Kof-K’s Rabbi Zecharia Senter, z”l
By Michal Rosenberg | April 08, 2021
Teaneck’s Rabbi Zecharia (Harvey) Senter, z”l, CEO and founder of Kof-K Kashrut Supervision Services, passed away on the last day of Pesach at the age of 84. Rabbi Senter received his semicha from RIETS and was a close talmid of the Rav. He earned a doctorate in mathematics from Yeshiva University, taught math at YU and Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he was a tenured professor. He served as the rabbi of Congregation Beth Abraham in its early years.
Rabbi Senter was known to be strict, yet relatable, his brother-in-law Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum shared: “He was very exact about everything...emes was black and white.”