Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20171025

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Two women who escape the Las Vegas Massacre take the field as ball girls. But we begin with todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is. Two republican senators condemn President Trump. I dont know why he debases our country in the way that he does. The people of this country didnt elect somebody to be weak, they elected somebody to be strong. And when he gets hit, hes going to hit back. There are a lot of barking dogs in washington, mr. President. You dont have to kick every one of them. To all three of you, knock it off. A late october heat wave sweeping southern california. I thought my face was going to burn off, it was so hot. Air scare at the San Francisco airport. An air canada flight failed to respond to orders to abort its landing. The faa and air canada are investigating. In honolulu, police can fine pedestrians for looking at Electronic Devices while they cross the street. Theyre going to make a lot of money. All that a boy is lucky to be alive after he was nearly hit by a violent lightning strike. The dodgers took care of business in game one of the world series. Clayton kershaw has a world series win. And all that matters Foreign Policy experts say that the president of china is now the worlds most powerful person. Yeah. As you can imagine, that came as quite a shock to beyonce. On cbs this morning. The iditarod dog race has been rocked with scandal. The Race Committee announced yesterday that the dogs, fourtime champion Dallas Seavey tested positive for dogs. Officials game suspicious when one of the dogs lifted the sled in celebration. Welcome to cbs this morning. A republican senator is making an extraordinary direct challenge to President Trumps legitimacy. Arizonas jeff flake writes in the Washington Post this morning, quote, its time we all say enough. Flake said yesterday he will not seek reelection as a republican. He writes in his oped, we can no longer remain silent merely observing this train wreck passively, as if waiting for someone else to do something. Flakes opposition came as President Trump met with Senate Republicans on capitol hill. It was meant to show party unity on the issue of tax reform. Thats not what happened. This morning were talking to senator flake about why hes taking on the president. But first, nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the growing republican split. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Flake has criticized this president before, but he took things much further this time, heading to the senate floor to call the president dangerous to democracy itself. He and his gop colleague bob corker say that they can express what many of their colleagues are thinking because they are retiring at the ending of this term. Mr. President , i will not be complicit or silent. Reporter in the blistering 17minute speech, flake said President Trumps behavior is debasing the nation. The impulse to belittle threatens to turn us into a fearful, backwardlooking people. Reporter the White House Press secretary said flake was right to retire. Based on the lack of support that he has from the people of arizona, its probably a good move. Reporter flake faced a tough bid for reelection, with his Approval Rating in arizona at just 30 . His primary challenger, kelli ward, nabbed an endorsement last week from ousted white house chief strategist, steve bannon. Nobody knows who the hell he is reporter this summer President Trump attacked flake, who had never endorsed him, and in a tweet mr. Trump threw his support behind ward. I look forward to being a part of that class of 2019. Reporter last night she called flakes retirement another win in bannons self declared war on the republican establishment. The president has great difficulty with the truth. Reporter senator corker, who is also retiring, said he regrets backing mr. Trump and wouldnt do it again. I dont know why he lowers himself to such a low, low standard. Reporter mr. Trump called him incompetent and a lightweight, but there was no name calling at the lunch he had with gop senators, who know they need him to enact their agenda. Do you have an obligation as a leader of this party to weigh in on these very serious criticisms of the president . What i have an obligation to do is to try to achieve the greatest cohesion i can. Reporter flakes friends in the senate say that it was shortsighted for bannon to try to drum him out because flake is a reliable republican vote and a fiscal conservative, who has backed a lot of the president s agenda, norah, even though he has been highly critical of the president s character. Nancy, thanks. Senator flake started this mornings oped by writing, quote, as i contemplate the trump presidency, i cannot help but think of joseph welch. Welch was an army lawyer who famously called out senator Joseph Mccarthy and started his downfall in 1954. Until this moment, senator, i think i never really gave your cruelly or your recklessness. You have done enough. Arizona senator jeff flake joins us now from capitol hill. Senator, good morning. That was 1954. You write this morning we face just such a time now. Why are you comparing President Trump to senator Joseph Mccarthy . Well, this was a time when Joseph Mccarthy had gone on for a couple of years and had done a lot of damage and nobody was willing to speak up. Members of the senate simply let it go. There were a few things, a few voices that were raised, but until this time, until this hearing when the chief counsel for the army, joseph welch, actually stood up, have you no decency, sir, that really turned things around. And at that point, that was kind of the threshold that i guess we had to get to. Things changed after that. People spoke out and Joseph Mccarthy was not able to do what he did before. Whats remarkable about listening to your speech yesterday and reading your oped is youre not just expressing your opinion, you seem to be trying to ignite a movement. You write it is time to take a stand against trump. If he is dangerous to democracy, as you say, should he be removed from office . I dont think any of those remedies are justified, i really dont. High crimes and misdemeanors, people talk about impeachment on the left. I think something has been introduced. I dont think thats the direction to go nor do i think the 25th amendment having the cabinet act is either. But i do think that members of congress ought to speak out if the president follows through on some of the policies or some of the threats hes made with regard to the first amendment, for example, or if he continues to in terms of the tweets and just kind of the debasing statements that hes made, and also on the foreign stage. I think we need to be incredibly careful about what were doing and thats what bob corker has expressed concern about. Senator, how long have you been thinking about this, and was there a final straw for you . Well, i spoke out during the campaign and actually before that, long before donald trump ran, you know, the birtherism, this ugly Conspiracy Theory about president obama that was embraced by too many. And then during the campaign when the president talked about mexican immigrants in ways that were unbecoming, talking about my colleague, john mccain, how he couldnt be respected because he was captured. Senator, two points. One, some skeptics will say it was easier to do this when youre facing a very, very uphill campaign and likely to lose, number one, and you should speak to that. Secondly, you seem to be saying to your fellow republicans, if you do not speak out now, this is so serious that you are complicit in the actions of the president. I do think that the longer we go, the more this behavior is normalized. And that is a problem. We cant allow our dialogue to continue to coarsen. So i think the longer we wait, the more likely that is. And already i think were seeing the effects of this new era. So if you dont speak out, youre complicit in the crime or however you define whatever the president is doing . I think that we have a responsibility as elected officials to speak out when theres behavior that is just beyond the pale and then some of what weve seen i think fits in that category. Do you think you can change the president . You know, i think all of us have been waiting for nine months for that pivot that was going to occur toward more appropriate behavior and stability. We havent seen it. I think its time that we that we stand up and be a little more forceful. How many republicans, fellow republicans have said privately what you are saying publicly . Obviously i talk to some of my colleagues who havent been as vocal, but i dont want to speak for them. I know there is concern. I think you will in the future see a lot more people stand up. Senator flake, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Cbs news confirms the Democratic Party and Hillary Clintons president ial campaign helped pay for Controversial Research into President Trumps ties to russia. The Washington Post first revealed the democrats connection to the research dossier that leaked back in january. It contained unsubstantiated claims connecting the president to russian interests. President trump questioned the origin of what he calls the fake dossier last week. He tweeted who paid for it . Russia, the fbi or the dems or all . Jeff pegues is in washington with these new revelations. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning. Since january the allegations in the dossier have gained credibility in the eyes of fbi agents working the russia investigation. Cbs news confirmed earlier this year that parts of it were being used as a road map, as agents unraveled alleged trump connections to russia. But with new ties to the Clinton Campaign coming to light, the president s supporters are once again calling the russia investigation partisan. Originally commissioned by antitrump republicans in the primary, the documents was compiled by Research Firm fusion gps with information from former british spy christopher steele. The folks behind me got us right over the top. Reporter but after Donald Trumps primary victory, the research didnt stop. A lawyer working for the Clinton Campaign and the dnc hired fusion gps. His law firm confirmed that relationship in a letter tuesday which says in part fusion gps approached us in early march of 2016 to continue research that fusion gps had conducted for one or more other clients during the republican primary contest. I have nothing to do with russia. Havent made a phone call to russia in years. Reporter the president has consistently denied any connections to the kremlin or russian operatives. Still, there are three congressional investigations looking into the matter and special Counsel Robert Mueller has been appointed to investigate whether the Trump Campaign conspired with russian operatives. Last night a former spokesman for the Clinton Campaign tweeted if even a shred of that dossier ends up helping mueller, it will prove money well spent. To date, the dnc and clinton sources have denied any knowledge of any connection to fusion gps. Earlier this year, it was revealed that the fbi had agreed to pay christopher steele, but the bureau ended the arrangement after steele was publicly identified. Norah. All right, jeff, thank you so much. Gop lawmakers are starting new probes of the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton. An investigation will look into an obamaera uranium deal from 2010 when clinton was secretary of state. Republicans want to know if the purchase of american Uranium Mines by a russianbacked corporation was investigated by the Obama Justice department. A separate inquiry will focus on how the fbi handled the clinton email investigation. Democrats call the probes a diversion from the investigation of the Trump Campaign and russia. We have new details this morning showing how a u. S. Military mission in niger turned deadly. Four american soldiers were killed earlier this month in an ambush near the village of tongo tongo north of the capital. Sources tell cbs news americans were sent to that area because an isislinked group was recruiting and looking to expand. The joint patrol with local forces was asked to look into a location where a wanted terrorist leader had been spotted. Margaret brennan is at the pentagon with the latest on this story. Margaret, good morning. Reporter good morning. Isis in the greater sahara is a group whose group was an al qaeda offshoot. The u. S. Patrol was attacked after leaving a village where a highprofile target had recently been spotted. This is abu walid. He leads a terrorist group and has drifted from variance allegiances, including al qaeda. They had been recruiting supporters in niger when forces went out on a reconnaissance mission. They received new orders to head to the village of tongo tongo where a terrorist considered a highvalue target had recently been spotted. The villagers delayed the troops departure and when ethis left they were diverted from their planned route for unknown reasons. Thats when they were ambushed by 50 enemy fighters. It is unclear whether the attack was planned or simply one of opportunity. When the investigation is complete, well know the full details of the patrol. Reporter chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general Joseph Dunford said the patrol was not prepared for enemy contact. They were authorized to accompany Nigerian Forces when the prospects of enemy contact was unlikely. That is the rules under which they were operating. Reporter congress is asking questions about whether this was a failure of intelligence or preparation. We have lost some american boys and i want to know what happened. Reporter and why this team was given such a mission. I think mistakes were made. Reporter three soldiers were mortally wounded, two injured and Sergeant La David Johnson was separated from the group. His body was recovered 48 hours later by Nigerian Forces. Its still unclear which highprofile target had been in the area prior to the ambush. Cbs news did speak with the family of one of the injured u. S. Soldiers who took a bullet to the elbow. Hes back at ft. Bragg and in therapy to regainful u full use his arm. Chinas president won a new term in Office Overnight ending the twice a decade communist party congress. Xi jinpings name and ideology are written into the partys constitution. That makes xi the most powerful leader since the founding of the peoples republic. Ben tracy is in beijing. Ben, good morning. Reporter good morning. So xi jinping does not yet have a Little Red Book like chairman mao did with his thoughts on dpovrning and life, but xi jinpings life will be taught in chinese schools and challenging him is considered challenging communist party rule. When president xi revealed the new leaders of Chinas Communist Party today, there was no obvious successor, fueling speculation that he will try to stay in power indefinitely. Xi has been making the case that china needs a steady hand to continue to grow its economy, build its military and become a global superpower. State media is rapidly building a cultive personality around its leader, drawing comparisons to the larger than life chairman mao. The communist party has taken over nearly all of the billboards in beijing and large red banners above the freeways proclaim xis new era. The communist party is doubling down on propaganda, turning villages like this outside of beijing into commercials for the party, complete with a giant tv screen just to make sure everyone gets the message. In the past five years, xi jinping has remade china in his image, sidelined or jailed many of his rivals, and cracked down on public dissent. What xi jinping has tried to do is put the communist party back into the center of chinese political life and to impose much more control on what Party Members and citizens in general say, do and ultimately think as well. Reporter when President Trump comes to beijing next month, he is expected to press president xi on issues like trade and north korea, but unlike mr. Trump, who needs support from congress, president xi now has unilateral decisionmaking authority. Norah. A big story. Ben tracy in beijing, thank you. The faa is investigating another close call for an air canada jet at San Francisco international airport. 781, go around. Air canada, 781, go around. Air Traffic Controllers repeatedly told the flight crew not to land sunday because they were worried another plane wouldnt clear the runway in time. The jet landed anyway without incident. The flight crew said there was a radio problem. In a statement air canada said the crew was previously cleared to land and thats what they did. At the same airport in july, an air canada jet nearly landed on a taxiway where four planes were waiting. That was a very, very close call. I marvel at how calm air Traffic Control sounds in the face of impending disaster. You dont want them to sound hysterical, of course, but im always fascinated by how they do it so quickly and so calmly. Disaster averted there. Five High School Students are accused of murder by throwing a sixpound rock off an overpass. Ahead, what else investigators say the teen suspects threw at cars, and the victims father speaks out about losing his son. But first, i announcer this National Weather report sponsored by Brighthouse Financial. Established by metlife. By Brighthouse Financial, established by metlife. Witnessing the world series on the field means something more for two dodger ball girls. Ahead, how they returned to action after showing strength and a will to survive at the massacre in las vegas. Youre watching cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. Toyota. Lets go places. The all new 2018 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. Im and im an emt. Erer when i get a migraine at work, its debilitating. If i call out with a migraine, thats one less ambulance to serve a community. I just dont want to let these people down. Excedrin migraine. Relief that works as hard as you do. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all . 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Some people know how far they want to go. A personalized Financial Strategy can help you get them there. See how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Debris removal effort in store with the county opening up a righ good morning, its 7 26. Im michelle griego. Today in santa rosa, a massive debris removal effort with the county opening up a right of entry permit center. Homeowners can choose whether or not they want government help. The government is not charging individual residents for the service. Right now, oakland pd is searching for the suspect accused in a hitandrun that injured a police officer. Authorities say the driver hit the officers car last night near sunnyside street and 96th avenue. The officer was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Time now 7 27. Expect delays through the north bay this morning. Northbound 101, as you approach highway 12, a fatal accident still has two lanes blocked approaching the connector ramp. The ramp is open but there are slowdowns through rohnert park. Speeds drop just below 10 miles per hour. Over at the bay bridge toll plaza, 31minute ride. Those metering lights are on from the maze into San Francisco. And you have an additional travel time of 53 minutes to go from highway 4 over to the maze. Barely a ripple across the bay which means very calm conditions out there and, of course, clear skies. Temperatures comfortable in the 50s, mid60s already for San Francisco. We didnt get that much cooling overnight. Its all because of those dry east winds. They are continuing today. Calm throughout the rest of the bay area. Well see continued east wind and offshore flow today and our temperatures look like this. Down to the upper 70s low 80s at the beaches. Around the bay mid80s. Near recordbreaking conditions inland yet again. In game one of the world series, both teams were red hot literally with 103 degrees at Dodger Stadium yesterday, the highest temperature ever recorded for a postseason game. That did not bother l. A. Pitcher clayton kershaw. He strikes him out. Got him over the inside corner. The dodgers ace struck out 11 astros in just over seven innings. Game two is tonight and they say the temperatures are going to be again 100 degrees. It is hot. Houston is a bighitting team. They are. Well see how it goes. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Here are three things you should know. President trump is expected to sign a 36. 5 billion aid program today. More than 75 of puerto rico is still without power more than one month after Hurricane Maria blasted through the island. Mike pence broke a tie. Republicans argued the rule arguing the Consumer Protection bureau. Democrats say consumers should be allowed to sue Financial Companies for wrongdoing. They cited the massive Security Breach at equifax. Usa today reports the bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is dedicated to fighting and eradicating polio said, quote, we can see the end of wild polipoliovirus disease in country. Today there are only 12 documented cases in just two nations. Five High School Students in michigan are accused of throwing rocks off an overpass and killing a man. Kenneth white was 32yearold. Father of four children. He was riding home when a rock hit and killed him. The five suspects are 15 to 17 years old. Theyre all charged with at the jail. The others are at a juvenile detention facility. They were all arraigned yesterday and are being tried as adults. The five teenagers were expressionless as their lawyers entered not guilty pleas for them. Their disfraught families watched their proceedings. So did the father of kenneth white, the 32yearold victim. I buried my father, my mother, and a brother. This was the hard it thing. Reporter Police Say White was getting a ride home in a con straukz van. Thats when a sixpound rock was allegedly dropped from the overpass and crashed through the wind field. The father of four was struck in the face and a the chest. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. After the incident, the suspects went to mcdonalds. Investigators found at least 20 rocks on interstate 75. One weighed more than 20 pounds. Frank manly and fred meiers represent the families. The public things of them as bad and animalistic. Your honor, mr. Miller understands the serious nature of the charges he faces. Reporter the suspects face up to life in prison. Kenny white sr. , the victims fare, said thats not enough. Even if theyre in prinze, they g another. They were tee night bail and are due back in court. Very disturbing. One of the women accusing Harvey Weinstein she alleges he sexually abused her in 2010. She claims the Weinstein Company knew about his alleged behavior and she wants 5 million in damages. We asked the Weinstein Company for comment and have not heard back. A former production assistance mimi haley also accused Harvey Weinstein of assault yesterday. More than 60 women have publicly accused him of inappropriate conduct. The more you hear the latest charge its so disgusting you cant even talk about it on tv. The oldest Civil Rights Group is warning black passengers about flying with american airlines. The naacp says recent incidents suggest possible racial bias. They told travelers to use caution saying they could be sub jeked to disrespectful behavior. The airlines say we are disappointed to hear this two women at the dodger ball stadium talk about how they survived the Las Vegas Shooting and how the team rallied around them. The average ticket for tonights dodgers astros World Series Game is about 3,000. 3,000 for one ticket. Yeah, isnt that crazy . For that kinds of money, you could see half of hamilton. That plays expensive. 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And if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. If we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. Oh, my god. A british adventurer got a heal high as he strapped himself to a camping chair and let 100 helium balloons let him carry him 8,000 feet into the sky. 38yearold tom morganson spent two days inflating the ballooned. He soared in the sky for around 15 miles. His wife would have said, what are you doing . What was in those balloons . Okay. But hes safe. Dont try this at home. That falls in the category of not me. All right. The l. A. Dodgers first world series in 29 years is special for all their fans, but it means something more for two of the teams ball girls. They survived the shooting in las vegas where 58 people died. Jamie yuccas. Reporter they are proud to throw like girls. I think theyre always surprised when they see us throw for the first time, they think, oh, its a girl. Probably not going to be able to throw far, probably not going to be to throw far. We throw and theyre like whoa. Reporter the dodgers they help warm up before a game have become fans. Third basement Justin Turner is the comvp of the National League service champions. They dont oh throw like girls. They have good arms. Reporter there arent many with bucket seats for the world series. Its their job to protect fans from hardhit foul balls. Nice catch. They catch the foul balls, save the fans lives like its nothing. Those girls deserve a lot of credit. But earlier this month, there was no one to protect them. When gunfire erupted at the route 91 Harvest Festival in las vegas where they were in the middle of 22,000 concertgoers. The noise is how loud it was, we thought it was on the ground. I looked over and there are people falling from getting shot and getting trampled running towards us. Reporter they hid under a table before lessons from moores family kicked in. Her dad is a retired Los Angeles Police officer. Her brother kevin is currently on the force and was also at the concert. And i just remembered what my dad and brother had always told me, if anything like this were to happen, you cant just sit, you have to get up and run because youre sitting ducks. Reporter gripped by fear, they ran. Crashing through a barricade and scaling a sixfoot wall. In the smoecommotion, noor lost sandal and tore up her foot. I said i cant run anymore, and i said, here, jump on my back. And away we went. Reporter eventually they found kevin. She took off her belt to use as a tourniquet. When the dodgers learned the two survived, many reached out. Outfielder im so glad you made it out. Theyre still dealing with the emotional scars. Its hard to look back and, and believe we made it out. The survivors guilt is definitely something hard to deal with. Why did the person next to me lose their life and not me . The boys of summer brought them together, but in the aftermath of a national tragedy, they became sisters within the dodger family. Just the outpouring of support and love from dodger fans, from dodger employees was incredible. Were so fortunate and blessed to be a part of this organization. Reporter for cbs this morning, jamie yuccas, los angeles. Nice to see them doing well. Everybody was glad to see them out on the field. But we have to rethink what throw like a girl means. Thats right. Theyre showing girls have a pretty good throw. Nice to see them out and about and okay considering what theyve been through. Coming up, a look at this mornings other headlines, including a move to leave up the cost of visiting some of our National Parks. Why the entrance fee could more than double. 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Movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Dont back down from oic. Talk to your doctor about movantik. And how you can have a 0 copay. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Heres a look at some of this mornings headlines. Usa today says senior military officials have been sanctioned for more than 500 cases of serious misconduct in the past four years. About half of them were claims of personal or ethical violations. Many involve sex scandals and adulterous relationships. Officers have been reassigned with no Public Notice or announced punishments. In response, the pentagon says it takes officer misconduct seriously. Fbi documents released yesterday show that Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter adam lanza did not snap. It appears he started planning this attack 21 months before it took place. Lanza had a troubled relationship his mother. He had an interest in children that could be considered pedophilia and a fascination with past shootings. Lanza school six child and 21 school employees. Chicagos daly herald says wahl greens is stocking it is part of a plan to combat drug abuse. Narcan is used to reverse the effects of an opioid drug overdose. Wahl greens says it wants to make it easy for families and caregivers to help their loved ones. The Arizona Republic says the grand canyon and other National Parks are considering a steep increase in entry fees. The fee hike would apply to 17 popular parks. Visitors would be charged 70 per vehicle instead of 25 to 30. Fees would also go up for pedestrians and motorcyclists. The National Parks service says, our fees would raise 730 milli 730 70 million a year for maintenance. Time magazine says its illegal to cross the street and text in honolulu. Ban distracted walking as a way to keep pedestrians safe. First time violators can be fined up to 35. If pedestrians are caught breaking the law three times in a year, that fine jumps to 99. Listen, ive walked off a couple of curbs and you feel stupid because that can be prevented. I think this is a good way to remind us, dont do that. They say the deaths are up. I know. Its a bad thing. Regardless, youre not going to be texting, just looking at your phone. I know. Its stupid to do. Annie leibovits, taken news making photos for nearly 50 years. Ahead, in a rare interview with charlie, she shows charlie how her new book of portraits came together and how a change in culture is now affecting her work. Looking forward to that. We invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. Interviews, podcast original on itunes and apples podcast app. The all new 2018 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. Hi, im just looking at my account, and ive got all this extra cash back. Yep. Thats your Cashback Match. Only discover will automatically match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year. You matched everything i earned this year . Yeah. 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Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. For those affected by the wine country wildfires. Itll be at at andt park in san fran good morning, its 7 56. Im kenny choi. The rock band metallica has a benefit concert to help those affected by the wine country wildfires. It will be at at t park in San Francisco on november 9th. Dave matthews and other artists will also take part. The Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department says that a man has been arrested after deputies found 80,000 in stolen checks in his car. He also reportedly found mail from more than 100 homes in saratoga, los gatos and san jose. Stick around; well have traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning a Traffic Alert is in effect for drivers northbound 101 due to a fatal crash just before highway 12. Two lanes remain closed. And emergency crews as well as tow trucks are on the scene. We are now getting reports of a crash in the southbound direction. Its not blocking any lanes but its right in the same location southbound 101 right near highway 12. So do expect slowdowns there. Northbound 101 near tully road we have two lanes blocked due to a crash. Over an hour from hellyer to san antonio. Good morning. It is clear out there again today. Its going to be hot again today. We have broken a lot of records yesterday and already this morning, temperatures feeling comfortable. Now is the time to get outside and enjoy the outdoors because its going to be toasty again. We have east returns with dry conditions and dropping humidity. It wont be as hot as what we had yesterday. Heres a look at some of the temperatures at the beaches. Upper 70s low 80s. 90s inland. Warm through friday, cooling through the weekend. Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is wednesday, october 25, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Ahead, a retiring republican senator wants people to say enough to President Trump. How the gop feud could affect the president s agenda. Plus, photo legend Annie Liebovitz tells charlie about her years at Rolling Stone magazine and traveling with the Rolling Stone. First, here is todays eye opener at 8 00. A republican senator is making an extraordinary direct challenge to President Trumps legitimacy. Things further this time, heading to the senate floor to call the president dangerous to dems. Democracy. I think we have a responsibility as elected officials to speak out when behavior is beyond the pale. Since january, have gained credibility. With new ties to the Clinton Campaign, the president s supporters are calling the Russian Investigation partisan. Chinas president won a new term in Office Overnight, ending the twice a Decade Congress party. Xi jinpings ideas will be taught in chinese schools. Dodgers end game one. In game one of the world series both teams were redd hot literally. It was 103 degrees at the stadium yesterday. The highest temperature ever recorded for a postseason game. It was so hot at the world series players were trying to pull a groin muscle just so they could put an ice pack on it. It was so hot at the world series all of the Baseball Players took a knee, but just from heat stroke. It was so hot at the world series every one at the game was hoping to this relief pitcher. Hey im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. President trump is firing back this morning after extraordinary criticism from republican senators jeff flake and bob corker. After announcing plans to retire, both are raising doubts about mr. Trumps fitness to serve. The president tweeted, the reason flake and corker dropped out of the senate race is very simple. They had zeer ee chonro chance elected. Now act so hurt and wounded. Flake said it is a moment to stand up to the president. We must stop pretending the degradation of our politics and some of the conduct in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. And flake writes in this mornings Washington Post, nine months is more than enough for us to say loudly and clearly, enough. Makes attack came hours after President Trump sparred with senator corker who called the senator untruthful. Good morning, nancy on capitol hill. Reporter good morning. They have called out the president before but say they have more freedom to do so now that theyve both decided not to run for reelection. They did not hold back. Corker essentially called the president a habitual liar who is a bad role model for children and debasing the nation, while flake said the president is dangerous to democracy itself and that republicans who dont speak out are complicit. This criticism did not come up when the president had lunch with Senate Republicans here on the hill yesterday. He later called it a lovefest withstanding ovations that we could hear from outside the room. Now, flakes retirement has come as something of a surprise up here on capitol hill. He had already raised 3. 4 million for next years race, but a recent poll did peg his Approval Rating in arizona at just 30 and he was facing a tough primary challenge from a steve bannonbacked candidate named kelly ward. A source close to bannon tells us he sees these retirements as the latest in a series of wins which includes his candidate, roy moore, unseating the incumbent in alabamas Senate Primary just a couple of weeks ago. Senate republican leader Mitch Mcconnell has made it clear he thinks bannons strategy is a recipe for republican losses in the general election, and he made a point, gayle, of going to the senate floor to praise flake after that speech yesterday, calling flake a very fine man with high principles. We saw that. Thank you, nancy. Cbs news contributor ed okeefe is a congressional reporter for the Washington Post, joins us at the table to discuss. Ed, what a day yesterday on the capitol. Whew. I know, whew is what everybody was saying. Listen, jeff flake says now is the time, enough, people need to stand up. Do you think it will have an impact knowing or we keep hearing that many people feel privately what jeff flake, what bob corker and to some degree what john mccain are saying out loud . I think the dam is starting to break a little bit. The fact you have seen former president bush last week give an address, didnt use the president s name but certainly alluded to him. John mccain has been at it for several months. Bob corker has been saying what he is saying, and jeff flake is now saying publicly what he has been saying privately for more than a year in addition to public criticism. Will others join in . We will see. What do you think i think the fact that so many yesterday i mean there were colleagues of his sitting in the seats kind of near tears because they understand what is going on right now is, as he said, not normal. It is seriously eroding the fabric of the country. I suspect we will see some more speak up. Here is what interesting. Tom freedman writes today, talking in a letter to mcmaster im sorry, to the secretary of defense, james mattis, saying, i need you need to lead them in telling trump if he does not change his ways you will quit en masse. If it comes to those people then we are in trouble. Thats what members of congress have been saying. For a long time they saw Reince Priebus as an ally in the white house. He is gone. Now they look to the three that run National Security and believe theyre the last best hope. What does flakes resigning do in terms of changing the system . It allows him to speak up and potentially it allows him to vote against some of what the president would like to see done. It is important to remember, he is not a moderate mainstream republican. He is an awfully nice guy, goodlooking, whatever. But libertarian, staunchly conservative, especially on fiscal matters. Is he a budget hawk. He is. He does not like the idea of deficit spending. He wants to maintain Global Trading deals, all of that an agent emma to the president. Steve bannon and supporters in the white house are saying, listen, he had no chance of winning anyway. So steve bannon and his forces are taking credit for forcing this retirement. Do you think they have a point . In the case of arizona, there was actually a foot before bannon started. Kelly ward ran against this is the woman running against jeff flake in the primary, had done this against john mccain. Now with President Trump in office she was making ideological argument against jeff flake. He was down double digits to her and probably would have been under water in a general election against a moderate Democratic Congress woman who is going to run for the senate seat last year. Here is a question we asked senator flake. Do you think it will change the president in any way. You saw the tweet this morning that suggests no, and you saw the white house reaction yesterday that said these guys are sore losers. Theres no indication that will happen. I think it is important to note flake told you guys theres no grounds for impeachment, no reason to use the 25th amendment, but there are reasons perhaps republicans and others to speak up more forcefully against him. Matt okeefe, thanks for joining us. We appreciate it members of Congress Want to know how a tiny Montana Company was awarded a 300 Million Contract to restore power in puerto rico. When hurricane malia slammed puerto rico and knocked out power to millions, White Fish Energy had only two employees. While the company is now hiring hundreds of workers on the island, members of the House Committee want to know if the choice was cost effective. White fish energy is based in interior ryan zinkes hometown of white fish, montana. The Department Said zenke did not play a role in the contract. Puerto ricos governor has ordered a review of the contract, but he says Whitefish Energy was the one company that did not require a down payment. This story was first broken in the Washington Post. The mission to protect the u. S. From threats in space begins 2,000 feet underground. We will take you inside the bunker where Government Agencies monitor threats behind two 25ton doors. First, it is 8 08, world famous photographer Annie Liebovitz experienced the rock and roll life in 1975 when she was on tour with the Rolling Stones. I was kind of like bright eyed. You know, like i couldnt believe, you know, everything that i was walking into. You mean did that begin with Rolling Stone when you were hanging out with two of the biggest rock and roll i wasnt really hanging out. You were hanging out. I never hung out. Come on. I never ahead, liebovitz opens up about how she matured over the years and how her work has evolved. Youre watching cbs this morning. Volatile markets. Something we all think about as we head into retirement. Its why Brighthouse Financial is committed to help protect what youve earned and ensure it lasts. Introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. While maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. And you look amazing. Lyt dates. Comfortable. Azing. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know its halfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth. And strengthen fibers. So, dont halfwash it. Downy and its done. With moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis . How do you chase what you love do what i did. Ask your doctor about humira. Its proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist about humira. This is humira at work. Congress is debating the first new branch of the u. S. Military in 70 years. Some lawmakers want to create a space corps with a mission to protect america in outer space. The pentagon spent 22 billion last year on space defense, and military basin side colorados Cheyenne Mountain plays a Critical Role in the strategy. Breanna golodryga visited. This is truly the city that never sleeps. It is said that colorados Cheyenne Mountain air force station acts like the human brain stem. The survival bunker pulls in information, makes sense of it and passes it along to the brain or our countrys decisionmakers. Theres also good reason Cheyenne Mountain is known as americas fortress. It is the nerve center for the blanket of defense for the u. S. That nerve center is here in colorado springs, an impenetrable fortress beneath 2,000 feet of granite. Colonel robert mousse commands the Mission Support group at Cheyenne Mountain. We provide 24 7 global watch on all Ballistic Missile threats. The centers that are global are feeding data into Cheyenne Mountain that is processed and disseminated to national leader. This complex was built at the height of the cold war to defend against longrange soviet bombers. Cold wars tensions have thawed, but russia and china are developing technology that could disable or destroy americas satellites and north korea has launched a litany of missile tests. Is this facility still equipped to handle what weve seen happen throughout the last 40 years . It is. It is designed to be a survivable High Altitude lekry cal magnetic pulse. It is survivable so the various Government Agencies inside can surveilled the skies and provide security to the u. S. And canada. If a foreign country attacks the american heartland, two 25ton doors would seal the mountain and everyone inside the base within 40 seconds. Since the cold war has there been a need or a threat or a scare to where both doors have been closed . September 11, 2001, is the only time theyve been closed. There was an aircraft out of san diego that we lost contact with. It was heading towards colorado so we closed the blast doors. Reporter this is a small underground, windowless city. There is a hospital. And a Fire Department. Firefighter Carrie Thompson runs drills so he and colleagues are prepared to respond to medical emergencies. We went up and secured to a backboard and brought him down. Reporter that we have heard has actually happened. Absolutely, yes. It is something we train on and it happens. Reporter if theres a seismic event like an earthquake, more than 1300 rolled steel springs isolate the buildings. The buildings will sway in their chambers and still continue to go on mission. Reporter despite the gravitydefying efforts gravity takes over and refills the reservoir for us. Reporter some congressional leaders accuse the pentagon of not doing enough to prioritize space. The house adopted a version of the National Defense authorization act this summer which calls for the creation of a new combatready space corps by 2019. The senates version of the bill prohibits this, pitting the two chambers on a collision course over space. So the first indication of a launch comes from our satellites. Reporter general jay raymond heads up u. S. Space command and is opposed to creating a separate space corps. Reporter how worried are you and what do you say to those who may argue we have dropped the ball . The air force has been leaders in space for over 60 years. We have the worlds best Space Capabilities without a doubt, and today theres nothing we do as a joint force that isnt enabled by space. Our potential adversaries have had a front row seat and have watched us integrate Space Capabilities to great advantage. To be honest, they probably dont like what they see. Reporter and yet it may surprise you space is a bit like the wild west. There is no agreedupon code of conduct. There is a 1967 u. N. Treaty that calls for the peaceful use of outer space, but there are more players today than ever battling for the skies. 350 people or so work there on the weekdays, 150 on the weekends, and they gave me a parting gift. A bit of Cheyenne Mountain for cbs this morning. We will keep it here. There you go. Look, charlie. Look at that. It could make a beautiful necklace. And add to the gayle collection. There you go, gayle. Thank you very much, bianna. Good to see you. Albert einstein is famous for his theory of relativity, but did you know he had a theory about happiness . Ahead, the handwritten note put up for auction and bought by someone who thought einsteins advice, well, was worth a whole lot of money. Big bucks paid for this. Youre watching cbs this morning. We will be right back. Is morning. Well be right back. Bucks for this. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. Olay regenerist shatters the competition. Hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. For skin that looks younger than it should. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay regenerist. Ageless. Irk wow nice outfit. When i grow up, im going to mars. Were working on that. Some people know how far they want to go. A personalized Financial Strategy can help you get them there. See how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Albert einstein saw how the universe worked, but he also had a vision of happiness. A note from the scientist sold for 1. 3 million yesterday at an auction in jerusalem. Ienstein reportedly wrote it in 1922 while staying at a japanese hotel. He just learned he would earn an ward for physics. He gave was broke and gave it a tip. It seems ironic. Lets have a calm and modest night and it sells for 1 million. We shout put that on instagram and see if people agree with that. Im not sure i agree with it. I like calm, im not sure about the modest life. You are modest. Sometimes. Yeah, sometimes. Have you seen my shoes . I get your point. They are lovely. New york times Thomas Freeman says he likes it when people show up late. Man. Who admitted to firing the shot that killed a woman er 14. Good morning. Im kenny choi. Take marks day 3 in the murder trial of the illegal immigrant who admitted to firing the shot that killed kate steinle on pier 14. The lawyer for Jose Inez Garcia Zarate says that his client found the handgun under a bench on the pier and then accidentally shot her. Uber is sued by two former female engineers alleging Workplace Discrimination and unfair pay for women according to a tech news website. The women say they were paid less than men in similar roles. Raffic and weather in just a moment. Disease good morning. Time now 8 27. We continue to track delays for drivers heading to the north bay a third crash in the same location as this fatal accident we have been tracking all morning long. We have slowdowns in both directions northbound 101 approaching highway 12, two lanes remain blocked and a new crash just made it northbound in an earlier southbound direction cleared over to the shoulder. Its going to be about 45 minutes for drivers heading southbound out of novato towards 580 sir francis drake. You can see traffic there in the middle of your screen, thats heading southbound direction along 101. Westbound 237 at zanker, an earlier motorcycle accident, no longer blocking lanes. We still have speeds dropping below 10 miles per hour. Its about 20 minutes from 880 over to 101. San mateo bridge35 minutes. And oakland, were looking at delays 43 minutes from 238 to the maze. Jampacked over at the toll plaza, 26 minutes into San Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge sure looks pretty, nothing blocking it as far as marine layer or clouds. Not going to see that for a while. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s right now. Santa rosa cool at 49 degrees. East winds are calm right now. They are starting to pick up from the north at sfo six miles per hour. But the rest of the bay area looking like calm conditions but the direction of that wind flow is still going to be offshore. So off of that dry desert land, bringing in more heat and more dry conditions. Expect humidity levels to drop and the High Pressure will stick around. Its slowly moving its way off california. But we are going to see our temperatures staying almost near recordbreaking temperatures. We broke a lot of records yesterday. Low 90s for the north bay hills, mid80s around the bay and 70s at the beaches. So this is about 15 to 20 degrees above average. Oh, you brought butch. Yeah butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Look at that. That is gorgeous. The the skating rining is open p the leaves are changing colors. Tony gets very upset if you dont take the cue right away. I was marveling about the beauty of the colors. Hes trying to do his job. And im trying to do mine. Exactly. And were both doing just fine. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Right now its time to show you some of this mornings headlines. The wall street journal says people are getting close. The 2018 winter games open in february. That city is just 40 miles from the dmz. The the olympic flames was lit yesterday in greece. Ticket sales in south korea have been slow. The New York Daily News says lord taylor is selling its flagship store. We work is paying 850 million for it. Lord and taylor will remain a small amount of space in the nearly 100yearold billing to keep the store open. The conversion to office space is another sign that brick and Mortar Retail sales are declining. For the record, let me say i love lord taylor. Me too. Sglnchts the the temperatures in the east have soared in the 70s. The times says hotumn is when its late in october and were still wearing shorts and hitting the beach. And apple. I found its like life in your pocket. Its one of the Technological Advancements in 2007, the same year that saw amazons kindle. This combination of events led Thomas Friedman to call the year a technological inflection point. This skbi nation let Thomas Freedman to call the year a technological ib flexion point. He said that in his latest book. The book is called thank you for being late an optimists guide to thriving in the age of accelerations. Its now available in paperback. Its shaping our world today. Tom friedman, were pleased to have you here. Thank you. You have a column. You simply write a letter to the secretary of defense, mr. Mattis, secretary mattis, and you say to him, secretary mattis, we dont need any more diagnosis of the problem. We need action. You need a coup. You need to tell President Trump if he doesnt change his ways you will all quit enmass. You say thats how you talk to a bully. Thats the only language he understands. We have seen in the last few weeks, we have seen senator corker come out give a diagnosis that the president is disturbed. Its an adult daycare senator. We saw senator flake do the same thing. Everyone is giving us diagnoses, but theres actually no action around it. I still think the impeachment, 25th amendment, is really unlikely, but i do think people have credibility inside the administration and theres really just one general left standing and thats secretary of defense mattis who could have an impact. How do we know theyre not trying now, doing the best they can . I think thats a very good question and that may well be going on. Im sure theyre as frightened by the things theyre seeing especially with the bit political buildups like north korea talked about that they have to be frightened. On the other hand, he has a lot of support. Some say hes gone in there to do exactly what the people elected him to do. What do you say to that . You know, gayle, came from london late last night and what i saw in london, theyre dealing with this brexit. Pulling out of the european union. Brexit is what happens when you follow the advice of someone who has no second paragraph. So there are all these people who called for brexit in london, boris johnson. It turned out they had no idea what to do the morning after. All his ideas sound great. Do this, do that. But these people have no second paragraph. When you follow people with no second paragraph, brexit is what you get. There are a lot of brits saying what do you do now starting with the prime minister. What is next . That was very interesting. You have the danger of the same thing here. In a time of acceleration, you know, which is really what the book is about small errors in navigation can have huge consequences. You get wrong, you recover. When we go through all of these rabid changes and a bad leader, you can get so far off track that the pain can be enormous. Its so interesting. When something gets analyzed in 140 words and we put it up on the screen like its a statement when its really kind of a blurting. Thats no way to run a railroad let alone a country. You traveled to china where they just had the 19th party congress. Where is china today in terms of a path to the future. What you sense with china, the leaders wake up every day and ask one thing. What world am i living in, whats the biggest trends in the world. Its always in climate change, globalization, technology. Then theyre saying how do i get the best out o these and cushion the worst. You dont have that feeling here, that these leaders are waking up and saying what world do we live in. The republicans are pushing for tax cuts. Is that the right thing . Wrong thing . No ones giving us a diagnosis of heres where we are. Heres how we get the best out of. Pst thats whoo i try to do in the book. Do you have a message . Yesterday jeff flake said what will we have to say to generations to come. When we look bab at this time period. And well be held accountable. For parents i have a quote in the book from my friend Heather Mcgowan when things get really fast. In the age of acceleration, dont ask your kids what they want to be when they grow up. Other than policeman and fireman, the jobs wont be here. Only ask your kid how you want to be when you grow up. Will you have an agile mind . The days to get a fouryear degree and expect to dine out on that for 30 years is over. What you learn in your first year of college, may be outdated by your fourth. What i try to talk about is how you inspire people to be lifelong learners and get government to incentivize that. And the type of person you want to be. I like to see someone whos on time. You know, the book is about everything thats old and slow. Old and slow stuff is better more than ever. I like a 15minute grace period. Always better to be on time. Thank you, thomas. Thank you for being late. Its wherever you want to buy books. Annie leibovitz considers herself an artist. Everybody else does too. Not just a photographer. How she got her own life into focus. But first at 8 38, a check of your local weather. For almost five decades photographer Annie Leibovitz has built a portfolio that could serve as a chronicle for american culture. She started in 1970 as a photo journalist for Rolling Stone magazine. She earned a reputation as a relentless perfectionist by way of her stylist high concept settings. The library of congress designated her a living legend. She spoke with us late last month in her new york office about her newest book of portraits, her life and her remarkable work. I Love Photography and i eat it up. I feel like an encyclopedia inside. I photographed the queen and she said to me, annie, youve really got to find your own way. Is that the way she talks. Annie, you must find your own way. Your majesty, im going to ask you to look to your left. There are few kinds of royalty that Annie Leibovitz has not photographed. Her subjects are some of the most prominent people in the world, famous athletes, actors, president s, and businessmen turned president s. Sit down in palm beach. Her latest works are from 2005 through 2015 in which culture was shifting in a way we didnt quite take in. Why now . Whats the story of this book . Well, over a year ago, must have been august, like three months before the election, and i thought, you know, i think i should try to put a book out, and it would end with Hillary Clinton in the white house. That would be my ending. That was your plan. That was my plan. And then we had an election. Then we had an election. I think in the last 20 or 30 pages you can feel me like not knowing where to go, what to do. I was throwing everything. I shout kate mckinnon, oprah, bruce springsteen. We had to pick ourselves up. As one of the most sought after in the world, she worked with celebrities in their own right. How did they define you . How are they part of the definition of you . After 13 years it was really hard for anyone to tell me what to do. They were smart enough to know, to let me go do what i do and find my way. And you were tough enough to be able to do it. I love my work. Reporter her work began in 1970 in the capital of San Francisco. In just three years at 24, she was Rolling Stones chief photographer. In 1975 he personally asked leibovitz to swap the magazine for the band. I was bright eyed. I couldnt believe everything i was walking into. Did they begin with Rolling Stone . Rolling stone. You were hanging out with two of the biggest rock and roll stars. I was a photographer. You were hanging out. No, no. I never hung out. Come on. I never hung out. You were part of a thing. Oh, my god. I did not hang out. It was a rolling caravan and you were a part of it. I wept on tour with them. In 1975 i was the tour photographer for them. I hung onto my camera for dear life. Because what . It was a security blanket . No, because it scared the hell out of me. She left the tour with a drug addiction that took years to overcome but found stability in steady portrait work and then in her longtime partner writer susan sontag. I thought about this relationship with susan and i thought, oh, god, this means im going to have to be good, its going to have to be about my work. Because she wouldnt have it any other way . Thats right. Shes tough. She set a bar. She definitely set a bar. She didnt have to she didnt have to do much to set a bar. I mean she was the bar. Their 15year relationship ended when susan died from cancer in 2004. Her death marked a new period of hardship for leibovitz. She lost both of her parents and was millions of dollars in debt. I would do assignments and pay for them myself. Had no regard for money, for business. Well, that is completely not happening anymore. You know, i worked really hard and picked it all up and understand my business so much more. Reporter at 68 leibovitz lived with her three daughters in new york city and worked in an office downtown. For all the change her world has met with over the years, she said she finds herself increasingly prepared for it. I feel more like a creative artist because the digital work is so interesting now. So the first word for you now is artist, not photographer. Thank you. Yes. I would like that. An artist who uses a camera. Thats your brush. Thats your pen. Its come to that. I have had many different stages of photographer as there are many different ways to take photographs, but i feel now im in that stage of my life where i use the camera, you know, in that way. I think you have said this, and i hope you have. Me, too, the way youre saying it. You welcome age and learn from age. I have said that. I think its not talked about enough, how interesting it is. I do too. I really do. Yeah. It is really exciting. It doesnt mean youre going to necessarily take a better photograph, but you know what youre doing. Its just great. I love it. I just love her, by the way. I just love her. You could tell. You could tell the two of you had something very special. She welcomes age and learns from age. Its only those of us over 60 who say that. But i happen to think its true. I do too. I happen to think its true. As long as you have your health. Youre absolutely right. When you look at the photographs, theres so many we recognize and go, oh, yeah, she did that, she did that. Shes awesome. Shes not only good. Shes wise. Annie leibovitz portraits 2005 to 2016 is on sale now. Fiona, ahead fiona photo bombs a couple of precious moments. Thats hilarious. Shes smiling. You can get more of our cbs this morning on apples ipodcasts. Nicholas kristof talks about his recent trip to north korea. Today, a recent trip to north korea. My name is jamir dixon and im a locate and Mark Fieldman for pg e. Most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Cpresented bye cotarget. Food has the power to transform lives. With the help of target, the San Francisco Marin Food Bank addresses hunger headon in the community. Our food pantries are vibrant. People feel welcomed, and theyre being respected. It helps our team members see the work that they do in the store every day. How that actually relates to their communities. Cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. What if Home Security was different . What if it looked different . What if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it. What if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. What if it gave you time, and what you really need from Home Security. A sense of security. This couple will never forget how they got engaged. He got down on a knee. Fiona was right there when she said yes, pressing hur face against the glass as a witness. Look at all the rolls in her neck. I love the name fiona and love that smile look at that face. Thanks so much for joining hey grandpa. Hey, kid. Really good to see you. You too. You tell grandma you were going fishing again . Maybe. vo the best things in life keep going. Thats why i got a subaru, too. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Toxic sweep will begin in fire ravaged areas of Sonoma County. Where thousands of homes were destroyed in this months wildfires. Federal, state an good morning. Today a governmentrun toxic sweep will begin in fire ravaged areas of Sonoma County where thousands of homes were destroyed in the wildfires. Federal, state and local Officials Say the massive clean up effort will likely go on until early next year. Right now oakland pd is searching for the suspect accused in a hitandrun that injured a police officer. Authorities say the driver hit the officers car last night near sunnyside street and 96th avenue. The officer was taken to the hospital and is expected to recover. Soon it will be easier for people in San Francisco to know if the meat they are eating was raised on antibiotics. Starting in six months, store chains that sell raw meat and poultry will be required to list antibiotics on the labels. Local butchers are exempt. Stay with us; weather and traffic in just a moment. All lanes have just reopened along northbound 101 approaching highway 12 after a fatal crash had shut them down for most of the morning. Still seeing delays along that stretch. All lanes of traffic heading northbound 101 near central san rafael excuse me, all but one lane blocked on northbound 101. This is all due to a crash, emergency crews on the scene. You can see this crash is backing things up on the Richmond San Rafael bridge and westbound 101. Just to go from 580 to 37, about 15 minutes. You can see emergency crews are on the scene. And traffic getting by in just those right lanes there. So do expect delays and possibly avoid the area if you can. Again, thats 101 at central san rafael. Lets check in with neda now on the forecast. Nothing will be blocking your views as you take a look towards the skyline today. Yeah, plenty of sunshine out there. Temperatures expected to be about 15 to 20 degrees above average. So another hot day. That offshore wind is still around. And its going to keep our temperatures warm through the end of the week. Right now concord already bumped up to 64 degrees. San francisco 66. San jose 66, as well. High temperatures in the 70s through 90s. Wayne highpitched ohoh jonathan its a trip to australia tiffany australian accent its a diamond ring wayne in french accent you said that before. Say it again. Going for the big deal, baby. Wayne youve got the big deal jonathan chuckles tiffany hello . Open the box wayne you won a car you did it screaming jonathan im vanilla pudding. Wayne dreams do come true jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, america, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady, thanks for tuning in. Who wants to make a deal . The cow, come on, cow, everybody else, sit down, lets get to it. Lets get to it. cheering and applause wayne hello. Is it shahna or shayna . Shayna. Wayne shana, nice to meet you, shana, where are you from . Where are you from . Im from madison, wisconsin. Wayne what do you do back in madison . Im a nurse that works in transplants. Wayne give her a big round of applause

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