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Case. Ever . Ever. Vice mayor patricia is talking about cities all across the state that are being ordered by judges to get rid of their atlarge voting system, implement districts, and get in compliance with the california voter rights act. But i have not seen any legal precedent that says three districts electing six councilmembers satisfies the voter rights act. That is the basic, the basic issue here. I called to order this meeting of the charter review. The idea to switch to three districts came after countless hours of research and debate by the socalled charter review committee. Council member terms with dagger so theres always an election in every district. Mayor lisa gilmore says the cocounsel members can share the workload, and Council Member Teresa Oneill says constituents will have not one, but two people to go to to solve their problems. Reporter how do you know this is going to work . Well, we never know. If two, three or four years from now people dont like it, we can change. So, i think we are willing to try different things. Reporter in santa clara, kiet do. Heres a look at our top stories at 5 30, the clock is ticking for residents of a mac went homeless of an oakland homeless camp. The plan is to open an rv lot across the street, but i leave many campers with nowhere to go. Reporter a massive new park project kicked off today on top of San Franciscos city. By 2021, 20 acres of land between chrissy field and the presidio will overlook the golden gate bridge, gardens and the gateway plaza. The project still needs 11 million. Public fundraising begins next year. The threat triggered a lockdown at the San Ramon Middle School this morning, graffiti was found on a bathroom wall and Iron Horse Middle School about 1 00. No word yet on who is behind the threatening graffiti. Tonight, an arrest is made in the Fatal Shooting of a 17 yearold girl from contra costa county. Alicia villa was killed on la jolla drive in antioch on tuesday, she and a 17yearold boy had been shot after an apparent drug deal gone wrong. Earlier this morning, please arrested a suspect in connection to the shooting, he is not being identified because he is a 16yearold minor. Villas death marks the 10th homicide of the year. Tonight San Francisco police are looking for the suspect who attacked two women in the sense that district. It happened yesterday morning between 17th and 18th avenue. Investigators say the suspect confronted and assaulted the women outside of a safeway store. One of the victims is in her 70s. So far police have not released a description. Under tight security the first funeral today for the americans killed in an ambush in mexico earlier this week. A mother and her two sons were laid to rest. More will be buried in the coming days. Manwell is across the border tonight he has the latest. Reporter Mexican Government officials now believe the killers, who opened fire on the familys belong to part of the war is drug cartel. Is shot down for the topic reporter they say the attackers enter the territory of the rival cartel sunday near the area, where the family lived. All members of a Breakaway Group once associated with the mormon church. Local police have been on high alert ever since the two cartels engaged in a gun battle early monday morning. Mexican authorities believe the gunmen opened fire on the familys three suvs hours later. First, mistaking them for cartel members. And Family Members, including max lebaron. He said the group was targeted. The question is why target this family . These organizations usually, there is no reason, there is no logical reason other than the fact that they are just terrorist organizations. They point out that children traveling say that she raised her arms to show she was not a threat. She put her baby as far down as she could into the vehicle, she got out of the vehicle, she asked them come she tried to identify that there were women and children there and she got gunned down. Reporter must get mexican officials is in the first suv was hit by bullets and exploded around 9 a. M. Monday. Two hours later, the other two suburbans were ambushed about 11 miles down the road. After that shooting, a relative says 13yearold Devon Langford hid his siblings and bushes and went for help. About six hours later he arrived 14 miles away and alerted Family Members. His uncles were forced to wait for Army Reinforcements to arrive before they could set out to find the children. This is video of the moment chrissy the link for johnsons baby, sevenmonthold faith, was found alive in the bullet riddled suv. 11 hours after the shooting. In total, eight children were rescued, three are still recovering in an arizona hospital. The mexican president says he is open to the u. S. Working alongside local authorities in this investigation. Officials also confirmed that more than 200 bullet casings were found at the crime scene. Californias attorney general is gearing up to fight for daca, he says ending the program would endanger the lives of undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children and their families. Its about defending, and protecting the doctors, the teachers, the innovators, and the tech community, all those people who are out there, doing great things for america. And happened to be dreamers. Javier becerra says the trumpet ministration broke the law when it decided in 2017 to phase out the Obama Era Program which provides renewable immigration and work protections to those individuals. The Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case next week. For now, lower courts have issued two nationwide injections. Forcing the government to continue to allow renewals. Stocks surged on wall street in reaction to news that china and the u. S. Are getting closer to a trade deal. The dow and s p both ended at record highs. The dow up 182 points. The s p up eight. The nasdaq also saw gains of 23 points. The stock market wins came after china announced it had agreed with the u. S. To gradually ease tariffs on the exports. The area has been a top concern for investors. Disobeys a massive big change rest a lot of anxiety around increasing, or escalating tariffs. Reporter both sides a reason to reach at least a partial agreement. Chinas economy has slowed and President Trump is heading into an election year. The two sides continue to negotiate when a phase i deal will be signed. Survivors come together one year after a mass shooting at a popular Southern California bar. The permanent memorial to help the community heal. Some heart pounding moments when two racing boats flip at the same time. Coming up, all new at six, one of two former twitter employees accused of espionage arrested tonight. The newly released documents detailing what they were stealing. To keep license a blow job today marks one year since the mass shooting any Southern California countrywestern bar. 11 people lost their lives. Reporter amy johnson is in Thousand Oaks with remembrances. Its been a year of ups and downs. Reporter Jason Coffman lost his son cody one year ago in the mass shooting of borderline bar grill. Im wearing the hat that he was wearing when he died that night, to be able to have a little piece of him on me, it is another humbling experience. Reporter hoffman and the other 11 families who lost a Family Member were invited to a private ceremony to dedicate the healing garden. Does really happy and thankful theres a place i can come to now and, love on my son by myself. This park is for you. We want you to find healing. Reporter the 248 survivors were also invited for their own ceremony. I pretended like i was dead but i wasnt dead. I was just on the ground. I did nothing, i close my eyes. Reporter santos visited borderline for the first time that fateful night. Im so happy that i made out reporter he says he came today to lend support and get support. It means a lot because it has been a year since the event happened and has changed my life. I think this was good, one more thing we have gone through together, one more thing we have learned from. Reporter Michael Moore said lost his daughter who was a hostess at borderline. He says he is grateful for the ceremony, and the healing garden that he can now visit. He says he appreciates how the garden orders honors the 12 lives lost, and the 248 survivors. I like a lot personally, i like the symbolism, you know the 12 stones, theres a lot of 12s, 12 boulders and the 12 doves that were released. The 248 pavers. The plans and molds even that they used. That was amy johnson reporting. A new secret Service Report with the reports of incidences across the school that were targeted and many couldve been prevented. They looked at 41 incidences between 20082017. According to the findings, attackers usually had multiple motives. The most common involving agreements with classmates. Most attackers used firearms, often acquired from the home. All attackers exhibited concerning behavior. Most communicated their intent to attack. In many cases people who observed the threatening behavior failed to report it. Prevention is everyones responsibility. It is not just on Law Enforcement alone, not to schools. We need to find the children who are having difficulties, provide them with the services to make them able to fit in our society and our communities. Reporter the report found most attackers had a history of School Disciplinary actions and they were also often victims of bullying. I am ken bastida at the live news desk with the campaign 2020 update. Senator Elizabeth Warren just wrapping up a town hall in North Carolina with congresswoman iona presley. Presley endorsed her fellow massachusetts lawmaker yesterday, the two hit the trail to push warrants Progressive Agenda which includes breaking up a big tech. So, what we need is a president of United States who has the courage to enforce our antitrust laws and break these guys up. Big tech, big ag, big banks, we are coming. Polling shows that warren is trailing President Trump by three points in those key battleground states. I do live news desk, i am ken bastida back to you. Top aid tom steyer is talking up some questionable outreach efforts in iowa as an mystification. As a set of press reports his iowa director, pat murphy, privately offered Campaign Contributions to local politicians in exchange for their endorsement. Now, there is no evidence anyway took him up on that. Campaign leadership told the ap the whole thing was news to them. Facebook considering changes to its policy on political ads. A source tells cnn facebook is exploiting changes to how ads can be targeted and labeled, and potentially, including more information about political advertisers. The Company Appears committed to its policy to not fact check politicians. Just last week twitter announced it would ban all political ads on its site. Some turtles have park visitors in Washington State doing a double take. Someone painted swastikas on their shells. If you look closely, it is reversed. Version of the symbol is actually an ancient religious icon. But, whatever the intent of the legal artwork, partygoers have been baffled. I want to go out there and painted the backs of these turtles in swastikas. I cannot wrap my head around it, its very bizarre. Reporter animal control has been trying to catch and clean the turtles for a month now with no luck. One Sonoma County wineries in the middle of a remarkable rebound. Paradise ridge, in santa rosa was decimated by the north bay wildfires in 2017. Now, the winery is getting some help from farm animals, insects, and girl scouts as they finished the long rebuilding process. After a fire, when it bounces back, you will have a really, nice healthy ecosystem. What we wanted is people to see resilience and strength. And sustainability. You can see our original report, Paradise Ridge rebounds, tonight on the the kpix5 news at 7. An extra incentive to make the starbucks run before your flight, how it could get you priority boarding. Blow a kiss, into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss, into the sun all we need is somebody to lean on a Major Airline offering priority boarding for starbucks lovers. Today through sunday Alaska Airlines will give passengers holding the starbucks Holiday Themed cops access to a so called espresso lane. But, this will have to wait for firstclass passengers, the elite frequent flyers to board first. Some passengers will also find a starbucks treats on their seats. Starbucks locations at sfo, theyre not giving way to holiday cubs because they are testing combustibles, but they are giving out the sleeves, and those are eligible for priority boarding. I cannot believe the holidays are here, it is getting cold. Walk into any coffee shop, you will notice, the music the data there playing the music the ice rinks are open. You know they are not . Yes they are. We can go this weekend, go to the one that set at union square. E just finished halloween. Put the brakes on christmas. Tub ski that is right. Thats how things work now. The camera on top of Salesforce Tower looking up to the west you can see a little bit of light left in view. But this is a little deceiving, talk about daytime highs, top number to the bottom number, and with that, 78 degree daytime job. Also known as two degrees shy of 80. And, the city grew 60 degrees daytime high back into a pattern. Average daytime highs, theres only like a four degree difference between what San Francisco should be doing on average of what concord should be doing. The marine layer came back in. Moore had a summer field. Going to keep that summer feel, for quite a while. If you look at the big picture the closet street north, not to be doing that, this was to come west unless theres a big block in the atmosphere. Streamlines and direction of the wind. Is not only us. Look at the country as a whole, if weve got a ridge, east half of the country has a trough. Its going to stay that way for a while, locked himself in the pattern. Going to look at the atmosphere in terms of where the hi hi pressure, the ridge is on the low pressure ridge, operated out of the next two weeks even though it might be just a little bit, here we are on veterans day, the pattern will hold, trough over the east, will play all the way through, there we are going to this middle of November A Ridge over us, a trough over here. Lets played all after the 17th and now its more exaggerated. We continue to see cold and somewhat stormy over here, if we play this forward, and watch where it is going to rain. Between now and the middle of november. Pretty much anywhere but here. Darker colors get real psychedelic, it rained just about everywhere, except for the area under that persistent ridge of high pressure. As far as tonight the six in santa rosa, 34 for san jose. If you get daytime highs, will get your part of the bay area, 70 for concord, redwood 70, fremont going to 72. And prepare the numbers will get a little higher. Not terribly so, but the going to warm up a bit as the weekend and, early next week, probably no complaints. With a greatlooking veterans day coming. That is monday, 70 inland, mid 70s for the bay, plenty of parades to talk about. It is good to be great weather wherever you are. On monday and then we just stay there. No rain in the forecast, not yet anyway. A nice holiday weekend. Thank you. Trip coming up on new and 6 marin county residents want ranges when it comes to preventing wildfires a new proposal suit up for a vote. Plus, the nations largest ecigarette seller now canceling its most popular flavor. Why the ceo is saying it is the responsible thing to do. , and the bay area city pushing for balance when it comes to jobs versus housing. How the new proposal is going to link Different Development projects. About making choices. Well i didnt choose metastatic breast cancer. Not the exact type. Not this specific mutation. But i did pick hope. And also clarity. By knowing i have a treatment that goes right at it. Discover piqray, the first and only treatment that specifically targets pik3ca mutations in hr , her2 mbc, which are common and linked to cancer growth. Piqray is taken with fulvestrant after progression on hormone therapy and has been proven to help people with a pik3ca mutation live longer without disease progression. Do not take piqray if youve had a severe allergic reaction to it or to any of its ingredients. Piqray can cause serious side effects including severe allergic and skin reactions, high blood sugar levels and diarrhea that are common and can be severe, and lung problems known as pneumonitis. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of severe allergic reactions or high blood sugar while taking piqray. Your doctor will monitor your blood sugar before you start and during treatment and may monitor more often if you have a history of type 2 diabetes. Before starting, tell your doctor if you have a history of diabetes, skin reactions. Are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include rash, nausea, tiredness and weakness, decreased appetite, mouth sores, vomiting, weight loss, hair loss, and changes in certain blood tests. If youve progressed on hormone therapy, and have a pik3ca mutation. Ask your doctor about piqray. It takes a village to raise to build a bridge. To throw a baseball. To throw yourself into the unknown. To lose fear, to create hope. We believet 20 dedicated, passionate, driven medical and nonmedical professionals to deliver on our belief in total health for all. We are kaiser permanente. Thrive. Rapper e 40 is the unofficial ambassador of the bay of the new single that celebrates the 49ers 80 street. We never left them, we got the stadium to start to feel like chemistry park. Before he released his single, to pump up the 49er faithful in that song he alludes to his team and the glory days, as you heard, says levi is starting to feel like candlestick park. The 49ers look to extend their streak. They take on the sunny Seattle Seahawks monday night. That is it for the news and 5, kpix 5 news at 6 begins right now. With ken bastida and veronica de la cruz. Now at 6, wanted by the fbi one of two former twitter employees behind bars accused of espionage. Tonight, the information they allegedly stole. The nations largest seller of ecigarette is now halting sales of its bestselling flavor. We can keep up buildings without places for people to live. A bay area city with a different approach to the housing crisis. The new requirement to strike a jobs to housing balance. Kpix 5 news at 6 begins right now with the men accused of being spies while working for twitter. That evening i veronica de la cruz. I am ken bastida. Andria borba joins us now with some details from the indictment released by the fbi. Reporter well, this began as a Counter Intelligence Investigation Complete titled three wars out, and phone calls clocked down to the second as the fbi closed in on what they are calling spies. This 26 page indictment lays out the case against twitter employees who linked private data to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the saudi royal family. The two key players are these two men. Their bribed at first with a fancy watch and then hundreds of thousands in cash, gave up information on dissidents of saudi arabia. Connie is the editor in chief. They have access to the credit card information, to your email address, your ip address, which can help triangulate where you are physically located. There are conversations that you might have with others through direct messages, who you faller, how often you tweet. Reporter according to documents the data was a specific as noted in this email from the complaint and down to the age of potential complications helping pin down a dissident between turkey and iraq. It didnt just happen once. Over 6000 twitter users data were stolen and given to a regime known to kill those who speak ill of them. Twitter released this statement about the case. We recognize the lengths that actors will go to to try to undermine our service. Our company limit access to sensitive account information to a limited group of trained and added employees. Jeff harp, the former assistant special agent in charge of the San Francisco fbi office does this complaint read

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