Announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers senator cory booker, star of the trial of the chicago 7 actor Yahya Abdul Mateen ii, an allnew closer look, featuring the 8g band with Todd Sucherman and now, Seth Meyers Seth good evening, im seth meyers. This is late night. Hows everybody doing tonight . Im glad to hear it. Lets get to the news. President trump ended a heated interview yesterday with lesley stahl of 60 minutes after he became irritated with the line of questioning. Apparently, he didnt like that there was one. While being interviewed by lesley stahl yesterday, President Trumps told aides that he thought the interview would be cut up to make him look bad for example, they could make him really stupid by cutting from one of her questions to his answer it was a revealed today that Rudi Guiliani was caught on video with his pants down his pants while alone in a hotel room with a woman he thought was a conservative journalist as part of the filming of borat 2. This was a late breaking story by can we put the name of the publication on the screen . There we go. Of course, the libs are at it again. According to the latest data, former Vice President joe biden has had more engagement on twitter posts this past month than President Trump and no one was more shocked than joe biden. I have a twitter account . Son of a gun can i look at it, or do i need, like, special 3d glasses . Vice president mike pence held telerallies yesterday from his residence for several congressmen. Man, what could be duller than a mike pence telerally finally, zoom meeting even Jeffrey Toobin cant get excited about. According to a new report, over 100,000 california residents say they purchased a firearm in response to the coronavirus pandemic okay, i know we dont know a lot about this virus, but i still think wearing a mask is more effective. Today was reality star Kim Kardashian wests 40th birthday unfortunately, all she got was dropped by her manager youre too old, kid i got to focus on the jenners now. Carmaker General Motors announced yesterday that will release an all electric version of the hummer. Its being marketed to men who want to compensate for a small prius. If youre wondering if the person who wrote that is a dad he is. An auction house in maryland has listed a bar salvaged from adolf hitlers personal yacht that is expected to sell for as much as 250,000 but just cause the bidders will never put their arms down. Do i hear 200,000 . Everybody everybodys got their hands up at 200,000 and at the same angle. And finally, in honor of its 50th anniversary earlier this month a british Supermarket Chain launched a Chicken Nugget into space, and even after passing through earths atmosphere, it was still frozen on the inside. And that was a monologue, everybody. We got a great show for you tonight. Hes a United States senator from new jersey and a member of the Senate Judiciary committee, cory booker will be here and you may know him from the great Series Watchmen and now you can see him in the trial of the chicago 7. Yahya abdul mateen ii will be here but before we get to all that, as the coronavirus outbreak spikes for a third time nearing new records in daily cases, the president has decided on a closing message for the last two weeks of the election. Whine about having to campaign in swing states and attack 60 minutes correspondent lesley stahl for more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth look, i know this might be a little judgmental but im starting to think that, maybe, just maybe, donald trump is not exactly a political mastermind for example, he basically tried to make his whole campaign about joe bidens record on china. And then it turned out, trump is the one who has a secret bank account in china soon, were going to find a photo of trump burning down a target wearing a shirt that says im an anarchist. In fairness, if trump didnt want the times to find out about this, he probably shouldnt have left that folder at his desktop labeled not a secret chinese bank account. The account was secret. Although, knowing trump, theres a good chance that he would have just blurted it out, at some point, anyway. Mr. President , do you need some cash for the Church Service . Yeah. Just take it out of the secret chinese bank account. And then, last night, trump was in erie, pennsylvania, for another one of his coronavirus infectathons and his big pitch to voters in erie was that he didnt want to be in erie four or five months ago, when we started this whole thing because, you know, before the plague came in, i had it made. I wasnt coming to erie. I i mean, i have to be honest theres no way i was coming. I didnt have to i would have called you and said, hey, erie, you know, if you have a chance, get out and vote. We had this thing won, and then we got hit with the plague and i had to go back to work hello, erie, may i please have your vote . Seth man, you never hear the crowd at a trump rally that silent yeah, we suck lock us up . Although, in fairness to trump, eries not my favorite great lake, either theres at least one thats superior [ glass breaking ] feel like that shouldve come a tick faster. That joke was originally submitted for a ziggy cartoon but it was rejected. Seriously, though, thats quite the political masterstroke, mr. President. Tell the people, whose votes youre courting, you didnt want to be there. The last time i left erie, i prayed id never be back that id never have to look at your slackjawed faces and, yet, here i am. Here i am. Anyway, vote for you, you bingohall townies, and try not to choke to death on the sticker. By the way, i dont think he was kidding. Trump usually goes for an hour plus at these Group Therapy sessions but he told the crowd he was wrapping up early because it was cold and in conclusion, well make this a little shorter, you know, its like about 40 degrees i dont want people i dont want to lose anybody you got to go vote [ laughter ] so were going to go a little shorter because you got to go vote seth a little, little shorter. All right. First of all, how can you be cold your trench coat could double as a business poncho. But, yeah, im sure you wouldnt want anything bad to happen to all those people you invited to a packed crowd during a raging pandemic their health and safety is definitely your top priority you know, weve been saying this but trump has been doing so much to help spread the virus, he should start traveling with a mascot named covid larry give it up for covid larry, folks. Hell be shooting tshirts into the crowd with his tshirt gun we just have the one shirt so if you get it, put it on, take a picture, and then hand it to the next guy. But in all seriousness, id like to make this offer to trump. We will make the covid larry costume for you and send it to your campaign, free of charge, if you decide to adopt him as your official mascot for the last two weeks of the campaign i mean, what the hell . Just go for it, man. Youve called covid a blessing from god. Claimed it made you immune that it made you feel powerful, like superman. Youve held packed rallies, without masks or distancing. Had a white house superspreader event. Made people drive around with you, while you were actively infected, and told supporters its just like the flu i mean, you should just come out as the procovid candidate, already. Might as well give it a shot nothing else is working. And if you do that, our Wardrobe Department will send you the costume asap well even size it so it fits mike pence perfectly mr. President , i cannot breathe in here. Just put on the suit, mike. Do your [ bleep ] dance and lets get the hell out of erie. Every day, it seems we get more horrific news about the pandemic on tuesday, the cdc said the pandemic can cause nearly 300,000 more deaths than expected in a typical year and a study found that 8 million americans went into poverty during the ensuing economic crash. Or, as the president put it yesterday on fox friends well, we are living with it and were having the vaccines coming out very soon with or without the vaccines, were rounding the turn. Whats the right path for us right now on opening up our society . Well, we have to open up. And we live with it and we open up our schools and im the one that got big ten and pac12 football back you know, i got that back. That wasnt coming back and i got it back. Hope people realize that that was pure and simple me or whatever seth you really negate the pure and simple when you follow it with whatever the sky is blue, pure and simple or whatever. Of course, on fox friends, its not even a given that the sky is blue, anymore they went there thats where they met and its pretty much been green skies, ever since and, by the way they also have the wait, green skies oh, should i say blue skies seth uhhuh. Also, is it just me, or does it sound like trumps heart is not really in it, anymore . You can almost picture him on the other end of the phone in the white house packing his things in a cardboard box. Not really paying attention. Halfheartedly making [ bleep ] up because he knows its what they want to hear. Yeah. Yeah, i saved College Football or whatever. Hey, melania, wheres the instapot . cause im packing the kitchen, mel. Mel, you sold it with a yard what about my jambalaya . Mel, what about tuesday night jambalaya night . Dont slam the door, mel. By the way, scientists have said we wouldnt need to lock down again, if we just did a few basic things that publichealth officials are asking for things like testing and tracing on a massive scale closing down and subsidizing the most dangerous businesses, like indoor bars. Practicing universal mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing if we did those things on a nationwide scale, we could get back to some semblance of normalcy, until vaccines and therapeutics help us eradicate the disease. Dr. Fauci has said as much, repeatedly it occurs because of the lack of implementation of simple, Public Health measures its so frustrating because its not Rocket Science you dont need to lock down. Seth its not Rocket Science, unless youre a famous idiot, like donald trump lets remember, this is the same guy, who at the start of the pandemic, went to cdc headquarters to project confidence and strength. And literally, just held up a printout of a coronavirus particle like a 5th grader who forgot he had a science project due. The coronavirus particle was first discovered by the 18th century german scientist johann wikipedia. And look, i made fun of him for being dumb but i got to give it up he is the only person i know who can get the printer to work. The reality is trump and the gop just do not care about the pandemic they dont care that nearly 300,000 more americans have died this year than otherwise would have they dont care that 8 Million People fell into poverty, as a result of the economic crash the one and only thing they care about is whining and moaning about how the media treats them. Its the only thing that seems to get them genuinely animated they love to complain about not getting special treatment on social media platforms my favorite, recent example of this is a bizarre Instagram Post from Donald Trump Jr hey, guys hope youre doing well just watching my algorithms get crushed. I guess i did something to piss off the instagram gods so hopefully, you are seeing this stuff, anyway well do what we can talk to you soon seth i think instagram might have shadow banned you for not knowing your angles. Was this shot from the point of view of the teddy bear you tell your problems to also, where are you . Is that a sleeper car on amtrak . And do you have a giant head, or is that a hospital pillow . You going to be daria for halloween . Seriously, dude, i never thought id say this but, you know, get a journal or something don jr. s in his 40s but he sounds like his best bro in junior high just told him he cant have that extra ticket to ozzfest. Hey, guys hope youre doing well dirk says hes taking his girlfriend to ozzfest. i guess i did something to piss off the heavymetal gods talk to you soon. This gets to a core truth of trumpism the trump era has revealed many things about what the modern conservative movement actually stands for, rather than what they pretend to stand for. And one thing weve learned over the last four years is that the socalled party of personal responsibility is actually filled with whiny, petulant babies, who fill their diapers whenever you dont give them exactly what they want its a party of veruca salts for example, last week, after nbc inexplicably did trump the huge favor of scheduling a rival town hall at the exact same time as joe bidens town hall on abc, which was scheduled first. This is how fox host sean hannity reacted moments ago, nbc, fake news, did their best to just ambush President Trump at tonights town hall. He pretty much debated Savannah Guthrie and what we all witnessed was not journalism it was a political debate with the morning host of the today show serving as, well, joe bidens surrogate. And it didnt really work out well for her seth it didnt work out well for her . I mean, shes still hosting the today show. In two weeks, trumps going to have a hard time getting booked on maury. Can you at least book me on your i had sex with a porn star during shark week show . I think id be a good guest. Maury . The big news that came out of the town hall was the president refusing to disavow a Conspiracy Theory he retweeted that barack obama and joe biden had the members of the Osama Bin Laden raid murdered after they killed a bin laden body double and not the actual bin laden who, according to this theory, is still alive trump isnt qualified to be president but he should definitely have a 3 00 a. M. Callin show on publicaccess television tonights topic is jurassic park. a real place being covered up by aliens working for the cia can we put the number up on the screen we cant oh, because kevins not here today . Okay i forgot well, heres my first guest. Curtis sliwa. Also, even if that insane theory was true, you sure thats the message you want to close out the election with . There might be an outofcontrol pandemic and a onceinacentury economic crash but dont worry, folks, the worlds mostwanted terrorist is still alive. Do you guys remember joe bidens famous line from 2012 . Osama bin laden is dead and General Motors is alive. Seth well, a gm plant in ohio closed after trump promised to save auto jobs. So i guess his new slogan is gm is dead and Osama Bin Laden is alive. Which, by the way, was also a rejected ziggy. So, hannity thought it was an ambush you might be asking, in what way exactly was this town hall biased against trump well, on his radio show, monday, sean hannity invited on a guest who broke, maybe, the biggest story, yet, of the 2020 campaign. Now, we got to debate Miranda Devine on thursday and weve got another liberal member of the mob that is going to be the moderator, in this case and im like, how does this even happen . Why does any republican agree to allow this president ial Debate Commission to be involved in any way, shape, manner, or form, anyway . You took the words right out of my mouth. Thats debate last week, with Savannah Guthrie, was a joke it was a disgrace. She just spent the entire time badgering him and it was a setup, from the start. He was sitting on a tiny, little plastic stool that could barely fit half a buttock, let alone a whole one. And he was uncomfortable the whole time seth i wish that were true only to imagine how it went down okay. I think were almost ready to go lets just bring those stools out. Wait that stool is too big. Bring out the one for only half a buttock. Its ridiculous that a chair for trump can be too small i mean, even when he has a giant chair, he only uses six inches of it. Doesnt matter how big a chair is, hes going to sit like hes watching the Season Finale of 24. Hes always lurching forward, like someone just slammed on the brakes when he meets with world leaders, he should wear a seatbelt its still just shocking to me, the degree to come grown adults on the right whine and moan about not getting special treatment. Yesterday, for example, trump threatened to release footage from an interview he agreed to do with 60 minutes correspondent lesley stall, after angrily storming out multiple sources telling cnn now that President Trump abruptly ended a solo interview with cbss 60 minutes today. And the president did not return to the room for a joint interview with Vice President mike pence President Trump sat down with cbs news lesley stall for 45 minutes, before getting up and leaving and telling cbs that he thought they had enough material he also tweeted a 6second video clip of stall not wearing a mask while talking with producers at the white house the president later tweeted, quote, i am pleased to inform you that, for the sake of accuracy and reporting, i am considering posting my interview with lesley stall of 60 minutes prior to airtime. This will be done so that everyone can get a glimpse of what a fake and biased interview is all about. Seth well, sounds like it went great but it was at the white house. So if the chair didnt have fullbuttock coverage, thats on you. Id love to see the trump version of this interview. Im guessing when he releases the footage, it will look Something Like this. People are saying you have so much money and you are going to win. Seth so your big gotcha moment is you caught lesley stahl not wearing a mask for, what, six seconds this will shock you but we have blockbuster footage of you not wearing a mask at basically every public event youve ever done why does trump think this argument is a winner lesley stahl wasnt wearing a mask for six seconds after an interview. Meanwhile, the day before he tested positive for covid, trump was tossing hats into a packed crowd like the phoenix suns gorilla. Hundreds of americans are dying every day and the country is in the midst of its third coronavirus wave, which is already nearing new records, in which experts predict could be the worst yet. And amid all that, the white house has decided to spend its time attacking 60 minutes correspondent. Even going so far as to spend time reviewing footage of the interview. Searching for ways, i guess, to make her look bad . He didnt walk out. I mean, the characterization of that he spent over 45 minutes with lesley stahl ive looked at every single minute of the interview, and then some. Seth thats what you were spending your time on . Youre the white house chief of staff, not an intern for tv guide theres a raging, outofcontrol pandemic and the white house chief of staff is poring over tape of a 60 minutes interview like the jets defensive coordinator after a blowout. Okay, everybody do you guys see what happened here we forgot. We forgot to what . We forgot. Tackle forgot to tackle and what was what was he holding . The person we forgot to tackle do you remember . No wasnt a pointy brown egg. Its the football. Okay, guys love to not go through this every week. Trump and his toadies can whine about the media all they want. It doesnt change the basic story of the campaign. Nearly 300,000 more americans have died this year than, otherwise, would have. And 8 million have gone into poverty and it could have been prevented. Remember that. When trump comes to your town, tells you he doesnt want to be there, and says may i, please, have your vote seth this has been a closer look. Well be right back with senator cory booker. Announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Ah come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Lets go to the cemetery well, if youre celebratingt by eating reeses. Ween . Then no, youre actually late. Not sorry, reeses. [phone rings] sore throat pain . Try new Vicks Vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for a fastacting rush of relief like youve never tasted in. 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For more information, be sure to check him out on instagram Todd Sucherman is here thank you so much, todd. Our first guest tonight is United States senator from new jersey and a member of the Senate Judiciary committee please welcome back to the show, senator cory booker. How are you, senator im doing well. Its been a long stretch but its really good to be on with you. Thanks seth its been a long stretch. And theres a lot going on for you. Youre running for reelection obviously, youre helping in the president ial campaign. There are Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings how are you holding up look, im well. What worries me is about the nation, the state of new jersey, and our country. As we are in the midst of the fourthlargest masscasualty event in the history of the United States after the civil war, world war ii, and the pandemic of 1918 and its growing and to see so many folks who are not only facing these health challenges, but the resulting financial challenges with 40 of American Families who have children and Food Insecurity and eviction crises and more so, we are a country that, for lack of a better way of putting it, is walking through the valley of the shadow of death. And its just been a frustrating stretch that, instead of the Senate Getting to work on meeting that crisis, we have been rushing through a Supreme Court justice, in a way that has never before seen in history when theres an ongoing election as opposed to really focusing on the hurt and the pain and the challenges that our fellow americans are facing seth im wondering if, behind the scenes, your colleagues across the aisle feel any shame about the hypocrisy about of what they did to Merrick Garland and how theyre rushing through this confirmation with just weeks before the election. Theres been times in the last four years that ive definitely seen people express private outrage at the behavior of this president. How he tramples our norms and breaks our traditions. Unfortunately, with this Supreme Court justice, ive seen no remorse. But its painful to have the actual words, the exact things that my colleagues said, months ago, that they would not do this it is one of those more jarring, almost whiplashing, times of mine in public life. Where you see someone say, explicitly, that they will not do this. And if they do, use my words against me, as one of my colleagues said. And then, now, to see it exactly happening. And this is not just hurting, maybe, those democrats who are who are against this. Its actually, you know, shredding the fabric of our country and our culture and our institutions because one of the great, important things in a democracy, for us to function, is to us to have trust. Trust in our institutions. Trust in truth trust in each others word this is a time where we dont live in a country where its authoritarian rule where one who is Strong Enough gets to rule the others. Were a nation that necessitates grace and compromise and a willingness to Work Together and to find common ground. And unfortunately, i think this episode is going to have lasting damage to our country. And obviously, putting a person on the Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment this is going to be felt for a generation or two. Seth you were, of course, referring to senator Lindsey Graham and the use of my words against me his hypocrisy has obviously been on display and yet, we sort of had the hearings for judge barrett that, even one of your colleagues, diane feinstein, afterwards, complimented Lindsey Graham for how the whole thing was run. Do you worry that the Democratic Party didnt do enough to show how illegitimate these hearings were and how unfair this whole process has been yeah. I actually think that we did you know, there you know, a lot of times, the things that we do dont, understandably, grab the headlines. But i think that this has been a time where the chorus of not only my caucus of fellow democratic senators, but the voices of so many americans, republicans, heck, even two republican senators on their side came and said, no, this is not right. But ive been grateful to see people on both sides of the aisle coming forward even about a hundred notre dame professors saying kind things about the nominee. But just saying this is not right. This is wrong. And at a time where, frankly, we have a president who is openly saying he will not support, necessarily, a peaceful transfer of power that, if he loses, this election is rigged. Telling extremist groups to stand back and stand by. Its a time where all of us should be concerned about the coming election. And frankly, doing everything we can to affirm our common values and our common virtues not just voting. To me, that is a grave urgency but this is going to take a time, i think, in our country where many of us are going to have to step up in the spirit of civic grace. In a spirit of, you know, trying to make this nation more of a beloved community, to help get us through what i think is going to be a tough period seth you had to ask the nominee whether or not she condemns white supremacy, whether or not she supports a peaceful transfer of power were you satisfied with her answers . I i was i was stunned, actually, that there was a lot of things she just refused to answer things that, i can only imagine, that in the years preceding this, that every appointed judge or nominated judge on both sides of the aisle would find the questions almost ridiculous. Like, do i support a peaceful transfer of power . Of course, i do. Do i think that Climate Change is real . That i mean, a lot of the questions, she just refused to even express her her her affirmation of was a little bit disturbing to me and when it comes to issues of race, which is another issue i explored with her, i was actually sort of surprised that someone of renowned scholarship and writing could not express to me, really, any kind of critical, or even curiosity, to read a lot of the literature thats out there about how our legal system is so affected by race and why how we still are a nation that has a Justice System that has disparate impact on people, based upon the color of their skin or the wealth that they have. As one of my heroes, brian stevenson, says we have a criminal Justice System that treats you better if youre rich and guilty than if youre poor and innocent and so, to not even being able to speak to that makes me worry about how, when you are asked to preside over cases that i think demand, first and foremost, from a judge, the ability to show true empathy and understanding of both sides of an issue. But yet, you havent examined, with any depth, scholarship, or deep curiosity it makes me really worry about you, in any way, being able to make our Justice System more equal, more accessible, and more legitimate in the eyes of the diversity that is america. Seth i want to talk more about race and diversity and the ways in which the president brings your name up. And well be right back with more from senator cory booker, right after this another bundle in the books. Got to hand it to you, jamie. Your knowledge of victorian architecture really paid off this time. Nah, just got lucky. So did the thompsons. That faulty wiring couldve cost them a lot more than the mudroom. Thankfully they bundled their motorcycle with their home and auto. Theyre protected 24 7. Mm. What do you say . One more game of backgammon . [ chuckles ] not on your life. [ laughs ] when the lights go down dynanana, nana, nana, eh dynanana, nana, nana, eh dynanana, nana, nana, eh light it up, dynamite shining through the city with a little funk and soul so ima light it up like dynamite cause, ahah, shining through the city with a little funk and soul ima light it up like dynamite, whoa hi jen hi. So youre the scientist here. Does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day . Its true jen. Really . this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. Impressive aveeno® healthy. Its our nature. This halloween will be just like last. Well buy tons of reeses cups for the youngins. laughing then eat them all ourselves. Reeses. I am a lawyer, and theres a lot on my plate. Were busy. Were busy people. But, were happiest when were here in our home. So, having a service with free delivery, and having the essentials come to you, is very helpful for us to be able to focus on that quality time together. Introducing walmart a new membership that gives you free unlimited delivery on groceries and more. Readjusting wont be easy. Start by smelling your best again, with axe. Get clean. Smell ready. Leggo a big mac no pickles please. There you go. Medium fries. Con ketchup. And an oreo mcflurry. Of course ooof the j balvin meal. Get it on the mcdonalds app and the mcflurry is on me. Im lovin it seth welcome back, everybody. We are talking to senator cory booker. The president names you, specifically, and says you were trying to destroy the American Dream by supporting Affordable Housing in the suburbs you grew up in the suburbs can you speak to the the sort of blatant racism behind this, both where he stands on the issue and why he keeps bringing your name into it . Look. I i as one of my Close Friends said to me, the fact that the president brought you up multiple times in tweets and rallies should be a sign that youre actually doing something. But speaking to him is not what frankly, if i can answer your question more by speaking to us, as a country. We are this phenomenal nation with reservoirs of love and decency that are always there but we dont always draw down upon them. And this is a president who has so, i think been such poison to the spirit and the energy thats in our country. And i know of no other way to do that than to reject it and not to reject it with just, like, more bile. I still remember, in one of my town halls when i was running for president , a guy comes up to me and says, dude, i want you to punch donald trump in the face. And i looked at him and i laughed. And i said, dude, thats a felony. We cannot beat that energy by bringing more of that energy thats what he wants he wants us to get down and fight, in the gutter and in a way that none of us win. This is a time when we see his kind of racism and bigotry we see his blatant fear mongering. Trying to prey upon the the the insecurities or latent strains of negativity in our society. We have to reject it and reject him. I dont care what your party is. Both parties, republicans and democrats, were better than this we should be calling people to the best of our angels, the highest of our aspirations, to the best of our virtues. And not what he does, on a regular basis, which is demonstrate vile, dehumanizing, debasing behavior. Its just wrong and, god, i just i dont want to just win this election for some kind of partisan reason. I want this to be a a a National Rejection of trumpism of all that he has brought into our public spaces. And i want us to see, at the end of this election, not just one candidate being elevated but, all of us committing ourselves to having a revival in this country of civic grace seth you had some spirited moments with former Vice President biden during the democratic debates but, some amicable moments during the commercial breaks, is that right yeah. I i i have to say, i knew joe biden. He swore me into the job that i had. But i really got to know him, in the way you do, with, you know, with the rival kids you played with in high school, for example. And i am just a big believer that contests like that dont build character, they reveal it. And by the end of the campaign, i was thoroughly disarmed by him and admired him. And i remember a tough moment. He had said something that i found offensive. And i still remember, i was on a Major News Network talking about it, from my heart. And speaking about why it was so hurtful to me. And then, something that has never happened to me before in public life. I got off that station and i get a phone call from joe biden. And he doesnt call me its not one of these puffery, politicalspeak kind of calls. He called me with a sense of vulnerability. And and saying to me, really, that he doesnt always get it right and that he is still learning and he is still growing and and he really wanted to understand and, you know, trump has this way of never being wrong, never apologizing. Biden has this way of saying, you know what . None of us are beyond sticking our foot in our mouth, making mistakes but maybe, if we own up to them, we can all learn together, all grow together, and heal together and so, by the end of the campaign, i considered him a friend and someone that i admired. And now, someone i very much want, especially at this time of where we need healing, i want him to be my president. Seth i asked your colleague, senator klobuchar, this on monday what are your plans for Election Night . Where are you going to watch it . How you going to feel . So, my hope is just to be relaxed while sitting next to rosario on a couch somewhere and eating junk food vegan and, god willing, watching an election that i hope we we should all have the expectation that it wont be decided that night. But i have a lot of hope, that night, that therell be a lot to celebrate. And also, you know, the senate i mean, mitch mcconnell, who calls himself the grim reaper, im really hoping that from iowa to texas to south carolina, that we win a lot of senate seats that people didnt expect. Surprise a lot of people and give a further repudiation of trumpism seth all right all the best to you. Thank you so much for making time for us, senator really appreciate it i just want to tell you something because a lot of times, people think of entertainment or art as entertainment. And i just want to let you know that during this time of trump, youve just been one of those folks that i think has given a master class in showing that satire is essential to a democracy. The ability, not only to criticize power but, really, call it into question in a way that stimulates peoples understanding and action art is essential to a democracy, especially, in a time of trial and youve just done a wonderful job, and have given me, not only a lot of laughter but, even sustained and nurtured me and nourished me in a time i really needed it. Seth im so glad you said that in front of my crew, who do not respect me, at all [ laughter ] well be right back with yahya abdulmateen ii. Not much, how about you . Are you answering my text in person . I am, yeah. Lol come on in. 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Seth please, welcome to the show yahya abdulmateen ii thanks so much for being here. Hey thank you so much for having me, man. How you doing . Seth im doing well. I want to talk about the new film but i really want to congratulate you, again, on watchmen. It was one of those shows, it seems very rare, these days. But we talked about it every monday here at our show. Is that right seth yeah. It was the water cooler show back when we were allowed to congregate at water coolers. Yeah. I miss those days, man i appreciate that. You know, for me, my water cooler conversation was sort of twitter. You know what i mean i would go on twitter and, you know, have those conversations it was one of those shows that was always you know, always a good thing to be able to look forward to having the conversation with other people online because, otherwise, you know, a show like that, sometimes, just really just really confusing. You know what i mean and thats really one that you that you dont want to be left on the outside of so, you know, i appreciate that, man. It means a lot seth it was it was great. I, also, want to congratulate you just on, like, really looking supercool on the cover of a magazine. Its a really hard thing to do oh seth have you not you havent seen it . This is my first time seeing it, right now. Seth this is i mean, this is breaking news right here. [ laughter ] so i feel like were getting a genuine reaction you feel good . Because, obviously, you take a lot of pictures. This is what they chose. Are you happy . Im happy with it, man. I look like myself i know that guy. I recognize that guy seth yeah. I think youve hit a certain level when theyll let you take a picture with your coffee [ light laughter ] like like, i feel like if youre not a big deal, theyre like, put the coffee down. But, you, they were like, you know what . If thats if youre a coffee guy, go for it. My coffee, my denim jacket, my beanie. I feel like myself, man. Im always spending time in character where i have a beard or i have a bald head or i have this or that seth youre fully blue so its nice to look on a magazine and, see, you know, a guy i recognize. Seth thats true sometimes, its nothings more a bigger bummer than you feel really good about yourself. You take some pictures and it comes back and you go, oh, no, thats me . Right right. Right. Seth so, you know, the interesting thing about, you know, you make watchmen, which is, you know, obviously, you know, based on the past. But its incredibly prescient, right . When it comes out, its, all of a sudden, about all these issues everyones talking about and also, you know, with the trial of the chicago 7, you know, this is right before an election. This is a time of Police Protests or, should say, protests against the police and Police Involvement you mustve known, more so even with this one, that you were going the timing was going to line up with the days events a little bit more. Well, we had an idea, right we had an idea while making the trial of the chicago 7, that, you know, we would be doing this in an election year. And that, you know, that we wanted to put out a message about Civic Responsibility and our civic duties to, you know, to to vote and become active in the democratic process. But we had no idea the amount of of of protests that would be going on, you know, in the country, at the time you know, im just really happy that one of the messages from our film, you know, is that young people have a right and should exercise that right, to get out and to become a part of that democratic process. If theyre upset, then they have the right to protest that they should be able to use their voices and to understand the laws, understand the understand the constitution and really understand, really, the the ramifications of of a lot of the laws in this country you know what i mean so, i think it really, really, you know, gives that message that, you know, the thing to do is to get out, use your voice. You know, theres a refrain in our film that says the whole world is watching and thats definitely, you know, the case for the states, right now. The whole world is watching and, you know, looking to see how were going to respond and, you know, hopefully, you know, we fall on the right side of history you know, in a couple weeks and beyond seth there is a its a fantastic cast, from top to bottom and in that clip, we saw mark rylance and there is a really difficult scene that i assume was difficult to shoot, where you, as bobby seale, are bound and gagged in the courtroom. Yet, ive also heard that mark helped in those moments to to maybe lighten what would be a dark moment, to be playing yeah. Yeah yeah well, for my own self, you know, those moments, bobby seale, you know, in an interview, he says he says when you a revolutionary, they cant break your spirit that well. So i put that in my own pocket in order to be able to take care of myself. And i knew that bobbys bobbys goal was to come out of that scenario with his manhood, with his dignity, and that he wouldnt be victimized in that situation. Now, for my own self as an actor, that was a tough, tough thing to put myself through. And, you know, i had such a supportive cast. And, you know, thinking back to mark mark always sat right to my left, you know, during these scenes and im not sure whether this was, you know, to break the ice or to add a little bit of levity in the room. But mark introduced me to the dice game in between filming this so, you know, mark and i would shoot dice and in the beginning, it was just, you know, just a game where wed keep score. Eventually, he brought in a little bag of change he gave me some coins. He said, okay. So, you know, you can play with these coins and ill play with my coins but about a week later, the coins started to represent a dollar or Something Like that. [ laughter ] so im not sure if it was because, you know, if it was to, you know, break the ice. Or if it was because i was an easy mark. But, yeah. Seth yeah, im worried the storys is going to end and anyways, long story short, i owe mark rylance 100,000. Exactly i owe him my contract for the matrix basically [ laughter ] seth which is another thing we can look forward to i know youre shooting matrix 4, right now. So excited for that. So excited to have you here. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you so much, man. Take care. 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Seth i want to thank my guests, senator cory booker and Yahya Abdul Mateen ii i want to thank Todd Sucherman

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