Its devastating news for restaurants. Its a really concern. We have a skeleton staff. And en that staff is in jeopardy. If we cant generate revenue. Rain and cold is not helping. Call to action from a county that had seen improvements. We have an obligation as the leaders of the community and the adults and really fighting back this virus. So we can get kids to school. We can get businesses back open. And get our lives back as normal as we can get them. Looking ahead to next week. If the county goes into the red tier on tuesday. That means theaters and gyms will also be taking a step back. It is happening. Not just the south bay. Contra cost also rolling back reopening. Its a familiar game plan beginning tuesday. Shutting down Indoor Dining. Indoor gyms. Concession stands at movie theaters. Also stopping Indoor Dining. Theyre going further. Moving county into the red tier. The state hasnt told them to do that yet. Tuesday indoor stores and malls have to cut back on the customers allowed inside. Gyms back to allowing 10 capacity. And pools, bowling alleys and indoor bars that dont serve food must close. Closer lock at what were talking about for the bay area. Indoor dining. Counties in yellow, basically will stop serving Indoor Dining starting tuesday. Counties in red already shutting down Indoor Dining. San francisco started today. Now so far the can wants in green arent making any changes to the modified Indoor Dining. How about gyms and fitness centers. In yell le closing gyms altogether tuesday. The counties in purple San Francisco and santa clara are limiting number of people allowed inside. And San Francisco the changes start today. Theyll start tuesday in marn and santa clara. The counties in green are allowing people to work out inside. With limited numbers. Son ma hasnt been allowed to open at all yet. A will the of changes into the holiday. This is talked about for several days and it is official. Not mandatory. Recommended. If you travel out of the state you have to quarantine for 14 days. Governor newsom joined oregon and washington in issuing this travel advisory. All three states suggesting you dont travel for the holiday unless its necessary. How does this impact thanksgiving . Lets bring in our reporter skbl California Health officials are getting more worried about the recent surge in covid19 cases and tonight as millions prepare to travel for the holiday, Governor Newsom is joining oregon and Washington State with a new request. Anyone traveling into the west coast or returning here after travel, is asked to quarantine for 14 days. After you arrive. To me its a good advice. This is out of control. Some travelers tell us they think its a good way to flatten the curve. Assuming you can afford to quarantine for 14 days. Its hard. Especially financially. For a lot of people. If that happens and we have to be off two weeks im lucky enough to work from home. Others think you shouldnt need the full two weeks if you test negative after the trip. As far as controlling the disease, keep them in quarantine and they are not showing symptoms. I think its too much. The governor recommend quarantine, Health Experts say if you want to be safe, skip the travel this Holiday Season. We believe this is an important part of how we keep transmission low. We start again by saying please dont travel. If its not essential. All three governors want to stress this west coast travel advisory is only a rejs re recommendation and not mandatory. The governor suggested the rules by didnt follow them. Governor newsom regrets attending a 50th Birthday Party and today admitted he and his wife didnt use best judgment. The first couple attended a dinner for his top political adviser it was held at the French Laundry restaurant in wine country. They dined outside the 12 guests were from at least three different households. The governor says quote our family followed the Health Protocol and took precautions we should have modelled better behavior and not joined the dinner. Its happening now. Drizzling skies across the bay area. Some of the live traffic cam. The roads are wet. Some places the rain is coming down. If youre heading to the sierra. Get ready for this. Snow. A live look at interstate 80. Bring your chains and be prepared for delays. Rite now the traffic looks smooth. Jeff is keeping an eye on this. Happy friday. I know this rainfall is certain will making folks feel at least better with everything going on. Helping to wash away some of the ash from the fires we had over the past month and a half. And all of that smoke. Helping to cleanse things off. Which is really great. We look at the storm system. Were seeing the cold front beginning to break apart. The bulk is now starting to move over the bay area. With the rain moving over the mountains and the east bay. And pushing down to the south bay. Zoom in closer and storm ranger. You can see the two areas of rain. Zoom in get a look here and do storm tracking. Over San Francisco the spotty showers moving towards the south. That keep the chances of rain through 6 00 tonight. And over to the east bay. Looking at this spotty rain in dan ville. Through liver more. Through the next 30 to 40 minutes. Down to the south bay we have had a rain shadow setting up. Most of the wet weather over the mountains. Not so much here for the south bay yet. We are beginning to see some of the rain thats been over pleasant ton moving to the south impacting san jose and keep the chances as we head through this hour. Well talk about the rain chances through tonight. What it all mean for the weekend. Im back in 15 minutes. Thanks. This is a great resource. Especially with this wet weather. Get up dates on the rain as it moves in to your specific neighborhood. Down load our free app. We have called the president ial race in every state. Today president elect joe biden won georgia. Increasing his lead to 306. Adding pressure on President Trump to concede. And help in the transition hes been blocking. The latest from washington. Where the president made his first Public Comments since the race was called. Thats right. We heard from the president for the First Time Since last thursday evening. And today it was interesting. He edged toward admitting that theres a possibility that we could have a president elect joe biden. Stopped well short of that. Today we learned president elect biden flipped five states that President Trump won back in 2016. The president is of course still challenging the results, election experts do not expect that any of the recounts or lawsuits will be enough to change the final out come. President elect biden widening the lead today. With news projecting him as the winner in arizona. And apparent winner in georgia. A hand recount is under way. President trump picking up north carolina. Falling further behind in the overall electoral count. Now 306 to 232. With every state called. The president still refusing to concede. And pushing baseless fraud allegations. Even as his own Cyber Security officials at the department of Homeland Security are declaring the election quote the most secure in american history. With no evidence of changed or compromised votes. President trump getting his first broefing since the election on the fast track Vaccine Program known as operate warp speed. As soon as april the vaccine will be available to the entire general population. With the exception of places like new york state. In his first remarks since losing lt election. The president took a swipe at new york governor. Who questioned the vaccine approval process. And left open the possibility joe biden maybe the next president. This administration will not be going to a welcome down. Hopefully the whatever happens in the future who knows which administration it will be. Time will tell. With the government refusing to share resources and information. The Biden Transition Team is beginning its own plans to distribute a vaccine. Right now there are officials inside the department of health and Human Services busy planning a Vaccination Campaign for february and march. When joe biden will be president. Incoming administration stressing the urgent need for a seamless white house hand off. The Biden Transition Team says it is moving forward without help from the white house. Warns of serious concerns if the delays extend much further. Okay. Thanks so much. President trump broke a record in california on election day. More than 5. 5 million californiaens voted for President Trump. Thats the most republican votes ever cast for a gop candidate in california. Ballots are still being counted. Biden broke a record with a number of votes. 10 million voted for him. Still to come. A major change of plans for the cal football team. They will play this weekend. The location and the opponent has changed. If your college kid isnt home yet for the holiday. Should they stay at school and not come home . Or serve them turkey in their room. Ill talk to the doctor about whats the safest way to keep your family healthy. And the quarantine advisory. Some much needed rain moving over right now. Ill show you when that moves out and how much snow and whats next for the rain chances. A bizarre crime in the south bay. Woman changed her story and confessed. It happened in downtown a Company Called firefighters found that woman bound and gagged inside an office in this building. She told investigators she didnt know who attacked her. Or started the fire. Later, she admitted to stealing more than 44,000 from the business. And nearly hundreds of thousands of dollars from other businesses. Detectives say she confessed to setting the fire to hide evidence. And made up the story about being attacked. We have update on the Scott Peterson retrial. The convicted kilder will stay at san kwinten. He would prefer to stay there. In august the California Supreme Court ruled his case should be reexamined and over turned the death sentence. In october a judge upheld the conviction. For the murder of his wife. And their unborn son. But ruled he could be retried for the death penalty. His family says hes innocent. Coronavirus coverage. California, washington and oregon issued a joint travel advisory today. The advisory comes as College Students are preparing to come home. We spoke with a doctor today about that. This could be put a wrench on thanksgiving travel plans. Could it. That travel advisory from the governor with the 14 days really puts parents in a tough spot. Now what do you say to your kid . Some families have college kids and you have to think do you keep them there for 14 days and come home and almost at thanksgiving. Its less than wo two weeks and others debating if its safe to come out of the state. What are you supposed to do . Its a lot to think about. We asked a doctor on how she think its best to prepare for the holiday safely. We are seeing rising case numbers and its important we stay judicious right now. The Holiday Season is upon us. And if we just let go of all precautions and restrictions, well be back to where we were in february and march. Its a little confusing for parents. The Holiday Season is thanksgiving is like now. Less than two weeks away. Technically you need to have a student home now. To start the quarantine. As a parent what are you supposed to do if they are in another state . Or another part of california. What do you say. The first thing i would say is Everyone Needs to do a Family Decision on what is best. They need to do a Risk Assessment of who is in the house. And what is the potential of them getting covid19 in the house. If you have high risk individuals in your house, your family needs to discuss if its worthwhile to actually come and spend the Holiday Season with them. The risk of transmission is high. You need to think about that and plan for it right now. Did you ever think we would be before a holiday doing a Risk Assessment . Basically, thats where were at. With this pandemic. You have to figure out if you have older parents living with you or family that is compromised immune system. Whether its worth having your kid come home. And then whether they should just stay home. So you dont have to go through this again over christmas. Maybe thats one of the Better Options to let them stay home and everybody hunker down and be safe. These are difficult days ahead. With the hol dachlt holiday. Were discussing the same things in our household. Not sure this happened in 100 years of cal football. The bears will play this weekend. They wont be playing the team they were supposed to play. Arizona state is out. Ucla is in. Cal will face them at the rose bowl. Sunday morning at 9 00 a. M. The game with the sun devils was cancelled because they have too many coronavirus cases including the head coach. Last week, cal had to cancel the Season Opener against washington. Because of covid concerns. Bottom line they will play. At uc l. A. Sunday morning. Really strange. It is. A lot of changes with the weather too. Nice to see rain. And snow in the sierra. Its been so nice to get a little bit of rain. I was out doing gardening before the rain hit. Some of the new plants i put in will be getting soaked in. It will be good. Free water to wash off the dust and ash from the wild fires we had three months ago. Some of it is sitting on the leaves of the plants. Outside right now to the live sky cam. A storm ranger the only one in the bay area. One of six in the country. With our station group. And the cool thing is we can move it. Its mobile. We get the scan closer to the ground. Accurate view of whats happening outside. I will show you the storm ranger loop. I want to start off with the rainfall totals. Good for the quick blast of wet weather. We had 38 hundredths of an inch so far in napa. Oakland 15 hundredths. The south totals are less. So far in san jose a hundredth of an inch. Into the rain and the cold is moving over right now. Youll find the most instability where the cold front is located and ahead of it. Were finding rain as you can see behind the cold front. Things have started to calm down. Well zoom in. Closer at storm ranger. Its active when you have the red sweep. Following two main complexes here of wet weather. Showers over San Francisco. That will continue off to the south. Keeping it wet. Through 6 00 tonight. And were watching some of the wet weather. Over concord. That will continue to push off towards plez san tonight and liver more. Through 6 12 at no time. Off to the south. Not much nor san jose. A rain shadow. For the peninsula. We have had wet weather. Shower chances into through the next 40 minutes or so. Over all tonight, we think well hold onto the spotty rain through 7 00 and 9 00. Through 11 tonight storms push out. By saturday, well see drier conditions build in with sunshine. Snow totals impressive. Eight inches. Tomorrow morning we will have the chance here of patchy areas of dense ground fog. Watch out for that. And widespread 40s. Jacket weather stays in place. Daytime highs the sun comes out the afternoon. 50s to low 60s. Great saturday shaping up for us. More chances of rain in San Francisco. Tuesday wednesday and thursday. Temperatures in the 50s do 60s. Inland valley 60s next seven days. Best chance of rain next week tuesday and early estimates showing about quarter to maybe half inch of rain. A nice steady on and off pattern of rain chances. Breathe the sigh of relief outside. Its not a big storm. Its like meditation for free. From mother nature. You hear the rain and feel it. Couldnt agree more. Coming up. History making mission. Put on hold. Scrubbed tomorrows launch and the astronaut on board when it lifts off. Live look where the bridge district made a tough decision. Voting to lay off 150 employees. The board of directors hopes this muf makes up for the budget shortfall of 48 million. Drivers have been ewing the bridge less during the pandemic. Ridership is way down. One proposal was to raise the bridge toll by 2. The board chose to lay off staff instead. They will go into effect january 5. History on hold for space x. First full length mission for nasa has been bumped to sunday. Instead of tomorrow. Because of wind in florida. When the rocket does fly it will signal a major change for the agency. Nasa First Partnership with the private company on a commercial mission. The crew of four is traveling to the International Space station in a flight expected to lead to space tourism. Among the astronauts, nicole man. A local product here. She flew combat missions for the marine core in the mideast. Before becoming an astronaut. [ whispering ] whats this . Oh, are we kicking karly out . We live with at t. It was a lapse in judgment. At t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gigspeed internet, but we cant sign up for that here. Yeah, but im just like warming up to those speeds. Youve lived here two years. The personal attacks arent helping, karly. Dont you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something . [ muffled scream ] stop living with at t. Xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. garage door opening it is his passionlove. It is his fault he didnt lock the garage. Dont even think about it been there, done that. With liftmaster® powered by myq®, know whats happening in your garage from anywhere. You can take a day off fromy worrying about your packages. Ohhh yeahhh just connect your myq® app to key. Ohhh yeahhh get free ingarage delivery with myq® and key by amazon. Tonight at 6 00. Family says he was just trying to do the right thipg. Surveillance photographs show three women and man akdsed of attacking a Grocery Store worker. What may have led to the beating and how the grocery worker is doing in his recovery from a coma. That story and more coming up at 6 00. Already hanging holiday de decorations. Youre not alone. The psychology behind so many people celebrating the holiday earlier. Tonight, americans on the verge of new lockdowns as the coronavirus surges out of control. The staggering new record, nearly 160,000 new cases in a day governors telling residents they may be forced to issue mandatory stayathome orders again the nations Largest School district, new york city, telling parents brace for a possible School Shutdown ficials urging families to cancel thanksgiving plans. Also, President Trump speaking for the first time publicly since his defeat but taking no questions. When he says a vaccine will be available to everyone except new york. The defeated president still not

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