Announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers. Taylor schilling author of hoax, cnn anchor and correspondent, Brian Stelter an allnew, closer look, featuring the 8g band with Jessica Burdeaux and now, Seth Meyers Seth good evening, im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight all right. Good good good lets get to the news. Well, last night was the first wrong last night was fake news seth last excuse me excuse me. Seth just forget it. Thats right the first president ial debate was held last night in cleveland, ohio. Although, it wasnt really a debate it certainly wasnt president ial and it wasnt held so much, as it happened to us. I guess the only accurate part of that sentence was cleveland, ohio. While being repeatedly interrupted by President Trump during last nights debate, former Vice President joe biden said to trump, quote, will you shut up, man . And in fairness, it was the only question trump actually answered during the section of last nights debate on the economy, President Trump criticized former Vice President joe bidens trade record, and said, quote, china ate your lunch. Though, im sure thats not the first time hes tried that hey, has anyone seen my lunch . I left it in the break room. Ah. China ate it saw china snooping around the break room, earlier. Janet will back me up. Former Vice President joe bidens Campaign Said it raised a record 3. 8 million in one hour during last nights president ial debate. Same, said therapists. Google said today that searches for, quote, how to apply for Canadian Citizenship skyrocketed an hour into last nights president ial debate. Though, google in canada had a totally different one. Tiger king star Carole Baskin was eliminated from dancing with the stars this week. If you havent seen tiger king, its a docuseries that premiered on netflix three lifetimes ago. Today was International Podcast day. To celebrate, invite someone over, and then talk about your day for 20 minutes before acknowledging their existence. Thank god, said someone in line at the dmv. According to new research, physicists believe that time travel is possible oh thats why wow. Huh. Hope youre proud of yourself, scollins i dont know who youre trying to impress with that one, scollins and finally, today was national askastupidquestion day. Glad you celebrated, Chris Wallace. And that, you guys, that was a monologue. We got a great show for you tonight. You know her from orange is the new black. And shes got a new show called monsterland coming to hulu Taylor Schilling will be here. She is one of our favorites. So excited to see her. He is a cnn anchor and the author of the bestselling new book, hoax donald trump, fox news and the dangerous Brian Stelter will join us but before you guys, before we get to all that, well, last night, we all watched a petulant psycho debase himself and the nation on live tv. And now, his deranged sycophants are making all kinds of excuses for hiS Performance. For more on this, its time for a closer look. M seth so where to begin with that debate last night actually, debate is not the right word it was more like a collective brain hemorrhage it was like watching democracy get a lobotomy or as cnn put it this was the most chaotic president ial debate ive ever seen and i suspect most of you, if not all of you, have ever seen that was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck. That was the worst debate i have ever seen. In fact, it wasnt even a debate it was a disgrace. That was a [ bleep ] show and, you know, were on cable. We can say that. Apologies for being maybe a little bit crude seth you guys are being way too charitable watching that debate was like hot boxing a portapotty with crystal meth, in phoenix, in july it was like being hit on the head with a lead pipe in a room filled with nitrous oxide. It was like watching a twoperson performance of 12 angry men where one actor played one part, and one was mad enough for the other 11. Also, dana, i dont think you have to worry about being crude. Nothing you could say or do could top that debate. Wolf blitzer couldve shown up in full bdsm gear screaming the lyrics to w. A. P. And it still wouldnt have been the crudest thing that happened last night it would have been the most fun thing. You know, we got a couple more debates left, wolf it was, to state the obvious, one of the most embarrassing debacles in American History, and i am including kevin federlineS Performance at the 2006 teen choice awards. Oh, kfed, we owe you an apology. We thought popozao was the lowest point in American History. But that was before the president took a popozao on the debate stage and the debate, somehow, managed to top the embarrassing runup in the days prior, during which the rightwing fever swamp belched up a bunch of insane conspiracy theories about joe biden, all of which, found airtime on fox news, from their morning shows, to their supposed straight news anchors. Fox spent the entirety of yesterday airing one deranged claim about bidens cognitive state after another. The trump team asked to inspect the ears of each debater for Electronic Devices or transmitters the biden team has not consented to that. As far as the listening devices and the biden campaigns response to that, i think thats interesting. And were going to have to follow that through the day. Its a risk to run a candidate who may be senile. The Trump Campaign is convinced that bidens staff will try to feed him lines through an earpiece elderly people experiencing memory loss and the other problems associated with age can have you know, go for periods of hours at a time and be just fine i dont think theres any doubt bidens senile but it doesnt mean its going to show up tonight. Look. The man has dementia theres no doubt about it. Ive talked to doctors ive had them look at a hundred a hundred different tapes of his, five years ago and today. The biden people say hes fine he cant recite the pledge of allegiance, and hes fine . He actually displays symptoms that two gerontologists told me are classic symptoms of middlelevel dementia. I think the president is quite right to say maybe hes taking adderall or some kind of attention Deficit Disorder thing. And thats not just my opinion its the opinion of a number of doctors ive actually, you know, interviewed. Seth were they interviews . Or were they exams like, during these interviews, rudy, were you wearing a gown that tied in the back . These interviews were so secret they didnt want me to take notes, so they tied my hands together. But sure, fox and friends, take medical advice from a guy who always looks like he has electrodes attached to his testicles and makes this noise whaaaa also, fox and friends, what are you guys doing a lunatic rants and raves about god knows what, and you just sit there like tourists watching a guy take a dump on the ftrain maybe this is Performance Art honey, just give me a dollar im going to tip him. Also, i love this new argument fox has, courtesy of brit hume, that biden is actually secretly senile seems to me that if you have it together enough to hide that youre senile, you might not be senile pretty sure if you were suffering from dementia, it would show up at the debate. In fact, im pretty sure it did. Seriously. Everyone who watched that debate had flashbacks to arguing with a drunk friend to hand over his car keys im not drunk. Then, tell me how many fingers im holding up hunter biden. Burisma. So they tried arguing that biden was in cognitive decline but then, it became obvious he wasnt so they had to change tact to suggesting that maybe hes on drugs. If anyones on drugs, its you guys given moment, they sound like they just got done doing blow in the bathroom at cbgb they sound like coked up screenwriters pitching ideas all right so like, what if he has like, i dont know, a secret earpiece. Right . He gets questions in advance, but hes senile. You cant tell, because he got a shot of adrenaline in his heart just like pulp fiction. Woo even foxs supposed straight news anchors are just casually entertaining insane conspiracy theories, like biden wearing an earpiece at the debate youd know if biden was wearing an earpiece, because he wouldnt have the latest model. Hed have the big, old clunky one, with the curly wire going down the back of his shirt and during that debate, he would have called for backup like an undercover cop at a drug bust gone bad oh, man i didnt realize you fellas would have so many guns. You got to get me out of here. Sassafras. Sassafras. But sure lets entertain the idea that one of the candidates was on adderall i wonder who it was. They will, under my proposal. Thats not what you said and its not what your party has said we have to be thats not what they are talking about, chris we have the highest trade deficit with mexico. China ate your lunch, joe all right, gentlemen china ate your lunch, joe you said maybe you should drop a Nuclear Weapon on them. I never said that antifas an idea, not an organization you gotta be kidding me not militia if hed just stay out of the way. Oh, really . Oh, really this guy. [ talking over each other hes just afraid of counting the votes, because of the outcome. Youre wrong. I want to continue with you on this. Vice President Biden chris, hes so wrong when he makes the Statement Like that. Seth oh, man, did someone switch out his can for diet crank . All the crank, none of the calories ive never seen the actual redness of his face overtake his bronzer like that. Trump had so much crazy coke energy that the moderator, Chris Wallace, literally had to yell no at him to beg him to stop interrupting. You do want me to ban europe. You would have been much later, joe. Mr. President mr. President. Sir. Chris, that was the worst part of obama. Let me ask my question. Well, ill ask joe. No. No hey. Mr. President. Mr. President , please, stop. Go ahead no, no, no mr. President. Three and a half million, joe. [ talking over each other no. No no stop wait a minute. Mr. President. No mr. President. Go ahead. Can i be honest . Its a very important question try to be honest. Its a good thing. He stood up he stood up, and he threatened the answer to the question is no seth the moderator of a nationally televised debate had to treat the president like a rabid dog humping his leg. No, no, no, no no, no, no bad bad president meanwhile, biden was just standing there looking over at the camera like a grandpa in a sitcom i cant believe my daughter married this dope. But the deranged petulance on display from trump last night, its not unique and its not an aberration within the gop or the conservative movement. Unless you let them scream, uninterrupted, for 90 minutes straight, they think youre out to get them. Even if you work for the same network. During the debate, fox host Laura Ingraham tweeted trump is debating the moderator and biden. I love how she calls Chris Wallace the moderator, like she doesnt know him. You guys are coworkers. You get the same fox news sweatshirts every christmas, and your paychecks are signed by the same guy these people are such pathetic sycophants can you imagine if ingraham moderated a debate mr. President , the first question is to you how are you so good at golf . And is it hard being as strong and handsome as you are . You have 90 minutes to respond and, mr. Biden, you can go. Not like wallace didnt have moments of obsequiousness. Twice, he teed up questions by promising the president they would make him happy sir youll be happy im about to pick up on one of your points to ask the Vice President , which is, he points out that you would like to add a public option to obamacare. Mr. President , youre going to be very happy, because we are now going to talk about law and order. Seth first of all, its not your job to make him happy second of all, you are wasting your time, because hes never going to be happy. If he was a Childrens Book character, he would be an ogre who eats the happiness of children and never gets full and then a talking butterfly would tell him, youll never taste happiness until you face your anger, and then hed eat the butterfly. And, third of all, its not a moderators job to be a hostage negotiator, trying to get the president to calm down during a debate i know youre upset about protestors, so were going to send in some sandwiches. Trumps allies just cant help but make excuses for his grotesque behavior even don, jr. Got in on the wallace bashing in an interview with sean hannity. And hannity said nothing we knew that was coming with anyway with Chris Wallace. You know, i understand hes a fox guy, but hes hes no conservative hes going to be and hes no centrist, either seth im sorry you think Chris Wallace is a liberal . He works for fox news. Hes not a liberal he had the energy of an exhausted dad at thanksgiving trying to get his burnout son to take off his headphones. Tyler, what did we say about blasting metallica at the dinner table . No, tyler. Stop giving me the middle finger oh, now its double middle fingers. Very creative, tyler you know what . You are about to be very happy because im moving your curfew back to 3 00 a. M. Spin was even more pathetic than all the whining about the moderator. Trump is an apex predator hes the lion king trump went out there tonight and did what trump does. Hes the shark in the ocean, and he acted like it youre going to get a gladiator, warrior, fighter, in donald trump a guy that is going to go to battle, like he has for the last four years seth hes a predator gladiator. Shark in the ocean hes like a cross between heman, xena warrior princess, and a bowl of farina with googly eyes and im sorry, you watched that debate and saw an apex predator and a gladiator, warrior, fighter . Because he didnt look like a predator, to me. Most of the time, he stood there with his head cocked like an old dog who just heard a twig snap held on to that podium the way my grandma holds on to her walker when theyre reading the powerball numbers. And when they werent slobbering all over him, fox pundits and gop allies were pretending they watched a completely different debate altogether. The president was so solid. When he talked about the economy, when he talked about his Covid Response seth thats pretty selective. Thats like saying this guy nailed the approach. [ groaning ] seth yeah. I just wanted to watch it again. Its what the internets good for. Instead of Everything Else trumps incapable of talking about policy, because his record is dismal and he doesnt know anything there is a raging pandemic, an economic crash, and the west is on fire, and thats why he is talking about drugs and hunter biden and whatever other [ bleep ] he and his gang of mafia bobbleheads concocted. Thats all they can talk about they have nothing else same reason why trump refuses to condemn violent White Supremacists, and why he is lying about the safety of mail balloting. His only chance for remaining in power is to undermine the election, and threaten violence if he loses. He doesnt want to win the election he wants to destroy the election, just like he destroyed the debate last night, he was given the opportunity to denounce violent, white supremacist militias, and told them to stand by. And then, later, urged his supporters to go to the polls and physically intimidate voters are you willing, tonight, to condemn White Supremacists and militia groups sure. And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in kenosha, and as we have seen in portland . Sure, im willing to do that. Do it go ahead, sir i would say i would say almost everything i see is from the left wing, not from the right wing so what are you saying . Im willing to do anything. I want to see peace. Then, do it, sir. Say it. Do it. Say it do you want to call them what do you want to call em give me a name White Supremacists and rightwing militia who would you like me to condemn . The proud boys. Proud boys. Stand back and stand by. You go first. Im urging my supporters to go into the polls, and watch very carefully because, thats what has to happen i am urging them to do it. Seth they literally told him do it, condemn them, and he still wouldnt the best he could muster was, sure, ill condemn them, before refusing to condemn them thats the way you respond when you are offered an hors doeuvre at a party sure, ill take a crab puff. Then, you spit it in a napkin and throw it away. There was [ bleep ] crab in that. And then, to follow that up, by telling your supporters, which would include those violent, rightwing militias, to intimidate people at the polls is just chilling lets remember, weve already seen armed, rightwing militias roaming the streets of louisville and wisconsin and now, violent, farright groups, like the proud boys, are celebrating trumps call out at the debate if you were to sum up the state of our democracy right now, i think youd have to say that its a and, you know, were on cable. We can say that. Apologies for being maybe a little bit crude seth dana, my word and if you are wondering what sort of defense trump allies could possibly mount of those horrific comments, heres Rick Santorum who, for some reason, is still a cnn commentator, doing his level worst. He was asking the president to do something that he knows the president doesnt like to do which is . Which is, Say Something bad about people who support him right . What . Declining violence well well, talking about White Supremacy yeah. The White Supremacists seth thats your defense so, i guess, by that same token, trump would accept an endorsement from isis if they praised him. If they were smart, theyd start waving trump flags from the back of their trucks. So i guess, you know, long live the caliphate is kind of my current position. The president S Performance in last nights debate was truly one of the most embarrassing debacles in American History trump debased himself, and the nation, and then his wormy supporters slink to his defense. Trumps behavior last night was perfectly emblematic of the modern gop, rightwing media and the conservative movement. The republican mascot shouldnt be an elephant it should be an opossum being cornered in a garage by a rake theyre all like this, deranged, petulant children, constantly grieved, making excuses. We got a closeup look at just how odious and grotesque the president is his only goals are chaos and nihilism he thinks thats the path to power. And now, its up to us to show him hes wrong and restore our democracy, by voting in overwhelming numbers to repudiate him and everything he stands for because, right now, our democracy is a seth this has been a closer look. M well be right back with our friend, Taylor Schilling m announcer be sure to watch seth in prime time, for his closer look special, on thursday, october 8th, at 8 30 7 30 central, right here, on nbc driver vo when i started this commute, everyso fifteen years ago, i got my first subaru and i did it anyway. My outback always got me there. So when it was time, of course i got a new one. Because my kids still need me. And i need them. avo male welcome to the 2020 subaru outback. The most reliable outback ever. Go where love takes you. avo female get 0 apr financing for 63 months on select new 2020 models. 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Now, i am going to get a white dove orchid, and im going to keep that bitch alive, so help me god okay, gauntlet thrown and then im going to finish the scrapbook in time for heathers bat mitzvah. What else . Yes, maam. What else oh, i was thinking, maybe i could kill barb. I we barb bresler . No, streisand yes, barb bresler, wicked witch of the culdesac. Murder barb or maybe just her dog you know, id settle for her little dog, susan. Susan do you know that thing has 10,000 followers on instagram . Seth please, welcome back to the show, our friend, Taylor Schilling hello, taylor. Its so good to see you. Seth, its so nice to see you. How are you . Seth im hanging in there. How about you . Are ya . Well, i feel better now that im with you and i put on this fancy shirt. Seth its such a fancy shirt. You know, theres always a fear that people arent going to take it seriously because theyre zooming. And look at you. No, i took it this is the most fancy ive been in seven months i thought it was appropriate to dress for seth seth and you really have and i feel like that plant, thats obviously an aplus plant. I dont want to overlook that. I cleared a surface seth its just the whole thing is just stunning, as always isnt it a beautiful color . Seth so thank you for being here thank you thank you so much. Seth how are you these are rough times for everybody. Have you discovered any new coping mechanisms . You know, seth, i think ive become like a bit of a narcoleptic person seth oh, interesting like, i hear, like, oh, plague and pestilence. And then i go [ laughter ] i pass out again i just sleep, or ill fall asleep in different areas, in new places its uncomfortable seth thats interesting. So you just think you have like an internal kill switch that is just trying to help you opt out of of the more stressful moments that are happening right now . Thats the only way i can explain it to myself and to my loved ones seth and and is there ever like like, how do you know this is happening . Do you just, all of sudden, wake up and realize that time has passed theres been photographic evidence now, because i love you so much and i love everyone here so much, i thought about sharing a photo with you seth right and then i shared it with your producer and we decided together, it would scare america. Seth yeah. If i shared it publicly seth the last thing we need right now is to see you, one of americas many sweethearts, in a situation that that would bring more trouble in. A dark place, i was ready to share it i was ready to offer it, but its dark. Seth i want to talk about the show but i also you mention a dog in the clip, which makes me weve talked about it before, but your dog, tank how is tank doing . You know, tank is a light seth yeah. Tank is hanging in there. Tanks doing a great job tank is tanks as steady as shes ever been. Seth im so happy to hear that and i want to show something weve shown on the show before, but i feel like its something Everyone Needs to see again, especially because were just looking for anything, any little piece of joy that we can grab onto. Yeah. Seth you have a video of a time, you argue, tank said, i love you. I mean, the proof is in the pudding. Weve been here before but we can we can revisit it. Seth lets take a look heres tank saying i love you. [ whimpering ] i love you. I love you [ whimpering ] there you go it doesnt get old, does it . Seth no, it really doesnt get old. And you keep thinking its not going to happen. And i just think it speaks to how much tank loves you because it doesnt look like its easy for her to say it. Shes struggling. Shes suffering. Seth like, it seems like it might take a lot of physical effort shes struggling and shes suffering when she tries to say i love you its not easy for her. Seth i know weve also youve talked about trying to get more dialogue, more adr, from tank over the years but have you had any success, or is that the last thing tank said were working on it seth yeah, she really i we tried and i guess we failed seth i mean, if youre going to say one thing thats all i have to say. Seth if youre going to say one thing we failed seth i love you is the thing, right yeah. Yeah seth is tank with you now . Are you ready seth yeah. Come here come here, girl. Come here. Look it. Seth oh my god, see this there is some upside to doing zoom interviews on talk shows. There is. Seth hi. Oh my god, hi, tank. This is your moment. This is your moment, tank. Tank, i just want to say on behalf of all our viewers, we love you tank, did you hear that she cant hear it. Shes trying so hard to breathe. She doesnt really have a nose it takes up all of her energy just trying to get the air in and out. Seth so that might really be one of the reasons shes not talking more often if she just, in general, has trouble breathing. Trouble breathing seth yeah. Oh god. Seth thank you for the thank you for the cameo, tank. And when we come back, were going to talk more about your show well be right back with more from Taylor Schilling. Liquid. Can it one up spaghetti night . It sure can. Really . Can it one up breakfast in bed . Yeah, for sure. Thanks, boys. What about that . Uhh, yep it can . Yeah, even that i would very much like to see that. Me too. Tide pods ultra oxi. One up the toughest stains with 50 more cleaning power than liquid detergent. Any further questions . Uh uh nope one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. 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Tums ver bell rings la stick a new membership when heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites knowinits hard. Re is hard. Eliminate who you are not first, and youre going to find yourself where you need to be. The race is never over. The journey has no port. The adventure never ends, because we are always on the way. Seth welcome back to late night. Were talking to Taylor Schilling and last time you were here, it was promoting a horror film, prodigy, and you were saying that you wanted to was i seth i think it was the last time, it was like february of like not this february, the one before im excited about that. But frankly, im really distracted by this plant seth are you having regret about it or do you feel like its stealing your focus i was like actually thinking like, should we put books . But every time i see someone doing a zoom interview, i judge their entire life by their what books are on display. Seth and would you say on the whole youre more impressed by a person or less impressed by a person after you see their books . Boy, thats a toss up seth yeah. 5050 seth but how many people do you think were seeing their actual bookshelf and how many people do think have curated it knowing theyre gonna be on tv i would say were seeing probably 2 of peoples real books. Seth yeah, i think so too. I think were i think everybody spent a lot of time thinking about what other people will think of their books. Seth yeah. Im glad that were acknowledging this because thats one of my thats really what i think of when i see these zoom interviews. Seth where i dont think anyone i dont think anyones watching this right now saying like, thats not taylors plant. I know, i dont think so either shes full of it. Seth i think its very obvious that that was there, even if it werent on tv tonight. Shes had that plant in high school. Seth whats that yeah. No, shes had that plant since high school. Thats what i think about some of these books you read that in tenth grade, friend. Seth and by the way, thank you tank for sticking around although, she doesnt thats what i like about tank, she like knows when she should be on camera and when she shouldnt. Shes really strange right now. Im sorry. We dont have to shes supposed to go away. Do you want to talk about the show seth i do. So this is a horror i dont i dont mean to just go completely seth no look, i get it youre always about the plug everybody says that about taylor always about the plug. Thats what they say. Seth abp she loves the press seth always be plugging. You this shirt is really something, isnt it . Seth its really good, and its really holding its shape i think when we first saw it, we were like thank you thats what im impressed by too. Seth yeah. With all this like dog wrestling. Seth its is its like, the two things that are just remain perky throughout this whole interview are the shoulders of that shirt and tanks ears. I know. Shes really shes really here for it. Seth its really nice because i feel like if they were you know, cause i feel like shes remained interested in me throughout this entire interview. She sure is shes fascinated shes yeah. Shes, in fact, drooling i wasnt gonna mention that. I dont know whats going on i dont know if like a dog expert will tell me that thats a sign of something. Maybe she just needs dinner. Seth well maybe, do you ever is that a case of let me just like try to game this out. Maybe every morning you watch my show while youre feeding her, and so now shes actually having a pavlovian response to hearing my voice shes like, is it time for breakfast again . That was good that was a good process of that was good deduction. Seth yeah. Sherlocky thats sherlock. That was good. Maybe this is happening. Seth this is come on. To the show, i get it. I know youre frustrated [ sighs so, this is a horror anthology, but its [ screams its not no, it is, it is. It is, it is seth oh, good. Im just celebrating with you. Seth oh, great wooo. Seth i dont want to give anything away because obviously the clip doesnt quite show us where were going. Right seth but theres a fair amount of makeup involved in this was that an entertaining part of that let me tell you, there was a fair amount of makeup involved, and i had to do something that i was excited for because, you know, in like like a transformers movie or like an avengers movie, you know theres a lot of makeup on ones face, and i was excited to experiment with that but i learned in this i learned on this job set that i have panic attacks whens there silicone on my when theres silicone on my face. Seth oh, wow so i was i had to tap out, yeah i was about to put a whole mask on and it was a big day of makeup, and i laid back in the chair and i started to ask if they could make the nose holes bigger and the eyes holes bigger and then the visual effects guy was just like, you know what . Im gonna call this. You need to leave. Im not gonna finish putting makeup on you face. Seth how far into the process . cause i know sometimes that can take hours how far into it did you tap out . Were like we were like 15 minutes and i had the rest of the day off from work because he wouldnt put it on my face but i thought that was very charitable he kind of was able to he was kind of able to stand up for me in a way i wasnt necessarily able to stand up for myself. Seth yeah, i imagine that he over the years probably has an expertise in knowing who can put up with something and who cant. He knew [ dog sneezes [ laughter ] seth that is i think going through covid and hearing a sneeze that loud, its hard not to be very jarring i know, its uncomfortable. Seth and then you immediately like you index like, can dogs get covid . Yeah. Seth but god bless you the answer is no. Seth god bless you, tank the answer is no. They absolutely cant get covid. And also, i cant put on those things i cant put makeup like that on my face. If there was anything i learned from monsterland its that i cannot have silicone over my nose holes or my eyes. I cant do it. Also, i was trying to paint my nails before we started and i didnt have time [ laughter ] i wanted to make sure i wanted to make sure i was completely unchipped for you seth, its so nice to see you. Seth its so nice to see you, too and i think that was really great that you did that, cause i feel like we were gonna hear a lot on social media after this interview about how chipped your nails were and now i feel like youve covered your back i know, i mean, i feel like i really i did it the best i could. Between the narcolepsy and the state of Public Discourse in our country, i put on a shirt. Seth yeah. I think you did great. I mean, i do think there are gonna be some people that are a little bit disappointed you didnt nod out in the middle of this yeah. [ laughter ] someday youll see the picture im talking about. Seth yeah, well do that i think thats it. I think the offair is probably the better way to do that. Yeah. Seth congratulations on the show thank you seth thank you so much for being here thank you for having me seth it is always the best to see you youre doing such a great job. Seth its great to finally meet you, tank i love what youre doing right now. Its beautiful its wonderful seth and well see you soon. Yeah. Seth you guys, that was Taylor Schilling all episodes of monsterland will be available exclusively on hulu this friday well be right back with Brian Stelter. Dropping my mc order. Leggo a big mac no pickles please. There you go. Medium fries. Con ketchup. And an oreo mcflurry. Of course ooof the j balvin meal. Get it on the mcdonalds app and the mcflurry is on me. Im lovin it get it on the mcdonalds app and the mcflurry is on me. My finger is on the button push the button the time has come to galvanize look limu someone out there needs help customizing their Car Insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Now, theres skyrizi. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 3 out of 4 people achieved. 90 clearer skin at 4 months. After just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections. 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Seth our next guest is cnns chief media correspondent and the anchor of the networks show reliable sources. His bestselling book hoax is out now please welcome to the show, Brian Stelter. Thanks for being here, brian hello, thank you. Good to see you. Seth and incredible restraint to not be doing this in front of a book shelf that has your new book. I tip my cap i dont have any books left, seth theyre too popular. Seth oh, wow nice one very nice play on that one so, you know, this is a book one of the people you cover in the book, among many, is Chris Wallace, the moderator of last nights debate, who went into it saying that he wanted to be invisible that does not strike me as the case here, as were coming up on a day later. How do you think he performed last night in obviously to give him some credit a very chaotic night . Yeah, i dont know. Would you ever want to moderate a debate with donald trump i dont think i would ever want to do it its a very, very difficult mission. So, youve got to have some sympathy for Chris Wallace but, you know, he gave an interview to the New York Times today where he said he never dreamt that it would go off the rails this way he never dreamt that trumps strategy would be to just interrupt constantly and throw everything off well, heres the problem, seth, a failure of imagination has been a big problem for the past five years a lot of people didnt imagine that trump could get elected and a lot of people didnt imagine that he would go in to office and try to break all the glass and blow up the institutions of the country. We need to make sure we dont have any more failures of imagination right now. This was predictable seth i do appreciate his honesty in saying he didnt see it coming. But even if he did see it coming, what do you do in that situation . And, you know, even now, we have the Debate Commission saying theyre gonna change the rules but i cant imagine theyre going to change it in a way thatll stop donald trump from blowing up whatever standards they set for any debates i mean, is there a way to have a normal debate when onehalf of the debaters is donald trump well, thats the thing. Even if they cut off his microphone in future debates, which is definitely being talked about by the commission now, even if they cut off his microphone so that the viewers cant hear him, joe biden can still hear him the moderator can still hear him. So, even cutting off the microphone is not going to be enough to moderate or control the situation. But heres why the next debate will be different, its going to be a town hall in front of normal people asking average american questions so, maybe he wont feel like he can be as much of a you used a lot of words earlier, rabid dog, you know. Maybe hell feel like he cant do that when he is in a town hall format. Seth how dare you put my words in my mouth . [ light laughter ] im glad you said that about cutting off the mics, because, you know, working in tv you know this again, if they cut off his mic, not only the point you made is true that, you know, biden will still hear him youll still be able to hear him a little bit through bidens mic, and it will be more distracting then it would be hearing the words hes saying. So, i hope thats not their plan, because that is a bad plan you talk about, in this book as well, how influenced what elements of that did you see clearly on display last night . All the hunter biden references trumps weird reference to where biden went to college in delaware its all these right wing memes that get into trumps diet through fox news the right wing media world and then what comes out of that heart, whether its blood or something else, it gets pumped all throughout the right wing body so, you know, sometimes stuff starts on fox, other times it starts in the fever swamps of the internet and gets on to fox and friends, but the point is, trump gets to it via fox so, fox is like the delivery device for this poisoned information. And, frankly, that is what is so disturbing to me as a media reporter so, he is getting a poisoned information diet, and when hes out there screaming about hunter biden on stage, well, hes proving my point. Seth a lot of people, you sort of saw on social media throughout the debate last night, were saying i cant handle this. Im tuning out this is too toxic. You not only watched the debate last night, but you, for your book, you sort of watched fox news more than is maybe a healthy amount [ laughter ] did you find it hard to watch it day in and day out thats funny, i watch it a lot like President Trump i have the volume off. I watch it by fastforwarding, ill fastforward through shows just so i can at least see whats on the banner, see what theyre saying because i dont think you can understand america without it is an alternative reality, where new york city, a place i love, is a hellhole, a disaster zone its so unhinged from reality, but if you dont know what your grandfather or your grandmother cant possibly have a reasonable conversation so, i did watch too much fox for the book, mostly muted and, heres the funny thing, at home i dont know how this works, seth, my wife would always know when i had fox with the volume up. Whenever i turned the volume up, she somehow could tell that it wasnt cnn or msnbc. It was like she had a sixth sense for fox. And, of course, she wanted me to mute it. But, i told her i was working. I told her i had to work seth well, one thing she might have heard on fox news that you dont hear on the other you come up a lot. How is it how does it feel to be a cable News Reporter who is, you know, basically being dragged by the cable News Reporters on another network objects, and we just have to view it the way it is. Lets call it what it is against the media and he has a bunch of hate objects, and fox picks up on those and runs with those. But, it is so surreal, seth. When youre watching Sean Hannitys show, and all of a sudden hes calling you humpty dumpty, and hes using a funny picture of you on tv, that never gets old that is always weird and its weird for me because hannity used to be really friendly with me he gave me great advice when i went in to cnn like, you know, he used to be almost a mentor of sorts tucker carlson, too. He donated money when i was a blogger. So, to have these relationships with these guys, and then to see them fall so far down the trump rabbit hole, it really is surreal. You know, tucker called me a eunuch once, and i had to google that word. And i wish i hadnt learned what it meant but now everyday, i get tweets from people calling me those insults. And it really does speak to how this information war is waged. Like, i think its mostly funny, and i dont really care that they call me humptydumpty, and i know that ive got a bald head but, it does show how the information war is waged when all these trolls pile on and use you know what i mean seth you also, one of the things you uncover in the book is that behind the scenes you have sources that tell you that sean hannity also thinks the president is crazy, that a lot of people who work there would, if it was off the record, agree with your and my assessment of him. How does that, you know, what is your takeaway from that . Thats why i wanted to write hoax is because so many people at fox are hypocritical right now. There are so many sources at the bottom and at the top, in management, who are concerned about trump, who say hes like a madman and they know because hes calling their stars. Hes calling hannity all the time hannity says to his own friends, trump is crazy. Hes acting like a crazy person. And yet, hannity never reflects that reality on television so, theres a utter hypocrisy that has to be exposed Even White House aides feel this way. Hope hicks has said to people, i wish trump wouldnt talk so much about fox i wish he wouldnt watch so much fox. Well, you know, thats just the reality of the situation we have to face it headon i know theres lots of people that say we need to fact check more and thats true. The press needs to fact check. Theres all these people making excuses and say that other institutions need to take action well, you know what, the problem, the root problem is the president. And yes, Fact Checking can help. And yes, other things can help but, you know, as i write in the book, when grandpa is sick, when you have a loved one who is sick, the entire family suffers. And i had people at fox news say to me, is that whats going on, brian . Is that whats going on . And they are wondering the same things that lots of other people are wondering. The difference is that when you work for fox, youre afraid to say it out loud, on the record, because its going to piss off the audience seth well, congrats on the book it is a very nice historical record i look forward to when it is a historical record, because that will mean were in the future and not the present. Thank you so much for being here we will be right back. An opis the only kind. Who dont need to travel to find something new. Who know where to escape, even just for a moment. Who dont need a fortune to find a gem. And who know when you spend less, you can discover even more. And never, ever stop discovering. 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Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth and be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook head over to itunes to subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. Whatever stereotype youre gonna try. To put on me about having hiv isnt gonna fit. Thats for sure. My name is zach and im on biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment. Used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure but with one small. Pill, biktarvy fights hiv. To help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 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