Preventing a catastrophe. And a turkish airliner skids off a runway. Well show you how everyone survives. And cvs shows how it will alert customers to altered beauty photo ads. First, we begin with the eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. A missile may land in 90 minutes. This is not a drill. I thought, oh, my god, this is it. The investigation of hawaiis false missile alert. It caused widespread panic. The mistake, i take responsibility for it. This is unacceptable. It has to be fixed and people need to be held accountable. Do you think President Trump is a racist . I think he is a racist. I did not hear a derogatory comment about individuals or persons. This sentiment is totally phony as well that is attributed to him . Yes. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That i can tell you. Oh, my god casino boat erupts in flames just off floridas gulf coast with 50 people on board. This could have been a tragedy. In turkey, a jet skidded off the runway and ended up on a seaside cliff. Everyone on board survived. All that. A georgia firefighter is being called a hero aft is her caught a toddler tossed from a third floor balcony. And all that matters. So who is the head of the group . Were all sort of workers among workers and women among women sort of rolling up our sleeves. How do you get things done with no leader . Well, were women. On cbs this morning. Chase on the deep cross. Fires to the right side. Caught touchdown are you kidding me in the middle of the ball game this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning on this Martin Luther king holiday. If youre watching that game, you were thinking what did we just see on television . What just happened there . Thats why people watch sports. Those moments. That is true. How does that go, john, ripped from the jaws of victory . Am i making it up . Ripped victory from the jaws of defeat. Thats it. We all can see that ourselves. Made it up. Im gayle king with John Dickerson and Bianna Golodrygas here too. Norah odonnell is off on this Martin Luther king holiday. Hawaii officials face widespread criticism over a false a harm warning the public of imminent missile attack. People across the state ran outside searching for places to hide. The head of the fcc which is investigating calls the error absolutely unacceptable. At 8 07 saturday morning, more than 1 million cell phones in hawaii began buzzing. With a message saying seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill. State officials canceled the alert at 8 13. Six minutes later. But they didnt send a new cell phone message for another half an hour until 8 45. David begnaud went inside the command center where the mistake happened. He is in honolulu. David, good morning. Reporter good morning. Oops. This was the front page headline after that mistake happened. The agency that made the mistake is now investigating exactly what happened. The governor says the employee who pushed the wrong button not once but twice feels terrible about what happened. He hasnt been fired. Hes being welcomed back to work. But not in the same job. The panic was palpable. Hawaiians rushing for cover under the threat of a missile attack. This child was lowered into a manhole. Another family huddled in a closet. 5,500 people called honolulus 911 system. Its embarrassing. Again, its a mistake. Reporter hawaiis Emergency Management administrator vern i miyagi says one of his employees hit the wrong button twice. He was supposed to hit the option for a drill. Instead, he hit the real thing. This was the alert. A missile may impact in minutes. This is not a drill. With all due respect are you sure this was an accident . Yes. I know the individual. This was an accident. But why did he hit yes twice . Thats being talked about and being investigated right now. Reporter this is the state warning point. It was here the mistake happened. The man who had been working for about ten years was sitting in this chair when he pushed the wrong button. He realized within the first two or three minutes he made a mistake but it took nearly 38 minutes to get another text message alert out saying false alarm. It is an epic failure. Reporter hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was one of the first to correct the error on twitter. 36 minutes of terror before this message went out saying sorry, false alarm. I dont usually panic. Reporter noah tom was far from his wife and children when the alert was issued. I felt totally helpless. Im sitting there just kind of balling my eyes out. Reporter in the aftermath, people across hawaii were confronted with this question. What would you do if this was the real thing . Wakeup call. Say, hey, wait a minute, i dont know what to do. Our opportunity right now is to reach out and get that information through to people. Reporter you know, it took 38 minutes to correct the first tweet because what they actually had to do is get an i. T. Guy at home to compose a message, then put a template in the system, then get a new alert out saying hey, guys, false alarm. Now that template actually exists. Its ready to go. Its not going to take 38 minutes. For the time being, though, the government says i dont want you guys practicing this anymore and when you do start practicing again, i want two people to be involved in every test. Amazing. Thank you, david. The immigration debate in congress is stalled. After President Trumps reported use of a vulgarity to describe haiti, el salvador and some african nations. Last night, the president denied hes a racist. Two republican allies say he didnt use the reported language. Some democrats are pushing back, using the threat of a Government Shutdown as leverage to get what they want in immigration talks. Errol barnet is traveling with the president in west palm beach, florida. Errol, good morning. Reporter good morning. The political fallout from President Trumps comments could jeopardize negotiations. Democratic congressman john lewis says he wont even vote on government funding unless theres a deal on daca. Republican senator rand paul says the setting to get anything meaningful accomplished here is being destroyed. No, no, im not a racist. Reporter President Trump refuted claims made about his character. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. Reporter democratic senator dick durbin was one of the lawmakers in the room when the president allegedly used a vulgar term while referring to countries caught up in the immigration debate. They were vile, hatefilled and clearly racial. Reporter republican Lindsey Graham says he immediately confronted the president about his use of words. Quote, all those attending the meeting know what i said and how i feel. Two other republican senators at the Oval Office Meeting who, days ago, said they could not recall the president s comments, seem to sharpen their memories. Im telling you he did not use that word. I didnt hear that word either. I certainly didnt hear what senator durbin has said repeatedly. Reporter senator tom cotton says the quotes attributed to the president are false. Youre saying you didnt hear any of this sort of lumping everybody together . I did not hear derogatory comments. The sentiment . About individuals or persons, no. Reporter the controversy stems from sensitive negotiations on immigration between the president and both parties. Democrats want to address the status of dreamers. The children of undocumented immigra immigrants. The president wants to reform the visa lottery system and end socalled chain migration. Last week, President Trump was optimistic about striking a deal. But on sunday via twitter, he said, quote, daca is probably dead. Because the democrats dont want it. Congressman and civil rights activist john lewis called the president racist for his comments but said democrats arent giving up on a compromise. We must not give up or give in. We must continue to press on and get a deal. Reporter now, consider this, in a new cbs news nation tracker poll, 70 of americans, they support allowing dreamers to stay in the country. While 76 say they found President Trumps reported comments inappropriate. Errol, thanks. Dan senor is a former adviser to speaker paul ryan. He has spoken with republican members of congress in the room during the Oval Office Meeting. He was Senior Adviser to mitt romney in the president ial campaign. Good morning. Good morning. You have spoken to people in the room. Two different accounts. Correct. You have senators two republican senators saying dick durbins not telling the truth . Right. Whats going on here . What it sounds to me obviously, i wasnt in the room, but what im trying to piece together is trump did Say Something derogatory but it wasnt a big moment in the room. Its not like people stormed out. Its not like people interrupted. Lindsey graham made that one comment. But it wasnt sort of a Game Changing moment in the room. It seems like the politics burst out of this meeting about a day later. The concern is forget leave aside the word everybody was repeating last week. The concern is that the president views the world this way and views people based on the group they come from and of course people noted that the countries he made note of all have people with different colored skin. And norway, the one he raised up, has essentially an all white population. Assuming he said a version of what he said, its hugely problematic because it basically makes a sweeping judgment about people from certain parts of the world. Even though there are many talented those country, by the way, some of those countries may be basket cases. Its okay to say that. It doesnt mean the talent coming from those countries are basket cases. Also has implications for our countrys bilateral relationships with the governments in those countries. That said, there is a point to be made that immigration restrictionists have a legitimate argument, some of us may disagree with it, but a legitimate argument about the implications of this lottery system that picks people from certain countries, designates certain countries, rather than a skilled base merit system. Many immigration reformers in this country are pushing for that kind of system. If thats the point the president is trying to make, its an inartful way to make it. Unfortunate now seems everybodys parsing their words exactly what he said what he didnt say. All right, lets move on from that. Where do we go now from here . Because we saw the daca conversation. Where does that leave that discussion . I think two things are going to happen this week. Republican members i speak to said they will now move to a temporary spending bill some time this week which will get us to the third week of february. Which takes down the threat of a Government Shutdown. I also think based on the members i spoke to it is unlikely if theyre going to get a daca deal any time soon. The blowup from this meeting has raised the stakes. If trump said something as senator durbin said that it was vile, racist and hateful, how does durbin sit down and negotiate with the president who he thinks is vile, racist and hateful and make any concessions . If youre the president , how do you negotiate with someone who has called you racist, vile and hateful . How do you make concessions to that person . Both sides have a base problem now. The president has a little advantage here in that his constituency i dont think cares if they get a daca deal. The democrats are not going to shut down the government over daca. Let me ask you one question about your good friend mitt romney. Reports he is, in fact, going to be running for senate in the state of utah. Can you confirm that . I cannot confirm it. Im not here as a spokesman for him. I think it is highly likely he is going to move forward. Have you talked to him . I have spoken to him, yes. You think its highly likely . I think its highly likely. We know he is in good health right now . Yes. Very good news. Dan senor. Thank you. The white house and President Trump have yet to comment on the deadly Southern California mudslides, nearly one week after the disaster. At least 20 people were killed in the storm and mudflows last tuesday. Four people were still considered missing. Search crews are now transitioning from rescue to recovery mode. Jamie yuccas is in the area where the main highway is still closed this morning. Jamie, good morning. Reporter good morning. Highway 101 still covered in mud and debris. Its been a week since the mudslides. Crews working around the clock. Theres no time frame on when this may reopen. At the same time, people in town are trying to heal. Thousands came out sunday night to mourn those lost. A candlelight vigil filled the Santa Barbara county courthouse grounds sunday night. James weimer came to remember his grandparents alice and james mitch whole celebrated james 89th birthday last sunday. That was the last time i saw them. I loved them so much. Reporter cleanup and search efforts are continuing around the clock. Crews are focused on the difficult task of finding the bodies of those still missing. It was apocalyptic. Reporter this is what David Grokenberger and his family saw tuesday morning. I looked and said, we cant get in the car, its being swept away by a fivefoot wall of mud and debris. Reporter workers rescued the family of three. Leading them through the wreckage. There was a reason that were still here and theres a reason that house protected us. Reporter Officials Say the 101 freeway acted as a cash basin for massive amounts of mud and debris, preventing more extensive damage behind it. They say theyll have a better idea today when it can finally reopen. Under normal conditions, the Santa Barbara area is protected by a series of debris basins designed to catch excess water and mud. Workers are trying to clear them out ahead of possibly more rain this week. Officials say no drainage system could have handled last weeks mudslides. It was a slurry with rocks that are over your head and entire trees. This is a debris flow of the likes we have not seen. Reporter with 101 still blocked, the only way to travel the 30odd miles between Santa Barbara and ventura is to take a 250mile detour. Amtrak is adding some train cars to its los angeles to Santa Barbara route. Some people are using boats to get back and forth by sea. I know people who are still stuck there. Thank you very much. 250mile detour is a big one. Thank you, jamie. Florida shuttle boat captain is credited with saving dozens of lives when a massive fire broke out onboard. Dramatic video shows passengers jumping into the freezing water as large flames quickly surrounded the boat yesterday. 14 people were hurt. Weve received word one person has died. The boat was headed to a casino cruise just off the coast near tampa. Vladimir duthiers of our streaming network is following the story. Good morning. Reporter good morning. People on the shores nearby said they noticed the boat sounded different on sunday. Just moments before they saw a cloud of thick black smoke billowing up from the ships stern. Dramatic video taken from the shore shows passengers jumping from the flaming shuttle boat. Police say the vessel had just started a roughly threemile journey to an offshore casino cruise when the captain noticed something was wrong with the engine. Thats when he decided to beach the boat on the shore. Coming as fast as we can. Reporter video taken by lisa shultz show flames engulfing the boat in a matter of minutes. We were nervous it was going to, you know, blow up. You could feel the heat off of it. Reporter she and her husband rushed to help those forced into the cold gulf water. We had to get into the water at one point and it was just freezing. And they were jumping off in front of it. We had to jump probably, what, eight, eight or ten feet. To the water. To the water. Reporter passenger and crew that were able to safely evacuate waded through 100 yards of Shallow Water to reach Emergency Personnel and nearby homeowners who had come to help. They were pulling clothes out of their closet to bring out to us to put on to keep warm. Reporter Authorities Say the decision to turn the boat around prevented a major disaster. If they were out any further, this could have been a tragedy. Certainly different ending than this. A manager for the familyowned Tropical Breeze Casino said the company lost its only shuttle boat in the fire. Its not clear what exactly caused the fire on board to start. But heroism from the captain and the folks on shore. Amazing. Quick thinking. Vlad, thank you. Investigators say a sudden engine surge caused a passenger plane to skid off the edge of a cliff in turkey. Drone video shows the boeing 737 stuck in the mud. As it dangled just feet over the black sea. 168 people were on board. The Pegasus Airlines flight took off from the turkish capital of ankara and ran off the runway moments after, landing in trabzon saturday night. Video shot just after the plane came to a stop shows the panic on board. The passengers and crew were safely evacuated. No injuries were reported. Its still unclear what caused the engine surge. Incredible video. A case where a mudslide actually prevented the plane from falling further. Some hotel chains are changing their privacy policies in response to last years deadly las vegas shooting. Ahead, how the room occupied sign you stick on your door does high clouds and low clouds are the story this morning. Yes, that fog is out there. And definitely made for a gorgeous view before that sunrise this morning. Heres a look at your high temperatures today. It will be in the upper 50s. For san rafael and santa rosa. 60 degrees for San Francisco. 64 in san jose. And were looking at rain late tonight. Could get anywhere from a quarter to threequarters of an inch of rain for the north bay. The rest of the bay area, basically, a drizzle is expected. And another storm is expected thursday nighted. Night. Allegations of Sexual Misconduct against aziz ansar ra stirred debate about what constitutes inappropriate behavior. The comedians response to the accusations and why some influential voices say the outrage is misplaced. Youre watching cbs this morning. 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Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. Of the season on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Right now our queen c4 mattress is only 1199. Plus 36 month financing. Ends monday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Good morning. It is 7 26. Im michelle griego. Chp is investigating a shooting on southbound i280 in San Francisco. It happened around 3 00 this morning. Investigators closed all lanes near alemany boulevard and found shell casings at the scene. Those lanes are now open. At least three victims drove themselves to the hospital. Not clear if there is a suspect on the loose. Happening today. The nation honors the late civil rights leader, Martin Luther king, jr. The bay area is celebrating with its annual celebration train. It will depart about 8 30 and head to San Francisco for a march. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Time now, 7 27. And we are tracking an accident. And this is along 680, headed in that northbound direction. Just past south main street. Its over in the center divide. Not causing any delays that we can see. But as you can see, in this camera shot, its very foggy. This is right near the benicia bridge. There is a fog advisory in place for drivers heading across the span. Please be careful. Give yourself extra space. Refrain from using those high beams. East shore, looking good. In the green. No delays on this holiday, as you head on over to the toll plaza. No metering lights, no backup. Speeds moving at the limit. Heres neda with the forecast. Heres a live look at San Francisco. It is coated in a layer of fog. Look at the glow with the sunrise this morning. Heres a view of the Golden Gate Bridge being covered. San jose, 51. 45 in santa rosa. Visibility is low across the east bay. Livermore, yes, half a mile visibility there. Same with santa rosa. Temperatures today will be in the upper 50s and low 60s. You can get. More adventure, more woohoo more magic. And more happy. And now you can stay steps away from the magic for less. Save up to 25 on select rooms at a Disneyland Resort hotel. So nows the time to get more happy yes, indeed, yes, indeed, what she said. Lets start with this. Oprah, are you running . I thought about it for a long time. I would love to give you an answer, but i dont know. This is america. Running for Political Office is tough. So were not doing it. But it would be worth it to serve my country. Which is why were going to do it. Oprah, is there anyone out there who you think could beat you . Yes, theres one thing in my life thats been able to beat me. Bread all my life ive lost to bread. Please, dont make me run against bread. I hate bread and potato chips. Its out there. Well see. I havent met stedman, but im thinking hes taller. Hes much taller and im thinking stedman wont think thats very funny. Communities across the nation are remembering the life of dr. Martin luther king. He was born 89 years ago. A wreath will be placed on his memorial in washington this morning and the Ebenezer Baptist church will held a service to honor the civil rights leader. His youngest daughter will be the keynote speaker. He was the pastor before his assassination in 1968. President trump said he does not know if the government will shut down at the end of the week. He said there shouldnt be a shutdown because if there is, quote, the military gets hurt very badly. Time is running out for congress to avoid a shutdown as lawmakers try to work out an immigration deal. Temporary government funding expires midnight on friday. Smart bags that do not have removable batteries will not be allowed. Theres concern they could start a fire. They use the batteries to help with onboard gps and weigh and charge your phone. Batteries that can be removed will be on board. Comedian aziz ansari is pushing back. Against allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Ansari won best actor at the golden globes. The 23yearold accuser told an online publication that ansari was rough with her. She said he missed and ignored nonverbal cues that she was distressed. A warning some people may find the language in this report very graphic. Anna, good morning. Good morning, gayle. Its something that sparks discussions. As he accepted his golden globe ansari wore a times up pin supporting women who faced Sexual Harassment or abuse. The anonymous accuser told the website babe she was upset by that and that prompted her to come forward. Creepy dudes are everywhere. Reporter in his comedy routine and on his show, aziz ansari has targeted inappropriate sexual behavior. Are you telling me none of this happened . None of this happened. I dont know, man. Its hard for me to buy. Why would these people make it up . Now hes among a growing list of men facing allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Something i found very strike is how quickly the encounter escalated. Katy way works for the website babe. She spoke with a woman shes calling grace who went on a date with ansari in september. Grace told way after dinner the two went back to the apartment where they began to kiss. The woman says ansari became too aggressive pulling her hands toward his genitals multiple times. She was not interested in having sexual intercourse with ansari and he continued to press her even after acknowledging she was uncomfortable. Reporter in a statement yesterday ansari said the encounter by all indications was completely consensual and he was surprised and concerned when she texted him the next day to express how she had felt. Do you think some men need some relearning . Oh, yes. Reporter prior to the latest allegations for a story on cbs sunday morning Oprah Winfrey sat down with a group of women who helped start the times up movement. They discussed the line between inappropriate behavior and sexual assault. There is a difference. There is a difference, but theres a culture that one part of it supports the other. Theres an understanding of consent and respect that i think has gotten very confused in our culture that has set up a space that can make all of that happen. Lets not turn women into snowflakes. But on cnn former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice said people should be careful about how they respond to the movement. We dont want to get to a place that men start to think maybe its better not to have women around. Ive heard a little bit of that. Reporter the allegations against ansari sparked a debate whether this incident deserved outrage. A New York Times journalism called the babe article deeply irresponsible juournalism addin if this is assault i dont know a person, man or woman, that isnt a survivor. Just because somethings normal doesnt mean its okay. It doesnt mean it should never happen. Reporter in his statement he took his accusers comments to heart and he responded to her privately. He went to say he still supports the recent times up movement calling it necessary and long overdue. Suffice it to say its sparking conversation. Right. I think we can all agree one thing thats not controversial is the question that oprah raised, is it time for relearning . I think thats a debate among generations of men. It goes back to that old saying in college, no means no no matter where the process is. Or whats going on. No means no. There needs to be a little bit more of relearning on that, i agree. We brought you this story last week. Actor Mark Wahlberg is going to be donating 1. 5 million that he earned for the reshoot of his movie to the fight against Sexual Misconduct. Wahlbergs costar Michelle Williams reportedly only made 1,000 for the reshoot. Williams had waived her standard feel. Wahlberg is donating his to the times up movement. He made it in williams name and said he supports the fight for equal pay for women. Williams thanked wahlberg in a statement. She said, today, it isnt about me. My fellow actors stood by me. The most powerful men in charge, they listened and they acted. Hotels are beginning to check in on your stay even if you want privacy. Manuel bojorquez visited a Disney Resort to show us how. Reporter disney and other Major Hotel Chains are changing their do not disturb policies. Well explain why and what it could mean for your next stay coming up on cbs this morning. And we invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. Youll get the news of the day, extended interviews and podcasting. Find them all on apples ipods app and podcast apps. Youre watching cbs this morning. Every day. I think there are some ways to help keep you on track. And closer to home. Im all ears. How did edward jones grow to a trillion dollars in assets under care . Thanks. 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Downy and its done. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. A Building Collapse hurt more than 70 people inside the Indonesia Stock Exchange in jakarta. Dramatic video captured the scary moments when a mezzanine gave way early today. People are seen falling trying to scramble to safety. Police ruled out terrorism. The Stock Exchange stayed open for afternoon trading. Walt Disney Resorts will change do not disturb signs with signs that say room occupied. Staff can enter rooms for almost any reason. Its in response to the massacre in las vegas. Manuel bojorquez is at one of the four resorts that already introduced the change. Reporter good morning. This is the new room occupied sign being used here at the grand floridian. It tells guests that staff will knock and announce themselves for coming in for safety, security, maintenance, or any other purpose. Some of the Disney Hotels closest to the Magic Kingdom started using the new door signs last month. The grand floridian, the polynesian village, the baymont tower and the contemporary resort along the loop. Disney visitors welcome the tighter security even if it means a loss of privacy. I think its an invasion of privacy but i understand. I welcome them in. The safer the better. Reporter disney is now considering extending the policy to the rest of its resorts. Other hotel chains have made similar changes. Last month hilton instructed all employees to alert staff if they see a do not disturb sign displayed for more than 24 hours. Boyd gaming which owns 12 properties in las vegas began doing safety and welfare checks on rooms if a do not disturb tag is up two days in a row. Marriott and hyatt are visiting their policies. It certainly helps. Its a deterrent. Reporter former fbi agent Jeffrey Muller advised hotels after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History when gunman Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured more than 500. He shot his victims from the 32nd floor of the mandolay hotel. He hung a do not disturb sign on his suite door as he amassed his arsenal. The longer you allow that to occur without checking on the room, it allows the adversary more time to plan an attack. Reporter the owner of mandalay bay, mgm resorts, told cbs they already had a policy of doing welfare checks on rooms with a do not disturb sign for two consecutive days. There were numerous interactions with Stephen Paddock every day at the resort including a Room Service Delivery and a call with housekeeping on october 1st, all of which were normal in nature the company said. Muller said new plans are being developed including new luggage scanners, but unlike at the airport, theres new technology that can detect whats inside without them even knowing it. Gayle . I get it. Safety is very important. Most of the time youre sleeping or canoodling. Its normally not so nefarious why you have a do not disturb sign on your do. But i get the safety part of it. Ahead, a look at the headlines including how a car tash tash take a look at this picture ended up stuck in a second floor dentist office. Was he late for an appointment . Cvs will unveil a new push for transparency in beauty ads. First its 7 45. That means its time. Patchy fog to start off the day. Swells up to 18 feet expected. Also, a sparetheair alert today. Unhealthy for sensitive groups across the north bay and east bay. You may want to limit some of that outdoor activity. We have rain chances arriving tonight into tomorrow. A lighter storm, impacting the north bay first and the most. The second storm thursday. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by weathertech, the ultimate American Made vehicle protection. We started designing popup cards in our basement. Whats cool is, today, we have 400 people working across the globe. With office 365, we can all stay connected, from vietnam, to boston, to new york. Now with whiteboard, we can all Work Together at the same time. And 3d in powerpoint shows clients exactly what our cards look like. Yeah, having everyone working together on the new teams app is really awesome. Seeing all these people react to our cards . Thats what makes it all worth it. My doctor recommended i switch to miralax. On, stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. From far away. But they harryonly see his wrinkles. If only harry used some. Bounce, to dry. He would be a less wrinkly, winning guy. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® works in just one week. With the fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work on fine lines and wrinkles. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair®. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. Discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Only from discover. Were pretty sure no ones everg asked howsaid microwaved. Eggs, you deserve a breakfast made with respect. Try the new bacon, egg, and cheese on brioche. Panera. Food as it should be. Honey. Can we do this tomorrow . Can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow. When can we do this again, grandpa . Well, how about tomorrow . Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Hello again. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Here is a look at some of the headlines from around the globe. The New York Times reports the military is quietly preparing for a last resort, war with north korea. Last month troops took part in exercises. The u. S. Is also beefing up its exercises around peninsula. Ahead of next months winter olympics. Three b2 stealth bombers have been deployed from the air force base in missouri to guam. The uss carl vinson departed for the western pacific in what the navy called a regular scheduled deploy. The uss was p also was deployed. The hill reports Chelsea Manning will run in the 2018 democratic primary probably against ben cardin. Manning came out as transgender in 2013 after being sentenced for 35 years for leaking classified documents to wikileaks. She was granted clemency last year. U. S. A. Today reports auto makers are trying to satisfy americans love affair with the pickup truck. Theyre all making their debut today. U. S. Pickup trucks sales rose 4. 8 last year. Carmakers responding with trucks that feature new luxury features. Theyre building more midsized trucks suitable for work or recreation. I like that. Heres something you dont see very often. The Los Angeles Times reports a car went airborne and crashed into a second floor dental office. This happened in santa ana, california. Police say the speeding car took off yesterday when it struck the Center Divider and became airborne. Firefighters rescued the driver and passenger while the car was still lodged in the building. Nobody was seriously hurt here. Police say the driver admitted he was using drugs. Dont do drugs. Another reason not to use illegal drugs. Right. And stomp on the gas while doing so. Drivers use travel apps to avoid getting stuck on highways. Too many detours can leave some people stuck in driveways. One new jersey town is telling commuters where they can and cannot drive. And cannot drive. And i can do it with whats already within me. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And onceweekly trulicity activates my body to release it. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. It works 24 7, and you dont have to see or handle a needle. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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New positively radiant® body collection from aveeno®. And this is how i freestyle rs Freestyle Program, this is how i freestyle ive lost 82 lbs. , and i can eat wherever i want. Im freestyling with dessert, and im down 46 lbs. The new Weight Watchers Freestyle Program has over 200 foods that are zero points®. Now you can count less and enjoy more. I freestyle any way i like. Join for free and lose 10 lbs. On us offer extended through january 15th. Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Breakfast with a view like whwhoa. Is . Get a free build your own grand slam after your next online order in january. Whatever you want, whenever you want, now wherever you want. Order at dennys. Com. This is shaping up as one of the worst flu seasons in y good morning. Its 7 56. Im kenny choi. This is shaping up as one of the worst flu seasons in years. In the bay area alone, more than a dozen deaths have been linked to the flu this season. Mostly in contra costa and santa clara counties. A lot of protestors are taking today as Martin Luther king jr. Holiday, to speak out against the trump administrations plans. Last night, more than 100 people gathered, many from el salvador. And they just had their protected status revoked by the white house. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Im now is 67 7 27. We are tracking an accident in oakland on six 80. A hitandrun crash. This is near fifth avenue. And you can see, its definitely causing a backup. Right now, backup to about 23rd. Give yourself a few extra minutes heading through that stretch. If you prefer to use 580. That is in the green moving around. We just saw our travel time moving into the yellow as far as 880 drivers go. Bay bridge toll plaza. Nice and light. Lets check in with neda now. Well, the sun officially rises at 7 23. And yes, it is definitely up. But you can hardly see it because of the cloud coverage. We have high clouds and low clouds. We have a lot of clouds in the valley. 50 in San Francisco. Visibility map showing all of that fog in livermore, concord, fairfield. It is thick. Its dense out there in santa rosa as well. Tough to see, for a lot of drivers. High surf advisory in effect until 4 00 tomorrow afternoon. The swell up to 18 feet today. And we do have a chance of rain, not until late tonight and early tomorrow. And another storm thursday to friday. Ic sfx feet shuffling life can change in an instant. Be covered when it does. With a health plan through covered california. We offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. And all of our plans include free preventive care. Financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. Open enrollment ends january 31st, so dont miss out. Because you never know when life. Will change. Get covered today. Good morning to our viewers in the west. Its monday, january 15th, 2018. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Hawaiian officials promise changes after a mistaken missile warning. Ahead, some of the more than 1 million. People who received the alert talk about the panic they went through. First on cbs this morning, a top cvs executive will talk about the companys plan to reveal how beauty ads are tweaked. Heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Hawaii officials face widespread criticism this morning over a false alarm warning the public of an imminent missile attack. Oops. This was the front page headline after the mistake and the agency that made the mistake is investigating. The political fallout from President Trumps comments could jeopardize daca negotiations. The concern is the president views the world this way. Assuming he said a version of what he said, its hugely problematic. It makes a sweeping judgment about people from certain parts of the world. Highway 101 is still covered in mud and debris. Its been almost a week since the mudslides happened. Crews have been working around the clock but theres no time frame on when this will reopen. People noticed the boat sounded different before they saw a cloud of thick black smoke billowing from the ships stern. Score vikings fans everywhere losing their collective minds when their team scores a winning touchdown. Oh, my god [ screaming ] oh, my god im John Dickerson with gayle king and bianna golodryga. Norah is off. My team comes from a city in which they seem to have forgotten how to play football. That was our reaction when you got this job. Very good. Gold star for you. President trump says the government will get involved after hawaii told its people a Nuclear Attack was on the way. The alert mistakenly sent to 1 million cell phones saturday morning that read Ballistic Missile threat inbound to hawaii. The federal Communications System is investigating this doesnt which set off panic across the state. My initial Immediate Reaction in my head, oh, my god, this is it. Something bad is about to happen and i could die. I sat there in the staircase with my family and family dog and started calling family and friends we care about. Its hard to stay calm when you dont know whats happening. We kept looking out the window. We were panicking and getting stuff ready, water and some food that we have. And were all calling our loved ones. So frightening. David is in honolulu with the states response. Good morning. Gayle, good morning. Testing of that Emergency Alert system has been suspended. The governor says i dont want you doing more testing until we can finish investigating what happened. Officials insist this was not intentional but rather a mistake or an accident. The alert went out at 8 07 saturday morning saying, quote, seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill. State officials canceled the alert six minutes later after realizing they made the mistake but cell phones didnt get the new notifications saying it with you a false alarm until 8 45 a. M. During that 38 minute time gap people frantically and i mean frantically searched for shelter. That is about three times the length of time people would have to get to a safe place in the event of an attack. Hawaiis administrator said one of the employees that made the mistake clicked the wrong button not once but twice and the worker has been with the agency about ten years and did not select the option for drill, instead he clicked on the one that sent out the real alert. He has been reassigned but has not been fired. Bianna, the governor says when they Start Testing the system again he wants two people to be involved in the test and from talking to people on the island here, given the tension with north korea, there were a lot of people who thought this was the end of the world. I can imagine. Something hawaiians hope never happens again. Thank you. President trump says an immigration compromise to save daca may be dead. The talks have stalled after the president s reported controversial comments. Some democrats say they wont vote to keep the government running after friday unless republicans agree to extend the Obama Era Program to protect young, undocumented immigrants. Were ready and willing and able to make a deal on daca, but i dont think the democrats want to make a deal. The folks from daca should know that the democrats are the ones that arent going to make a deal. The president denies using a vulgarity to describe haiti, el salvador and some african countries during an Oval Office Meeting last week. He told reporters last night, quote, im not a racist. Two republican senators in that meeting tom cotton and david perdue deny the president made the remark. A spokesperson for democratic senator dick durben who said the president used that word tweeted in response, yesterday, senators cotton and perdue could not recall what the president said. Today, they can, that, folks, is a credibility problem. One of the president s republican critics plans to speak on the senate floor on wednesday to compare him to former soviet leader josef stalin. Arizona senator jeff flake is retiring at the end of this year and expected to call out the president for his attacks on the news media. An excerpt of the speech says, quote, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own president uses words infamously spoken by josef stalin to describe his enemies. This should be a source of great shame for us and this party. Especially for those of us in the president s party. The white house has not responded to our request for comment. The nfls final four is set. After a thrill finish in minnesota last night. On a deep drop, steps up in the pocket, fire to the right side, caught, saved. Oh, my god touchdown are you kidding me what a miracle finish miracle diggs and the Minnesota Vikings have [ inaudible ]. Vikings quarterback case key numb completed a 61yard touchdown pass to stefon diggs as the clock hit zero to give his team the win. The vikings beat the saints 2924 and they will travel to philadelphia to play the eagles next week in the nfc championship game. The winner heads to the super bowl to face the patriots or the Jacksonville Jaguars who are playing in the afc title game. That was quite a run be. Next weekend going to be a good football weekend but part of the fun is listening to the announcers at the end. Are you kidding me they get you excited even if you werent. They were thrilled with that move. We all were watching that. Drug store chain cvs making a new push for transparency and whats shown in beauty ads. Health executive Vice President Helena Foulkes is in our green room ahead. First on cbs this morning, how Oklahoma City was once ranked as one of americas most obese cities. Its mayor wanted to change that. On new years eve of 2007, wii went to the zoo and stood in front of the elephants and i said, this city is going on a diet and were going to lose a Million Pounds. Well thats when all hell broke loose. The mayor is in our toyota green room ahead in our series american voices how he helped his citizens shed a Million Pounds. Youre watching cbs this morning. Hello, aloe. Kelp is on the way with herbal essences we said no, no, no to this stuff. And yes, yes, yes to bio renew. Made with active antioxidants that work from the inside out. To help animate lifeless hair, and bring it back to life. Find aahs and oos in every fresh bottle of herbal essences bio renew. Let life in. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena we rbut we are not victims. Ack. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,. Heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. Remind me again what it is you do thats so interesting. I work at cvs. Really, cvs . I would love to work at cvs. Oh, god. Dont be a [ bleep ]. Im serious. Theres always openings. Do you seriously think you could get me something. Maybe late night. Late night is perfect. You want to get out of here . I have my own room. Yeah. Short for this is too good. She doesnt work for cbs. She works for cvs. Dont worry. Youll look cute in a blue vest. Those blue vests are nice. He thought he was getting a job in broadcasting at cbs but they were talking about cvs, got one next door at my house. First on cbs this morning, cvs health is announcing a change to show you how you shop for beauty products. They will inform customers if advertisements for products were digitally altered. A water mark will highlight imagery without material changes that include things like makeup and skin care items, photos are edited to adjust to a persons size, shape or skin color. Now this is the latest move among several customer initiatives at cvs. The chain stopped the sale of Tobacco Products and introduced limits on opioid prescriptions and plans to buy the giant aetna, theyre busy over there. Helena foulkes is executive Vice President of cvs health and president of cvs pharmacy and joins us at the table to discuss. Very good to see you. Thank you. Does that happen you, people get cbs and cvs mixed up when talking to you. All the time. From the very getgo. We love cbs and were proud to be cvs. We love it too. I happen to think sometimes photo shopping is okay. I will say the person i have three rolls on my tummy, make it down to one. Youre saying something very different here. This is very serious what you all are taking on. Yeah. Tell us how it works and how it came about. Sure. I would say why were doing this is first of all, im a mother, i have two sons and two daughters, and i look at how my girls consume media, were bombarded with media every day and a couple statistics that hit us is 80 of women feel worse about themselves after looking at beauty ads and 42 of girls in grades one through three want to be thinner. So i think theres a whole conversation going on and for us, as a Big Health Care company with beauty inside we felt this was a health issue. The American Medical Association has said that propagation of unrealistic body imagery is hurting our health. Were going to look at the ads and see what . What were committing to is that any of the imagery you see in our stores, will be real. Well be honest with you and well give you a beauty mark that say we didnt digitally alter it and if we have certain partners who still want to have a digitally altered photograph we will say this has been digitally modified. Women as theyre looking at photographs will know whats real and not feel that they have to live up to some unrealist standard. Do you expect the Customer Behavior that this will drive the way people behave in what they purchase or just make the experience in the store less oppressive . I think this is a conversation young girls are already having. This is a movement thats happening. If you look at girls ages 13 to 24, theyre on youtube and the reason theyre going to youtube is theyre saying, i see imagery there thats realistic and i think if they can go to a store or website that also reflects authenticity theyll feel better about us and trust us and do more business with us. The thing its almost empowering for young girls. I want to ask you about Something Else youve launched the same day or next day Prescription Drug delivery in many cities across the country. How is that working and is that a direct i guess threat to amazon, if, in fact, amazon does get into the Prescription Drug business as well . Well everything we do is with customers in mind. Weve always been a Customer First company. I remember a long time ago we debated whether we should people drivethrough pharmacies in a store. We have to keep doing what customer is looking for. We have to make it as easy as possible, we want people to get on and stay on the right medicine, we can be as close as possible to customers and get them their medicines quickly thats what we want to do. We started this in new york city. Well be adding five other cities later this year. Well be doing nationwide next day delivery also this year. Can i go back to your campaign for a second. Im fascinated what you said about youtube. Are you finding that young girls are not looking at models anymore for inspiration, that they look at the youtube people and think they look just like i do . Thats the look theyre going for, not the model look . Absolutely. Theyre saying celebrities arent real. I want to find people that i can relate to that have my own imperfections and feel that im empowered by the fact that i look like these people. Its a huge opportunity and its what a lot of indy brands are doing so effectively and why theyre growing. Theyre tapping into this empowerment among girls and thats what were hoping to fuel with this conversation. Let me ask you about the opioid crisis. Cvs took measures to combat it. How is that working out on your end . Very well. Its a really devastating crisis in this country, and we feel like we have a real responsibility and opportunity to help, so what are you doing with the opioids . Starting actually in the first of february, its a great example of using our pharmacy benefits Management Company and our Retail Business together, so the pbm will now have new rules in place so if youre just leaving the dentist for minor surgery, for example, and getting an acute prescription, will only allow you to get a seven day supply. At our retail counters well be educating consumers on the why and the why around that is after seven days, the likelihood of addiction rises with every day use of opioids. We really want to make sure if you only had something minor, you just get seven days supply and we think that will make a big difference in this country. 80 of your shoppers are women. Talk about theirir shopping habs in the store. Obviously people go to a pharmacy not just to get their Prescription Drugs these days. They get groceries and all else. What does the woman Shopping Behavior tell you within the store as far as sales . I would say were all stressed for time. We are were more stressed than ever as americans and as women we wear a lot of hats. We have many responsibilities. Were working and taking care of families. Were the chief Health Care Officers of our family. First and foremost were coming with a mindset of taking care of people. The thing that i think is so fun for women ate beauty in our stores its a little bit of guiltfree me time. And so they can do that, they can take care of other people, but give themselves a little pleasure and for women, looking good and feeling good are very much connected. People often ask me, how does beauty fit in within a Big Health Care company, women get it. I get lip gloss, im not going to lie, when i go shopping for other things. My me time. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. The state department is rolling out a new system to warn americans about unsafe parts of the world. Ahead well talk to travel editor peter green burg about what he says advisories for each country are confusing. Navigation apps like waze can cause chaos for people who live along the shortest route. Ahead how one small town is fighting to take back its streets from commuters. Youre watching cbs this morning. Youre watching cbs this morning. My husband is probably going to think im crazy. He thinks im going to see my sister sometimes the confidence to be spontaneous starts with financial stability. Once i heard it i was shocked. I just thought, i have to go get it its our tree see how a personalized Financial Strategy and access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. In honor of the dr. Martin luther king jr. Holiday, several states are unveiling a trail that highlights landmarks of the civility rights movement. It spreads across 14 states and includes several locations sump as churches, schools, and businesses that played a big part of the movement in the 50s. It included the bridge in selma, dr. Martin luther king jr. s birthplace in atlanta and the church in birmingham. Theres a trail on the website. Good day to reflect. Mayor mick cornett traded the anchor desk for a seat at city hall. Plane. Headed from San Francisco to paris. Wa good morning. Its 8 25. Im michelle griego. A United Airlines plane, headed from San Francisco to paris, was forced to make an unexpected stop overnight. Someone had a medical issue on board. The pilot made an emergency spot at Dulles Airport near washington, d. C. Police are looking into a brawl that has people throwing punches at a pizza parlor in newark. It happened saturday night at new park mall. Investigators say it started with an argument over a missing cell phone, which ended up being in the lostandfound area. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Time now is 8 27. We are still tracking slowdowns for drivers, heading into oakland. This was due to an earlier accident. A hitandrun crash, northbound 880. Just at fifth avenue. There are travel times. Theyre maintaining staying in the yellow, 25minute ride, from 238, on up towards the macarthur maze. 580 is moving up. If youd like to use that as your alternate route. No delays. Metering lights not economic on at all coming on at all this morning. Likely due to the holiday. An accident near treasure island. Its reported to be blocking one lane. Again, traffic still pretty light this morning. So were not seeing a big backup develop. But keep that in mind if you are headed over towards the bridge there. That is a check of your traffic. We are going to see two storms this week. Bringing us chances of rain. But right now, patchy fog across a lot of our area of visibility. Pretty low. Especially across the east bay. Now, tonight, the first round of rain will arrive. But first, we gotta get through this. Look at that, concord and livermore, visibility is very low. Same with fairfield. Santa rosa, down to a third mile. And theres high surf. Live look here at ocean beach, showing big waves. Looking at 18 to 20foot swells likely this afternoon. Every second afternoon or so. Beach erosion, rip current likely through the afternoon. Low 60s. 62 in livermore. 61 in fremont. And that storm chance, occurring late tonight from the north bay. And another chance of rain thursday into friday. But well be drying up for the weekend. That second one will be a cooler one. Third. Its the put your hands together for shawn white, our final competitor here today. Going for it. Go, sean white. Twotime olympic Gold Medalist shawn white qualified in south korea with his rare perfect run in the half pipe. White landed the maximum 100 square saturday and colorado. This was the last run of the day. The only other time its been done was also by sean white at the winter games in x games in 2012. I dont know how he does that. He has quite the permit. Saving the best for last. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Right now its time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The Washington Post reports north and south korea mayfield a joint womens hockey team at the olympics. It would be the koreas first unified olympic team. A joint team would require approval from the International Olympic committee. Britains guardian reports britains vogue pulled the plug on two star photographers over sexual abuse claims. The magazine has stopped employing mario and bruce weber after they were aconfused ur accused of exploiting male models. Both men have strongly denied the claims through their lawyers. The hill reports bipartisan new jersey lawmakers are urging interior secretary ryan zinke to refrain from off shore drilling. They say it would harm their states economy. The letter was signed by Democratic Senators cory booker and bob menendez and outgoing republican governor, thats chris krooigsie and his successor democrat phil murphy. They write, oil spills do not respect state borders which means drilling anywhere off the Atlantic Coast puts new jerseys shore in danger. And cnet reports on the soaring popularity of the google arts and culture app. I did it this morning. The new face match feature allows people to see whether they resemble Historic Works of art. Users take a selfie of themselves and then the app provides the comparison. Do you recognize that guy on the left . I recognize john. Dapper. Its a kind of mayor, but we look like weve had all the blood drain from our bodies. Did you just wake up . Not very happy there. This is after the show yesterday. Very serious. I think thats a cool app though. Speaking of mayors 52 . This is an incredible mayor segue. Were taking a look at Oklahoma City to see how National Issues are playing out on the local level. In our continuing series american voices. Republican nick cornette is the longest serving big city mayor in the country. During his four terms in office Oklahoma City has created 100,000 new jobs and 9,400 new businesses. Its also invested nearly 2 billion in schools and infrastructure. We. Mayor cornette put his city on a diet. His Weight Loss Program helps citizens lose a collective one Million Pounds between 2007 and 2012. Mayor cornette is now running for governor. Good morning to you, mr. Mayor. Good morning. You are getting all the residents in shape. You said, though, it started with you. We had been placed on the list of the most obese cities in the country, and then i got on the scales and lo and behold, realized i was part of the problem. You didnt know you were obese . You did not have a mirror . You gain two or three pounds. I really do understand that because sometimes you dont see yourself and you have to have a picture to put it all in perspective. When you saw your own numbers, you said, oh, my gosh, im part of the problem. I have to lose some weight. I see youre wearing a fit bit. Is that how you did it . Is that inspiration . I do 10,000 steps a day. Just a little bit more of accountability. Earlier im in Oklahoma City. Almost everybody comes nup a restaurant to see what im eating to see if its on my diet. I have a lot of accountability partners. Did people say, though, mr. Mayor, get out of my life . Why are you bugging me about how heavy am . I think people were just glad someone stood up and talked about health. You know . Its a little bit evasive. I think the unannounced strategy of our obesity problem was just to ignore it and hope it would go away, and i kind of forced a conversation about it. I said i dont know how were going to fix this, but we got to talk about it. You said the city was so good for cars. You really changed the whole look of the city. Talk about what you did. Well, we had built a city where automobile traffic flowed freely, and still does. We have relatively no traffic congestion, but there was a toll on our bodies that infrastructure designed around cars was paying. It was hard to cross the streets. There werent sidewalks in very many places. Weve now implemented changes into the built environment to create a healthy city. Some people dont have walkways to go to grocery stores. Children cant walk to schools because theres no instra structure there. Youre focussing on the infrastructure on your city and a state and the nation as a whole. You talked to the president about this. What did you say to him . Well, i talked to him about ways that local governments can partner with the federal government. Thats what the president is looking for. He doesnt want the federal government to be the sole provider of Infrastructure Projects anymore, and so he is looking for local governments to come up with cities and counties and states and maybe even Indian Tribes to kind of combine resources and look how we can invest and higher levels of technology as it applies to inf infrastructure. Where is the money going to come from . Weve been creative in how we fund projects, but we started something about 25 years ago called maps, metropolitan area projects. Spent a penny on the dollar sales tax for a certain number of years, and through time weve developed through confidence, weve done what we said were going to could, and weve built a lot of Infrastructure Projects debt free and on time. So this doesnt need a federal response in terms of federal money . A lot of mares are saying were squeezing every penny we can get. So federal money is not the cureall . None of our projects require federal funding. Sometimes we would get a few additional dollars thrown in because they like to pile on where local governments are investing, but we were clear to always do it with local money and meet the voters expectation. You learn something new every day, and this happens to be something ive learned. 12 of Oklahoma Citys residents are foreignborn. What are your thoughts on the president s views on and daca in particular . The federal government certainly has to secure the border. When the federal government fails to secure the border, it falls on local Law Enforcement all across the country. We are spending a lot of dollars as mayors in cities all around the country trying to deal with the influx of illegal immigration. Its a real problem. As a mayor, you cant put off problems. When you look at washington, do you have any advice for them . They got to get things done. Its all politics all the time. People are tired of it. You know, they want to vote. They want an issue presented and addressed. Then move on to the next issue. They want governing. People are tired of all politics all day long. Go ahead. Go ahead. No politics then in Oklahoma City . We have less politics. Im fats natured, mr. Mayor, because you went from tv anchor to mr. Mayor and now youre running for governor. When you were aijorring the news all that time, how long were you a new anchor . Nearly 20 years. Were you thinking politics is what i really want to do . I think everyone in the press gallery always thinks i can do better than that. I just decided lets find out if i could. Now that john is here, youre going to be running for governor, right . Correct. Thank you so much. You look great, by the way. How much weight did you lose . I lost about 40 pounds. All right. You look good. The rest of the city, Oklahoma City, staying slim. Navigation apps are clogging quiet side streets in a new jersey town with a rush hour traffic. Houpg does it take you to get out of your driveway . Ten minutes, 15 minutes. It depends who is going to be nice and how much i push against their car until they let me out. How a small town is using a low Tech Solution ive seen wonders all around the world but what i see here never ceases to amaze me change. I see it in their eyes. It happens when people connect with nature, with culture, with each other. Day after day im the first to see change. To see people go out, and come back new. Princess cruises. Sail with the best premium cruise line. 7day cruises from 599. Ten minutes unless i use my the towism industry is woeing about unsafe travel destinations. The new future rates every country on a fourpoint scale. Previously the state department issued warnings and alerts about specific nations. Cbs travel editor Peter Greenberg is here to explain the concern. Good morning. Good morning. How does the new system work . The old system has travel advisories, warnings, and bulletins. It was very confusing. People didnt know the difference between the three. Those three words have such a negative contagion, most americans havent read them. They just wouldnt go. As soon as they would see them, they decided it was dangerous. The new one breaks it down for every single country into four categories. Exercise normal precautions, exercise increased caution, reconsider travel and do not travel. What gets very confusing is the fourth cat i go. Most thing its a ban. Its not a legal definition. Its still an advisory. Look at mexico. You have five states in mention yeo in that fourth category. Its painted with the same broad brush. So tourism officials there are very worried because people are going to say, im not going. The reconsider travel, third, does that mean reconsider and i dont go at all or spend your time in a safe lit place . Youre asking a rhetorical question because its not defined. Once you get beyond the first category which is exercise normal caution. What does that mean . Dont trip . Increased, does that mean dont trip and fall . Im not trying to be funny. Most people dont know the difference. Once you get beyond that second category, most people are going to say, im not going. How do they determine ta rating . Its broken down by crime, health, natural disaster, and terrorism. Most are not going to get to that. Theyre going to hear those words and theyre not going to go. What would make it easier . For me i wont go when i dont know whos in control. Putting mazatlan in the same department as syria and yemen is not helping people. I would exercise my own normal precautions, i play bay their rules and go. My favorite daughter kirby went to mexico this weekend. I told her dont go. She called the state department and said im going. She should have called peter instead. I was not happy about that. Thank you, Peter Greenberg. We know your number. Navigation apps like waze and googleman can speed up your travel but they can make problems for local areas. 4 leonia is outside the city of new jersey. Theyre now filled with bumpertobumper traffic. Jim axelrod shows us the towns simple new solution to cut down on all that congestion. Jim, good morning. Good morning. The town of leonia may only have 9,000 residents but its prorks empty to the George Washington bridge faces traffic. Drivers are using short cuts usings apps to travel through residential neighborhoods. The town is fighting back. Reporter this will change life in leonia. It should. Reporter this new sign in leonia, new jersey, is a lowTech Solution to a hightech problem. There are approximately 60 streets that are going to be closed. Reporter the onesquaremile town lies in the shadow of the George Washington bridge. Its a small town with a big problem. For years whenever traffic would back up to the bridge, savvy commuters would get off the highway and take a shortcut through leonia if you knew the secret. Stay to the right to exit 78 to leonia. You could beat the jam. But now navigation apps are sending commuters through side streets turning this quaint residential area into a parking lot. Youve driving on quiet residential streets. Its why they live here. Literally theyre bumper to bumper to bumper traffic. Reporter residents are fed up. How long did it take you to get out of your driveway . Ten minutes, 15 minutes, depends how much theyre nice and if im going to push up on their car to let me out. Reporter theyll be using these new street signs. Leonia residented and businesses will be given this yellow hang tag for street access and if you dont have one, you risk getting a ticket. Were not talking about 20 bucks. Were talking 200. 200 has some teeth. Reporter apps like waze will remove side streets. Theyre going to start pulling them out semiticly. Were reaching out to them and well say our laws have changed. Reporter town Officials Say its all legal. Last month lee oya voted unanimously to pass the ordinance. For years if there was a backup at the gw, there were ways to get to the gw, but it was word of mouth. Now theres ways. Thats the gamechanger. Police chief tom rowe. The traffic navigation apps are the modernday pied piper, theres no question about that that in my mind. The people will do whatever the app tells them to do. Reporter but rowe stresses the new law isnt about just preventing traffic jams. When we have this traffic where motorists have no concern for pedestrians, they want to get to their end destination as soon as possible, speed limits be damned. Reporter and for those leonia residents who want to get around town, the new law cant come soon enough. Theyre coming up from all over the place. This is a good idea . Super. Thank you. Its a great idea. Mayor zieg ler said the new law wont prevent commuters from going through leonia. They can still use the towns main roads. Waze maps are regularly updated to reflect both local law and changing Road Conditions in order to given our users the best driving experience. This includes road closures, but the town has to implement the closures before the App Companies will stop sending them out into the neighborhoods. I feel like waze has gotten less brilliant than it was. Its not getting me to those secret side streets because they dont want people knowing about them. The mayor is looking out for his citizens. The secret streets of leonia. A favorite book, jim. Its a good tight. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. You could generate your own energy, that does it for us on this at home. Or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. Do your thing, with Energy Upgrade california. The chp is inves good morning. Its 8 55. Im michelle griego. The chp is investigating a shooting in San Francisco on southbound interstate 280. It happened around 3 00 this morning. At least three victims drove themselves to hospitals. Investigators closed all southbound lanes near alemany boulevard. But those lanes have since reopened. Happening today, the nation honors the late civil right the leader, Martin Luther king, jr. The bay area is celebrating with its annual celebration train. It left derredon station in san jose a few minutes ago. Passengers are heading to San Francisco for a march. And it will be at least thursday, before the mavericks competition is held near half moon bay. The window runs through the end of february. Stay with us. Weather and traffic in just a moment. Desire good morning good morning. Time now is 8 57. And we are tracking some fog out there for morning commuters. If youre taking a ride across the san mateo bridge. Its getting a little foggy along that stretch. Travel time of only 13 minutes in both directions. This is a live look at 380, at 101. We are getting first reports of a crash, eastbound 380, on the transition ramp to northbound 101. Reported to be in that center divide. So really, not causing any delays or blocking any lanes. Foggy conditions overat the over at the benicia bridge. Chp has posted a fog advisory, for drivers to look out. If you are headed in that direction. But not so bad over at the Richmond San Rafael bridge. East shore freeway has been pretty quiet. And heading over to the toll plaza. Bay bridge toll plaza. Lets check in with neda now on the forecast. Were looking at the ocean now. And it is wild out there. Were talking about an 18 to 20foot swell later this afternoon. High surf advisory in effect. Temperatures right now, upper 40s and low 50s. And that highsurfadvisory isnt going to end until 4 00 tomorrow. Rip currents, beach erosion, all likely. Also, as jaclyn was mentioning, yes, its foggy out there. Patchy fog. And rain tonight. Sparespare the airsparetheair alert in place right now spare spare the air alert in place. Cbs eye on the community. Presented by target. Curiosity, conversation, and inspiration. Thats why target supports the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. The asian museum is here to make asian arts and culture relevant. The reality is we all have a story to tell. Its what makes us who we are. Cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. wayne yelling gibberish wayne youve got the car tiffany oh yeah, thats good. Wayne you won the big deal oh, my god wayne cat gray superhuman . Jonathan its a trip to belize wayne perfect. Jonathan true dat. Wayne well, thats why you tune in. Happy hour jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, america, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Thank you for tuning in. What wants to make a deal . Lets go. Lets see, lets see, lets see. Tetra. Everybody else have a seat. Everybody else have a seat, have a seat, have a seat. Hey, miss tetra, how are you . Im good, how are you . Wayne im excellent. Nice to meet you. So what do you do, and where are you from . Yeah wayne all right. Im from arkansas. Wayne yes, she is

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