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civil fraud trial in new york. what she told the court about his money. house republicans subpoenaing the president's son hunter and brother james as they escalate their impeachment inquiry. how the white house is firing back. the u.s. drone shot down off yemen. rebels taking responsibility. and just in the, the new u.s. strike in syria. what the pentagon is saying tonight. the massive explosion add a texas chemical plant. a plume of smoke rising into the sky. the nearby evacuations. the major manhunt for a former national guardsman. what he's accused of doing on january 6th. and the national zoo saying farewell to its three biggest stars. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt reporting tonight live from the republican presidential debate in miami. good evening, everyone, from miami. and the stage of tonight's debate where a narrowed field of five republican hopefuls will make their case. each trying to gain more traction against former president trump who maintains a commanding lead among the field and is in a close race with president biden. mr. trump is skipping tonight's debate. it comes a day after abortion played a key role in bellwether elections yesterday. ohio voters enshrined the right to abortion in their state constitution. and the issue helped the kentucky governor, a democrat in a red state, hold his seat showing that it to remains a potent political issue heading into 2024. but the economy and a world increasingly at war loom large on voters' minds as well. it all comes just two months before the first votes are cast in the iowa caucuses. our team is in place to cover a big night here in miami. we start with garret haake. garret, good evening. >> reporter: lester, some 1,500 people will fill this hall tonight and millions more will watch at home, all of them looking to see if someone can emerge to take on the race's dominant front-runner, donald trump. tonight the stage is set for the most critical night yet of the republican 2024 campaign. ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy, chris christie, and tim scott, all trying to slow down former president trump's momentum. the five candidates on stage tonight are hoping that the smaller field means a bigger spotlight. and nowhere will that spotlight shine brighter than on ron desantis and nikki haley on center stage already previewing their attacks on one another. >> i took a stage that was always 50-50 and we transformed it into a solid republican state with a 20-point victory. >> reporter: with his poll numbers slipping in both early voting iowa and nationally, he's hoping to hold off haley, arguing he's the biggest threat to former president trump. >> trump's people are not attacking her. they're attacking me with a million dollars. >> reporter: but buoyed by two strong debate performances, trump's former u.n. ambassador, nikki haley, has steadily gained ground on desantis now leaning on her foreign policy credentials. >> we literally got ourselves out of the iran deal, and we fought to pass the hardest sanctions against iran. >> reporter: the economy and inflation, the war between israel and hamas, and abortion rights all expected to be significant topics tonight. but for these five candidates one question hangs over tonight's event. how can any of them overcome front-runner donald trump's commanding lead? mr. trump choosing for the third straight time to counter program the debate tonight with a rally rather than attend. >> why would you debate people when you have a 55, 60, 62-point lead? >> reporter: garret haake, nbc news, miami. >> as you heard, it was a big election night for democrats and supporters of abortion rights in several states. but are those races really an accurate indicator for 2024? here's hallie jackson. >> reporter: from ohio to virginia to kentucky, victory laps today for democrats including at the white house. >> the voters said, look, the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body. >> reporter: the election night's success powered by the fight over abortion access. >> having the most extreme law in the country the people of kentucky strongly opposed that. >> reporter: democratic governor andy beshear re-elected in deep red kentucky after putting abortion rights front and center. in ohio voters chose to protect those rights in the state's constitution. >> abortion access is the law of the land in ohio! >> reporter: and in virginia democrats won full control of the state legislature. even after the republican governor led the charge to turn it red. >> i'm a little disappointed. >> reporter: hoping to pass a 15-week abortion ban with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. >> abortion is -- is potentially one of the most difficult topics in virginia and around the nation. >> reporter: the results from 2023 a potential signal for 2024, that a year and a half after roe vs. wade was overturned, voters are prioritizing access for abortion. >> i don't agree with a abortion but also feel a woman should be able to make that choice herself. >> reporter: for republicans a disappointing result. >> this is all the democrats are running on and republicans >> reporter: but the reality check for democrats 2023 is not 2024, which will be higher profile and hilar turnout. and the support for abortion rights is outpacing support for president biden himself who remains unpopular overall. not long after new polling showed republican front-runner donald trump beating president biden in some key swing states, a new poll now shows the president trailing mr. trump by 4 points nationally in a hypothetical head to head matchup. president biden's approval rating just 39%. >> he's too old. it doesn't seem that he has a good structure, and i think he's not taking care of the economy as he should. >> hallie, we're likely to see abortion as a major issue in 2024 as well. >> reporter: yeah, democrats certainly hope that's the case, lester. you're already seeing a push in some key states. arizona, pennsylvania, even here in florida to try to get protection for abortion access on the ballot. partly to try to drive voter turn out and give president biden a boost. lester? >> hallie jackson, thanks. here with me now kristen welker who will join me in moderating tonight's debate. a potential big moment for democrats and republicans we're watching. >> that's right, lester. last night was a major test of the durability of the abortion issue for democrats, and today they are touting the fact that it still energizes their base despite president biden's low poll numbers, despite the fact issues like inflation and the economy are the top issue. for republicans tonight is a major moment for those five republicans who will be on the stage tonight. they'll be looking for a breakout moment to try to blunt the momentum of former president trump. he is still the one to beat, and they know it, lester. all right, thank you, kristen. and the presidential debate gets under way tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on nbc. all right, now to the middle east where a u.s. defense official says an unmanned reaper drone was shot down while in international airspace off yemen's coast. yemen's military says this video shows it being shot down by its forces. yemen claims the drone was carrying out hostile spying activities. and there is late word that u.s. f-15s struck a weapons storage facility in eastern syria used by iran's revolutionary guard while in the israel-hamas war there's more talk of a possible pause in the fighting. here's keir simmons. >> reporter: on the first day of gaza's second month of war, hamas' military ring releasing this video showing street by street fighting in gaza city. here targeting a tank, a bid to win the propaganda battle. in israel's videos today, its soldiers dominate decimated landscapes where it says hamas tunnels once were. both sides have their version of this war, and increasingly it the diplomats are seeing things differently, too. the white house says 80 trucks with humanitarian aid passed through the rafah crossing overnight but is pressuring uzeral for a pause in fighting to allow more aid in and hostages out. >> that's what we're trying to get cemented is an agreement for as many pauses as might be necessary to get all of them out. >> reporter: a diplomat with knowledge of the talks between the u.s., qatar, and israel telling nbc news a proposal is for a one to three-day pause allowing the release of 10 to 15 hostages and paving the way for more. too little, too late say the cousins of 22-year-old hostage omar. >> they want just 15 people. it's not enough. we don't want -- we want all of them. >> reporter: 15 isn't enough? >> no. no. >> reporter: meanwhile, near gaza city overnight our team finding children and their parents caught in another strike. my child's hands are cold, this mother says. she's been clinging to her lifeless body for hours. and tonight for the second time in two weeks, the u.s. military says it has hit iran related targets inside syria, calling it self-defense. >> keir simmons in tel aviv tonight, thank you. and many fear it's the escalating violence in the west bank that could spark a wider regional conflict. raf sanchez takes us there tonight. let me warn you some of the images are disturbing. >> reporter: deep in the occupied west bank an israeli celtler with an assault rifle confronts an unarmed palestinian. and then -- [ gunshot ] -- badly wounded, he's carried away. today three weeks later he's still in intensive care in this hospital in the southern west bank. i'm sorry to see you like this. his name is zacharia and he's lucky to be alive. >> they removed part of spleen, part of the pancreas and part of the bowels. >> reporter: while the world's eyes are on gaza violence is also at record levels in the west bank. more than 150 palestinians have been killed since the october 9th hamas terror attack mostly in confrontations with israeli troops according to the u.n. but at least eight were shot dead by settlers. israel took both gaza and the west bank after it was attacked by its arab neighbors in the 1967 war. in 2005 israel left gaza, but today around half a million jewish settlers live in the west bank. israel rarely prosecutes settlers who attack palestinians rights groups. today israeli news says they were questioned but released without charge. the investigation they say is ongoing. do you think the man who shot you will ever be held accountable? i don't think so, he says. the settler was accompanied by soldiers. if they wanted to stop him, they would have done it. you see a soldier here, but he doesn't help him or confront the settler. instead, they walk away together. israel's military did not answer our questions about the soldier's actions. settler violence in the west bank was surging long before october 7th. nbc news spent months investigating this attack in june when hundreds of israelis stormed a village. most of the villagers are u.s. citizens including hadil. >> i'm from oaklawn, illinois. >> reporter: her husband, omar, was killed by israeli police during the attack. they say he shot at them. eyewitnesses tell us that's not true. police have provided no evidence to support their claim. >> and all i could think about is what am i supposed to tell the kids now? like what do i tell them? we're not used to this. they're not used to being away from each other. they're waiting for him to come home from work. >> reporter: raf sanchez, nbc news, the occupied west bank. and back at home tonight, ivanka trump testifying in a manhattan courtroom in the civil fraud lawsuit against the former president. laura jarrett joins me. laura, quite a day in court. >> it was, lest. she tried to fight her appearance today, but she was forced to come and testify as her father and her brothers are trying to fend off a massive civil penalty for artificially inflating assets to get better interest rates from banks. ivanka's role negotiating terms with deutsche bank in particular taking center stage tonight. and while she testified she didn't recall very much, she was shown document after document highlighting howl her father's assets were a key part of inducing these banks to lend them money, lester. >> and laura, different story i know you're following tonight. house republicans escalating their impeachment inquiry into president joe biden. some new subpoena on his family tonight. tell us about it. >> that's right. house oversight chair james comer has threatened these subpoenas for months now on a hunt what he's calling the biden family's influence pedaling scheme. now dropping these subpoenas on the president's son hunter, his brother james and a family associate with depositions next month and other families members as well. there's no evidence of any wrongdoing by the president. something the white house is emphasizing tonight and hunter biden's attorney calling these subpoenas another political stunt, lester. >> laura jarrett, thanks. in 60 seconds the manhunt for a suspect in the january 6th attack. plus, what caused an explosion and massive plume of smoke near houston? next. when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. in southeast texas today an explosion and fire at a chemical plant caused a massive plume of toxic smoke and put the area on edge. morgan chesky is there for us tonight. morgan, what more do we know? >> reporter: lester, good evening. that explosion setoff a shelter in place for about 5 miles surrounding this plant that was just lifted within the last few hours. and while tonight while officials say the fire inside the plant's been contained, they say there is still the risk of flare-ups. a frightening eruption over shepherd, texas. >> there's some type of chemical plant that's blown up. they're requesting our assistance. >> reporter: plumes of black smoke billowing from a chemical plant this morning after an explosion shaking the small town about an hour north of houston, injuring one employee. >> it's pretty scary not knowing what's burning out there. >> reporter: sending a fiery plume so high the black smoky haze could briefly be seen on satellite. authorities issued an immediate 5-mile shelter in place evacuating an area school as crews shutdown a state highway. >> local fire crews will remain on site throughout the night to monitor any possible fires that may pop up. >> reporter: the chemical fire unfolded inside sound resource solutions, a manufacturer of paint remover and glue solvents. county plant management says it houses chemicals known to be carcinogenic, acutely toxic with the potential to cause eye, skin, and organ damage. >> we've organized two bands deployed from austin and beaumont. >> reporter: tonight the company trying to reassure residents. >> we'll make sure any remediation work that needs to be done is going to be done in the right way so there's no effect on the community. >> reporter: reassurance but tonight few here are breathing easy. morgan chesky, nbc news, shepherd, texas. an urgent manhunt is under way in new jersey tonight for a former national guardsman wanted in connection with a january 6th attack. the fbi is searching for gregory yetman who was accused of spraying officers with chemicals during the attack. one official says it appears yetman saw authorities coming to arrest him and ran off. 2 1/2 weeks after a detroit synagogue leader was stabbed to death outside her home, police said today a suspect was in custody but gave no details of the arrest. in a statement the police called it an encouraging development but said it is not the end of the investigation into samantha woll death. and coming up the new weight loss drug just approved by the fda. what you need to know next. at can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. looking for a smarter way to mop? 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Red , 15 , Nation , Potential Signal , Results , Half , Wade , Roe Vs , 2023 , House Republicans , Result , Prioritizing , Choice , Support , Turnout , Profile , Reality Check , Head , Swing States , Polling , Points , Poll , Matchup , Approval Rating , Trailing , 4 , Care , Doesn T , Structure , 39 , Protection , Push , Ballot , Florida , Pennsylvania , Arizona , Kristen Welker , Voter , Thanks , Last Night , Biden A Boost , Fact , Abortion Issue , Issues , Durability , Base , Right , Beat , Middle East , Official , Defense , Coast , Airspace , Unmanned Reaper Drone , 00 , 8 , Video , Activities , Military , Word , Forces , Spying , Iran S Revolutionary Guard , F 15s , Weapons Storage Facility , Gaza , Fighting , Pause , Oday , Talk , Keir Simmons , Video Showing Street , Israel Hamas War , Military Ring , Soldiers , Landscapes , Videos , Propaganda Battle , Tunnels , Bid , Tank , Street Fighting , Gaza City , Things , Aid , Sides , Diplomats , Trucks , Version , Pressuring Uzeral , Rafah Crossing , 80 , Agreement , Pauses , Hostages , Way , Diplomat , Proposal , Talks , Release , Knowledge , Cousins , Qatar , 22 , 10 , Omar , Children , Child , Parents , Clinging , Hands , Cold , Violence , U S Military , It Self Defense , Targets , Fear , Tel Aviv , West Bank , Raf Sanchez , Conflict , Images , Assault Rifle , Celtler , Regional , Unarmed Palestinian , Gunshot , Part , Intensive Care , Name , Hospital , Zacharia , Carried Away , Palestinians , Pancreas , Record Levels , Confrontations , Terror Attack , Spleen , Bowels , Eyes , Troops , October 9th Hamas , October 9th , 150 , 9 , Settlers , Neighbors , 2005 , 1967 , Eight , News , Attack Palestinians Rights Groups , Jewish , It , Soldier , Settler , Investigation , Oman , Accountable , Actions , Settler Violence , Attack , Hadil , Most , Village , Hundreds , Villagers , Israelis , October 7th , 7 , Police , Evidence , Eyewitnesses , Husband , Claim , Oaklawn , Illinois , Each Other , Work , Kids , Laura Jarrett , Courtroom , Fraud , Appearance , Lawsuit , Manhattan , Banks , Assets , Interest Rates , Brothers , Role Negotiating Terms , Deutsche Bank , Penalty , Document , Story , Howl , Center Stage , Family , Subpoenas , Biden Family , Subpoena , Hunt , House Oversight Chair , Families , Family Associate , Depositions , Members , Influence Pedaling Scheme , Something , Suspect , Plus , Attorney , Wrongdoing , Stunt , What , Hunter Biden , Adults , Explosion , Vyvgart , Houston , Positive , Next , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Ability , Muscle Weakness , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Gmg Treatment , Clinical Trial , Brain Infection , Side Effects , Infection , Reactions , Symptoms , Infections , Doctor , Headache , Study , Respiratory Tract Infections , History , Injection Site Reactions , Subcutaneous Injection , Neurologist , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Fire , Southeast Texas , Plant , Shelter , Area , Explosion Setoff , Morgan Chesky , Edge , 5 , Type , Risk , Officials , Flare Ups , Eruption , 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Don T , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Smarter , 2 , Weight , A1c , Power , Cv Risk , Studies , Majority , 3 , Heart Attack , Events , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Isn T , Stroke , Reuse , Needles , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , 14 , 1 , Help , Gallbladder Problems , Reaction , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pancreatitis , Neck , Swelling , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Nausea , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Purse , That S My Dog Chaise Lounger , Janice , Auto , Renters , Hoop , Waist , Chalice , Foot Treadmill , Progressive , Gross , Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber , 24 7 , Voice , Tv , Hi , Yes , Oxygen , Coffee Machine , Kit , Lake Making , Market , Drug , Stephanie Gosk , Weight Loss Treatment , Obesity , Zepbound , Revolution , Patients , Weight Loss , Dose , 90 , Injection , 000 , 40 , 72 , 1000 , Hormone , Drugs , Medication , Sugar , Food Intake , Fat , Diabetes Drug Mounjaro , 260 , 450 , Health Insurance , Health Scare , Prescription , Many , Battles , Prices , Weight Loss Options , Cost , Giant Pandas , Vet , China , The End , Veterinary Boutique Hospital , Imagine Washington Without Giant Panda , Alexandra , 5 6 , Steps , Perfect , Bank Of America , Loan , Financing Piece , Entyvio , Clinical Trials , Weren T , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Relief , Vo , Infusion , Treatment , Pml , Healthcare Provider , Sores , Biologic , Heart Failure , Picture , Music , Uc , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Attr Cm , Irregular Heartbeat , Sound , Shortness Of Breath , Cardiologist , Sign , Metamucil , Fiber Gels , Digestive System Isn T , Best , Blood Sugar Levels , Trap , Waste , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Digestive Health Try Metamucil , Migraine , Qulipta , Plans , Fiber Thins , Didn T , Worry , Spain , Look At Me Now , Constipation , Frequency , Pill , Kind , Sleepiness , Migraine Feeling , Cgrp , Zero , Migraine Medicine , Politics , Pandas , Symbols , Cooperation , National Zoo , Tom Costello , Daybreak In Washington , Panda Exchange Program , The National Zoo , Long Journey Home , Smithsonian , Visitors , Morning , Cubs , Bears , I Miss You , Four , China Today , Tian , Xiao Qi Ji , Mei Xiang , 25 , 26 , Plane , Departure , Food , Exchange Agreement , Relations , 23 , 250 , Atlanta Zoo , Isn T Forever , 7 Eleven , Eleven , Investigators , Fla County , East Bay Neighborhood , Marian Favreau , Witnesses , Trag , Nbc Bay Area , Janelle Wang , San Leandro , 30 ,

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