Useful when that time comes. Melissa caen, kpix5. Meanwhile the 17 billion delta water tunnel plan may be in for some downsizing. A new proposal calls for just one huge tunnel to deliver Northern California water south instead of two. Kpix5s Susie Steimle tells us some of this water would go to people in the south bay where the Water District says one tunnel may be better. Reporter state officials appear to have changed course when it comes to the scale of the controversial delta items project known as water fix tunnels project known as water fix. The governor asked for bids on one tunnel, not the originally planned two. Yet, but its a great step forward. Reporter Richard Santos is the santa clara waterboard of directors chair. He thinks one tunnel is less expensive and something taxpayers would support, which is crucial, as south bay taxpayers would help foot the bill. We didnt want two tunnels, 17 billion is a lot of money. Reporter santos said if one tunnel goes well, a second one could be added down the line. If that works, you can build up confidence and the people of the state would then support, im sure, two tunnels. It doesnt make sense to send that water down there. You just cant destroy other peoples backyard. Reporter many People Living in the delta oppose any version of the water fix project. Opponents from restore the delta call this bad planning and bad politics. They say the Brown Administration is not being transparent, honest or ethical in describing their intentions with californians. No financial or environmental plans have been released by the state for the one tunnel adjustment. Santos says he hopes when that information is released, he can support it. The delta is damaged. It has to be fixed. We applaud the governor for taking that on. Reporter Susie Steimle, kpix5. New at 6 00 if you have a wood burning fireplace and dont use it anymore, you could trade it in for cash. The bay area air Quality Management district has pinpointed a number of zones eligible for the incentive. Kpix5s len ramirez has more on the push for cleaner heat. Len . Reporter well, veronica, today is not a spare the air day here in the bay area, but there have been so many spare the air days this winter that many of the people in this neighborhood and throughout the bay area have not even used their fireplaces at all this winter. Now theres an Incentive Program for people to permanently stop using their fireplaces and replace them with cleaner burning alternatives. Musician ed robletho enjoys a good song in front of his living room fireplace, but he no longer enjoys the fire. I use my fireplace maybe once or twice a decade since ive had the house. I understand that air quality is affected in a neglect manner and i would rather have clean air than a warm fire. Reporter hes just the kind of person the bay area air Quality Management district wants for a new program that will give consumers cash for replacing a fireplace or wood burning stove. Im excited about it. I just heard about it today and i think im going to follow up on it. Reporter rebase range from 750 for simply decommissioning a fireplace to 1,000 for adding a gas heat stove or 3,500 for installing an electric heat pump. The air quality district says its an incentive for people to move beyond fireplaces or woodstoves which add toxic soot to the air. The particles that go up in the air are a large percent of the particles we have in the air during the wintertime, up to 30 or 40 . So reducing that level is very important. Its important for our health. Reporter its already illegal to build fireplaces in new homes in the bay area and this program is seen by some as another step towards permanently outlawing wood fires in older homes where the fireplace was once the centerpiece of the house. This year was the worst year ever mostly because of all the no burn days. Reporter firewood dealer bruce fussington predicted he will probably go out of business by next year. People dont use their fireplaces anymore because they feel like theyre criminals. Reporter not everyone will be able to participate in this program. You have to live within a senior high impact location. You certain high impact location. You can find that and all the other Important Information on this story if you want to be a part of it on the kpix5 website www. Cbssf. Com and go to links kpix5. Com and go to links and numbers to find that information. You can also head to www. Cbssf. Com. Oakland has gone to court with a local developer. The goal . Keeping coal outside city limits. The fight is over a new 250 million told coal terminal coal terminal. The Terminal Developer sued oakland for breach of contract. Both sides ended up in court today. West oakland is a very Vulnerable Community with very high rates of childhood asthma. Were very concerned about air quality. The deform said he would cover train cars traveling through oakland. The trial is expected to stretch into next week. Theres a last minute rush for airbnb hosts to register with the city of San Francisco. Airbnb expects to have about 5,500 listings after midnight, a big drop from the 11,000 it had in august. San francisco now requires all Online Rental companies to have hosts register with the city and today is the deadline to apply to keep your reserved guests. Many hosts may have decided to take their property off the site. Others are scrambling with last minute applications. New at 6 00 we may not be able to stop wildfires in california, but lawmakers are taking steps to protect californians from the suffering that follows. This map shows parts of the bay area and Northern California most at risk from wildfires. Kpix5s emily turner on new protections for homeowners that were unveiled today. Reporter these fires changed the landscape of the north bay and now they may also change the way insurers deal with their claims. Legislators from the fire ravaged areas across the state have drafted a set of bills that they hope would help survivors through the process. Here are some of the biggest proposed changes. One bill would allow survivors the freedom to repurpose unused portions of their coverage towards rebuilding their home. It would also prevent Insurance Companies from dropping coverage for at least two years after the disaster happens. Another bill would require Insurance Companies to cover things like an airbnb or rv rentals as an additional living expense while ones home is being rebuilt. Hotels and long term rentals arent always available. It allows policyholders the option to see up to 80 of their contents claim coverage without having to list out the items they lost. Its the only new legislation that would retroactively help fire victims from this fall. Another bill extends the time people have to rebuild from two years to three. Knowing that fires, floods and other natural disasters will happen again, we need to take the steps now to improve Insurance Coverage and consumer protection. Reporter all good things for those who lose everything in a catastrophe, but it will likely be more work and more expensive for Insurance Companies which could make things more expensive for all of us. What does that mean for insurance rates moving forward or an insurance companys willingness to provide coverage . Well, as each of the members has pointed out, these are very common sense, reasonable proposals that follow through on the promises insurers are making to help recovery in communities. Reporter of the eight bills in this package, six of them have already been introduced. Two of them will be introduced shortly to the assembly. At the capitol, emily turner, kpix5. You seen them on the highways and youve seen them on the highways and now flashy screens are popping up on some of San Franciscos busiest streets, the digital billboards trying to get your attention. Chp officers face the man accused of driving drunk and killing their colleague, the Emotional Message from the fallen officers mother. A Bay Area High School rallies around an athlete who suffered a life changing injury on the wrestling mat. We had a front move through this morning about 1 4 inch of rainfall in santa rosa, not a drop in san jose. The next storm will bring more rainfall. Well talk about how much we get and how much snow the mountains will get, good news for skiers and snowboarders, have that all next. Calberkeley sits above a major fault line near the epicenter of a recent shaker. Weve all heard earthquakes above the ground. They kind of sound like a freight train. Reporter but we heard what it sounded like deep inside the hayward fault. It really sounds kind of like thunder. Reporter thanks to gear planted inside this old mineshaft. It recorded the earthquake very nicely. Reporter expect original reporting from kpix5 news. Expect more. There are two types of people in the world. Those who fear the future. And those who embrace it. The future is for the unafraid. All because of you San Franciscos busiest streets. New at 6 00 maybe youve noticed some, the digital ads popping up along one of San Franciscos busiest streets right now. Kpix5s jackie ward live with the latest sign of the times. Jackie . Reporter allen, if you think Market Street has gotten a little bit brighter, youre right. Its all because of these digital ads that are up and down one of the citys busiest streets. So we wanted to know how San Francisco, a city that makes Billboard Companies go through all kinds of red tape, allowed this to happen. News racks in San Francisco are going digital. Over the last couple of months the space on these Metal Structures that once displayed printed static images are being replaced with digital ads. Do you think that thats a distraction . Ive never noticed that. So im going to say no. It looks like art. Thats cool. I dont think most people are actually seeing it to tell the truth because we pass by things so fast. I think most of the people are dealing with their phones more so than dealing with billboards. Reporter Clear Channel outdoors owns the rack. Senior Vice President jason king tells me this new way of advertising allows Digital Media to be flexible and in the moment. They can even display emergency notifications when necessary. This is an advertising solution that allows brands to really engage with consumers on a more personal, intimate level reaching the consumers they want to reach. Reporter back in 2002 Clear Channel signed a 20 Year Contract with the city to maintain up to 1,000 of these fixed pedestal news racks. As part of that contract Clear Channel got the green light to make news racks eventually digital. What youre seeing now is an evolution of the media. Reporter the images on these mini billboards change every few seconds and king tells me that will not be distracting to drivers. Out of home Digital Media has been proven to be really safety neutral and, in fact, there are a number of Highway Safety advocates like the u. S. Department of transportation that actually use Digital Outdoor Advertising to communicate pertinent safety messages. Reporter right now there are 50 to 60 of these around San Francisco. Clear channel wants to have 100 done by the end of february. In San Francisco, jackie ward, kpix5. A man accused of killing a chp officer in a dui crash was in court for the first time today. Nearly a dozen chp officers stood at the back of the room watching on as mohammed ali was wheeled into court. He was arraigned on murder and dui charges. Authorities say he was drunk and high behind the wheel when he slammed into officer andrew camilleris patrol car. It was parked on the side of the nimitz freeway in Hayward Christmas eve. His mother was in the courtroom today. Our hearts are broken and our lives are shattered and we love andrew so much and we miss him. Well never see him again. Well be sure his legacy lives on. Ali did not enter a plea. His defense Attorney Says they are still looking over police reports. Tammy walker of pittsburgh is facing felony dui pittsburg is facing felony dui charges after hitting a motorcycle officer after 6 00 last night in concord. Officer martin lenway was at the scene of another crash when walker slammed into his motorcycle and the back of another truck. Officer lenway called 911 while his legs were pinned under that truck. He was rushed to the hospital but is expected to make a full recovery. Firefighters say a commerc fire forces dozens of seniors to evacuate from their assisted living facility in antioch. Firefighters say a commercial dryer caught fire just after 1 00 this afternoon. Most of the flames were put out by the buildings sprinkler system. Crews had to shut off the water and electricity. Fortunately no one was hurt. A total of 49 residents are being transferred to a temporary housing facility. And this smoky fire visible from many parts of San Francisco, firefighter responding to a twoalarm fire at taylor and pacific. Two separate threestory buildings were burning on hill affecting some 20 residential units. Crews had it out in about 45 minute. An east bay teenager is in the hospital this evening after suffering an injury that left him paralyzed. 16yearold ryan joseph was wrestling during a High School Match last week when something went horribly wrong. Kpix5s Juliette Goodrich is in Pleasant Hill where a community is rallying for that athlete. Reporter on the schools web page it says everyones friend. Theyre talking about 16year Old College Park High School Sophomore ryan joseph. Ryan suffered a c4 spinal cord injury in a jv wrestling match last week. The high schools athletic coach jim keck spoke on behalf of the family today. This is the only time ive ever seen Something Like this happen. It was not an illegal move. It wasnt a move that was done with any type of malice. It wasnt something i think what most people in the stands saw it happen didnt think much of it. Reporter ryan competed in wrestling and lacrosse at the high school. He was wrestling in the 160 pound weight class when he suffered the spinal cord injury. Ryan, the son of former de la salle football and wrestling hall of famer tom joseph, is now at the Trauma Center at john muir in walnut creek. First thing that tom said when i saw him in the hospital on saturday when this was really, really fresh was ive got a son. His brains in perfect working condition. Hes still joking with us and i think that thats whats going to get him through. Reporter the wrestling team is designing these t shirts that read falcon family wrestling for ryan. Its really devastating because he is very passionate about, you know, sports and all that athletic stuff and hes just very passionate towards other people and when people found out, very devastating, all his friends and teachers like its just really sad. Reporter the school has been updating students on how ryan is doing. They even had counselors here on campus to help students out as well. Ryans family says he has enjoyed all of the cards and messages that have been sent to him. In Pleasant Hill, Juliette Goodrich, kpix5. Ng off with there is ice in lafayette, louisiana. There is snow in portions of texas. It will be below freezing tonight in mobile, alabama. Even though its cloudy and gloomy around here today let us be thankful those are our highs, cant have ice with stuff like that, only if you put an ice cube in your drink. Fremont 64, redwood city 63, San Francisco and Half Moon Bay hitting 60 today, san rafael 55, much cooler in the north bay. We are rain free and will stay rain free through thursday morning. Thursday is when our next front will arrive and give us anywhere from a 1 4 to 1 2 inch of rainfall for a good chunk of the bay area thursday into friday. This is wonderful news because i just checked the snowpack. Its now down to 23 of average. This is not a ton of snow, but over the next 72 hours well see about 8 inches of fresh powder at lake level at lake tahoe, bear valley up to 13 inches of snow, Donner Summit almost 14 and 21 inches of new snow at mount shasta. That is because we have a storm coming with relatively low snow levels and that fact may stay with us a while. The subsequent storms after this one likely will i go us good sierra snowfall. The jet stream will give us good sierra snowfall. The jet Stream Energy is still up north. A number of storms will pile into Northern California, the next of which will get here thursday morning. Your weather headlines for tonight, cloudy tonight, gloomy with areas of fog and even coastal drizzle and with the cloud cover you dont get the chilly overnight lows. We need clear skies for that. Well have lows in the 40s, napa 47, fremont, redwood city 49, San Francisco 50. Tomorrow likely will be the sunniest day of the week. Thats not saying much. It is a dry break coming up tomorrow with highs in the low 60s. Notice the temperature spread, san rafael foggy in the morning, 59, sunshine much earlier in livermore and san jose. Your highs will be in the mid to upper 60s. Rain returns on thursday. Another storm will arrive on sunday, so it looks very ominous on the sevenday forecast and yes, five of the seven days carry a chance of rain, but its thursday and sunday when the fronts actually arrive. Its the unstable air behind the front that will give us the shower chance on friday, monday and tuesday. Guys, remember december where we had two days of rain the entire month . Theres five days with some rain over just the next seven. Back to you. You flipped the switch, paul. Criminals making off with powerful painkillers, now walgreens is saying enough, how its taking a strategy from banks to stop drug thefts. Reporter im Dennis Odonnell hanging out in concord tonight with a bunch of contractors as well as the ex 49ers boss when we come back. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Welcome, everybody, to the concord hilton. I have the pleasure of emceeing the contractors employees Association Event tonight and my special guest is ex49ers ceo Carmen Policy and he has opinions on the 49ers and the nfl. Roll it and well tell you that on sunday tom brady will play in his 12th afc title game. The patriots made it clear brady is still their quarterback of the future when they traded Jimmy Garoppolo earlier this season. Former 49er president Carmen Policy remembers being at a similar crossroads in the early 90s when San Francisco made the decision to deal joe montana and turn the team over to steve young. We went through i hate to use the term but we went through hell during the process of that trade and i thank god the internet wasnt invented yet. Can you imagine internet, twitter, all the other . Reporter you would have been called the shole. It would have been rough. Andrew mccutchen is switching positions. The giants announce mccutchen will play right field for them. The 31yearold has played over 1,300 games in center field. That means hunter pence will move to left. Stanford star running back bryce love will return to the farm for his senior season and not enter the nfl draft. Love was the runnerup for the heisman trophy, said he wants to finish school and t his degree in human biology. How about that . Somebody actually staying in school. Its been a chippy 48 hours in the nba. The latest incident coming moments ago in orlando. Arron afflalo taking a swing at the wolves big man who put afflalo in a headlock. Both players were ejected and then theres this. Chris pauls return to l. A. Last night ended with paul and two rocket teammates trying to enter the clippers locker room through a backdoor after the game. They wanted to confront blake griffin. Security and even the lapd had to intervene. Charles barkleys reaction on tnt summed up how ridiculous the whole thing was. I played in the nba for 16 years and ive been on tv 18 years. This is the first time i ever heard police presence. Lapd was called. [ laughter ] these two, man. Come on, man. Because they would reporter i think im safe in saying no security needed tonight. Wonderful interview. You can see the entire thing sunday night on gameday. It will be a fun event tonight. The only question, will i make it back for nightbeat . Probably not. Reporter back to you. Just tweet it in. Youll be fine. Dennis, thank you. Coming up in our next half hour a teenager climbs through the window to save her siblings. We are learning new details of the courageous escape that led officers to a family of tortured and starved children. And hurdling toward a government shutdown, the fight over the president s apparent foul language thats halting progress. These waves, not for beginners. Surfers brave dangerous swells, a look at the force Mother Nature from sky drone 5. My husband is probably going to think im crazy. He thinks im going to see my sister sometimes the confidence to be spontaneous starts with financial stability. Once i heard it i was shocked. I just thought, i have to go get it its our tree see how a personalized Financial Strategy and access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Two parents are handcuffed. And taken away. Youre watching kpix5 news. Our top story at 6 30, new video shows the moment two parents are handcuffed and taken away accused of holding their 13 children captive. Authorities say the siblings were chained up and starving in their home in perris. The town in Riverside County is just east of los angeles. Reporter dave lopez is there with more on the deplorable conditions the siblings endured and how one was able to break free to save them all. Reporter its just after 7 00 sunday morning. This security video shows 57 yearold David Allen Turpin and his 49yearold wife louise being led away in handcuffs. A short time later the same video shows small children being escorted into a van by deputy sheriffs and today no one can answer the question that everyone want to know. Why would this couple starve, handcuff and in the words of the Sheriffs Department torture their children, 13 of them ages 2 to 29 . I wish i could come to you today with information that would explain why this happened. Reporter but he cant. No one can and when asked why he would say that some of the children were tortured, his response . Being chained to a bed, i would call that torture. Reporter of the 13 children rescued from this home six are under age 18. The adults according to those who have seen them dont look like adults. Theyre small and its very clear theyre malnutritioned. Reporter detectives say the conditions inside that home, deplorable, horrific, smelly. Three children were actually chained to a sofa. It seemed that the mother was perplexed as to why we were at that residence. I cant believe it. Reporter deputies say they were never called to the home, no reason to and neighbors say they never saw a bunch of children out in the front at once, but here they are all gathered together a few years ago in vegas when their parents renewed their vows, elvis doing the honors. I never heard them. Reporter the perris home is listed with the state as a private school, turpin the principal. It is nonreligious, Co Educational and six students are unrolled, but under California Law the state does not have the authority to monitor, inspect or oversee private schools. So no one came to check and detectives say if not for that 17yearold girl who looks 10 escaping from a window and having pictures to prove what was going on, this house of horrors would still be going on. They are safe now. I think they feel safe. Reporter as for the six adults who are still hospitalized, a hospital spokesman said that they are cooperative. They are in Good Condition and they are very hopeful and praying that their lives will get better. From perris, dave lopez, kpix5. A live look at capitol hill tonight where the clock is ticking towards a government shutdown. Lawmakers will need to pass some kind of a spending bill before friday to keep the government from running out of money. Reporter weigia jiang says that lawmakers work got stalled by a fiery debate over the president s reported foul language. Reporter President Trump says he doesnt care where immigrants to the u. S. Come from. I want them to come in from everywhere, everywhere. Reporter but last week during a meeting to negotiate an immigration deal, the president reportedly said he prefers people from norway than expletive holes like haiti, el salvador and some african countries. I did not hear that word used. Reporter Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen attended the meeting. A Senate Committee grilled her about the president s language that she described as tough. You said on fox news the president used Strong Language. What was that Strong Language . I apologize. I dont remember specific words. Reporter that explanation set off senator cory booker. When ignorance and big friday is alive with power, it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence is complicity. Reporter the conversation focused on Border Security and daca, the program that prevents young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Now democrats are trying to add daca protections to a budget deal which Congress Must pass by friday to avoid a government shutdown. I urge the president to lead us to a bipartisan solution. Mr. President , close the deal. Reporter the president blames democrats for the holdup tweeting they want to shut down the government over amnesty for all. Weigia jiang, cbs news, capitol hill. Now on the subject of daca the Justice Department will attempt a rare legal move. It announced today its going to try to bypass the 9th Circuit Court here in San Francisco which blocked President Trumps move to end immigration protections and appeal directly to the u. S. Supreme court. Ated attorney general Jeff Sessions says it defies both law and common sense for daca to somehow be mandated nationwide by a single District Court in San Francisco. The president s doctor briefed reporters today on his recent health exam. While he recommended the president eat better and lose some weight, he said his physical health is excellent and at the president s request performed a cognitive assessment test. It was the more difficult one of all of them. It took significantly longer to complete, but the president did extremely well on it. Dr. Jackson said the president takes daily medication for high cholesterol, aspirin for cardiac health and propecia to combat hair loss. In the meantime the president s former chief strategist has a date with special counsel robert mueller. The New York Times is reporting steve bannon has been summed as part of the investigation subpoenaed as part of the investigation into russian interference into the 2016 president ial election. The news of the subpoena broke as bannon was on capitol hill testifying on the same matter before the house intelligence committee. Its possible the subpoena is a ploy to get bannon to answer questions from investigators. On wall street the marks pulled a major uturn today but not before hitting new milestones. You wouldnt know it to look at all the red ink, but early in the day the dow traded above 26,000 for the first time. Just seven sessions after hitting the 25,000 mark. Investors remain very excited about corporate earnings which are starting to roll in for the 4th quarter and mainly of the prospects Going Forward on the impact of earnings from the Corporate Tax cuts. The nasdaq and s p 500 also hit record highs today before the rally fizzled. Another mistaken alert, this time in japan, warning that north korea had fired a missile. A japanese broadcaster accidentally sent this out, nhk news alert, north korea likely to have launched missile. The government j alert evacuate inside the building or underground. This time the error was corrected in about five minutes. On saturday an Emergency Alert notification was sent out to residents of hawaii warning of a similar strike. The error was blamed on an employee who pushed the wrong button. It took 38 minutes to send text alerts giving the all clear. Thieves break in, steal drugs and theyre out in seconds. Now walgreens has a new strategy to protect its painkillers. And a city of the future, what it takes to run the countrys First Solar Powered town. But its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Safes in its Bay Area Stores. To protect prescription closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. Mpan walgreens has started installing safes in its Bay Area Stores to protect prescription pain killers. The Company Launched that project six months ago in response to a rash of pharmacy robberies. The safes hold the most commonly used and abused drugs and the safes are time delayed meaning they do take a few minutes to open after the pharmacist activates a touch pad. The criminal wants to be in and out as quick as possible. So they dont want to wait those extra minutes because then they could get caught. Walgreens says the extra security step is working. Its already seeing a decrease in pharmacy holdups. In the south bay San Jose Police arrest a gang connected to at least 30 robberies and carjackings. 12 people were taken into custody. Five others were minors. Police say the crimes date all the way back to last spring. In the Investigation Police did recover a number of weapons and stolen property. Four people who say they were attacked during violent protests at uc berkeley are now suing both the school and the city. They were there to see a planned appearance at uc berkeley by Milo Yiannopoulos last february. Once riots broke out they say the city and the university failed to protect them. There was police presence. They were here. They were everywhere. They had barricades, but when they went on the march and started throwing molotov cocktails lets not forget that when they started using large sticks and banners and using Major Industrial scope pepper spray against innocent victims, the police saw this and were instructed to leave. So our clients were put in a trap. R east coast c uc berkeley says they are aware of the lawsuit but have yet to comment. Shaking up the bay area burger scene, the popular east coast chain that may be coming to a neighborhood near you. East Coast Weather is not coming here. Its cold back east. Its icy and wintery. Were looking the other direction to the west where it may get a bit stormy here in the bay area finally. Its january. Coming up how much rain to expect and how many days youll need an umbrella in your forecast next. Cbs eye on the community. Presented by target. Art and history spark connections across cultures, igniting curiosity, conversation, and inspiration. Thats why target supports the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. The asian museum is here to make asian arts and culture relevant. The reality is we all have a story to tell. Its what makes us who we are. Cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. Woman so, greg, its a lot to take in. Woman 2 and i know thats hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. Hi, blake my dad has cancer. Woman and i know how hard that is to hear. But youre in the right place. Man and dr. Pascal and her team, they know what to do. They know what to do. The doctors know what to do. So heres the plan. First off, were going to give you all. voice fading away pair of proposed developments. Shake shack is opening its first restaurant in our region. Get ready, bay area. A new burger is coming your way. Shake shack is opening its first restaurant in our region. The chain will open at the Stanford Shopping Center this fall in palo alto. Its also looking at larkspur in the north bay and the Marina District in San Francisco. The menu will feature all the classics including the shack burger, crinkle cut fries and hand spun shakes. The shack will be constructed with recycled and sustainable materials. Yum. Sky drone 5 over large waves crashing along the santa cruz coast. A High Surf Advisory was in effect most of the day, but some people took a chance out in the water anyway. Kpix5s kiet do got a firsthand look at the conditions. Reporter the forecast called for big waves, lots of them and Mother Nature did not disappoint. The view from sky drone 5 shows them lined up one after the other pounding cowell beach in santa cruz all day long. Cowell beach is protected from the full brunt of the swells which were coming from the northwest, but go just south of the cove towards the world famous steamer lane and its a much different story. Today aways were 8 to 12 feet surging at times to 15 feet, but it was even bigger yesterday when a surfer entering the water got swept in, then broke his surf board and got banged up against the rocks. He was rescued by another surfer and was not injured. It was fun waves out there. Out here is not a good spot for beginners, you know. Theres some begins are out there that could get into some trouble. Beginners out there that could get into some trouble. Reporter light winds and waves forecasted to come every 10 seconds made Good Conditions for some. On a scale of one to 10 what would you rate conditions . Nine. Reporter how do big waves inspire you . Energy. Theres a lot of energy in the ocean. Obviously all these people know that, love that. Everyone out there is enjoying it. Reporter as good as it is today, the forecast is calling for even bigger waves on thursday. In santa cruz, kiet do, kpix5. Wow, bigger waves on thursday. Maybe it will get big enough for mavericks. That is the possibility coming up on thursday. Theres a storm coming, but the actual swell generator stays about 1,000 miles offshore which is actually better for getting big swells heading towards our coastline which we we will have later this week. 50s outside, livermore 54, San Francisco 56, santa rosa 56 degrees on our way to a cloudy, drizzly foggy night along the coastline, pacifica 49 degrees, san rafael and vallejo upper 40s, 50 for mountain view. Radar is quiet now. Thursday we get the stronger waves and rougher surf and the snow level will start to drop. This is the best news of it all. Snow level about 4,000 feet thursday dropping to 3,000 feet friday. Get up in the Higher Elevations we could see 12 to 24 inches of fresh powder and 80 to 100 mile perhour wind gusts. It sounds really strong. Its actually not uncommon for a strong storm moving in. Now to the surf, we have waves running 10, 12, 14 feet today. On thursday they will be 15 to 20 feet possible at all bay area beaches. Not the best time to be going in the water unless you are an expert. Why is all this happening and why arent we talking about heavy rainfall . Heavy rainfall isnt going to happen. Well get the rough surf, mountain snowfall but just light to moderate rain moving in the bay area. Its quantity over quality for the next week, several rain chances, no one significant storm, but actually thats better for our rainfall deficit because well be able to keep much of the moisture rather than it becoming runoff. Tomorrow Morning Cloud cover and tomorrow afternoon sunshine. Thursday light rain north of the golden gate by sunrise thursday morning. Scattered showers continue all day on and off. Watch how long it lasts. Thursday night still raining, friday morning still some scattered showers, even into friday afternoon could still see a few scattered showers. If you add it up, about 1 4 for the east bay, 0. 1inch for the south bay, about 1 2 inch for the Santa Cruz Mountains and about 3 4inch for our north bay mountains. Behind the front it will be chilly. The next storms legacy is more than just the rainfall. Well have the surf, snow and light to moderate rainfall and behind the front forget about 60s for a while for highs. Mid50s is as warm as well get starting friday. Enjoy tomorrows warmth, 68 in campbell, 63 in union city, walnut creek 64, san ramon 65, San Francisco 58. Youll get chillier as well. Novato 60, sonoma 62, cloverdale 60 degrees tomorrow under partly sunny skies. Were soggy thursday with some scattered showers or light rain. The showers last until friday. There are your cooler temperatures and another storm with more light to moderate rainfall sunday, monday and tuesday. So few of of the so five of the next seven days will be umbrella days in the bay area. A bright idea for sustainable living, inside americas First Solar Powered town. Coming up on nightbeat at 10 00, a trip on a smart train turned terrifying for one north bay family after their daughter fell through a gap between the train and the platform. Tonight how smart is trying to prevent another accident. That happens tonight at 10 00 on nightbeat. Join us on our sister station, kbcw 44 cable 12. Okay mcdonalds. I see your one, two and three dollar deals. Tell you what, ill raise you five. Introducing value jacks way. Five great ways to save. Like i tell jack jr. , its all about big values, jr. Prices. Thats value jacks way. Like jacks oneofakind breakfast pockets for 2 each. Three of jacks famous tacos and a small drink for 3 or a classic bonus jack combo for 5 its like i tell jack jr. , its all about big values, jr. Prices. Completely solarpowered city. Reporter manuel bojo us inside america has its First Complete aliso hard powered town. Reporter completely solar powered town. Reporter manuel bojorquez. Reporter in the city of the future people forego their cars and take rides in self driving shuttle buses. Its powered by electricity generated from the sun just like the street lamps, the buildings and the lights we used for this interview. We want to be the most sustainable new town in the united states. Reporter kitsen, a developer, wouldnt want it any other way. Babcock ranch has been his passion project since 2005. We had the advantage of a green field, a blank sheet of paper and when you have a blank sheet of paper, you can really do it right from the beginning. Reporter is it more expensive to build this way, more expense sufficient for the consumers . Expensive for the consumers . You know, its not more expensive. The people here pay the exact same amount that everybody else pays in the Florida Power and light network. Reporter the town doesnt run on solar power all the time. At night when the sun is down, it has to draw from the traditional electrical grid. The technology for storing all that Surplus Energy the solar cells generate during the day he says is still too costly. Another problem, too many overcast days. Clearly if you have a number of cloudy days in a row, it will impact the efficiency and the available electricity that comes from the solar field. Reporter this month richard and robin kinley became the first residents to move in. The lake next to their house is named after them, lake kinley. I thought the air is nice and clean here and i think these type of communities are the future. I felt very much like when i bought a tesla back in 2013 and i said this is definitely going to make it and i felt the same way about babcock ranch. Way of the future, the way we got to think moving forward. For news throughout the evening and the latest always www. Cbssf. Com. Dont forget to join us for nightbeat at 10 00 and back here tonight at 11 00. Good night. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Announcer its time to play family feud give it up for steve harvey [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve detroit, lets go. How yall . Thank yall very much. I appreciate it, folks. Yeah, i do. Thank yall. Thank you, folks. Thank you very much. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got a good one today, folks. Returning for their second day with a total of 20,000, from manchester, vermont, its the champs. Its the mulroy family. [cheering and applause] and from detroit, michigan, its the trust family. [cheering and applause] hey. Everybodys here tryin to win theirself a lot of cash. Somebody might drive out of here in a brandnew car. [cheering and applause] lets go meet the trust family. Hey, yolanda. Yolanda hi, steve. Steve how you doin, darlin . Yolanda im wonderful. Steve good, good. What do you do for a living . Yolanda i am a special education teacher. Ok . [cheering and applause] yeah yeah steve well, congratulations. Yolanda thank you, thank you. I do that for a living, but you know, i have to tell you a wonderful thing about myself. I am a 6year Breast Cancer survivor [cheering and applause] hallelujah yeah yeah oh, yeah thats right. Hallelujah. Steve thats really good. Introduce everybody. Yolanda all right, this is my talented niece kanika, my gorgeous twin daughters tamia and tamiya, and my sassy sister kirsten. [cheering and applause] steve all right, im gonna meet yall as the game goes on

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