[ cheers and applause and now, Seth Meyers Seth good evening, everybody im seth meyers. This is late night. We hope youre all doing well, tonight. And if you dont mind, im gonna get to the news. President biden on thursday delivered a rare prime time address from philadelphias independence hall, and not as i originally thought, the upside down . [ laughter ] that is a wild lighting choice i kept expecting him to be interrupted by vecna [ laughter ] President Biden traveled to pittsburgh yesterday, which was his third trip to pennsylvania in less than a week. Not to be outdone, dr. Oz also made his third trip to pennsylvania [ laughter ] election day is nine weeks away, and only time will tell if republicans gain seats, or if it was rigged [ laughter ] President Biden and first lady dr. Jill biden are set to host the obamas on wednesday at the white house for the unveiling of their official portraits, and you can tell biden misses the old days because this is his official portrait. [ laughter ] maine senator Susan Collins said in a new interview that she believes that Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer will get a vote on samesex marriage protections this month, but added that she hopes he will, quote, resist the urge to play politics with the bill. Its the senate its all politics. Thats like saying you hope the jets resist the urge to play football [ laughter ] okay, jets jets is a bad example, but you get the point. During a speech in wisconsin yesterday, President Biden said that not every republican is, quote, a maga republican, which is a little like saying that not every zombie eats brains [ light laughter ] maybe, but they also dont mind if the other zombies eat your brain. [ light laughter ] two air france pilots were suspended recently after a physical fight in the cockpit during a flight. The fight was reportedly so intense that one of them dropped his cigarette. [ laughter and applause new footage of the titanic wreckage was recently released in the highest Screen Resolution currently available. They zoomed in as far as they could, and bad news you guys, no survivors. [ laughter ] well, we know now. Its high resolution, so we know now. You know what would be worse a survivor [ laughter ] oh [ laughter ] a large spill of alfredo sauce recently shut down an interstate highway in tennessee well, it wouldnt be the first time alfredo sauce clogged a major artery [ laughter ] now, we were you know, when we read a story like that, were worried obviously that our monologue writers caused the accident [ laughter ] according to new York State Park officials, hundreds of people at long island beaches over the weekend were stung by jellyfish. At least, i assume thats why they were all peeing on each other. [ laughter ] thats my assumption and finally, rapper eminem won an emmy award over the weekend and now just needs a tony award to achieve so called egot status, so look for him this fall in dear evan hansen. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. [ cheers and applause dear evan stanson . Wow, we got a great show for you tonight. She is an emmy and tonywinning legend and a dear friend Christine Baranski is back on the show [ cheers and applause and he was an nfl quarterback for 17 seasons, and now he hosts prime videos thursday night football, Ryan Fitzpatrick will be joining us. [ cheers and applause fitz magic in the house. But before we get to all that, craven Trump Supporters, like senator marco rubio, are trying to downplay the severity of the federal criminal investigation into the classified materials found at trumps maralago resort meanwhile, a trumpappointed judge granted what legal scholars across the political spectrum, including trumps own former attorney general, considered an absurd request to slow down the Justice Departments investigation so, you know, that sucks [ light laughter ] oh, wait, i forgot, we do a whole segment about stuff like that for more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth you know, we always joke around the office here about how the craziest news stories always seem to break on friday night, or when we have a week off, and how we wish we had a show so we could talk about it weve been off for four weeks, and you know what happened the monday of our first week off the fbi search of maralago [ light laughter ] i was on vacation with my family, and i said to my wife, the feds found classified documents at trumps residence, but we dont have shows for a month what am i supposed to do now . And then she said to me, i dont know, maybe be a father to your three children . [ laughter ] and then i said a bunch of stuff back to her, but under my breath while i was walking away so she couldnt hear it point is [ laughter ] its so nice to be back. And it wasnt just trump scandal stuff we missed. Joe biden and the democrats strung together a bunch of surprise victories, both legislatively and politically, bumping bidens poll numbers, and hopes that democrats can hold on to power as midterm seasons ramps up and you can tell bidens got some pep in his step now i mean, before, when he was slogging through the doldrums of his presidency with record low approval ratings, just getting covid over and over again [ laughter ] like they were accidentally treating his covid with more covid. And he would do that thing where hed close his eyes and lower his head whenever a reporter asked him a question, like he was in physical pain he looked like chris pine at the Venice Film Festival [ laughter ] that was the posture of a man who spent eight years as Vice President and thought, how hard could this job be . Then got the job and immediately realized it only looked easy because obama was the one doing it obama made being president look like a cross between being a record producer and an instagram influencer [ laughter ] for more tutorials on the debt ceiling, uh, smash that follow button [ laughter ] but that was the old biden i mean, look at him now hes a completely different guy, as you can tell from some of his recent rallies where, among other things, he championed a bill to cap Prescription Drug prices for medicare patients and touted the power of women voters we beat pharma this year. We beat pharma this year and it mattered. Were going to change peoples lives. Maga republicans dont have a clue about the power of women. [ cheers ] let me tell you something, they are about to find out. [ cheers ] oh oh yeah. Oh yeah. Seth hes got hes got so much confidence now, hes turned into barry white [ laughter ] its too bad those guys never got to Work Together oh, oh yeah [ cheers and applause seth anyway, biden is clearly laserfocused on the growing list of accomplishments during his tenure, and his string of big victories and special elections that have revived democrats political fortunes, but he has one very formidable obstacle in his way donald trump, a rival with unparalleled political instincts, a man with his finger on the pulse of the electorate, a candidate with the foresight and discipline to stay strictly on message, and make sure hes connecting with voters over the Kitchen Table issues they care about like this if you want to see a dead Bird Cemetery, go under a windmill sometime [ light laughter ] its not a pretty sight. Seth okay, but [ laughter ] what if i dont want to see a dead Bird Cemetery [ laughter ] is that an option . Also, what do you mean dead Bird Cemetery [ laughter ] is there such a thing as an alive Bird Cemetery . I bury them up to their necks they never stop chirping. [ laughter ] trumps windmill obsession has been going on for like, a decade now and its somehow getting creepier he used to complain about them being ugly and noisy, and now hes basically the kid from stand by me. You guys wanna see a dead Bird Cemetery . Id hate to get sight seeing advice from trump. What should we see while were in new york, donald . Theres a lot of dead geese by the airport. [ laughter ] you should check that out remember Sully Sullenberger . He saved he saved that airplane, but he killed a lot of geese. [ laughter ] nobody remembers the dead geese, but i do. I do. [ laughter ] i remember, once, a goose came up to me big goose, strong goose tears in his eyes, and running down his bill beak . I dont know. [ light laughter ] and he said to me ill never forget what he said to me he said, sir, honk [ laughter ] but i guess [ applause ] i guess if i was donald trump, and i was also under, like, 97 different criminal investigations, i too would be trying to draw americas focus to the nations dead bird cemeteries i mean, the cfo of his Family Company just pleaded guilty to tax fraud and promised to cooperate in the investigation of the trump organization. The state attorney general is investigating his company for fraud. The Fulton CountyDistrict Attorney is investigating trumps threatening phone call to the georgia secretary of state to try to overturn the States Election results there are at least two federal grand juries that we know of investigating the january 6th insurrection, and a scheme to submit counterfeit electors to keep trump in power. And of course, now, perhaps most serious of them all, a criminal investigation into trump apparently just jacking a bunch of closely guarded government secrets from the white house, and keeping them in the closet of his goldplated swamp hotel [ laughter ] the way the rest of us hoard old receipts from cvs. And, just as a quick refresher, since the month of august has been, in news terms, about three centuries long, the materials the fbi seized werent just innocuous government documents, they were reportedly some of the most sensitive documents the government has the fbi found 184 classified documents in 15 boxes. That includes 25 documents marked as top secret. According to the fbi, some of the material was marked with the highest levels of classification that exists. Material that is meant to be held only in secure government facilities, not at a private club where basically anyone can pay for a membership and Wander Around arguably the agents most alarming finding that we were able to see in the redacted version is that the boxes contain classified information that came from human intelligence sources, meaning that if the documents were mishandled or leaked or transmitted, they could compromise the identity of american intelligence assets the government says it found more than 40 folders with classified markings that were empty. Seth so donald trump gets to steal highly classified material containing some of the governments most closely guarded secrets from the white house, but if i do so much as borrow a stamp from the supply closet, i get a bill for 60 cents from an allcaps email from hr that says, reminder, Office Supplies are exclusive property of Nbc Universal and cannot be used for personal business. So let me see if im following this, the fbi found National Defense documents that could potentially compromise the identities of american personnel documents with some of the highest classification markings that exist in the storage closet of Donald Trumps highly secured, fortified compound sorry, i read that wrong in the basement of Donald Trumps palm beach wedding venue for dentists and their second wives, where a bunch of spies or tourists or trumps lumpy adult sons could just Wander Around and see em and on top of that, some of the classified folders were empty . Where did the documents that were in those folders go has trump been giving them out as party gifts to club members when you sit down at your table, does the menu give you a choice of chicken, fish, or Nuclear Codes . [ laughter ] all this time i thought foreign spies had to go to extreme lengths to infiltrate highly secure government buildings, and in reality, it turns out all they need to do is sidle up to trump at the omelet bar. Hello, my name is john smith. I would like Denver Omelet. The Denver Omelet is great, but wouldnt you rather have some troop locations . [ laughter ] now, as a delay tactic, trump asked a judge to appoint whats known as a special master to sift through the documents and separate out anything that privileged or personal, and yesterday a judge appointed by trump and hand picked by the rightwing Federalist Society granted that request, despite the fact that legal experts across the political spectrum consider the request absurd. Various legal experts told the New York Times yesterday that the decision was genuinely unprecedented, deeply problematic, and thin at best, with one going so far as to claim that to any lawyer with serious federal criminal Court Experience, who is being honest, this ruling is laughingly bad. Well, sure, if youre going to limit it to lawyers with serious federal criminal Court Experience that are being honest what about the lawyers that dont fit that category . Did the biased New York Times interview any of them . If you ask me, this ruling makes perfect sense. [ laughter ] almost as much sense as marrying my cousin its a wedding and a family reunion. Two birds with one windmill. [ laughter ] even trumps own former attorney general bill barr, who you may recall did everything in his power to shield trump from the mueller investigation, thought the special master request was nonsense well, i think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring. The only documents that have been taken, it seems to me, that theres a legitimate concern about keeping away from the government and insulating the government from, would be documents relating to his private lawyer communications, him as an individual and his outside lawyers. If theres stuff like that, fine, identify it. There doesnt appear to be much of it. Im not sure you need a special master to identify it. Any other documents that were seized, like news clippings and other things that were in the boxes containing the classified information, those were seizable under the warrant, because they show the conditions under which the classified information was being held so i think its a red herring. Seth even bill barr is calling this special master thing [ bleep ], and hes the guy who preemptively released misleading snippets of the Mueller Report to make it look like the report exonerated trump, when the reality was the exact opposite and thats when you know things are bad, when your own henchmen turn on you. Itd be like if wally started doing cue cards for james corden sorry, seth, he let me have my own segment called cardpool wally oke. [ light laughter ] seth wally what was paul like oh, paul was super nice very down to earth youd like him im not sure hed like you seth wally but you know, all else aside, im actually quite impressed by the courage and bravery many republicans have shown in criticizing trump for this obviously brazen criminal act. Theyre finally showing some spine. Like marco rubio, who had some pretty harsh words for trumps mishandling of classified information. Even if it wasnt marked classified i would know its classified because there are other indicators in those documents that make it clear in fact, just by reading the kind of information, you know that it has to be classified sometimes its not just classified because of the information, but because embedded in the information is how it was acquired. You dont want your adversaries to know how you acquire information. And the risk of that is the risk of that is that were giving opponents of this government, or adversaries, insight into our thinking, into our decision making, and it provides most certainly an advantage in the National Security realm seth thank you, senator rubio, a true profile in courage. Say what you want about the man, but at least hes finally speaking up and take on Donald Trumps obvious criminality and abuse of power, and warning americans of the risk trump posed whats that . Oh, all those clips were from 2015, and he was talking about Hillary Clintons emails . [ laughter and applause what a silly and unexpected mix up this is what happens when you take a month off [ laughter ] you mess up and you play a clip package that inadvertently proves how craven and hypocritical Trump Supporters are, which was not my goal [ laughter ] i apologize to you, senator. Lets hear what rubio actually had to say about trumps stolen classified materials im sure he was consistent this is really, at its core, a storage argument that theyre making, right . Theyre arguing there are documents there. They dont deny that he should have access to those documents, what they deny is they were not properly stored. I dont think a fight over storage of documents is worthy of what theyve done seth im sorry, you think this is a storage issue . The Justice Department shouldnt have sent the fbi, but rather marie kondo . [ laughter ] i need your help sparking joy, marie. Ive got papers everywhere, and my mood is foul. Plus, someone keeps knocking over the tombstones in my dead Bird Cemetery. [ laughter ] would you like to see my dead Bird Cemetery . Whats that, marie you dont need to say dead when you say cemetery why is that, marie . [ laughter ] why oh, because cemetery implies the birds are dead look at that, youre already tidying up my grammar, marie [ laughter ] i think were going to get along just fine. When it comes down to it, its very simple. Its a question of whether or not everyone, including donald trump, is equal under the law, because if anyone else was caught with those documents in their possession, theyd face consequences immediately maralago is no place for top secret documents the only place less secure would be a dead Bird Cemetery. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with Christine Baranski, everyone annououncer for r more of ss closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Psoriaiatic arthriritis. 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Tellll your healalthcare proror abouout all the e mediciness and supppplements yoyou take, ifif you are p pregnant or brereastfeedingng, or i if you haveve kidney or liviver problemems, including g hepatitis. S. If you havave hepatititis b do not stotop taking b biktary withouout talking g to your healththcare provivider. Commmmon side efeffects were diaiarrhea, nauausea, anand headachehe. No matatter where e life takes you,u, bibiktarvy canan go with y y. Talk to yoyour healthchcare provider t today. [ cheers and applause seth give it up for the 8g band right over there, everybody. [ applause ] sitting in with us this week, is the outstanding 18yearold drummer who starred in the tonynominated school of rock the musical on broadway you can read his columns and interviews each month in modern drummer magazine. And for news and updates, excuse me, be sure to check him out on instagram. Raghav mehrotra is here, everybody. Thank you for being back with us, raghav [ cheers and applause our first guest tonight, is an emmy and Tony Awardwinning actress you know from her work on the good wife, the gilded age, and the mama mia movie she stars in the sixth and final season of the good fight which premiers this thursday on paramount plus lets take a look. I really dont know why im here i think my world feels a little a little bit out of control. I feel like were on this hamster wheel, no matter what we do we just end up back at the start. I used to believe in progress. That that people learn from their mistakes that things got better, and here we are please welcome back to the show, one of our favorites, Christine Baranski, everybody. [ cheers and applause seth how are you hello, back from Summer Vacation seth back from Summer Vacation youre a working actress, i feel like you dont really have your summers off. I didnt. Not this summer. I worked good fight through july and then i had a day off, and then i went right into gilded age, but ive had a little bit of time. Seth well, i was very lucky in the early parts of the summer weve talked in the past about that fact that our my children, and your grandchildren are very close i know, the last time i saw you, really, you were mounting an inflatable water trampoline seth i was quite i wish i had a video of it. Seth im glad you dont have a video of me, but you brought one of your grandson i did seth do you want to set up the video . And let me just say, i really appreciate as a grandmother that youre going to share it with us [ laughter ] well, heres the thing. We have a long dock, and then we have a water trampoline. And the water trampoline kind of floats away. Well, christopher, my soninlaw, jumped from the dock on to the water trampoline and then max, my oldest one, my 8yearold, went from the dock on to the water trampoline, but augie seth yeah. Yeah, heres augie. Seth i think youve set it up very well lets look at augie trying to do the same [ splash ] [ laughter ] hes okay seth hes fine hes fine seth i mean, hes not going to be fine when he finds out that his grandmother showed that on National Television no, actually, i asked him seth did you really . Hes very excited hes very excited. [ laughter ] seth thats great. I mean, i will say, my experience with augie is hes very robust. Im not surprised he was uninjured by that. No. But can you imagine needing rhinoplasty in first grade i was delighted. Its a very funny memory seth its my so my kids know you as minnie, which is what your grandchildren call you. Everybody everybody at the beach, im just minnie seth youre just minnie. Its very they love me and they hug me, bye, minnie. And when are we going to minnies house . Its something that im very proud of, that the kids like to come to minnies house you like it there too, dont you . Seth i do like it there, a great deal i mean, now, im a little worried about my privacy because you share videos [ laughter ] my favorite was watching adults try and mount the trampoline, and then drag their kids on it seth i actually dont blame augie for trying to jump on. Because its not as easy crawling up the side ladder as you look i want to ask so we had a moment we were listening to the mama mia soundtrack, as we do. And we realized we could tell the boys, oh, thats minnies voice. And it did not register with them at all. It was too big of a leap for their logic to make. Do you want me to make a house call and sing all the songs . Seth we would love you to come over. You can dance you can dance [ cheers and applause ] seth do your i mean, you know, most of your work is obviously, i would imagine, fairly adult. Have your grandkids have they made the connection that you are on screen . Theyre curiously so uninterested they dont get all excited they watch the grinch, theyre just like, oh, yeah, thats minnie. But other kids come up, theyre like oh, youre in mama mia. oh, youre martha may in the grinch, and my own grand which is fine. I actually dont want to be a famous person to them. I want to be minnie. Seth you want to be minnie and youre an excellent minnie you can do both. Speaking of doing both, youre playing two characters about a hundred years apart in american history. Both of them in despair about the state of the world seth exactly so i just transfer one to the other. Seth its helpful to remember that diane, obviously is very in despair about the present, but then agnes thought we were going through the [ bleep ] a hundred years ago. Yeah, she actually, agnes, i do empathize with agnes. Shes having the equivalent of a trump hotel built across from her brown stone on east 61st street and theyre just hauling in all of these artifacts, and its all this, you know, display of wealth which agnes finds just appalling. These people think they can buy their way into society with money. And she thinks that money is going to just wreck the world, and hello. Seth she didnt do a terrible job of calling it is it tricky i mean obviously, youre a seasoned pro at this sort of thing, but when youre basically going back and forth between seasons of these two characters, do you ever find one bleeding into the other or is it very easy for you to keep it separate i think its important the way you speak above all. Because once youre in that corset, you aint going anywhere its just like, oh, yeah, im agnes. But, you know, diane, although diane is well spoken, its definitely a contemporary, kind of like im talking now. But agnes definitely, we have a speech coach, and it has to be much more precise. And the attitude, and the whole manner, is so much more restrictive. But, you know, its a champagne problem for an actor oh, my gosh, ive got two shows. And ive got all of these lines. And i have to switch over. I mean, im not going to complain seth yeah, you should do a master class of, how do you handle two leads . Somebodys got to do it seth i have a lot more to ask you, especially about the final season of the good fight, well be right back with more from Christine Baranski, everybody. [ cheers and applause iim walt. I i have relapapsis and a lolot going onon. Thatss why my dodoctor anand i chose e kesimpta. Kesisimpta is didifferent. Its thehe only bcecell treatt for rms s you can tatake at ho, oncece a month. Kesisimpta was p proven supepr atat reducing g the rate o f rerelapses, acactive lesioio, anand slowing g disabilityy progogression vsvs aubagio. 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Ththrow that p powder in that t tasty combmbo of delighthtful carrotots, and ththe rich tououch ofof bok choy. Y. Knknorr taste e combos. Its not f fast food, but t its soooooo good. The longnglasting s scent of gain n flings made i it smell lilike dave was s in his hapappy place. Thehe massage c chair at the m mall. Bubut. He wasasnt. Gagain flings s with oxi b bt and febrbreze. Theres onone juice ththan satisfsfy that savavory cravi, and get t you your v vegg. Theres onone juice ththan satisfsfy that savavory cravi, therees only onene v8. vo crabab is babackred d lobster. Theres onone juice ththan y you chohoose c cvory cravi, and d one of t new flalavors lilike h s srirach his s is nouour graas crcrabfest. Unlesess gras got flflavor. Dayumm crabfestst is here f for a limd timeme. Wewelcome to f fun dining. Im hehere for yoyour annual l eye exam. Because iim having t trou yoyour annual l eye exam. Rereading . Yoyour annual l eye exam. Exactltly. They sort t of make meme fe. Exactltly. Lilike im thehe most fabubus ththing youveve ever seene . Exactltly. Ill take em. Seth welcome back to late night. Were here with Christine Baranski, everybody, and were so happy to have you [ cheers and applause so, the Diane Lockhart saga, as we i mean, again, shes had two shows. You know, she went the good wife to the good fight. But i heard you were surprised to find out that sixth would be the final season probably because i had i had such a happy day at work i was literally in bed between John Slattery and gary cole in a kind of fantasy sequence, and im thinking, who has my life [ laughter ] at any age, much less my age . And it was such a happy workday, and, you know, so to be told but i dont think youre ever ready to hear that something that youve done for 13 years with a family of people with whom youve some of them i had known for 13 years my costume designer, my makeup artist, some of the cameramen i mean, 13 years, thats your family you go from like, you know, their kids are little, and then theyre applying for college, and you live you live your whole life with these people, and so, no, i wasnt i still dont think ive processed it, cause i just went right into gilded age. I think when probably after the first of the year, when we would have gone back, its going to be like whoa. Because, you know, people really get very close, and its not its not the same as with your family, family, you know, the teamster is not going to say, well, what about the weekend, you didnt call . Seth yeah. Or the cameraman is not going to say, i can hear from your tone of voice, youre upset. And you know, they people in a professional situation, theres a protocol and a clarity to it, and its a wonderful family i will miss everybody. I will miss my fellow actors, my crew, my producers it was a great show. It was a great run and it was six years on the good fight. And it was a show about what was happening in this trump era. I was listening to your monologue you do a great donald trump, by the way seth thank you very much [ laughter ] and and seth were very similar, i think that helps [ laughter ] but, i mean, all that vent you get to vent in your job. Seth yes and i used to vent as diane, because it she was living through the trump era as a liberal feminist so, ill also miss not being diane, and taking my anxieties and anger to work. I mean seth yeah. What would you do if you didnt have this show . I mean, your poor wife would seth you just mutter to yourself on the street, yeah [ laughter ] you take it, you know, to your kids. Seth i know, its the hardest thing about having a month off, is, you know i could tell. You were so pent up. Seth i was so happy, yeah. cause they dont let me do a closer look at home because i have three kids and two of them are Trump Supporters, yeah [ laughter and applause the 6yearold and the baby, yeah [ laughter ] and the baby. Seth the baby, yeah. Its just its a tax thing. For her its just about taxes. Typical republican baby seth yeah, yeah. Whining all the time seth they are very whiney. But, you know, the other thing, you know, and i think its really important that you stress and i certainly felt it here during the pandemic when youre away, like, the comfort of having a crew that takes care of you behind the scenes is just a wonderful incredible. All those years, because we were shooting the pilot on election night, so the good fight took us all through the trump years, and would that they had been over, but it seems the posttrump years are equally seth yeah. [ laughter ] and so, it was a place to go. So, there was trump, and there was covid, and we were still a functioning group of people. It w evenn it was hard, we all got through it. I dont remember people complaining, and, you know so, when they announced the end, it wasnt like, oh, well, of course thank god, you know, were tired, and we just keep repeating the same stories. This show just kept staying fresh. Seth yeah, it was very it was very i mean, you know, to write an episodic drama thats as topical as you guys were, not a lot of people do it. Well, there was always bad news its like your show, theres always bad news, so you always have raw material. But i will miss it, and ill i will also say we had just a revolving door on great actors who would come in and do guest appearances, cause wed have all the new york actors. Seth you had all the new york actors, and this season, you know, John Slattery showed up in the clip. Andre braugher i mean, it really is carrie preston. Alan cumming makes a comes back, no pun intended. [ laughter ] he cummings back seth yeah, he cummings back, yeah and, you know, i will miss every aspect of it but, you know, i think narratively speaking, it was the time you know, you dont want to keep a show on when you start repeating seth yes like, repeating jokes, or repeating dramatic things. Dianes anger and her exasperation took her to such a point that she was literally using hallucinogens, whatever. And levitating, i mean, where do you go after you levitate . Seth yeah, its hard [ laughter ] to cope with anxiety seth yeah, its very hard to bounce back from that. The good news is, now you have an open slot on your schedule. You have committed to doing my broadway musical, cicada, cicada. Yes seth and were very which needs a lot of work. Seth what . [ cheers and applause you dont you dont love the script so far . Its hard to you know, you talk about character work. Well, playing an insect, you know seth yeah. [ laughter ] and then, its just and a musical a musical of an insect, its you know seth yeah. But i think its gonna go out of town for a very long time [ laughter ] seth that is so sweet of you to say [ laughter ] well, we are just so happy every time youre here, and congratulations on an incredible run with an incredible character. [ cheers and applause Christine Baranski, everybody. The sixth and final season of the good fight premieres on paramount plus, this thursday, september 8th. Well be right back with Ryan Fitzpatrick amamazon has g great dealss on eveverything kikids need. Instead ofof spending g m, he spepent less. Amamazon has g great dealss on eveverything kikids need. Seemeded obvious. Why woululd a personon spspend more m money . Seemeded obvious. Hes eight anand he gets. Im m 10. Well, thats less impmpressi. Im m 10. Baback in the e day, snsneaker dropops meant gettining online t to waitit in line. Well, thats less impmpressi. Now wiwith xfinityty mobile. We get t the fastesest mobilele service and cacan get the e freshest kicks asasap. I got ththis. Get ththe best pririce for 2 s of unlimitited when yoyou switch t to xfinity y mobiler 30 0 a line perer month. Nicece job, littttle sis ththey grow upup so fast. Im m a fan. Frfrom xfinityty. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest was an nfl quarterback for 17 seasons, and is now an analyst for prime videos thursday night football which premieres, next thursday, september 15th please welcome to the show, Ryan Fitzpatrick, everyone [ cheers and applause seth thank you for being here thank you for having me seth so, 17 seasons in the league, and im just wondering over the course of that time, did you ever picture broadcasting being the next step did you consider coaching, or did you just think you were going to play forever because very few people do 17 years . I thought i could play forever. Had a hip injury last year, so age started catching up with me a little bit, but i think those are the two natural avenues, coaching and broadcasting. Just because its something ive essentially dedicated my whole life to doing. But coaching is very hard. A lot of hours my kids would be, you know, not real happy with dad, so the broadcasting thing i think is going to be fun. I think ive got a lot of experiences i can share, and amazon, with prime video, and this new thursday night football package, seemed like the right fit for me seth thats important to note, you actually had a broadcasting job, football broadcasting job, and you dont work weekends. Which for your children, very kind which is huge so i can still be soccer dad, i can still watch all of the stuff that goes on friday, saturday, sunday its going to be great seth and we should know that youre not just a one kid dad. Weve got seven weve got seven little ones. [ laughter ] seth youve got seven kids which you have seth i have three and im Walking Around being like im a real big shot, but no. I will tell you, i also feel like im a big shot, but my wife left out of town for about a week so, i had all seven of them. Seth and is it 3 to 15 is that the age . 3 to 15, all the odd years in between. I just had to get out of the way. They are well trained. They asked me to pour milk like in the cereal bowl that was, like, dads role for the week basically and then one of my four daughters asked me to braid her hair so ive got the double braid where you start the braid and the hair gets all weird. So, you put the tie in and then you braid more i call it the double braid, and its what they love. Seth okay, great [ laughter ] just for the logistics of seven children, what is the transportation situation so, its the only time we ever had to think about, are we having another kid because when you go from six to seven, you go from minivan to Something Else so, we no longer fit in a minivan. We got a big old 12 Passenger Van which is great when all the kids are in it and then when im driving it by myself, people are like, i dont know about that guy. [ laughter ] seth yeah, i will say like that beard and an empty Passenger Van. [ laughter ] its not great. Seth its not great. Not great i often have lots of candy too seth oh, yeah. Well, of course, seven kids, youre going to have candy, yeah [ laughter ] you played for how many different teams, did you play for over your 17 years nine. Seth nine. And does that mean that you have fan bases everywhere that consider you one of theirs are you often approached yeah, i do. I would say buffalo, the jets, miami, those are probably the three tampa, those are the four that if im getting approached in an airport, its probably one of those four its probably not st. Louis rams, and tennessee, and cincinnati and those teams but yeah, its always interesting, like, okay, what are they going to come up and say to me when they approach me . Seth how about new york . How do you get treated here . You know, 2015 season, if they remember you from that season, they loved me, most of it 2016 not so much so, its like a 50 50 proposition. Seth this is from today you got recognized this is from today, we were having a slice of pizza. [ laughter ] seth and this is i mean, that shows when you got a demographic of fan whos not using a phone. Yeah. So, i think he may we were talking about streaming football on thursday night. I dont know that hes going to be set up for the first week to do it. But were going to get him his prime membership seth you mentioned buffalo buffalo had an incredible first week of playoff football last year against the patriots, which is obviously a team, you know, everybody in the afc east has had trouble with the patriots over the years huge win, you went to the game first of all, very impressed, you did not do the luxury box. You went inside with the fans. How many of your kids did you bring with you my two oldest at the time, my boys were 14 and 12 seth it was 10 degrees. Yeah. Seth heres the photo of you, and i think your oldest now, how did it come about that you guys decided to go shirtless . The whole way walking through the parking lot into the gates, well, they learned some new words. We had a guy with a mac jones jersey walking by us, and so plenty of expletives being thrown but my boys the whole time were like, dad, shirts off, shirts off. So, it was just i felt like i was in college again, getting peer pressured to like go drinking or something, you know. And so, the bills score seven touchdowns in a row, which has never happened and i thought, this is the moment, boys so we ripped them off and seth i would imagine the fans in the area were pretty proud of you as a former bill. Well, and we had, then other people started taking their shirts off as well seth so, the peer pressure goes both ways this is one of my favorites. I remember this photo from a press conference Deshaun Jackson was a wide receiver with you in tampa can you explain how you ended up in his clothes so d jack walks through the locker room, and what hes wearing, i felt like it was something i could never get away with anything he wears looks cool and im always complimenting him. And so, he walks through with this get up and chains im like, d jack, i could never wear that. People would just laugh me off the stage, essentially. And he said, well, if we win today, youre wearing it. And so, we win the game, press conference comes up, and seth and i got to be honest, you pull it off. Its not bad, right but hes seth its not bad. Its really not bad. [ cheers and applause thank you seth yeah. Hes 60 pounds lighter than me, so it was a little snug. Seth yeah, its a little snug, but this is really the highest compliment i mean, i can tell you pulled it off. But then your son decided to wear it for halloween. So, he really pulls it off [ laughter and applause with the penciled in chest hair there too with the penciled in chest hair. For me thats the highest compliment as a father, your son dressing up like you forlloween. I felt like nowhere to go but down now as a father seth also, it should be noted, Richard Sherman, al michaels, youre really with one of the all time greats in the booth. So, al michaels and kirk herbstriet, which theyre both the voices are iconic. When al is telli conversation, and heaking, hes ordering a steak for lunch, youre just mesmerized by his voice. Yeah, and then Richard Sherman is going to be great hes freshly off the field as well hes a defensive guy, so i think were going to have a lot of battles in terms of what we like in the game, and what we dont but thats going to be real interesting. And then the hall of famer, Tony Gonzalez and Carissa Thompson seth well, its a great group. And it was exciting and cool to watch for 17 years on the field, and im really excited for this next chapter as well thanks for making time for us, man. [ cheers and applause Ryan Fitzpatrick, everybody. Thursday night football premieres thursday, september 15th on prime video. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause i haveve moderate e to sevee plaque p psoriasis. Thanks to o skyrizi, im onon my way with clelearer skin. N. 3 out ofof 4 people e achieved clearerer skin at t 4 month. 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Com announcer for more late night, follow us on instagram, twitter, and tiktok latenightseth and be sure to check us out on youtube, facebook, and over at latenightseth. Com. Subscribe to the late Night Podcast featuring a closer look and more available on apple, spotify, google, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Im hehere for yoyour annual l eye exam. Because iim having t trou yoyour annual l eye exam. Rereading . Yoyour annual l eye exam. Exactltly. They sort t of make meme fe. Exactltly. Lilike im thehe most fabubus ththing youveve ever seene . Exactltly. Ill take em. [ cheers and applause seth i want to thank my guests, christine buransky, Ryan Fitzpatrick, everybody i want to thank Raghav Mehrotra and the 8g band. Stay safe, get vaccinated. Get boosted. We love you. [ cheers and applause