For take off. An adorable danceoff at the airport. Welcome. Im elaine quijano. We begin with an update on senator john mccain. The former president ial canned date and vietnam war hero headed back to arizona sunday to spend the holidays with his family. On face the nation sunday, mccains soninlaw conservative commentator, ben dominic said the senator is doing well in good spirits. Mccain had been at the water Reid Medical Center in maryland since wednesday. Treated for side effects of chemotherapy for his brain cancer. A source tells cbs news the republican senator will not vote this week on a Major Overhaul of the tax system. More on that in a moment. We turn now to the monster wildfire raging in Southern California. The thomas fire northwest of los angeles started two weeks ago. And is now one of the largest in states history. It has destroyed more than 700 homes. On thursday, it killed a fire fighter. Carter evans is there. Windwhipped flames reignited the thomas fire, illuminating hill sides and prompting evacuations in ritzy Santa Barbara neighborhood where Fire Fighters battled through the night to beat back the flames. The fire did what was predicted. We had these very strong winds that pushed down the canyon. Right into the homes. We had, over 400 fire engines up around the area plus 100 more that we brought in. And, we saved a lot of homes up there. Some of those homes belonging to hollywood elite like oprah, who tweeted, still praying for our little town. Actor rob lowe posted photos as flames approached his home. Picking up a hose saying you do what you can. But when it is team you go. It has the spread. It is well over Santa Barbara city up in the hills. And the concern is, when we have the strong wind, that it will blow down towards this area. Firefighters are now taking advantage of calm wind to build containment lines, over the last two weeks, the thomas fire has scorched more than 400 square miles and still threatens 18,000 structures. On thursday, it claimed the life of 32yearold firefighters cory iverson. He was overrun by smoke and flames. Today, First Responders lined streets and bridges as iversons boep body was brought back to san diego, grim reminder of sacrifices made as the Fire Fighters continue to battle this blaze. One of hundreds of homes that burned in the thomas fire. The good news is, those really heavy winds have died down. Elaine, so far cost more than 117 Million Dollars to fight this fire. And it could be weeks, before it is completely out. Carter, thank you. A power outage grounded flights today to and from the Busiest Airport in the world. Haer Hartsfield Jackson international in atlanta. The cause of the outage its not known. It left thousand sitting in the dark on a busy sunday for holiday travel. Trump Transition Team is crying foul over the way special council, Robert Muellers russia investigation obtained its emails. Errol barnett has the more on this from the white house. There is absolutely no collusion. I didnt make a phone call to rush yeah. I had nothing to do with russia. President trump continues to dekni deny any wrongdoing during last years election. Claiming Robert Mueller is breaking the law. Muellers team gained access to emails from mr. Trumpsvided be team itself but General Service t s administration. The Transition Team lawyer sent the seven page letter to two congressional oversight committees describing action as unlawful adding special Councils Office extensively use theed materials in question. The special counsel spokesperson said when we have obtained emails in the course of on ongoing criminal investigation we, have secured either the account owners consent or appropriate criminal process. Awe all i believe that the president wants all of this shuttle down. Democratic congresswoman jackie spears said friday she is hearing rumors on capitol hill the president its poised to act. On december 22nd when weep aren when we are out of d. C. He was going to fire Robert Mueller. The treasury secretary havent heard the president. Was at dinner last night with the president , Vice President. Havent heard anything about it. President trump maintains positive relationship with russian president , vladamir putin. The two spoke on the phone with the krechl lynn sharing details of the call before the white house acknowledged it took place. The russians say mr. Putin thanked mr. Trump for intelligence shared by the cia which they say led to detention of suspected terrorists. Elaine. Awe all errol, thank you. Congressional republicans are expected to apraprove a pla to overhaul the tax system. Earlier spoke with political analyst, janelle buoy who benefits. Biggest winners of the tax bill are large corporations, wealthy individuals, owners of large and well thief estates. The vast majority of the tax bill benefits distributional benefits goes towards the groups. It its true that middle class, earners, in working class earners, low income earners get some benefits. Bumt they but modest in comparison to highest income earners will gain. We know important. But just how important for president trumps agenda to get the legislation passed. Politically it is, important for him to have some semblance of a win, victory, whatever you want to call it on the docket. If the tax bill passes. Likely will. He signs it. It will be sort of the only piece of major legislation he will have achieved in 2017. That is meaningful. It its worth saying though that this bill is, brutally unpopular. Thank you so much for being with us. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Of the cbs overnight news will be right back. This is the cbs overnight news. Congress has until friday to come up with a government funding bill for 2018. Some existing lock te ining lon for Health Insurance for children. As a sing m mothle mother of she has plenty to worry about. Tyler and harmony rely on c. H. I. P. , nationwide Childrens Health care program in danger of running out of money. Worried. Dont sleep. Making all appointments before the end of the year to steep what i can do until everything runs out. Timer has the adhd, every day he takes medmedication. Harmony has vision loss and getz to the eye doctor to change the prescription on her glasses. Without chip, dakota says her childrens medical bills would cost several thousand dollars a year. Under the program. Their care costs only 50 a month. How would your kids duff development be without the program . She wouldnt see. Chip fund in texas whiffle run out end of february unless additional money comes through. This is a live and death program. Jimmy kimmel doesnt use chip, after his son underwent surge ery heart issues, the tal show host has taken chip up. If these were potato chips they were taking away we would march with pitchforks and spears now. Chip has bipartisan support. But republican senator Chuck Grassley who coponsors program says lawmakers cant agree how to fund it. Some feel the expenditure level we have its too high. Now obviously ive dont believe that. As the deadline looms, dakota says she is out of options. This is for our kids, for their to churks tfuture, most i thing. How can you take this away from the kids. The senate is working on a five year extension of chip and hopes to pass it before end of the year. Omar villafranca, cbs news, san antonio. U. S. Air force academy is rebuilding Sexual Assault prevention and response office. A cbs news investigation looked into the way the academy in colorado handles assault cases. Tony dokoupil is following this. It is a real opportunity for us to get out and be part of the national conversation. Lieutenant general, jay silveria, superintendent of the air force academy in Colorado Springs says the academy will restructure and expand Sexual Assault prevention and response. With belter tter emphasis. I will be relentless, pursuing the perpetrators of the horrible crimes and holding them accountable. But i also, desperately want to help all of the victims, in any way that i can. His remarks to the Colorado Springs gazette news paper came nearly a week after denying to cbs news that the academy had a problem with retaliation against survivors of sixabexual assault. Last month the academy released a scathing investigation into Sexual Assault prevention and response office. Accusing former director. Teresa beasley of lack of compa tensy that jep siopardized vict care. She says she has been made a scape gold for standing up to leadership. Its the air force academy supportive of those who report Sexual Assault. I would have to say absolutely not. Reporter in a two part report on cbs this morning. Cohost Norah Odonnell heard from more than a dozen, current and former cadets who said they reported their assaults, only to experience retaliation by their peers. And their commanders. 11 cadet survivors of Sexual Assault left the academy in the last five years even as some of their alleged attackers remained. Lieutenant general its open to the idea of allowing Sexual Assault survivors to transfer to other military academies. Elaine that would allow them to restart their careers at a Different Branch of service. Tony, thank you. Now, the cbs weekend news feed. Nevada congressman, ruben cuhen said yesterday he will not seek reelection next year. At least two women accused the democrat of Sexual Misconduct. He denies allegations. Now the fifth member of congress to resign or announce heap is not seeking reelection over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Capsule carrying three astro naults from the u. S. , ru naults astro naulted blasted off from kazakhstan bound for the International Space station. First Space Shuttle for astronaut, scott tingle. S to dawhat better way to pass e time at the airport this hol dale season than getting into a danceoff. A father from moore, oklahoma, posted this adorable video. Of his two daughters dancing through the window with a member of the ground crew. At dallas international. The worker taught the girls how to do the chicken dance. And they showed hem some moves of their own. I think theyre all winners. Up next. Theyre on on silt sides of the gun debate. Can they find Common Ground . Ok, lets try this. It says you apply the blue one to me. Here . No. Have a little fun together, or a lot. Ky yours and mine. Two sensations that work together, so you can play together. The great emperor trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. Except for these two fellows. This time next year, were gonna be sitting on an egg. I think were getting close make a uturn. Uturn . Recalculating. Man, we are never gonna breed. Just give it a second. You will arrive in 92 days. Nah, nuhuh. Nope, nope, nope. You know who im gonna follow . My instincts. As long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. Im breeding, man. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Shes had a tiny cough. See you at 5 seriously . Protection. Lysol kills over 100 illnesscausing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. Lysol. What it takes to protect. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. This past thursday marked five years since 20 students and six Staff Members were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in newtown, connecticut. Five years on the National Debate of of a gun control is far from settled. Our streaming channel, cbsn, sent producer christina rafini to Colorado Springs to discuss the issue with people on opposing side. Here she speaks with tony who supports gun rights and his friend warren who supports gun regulations. With the parameters the way they are, do you think lawmakers have done enough, have done anything, realistic, aftermath of sandy hook, vegas, san bernardino, charleston, shootings since then to address thisser to . Absolutely not. I dont know that they can. Ive dont know there is anything they can do that will stop it. I dont know there is an answer. But to me, banning guns isnt the answer. All banning guns does is gets it out of the hand of the people who are going to obey the law. Lets take away guns for a second. Take away the idea of guns for a second. Does the government have a role in keeping us safe . It has a role, yes. I dont believe it is their only role. In fact, i believe them protecting our freedom is is a bigger role than keep us safe. Right. Thats where the fundamental thing comes in of people who feel like our rights are so important that even if our society deteriorates into this place where mass murders become a common thing, thats okay as long as i get to have my gun. And at some point, i seriously dont want to live in the country that has placed personal liberty so high that i dont feel safe walking into a concert anymore. There are plenty of places on earth where they dont put liberty high on their ideals. And, those are places i dont want to live. I think that the only way that i would give in and say, yeah, we should ban guns or any particular guns if we could all at once, worldwide, make all guns just disappear. I would be all for that. If guns did not exist, and no one had them. We agree. Ive dont think anybody. Thats the problem. Is, itss like we have gone so far down a certain road, and how do we deal with where we are . In the situation . We cant take everybodys guns away. Cbs news producer christina rafini with both side of the debate. More of the discussion on our web site. Cbs news. Com. Still ahead, a new warning about those voice activated digital assistants. Did google and amazon intend to spy on you . I had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. coughah i missed you then i discovered mucinex. One pill lasts 12 hours,and im good. Why take 4hour medicine . One mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. It says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. This. Here . No. Have a little fun together, or a lot. Ky yours and mine. Two sensations that work together, so you can play together. I cant believe it comes in. How great this tastes vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic you dont even want to know protection detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria but adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Consumer watch Dog Organization warns in the future you may want to watch what you say around voice activated assistants. Sold by google and amazon. Patent applications reveal the Smart Devices may one day record your conversation to sell you thing things. Whats the weather tomorrow . Tomorrow you will see lots of sun. Elizabeth saldova relying on the amazon echo since she got one as a Christmas Gift last year. Did you have any concerns when you first got it . Will i actually never really thought about it. Google and amazon leading companies that make devices say they only record your strovoicen you activate them with wake words. Alexa turn on the hall lights. Okay. Reporter those recordings are transmitted back to amazon and google servers where the questions are analyzed and answered. While thats how they work now, some are worried that could change in the near future. Theyre there to track you, surveil you, and sell you. The advocacy group, constume watch dog studied Patent Applications for future advances in the smart home technology. These patents describe is that they are always watching. One amazon patent, shows that the company could instruct the echo destries vice to listen tor words, transcribe the conversation and use it to try to sell the user of the device a related product all. Up i just think it is concerning they would be able to have access to my private life. Spokesperson for amazon tells cbs this morning, we do not use customers voice recordings for targeted advertising. Patents take multiple years to receive. And dupe not necessarily reflect current developments to products and services. A google representative told us consumer watch dogs claims are unfounded. The claims poinltd out how little some consumers know about the Digital Gadgets in their home. Play christmas radio. Off awe all moel feemost like b brotherish. When we return, the story of an nfl game bob, i dont know where this van is going, but this guy is in a hurry. Uh, i was in a hurry this morning. Barely had time for breakfast. Growl. Grumpy jacks gonna crash your crave hey guys. Try my country scrambler plate, with jimmy dean sausage, homestyle potatoes and scrambled eggs mixed with bacon, ham and cheese. Careful out there, jack, i heard theres some crazy driver in a van. laughing its him im talking about him try my brunchfast country scrambler plate with jimmy dean sausage. Crave van we end with an assuming player in the spotlight. Chris long of the daft eagles made news putting his hand on the shoulder of of a kneeling teammate during the national anthem. More now from cbs news special correspondent james brown. For me my little gesture, it had everything to do with, i thought what was right. You are standing but you have your hand on your teammates shoulder. Right. To signify what . I would look ike to stand bee the it is something that signifies what i hope america can be. Empathize with the form of protest to draw attention to inequities in this country. I think, it is not about the knee what you do, in your community. And walking the walk. Chris long does walk the walk. Chris long comes in with, a great play. After his small gesture, he made a big one. Bay donating the last ten game salary check of his 1 million salary to Education Charities in st. Louis, boston and philadelphia. The three nfl cities where he played in his decade long career. The oldest of three sons of howie long and wife diane. The longs raised their boys in charlottesville, virginia. Last august, white nationalists held a march that ended in tragedy right here in downtown charlottesville. For chris long it fueled a desire to do more in his hometown and beyond. It wakes you up. Heightens your, your sense of anger and your sense of man we got to fix things about this country. With that in mind. Long used his first six game salary checks to establish two full scholarships for biz and Girls Club Kids to attend his old prep school. Thats right. He is playing for free this season. For chris and megan, it its about leveling the Playing Field. I just think we have been lucky. I couldnt image in our son not having, you know everything he is going to have. You know, you, you need a kid, meet a kid. Now that we are parents you are going to see that kid and that kid. Say how can you not do something about it. How can you not fry to level the Playing Field a little bit. Cheering for chris long. Thats the overnight news for this monday. Welcome to the overnight news. Im elaine quijano. We begin with an update on senator john mccain. The former president ial candidate and vietnam war hero headed back to arizona sunday to spend the holidays with his family. On face the nation, sunday, mccains soninlaw conservative comb mmentator said the senator doing well and is in good spirits. Mccain had been at the water Reid Medical Center in maryland since wednesday. Treated for side effects of chemotherapy for his brain cancer. We are told mccain will not stroevote on an overhaul of the tax system. Republicans say they have enough velts votes. The Transition Team is crying foul over the way Robert Muellers russia investigation obtained emails. There is absolutely no collusion. I didnt make a phone call to rush. Dont have anything to do with russia. With his lawyers claiming, special counsel, Robert Mueller is breaking the law. Muellers team gained access to emails from mr. Trumps Transition Team provided not by the team itself but by General Services administration. Satd our date Transition Team lawyer sent the seven page letter. The Transition Team lawyer sent the seven page letter to two congressional oversight committees describing action as unlawful adding special Councils Office extensively use theed materials in question. The special counsel spokesperson said when we have obtained emails in the course of on ongoing criminal investigation we, have secured either the account owners consent or appropriate criminal process. Awe all i believe that the president wants all of this shuttle down. Democratic congresswoman jackie spears said friday she is hearing rumors on capitol hill the president its poised to act. On december 22nd when weep when we are out of d. C. He was going to fire Robert Mueller. The treasury secretary havent heard the president. Was at dinner last night with the president , Vice President. Havent heard anything about it. President trump maintains positive relationship with russian president , vladamir putin. The two spoke on the phone with the kremlin sharing details of the call before the white house acknowledged it took place. The russians say mr. Putin thanked mr. Trump for intelligence shared by the cia which they say led to detention of suspected terrorists. Elaine. Errol, thank you. When Congress Returns from the christmas recess there will be a new face in the u. S. Senate. Democrat doug jones scored an unlikely victory over republican roy moore, in the race for the open seat from alabama. Electing a democrat in one of the reddest states in the nation was akin to a political earthquake. And could help change the shape of congress. Manuel bojorquez sat down with a chat with senator elect. Reporter even after roy moore faced multiple accusations of Sexual Misconduct. Some involving teenagers, Many Political experts thought the republican who rode his horse in to cast his vote last week could still ride off off to victory. But they didnt ask doug jones. Thank you. So lets go off to the headline here. Alabama has the not sent a democrat to the senate in 25 years. How did you do it . People forget republican didnt send any body to the senate for over 100 years before. That changed. Changed, one election at a time. But do you think you would have won had the Washington Post not broken the story about the Sexual Misconduct allegations against roy moore. Yeah, we would have beaten him. Getting traction. Being inclusive. Talking issues that people care about. His stunning win, in deep red alabama, came by 20,000 votes. Doug jones the democrat. He will be the next United States senator from alabama. That slim margin of victory, thanks to republican whose rejected moore with writein volts and significant turnout by africanamericans. So lets talk about, your victory speech. You got up there and said i feel like i have been waiting been waiting all my life and i dont know what the hell to say. Pause you were surprised. Shocked . No, i was overcome. It was just being out on that stage and seeing that, that, little sea of people. That when you look across there, it was, it represented alabama. So whuch is, doug jones . The 63yearold group in fairfield, alabama. When the south was still seg ra galtd. His interest in social justice led him to be a lawyer. In 1997 appointed u. S. Attorney and decided to take on a case unresolved for decade. Justice late is still justice. You prosecuted two clansmen involved in the 1963 Church Bombing that killed four have riff can american girls. That was a prominent part of the campaign as well and seemed to rez nate the. It did. Was important for everyone in the state when on the right inside it of history you can accomplish a lot of things. Prosecuting that case earned comparisons to another alabama attorney, aticus given, the moral hero in to kill a mockingbi mockingbird. How do you feel about the comparison . Incredibly flattering. When i have a book sitting right over there to kill a mockingbird autographed, to doug jones with admiration. Of a real the prize. With admiration. With admiration. Jones says he is still a red state democart. This right here is prove that you hunt. That was my one shot i took last year. And, 300 yard. That eightpoint femme. He is a gun owner. Strong Second Amendment supporter. Whiechl while he would not vote for the gop tax bill he does favor lowering the Corporate Tax rate. He says his win is proof his sweet home alabama wants more from politicians. One of your supporters who is out canvassing, interviewed him. He said, this is old alabama versus new alabama. I think that is a good description. What is old alabama . Old alabama its nothing but divisive politics, demagogues, that, try to divide us. We are still living with, all of the images in black and white. And of the George Wallace air rachlt a era and roy moores. Here for all people. Alabama is changing. Alabama its getting more diverse. The new alabama. New alabama. Realize when the vote is this close. That it is not over. And we while he hasnt heard from roy moore. Jones says he got a gracious phone call from president trump. Congratulating him on election night. And says he knows, even in victory, he now has a lot of alabamians to win over. I can work with the president. I can work with people, in my own party. And when i talk about reaching across the aisle. Probably a fair all. Issues i want to reach inside the Democratic Caucus to pull them a little more to make sure that they know that the people of alabama, might need a little bit different direction. Sounds great. Given the current Political Climate its if it possible . It is as possible as snow in december in alabama. Or a long shot, democrat, getting elected from a deep red state. The cbs overnight news will be right back. That cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night why take 4hour cough medicine . Just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. Shes had a tiny cough. See you at 5 seriously . Protection. Lysol kills over 100 illnesscausing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. Lysol. What it takes to protect. It says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. This. Here . No. Have a little fun together, or a lot. Ky yours and mine. Two sensations that work together, so you can play together. Ltry align probiotic. N your digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Also in kids chewables. One week until christmas. If you are waiting on gifts you ordered. You are not alone. A billion deliveries this Holiday Season. Here is michelle miller. tis the season to be shopping and shipping. At lilac chocolates in brooklyn where more than 20 sales will be shipped for the holidays. Gets there on time. Super important. Just scant cant be late. Rely on carriers to deliver when they promise they will. This year, christmas lands on a monday. Giving retailers one last day to get gifts delivered on time. Ups, fedex and u. S. Postal Service Working on overdrive to collectively drive more than 60 million packages a day. Even weekends. A 50 increase over normal volume. Dhl hired 6,000 additional workers to keep up with demand on this years shipping orders. They climbed up 26 over last year. Jeff ivory is Vice President of sales. Are you seeing any glitches in your Delivery System . One of the challenges we always have is that are people going to be home when we go for the delivery side of things. Certainly we have coped with volume in terms of putting on more flights and making sure we have the appropriate amount of season that workers for delivery. It has been nonstop for shipping companies this Holiday Season. Ecommerce orders exploded. Today will only add to that craze, as Many Companies are offering free shipping. Phoenix groups chief economist, max wolf says shipping companies are struggling to keep up with online growth. Sheer volumes are high. If you are greg, ecommerce, 30 , 40 year over year are you growing your trucks and drivers. Year over year. Seems every year a musthave gift. Big seller caught fire when it went viral online. John blackstone reports. As the the surprise hit of this Holiday Season. Lol surprise has the its own surprising back story. It begins in van nuys, california, at headquarters of toymaker, mga entertainment. Behind a secure door. Of being here at this time. In their top secret toy lab, designers and artists began work more than a year ago, on a collection of little plastic dolls, with big eyes, and tiny accessories. And it is where mgas founder and ceo, isaac larian is taking delight in the toy they created. Of this its what millions of children are going to be doing. Morning of december 25th. Exactly. Born in iran, he moved to the u. S. And built a billion dollar toy empire. His latest hit, began one night when he had trouble sleeping. I have in some knee yeah. I wha i have insomnia. I whackake up in the middle of night and watch youtube. He saw videos of children taking new toys out. The boxes. Several of the unboxing individual yoevideos were viewed millions of time. Idea a toy designed to record yourself unboxing. The perfect accessory for todays smart phone and tablet savvy children. Of when we are going to do a toy, true unboxing. Every kid can unbox it. Until then nobody has done a toy, where you didnt steep what is inside. Since first going on sale last december. Mga has sold 25 million lol surprise dolls. It is on track to be the best selling toy of the year. It is out of stock at many retailers. So, online scalpers are selling them for thousand of dollars. Every Holiday Season, seems to bring with it, a must have holiday toy. It is just the rarest opportunity to have the hot toy. A consumer psychologist. What are toy Company Executives going through as the Holiday Season approaches . Right. Fear. Hahaha. Hope and fear. Off awe ho hope and fear. Right, exactly. Tap into psychology and still, there is going to be that element of serendipity and luck. Do companies play a role in this or in fact its it all organic or is there something going on behind the scenes that the come pans are doing . Most of the Time Companies will deny that theyre manipulate consumers. In fact. Companies try to tap into the sigh kouflg wh psychology. Few years ago every kid had to have the zuzu hamster. And who could forget furbie. Or, tickle me elmo. But the standard by which all hot toys are judged is this. Will it be another Cabbage Patch kids. The toy that created a frenzy during Christmas Shopping 1983. Like it is a doll. With a plastic face. Yarn hair. Like, what, what were we thinking . Jeddy defranco was 11 back then in tears. She and her mother caught up in Cabbage Patch chaos. After a doll was snatched from her by another shopper. Is that what christmas is about . I agree with you. Full grown woman taking a doll out of a childs hand. I just knew that, i wanted to have that doll. We have an extra one. You want that one, honey. Okay. Probably just because they were on tv, my friend were going to get them. You know when you are 11, you want to have what your friend have. But for toymakers, kick starting a craze, has come of a long way. Since the days of Cabbage Patch kids. 37 years ago when i started. You, you made a tv commercial and you put a toy on tv. And, and in two weeks, either it became a hit. No longer. Kids are not watching tv. Of rating for Childrens Television knelt wonetworks and disney channel. Are both down 50 . While unboxing videos on you tube have been viewed more than 11 billion times. So, isaac larian decided to launch lol surprise without buying any tv ads. Did any one say you are marketing for this christmas and not going to buy any tv ads. They did. And i said we are going to, not going to do that. We are not going to put it on tv. Lets try something new. To market his new toy, larry sent it to many of the same kids whose unboxing videos he spent that sleepless night watching. Its lol. The lol surprise unboxing video made by 4yearold everly has been viewed more than 200 times. Her parents, savannah and coal, their dog, charm, and everly make their living blogging their every day lives. And now unboxing toys. If it wasnt for you two, it would be finishing nursing school. Kids want to watch her open the toys. She had a lot of fun. She gets a toy out of it. And, making your vild yoedeos. Was this a ris tubik to depe social media. Major risk. Nobody has done it before. Everybody said my god this is going to fail. And, this is not going to ok, lets try this. It says you apply the blue one to me. Here . No. Have a little fun together, or a lot. Ky yours and mine. Two sensations that work together, so you can play together. A few years back, a couple from colorado thought it would be nice to dedicate their Christmas Tree to a less fortunate family. 2,000 trees later, the Christmas Tree project is still going strong. Barry peterson reports. You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not shout. Moms, dads and kids. Wind up on a cold colorado morning with something to warm their holiday. A free Christmas Tree. For most, call the in tough economic circumstances, this would be the only way to have a tree. 6yearold daniel and his 4yearold brother michael have plenty of opinions. This. You want that one. Yes. Make sure you tell your mom and dad. The trees were donated. Each family got one. And then a volunteer helper called an elf. Took them upstairs and into a Christmas Wonderland of donated ornaments and decorations. Rooms with everything needed to turn a tree into a centerpiece. All organized by daved and michelle find and started with a one line ad on craigs list eight christmass ago. We bought a Christmas Tree. Talking, what will we do with the old tree. Give it away on craigs list. A one line ad, said, free Christmas Tree to a family with children. We got 20 responses in an hour. Wounded vets. Single moms. People struggling. One of the first to respond to that ad, was felice, she head up Rocky Mountain kids. A nonprofit. That houses children and teens in the foster system. David has provided Rocky Mountain kids Christmas Trees since 2010. And every one of our five homes, i just need to call david. We need a tree. We opened a new home. He has a tree. 17yearold alexis, thinks the tree changes life in a foster system group home. They try to make you feel like family, and it is a normal christmas. So we are going to have a tree. Stockings. Going to enjoy it. Like a there mall family. Give me a hug. They estimate they have given away more than 2,000 trees over the years. Like the true christmas spirit, shows up on both sides, and for a moment, you know people realize the beauty of giving, the beauty and the humbleness of having to ask, and all of that sort of coming together. Santa claus. At this years give away. David and michelles granddaughter. Hi. She its one of the youngest helpers. Tenyearold rose. Foster child, for what lights the eyes of another child. I bring the kids to the toys. And, do the kids like that . How come . Because they, they like, their faces light up with joy. Amazingly, all of this, will be gone by christmas. Thats a lot of smiles on the faces, of a lot of kids. You like that one . All right, that one its for you. Lets go. Michael and danielle, mom, amanda, dad, richard. Took their time. There was in fact a lot to choose from. I donate baby stuff. As she grows out of it. And, i saw an ad for this, free Christmas Tree organization. And i signed up for it through the kids. Its that going to help you have ape better christmas . Yes, definitely. Good job. Give me five. Seems to the be a sense that you create a dignity, a gift, not, handout. Why is it you want that sense . I want them to feel the experience of abundance. And being taken care of. And an ease in their lives. An experience of being cared about and really seen as a person, a valuable person, and not just another person who wants something for nothing. For amanda and richard and the family, their tree now had a home and a lot of decorations. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, it really was, dr. Stanley remember this cannot change the laws of god. When he has visited you in some form of adversity and he brings you through that, thats like he has increased the strength of the foundation of your life and your faith in him. [music] secret santa made an early stop in texas. Steve hartman found the story on the road. Joanne patty isnt in the christmas spirit. Who can blame her. These are my christmas dishes. Four months after harvey flooded beaumont, texas, joe ann and hundreds like her are still living in these conditions. Strirtab virtually homeless for the holidays. Which is why the man in red made beaumont his first stop this year. Im secret santa. Hi, santa. You got hit hard didnt you . Yeah. Joanne lost everything. Couldnt afford to buy her grand Kids Christmas presents. Until now. That is secret santa 100 bill. Okay. Here its another one. Reporter he gave her 300 total not much in the scheme of things but plenty to restore some hope. Good is with you. Reporter thats what this anonymous businessman does every year with his own money. Travels the country, giving out about 100,000 worth of hundred dollar bills to strangers. This year was a little different. This year, he had a second ear motive. Call attention to the Beaumont Police department, for their extraordinary sacrifice. We had it inside the house. Half the officers in the department had their homes damaged too. And like sergeant boaz here. Virtually all of them showed up for work the next day. But you literally did not have the shirt on your back . The no, sir. Did you do it because you felt you had to. No, felt like i needed to. Ive want the officers to know that, their heroism. Their sacrifice. Its not unrecognized. So, as a thank you. Some of the most affected got several hundred dollars each. Not to buy what they want. But for a greater joy. Oh, my god. To give it all away. Thank you so much. Tiffany patillo had a few run ins with the law before. But none like this. Oh, lord, jesus. For the officers, turning those tables. Breaking down those barriers. Off awe thank you. Off awe sharing these moments of catharsis. I know it is stressful. After the year they have had. This was just what everyone needed. Beaumont will now celebrate christmas with a fresh start. Based on renewed trust, and overwhelming kindness. Thanks to americas secret santa. Steve hartman, on the road, in beaumont, texas. Thats the overnight news for this monday. For some of youve the news continues. For others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. Im elaine quijano. Captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs its monday, december 18th, 2017. This is the cbs morning news. The power is back, but the troubles not over at hartsfieldjackson Atlanta International airport. The airport is working to get planes in the air and stranded passengers to their destination. Tension rises between president trumps team and special counsel Robert Muellers team. Mr. Trump says hes not going to fire mueller as the two sides clash over emails. And the wildfire battle rages on in Southern California as thousands of firefighters go up against the socalled thomas fire around the clock

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