time, bear stearns, which was teetering on the verge of collapse. Dimon the c. E. O. Of bear stearns called me up and said, can you lend me 29 billion before the nights out . Because if i dont get it, im going to go bankrupt. And i saidi said, even even i cant get laughs 29 billion. Stahl but then the treasury secretary hank paulson leaned on him to buy bear stearns. Dimon and hank paulson said, you gotta buy it, you gotta buy it, you gotta buy it. And i said, if i can responsibly do it, i said, cant jeopardize my own company, well do it. Stahl three days later, he did it. He bought bear stearns for 1. 2 billion. Dimon we thought we saved the system. You know, we thought that that wouldve been the domino that wouldve caused the whole system to go down. And it was because j. P. Morgan was strong that we could do it. Stahl did they dimon as i pointed out in congress, it wasnt like buying a house. That was buying a house on fire. Stahl but it was banks and other Financial Institutions that started the fire, by bundling trillions of dollars worth of risky mortgages, and selling them, knowing in many cases that they were toxic, to investors around the world. This eventually led to the financial crisis that nearly brought down the Global Economy. Looking back, do you think that there were some bankers who were outright immoral and unethical, they knew exactly what they were doing . Dimon i believe there are people, im not going to use the names, who were greedy, selfish, did the wrong stuff, overpaid themselves, and couldnt give a damn, yes. Stahl greedy, reckless. Were you . Dimon no. Stahl do you take any responsibility for the financial crisis . Dimon no. Stahl in 2008 . But your bank sold those same kind of mortgages. Dimon we we we yeah, okay, i stahl toxic mortgages. Dimon i do take some. We participated so did mortgage brokers, fannie mae, freddie mac, the government, government policy. But, yes, we did. And it was a huge error. And it was hugely damaging. Stahl the banks were bailed out, and the little guy, whose mortgages crashed, lost his or her home. Many families were destitute. And that unfairness has just really hurt the sense that this countrys working correctly. Dimon i totally agree that, you know, if youre the average american, you would be angry at what happened. There was no Old Testament justice. Too many people , you know, a lot of people lost their reputation and money, but too many people didnt and you know, the small guy got hurt. So i completely agree with that. Stahl i mean, the idea that the banks were bailed out and they caused the problem, to begin with. I mean, the sense of unfairness doesnt begin to explain the fury. Dimon i would feel the same way. Stahl youre agreeing with that. Dimon im agreeing with that. I think we let the American People down. But also at the same time, because we were strong, we brought bear stearns, we saved , you know, 15,000 or 20,000 jobs. And so theres two sides to that story too, a little bit. And only one has been told well. Stahl lets talk about the wage gap in this country between the rich and almost everybody else. How much of a problem do you see that . Dimon i think its a huge problem, and i think the wealthy have been getting wealthier too much, in many ways. So middle class incomes have been kind of flat for maybe 15 years or so. And thats not particularly good in america. But in particular, at the low end, 40 of americans make 15 an hour or less. Theyve particularly been left behind. Stahl youre talking about people who earn very little money. Listen to this statistic. Compensation for executives, c. E. O. S, grew 940 940 , in the last 40 years. Your average worker, so middle class, middle class, grew 12 . Dimon we havent done a good job growing our economy. And ld t problem. Stahl executive pay. Last year you were paid 31 million. Too high . Dimon the board sets mine. I have nothing to do with it. Stahl well, you could return some of it. Dimon i could. Is that going to solve any of those problems . Stahl i dont know. Dimon is it going to solve any of those problems . Stahl no, but you could set an example and say, im not going to take all that money. I dont need it. Dimon i could. Im going to leave it to the board to set my comp. Not you, not the press stahl youve answered every one of my questions, but this one youre fobbing off. Dimon yeah, the board has to do it. Stahl well, let me ask it in a general way. Should executive pay in this country be curbed . Dimon what does that mean . Stahl cut back. Should there be a way to say, were not going to have such a spread between our workers and the guy at the top . Dimon you know, when you Say Something like that, you got to say, how are we going to do it . What does it make sense . I think you use the tax system to do that. I would not have cut the tax on the rich. I wouldve extended the earned income tax credit instead, which is like a negative income tax credit for lowerpaid people. We probably should change the minimum wage, which i dont think has been changed for like 10 or 15 years. There are solutions to these problems. The problems are real. It does not mean Free Enterprise is bad. Stahl Free Enterprise has been very good for jamie dimon, and the bank. Last year, j. P. Morgan chase earned 32 billion in profits. cheers one of the things he does as c. E. O. Is hold regular town Hall Meetings with employees like this one in delaware to build a sense of team spirit. Hello, everybody. Stahl it struck us, though, as less like a Bankers Convention than a political rally. cheers which led us to ask did you ever think of running for president . Dimon i thought about thinking about it. Stahl you thought about thinking about it . Dimon i talked to one person, and i decided to think no more. Stahl im asking you because we came upon a quote of yours. You said, i think i could beat trump. Im as tough as he is. Im as tough as he is, im smarter than he is. And by the way, this wealthy new yorker actually earned his money. laughter it wasnt a gift from daddy. Stahl President Trump responded in a tweet about dimon. He doesnt have the aptitude or smarts and is a poor public speaker and nervous mess. Dimon and ive seen him after that, and y and i walked in the oval office and he said, so you would love to have this office, wouldnt you . laughs and i said laughs not really. Stahl in his office, dimons known as the great survivor. In a career that spans nearly 40 years, hes managed to navigate his way through just about every panic, boom and bust. Youre the only c. E. O. Who was running the big bank back during the financial crisis whos still there. Youre the survivor, last man standing. Dimon its a dangerous place to be. Stahl talking about survivor, you did have cancer. Tell us about that. How did you discover it . It mustve been terrifying. Dimon yeah, actually, i was shaving, i felt a little lump here. And i went to see my doctor and he felt it and said, you have throat cancer. And when some when someone says to you, you have cancer, it is i mean, its almost un unimaginable, like a punch in the face, and a fear and. Of course, but the hardest part, honestly, was telling my family. I just didnt know how to do it. I said, i am going to tell you something, but im going to be okay. And they and the second i said it, it was mayhem. You know, and the thought that i couldnt tell my parents, so i had my wife call. I just couldnt tell them that their son may die before them. Stahl oh, my god. Dimon and so you youre going through all this stuff, and so stahl and youre clean. Dimon im im on my fifth year, so thats stahl thats it. Thats what they say. Stahl did you ever say, i should resign . Dimon no, i love what i do. Stahl one of the things hes doing is making new kinds of investments. In what . That story, when we come back. ticking theyre walking into a trap. Your orders are to deliver a message calling off tomorrows attack. If you fail we will lose sixteen hundred men. Your brother among them. We need to keep moving. Come on. Theres only one way this war ends. No move, move last man standing. Saturpain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. Y st at verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. But you do more than justnal give hugs,day. 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My view is, why cant we make detroit an example of americas exceptionalism . Have people roll up their sleeves, get together and change the tide of history, right there, right now . Stahl so, in 2014, jamie dimon picked up the phone and called the thennew mayor of detroit, mike duggan. Mayor mike duggan my assistant came in and said, jamie dimons on the phone. And i said, thats an amazing coincidence. Thats the same name as the president of the biggest bank in america. She said, i think it is the j. P. Morgan jamie dimon. laughs i didnt have any idea jamie dimon knew who i was. So i picked up the phone, i recognized stahl he coldcalled . Duggan coldcalled. I just no no warning. Hl for mayor dugganthf t. As his victory just months before. He won, surprisingly, as a writein candidate, becoming the first white mayor of detroit in 40 years, in a city thats nearly 80 black. Describe detroit when you came in as mayor. Duggan half the streetlights in the city were out. How do you get streetlights fixed . A third of the buses were in the garage, broken down. People were standing on street corners for hours waiting for a bus. There were only eight working ambulances in the entire city. There were times you could wait an hour when you dialed 911. And, between 2000 and 2013, 250,000 people left the city of detroit. I mean, thats more than the entire population of the city of buffalo. So if you can imagine everybody in buffalo leaving in 13 years and leaving all the buildings behind and empty . Thats what detroit experienced leading up to bankruptcy. Stahl thwhat large parts of detroit looked like 100illion. T war zone. Not a lot of money for the bank, or detroit, but he knew that j. P. Morgan had something in a way more valuable. Dimon so its not the money, and this is a very important thing. It was about the help, the advice, the consulting, the ideas, the human capital. Stahl and it was about the data that the bank collects and crunches every day, more information about business and consumers than the government collects. Dimon we use big data and Artificial Intelligence in running our businesses around the world for risk and credit and marketing. So here, we actually have huge data, too, about how people spend their money. Stahl where their credit cards are showing up. Dimon we can actually see where people spend money on credit and debit cards and checks, and where theyre spending, like at restaurants, et cetera. That one piece of data creates where you can open a store, where you can do something different. Stahl dimon had the analysts build a database just for detroit. Dimon so we know, in a certain part of town, that youre traveling 20 minutes to buy milk, or 20 minutes to go to a restaurant, which means that a store could be ten minutes away. Stahl to help the young entrepreneur, who wants to open a restaurant. And youre telling him the best place to do it. Dimon to help where you open a restaurant, where you put affordable housing. Stahl the first order of business was affordable housing. Other investors like the owners of quicken loans and little ceasars pizza, were already pouring money into the redevelopment of downtown. So the mayor asked dimon to concentrate on the blighted neighborhoods that the banks data identified as ripe for redevelopment neighborhoods like this one in detroits north end. So this is typical, huh . Sonya mays yeah, this is a really good example of the challenges that the detroit neighborhoods are facing. Stahl sonya mays runs a nonprofit Housing Development company. Shes a lawyer, former investment banker and detroit native. With more than 4 million from j. P. Morgan chase, she acquired 30 abandoned homes and vacant lots, so she could work on revitalizing the whole neighborhood at the same time. Mays this is a big, significant investment that is really meant to kickstart other investors, home owners, residents coming into this neighborhood. I mean, look at this. This is not going to pull anybody here. You have to figure out how to deal with stuff like that. You really do have to attack everything that is blighted, thats potentially going to drive down property values. Stahl so you have to do the whole street . Mays you have to do it block by block. Stahl shes benefiting from j. P. Morgans special program of steering funds to minority businesses that wouldnt otherwise qualify for them. If you didnt have the j. P. Morgan special program, you wouldnt have gotten the funds . Mays we talked to a lot of other people. laughs stahl not just you, jamie . Mays yeah, and the answer the answer to that is, unlikely. The answer to that is, the best we probably couldve done, but for this program and this investment is, do a house, finish a house, sell a house. Go to the next house, do a house. And at that rate, i i did this math at some point. At that rate, like it you know, itd take like, you know, a couple centuries. Stahl tell us about this. This house is one of several sonya mays has finished. Oh, wow her work in this neighborhood has been so successful, shes expanding it to other parts of detroit. Didnt you find, jamie, that there was kind of a racial bias against giving loans . Dimon sure. Stahl to blacks and other minorities . Dimon yeah. I think thats true in poor neighborhoods. Stahl but if you find out that somebody like sonya, not necessarily her, you give her a loan you wouldnt have before, but theyre paying it back. Are you beginning to think that what you now consider risky, has that changed . In your mind, should it change everywhere . Dimon are there things that we could have been doing anyway in normal banking that wouldve helped in these communities . The answer is probably. Stahl actually, he is studying that, by partnering with local nonprofit groups like the Kellogg Foundation and creating an entrepreneurs of color fund thats an experiment on that very issue of loans to minority businesses. Dimon we started small, 40 loans. Theyre all paying back. Stahl but those were loans that you would not have ordinarily made. Dimon no, no. Stahl so you changed the criterion for giving credit to someone dimon yes. So, this is nontraditional banking. I call it kind of venture banking. So look beyond what you do normally. Take a little bit of extra risk. Give them more help. Stahl the loans have gone to open a wine shop, a health club, a restaurant. In all, j. P. Morgan chase has helped more than 5,000 businesses here. Dimon just writing a check doesnt really work very well. Stahl dimon has also assembled teams of experts from the bank who spend weeks at a time living and working in the city and providing a lot of tical advice. Dimon very often, these entrepreneurs, they needed help in, how do you sign a lease . How do you negotiate with the government . How can i start using a budget . How do you create traffic . How do you do social media . How can i enter the real banking system, which is what the ultimate goal is. So yeah, it may change how we do banking for small business. And were Getting Better at it. Stahl detroit was in a lot of trouble before the financial crisis. But the financial crisis just did them in, 100 . That that was crushing. Do you feel, in any way, that youre atoning for the sins of wall street, when you go and put your effort into detroit . Is that in your head . Dimon i wouldnt use the word atone. I all think we owe back to society. Stahl but detroit, specifically . The financial crisis just decimated the city. Al treeouus little bit becauitkay toay, yee everybody that was inv stahl the bank has also brought in additional investors. Duggan these are tough jobs to get. Stahl . While the mayor is working hard to lure bigtime manufacturers back into the city. Early this year he persuaded Fiat Chrysler to build a new plant. That would mean 5,000 new jobs. The mayor needed to assure those companies that detroit could supply welltrained workers. But duggan our residents didnt have the skills to meet many of those jobs. And jamie dimon had j. P. Morgan chase do a whole analysis. And it led to the program we have today, what we called detroit at work, one of the largest employment agencies in the country, where we now get detroiters, line them up for jobs at Fiat Chrysler, line the areas. Stahl from here theyre sent to job Training Programs, which, based on j. P. Morgans analysis, have redesigned their approach. Duggan we took all of the Training Programs in the city, and they now only train for jobs people are hiring for. Which may seem obvious, but it wasnt before. Stahl many of the Training Programs are run by nonprofit groups like focus hope. So this kind of thing might be at the chrysler plant, for instance. Dimon yeah. Stahl that got a 1. 3 million grant from j. P. Morgan chase. Hes just trying to control it. Stahl its all part of the citys long game to reverse detroits long decline. Its an effort, the mayor says, thats a push against history. Duggan it goes back to the federal policies in the 1930s that would not lend in areas where people of color lived. Youve had decades of federal policies that have worked against people of color to benefit caucasians leaving cities. Stahl j. P. Morgan chase has now committed 200 million duggan right, right. Stahl to the city. Is that enough . I mean, your problems cost way more than that. Duggan nobodys saying j. P. Morgan chase is the savior of the city by itself. You know, weve got a lot of major investors in this town. But theyve been an important piece. They pushed this recovery of the city along the track faster than it wouldve been. Stahl how far along the plan have you come, up to now . Duggan id say were about the third inning of the game. laughs stahl third inning of the game. Duggan we got a long way to go, but were definitely on the right path. Stahl j. P. Morgan chase has now committed half a billion dollars to take what its learned in detroit and export it to, among other cities, chicago and washington, d. C. ticking cbs sports hq is presented by progressive insurance. Im james brown with the scores from the n. F. L. Today. Baker mayfields two touchdown passes snaps the browns fourgame skid. Ramar jackson accounts for four touchdowns as baltimore rolls. Derrick henry runs for 188 yards and two scores as tennessee stuns kc. Chicago outduels detroit and snaps its fourgame slide. The jets survive and win the battle of now,. Atlanta shocks new orleans to end its sixgame losing streak. For more go to cbssportshq. Com. Whoo [ screaming ] and they never say a thing. [ sighs ] well, i feel better. Thats why progressive covers them in your auto policy at no extra charge. [ crying ] he only needed a spare. Keeping you and your secret keepers safe. Tothe problem is corporationsfix he anything. Ed a spare. And the people who run and own them have purchased our democracy. Heres the difference between me and the other candidates. I dont think we can fix our democracy from the inside. I dont believe washington politicians and big corporations will let that happen. The only way we can make change happen comestother ytrust lician is or the p outside. And if you say you trust the people, are you willing to stand up to the insiders and the big corporations, and give the people the tools they need to fix our democracy. A national referendum. Term limits. Eliminating corporate money in politics. Making it easy to vote. I trust the people. And as president , i will give you tools we need to fix our democracy. Im tom steyer, and i approve this message. 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It also made her a target. Maria ressa says she has been threatened with rape, imprisonment and death for her reporting. Yet she refuses to sto investg she says tru is too preo iv withoight. Mesthis ifar worse than any ware been. In a war zone, you know exactly where the threats are coming from. I plan my way in and we plan our way out, and youre there for a limited period of time. But todays threats are longstanding. Theres no end to it. Weve been living through three years of this kind of hell. Whitaker maria ressa is talking about the environment for journalists in the philippines under the unpredictable and, as she sees it, increasingly autocratic grip of president Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte duterte whitaker the raucous, former bigcity mayor was swept into office on a populist wave three years ago. The people love him. But president duterte has no love for journalists, something he made clear to reporters in graphic terms. President Rodrigo Duterte you want to know my sentiments . bleep you. Ressa he says outrageous things, and somehow it appeals to the worst of human nature in a strange way. This guy knows how to communicate. He also understands the psyche of the filipino. Whitaker when Rodrigo Duterte was running for president , he vowed to rid the philippines of drug traffickers to kill them if necessary. Candidate duterte told maria ressa hed already killed three himself. Duterte i must admit i have, i have killed. I killed what three people . Ressa i dont really like people who kill people. laughs you know . But for someone to admit it, on camera, is fascinating. Whitaker we asked president duterte for an interview. He declined. But his spokesman, salvador panelo, agreed to answer our questions. So we went to malacanang palace in manila, the philipine white house, where panelo showed us how difficult it is to get at the truth in the philippines. Salvador panelo first, it is not true that he brags about killing. When he speaks whitaker he did say that. Panelo yes, but laughs you should take this person in context. Whitaker what is the context for saying that he killed drug dealers . Panelo well, he, there is, there is hyperbole in this particular person. Like, when he says he kills, it doesnt mean that he really killed. Whitaker so its its not true that he killed drug dealers . Panelo he did, some, during his mayorship, but in self defense. Whitaker ressa says constant blurring of the truth by dutertes government makes her head spin. Ressa when this first e rabb hole and i was alice in wonderland and the mad hatter is in charge. Whitaker he said he was going to round up drug dealers. Oulde popular, i would think. What has gone wrong . Ressa killing with impunity. woman screaming whitaker ressas news website, rappler, drew the president s ire when it reported more than 20,000 people had been killed in dutertes war on drugs, not the 5,000 the government claims. Ressa to even admit you killed 5,000 people without any due process is also unheard of. Whitaker how many people have been killed in this war on drugs here in the philippines . Ressa if you look at our own commission on human rights and the u. N. s estimate of the number of People Killed in the drug war, since july, 2016, at least 27,000 People Killed. Thats genocide. Whitaker all this bloodshed in asias oldest democracy, one modeled on the united states. The philippines was a u. S. Protectorate for almost 50 years through world war ii. It remains an important u. S. Regional ally. Ressa enshrined in the philippine constitution, which is similar to the united states, is the bill of rights freedom of expression, freedom of the press. These are enshrined. And yet, freedom of the press has been curtailed. Whitaker she says after rappler turned the spotlight on the drug wars rising death toll, the president called rappler fake news. He banned the website from malacanang palace and told filipinos, ressas news site couldnt be trusted because it had ties to the c. I. A. Duterte c. I. A. Funded. Whitaker but hes provided no evidence to back that up. Ressa its ridiculous it comes out of powers mouth. What do you do . Whitaker ressa says shes fighting, and losing, a battle for truth. She cant match the president s firepower on social media. And this model led many of dutertes attacks. Mocha uson had been popular on the web for giving sex advice. Then she switched to politics, dia, shaing attackyear, she chine. To demean and discredit ressa and the fillipino press, uson popularized the term presstitute. Presstitute. Ressa the social media platforms have taken over the distribution of news globally. They treat a lie the same way you would treat a fact. And the lie thats incendiary, that is meant to anger you, spreads fastest. All the studies show that. Thats our battle. Without facts, you cant have truth. We cannot have meaningful dialogue, public dialogue, if we do not agree on the facts. And thats what these social media platforms have watered down. Whitaker after ressa reported in a detailed three part series how president dutertes campaign used facebook and online trolls to attack critics and spread falsehoods, maria ressa herself became a target. Ressa so, let me just go over the way theyve attacked. The first is to incite hate, to incite violence against a potential target. Whitaker what did they do to you . Ressa allege corruption. Allege c. I. A. Second, women in particular, sexual attacks. Whitaker and the sexualized attacks. Against you . Ressa i mean, ive been called every single animal you can think of. So, yes, to sexual attacks. Rape, murder, behead. At one point i was getting 90 hate messages per hour. They wanted to pound me into silence. Whitaker were these attacks from people, or were they attacks from, i dont know, bots . Ressa fake accounts. So, theyre real people that mask who they are this is information operations. Its information warfare. Whitaker facebook has taken down hundreds of those fake accounts linked to a network of dutertes allies. They were followed by millions of people. The government insists maria ressa is not under attack, but she is under investigation. Shes facing multiple charges including libel and tax fraud. I have been served a warrent. Whitaker she has been arrested twice. Ressa the head of that arresting group told our reporter. Th is exactly what thenext. Government is doing, systematically. Be silent, or youre next. Whitaker 11 cases have been filed against you . Ressa they were looking for some way to be able to shut us up, right . I think you just have to look at the pattern. Whitaker the president s spokesman, salvador panelo, called maria ressas claims nonsense. A u. N. Official says that the tax charges against her are being used, basically, to silence her reporting. Panelo laughs i disagree. Pp stilln operion. , abouhat s being laughs suppressed . Whitaker after she was arrested recently, you made a comment that it seemed that she enjoyed being in custody. Panelo yes. Well, obviously, when she is facing the cameras. She loves it. Whitaker really . Im serious. Who enjoys being arrested and taken into custody . Panelo she appears to enjoy it, because she is always smiling. Ressa i mean, thats a ridiculous statement. I have done nothing except to be a journalist, and i will not stop being a journalist no matter how ridiculous the statements are that come from secretary panelo. Whitaker few countries are more dangerous for reporters today than the philippines. In the last three years, a dozen beaten to death. Then, theres the president s rhetoric. Listen to the way he addressed a reporter at one of his press conferences. Duterte why are you a bleep son of a bitch . Whitaker on facebook people have called for maria ressa to be beaten and to be raped. Panelo i dont know about that. Whitaker no, no, no. This is true. Im im telling you. Maria ressa is just one. There are many, many journalists who feel that they are under attack, that theyve been threatened. Panelo i dont think so. Whitaker a rappler reporter made this video of philippine journalists who say otherwise. She posted it on rapplers home page. Have you been threatened with violence . Yes. Have you been threatened with death . Yes. Have you been told how youre going to be killed . Yes. Has the violence been described to you . Yeah, blow my head off. Or bury me alive. What will stop you from reporting . Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Death . Dude, you have to kill me. Panelo what Death Threats are they talking about . To my mind, they a madup. Whitaker the president and his rhetoric bear no responsibility . Panelo no. Because people in this country know this president. Hes a teaser. Whitaker a teaser . Panelo yeah, he teases people. Whitaker the libel and tax charges against ressa are no laughing matter. She could go to prison for 63 years. And as ressa fights the cases in court, shes facing another charge. The president s spokesman panelo has threatened to add a new libel case on her and rappler, for tarnishing his honor. Ressa ive committed no crime but to speak truth to power. Whitaker maria ressa now has respected human rights attorney amal clooney coming to her defense. Clooney recently won freedom for two reuters journalists whod been imprisoned for their reporting in myanmar. Amal clooney the maria ressa case in the philippines, like the reuters case in myanmar, exposes a cruel irony that i see time and time again in my work journalists who expose abuse face arrest, while those who commit the abuses do so with impunity. Ableo sa youre supposed to be and there should not be repercussions. Whitaker you told us that you do this because you want to protect democracy here in the philippines. It could be said that your problem is that democracy is rking in a way that you dont like. President duterte is very popular here. Why is he so popular . Ressa hes a refreshing voice. He represented somebody who was antiestablishment and anti elite even though he himself came from the elite. Panelo you know, the journalists here are surprised that we have this kind of president. Theyre shocked laughs by his crude manner. But the more you try to destroy him, the more the ratings come up goes up. Ouour jobs this politics of hate in your country and mine, it can tear things down immediately. But hate does not build anything. And we need to build. And thats my hope, right, if you can turn off the spigot of hate and lies, then let us continue to work. Then we have a fighting chance. ticking from Imelda Marcos to Rodrigo Duterte, how Bill Whitaker has seen reporting in the philippines change. Go to 60minutesovertime. Com. Sponsored by ibrance. Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor hr her2postmenopausal wome tast b hnalrbaseery. H an aromatase inhibitor ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. 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We watched marine Sergeant Henry coto undergo treatment at the v. A. Hospital in long beach, california. The injection took less than five minutes. Within two minutes, coto told us he felt a huge difference. Henry coto well, like, i cant control my smile right now. Whitaker is it like a sense of euphoria . Coto its like. Like a big weight has been lifted off my my shoulder and my chest. And i can actually relax. Whitaker this past week, the journal jama psychiatry published a new study of s. G. B. The randomized Clinical Trial showed s. G. B. Twice as effective as placebo injections to treat p. T. S. D. Ll whi well be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes. ticking im your curious cat, and you know what they say about curiosity. Itll ruin your house. So get allstate and be better protected like meow. Captioning funded by cbs and ford. We go further, so you can. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org previously on god friended me. The dioceses would like me to be the next bishop of new york. Arthur, how could you not tell me this . I cant marry you. I love you, cara, and i know you cant say that yet, and its okay. The god account led me to paris, where i found a painting called the path. How do we get our hands on the key to unlock it . Well, id need access to the ai program that created the painting, and the only person who can give that to us is audrey grenelle. Did you know there was a message hidden in the painting, the path . How could you possibly know about that . Because it was meant for me. [inquisitive music] just so were clear, you dragged me all the way to my own office to show me my own painting . Well, like we said, we think that the message is hidden in the code. The message that god left you is inside the code . Not godthe god account. Look, if you could just put your skepticism aside