The Film Festival will feature 283 films with 82 of them making their premiere. Screenings and events will happen in san jose and Mountain View all the way through the end of the month. Tickets are nine dollars for students, 14 for general admission. Now we have the movie list and we have to figure out how we get al yeah you can tell biden really enjoyed his time in ireland, cause today, instead of falling down the steps of air force one, he riverdanced down them [ laughter ] jimmy hey, ooh, hey. [ laughter ] i always love watching someone fall up. [ light laughter ] i just think its very rare. During his trip, biden quoted his favorite irish poet, which is different from trumps favorite irish quote, theyll never get me lucky charms. [ laughter ] yeah, i think biden had a pretty good time in ireland on friday night, he gave a big speech and check out the welcome that he received when he walked on stage. This is real announcer joe biden. [ cheers ] announcer joe biden. [ cheers ] [ im shipping up to boston by dropkick murphys [ cheers ] jimmy wow. Steve come on. [ laughter ] jimmy the ovation was so loud, even biden could hear it [ laughter ] it was amazing yeah, biden walked out to the irish punk band, dropkick murphys it was a pretty interesting song choice. But it makes more sense than the song that he was originally planning on walking out to listen to this annououncer pleasese welcom jojoe biden. [ [ cheers ] [ pony by ginunuwine ] [ laughter and applause jimmy of course [ light laughter ] steve thats [ light laughter ] jimmy bwow, bwow, bwow [ cheers ] course, biden is not the only political figure who uses walkout music to help set the mood ill show you what i mean. For instance, at other speeches, you could hear songs like insane in the membrane [ laughter ] or bad romance. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] or oops . I did it again. [ laughter ] or i cant get no satisfaction. [ audience oohs an artist like ol dirty bastard. [ laughter ] or the star spangled banner, which im told by George Santos was written by Francis Scott santos steve really [ light laughter ] jimmy or the classic eric clapton song, cocaine. [ audience oohs or or, ever since the trump indictment, some people are just playing this. Because im happy clap along [ cheers and applause if you feel lik a room without a roof jimmy yeah, people are just playing. Some more political news guys, the 2024 Campaign Season is in full swing and after months of attacks from former president trump, Florida Governor ron desantis is finally fighting back with an attack ad against trump steve ooh. Jimmy watch thisis trumpmp should fifight dedemocrats, n not lie abobout governor desantis. What happened to donald trump . [ light laughter ] jimmy but trump isnt backing down in response, his super pac just released an attack ad based on a story this is real, by the way. This is you saw this . Steve yeah jimmy this is based on a a story that desantis once ate pudding with his fingers did you hear this . [ light laughter ] this is im not making this up this is not a joke steve this is real jimmy this is a real attack ad steve this is a real ad. Jimmy this is this is real this is real check this out ron desantis loves sticking his fingers where they dont belong [ audience ohs ] and were not just talking about pudding. Steve oh wow. Jimmy thats real. Steve yeah jimmy that is real then the Desantis Super pac replied with okay, yes, he ate pudding with his fingers one time, but only because he didnt have a spoon. [ light laughter ] jimmy then the trump super pac was like oh, snap, you just admitted it everyone knows that when you dont have a spoon, you just toss that pudding cup back like a shot of tequila. [ light laughter ] jimmy then the desantis ad said tequila is what america will need if youre reelected and let me guess, well order it from mexico, but make them pay for it [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] jimmy then trumps ad said dont try to change the subject. How do you eat gogurt do you squirt it out on the table, then snort it [ laughter ] jimmy then desantis ad said oh, please, donalds hands are so tiny hed need both of them to even hold a gogurt. [ laughter ] jimmy then trumps ad said guess you forgot how much you used to love trump you were a total brown noser jimmy and finally desantis ad said that was just pudding on my face [ laughter and applause steve oh jimmy bizarre. Did you guys see this . Today elon musk called off the launch of his starship rocket due to a pressure issue. Yep, elon tried to make the spacex team feel better. He was like, dont worry, guys this rockets still not as dangerous as driving a tesla so yeah. [ light laughter ] well, a lot of people are talking about this netflix is apologizing after last nights love is blind live reunion was delayed due to technical issues yeah even though they couldnt see the reunion, love is blind fans still managed to fall in love with it anyway. [ audience aws ] [ light laughter ] well, get this i saw that thank you. [ laughter ] thats a real good, long laugh over on this side. I appreciate that. Guys, get this i saw that tupperware has warned that they are facing bankruptcy steve ooh. [ audience oohs jimmy its really gotten sad over there when asked for a comment, the ceo of tupperware just burped. [ laughter ] apparently someone borrowed all their inventory and never gave it back. [ laughter ] the company says that they were never the same after that one time they used them for marinara sauce [ laughter ] guys, i heard that thieves in philadelphia stole 2 million dimes worth 200,000 from a truck parked at a mall the suspects are described as armed and jingly. [ laughter ] oh, man, this is going viral a man in North Carolina was relaxing on his patio when he had a surprise visitor take a look at this. [ audience ohs ] [ bear grunts [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] jimmy thats what every kid feels like when they run into their teacher at a supermarket [ light laughter ] im not sure that clutching a throw pillow is how you protect yourself against a a bear call me old fashioned, but i miss the good old days when bears used to do cocaine and rip your head off. [ laughter and applause finally, you guys, spring is here, okay you feeling this [ cheers and applause the weather the weather is warming up the flowers are in full bloom, which inspired me to write a a song with one of our good friends, andy samberg. Here, take a look. [ cheers and applause [ clapping ] im a plant dad i love plants water the sun them do a little dance im a plant dad plants love me dig them raise the one two three go into the garde get on my knee give a little drin to my bonsai trees ive got my pot ive got my seed i give little kisses to the itty bitty leaves mwa fill a whole hothous thats my dream i like to go gree if you know what i mea i know what you mean i love plants too my wife is leaving me fo another man [ laughter ] im a plant dad i love plant water them sun the do a little dance im a plant dad plants love me dig them raise the one two three succulents dont need that much wate and they like to liv where its much hotter caring for plants it gives me structur she had an affai with her Yoga Instructor [ light laughter ] i cant get enoug of my orchid she and brayden want to have more kids sprouts are short plants are lon im afraid of brayde he seems strong one plant dad i b my kids alread call him daddy so couples therap then went badl she said i tried t coop her up like bradley then she also sai she slept with bradley then she also said she slept with chad lee i said even s i love her madly then the therapist called me a simp she said take some time to selfreflec and quote unquot find some selfrespect but instead i wen straight t my former house in search of my soontob former spouse i dropped to my knees and begged her pleas to be in a throupl with me they politely passe after thinking it through they said were open to a throuple just not with yo which hurt [ laughter ] so i walked down the bloc i came back late but they changed the lock so i burrowed a hol underneath the house and lay there all nigh quiet as a mouse listening to them bone jimmy should should i, like, go [ light laughter ] as i lay there buried like a plant i could hear them grun i could hear them pant their sweat drips dow through the floorboard onto my forehead i can hear four words they are worthless worthles worthless worthless why am i here what is my purpose smile on my face but my laugh is mirthless i deserve to be down where the dirt is [ laughter ] [ clapping ] im a plant dad i love plant water them sun the do a little dance im a plant dad plants love me every plant i ever raise [ bleep ] died [ audience ohs ] [ cheers and applause jimmy the one and only andy samberg, right there. Check out his new show [ cheers and applause digman airing wednesdays at 10 30 on comedy central. We love you, andy. We have a great show chris evans is here tonight [ cheers and applause lord Andrew Lloyd Webber is joining us [ cheers and applause and weve got great music from toosii [ cheers and applause stick around, well be right back with chris evans, everybody. Come on back im a plant dad [ cheers and applause im a plant dad stand with the roots cre do a little rhyme jimmy have you ever been ghosted, and do you know what that feels like, chris i dont know, i probably blocked it out if its happened have you [ laughter ] be honest. Jimmy im too im too old to kind of i well, see, i kind of feel the same way jimmy maybe with letters do letters count i meanan [ lalaughter ] dad we got o our subaru u forestr wilderneness toto discover r all of ththe s that makake us feel l somethig more. vo subaru i is the natitional pak foundadationss largest cocorporate dodonor, helping g expand accccess for. Somemetimes jonanah wrestles wiwith fallingng asleep. So he takakes zzzquili. The worlrlds 1 sleleep aid d for a betttter night s sl. So he takakes zzzquili. Soso now, he w wakes up feeleling like h himself. So he takakes zzzquili. The rereigning famamily room middlewweight chamampion. So he takakes zzzquili. Better days start with zzzquil nights. Whwho says youou cant go for bolold wiwithout goining broke. Get the e brands youou want, the prprices you w want, wheneverer you want. T. Tj m maxx where e you can alalways affod to b be you to t the maxx. Every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. Thats whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. With ourur businesss ininternet, nenew and exisisg cucustomers cacan geget one yearar of unlimimd momobile for f free. Its our b best internrnet. Powered byby the nextt geneneration 10g0g network ad wiwith 99. 9 r reliabilityt. Plus one l line of freree momobile for a an entire y y. Itss the mobilile made fre eveventhappenening now. Get t started fofor jujust 49. 99 9 a month. Plusus, ask how w to get onene line of f unlimited d mobil. Comcast t business,s, poweriring possibibilities. [ cheers and applause jimmy our first guest is a a giant movie star and a a fantastic actor, who stars in and produced the new movie, ghosted, which premieres globally this friday on apple tv plus. Everyone, please welcome, chris evans [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause jimmy thats exactly what im talking about. Chris evans, wel hello, everyone [ cheers ] jimmy how are you, buddy thats got to feel good. Yeah, yeah, every time. Jimmy welcome back to the show thanks, man jimmy it is always great to see you. Youve been such a good friend to the show. Since ive last seen you, though, some a major thing happened i dont know if you saw this you were named sexiest man alive. Thats right. [ cheers and applause thats right thats right jimmy wow. Thats right. Jimmy you know what im saying yeah thats right. Jimmy and you thats right. Jimmy yeah [ laughter ] you you type you put, thanks, people. i think we can all agree that its damn near impossible to follow in paul rudds footsteps yeah. Jimmy in any capacity, but ill do my best. Which is true i mean jimmy i know pretty much in any capacity, its tough to follow him. Isnt it jimmy yeah, did you hear anything from paul rudd since yeah, im actually im in a im in a Fantasy Football League with paul and a few other actor buddies. So, they they haze you. And it almost feels like thats thats all that title does, is give you a hard time, you know what i mean jimmy yeah, did you get like nobody on the streets like, hey, you know what . You did it. Jimmy congrat [ laughter ] congratulations. Now everyones like no, theyre just theyre just busting your balls. Jimmy just hazing yeah, and youre like, oh, yeah, totally. Well, thats good. Thats it yeah jimmy how did you do in the Fantasy Football Team . Well, i didnt do well this year, but ive won a few times, so so i have bragging rights jimmy oh, yeah yeah [ cheers ] i wanted to ask you this question, because its i found this very interesting. I think that you might i have to thank you and give you credit for my first ever i heard this. Youre keep go, go this is amazing. Your producer told me this jimmy my acting my acting debut, my Television Debut was jimmy was spin city. Which is where i interned in the casting office jimmy so, you around the same time did i jimmy i think you mightve cast did i give you your first job . [ laughter ] jimmy wow. I mean, this is i feel like i owe my whole career to you for yeah, its amazing. Yeah what year was it i mean, it was 98 jimmy 98. 98 [ light laughter ] [ cheers ] jimmy i played i played youre welcome. Jimmy wow. [ cheers and applause wait, so i mean, for real i remember i was i was nervous. I went in. I read for this role as photographer number one or something. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy and i walked in, i and i didnt do anything that special. So, im like, im not going to get this. But you got it. Jimmy you did it. [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] what can i say . Jimmy but how old well, i dont understand how old were you what were you doing . It was the summer of my junior going into senior year. I knew i wanted to act, so i moved to the city. I got a job interning at a a casting office just to meet agents, you know and it was jimmy did that work . It did actually its a humbling experience though i mean, you you come into your job on a monday after theres, you know, an audition goes out what was what was the part you had . Jimmy photographer number one. Photographer number one yeah so, you show up at your desk and you got jimmy hold your hold your applause. [ laughter ] you got you got [ laughter ] jimmy they remember it a stack of envelopes from all these agents in town jimmy headshots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And your boss comes in and i dont want to get anybody in trouble, specifically my old boss but she would she would pluck out two or three envelopes, and i threw the rest in the trash [ audience oohs she just chucked them. And youre just like, wow, this industry is brutal. [ laughter ] jimmy oh, it really is that brutal, right . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy cause you go like youre just trying to get hired. I mean, i didnt have an agent i didnt yeah, well jimmy i dont even know how i got in there yeah. Well, you certainly cant get upset at your agent. Thats what it told me your agent can be trying, but you know, sometimes they jimmy it doesnt end up in the trash. Jimmy yeah, its just a pile of stuff. And then you just saw my headshot and you were like and i was like, this guys got something. Jimmy wow. [ laughter ] youre like, this guy oh, i thought it was going to be your headshot. Jimmy no, no i dont know what youre talking about. Youre like, this guy should be but do you remember casting any other famous talk show hosts no, i [ laughter ] i just sat in the front room setting up auditions i remember some actors would come in. I remember seeing jesse young jesse eisenberg. Jimmy yeah a young Young Jim Gaffigan would come in there a lot. Jimmy thats wild. But again, these are yeah, yeah i mean, this is back in, like, 98. Jimmy yeah i want to talk about your movie, ghosted. Its on apple tv plus. Its a romantic comedy you, ana de armas. It is like [ cheers ] yeah, exactly. I go and you two together [ laughter ] yeah yeah. Jimmy so, the idea is that you guys meet cute. You go on a date uhhuh. Jimmy and then you think she may have ghosted you yep jimmy and then you you find her she she find her. Track her down [ laughter ] kind of stalker my way jimmy yeah you know, you have this amazing date you have this wonderful experience with someone. You go home, you tell your family, your friends, and then you dont hear from her. She she ghosted me. Jimmy yeah [ audience oohs jimmy listen to this reaction [ laughter ] yeah. Jimmy can you believe this yeah, i know, i was in tears i go, what . [ laughter ] not my chris. [ laughter ] but you she actually has like an apple tag, you have, like, a tracker. That she takes, like, your jacket or something yeah, yeah. Jimmy your inhaler i think its my inhaler jimmy yes. Its a lot less cool than my jacket [ laughter ] jimmy sorry. Its my inhaler jimmy she has your inhaler and you go, i know where she is. I know where she is. And my family is like, you should go. You think you know, hes you know jimmy yeah he thinks its a big, grand romantic gesture and he ends up getting shes a spy, and he ends up getting caught up in this world of espionage. Jimmy its super fun its really fun jimmy and you go, oh, my gosh two plug your ears really goodlooking people in this thing. [ laughter ] and i just love the whole idea have you ever been ghosted do you know what that feels like, chris . You know, thats, like, the number one question im getting asked on this press tour i mean jimmy its you can say, no ones listening. Well, you know [ laughter ] i dont know i probably blocked it out if its happened. Have you be honest. [ laughter ] jimmy im too old to kind of well, see, i, kind of, feel the same way like, i meant jimmy i letters does letters count [ laughter ] i mean, texting didnt exist when i was dating, you know . Your pen pal just fell off. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, ran out of ink you know me. Oh, yeah, i didnt get a pen exactly. But, i mean, im sure i was. I mean, theres definitely moments where i go, oh, they yeah. Jimmy theyre not into me. Well, see, what i say, is id almost rather be ghosted because you can tell yourself a story. Like, maybe they, you know, lost their phone if youve had the worst, which is just kind of a gradual less and less and less texts and theres really no confusing whats going on. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, its heartbreaking. But i will say theres some other cameos, that i dont know if im allowed to talk about there are some cameos, which youre not allowed to talk about, which i just learned right before we came out [ laughter and applause so, good thing i didnt say anything [ laughter ] but theyre great cameos jimmy but theyre really great cameos yeah, there theres some friendly Friendly Faces jimmy good buddies of yours. Yeah. Jimmy yeah, yeah some faces that youve seen before yeah. Jimmy yeah can i legally i can say that i hate asking people for cameos its such an awful thing to do jimmy oh, i wouldnt know what its like [ laughter ] im very available it its the people that make the cameos are super good and super funny. Theyre fantastic jimmy and theyre people that you love. And you go and they crush and they showed up. Jimmy they showed up they showed up for me we asked, and they showed up jimmy so now, show up for chris evans. Here we go i want to show a clip. Heres c chris evansns and ana de a armas in gghosted. Tatake a look k at this. [ chcheers and a applause [ dramamatic musicic ] [ grgrunting ] [ elelectric shohock ] [ [ bleep i c cant belieieve you tooo a a picture ofof me while e i w sleepiping notot of you. Of us. I i knew you u were a crereep imm not a crereep y you know whwho says thahat a a lot . Creeps jimmy oh, come on [ cheers and applause chris evans. Ghosted premieres globally on apple tv plus, this friday chris and i are doing the whisper challenge when we come back stick around, everybody. Come back. [ cheers and applause this is so funny. Jimmy boo. Poo [ cheers and applause jimmy boo. Poo [ laughter ] the thougught of gettining screeneded foror colon canancer made me e queasy. But now i ive f found a y ththats s right for r me. Foror colon canancer made me e queasy. Feeeels more eaeasy. Foror colon canancer made me e queasy. My y doc and i i agreed. I i pick the e time. Todayays a a good day. 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So you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are recharge quickly with any usb port. Best of all, it even cleans itself just blend water with a drop of soap. What are you waiting for . Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again wellll well wellll, what have e we here . A magigical place. E. Thats looookin to geget sca [laughteter] halloween n time is back k in disneylyland and disneyey californinia adventnture parks s [ cheers and applause jimmy welcome back, everybody. We are hanging out with chris evans, right here. [ cheers and applause ghosted is his movie and were about to play the whisper challenge. [ cheers and applause whisper challenge jimmy now, heres how the game works you can play this at home if youd like one person puts on these headphones with loud music playing. Okay then, the other person picks up a card i have these cards here, okay . And youre going to read the random phrase on that card the person wearing the headphones has to try to guess what they just said, just by reading your lips. All right . [ cheers ] chris, go ahead and put on the headphones i put on the [ cheers and applause jimmy i think were going to be good all right, ill play the music now. Hold on. That should be kind of is that oh oh, you get its a bop. Its a bop its a bop its a bop its a bop [ clapping rhythmically come on. Its a chris evans bop wait, wait, wait. Jimmy oh, im sorry. Oh, now, its good oh yeah, i can now hear it through your headphones. All right. Good [ light laughter ] all right. Here we go [ laughter ] this is so funny. Jimmy boo. Poo [ cheers and applause [ light laughter ] jimmy boo. Poo [ laughter ] jimmy boo boo jimmy yes very good, yes [ dinging [ cheers and applause its harder than you think its harder than you think all right, come on all right. We got that one. We got that one. Come on. Wow. Okay. Yeah, i went for it. All right. Ready . This is really fun oh, i love it. Dunkin coolatta jimmy talking to a dahlia. [ laughter ] you didnt even let me finish wait jimmy yep. Wait. Jimmy yep. Dunkin coolatta. Jimmy talking elana. [ laughter ] dunkin jimmy talking coolatta. Jimmy quilatta close, close. Jimmy oh, Coolatta Dunkin coolatta bam [ dinging [ cheers and applause jimmy you know my Dunkin Coolatta dude, Dunkin Coolatta is my jam come on. I knew Dunkin Coolatta. It looked like talking talking. I could play this game for hours. Jimmy yeah, lets do it. Lets do it, lets do it all right, bud let me know if its working. Yep. Okay hm weed whacker [ laughter ] weed whacker. Jimmy yes wait, what [ dinging [ cheers and applause that was too easy that was too easy. Jimmy how . I didnt even yeah, that was too easy jimmy how did you get weed whacker . That was too easy jimmy it was cause it looked like weed whacker. Jimmy all right. All right. Thats what im talking about, dude thats a good partner right there. All right, this is for all the marbles. Lets do it. Okay. Okay i like it. Duck, duck, goose. Jimmy that was it . [ laughter ] all right, all right start again. Ready . And duck, duck, goose jimmy sorry. Again. One more time. Duck, duck, goose jimmy tell the truth [ laughter ] duck, duck, goose jimmy touch the touch the juice . [ laughter ] all right duck, duck, goose. Jimmy tattoo juice [ laughter ] duck, duck jimmy is that another name for a beer tattoo juice [ laughter ] duck, duck, goose jimmy tuck, tuck duck, duck, goose yeah [ dinging [ cheers and applause jimmy chris evans, everybody. His movie, ghosted, premieres on apple tv plus this friday more tonight show, after the break. Stick around duck, duck, goose. [ cheers and applause wake u up, gotta g go ccmon, cmmon. Graracie, cmonon. Lets go guys, cmon mom, cmon mia [ enginene revving ] ] my favoritite color isis. Becaususe, its s like a fafamily thingng [ [ engine revevving ] made i it mom leave e running bebehind, beh. Ththe new turbrbocharged volkswswagen atlasas. Does life e beautifulllly. Whwho says youou cant go for bolold wiwithout goining broke. Get the e brands youou want, the prprices you w want, wheneverer you want. T. Tj m maxx where e you can alalways affod to b be you to t the maxx. oh, oh i wantnt some morere oh, oh oh, oh what are y you waitingng take a b bite of my heaeart tonightht take a b bite of itits back take a b bite of apapplebees a all you canant boboneless winings, just 1212. 99. Mymy a1c was u up here; now, itts down witith rybels. Apapplebees a all you canant boboneless winings, hihis a1c . Itss down withth rybelsuss. My dococtor told m me rybelsu® lowered a1a1c better than a l leading braranded pil and ththat peoplele taking ryrybelsus® lost more e weight. I got toto my a1c gogoal and d lost some e weight too. Rybebelsus® isnsnt for peoee wiwith type 1 1 diabetes. 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Boringng i mean, ththe guy getsts foot, bubut he just t doesnt get us yououths. Enough wasas enough. We had t to show himim how we p. gruntnts, cheerining come t to find outut im m a natural totouchdown dadan. gruntnts, cheerining he w was terriblble. But t he had funun. Thats what thihis gamemes alall about. He w was terriblble. But t he had funun. Right,t, thats good, ththats. He w was terriblble. But t he had funun. Im ororlando and im liliving with h hiv. I dont hahave to worrrry about dailily hiv pilllls bebecause i swswitched to eveveryothermmonth caben. For adulults who arere unundetectablele, cabenunuva is the e only comple longngacting hihiv treatmt yoyou can get t every otheher. Cabenunuva is the e only comple longngacting hihiv treatmt its t two injectitions m a hehealthcare p provider. Cabenunuva is the e only comple longngacting hihiv treatmt now w when i havave people o , hiv pilllls arent o on my. Dodont receive cabebenuva if yououre allergrgic to itsts ingredienents, or if yoyoure takining certaiain medicinenes, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. Seririous side e effects ince allelergic reactctions, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. Postinjecection reactction, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. Livever problemsms, and dedepression. If youou have a rarash and or allergrgic reactioion sympto, stopop cabenuva a and get medical hehelp right a awa. Tetell your dodoctor ifif you have e liver probobs or m mental healalth conce, and ifif you are p pregn, breaeastfeeding,g, or consisidering preregnanc. And ifif you are p pregn, breaeastfeeding,g, some of f the most c common siside effectsts include ininjectionsisite reactitions, fevever, and tiriredness. Include ininjectionsisite reactitions, if you s switch to c cabenu, include ininjectionsisite reactitions, attendnd all treaeatment appopointmen. It feels g good to jususte in thehe moment. Attendnd all treaeatment appopointmen. With e everyotherermonth cabenunuva, im gogood to go. Asask your dococtor about cabenuvava today. [ cheers and applause jimmy our next guest is an egotwinning broadway superstar, who composed some of the biggest musicals in history, like cats and phantom of the opera. His [ cheers and applause it goes on and on. Jesus christ superstar. I mean, the guy his latest musical, bad cinderella is playing now at the Imperial Theater on broadway please welcome lord Andrew Lloyd Webber [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause jimmy thats exactly right now, whats all this business about duck, duck, goose . Jimmy yeah, no, no were not playing duck, duck, goose. No, i just wondered because ive done cats in my day jimmy yeah, no this is big deal last night was the last performance, after 35 years, of the phantom of the opera on broadway [ cheers and applause yep it was jimmy final performance on broadway and there you are, there [ cheers and applause well jimmy how how did it feel to be in the theater yesterday . Well, it was strange really, because, you know, one of the funny things thats happened with phantom is that over the last few years well, few months really a a young audience found it. And its i dont know it was sad last night, because i just felt it could run on. But there you go jimmy i think it will live forever, personally. I mean well, you never know. You know, you never know, do you . Jimmy no the great thing about musicals is is that when everything comes together which is often very unusual. It is actually very unusual. Like the production, the whole thing meshes its just one of those moments i mean, it happened with lion king. Its happened with hamilton. Its happened with me with phantom. It doesnt happen very often jimmy no, and did you know once, when you when you wrote it, when you did it, and you go this is going to be a hit this is going to run for 35 years . Well, not not really i mean, i have to tell you, in the dress rehearsal we had, hal prince the great legendary director, hal prince jimmy yes. Had this idea that some of you may know in phantom we go up to the roof. And he had this idea that pigeons would fly from the roof over the audience. In the dress rehearsal, they made shall we put it this way . A mess [ laughter ] jimmy yeah 4d. The pigeons left. Jimmy yes, well, apparently, thats good luck apparently, thats good luck yeah but pigeons the musical i havent done [ laughter ] jimmy we gotta work on that im going to read you some stats here youve probably heard all these. But just in case anyone wants to know a little bit of the phantom of the opera holds the record as the longest running show in broadway history, playing 13,981 performances. [ cheers and applause the original cast recording is certified quadruple platinum and is the bestselling cast recording of all time. [ cheers and applause the orchestra at phantom was one of broadways largest, holding 27 fulltime musicians, 11 of whom were with the show since it first opened. [ applause ] and then i like this one a lot. The phantom of the opera has been the largest generator of income and jobs in broadway and u. S. Theatrical history. [ cheers and applause and lets just say how great it is to have a live band, and how great these guys are jimmy i know, the roots are fantastic. [ cheers and applause nothing like them. Can i ask you about cats how does [ light laughter ] how does one come up with an idea like cats and are you a cat person well, i am a cat person well, i was [ cheers ] a total cat person until i saw the cats movie [ laughter ] jimmy no, you cant say no no you cant [ applause ] no standing, no standing but what happened in the cats movie was during the course of it being, as it were, shot which i hoped the whole movie would have been [ laughter ] but i i bought this little puppy. And hes called mojito hes a little and hes a little havanese dog. He comes from cuba and thats little jiti. Jimmy thats you and mojito yeah, mojito. [ audience awws and so, you know, one of those things, you know youre allowed to take a therapy or dog like that kind on airplanes. You know, you can jimmy oh, sure but you have to have a doctors certificate to do it jimmy yes. You know that so, i forget which airline it was now, but i said to the airline, i have to have my little therapy companion dog with me. And they said, you need a a doctors letter. And so, i just said, i saw the cats movie and bought a puppy. And they said and they said, no doctors letter required. [ laughter and applause jimmy mojito can travel. Mojito can travel with you can we talk about bad cinderella . This is your new project, right here how did you decide to take on cinderella for your next show . Well, its a very long very long story. But its written by Emerald Fennell who wrote promising young woman. Ive known her for a for a while. I mean, shes a, you know, she was a baby when i first knew her. But she had this idea to do a kind of alternative cinderella and i liked the idea i just thought itd be fun to do, because its a fun story, you know and its, you know, one of those things where i dont know, i just let my hair down a bit. Jimmy yeah [ light laughter ] and im quite quite i havent got very much of it left but what i had, i let down jimmy yeah and you and you hear these songs like, if i if i bring up a show, can you can you talk about a song well, its quite a good idea i was once in the peninsula in los angeles. And very late at night, because i was on english time, i went down to the bar. And in the bar was frank sinatra. And i went over to him, and we said hello and everything. And he said the one great line of my career the grand piano is at the other end of the bar and he said to the barman, bring me the grand piano. [ light laughter ] so, if youre able to do that jimmy for [ cheers and applause for lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, we can bring you the piano anything for you [ cheers and applause thank you, bud this is were in for a treat tonight this is fantastic. Thank you for doing this i appreciate this. How about phantom of the opera well, we can do the obvious jimmy come on. [ cheers and applause thats right now we got our moneys worth. Im very happy already right, im off. Jimmy thats it. Right, yeah. But you hear that and you go, oh, i know this is going to be something that will stick in peoples heads . I just thought it was a a great, great start for this whole thing to see the chandelier rise up and then, you hear those notes yeah, yeah, yeah i just and sometimes music and what you think of visually comes together jimmy how about Jesus Christ Superstar . Well, that was different, but [ cheers and applause actually, i was going past a restaurant in london and i was a kid, then. And i thought, ive got this tune in my head. And i went into the restaurant, and i said, can you please give me a paper napkin something i can write this down on. And they said, fine. And a couple of years later, i used that jimmy when you have that, do people go, oh, were going to we have to make this . Or, you how do you sell a a musical about, you know, jesus . Well, that was a [ laughter ] that was a very long story, and nobody wanted to produce it. So, it became an album first, because i was able to get a Record Company well, tim rice and i were able to get a Record Company to basically make the whole idea. So, it was produced a bit like a radio play, if you could think of that, but a musical radio play because there was no visual to it and thats how it started. Jimmy and then but then evita. Evita. Well, we can think of [ cheers and applause jimmy that is come on like, i mean, you write one of these, im happy you write all of these, you go who are you . Well, thats the wonderful thing about this, is that its in dflat major. Jimmy of course. Which was well, anyway jimmy but what is that . What what does that mean . It doesnt sound the same in this jimmy no no. It doesnt jimmy no, the other play the other one again. Thats it. Thats where it is yes. [ light laughter ] its all to do with that. Jimmy wow. And then and then cats. Well, memory, of course [ cheers and applause jimmy come on. Ooh, gosh brilliantly played jimmy yeah can you give us a taste of a a song from bad cinderella yeah, of course i can let me think yes, what about this one its called lonely you. Now, whats wonderful, is if you then take it on and its all about construction of a melody. And then you hit that, note and then you can do a key change [ cheers and applause jimmy yes [ humming and then you can take the arch and stop to the top note, you see . [ cheers and applause jimmy how i dont know. Im just honored to meet you, honored to sit next to you well, im delighted jimmy please come back whenever youre around thank you, very much indeed thank you. [ cheers and applause jimmy lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, bad cinderella is now playing at the Imperial Theater on broadway more tonight show after the break. Stick around [ applause ] [ cheers and applause my active psoriatitic arthris cacan make me e feel likee im lolosing my rhrhythm. 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[ cheers and applause jimmy making his tv debut, performing his hit, Favorite Song, please welcome, toosii [ cheers and applause but nobody gonna make you chang what you probabl dont like anyway bout you darlin so you might as well mmm be somebody who can make you fac what youre guardin open up the gates where your heart i and just be yourself adelso on this yea im on the stage right now singin your Favorite Song look in the crowd and youre nowhere to be foun as they sing along i say you look good out no makeup no lashes even bette when you wake up ohohoh i see the loo on your face i see you hidin the hate i see you lookin for someone to scoop you right off of your feet you wanna ride in a wrait you wanna go out on date you want somebod to come bring you flowers someone to talk t for hour wash your back while yall sit in the shower someone to tell you youre beautiful someone to tell yo and mean it someone to tell you i love you every day and dont got a reason you want someon to bring you peace u someone to help you slee yeah someone to pick you u when youre feelin down feelin lonely need somebody who can make it better somebody who can open up those gates open up those gates to your hear only if youll let me im on the stage right no singin your Favorite Song look in the crowd and youre nowhere to be foun as they sing along i say you look good without no makeu no lashes even bette when you wake up ohohoh i see the loo on your face i see you lookin for peace i see you tired of the hur tired of the pain tired of the nights where you can get no sleep i see youre tire thinkin bout if he cheatin see youre tired thinkin bout if you leavin see youre tire of bein so tired and you damn sur aint gettin even somebod who can make it better somebody who can open up those gates open up those gates to your hear only if youll let me im on the stage right no singin your Favorite Song look in the crowd and youre nowhere to be foun as they sing along i say you look good out no makeup no lashes even bette when you wake up ohohh yeah i see yo lookin for peac tired of the nights wher you cant get no sleep i see you tired thinkin bout if youre leavin and you damn sur aint gettin even gonna make you change when somebod dont like anywa be somebody so you might as well [ cheers and applause jimmy whoa come on, now come on, now toosii Favorite Song is out now well be right back, everybody come on back [ cheers and applause introducucing togoss new frech dip p sandwicheses. 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Andy samberg, toosii, once again [ cheers and applause and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Good night, everybody. Byebye. Thank you [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause 30 rocockefeller p plaza in new yoyork, its late nighth seth meyeyers. Totonight alanan cumming

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