, allah is the greatest of allah, o allah, forgive me with your blessings and be kind to charity, and dont forbid me to accept good deeds or reward me with the truth. In the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen , we accept your prayers and prayers on the night of qadr, which is one of the biggest and most comprehensive rituals of us iranians. This night is held and it is a night that is tied to the name of amir almuminin , peace be upon him, we are hosting mr. Rahimpour azghadi to talk to you tonight about ali , ali of mankind, ali of muslims and ali of shiites , i say hello again and welcome. To your excellency and friends, brothers and sisters , i offer my greetings and respect, and we are asking for prayers and condolences from everyone on the occasion of the martyrdom of amir almuminin, peace be upon him. Well, mr. Rahimpour, lets start the conversation with ali bushrat. What is alis relationship with the world of humanity from every religion and ritual. Yes. First , you said about rituals. And these special nights. In that time and places are not equal. There is no doubt that there is a rational explanation as well as a narrative. That is, both from a mystical and philosophical point of view, as well as jurisprudentially and morally, it is possible to explain why always and everywhere in relation to human growth is not equal to each other, but sometimes we make a mistake in separating time and places together and we divide time and places into holy and unholy. Now, of course, he is not related to you, he is another saint. Let it be said that in the minds of some people, we live our whole lives in the same way. At some point, we will have intense religious rituals, that is. Our lifestyle is one side of our transactions, these are the style of our rituals at a certain time and place. For example, these days, these days, this night , we are all religious, we all want to do a religious thing, which, for example , was in contradiction with the rest of the year. The rest is freedom , whatever you want, fraud, lies, divorce , violence, misogyny, cynicism, greed, betrayal, indifference, comfort seeking. Lets be good religious. Other times, for example, prayer , fasting, khums, zakat, jihad, giving, these days have passed. For example, lets come to the muharram of imam reza , may god bless you. They will take a mace in their hands. The rituals that exist now have no roots it is islamic, not shia, this is the round that they take, this is according to some sources, this was part of the customs of mamuns system, no, hazrat reza , peace be upon him, did not have a round at the tail, this hat that his holiness put on their heads, this was the hat of the military officers of the western armies that reza khan brought. They put military hats on the heads of the servants, they still wear them, they think that this was from the time of imam reza. This clock bell is the bell of the shrine. I purposely set it as a church bell. Yes , and a european orientalist said 7080 years ago, i was very happy when i went to najaf and karbala, mashhad, and saw that the clocks that these had taken from us and got help. We deliberately set the sound of the church bell and i am very happy to hear the sound of the church bell from the shrine several times a day. Imam reza and this can be heard. Well, i have told this to my friends several times. Their thinking is stonewalling , that is, they think that everything that looks religious in a religious building is completely sacred. If once, lighting a candle was one of the sacred rituals of religion. This is the shrine of imam reza, a bright scholar says that this is not the evening of the strangers, nor the evening of the strangers, not at all. Yes, yes, they were coming to light this candle from the church, this was to bring you to the church as a sacred act, everyone used to light a candle in the shrine. They do this in imamzadehs everywhere, or tie a thread, thread me a thread, etc. This came , we have no record of the prophet of our ahl albayt. In this, he came from other religions, or building mosques like palaces, magnificent assemblies, and the most expensive stones, the tallest. It is not a verse, it is contrary to it, that is, we have a hadith, imam zamans saying destroys these mosques hadith. We dont have them, they are building mosques , yes , i want to say that some people think that these rituals are religious. We do it, it means not to be muslim every year, on that day and at that time. Geographical location where people like me like this means that in practice secularism is what it means to separate. Yes , it exists in different areas of life. We are opposed to this in practice. I take the koran in my head, i do something else, even if it is in contradiction with the whole year in the bazaar, soandsos family is now the number of prisoners. I dont know divorce, addiction, selling lies, everything goes up , we dont pray during the year, we dont fast, but for example , we visit imam reza and this will be forgiven. Dont despair, come, even if you sweat, commit adultery, steal , take bribes, but come again, this is what im talking about. Its not true that no one should be disappointed, no one should be proud, dont cut off the relationship even if they feel like it an infected tick. First of all, we are all infected, which means that there are many and few ticks, but who is not infected. He commits a great sin , he feels ashamed and embarrassed to come for pilgrimage, for example, yes, or at all , he says the great sin that we all commit, this backsliding is a common sin, it is not higher than this, the quran says, what is this. There are sins, but there are some sins that make people despair of themselves. They say that we are over our heads, now that it has gone this far, so i will go for the rest. You should say to them, sir, for example, why do you despair of yourself, no matter what you have done wrong, we will come back. Shab qadr shrine, lets go to this shrine. There is hope that later, god willing, they will be right , but someone is narrating this in a way as if it is a pilgrimage , they are complaining about sin, betrayal, and corruption. It means that you will do whatever wrong you want in the long run. Sell ​​lies, fraud, betrayal of trust, dishonesty, do whatever you want, then one night of the 21st, the night of the 19th, and this is a shrine , go on a pilgrimage, go to imam hossein, shed a tear for imam hossein, shed everything, buy in advance, the crimes of the next year , this is pride. Unfortunately, some people dont understand why they must disappoint q. You should be proud, who may be disappointed, who may be proud, and what does this mean, so for things that are hard, for example, you should give a fifth of your extra income in a year to the deprived, the poor, spend religious culture, khums, and this does not know this , most of the time, many do not give, but the shrine comes, for example fast , dont pray, for example, it is not, for example , we have such illegitimate relationships. And giving water to the pilgrims and pilgrims of the house of god , what worship is higher than these acts of worship , the quran says, this is good, but dont compare it with the mujahideen with jihad faisalah, those who spend their lives and property honestly, as it says they are. We are religious, we are religious, now you do those religious things, i do these things, now here jihad means war in the field of battle or any kind of struggle, now there is any kind, but there, because that jihad is the hardest , it means you have to give your life, yes. Are they the ones who are fighting in yemen, iraq, syria, lebanon, and gaza and are fighting against the superpowers. Are they equal, even though, for example, we are building a mosque now, or the hosseini mosque, a mosque, for example, a servants hat. Lets shake the stick, its the church bell. Soandso, this, this is not equal, now you have good intention, you will receive my reward, quran he says, dont take your hat off when you say that we are religious, but we have nothing to do with these things. The quran says that the only criterion is how much you are willing to spend on your life and property. Hazrat reza , peace be upon him, said that what the quran says are the believers and those who are the people of action. Salih, the people of heaven , imam reza says, the people of heaven. There is no share, the quran says that the same degrees means they are their own degrees, not that they have degrees, they are degrees, yes, not that they have degrees , that means you are not separate from them, they are their own inherent degrees. Imam reza, peace be upon him, says that the distance between good people is like the distance between the earth and the sky. Paradises are not the same, martyrs are not the same, my scholars, my mujahideen, the devotees, it all depends on the level of awareness and especially their sincerity, how sincere the sacrifice is, this is about rituals. But in the style that ali said, peace be upon him, live, fight, make peace, sacrifice , spend, serve each other, have a good wife , we have nothing to do with this at all, we are all looking for a fatwa hadith, something that says if, for example , you put sports sunglasses here going to heaven means looking for it at all it is a spiritual pleasure to do what we want to do, to live however we want, but go to heaven. Because there are two deviations in this direction. There are two extremes on both sides. One extreme is some religious people who think that the difference between muslims and nonmuslims, for example , even shia and nonshia is black and white , that is, everyone is not one of us, no action is accepted , there is no value before god. There is no humanity at all , everyone who is not a muslim is not a human being, nor does he have rights, nothing is true, zero to one hundred percent is corrupt, but it is the opposite of what the jews believe, that anyone who is not a jew is not a human being, for example, no, this is this. Of course, i may say the same thing among them, you say the opposite, no, i mean, sorry, i meant to look. Islam is the opposite of what is in judaism. Well, now there are some muslims among themselves. By the way , the quran mentions this issue in several verses. One verse says that jews say that because jews and christians have been enemies for all these 200 years, now now, because the zionist jews are dominating even the christians of the world, although you know that there are not more than 15 million christians in the entire jewish community, well, after all, there are 2 billion. But actually , christians say that judah is the murderer of our god, like hazrat they do not know jesus as a prophet, they say that jesus is god , he came to earth, he is the son of god, yes, and the jews crucified the son of our god, jesus christ, and they have always been enemies, and therefore, jews in christian countries , especially europe, have always oppressed christians as long as they could. Oppressing them was antisemitism of christian culture. He was an apostate and a jew who betrayed and came and claimed that i am the son of god and soandso and thats why he was crucified behind the cross of jesus being jewish, the mullahs being jewish, the executing agent was the roman empire, later when the roman empire saw that christianity was progressing he declares that he is a christian we are christians, even though they dont believe. From the 5th century ad until after him, until then, judea was killing christians at the hands of the roman empire. These martyrs of christianity are referred to in the quran as the companions of the cave, who are the martyrs of christianity. By the roman empire and judea and these before islam. Later, when the roman empire sees that this weight is getting fatter, it says, well, we are christians , this is a fraud in the name of christ, now they will start to beat judea, christians for centuries and meet everywhere, the quran says that jews are the list of the christians. All of them are christians perverted what are all their words. Jews , the quran also says that christians are christians. The quran says that they say that uzair is the son of god. They say that jesus is the son of god. Then they say that anyone who is different is a fool. He has no right words. This is what the quran says, now between you. Muslims, some of you have come and say that whoever has these dreams and imaginations, as if faith, knowledge and righteous deeds have no role in going to heaven or not going to hell, these are the same words that the mufti said before you in the name of jews and christians. Now its your turn , muslims. A muslim is someone who practices islam , not someone who talks about it like us at the same time, it is also specified in the quran that those who believe are gooddoers , they are not people of betrayal and corruption and these things, and because of this issue , do not wear hijab, wine, meat, pork, and do not commit adultery. These rules are very strict, that is, if someone is jewish, christian, zoroastrian , he should not drink alcohol, he should not go out without a hijab, and all the holy books say that such people are the family of hellish people , that is, it is not for the quran. The bible is much faster. I once asked one of the cardinals of the christian priests in europe why the decrees you dont tell your people the bible. We said this to them, then jesus said that the commandments are not very important anymore , leave it alone. They say that imam hossein is the same as all of us. Let me say here that only the quran ends the fight between christians and jews, because the quran says that the one who crucified christ was not, so what kind of patricide do you have with each other. He says the two together dont crucify christ , dont put christ on the cross. Yes, he didnt go to the cross. Yes, that is, if you are christians and jews , they are the masses, who are useless. They are not really christians, nor jews, that is, zionists. You know, in the government of israel, these are secular, religious fundamentalists. Fundamentalist jews in the west, in the world, in america, in themselves. Israel is opposed to the secular government of israel , that is, there are some of them, there are antizionist rabbis , they say that the government of israel is not jewish , it is secular, they say that the haredim are also among them, yes , now they have different sects, christians too. The religious people are those who refer to america and this as england, france, the rulers do not consider them as christians and educated, even though they go to church, but they are all irreligious and corrupt. Well, in the islamic world, we also had and still have people who promote islamic bread in the name of muslim islam , but every filth the rulers of the house of saud, the emirates of bahrain, qatar, oman, where, kuwait, egypt , and all of this, the whole islamic world has been a puppet for 100 years, the british , the americans, the french, the leaders have been like this for 100 years , since the end of the war, the islamic world these fell apart. To divide among themselves, we also share we were british, then we became americans, every country took their own language and forced it there. In countries under british occupation, like us , english was made compulsory in schools, which is still there , french language pensions, french language pensions, russian language pensions. And it is civilization for the advancement of the language. In our opinion , because our masters are english , english is the language in countries like algeria, syria , libya, egypt, this is tunisia, morocco, algeria. You must learn french. They say that french is the language of science in asian countries, and the russian script has become the language. Science is everywhere, its masters are everywhere, this is an extreme from two ends to say that nonmuslims have no benefit from humanity, human or islamic. Therefore monotheism, prayers, beliefs , and i dont know what the prophet of ahl albayt and these words are, now it doesnt matter who you believe in and so and so. The same human being, now you are a human being, there is a smell of islam among hindus, there is a smell of blasphemy, you are a christian, soandso, you are a communist, soandso, you are soandso. Completely, the principle is not two. Completely means that both sides go to extremes. It is what hazrat amir said in the quran and his criterion was that first of all, god says that the divine religion is based on nature and the nature of all human beings. God is the god of nature. All mankind, east and west, old and new, with every religion, ethnicity, race, creed, wealth , gender, and whatever they are, all have one thing in common , and that is gods nature. What does it mean, both in valuing, in orientation, and in knowing the principle of monotheism, god has put all these things in you, so religion came, what should it do now, what is happening now, one of them is this. Summarizing is not enough, it should be detailed. Second , sometimes you agree with everyones concept, but you disagree with the examples. They say that we all share the same thing, the right to life, the right to marry, the right to marry, how does it come to a right that someone calls human rights , yes, for example, abortion without a medical reason, for example , adultery, for example, suicide, samesex marriage , samesex play, i dont know. Adultery of illicit relations. That s all, well, finally, they say, sir, if both parties are satisfied , there should be no aggression and violence, there is no problem, there is no conflict, this is part of human rights, so no more. Suicide is one of my own sir, i want to die , i want to come naked in the street, we have one thing in common , one thing is different. In order to agree on human rights, we all say that we agree with one thing, that is, it is a rational issue, it is a natural issue. 5 oclock we hope that your prayers and prayers will be accepted by the dargah. The deputy minister of oil for refining and distribution of oil products said that after the electronicization of the fuel card issuance service, the time of delivery of the card will be reduced. Delivery of each fuel card takes less than a month. Limit the fuel card delivery time to less than one week

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