San jose foothills. The thick black smoke seen for miles, and tonight theres questions over whether the city could have prevented it. The firebreak out a couple of blocks from fire broke out a couple of blocks from tully road and katie is there tonight. Reporter yes, firefighters are still were on the scene, and behind still on the scene, and behind me you can still see the smoke billowing up. Theres a lot of stuff up there. Reporter neighbors have complained about it for years. Not no more. Reporter jerry and giddilied next to the property judy lived next to the property where the fire started for years. He just collects stuff. Reporter trailer, car, and debris. It was all visible along with the smoke for miles. We heard a lot of booms and debris flying in the air. Reporter the fire started just after 4 00 this afternoon, and while firefighters dont know what sparked the flames, they defendant a hard time putting them out. It was just really difficult to access the fire. Moving the hoses around the vehicles, um, it just makes it all that much harder. Reporter there were also issues with water pressure from the nearby hydrants, so firefighters were forced to truck water to the fire. They accessed some portable water tanks up here and in addition with the poor pressure from the hydrants, but they got what they needed. Reporter people that live nearby say the property has looked like a junk yard for 15 years, and the city was aware of the issue but never made the owner clean it up. A lot of junk and stuff up there. I understand hes been cited before. Theyll probably make him clean it up, but hell have to do something probably. Reporter thankfully no one was hurt during the fire, but firefighters will be here all night making sure none of the hot spots flare back up. We actually talked with some of the fire commanders here tonight, and we asked if theyd ever inspected the property or had the neighbors made any reports about possible fire hazards. They said no not that they know of at this time. Live in san jose, kpix 5. Tonight the Sheriffs Department says the man who was arrested for looting homes during the Santa Cruz Mountains wildfire is the same person who started the bear fire. And this is the suspect. 54yearold marlon coy. Investigators say he set the fire in response to a dispute he was having with a woman he was dating. This is where the fire broke out. The Sheriffs Office says the woman owned a home near here which was completely destroyed. Authorities say they want to speak to her, but shes not a suspect. As for coy hes accused of stealing more than 15,000 worth of stuff from homes that people were forced to evacuate. Single game record if a person if a person is willing to start a fire in criminal thinking its not a big leap to go in and steal things. And when authorities found coy he had jewelry and clothing on him that residents had reported missing. A Bay Area Police station could be hazardous to officers health. We learned they could have been exposed to lead and asbestos and had no idea, and the city has known about the problem for years. We went to city leaders asking why they chose to do nothing for so long. Found three years ago. nats of gunfire cover sot john riera american air testing, goes direct reporter the Police Department once had a firing range inside the building. It was converted in 1989 to locker rooms, a gym and bathroom, and thats where most of the lead was found. It really goes directly to the brain. Lead will give you neurological problems. After initial tests showed asbestos and lead dust inside lighting a reporter lead exposure can affect ever system in the body. Some of the highest levels of lead dust was found in the vallejo Police Department locker room. It measured 156 times the epa standard. I cant go into specific details, but we did a room by room cleaning. Reporter this city spokesperson said the department was cleaned several days ago, three years after initial tests showed the lead inside locker rooms, lighting, and even a ventilation system. But instead of cleaning it in 2014, the city hired a company to further analyze the samples last year. That company told the city corrective action should be initiated as soon as possible. In a memo obtained by kpix 5, the city told officers the city is moving expeditiously to inspect the issues. That was a year and a half ago. Why did it take so long to clean the apartment . You know, i dont have a great response to that. What i do know is that at no point was the building unsafe to occupy. It should have been cleaned up immediately. The people who had exposure should be tested. Reporter john owns american testing in San Francisco and has been testing homes and businesses for lead and asbestos for nearly two decades. Could this cleaning have been done quickly and easily . Relatively easy and quick. I cant see why they would have waited so long. Reporter at one point a source with the city says officers were told they would be moved temporarily to another location while they cleaned the department, but that plan was ultimately canceled. It seemed like not a great use of city taxpayer dollars to do a major move. Reporter whats more, the city couldnt say whether there was any type of cleaning done before they converted the firing range nearly three decades ago. So how much lead officers could have been exposed to and for how long without any idea are questions the city cant answer for certain. Is there still a concern there could be lead in the building after this cleaning . So were going to continue testling. The levels of lead testing. The levels levels of lead were so low it doesnt levels of lead were so low it doesnt present an immediate hazard. I would say anyone thats ever been in that building should be concerned to the point where they have their blood levels tested. Reporter the spokesperson said they reached out to a local hospital and they said it wasnt necessary for employees to be tested for lead exposure. And because lead is no heavy it wasnt airborne inside the building. The city has plans to do regular cleanings from here on out. Kpix 5, vallejo. Tonight bart Police Looking for a man whos been spray painting racial slurs on trains and platforms like this swastika. As soon as it was spotted maintenance crews cleaned it up. Similar incidents have been reported at other stations and on train cars. And this is the individual that police are trying to find. These images came from Security Cameras at one of the stations. If you recognize him, bart police want to hear from you. Tonight we learned an east bay teacher found across the line with students has resigned. A district investigation found a piedmont history teacher touched students inappropriately, drank alcohol in front of students, made sexual comments and sent inappropriate text messages. He was previously placed on leave, but was allowed back into the class room. Now, though, hes out, and the District Attorney is reviewing the case. A Big Development tonight in the russia investigation. Cnn is reporting that the first criminal charges have been filed. Reporter dave bryan is following the story. Reporter the cnn report is the first evidence that special Counsel Robert Mueller may be ready to move forward into the next phase of his investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. For the moment mueller, who was appointed special counsel in mayweather is maximum on the new report, but right now in may is mum on the new report, but right now we know there are charges. Its unclear whos charged and what the charges are. Just a few days ago it was revealed the Democratic Campaign and Hillary Clinton helped support Opposition Research targeting President Trump, but so far theres been no evidence to back up the allegation that clinton was in collusion with the russians. Friday night President Trump tweeted out another attack on Hillary Clinton with the heading what happened, and then the line from a New York Post attack on clinton entitled how team clinton played the press for fools on russia. Now we know the trump tweet concludes. For now the charges remain sealed under orders from a federal judge, but again there could be more action in the case as soon as monday when those charged may be taken into custody. In los angeles, dave bryan, kpix 5. Thousands of students in santa rosa headed back to class today for the first time in three weeks. 13 schools that shut down when the wildfires broke out reopened today. At pinier high about 80 students lost everything. 11 more schools in santa rosa will open monday. Tonight support for fire victims is still pouring in. Warriors star Clay Thompson raised his goal from 250,000 to 350,000. Heres more on the fund raising effort thats gaining momentum. Reporter when Clay Thompson scores, so does the bucket for fire relief. Clay Thompson Says hell donate 1,000 to north bay fire relief for every point scored in this weeks home stand. He averages 21 points a game. Clay is just the most amazing guy. Ive traveled across the world to see him. I think thats awesome. Hes doing a great thing. Reporter and others are joining in. The giants Brandon Crawford tweeted hell add a hundred dollars when clay scores a point, with over a thousand others pledging amounts, each point is now worth 4,000 dollars in donations. It behooves all of us to hop on that band wagon. Reporter he scored 21 points against the raptors, earnings more than 128,000 so far. If he scores 44 points between tonight and sundays game hed raise nearly 350,000 in all. I think its motivating him for sure. Reporter warriors coach steve kerr told me hes proud of the shooting guard. I think what clay is doing is fantastic. Its something he wouldnt have thought of five years ago. He was just a young kid just trying to make it in the league, and now hes a grown man. Reporter clays fundraiser wraps up with sunday nights game against the pistons. And thompson scored 18 points in tonights game raising more than 80,000 putting him at nearly 60 percent of his goal. Tonight the feds are pulling out of a uc berkeley project that was supposed to spotlight the black panthers, the group that started in oakland in the 1960s. The National Parks service said it would spend close to 100,000 in taxpayer money on the project, but they just reversed the decision. The reason . A wave of backlash from conservative groups who call the black panthers a violent extremist group. One man wrote to President Trump about how a black panther was convicted of killing this park ranger, kenneth patrick, back in the 70s. The letter says in part it is appalling that ranger patricks own agency now proposes to partner with uc berkeley and two active members of this violent and repugnant organization. Its unclear whether the project will continue now that the funding has been pulled. A small energy firm landed a 300 Million Dollars contract to restore power in puerto rico. And tonight some members of Congress Want to know how did that happen . Whitefish, montana. Puerto ricos bankrupt Utility Company awarded the contract to White Fish Energy based in white fish, montana. That just happens to be the hometown of the interior secretary. Well, tonight both he and the white house say they had nothing to do with the construct, but veronica de la cruz tells us that some congressional leaders are a little more skeptical. Yeah, thats right. Ken and liz, tonight the House Minority leader pelosi called on the contract to be terminated immediately. White fish energy is so small it only has two full time employees. It received a 300 Million Dollars contract. It was a no bid contract to help rebuild puerto ricos electrical grid. White fish never worked on a project this size. This is a contract that was determined by the local authorities in puerto rico, not something that the federal government played a role in. Fema, but the contract says the federal Emergency Management agency or fema reviewed and approved that agreement. Was. Is inaccurate. The mayo today fema said it was not involved, and any language that says it was is inaccurate. The mayor of san juan believes the deal should be voided describing the company as inadequate. White fish threatened to leave and tweeted quote we have 44 linemen rebuilding power lines in your city and 40 more men just arrived. Do you want us to send them back or keep working . White fish later apologized. The department of homeland securitys Inspector General will perform an audit. 75 percent of the island of puerto rico is still without power. Veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. Plans are in the works to build the largest legally permanent Cannabis Cultivation site in the state. The developer is building 18 green houses, the site would churn out hundreds of pounds of pot each week. People that live nearby say they already smell marijuana from other sites, especially in the summer, and theyre worried about what an even bigger operation will do to the air. The county says the owners must address any issues. In one eeslof y california sleepy corner of california, tonight theres a state of emergency over pot. This is the valley surrounding mount shasta. Only on 5, Wilson Walker shows us the marijuana explosive that you have to see to believe. Ppening right in the shadow of mount shasta. Transforming the landscape of neighborhoods that dont even have much in the way of actual housing. { sgt. Mike gilley it its this is a monument effort, but we have a monumental monumental effort, but we have a monumental problem. Its just a huge problem. And its out of control. Reporter this is the quiet california marijuana boom that happened seemingly overnight, and its officially a state of emergency. We have the California National guard, the counterdrug unit, the california highway patrol. Reporter leading nearly 200 raids over two days, the sergeant. This is a pretty good garden. Reporter and there are more. At least 2,000 sites out here. Reporter and what that actually looks like, well, its kind of incredible. Its crazy, you can literally be in one site and look over and see half a dozen more. Reporter the view from the ground is one thing. From the air and sky drone 5 you start to get a better idea of whats going on. One garden right after another. But you can also see this for yourself from space, just pull up google earth and youll see grow after grow after grow dotting the high desert like an outbreak of measles. I have a one mile square photograph air shot, and if you look at it you can pick out 89 different gardens within the money mile. Reporter all of this in a county thats not the emerald triangle, in fact they have laws to keep marijuana out of the county. Our county doesnt allow outdoor cannabis. Reporter this is the same men and women that come pouring out of these neighborhoods every time authorities come rolling in. You saw the people fleeing, you know, in vehicles as we were coming into this mount shasta area, so its a big problem. Reporter and mount shasta vista is a great example of the transformation. 1600 parcel subdivision that really never was. The ground is dry volcanic walk, water is scarce, and very few houses were ever built. On the other hand its some of the cheapest land youll find in california. You can buy nearly three acres for 16,000, and in that a lot of people see an opportunity. Theyve set up shop, brought soil in, theyre trucking the water in, and theyre hoping to say out of the, you know, out of sight and out of mind, and this cannabis is having a Significant Impact in our country and environment and our quality of life. During the harvest time right now were really putting a lot of resources into it and trying to take out as much as we can. Reporter so whats unfolding here right now is a race between growers and the law. Who can get here first and grab the approximately Million Dollars worth of marijuana on this site and the next site, and the next, and the next and the next and the next and the next. If we could do this every week during harvest season, i think were going to hurt the traffickers significantly. Reporter the harvest haul for authorities here . 27,000 plants worth more than 320 Million Dollars. But while the additional manpower the bulldozer, backhoe and crews are effective, it wont get all of it. Theyll be transported mostly back east. Reporter and thats what concerns the sheriff most. Because in these gardens he sees a problem that reaches beyond the boundaries of his county, and even california. I think that it shows that theres an organized crime effort to move into the county, take over large geographic areas to grow illegal marijuana, and thats basically what it amounts to. Weather time as we head toward the weekend, and if that weekend involves a trip to the beach first off lucky you, and second be careful. Theres a high risk of rip currents, sneaker waves, and wave heights 15 to 20 feet. Not trying to scare you away from going, but please be smart. Beach hazards out for saturday and sunday. Fog rolls into sfo. San francisco still in the mid 60s. Mid60s in san jose. Santa rosa already done to 52, and concord 65. Overnight tonight 40s and 50s. Concord 52, Mountain View 55, napa and santa rosa upper 40s to low 50s. Things are changing, albeit slowly and subtly. Well get to a much different weather pattern by this time next week, it will probably be raining. Ridge of High Pressure moving out taking away the offshore wind, and this tiny low pressure area doesnt look impressive, but it will change the wind direction bringing back the on shore flow, it be cool you down in San Francisco 13 degrees from 82 today down to the upper 60s tomorrow, and follow rolling back. I just showed it to you. Its prevalent all morning long, even in the afternoon along the san mateo coastline. Sunday its fact inland down to soars. Theres a change. San jose. Theres a change. And by this time next week its a very early prediction, dont worry about the specific number, just the theme that there will be rain falling from the sky mainly in the north baby thursday or friday of next week. The weekend comfortable. Not as hot, but not the cold stuff yet. Low 60s at the beach, pittsburgh 84, danville 84, vallejo 80. Beautiful 80 in san rafael. Sunday equally as pleasant. We cool back to average in time for trick or treaters on halloween. 60s near the barks 70s near the bay, and 7 70s inland. Stranded at sea for months, this i two americans stranded at sea for five months are safe tonight. This is the moment the navy rescued jennifer and tasha. They set sail from hawaii back in mayweather, but the riggingen may, but the rigging on their mast broke, and the storms swamped their motor. They made distress signals every single day. Different sunrises and sunsets every day. Youre alive, you have water, the dogs are happy, and theres love. The women and their pets will stay on board the uss ashland until the next port of call. And the world series shift to houston, and the warriors in action tonight, and a little extracurricular activity going on with green caught right in extra inning affair of game 2 did just that. D series shift j october baseball always october baseball always seems to deliver memorable moment, and now the world series shifts to houston tied at one. Its game three and astros fans are fired up for good reason. They take darvish deep. Then gonzalez with a ball off the wall in left center. Another run scores, and darvish only lasted one and twothirds giving up four runs. Final out. Peacock gets grandal to ground out, and the astros win it 53 and take a 21 series lead. The warriors take on the wizards, and green and beal were ejected. In the third down by as many as 18, but here comes kevin durant with a team high 31 points, ask the warriors up by 2. After a slow start the dubs come back to win it. More nfl controversy. During a meeting last week regarding the anthem demonstration, the texans owner said we cant is the inmates running the prison, he apologized, but some of his players were upset. Hopkins abruptly left the Team Facility without practicing, and he may not even play sunday in the game at seattle. Well see how that situation develops. Poor choice of words. Definitely. All the late show is next. All right, friday, you guys made it. We made it. Finally were here. Looks like a beautiful weekend. Very nice to get outside. And then halloween. Trick or treating. Thats right. A dry halloween. For once. Good costume wearing weather. Have a great weekend. Announcer the following program is a paid advertisement for the hd mirrorcam, brought to you by inventel products, llc. Yep, theyre out there, driving recklessly, causing accidents, and driving up your insurance rates this is a show about car accidents. Classic cars. And the hd mirrorcam, the personal Security Camera for your car. This is. Accidents caught on camera with the hd mirrorcam. Today, were going to hear from people who have been in accidents and used the hd mirrorcam to prove their case. Hear from Law Enforcement experts to hear the secret to protect yourself from tickets and lawsuits. Were also going to visit a car show to check out some really cool rides and discover how their owners protect their cars wherever they go. Now here to tell you about this incredible device, the hd mirrorcam, your personal eyewitness on and off the road, are celebrity hosts katina forte and tech expert jim forsha. Hi, im tv host katina forte. Im delighted to be here with tech expert jim forsha. Hi, katina. Its great to be here. Every day, i show families across the country Practical Technology solutions that can help them in their everyday lives, which is why im so excited to introduce everyone to the hd mirrorcam, the greatest innovation in dash cam technology. Were all familiar with dash cams. The police have them, and they really serve great purpose because when youre driving, anything can happen. These capture the action, and you can have your fun with them, too. But the heart of the matter is, when you have a dash cam, it creates peace of mind, safety, and security. You know that sinking feeling you get when, god forbid, somebody hits you, or somebody tries to break into the car, or someone that happens, and then its he said, she said . Well, now weve got the evidence right here. What the hd mirrorcam has done is take away the obstacle of having this extra thing stuck on your windshield. Well, heres where weve developed a gamechanger. Were going to take your Rearview Mirror and make it better. Were going to put a dash cam in your Rearview Mirror because this screen is build right into the Rearview Mirror. It slips over your existing Rearview Mirror with adjustable straps, and you have a builtin video recorder, a builtin dash cam. Youre not gonna have an extra thing stuck on the middle of your windshield. Well, ill let jim explain how it works. So, heres what the hd mirrorcam looks like. This is the camera lens. So small and unobtrusive, its less than the size of a quarter. You have these flexible straps that are going to wrap around any existing mirror, no matter how large or how small. When you turn it on, right there is your lcd screen, built right into the mirror, where you can view and play back your videos right from the unit. And you can turn off the screen while youre driving, and it will still keep recording. It records highdefinition video and audio onto an sd card that goes right into the sd slot. You can use it to record whats happening anywhere outside of your car or inside of your car with the 350degree swivel lens. It has cyclical recording, meaning you can record video on an endless loop. It also has motion detection. [ beeps ] so itll turn on automatically if it senses any movement of someone Walking Around your car, for instance. And it has night vision led bulbs that let you capture crystalclear hd video at night, as well. It also has onetouch picture mode to instantly snap a still photo even while its recording video. Finally, it has a gsensor. So, if theres an accident, it locks down your footage and wont record over it. The hd mirrorcam is simply the most important tool youll ever own for your car. Weve all had experiences with reckless drivers, road rage, fenderbenders, or,

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