I would suggest, conservatively, that half of the people here in the jail shouldnt be here. The county sheriff, tom dart, says the jail has become a dumping ground for the poor and mentally ill. If theyre gonna make it so that i am gonna be the Largest Mental Health provider, were gonna be the best ones. Were going to treat em as a patient while theyre here. We are gonna think differently Greg Glassman hardly looks like an exercise guru. There is no hint of ripped muscle underneath his uncut shirt, but he is widely considered the most powerful man in fitness today. You like metrics, you like money . We are the Fastest Growing large chain on earth. We have broken all records. In 17 years, the king of crossfit has created the largest gym chain in history. She was meant to look like that. That is what nature would have carved from her a million years ago. Or she would have been eaten. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im sharyn alfonsi. 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Kroft the name bloomberg is a worldwide brand that could refer to a number of things a cable channel; a radio network; a news service; a magazine; or, a 75yearold former mayor of new york, who founded the Bloomberg Financial media empire and flirted with running for president. According to forbes magazine, Michael Bloomberg is the 10th richest man in the world, and one of a growing number of extremely wealthy people who plan to give most of their money away, releasing a torrent of private philanthropy that is already having an impact on the country. Of that group, Michael Bloomberg is one of the most interesting and straightforward, and this past spring, he agreed to talk to us about how he came to accumulate 47 billion, and what he hopes to accomplish by giving it away. Michael bloomberg oh, its more money than anybody could possibly spend on themselves. The issue is, what can you do with it . You cant take it with you. Although, i have a cartoon at home of a guy on his death bed in a hospital with the rails around, and his family looking down like vultures. And he looks up and he says, i know i cant take it with me, but i can take the access code. laughter kroft at 75, Mike Bloomberg, as he likes to be called, is a long way from retirement. Most days, youll find him in the gleaming ozlike tower that bears his companys name a highenergy, egalitarian workplace, at the crossroads of media, Information Technology and capitalism. This is an incredible building, office building. It looks like i dont know what it looks like. Bloomberg what im tryin to do is to create excitement. So people say, my goodness, whats going on here . Theres Something Different about this company. The employees, you want them to get psyched. And its a chance to meet each other. My job is to get people to work together. Kroft with free food and no offices, even for bloomberg, this might be considered one of the worlds great Corporate Headquarters if it werent for the fact that bloomberg l. P. Is not a corporation. Its a limited partnership, a private company, and 85 of all of this and a lot more, belongs to Mike Bloomberg. Is this is a Technology Company . Is it an Information Company . Bloomberg yes and yes. We try to get information people need, store it, present it, and let you use it. Kroft when bloomberg started out as a clerk on the wall street trading desk of Salomon Brothers in 1966, he thought there must be a better way to get uptotheminute Financial Data than combing through the wall street journal. He spent 15 years trying to convince his partners at salomon that computers could be the answer. When they fired him in 1981, he used his 10 million severance to hire three young engineers and launch his startup. Bloomberg when i started the company, it was before p. C. s were invented. I know you dont think there was a day. We literally built our own. And the internet hadnt been invented, so we created our own. Wed rent a telephone line and then had a little device that let you branch out when you got to chicago or wherever. Kroft ever since then, Mike Bloomberg has pretty much done things the way he wants to. Bloomberg where else have you seen a curved escalator . We needed a curved one. It fit into the space, and the architect said, doesnt exist. And i said, you go to japan, youll find a curved one. And they did, of course. Kroft bloomberg has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins university, and it is that discipline of an engineer that defines his character and personality detached, analytical, pragmatic. These are some of the words that people have used to describe you. Tell me bloomberg are these all my relatives, or . laughs kroft no, no, no. No. I dont think so. Well, maybe. laughter bloomberg depends whether its good or bad. Kroft blunt. Bloomberg i tend to be reasonably blunt, maybe a little bit too much. But i just i always respected people that tell the truth. And ive always wanted people to tell me the truth. Kroft selfconfident. Bloomberg reasonably self confident. Been successful. Dont think that im id im infallible. I will always make mistakes. Kroft arrogant. Youve certainly heard people say that. Bloomberg i suppose i come across that way, sometimes. But my mother would have told me, dont. Kroft even his late mother would probably forgive him for the occasional lapse of humility, given the size and the scope of the bloomberg empire. Nearly 20,000 employees in 192 locations around the world, gathering, writing, transmitting, and analyzing information that will move markets. Bloomberg these people are doing oneminute Radio Business updates for a hundred different radio stations around the country. Kroft but the real money and most of the profits come from a mysterious piece of equipment known as the bloomberg terminal, that sits on the desks of titans and traders this is my desk. Kroft all over the world. Bloomberg sound, pictures, graphics, tabular data. Different ways to look at the markets. Kroft its really a customized keyboard and closely guarded proprietary software, linked to a private computer network, that provides a volume of data thats unavailable anywhere else. Live streams from 300 stock exchanges, curated tweets, the exact location of oil tankers around the world. The kind of stuff 325,000 professionals pay 25,000 to rent for one year. If you do the math, it adds up to about 8 billion. Bloomberg but lets say you want to look at a stock. General motors, for example. Kroft after using his fingerprint to log onto his account, bloomberg gave us a peek behind the curtain. Bloomberg on the left are all of the companies that sell parts to General Motors. And on the right are all of the companies that buy General Motors output, generally cars. The different indices that General Motors stock is in. Here are the other companies that compete with them. Here are the big holders of their stock, analysts that follow it, whos on the board, who works in the company. Kroft why has nobody else done this . Bloomberg for an individual company to do it, its probably too expensive, unless its your business. This is our business. Kroft bloomberg has not only left his mark on wall street, he has left it on new york city. He took us up in a Company Helicopter he was piloting to have a look. Bloomberg laguardia, helicopter number six mike victor. Kroft the thing he likes best about flying, he said, is, if you dont follow the rules, you die. By 2001, bloomberg was already worth 5 billion, and looking for a new challenge. He wanted to run something big, like the u. N. Or the world bank. He settled on new york city, taking leave from his job and spending a quarter of a billion dollars of his own money to get himself elected mayor three times. Bloomberg here is the new world trade center. You can see the big Tall Building and others. Kroft right. The first time he was elected was just two month after 9 11, he managed the resurrection from the rubble. Bloomberg right through there you can see the oculus, which is this big shopping thing. This whole part of manhattan before was sort of desolate after 9 11. We now have 25 hotels. Now its a bustling Residential Community as well. Kroft he saw the city through the economic crisis of 2008, and while he was mayor, development and construction boomed and the crime rate dropped. Bloomberg hudson yards, which is this big development. Phenomenally successful development. Created an enormous amount of jobs, enormous amount of new office space. Kroft he was sometimes ridiculed for his Public Health war on smoking, trans fats and soft drinks, but he points out, Life Expectancy of new yorkers increased by three years while he was in office. Did you enjoy your time as mayor . Bloomberg loved every minute of it. Its a wonderful job. The challenges are enormous, but you have a great opportunity to make a difference. Kroft he was successful enough in the job to twice consider running for president , but he was never able to find a solid constituency in either party. Last year, he thought about running as an independent, and was prepared to spend 1 billion of his fortune to get elected, aides say. Hed even decided on retired admiral mike mullen as a running mate. And you came close. You looked at it. But you didnt pull the trigger. Bloomberg if i thought we could win, or had a reasonable chance, i would have done it. It would be totally unlikely, very unlikely that an independent could win. And in my case, i was mayor for a long time. People know where i stand. I couldnt pretend to be something im not. For the republicans, im pro choice, progay rights, pro immigration. Thats a good start there. Youll never get their nomination. On the democratic side, i believe in teacher evaluation. The big banks, we need to help them rather than just keep tryin to tear them down. Those are not particularly things that will help you get the nomination. Kroft he campaigned hard against donald trump, his new york rival in the general election, calling him a con man at the Democratic Convention in philadelphia. Bloomberg im a new yorker, and i know a con when i see one kroft have you spoken to trump since hes in the white house . Bloomberg yes, once i called him and congratulated him. We joked about my speech in philadelphia. And before he finished the conversation, he gave me his personal phone number, his cell phone. I havent called him, so i dont know if whether hed answer it now. But hes i hope he does a good job. Kroft youre not going to run for office again . Bloomberg well, im 75 years old. Itd be an age issue, i suppose. Ive got plenty of things to do. And maybe ill run for president of my block association, but not much more than that. Kroft bloomberg remains incredibly influential, and was received as a world leader when he traveled abroad for meetings on climate change. He is still trying to make a difference, and using his incredible wealth to do it. Almost all of his fortune will end up with his charitable foundation. Hes already given away more than 5 billion to causes that often dovetail with his political interests. There is now a fairly crowded field out there, of people who are incredibly wealthy, that are giving money to advance their own political agendas. Bloomberg well, if they if the projects kroft the koch brothers, for one. Or george soros. Bloomberg i know george soros, and i know the koch brothers. And, while i dont agree with any of those three on a lot of things, i think its fair to say, because i know them reasonably well, they really believe and they really are trying to do something. They really want to change the world. You, for example, in the northeast, couldnt get treated for cancer at any Major University or hospital without being in a koch cancer building. Theyve given an enormous amount of money. And if you get cancer, you should start saying thank you to the kochs. Kroft to some, its just another example of the super wealthy having a disproportionate influence on political debate and public opinion. Bloomberg has spent a billion dollars trying to get people to quit smoking, 135 million to battle the n. R. A. On gun control, and a 100 million to assist the sierra club and its lawyers in shutting down more than 250 coalfired plants. Youre not out of the political arena altogether. Youre, youre very active in a number of issues, coal and the environment being one of them right now bloomberg yeah. Coal is a very dirty fuel. Its been killing people. Around the world, people are saying, no more coal. Kroft in new a book with carl pope, bloomberg writes, i dont have much sympathy for industries whose products leave behind a trail of diseased and dead bodies. Hes more sympathetic to the miners. Bloomberg coal miners have lost their jobs. Its very tragic, and we have to do something about it. Technologys come in. Technology has replaced most of these coal miners. They didnt lose their jobs for any reason other than it was automated. And now, we have a bunch of people who have, because no fault of their own, theyve lost their job. Those jobs dont exist anymore. Somebody said to promise that coal jobs are coming back is like promising the workers who used to work at Eastman Kodak that film is going to come back. Not likely to happen. Kroft there are people out there would say, look, is it Mike Bloombergs job to give the sierra club 100 million to go out and try and . Bloomberg its not my job. I wanted kroft 250 coal plants . Bloomberg well, keep in mind, Mike Bloombergs kids and grandkids are breathing that air, just like the coal miners families are breathing that air. And the coal miners are the ones that have the conflict. They want their jobs, i understand that. They need to be able to feed their families. They also have to worry about their health and the health of their families. Kroft are you giving money to try and find these coal to try and reeducate and give them new skills . Bloomberg were certainly working on trying to find ways to create jobs. Not just for them. But technology, which is what cost the coal miners their jobs not the sierra club, incidentally long before the sierra club started this, coal mining jobs went from 250,000 in the country to 70,000 in the country. Kroft bloomberg sees personal philanthropy in the tradition of carnegie, the rockefellers and the mellons not as a threat to democracy, but as a way to do important things that are not politically feasible. And as always, Mike Bloomberg trusts his judgement. Kroft is there anything you want that you dont have . Bloomberg i like what i see when i look in the mirror. If i get sentimental, i look and say, huh, its a bad day. They beat up on me; this, that, and the other thing. But, you know . Weve spent 1 billion trying to convince people to not smoke. Its been phenomenally successful. Weve probably saved millions of lives. There arent many people that have done that. So, you know, when i get to heaven, im not sure im going to stand for an interview. Im going right in. laughter my belly pain and constipation . I could build a small city with all the overthecounter products ive used. Enough ive tried enough laxatives to cover the eastern seaboard. Ive climbed a Mount Everest of fiber. 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Stahl chicago, with the largest number of murders last year of any major city in the country, has one of the largest jails in the country. An average of 70,000 men and women pass through Cook County Jail each year, many more than once, and as with other big city jails, most of the inmates who cycle through are either poor, mentally ill or members of a gang. One of the few things republicans and democrats agree on is the need for corrections reform, and cook county is leading the way almost by necessity with a new approach to help break the cycle. As we first told you earlier this year, the county sheriff, tom dart, is getting a lot of the credit. A former prosecutor whos been elected and reelected sheriff since 2006, dart, as youll see, is unconventional. It was a cold day at Cook County Jail when we met tom dart. He has redefined the role of sheriff. He sees the job as not just keeping people in jail, but helping some of them get out. He says many behind bars shouldnt be there. Sheriff tom dart how are you guys doing . Pretty good. Stahl several times a month, dart mingles with the men in the jails minimum security division, all of whom have been charged with low level, non violent crimes. Dart whats your charge . I had a violation of probation. I was on probation for driving while license revoked. Stahl dart says the jail, with a population today of about 7,500, has become a dumping ground for the poor and mentally ill. What percent do you think here really shouldnt be here . Dart i would suggest, conservatively, that half of the people here in the jail shouldnt be here. That they dont stahl half . Dart they dont pose a danger to anybody. The people in most jails 95 of the people in this jail are waiting on a trial. So everybody here are people who havent been convicted yet. So you say to yourself, all right, theyre presumed innocent. Who is so dangerous that we need to hold them here while were waiting on a trial . You had some violence a long time ago . Nothing, a long time ago . So, nothing. Stahl as he makes the rounds, he sounds less like an incarcerator than a defense attorney. Dart i cant im not promising you guys anything, cause i dont know what the hell theyre going to do. But i promise you, we will push it. All right. Stahl the biggest problem for most of the inmates, he says, is they simply dont have enough money to make bail. Im trying to find out why my bonds so high. Stahl how many, percentage wise, people are really poor and cant afford bail . Dart on any given day, we have probably 200 to 300 people that, if they came up with 500, they would leave here. But we find that if you have access to money, wherever it may come from, and frequently its coming from your gang and if you happen to be the guy in your gang who is the guy who does most of the shootings, youre a very valuable person, they want you back out on the street. But you have some individual whos in here whos never been a danger to anybody, he cant come up with 100. Hes sitting. The guy with the gun, hes out the door. Next guy is possession of cannabis. Stahl he usually turns his notes over to his top advisor, cara smith, who runs what you might call a youshouldntbe here squad. Cara smith and what are you charged with . Retail theft. Smith and what did they say you tried to steal . Some red bulls. Smith some red bull drinks. Stahl smith and her staff hold office hours, looking for inmates they can help. Smith what we need to work on is trying to get your bond reduced so that you can bond out, so that you can get out of here. Okay. Smith okay . Yes. Smith okay. Good luck, well be in touch. Stahl combing through cases, cara smith discovered something disturbing. They call them dead days. Smith we made up the term, but we call them dead days because people spend so much time pretrial here at the Cook County Jail that once theyre sentenced to prison, theyve already served their term. Stahl they probably spent more time here than the sentence in some of the cases. Smith so, last year alone, we had 1,024 people who spent their entire prison term here in the Cook County Jail, but the more incredible statistic is that same group of people spent an extra 222 years of custody here in the Cook County Jail. Stahl lengths of stay run from a week or less, to eight or nine years. Some of the people who spend years here are the mentally ill, who make up about a third of the population, and are the jails biggest cost. Elli montgomery and do you know what your charge is today . Retail theft. Montgomery retail theft . 70 worth of ground beef. Montgomery 70 worth of ground beef . Stahl every inmate is screened for Mental Illness when they first arrive. I was diagnosed as schizophrenic when i was in group home. Montgomery in a group home . Okay. Were going to make sure that you get help today. If i dont get the medication that i need, i know its gonna go wrong. Stahl this man, who also has a history of Mental Illness, has been in and out of the jail 37 times. Montgomery i understand. Stahl how does that happen . How does someone come back to a jail 37 times . Dart what in gods name do you expect to happen with that person . Okay, so this person has a serious Mental Illness, hes not being treated. His family and him have been disconnected for years. He obviously doesnt have a job. He has nowhere to live. What do you think is going to happen . Ill tell you whats going to happen. He will come in contact with Law Enforcement, either because hes trying to find a place to sleep or hes trying to find something to eat, and hell be back in here. Its not because he walked out of here saying, listen, i want to go and commit horrific crimes. Its like, hes trying to survive. Stahl in many ways, society has turned jails and prisons into Mental Health clinics, and youre actually running one here. Dart yeah. I said, okay, if theyre gonna make it so that i am gonna be the Largest Mental Health provider, were gonna be the best ones. Were going to treat em as a patient while theyre here. Its like, we are gonna think differently. Stahl Cook County Jail was already one of the Largest Mental Health facilities in the country in 2012, when chicago closed down half its Mental Health clinics. These men, the highfunctioning mentally ill, are bused five days a week to a program that is now a model for other jails across the country. They get medication, visits with psychiatrists, and group therapy. Counselor so today, i want us to continue to move forward. And youre going to have to have some things thats going to take you to another level. Stahl about 60 of all the jails Corrections Officers have advanced Mental Health training, and dart has moved new people over to the medical facilities. Dart what i did is redefined job positions and where it wouldve been a Law Enforcement position, i changed it into a doctor position or a Mental Health position. And so, weve been bringin on a lot of doctors, counselors, therapists, and i have stahl are you running a jail . Dart well. I, sometimes i wonder. Stahl nothing exemplifies his new direction more than who he chose to run the jail. Not someone with a Law Enforcement background. He named a psychologist to be the warden 39yearold dr. Nneka jones tapia. Dr. Nneka jones tapia im going to go cell to cell. Who should i talk to . Stahl she started as an intern at Cook County Jail almost ten years ago, and worked her way up. As warden, she tries to infuse more humanity into a pretty heartless place the maximum security wing, where she offers some toughlove therapy. Guard he wouldnt let the officers handcuff him. Dr. Jones tapia why is that . Guard put up a fight. They had to take him to the ground and cuff him. Dr. Jones tapia are you going to keep getting into it with staff . If they keep denyin my rights. Dr. Jones tapia okay, see, you have the wrong attitude. I aint got the wrong attitude. Dr. Jones tapia because im tryin to help you. But youre still tellin me that youre going to have issues with the staff, and i cant have that. So its up to you. Stahl we filmed you doing rounds like a doctor in a hospital, but you talked to every single inmate that you passed. Dr. Jones tapia yes. Its because we understand the person is a person. Theyre not what their charge is, theyre not their crime. And so, we want to give that individual attention to as many people as we can. Sorry, gentlemen. Stahl on a walk through a medium security cell block, she works on attitude adjustment, trying to change their way of thinking so they dont come back here. Dr. Jones tapia and all of you guys with tattoos, you might want to think about having those removed. You need to, cause how are you going to get a job when you get out . Yeah. Dr. Jones tapia i mean, cause First Impression is everything. You cant do that. How many of you guys have kids . Stahl oh, my. Dr. Jones tapia so its not just you thats impacted by you being here its our families. Our families. Dr. Jones tapia but your families, your children. Stahl to reach out to their families, shes listed her phone number on the jails website. Dart and his methods have come under intense criticism. Hes too soft on the inmates, say some of the Corrections Officers. Their antagonism grew into outright hostility last year when dart, intending to be transparent about life behind the walls, released videos to the public showing guards brutally beating up inmates. Dennis andrews, the business agent at teamsters local 700 that represents the Corrections Officers, says his members were furious. Dennis andrews the anger was, he didnt release the videos of the detainees attacking the officers. You cant release a small segment of something happening, without releasing a tape of how you got from point a to point b. Stahl does the public have a right to see those men beating the prisoners . Dart if we arent releasing that information, then it furthers the publics feeling that Law Enforcement is covering things up, and that were hiding things, and we dont have anything to hide. We have good people here, is the majority. But we have some people that dont. And we cant shy from that, because its what poisons the well with the public. Stahl after the criticism, sheriff dart did release videos of inmates attacking staff. But Dennis Andrews says that didnt improve morale. Andrews he doesnt address the situations of his own staff at the jail, who are being attacked daily by detainees. He presumes them innocent, but he doesnt presume his staff innocent. Stahl he presumes his staff guilty . Andrews yes. Stahl it cant be good if they think that youre not on their side . Dart you know, i become puzzled when they think im not on their side. It is the most difficult job. And you start with that, and then youre dealing with mentally ill folks. So theyve been asked to do all sorts of things that they didnt sign up for, and i am outrageously sympathetic to that. Stahl what sheriff dart cant tell us yet is whether recidivism rates are coming down. On any given day, he says he releases roughly 200 people to the streets, but he accepts another 200 some still the old familiar faces. To improve the chances they wont return, again, hes introduced activities like chess lessons. Dart people said, you know, your Chess Program, you know, how is that work i said, you know what . One of the major issues we have with the people here is they dont think about consequences. They just think the very first move. Theyre playing checkers. Chess makes you think four, five, six moves out. I cant tell you how many of the guys in the Chess Program has told me they never thought like that in their life, that their way of thinking has changed. Stahl theres more than chess. Dart has enlisted volunteers to offer all kinds of classes you rarely see in a jail Christopher Jacobs and you can always move in closer if you want. Stahl a photographer teaches inmates how to find new ways to look at the world, and themselves. Musicians provide therapy through rhythm and sound. Chef bruno abate et voila and we gonna put a little rosemary. Stahl italian chef, bruno abate, gives cooking lessons. Chef abate im not here just to make food, im here to change the way you thinking, so you dont come back in this place anymore. We say, you know, we touch the bottom, now we can only go up, right . Stahl what about your Corrections Officers . Do they look at you and say, wait a minute, this is all upside down here. Dart yeah, i mean, theres definitely employees here that are puzzled by me. You know, sheriff goofy is out giving pizza to all the inmates now, cause he loves them. Stahl sheriff goofy . Dart yes, absolutely. Absolutely. I wear it proudly. Stahl people are going to say youre on the wrong side of the street, you know. Dart thats been suggested. Stahl yeah. Dart but, youll never find anybody that is more strident in going after the bad, the evil, the ones that hurt people. I used to prosecute them. I arrest them now, in my sheriffs office, as well. But when it comes to just, blindly, and truly out of indifference, just saying theres segments of our society that we will treat in this horrifically callous way, im not going to be party to that. And if that upsets people, thats fine. 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Alfonsi there are more gyms in america than ever before, but were more overweight than weve ever been. Lots of people have theories as to why, but were about to introduce you to a man who says hes figured it out. Greg glassman is the unlikely creator of the biggest fitness phenomenon in the world right now, called crossfit. Its a Workout Program thats unpredictable, uncompromising, and raw a lot like the man who created it. Glassman likes to say he runs crossfit more like a biker gang than a business, but business is booming. As we first told you in 2015, the king of crossfit has created the largest gym chain in history and turned fitness into a spectator sport. Its still a battle here in this heat. Alfonsi in 2014, the finals of the Crossfit Games were broadcast on espn. 45,000 people showed up to watch contestants who looked like superheroes heave, jump, and lift until a champion was crowned. Rich froning is the fittest man in history alfonsi if this is the body that defines a new kind of fitness. Greg glassman i think well be all right. Alfonsi the brain that dreamt it all up belongs to Greg Glassman. Well before crossfit was a competition, he designed it as a new way to work out. He says it can transform anyone, and hes not just talking about bulging biceps and sixpack abs. Greg glassman ill deliver you to your genetic potential. Alfonsi your genetic potential . Glassman yeah, how do you like that . Alfonsi it sounds like youre creating a robot or something . Glassman look at her. She was meant to look like that. Thats what nature would have carved from her a million years ago. Or shed have been eaten. Alfonsi Greg Glassman hardly looks like an exercise guru. Theres no hint of ripped muscle underneath his untucked shirt, but he is widely considered the most powerful man in fitness today. Glassman is the architect of crossfit, a Workout Program that mixes elements of weightlifting, calisthenics, and gymnastics. The classes take place in what crossfitters call a box, a stripped down, willfullyugly space. Elbows, elbows, elbows. Up, up, up. There we go. Alfonsi the exercises range from simple to sadistic, and made Greg Glassman, a college dropout, a multimillionaire. You know, you didnt invent weightlifting. Glassman nope. Alfonsi you didnt invent calisthenics. Glassman nope. Alfonsi you didnt invent gymnastics. Glassman nope. Alfonsi so, whatd you do . Glassman i invented that doing lateral raises and curls while eating pretzels is dumb. Thats what i invented. Alfonsi he says, for decades, gym owners have ignored the importance of diet, and been all too happy to watch their members fall into a trance on the treadmill. Do you think people think theyre getting a workout and arent getting a workout . Glassman well, i mean, look, you get sweaty and you come home tired. I can appreciate that. But many people are much closer to doing nothing than they perhaps realize. Alfonsi is everything up till now been wrong in the Fitness Industry . Glassman yes. Yeah. As far as i can see. Alfonsi crossfit classes usually dont take more than an hour. Athletes compete against each other, and the clock. Good job. Alfonsi to keep their energy up, theyre encouraged to follow something called a paleo diet, heavy on meat and vegetables food fit for a caveman. I have heard you say that crossfit prepares athletes for the unknown and the unforeseen. Glassman its the. Alfonsi it sounds like youre getting ready to go to war. Glassman yeah, why not . Yeah. For getting ready for war, getting ready for earthquake, getting ready for mugging, getting ready for the horrible news that you have leukemia. What awaits us all is. Is challenge, thats for sure. Alfonsi crossfit, he says, is creating a new super breed, and although some of their athletes appear to be carved out of marble, he says the focus isnt big muscles. Its simple, functional movements like squatting and lifting, whether youre 25 or 75. Glassman would i use dead lifts in both cases . Absolutely. Squatting in both cases . Absolutely. Alfonsi youd have a 75 yearold doing dead lifts . Glassman uhhuh. Yeah. To say no is to say that, if you drop your pen on the ground, youre not going to pick it up. Its a dead lift. Its picking something off the ground. It does not require a physicians okay. If your physician doesnt think you should dead lift, you need to get a new doctor, is what you need. Alfonsi glassman started to teach people to lift, jump and sprint long before crossfit became a household name. He had polio as a child and used gymnastics to regain his strength. In high school, a bad dismount left him with a permanent limp. He became a personal trainer and started experimenting with some of the exercises that would become the backbone of his creation. His workouts were loud, disruptive, and gym owners were not impressed. How many gyms did you get tossed out of . Glassman about five or six. Alfonsi five or six . Glassman seven. Alfonsi you dont like being told what to do. Glassman oh, i dont mind being told what to do. I just wont do it. You can say anything you want. Alfonsi he opened his own gym in santa cruz in 2001. Today, there are 14,000 crossfit boxes around the world, each one defiantly barren. The company is private, but estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And Greg Glassman owns 100 of it. He has no board of directors, and says he never had a business plan. This is awesome. Can i have a picture with you . Glassman i would love that. Alfonsi . But recently found himself at Harvard Business school. Glassman you like metrics . You like money . Were the Fastest Growing large chain on earth. We have broken all records. Alfonsi . Where he was invited to share the secrets behind crossfits meteoric growth. Glassman im not trying to grow a business. Im doing the right things for the right people for the right reasons. Alfonsi one reason crossfits grown so fast is because just about anyone who wants to open a box, can, after paying a 3,000 yearly fee and passing a twoday seminar. Its how the Company Makes most of its money. Two days to take a course, then i can open a gym . Glassman amazing, huh . Alfonsi i mean, to me, is that enough . Glassman well, the. Here was the alternative. Heres what it used to be all you had to have was the money. And you dont even have to take a test. Thats where every other chain came from, someone Just Launched them. Alfonsi and unlike most gym chains, glassman a diehard libertarian relinquishes nearly all control over his affiliates. They can open a box next door to another box if they want. Its probably not surprising glassman believes the strongest one will survive. You dont have an iron fist on them, on how they do this . Glassman nope. Its not a franchise, its. Alfonsi they can do it any way they want to do it. Glassman this isnt Kentucky Fried Chicken or. Yeah, its crossfit. Alfonsi you let them do what they want to do once they. Glassman i do. Alfonsi . Although he occasionally fires up the company plane, grabs the family dog, and drops in on an affiliate unannounced. So youre not going in there looking for trouble . Glassman not at all. But if i saw someone pulling with their arms or a rounded back, i think its inevitable that i would say something. Alfonsi at the companys media office in the silicon valley, they publish a different workout of the day every day, and more information about crossfit than you could read in a lifetime. And what does it cost for people to access the stuff that youre putting online . Glassman there is no cost. Alfonsi how does that make sense . Glassman its free. Yeah. It, it didnt until we did it you know, the more video we give away, the more money we make. Alfonsi crossfitters created a huge virtual community, posting videos of workouts and wipeouts, and spreading glassmans gospel around the world, in africa, siberia, and on the front lines of afghanistan and iraq. Whether soldiers or soccer moms, the evangelical enthusiasm of glassmans disciples. One, two, three, heck, yeah alfonsi . Has led to criticism. When you hear people describe crossfit as a cult, what do you say . Glassman oh, i dont mind that. What if someone led a cult and they didnt know they were . I mean, that would be messed up, right . So i started to kind of try to think, what makes us a cult, and what would define a cult. One is recruiting, and i aint recruiting anybody. I dont. You know what, you guys. People call me up, hey, i was thinking about joining crossfit. Well then, call back when youve decided to, you know . Alfonsi so the doors are open, youre not recruiting. Glassman yeah, were not recruiting, were not barring the doors. I mean, it really is an open house. Alfonsi glassman says he spends most of his time defending the crossfit brand with an iron fist. Glassman if you dont defend it, you wont have a brand for long. We are in sharkinfested waters and ive got sharkrepellent attorneys. Alfonsi how many attorneys do you have working for you now . Glassman dozens. And theyre everywhere. Theyre everywhere. Like freaking leprechauns. Alfonsi crossfit is not afraid to flex their legal muscles. They have a small inhouse team of lawyers on the payroll, but also currently have retained another 60 sixzero outside law firms to defend their reputation and trademark. Theyve gone after a Company Selling bogus crossfitbranded jump ropes, taken on gyms in puerto rico and germany who used their name without permission, and successfully sued the publishers of a study that contained madeup information about crossfits safety record. Glassman i love my lawyers. I love my lawyers. Alfonsi very few people say that. Glassman i know. Its weird. Alfonsi so how many lawsuits have you been involved in . Glassman 30 or 40. More . 50 . Yeah. Alfonsi you like the fight . Glassman i do. Yeah. Alfonsi his most tenacious fight revolves around headlines that crossfit could be dangerous or worse, deadly. Some journalists have questioned how the regimen might be bad for ones back, shoulders, or even kidneys. Because its such a new phenomenon, there arent many studies about the overall safety of crossfit. The few that exist found it to be about as safe as gymnastics or weightlifting, and less likely to cause an injury than running. Greg glassman is so sure its safe, the father of six allowed his future seventh child to be part of this class. Alfonsi to that person whos sitting in their living room saying, this all sounds interesting, but i. You know, ive heard things and i dont want to get hurt . Glassman yeah, stay in your chair, where youre sure to get hurt, and youll become one of the 300,000 people that will die next year from sitting in their chair doing nothing. He is speedroping up. Alfonsi another reason glassmans been so good at getting people out of their chairs is the success of the Crossfit Games. This year, 380,000 people around the world competed for a chance to be featured in the finals. It is a spectacle part olympic games, part hunger games, and the winner is crowned the fittest man or woman on earth. Announcer Camille Leblanc bazinet alfonsi . A title, youll be shocked to learn, Greg Glassman had his lawyers trademark. He told us no one in the world is in better shape than the games top athletes. You bet the mortgage, not the rent, on. On the. Glassman i bet everything on it. Youre going to come and. And best the games athletes out of nowhere, the same way youre going to walk out here on the street and put together a stanley cup challenge out of morons walking by. It aint going to happen. Crossfit games title is within reach. Alfonsi the games are sponsored by reebok. Crossfit is credited with reenergizing the reebok brand and boosting sales. Glassman fitness apparel should be technical apparel. Alfonsi but five years into a tenyear deal that may be crossfits most important commercial partnership, glassman has developed some strong opinions about reeboks owners, the German Company adidas, and he wasnt shy about sharing them on 60 minutes. Glassman id like to see reebok sold. Alfonsi to who . Glassman someone young, fresh, excited, and willing to enter into the modern era of. Of things. Alfonsi thats a pretty bold thing. Glassman isnt it . Alfonsi . For you to say. Glassman yeah. Alfonsi does anyone ever say to you, greg, like, you shouldnt say that . Glassman yeah. Ive had people tell me, boy, i. Hes stark raving mad, but he sure is sincere, you know . Like, okay, good. You know i believe it. More on crossfit. Steve kroft takes a birdseye view of new york with former mayor bloomberg at the controls, go to 60minutesovertime. Com. If your cat has fleas, you have fleas. Use advantage® ii monthly on your cat to prevent and treat flea infestations. Advantage® ii. Fight the misery of infesting fleas. The Energy Conscious whopeople among usle . Say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. 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