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Announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers. John cleese, star of a. P. Bio, actor Glenn Howerton an allnew closer look. Featuring the 8g band with fred armisen and now seth meyers. Seth hey, everyone its day two back in an empty studio and while things arent normal, they are getting closer. For example, today two different tourists asked me if jimmy fallon was as nice as he seems. So, lets get to the news. According to audiotapes from a series of interviews with Journalist Bob Woodward released today, President Trump said six months ago that the coronavirus was airborne and, quote, more dangerous than even your strenuous flu, and that he intended to play it down listen to this i wanted to always play it down i still like playing it down yes because i dont want to create a panic seth well, good job with that this countrys never been more chill. A lot of people arent even moving americas as cool as a cucumber right now. Sure, were stealing toilet paper every time we go into a starbucks. And trader joes looks like the last scene of apocalypse now. But other than that, its all good, baby and its pretty rich that donald trump doesnt want to create a panic did he add, you know, you have enough on your plate, what with the caravan of migrants coming up to murder your family and all. He straight up admitted that he wanted to play it down imagine if Bob Woodwards job was always this easy its as if nixon walked up to him in 1973 and said, hello, bob, did you know i did watergate . This is a pretty cool parking garage, huh . Well, byeee. [ laughter ] that was a very good nixon and, hey, bob woodward, you had this tape months ago and were just now hearing about it . What else is in your book, the cure for disco fever when you have Important Information that the public needs to hear immediately, you dont scooch up to your typewriter the people must know. Tick, tick, tick, tick chapter one. Have one of your grandchildren show you how twitter works or something. Trump also told woodward that he did not think former president barack obama is a great speaker. Well, technically trump said, man before me talk bad. But, you know, i think thats what he was going for. President trump spoke at a Campaign Event yesterday in North Carolina without a face mask said trump, but dont worry, i would never dream of coming within six feet of someone from North Carolina. During a Campaign Event in North Carolina yesterday, President Trumps campaign played knocking on heavens door as supporters waited for trump to arrive. And if you think thats a little on the nose, this was the next song you give me fever when you kiss me seth President Trump claimed yesterday that former Vice President joe bidens housing policies will increase lowincome housing projects and added, quote, so much for the American Dream. Oh oh, dude, look around. The American Dreams been gone for a while now. Right now the American Dream is just the air is not poisoned and handshakes dont kill you. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced today that the uk will ban social gatherings of more than six people following a sharp increase in coronavirus cases. Luckily, that wont affect the weekly meeting of the Boris Johnson fan club according to a new poll, 52 of American Adults believe that coronavirus is a Health Crisis while the other 48 believe well, i mean, pretty much anything Vice President mike pence campaigned in pennsylvania today. His speech went well, but he had to put a quarter in the swear jar every time he said fracking. In a new campaign video, senator Kamala Harris told former president barack obama that she works out every morning to stay focused and energized. Damn, she was this close to being relatable. We dont have to hear you work out every morning. President trump announced yesterday that he will fund his campaign with his own money if necessary. But before he cuts himself a check, hes obviously going to have to sleep with himself first. Rules are rules. Health officials in los angeles have banned trickortreating this year due to the coronavirus pandemic so, if you want to wear a mask and get candy from a stranger, youll just have to go to the Grocery Store. A karaoke bar in brooklyn was shut down over the weekend after authorities discovered it had ignored coronavirus safety guidelines and allowed almost 300 people to drink inside boy, you hate to hear that people singing karaoke, i mean [ laughter ] one of the few silver linings. And, finally, producers of jeopardy have announced that the show will return with new episodes next week with host alex trebek. Oh, i know this one. [ ding ] what is the one good thing that has happened in 2020 and that was the monologue, everybody. We got a great show for you tonight. The Legendary John cleese will be here. Hes got a new book creativity a short and cheerful guide. Plus, from always sunny in philadelphia and a. P. Bio, which is now streaming on peacock, Glenn Howerton will be here but first, a closer look. So yesterday we checked in on my old friend the sea captain as he was making his way through my copy of the thorn birds back in the captains quarters. But i want to make clear to everyone who is worried, the sea captain is not coming back i havent spoken to him since i left those captains quarters. Although when i went down to the bank of the east river this morning for my daily constitutional, i did find this message in a bottle floating in the water. And lets see here what it says. Hey, seth, what did the pirate say to his exwife when they spotlighted a lighthouse land, ho. jesus. God help whoever he ends up with next and, hey, speaking of needing help studio segue the president held an oldfashioned Campaign Rally in North Carolina, as if the coronavirus pandemic thats still raging out of control had just magically disappeared for more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth now is typically the time in the political calendar when an incumbent president whos trailing badly in the polls starts to get desperate. And donald trump couldnt look any more desperate if he was crammed into a phone booth begging for the glengarry leads. No human being on earth reeks of desperation more than donald trump he sweats like a guy at the otb who bet everything on a horse named ol three legs. Now we all know that trump doesnt just lie he belches out the most outlandish lies he can think of, especially when hes desperate supporters that despite whatn they can see and hear with their own eyes and ears, mexico really is paying for the dumb border wall he didnt build and honestly, it was a real throwback to hear the old Mexico Border Wall lie again. It was like hearing uptown funk on the radio and thinking, oh, man, i used to hear this song at the gym. And i used to go to the gym. And i used to leave my apartment. Ha uptown funk you up, indeed. But, yeah, mexicos paying for the wall is back. Now, to be clear the parts of the wall that have been built or renovated were funded not by mexico, but by taxpayer dollars that congress allocated for the Defense Department trump used a National Emergency declaration to pull funds that were supposed to be spent on military construction projects, schools and daycares, among other things that money, your money, went to his wall but on tuesday, trump tried to paper over that with a new breathtakingly stupid lie about how mexico would supposedly pay for the wall and you know mexico is paying for the wall, just so you understand they dont say that. They never say it. But were going to charge a small fee at the border. You know, the toll booths. We have toll booths. Theyre the its the biggest border in the world in terms of people going across and in terms of industry, believe it or not, the southern border. Were putting a small toll on and maybe were going to do something with remittance. Thats where people come here, make money and they send it back so well do something. Were going to get all the money that we spent in the mall wall will be coming back seth wait. So now youre going to put toll booths on the southern border and charge people a fee when they drive across . Thats your plan its one of the Largest International borders in the world, not the verrazzano bridge theyre coming from mexico, not staten island. Thank god. [ laughter ] were going to charge them a toll, and no ezpass, folks. Were going to have those little baskets where you toss the coins and you remember those. And you have to have the exact change you absolutely have to have the exact change and if you miss and youre out of coins in your car, youve got to get out of your car and youve got to pick it up while everyone honks at you. Were also going to put in some of those coinoperated binoculars so if they miss home, they have to pay 50 cents to look back at mexico maybe one of those Grocery Store kitty rides. Those guys are cash cows itll add up itll buy a wall. Honestly, why does he even come up with elaborate explanations if youre going to lie, keep it simple your hardcore fans will believe anything just have eric come on stage in a sombrero and a fake mustache pretending to be the president of mexico presenting you with a giant novelty check for a gajillion pesos. Oh, look, everyone, the president of mexico is here. No, dad, its me, eric. Oh, idioto so thats what the president was talking about as the pandemic continued to rage out of control, rising in at least 22 states. [ laughter ] now we know these events have seeded outbreaks trumps tulsa rally in june likely seeded an outbreak there according to the local Health Director and yet, trump keeps doing them anyway because he doesnt bob woodward that he downplayed the threat from the virus. And at the rally he actually expressed amazement at how many people had come out to his super spreader event im thrilled to be in winstonsalem, with thousands of loyal, hardworking american patriots you are great people, great people [ cheers and applause i dont know how many people here, but theres a lot. [ cheers and applause we said, lets keep it down. They didnt do too good a job, but thats good, right thats good. No, these crowds, i tell you, its beyond what we had in terms of enthusiasm, beyond what we had four years ago in 2016 and that was a record enthusiasm and we are breaking that record by a lot seth its incredible how many people are here chanting, and yelling, and coughing in close proximity to each other. Also, we got a couple of beach balls bouncing around the crowds so make sure you get your hands and your mouths on those. Now, as we head down the home of the president ial campaign, were in a moment of acute National Crisis unlike anything weve seen in a century. There are multiple crises colliding all at once a raging pandemic, an economic crash, the collapse of our democracy, the dismantling of the post office, the breakdown of the school system, a housing crisis, widespread food insecurity, extreme weather events supercharged by climate change, a National Reckoning over systemic racism theres even true story a National Coin shortage we just didnt notice because everyones too scared to use coins now. And when you do, you have to wipe it down so much you cant even tell whos on it anymore. I mean, i think thats maybe the dude from zz top is that you, Billy Gibbons uhhuhhuhhuh oh, [ bleep ]. Are the graphics going to Start Talking now . Hey, zz top lincoln, whats the difference between you in real life and you on a penny . Legs we have limited crew back, but the people who say no to jokes like that are still out of the building in fact, things are so bad, even trump seems aware on some level that weve careened way over the precipice and plunged down into the abyss. In the middle of a rant about god knows what honestly, i couldnt explain it, and its not worth trying he was, i guess, telling his crowd to imagine what it would be like if they return to earth 3,000 years from now you come back in a thousand years, 2,000 years or 3,000 years, if youre lucky enough, assuming we have something with with the world is a crazy place, isnt it . Seth what . Is it slam poetry night in the head injury ward yeah, man, we know the world is crazy. Did you just wake up from a fouryear kfc coma last thing i remember i was chugging gravy out of a bucket and then i fell asleep on the trump tower escalator. The world is a crazy place, and youre a big reason for that trump makes everything crazy hes like the friend who shows up at your place at 3 00 a. M with a vape pen, a handle of vodka and a duffle bag asking if he can crash with you. And then when youre getting ready for work in the morning he says, bro, you look tired. But in particular two of the simultaneous crises were currently dealing with are a rapid slide into autocracy and an out of control pandemic and in many ways theyre related. Like any wouldbe dictator, trump doesnt care about the Public Health response to the pandemic, or preventing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans unless it benefits him personally thats why he hawked one miracle cure after another touted by cable pundits, and a pillow salesman, and a doctor who believes in demon sperm. It doesnt matter that theyre crazy or incompetent, just that they praised him if trump met an herbalist who complimented his tie, hed show up to his next press conference with some tinctures and sage all right, everyone, were going to smudge the room and then drink some honeysuckle extract while holding one of these crystals theyre just rocks i dug up in the rose garden. Were calling them crystals though. In fact, trump is once again desperately hoping for a coronavirus Silver Bullet to revive his political fortunes. Hes pressuring the cdc and fda to approve a Coronavirus Vaccine before november despite the fact that experts have said thats unlikely and yet on monday, trump announced that a vaccine could be ready by october, which just happens to be right before the election under my leadership, well produce a vaccine in record time because now they see weve done an incredible job. And in speed, like nobodys ever seen before. This could have taken two or three years, and instead its going to be [ laughter ] its going to be done in a very short period of time could even have it during the month of october hes like an inveterate gambler whos in deep with a loan shark. I quit gambling and i can get you your money you just got to give me the day after the Kentucky Derby dont let me down again, ol three legs. And, look, we all desperately want a vaccine as soon as humanly possible, but we want it to be safe and effective so enough people will get it and we can put this nightmare behind us unfortunately, the way trump is going, hes going to start handing out vials of diet coke at his rallies labeled vaccine. Trump sees no distinction between the government and his personal interests americas slide into autocracy and the administrations horrific response to the coronavirus pandemic are related crises aspiring dictators like trump only care about what serves their interest trump and the gop are an authoritarian movement, and in a functioning democracy the people responsible for this crisis would be banished from power for a thousand years, 2,000 years or 3,000 years seth this has been a closer look. Seth well be right back with john cleese. Announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Curiosity. It ignites our imagination. In search of inspiration. And daring new ideas. At lexus our greatest curiosity isnt a machine. Its you. Experience the rewards of our curiosity. Tmobiles new offer on iphone 11 pro is even better on our and 2 iphone 11 pros on us. Only at tmobile. Itchy . Scratchy . Family not get charmin ultra strong. 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I this is my little friend seth, and he wanted to meet you. I hope thats all right. Seth oh, my goodness and what a delight to meet him and a shout out what did you call me, a comedy legend seth i called you a comedy legend [ laughter ] no, ive been promoted. Im a comedy icon now. Seth oh, my goodness when did that happen it happened last friday, which is why everybody doesnt know about it yet. But i am an icon seth thats fantastic. I mean, im assuming thats like one of those things where the Queen Knights you and theres different orders of merit, right . Get promoted the next stage for me is National Institution what do you sir . Are you an icon or a legend, perhaps . Seth i think i you know, i know i was an upandcomer for a long time. [ laughter ] and now, i think the last ive heard, im established. Ah, very good seth yeah, its not a bad place to be. Now seth, youre very important. Seth, youre very important to me seth well, its a you know it because youre the first writer seth well, thank you ive spoken to about the book because you were head writer on saturday night live for how long seth ive probably about a, six or seven years i think i held that job. Amazing so, what i said in the book, did you recognize it or do you have a different process . Seth well, i mean, the one thing i want to talk to you most about is collaboration ah. Seth because you sort of speak a lot about how collaboration brought out the best in your creativity. Yes, i think so if i always wrote with Graham Chapman and i felt if i was writing with graham, i would usually get somewhere that i wouldnt get on my own even if it was a result of set of misunderstandings [ laughter ] seth you know, i was wondering you know, because one of the things i should point out about this book, is you believe that people do have a creativity unlocked in them. Because i think a lot of people might just think to themselves, im not a creative person. And one of the reasons you point out in the book, is that creativity is not ever really taught in schools as a skill no seth its not allowed to develop early on its kind of amazing that you can go through a whole good educational career without anyone ever telling you about creativity its astounding. But thats just the way we think. And we accept it without really questioning it i mean, i had no idea that i had any creative ability at all because i got into cambridge on science. And its quite hard to be creative if youre studying science, unless youre stephen hawking, you know . Seth yeah, you never want to hear that you have a very creative scientist [ laughter ] although, i guess we can take some creative scientists right now. I shouldnt say that but let me ask this, when did you because it was sort of later not later, but you werent in your adolescence when you realized that you wanted to be a comedian. What was the first time like that you wrote comedy . Um, i wrote some sketches at cambridge. I mean, i did one or two house entertainments, they were called at school, but it never occurred to me i might finish up i came to the low middle class, and everybody was either a solicitor, which is a lawyer that doesnt appear in court, or they became an accountant, or they ran a shop, you know. If youre youre not going to be a comedian any more than youre going to be a matador or, you know, a pope it just isnt on the radar screen but when i discovered i could make people laugh, i never thought id go into the profession but whats so lovely about making people laugh, is that its a good feeling. Its a good feeling for you and a good feeling for them, right seth and did you the first time because i certainly remember those early times of having that rush of not just feeling good because theyre laughing, but knowing that they were feeling good as well was that an immediate opiate for you, the idea of making people laugh . Yes yes. Its a lovely feeling. I mean, and i still get it i went out on the stage at the acropolis in athens last november there were 4,000 people stacked up on a stage that people have been performing on for 2,000 years. And theres something about being on a stage in front of an audience or going out, you know, and doing the opening monologue. It can be scary, but its so real there you are trying to make people laugh seth i think the acropolis you definitely have to be an icon to play the acropolis [ laughter ] they dont ill have a word with the house of commons this year if i can get you promoted seth not a lot of not a lot of open mic nights at the acropolis. [ laughter ] thats funny. So, listen, when you read the book, did you agree with what i was saying or do you find that there were bits that were not what your process was . Seth well, one thing i really agreed with, its i think very hard to explain and i do want to talk to you about the fact that you have spent a lot of time studying the human mind as well, is the very fact that we can be creative unconsciously. And yes seth cause i think that sometimes, you know, when comedy comes out good, it looks as though the mind had always constructed it that way. But you talk about the idea that sometimes youd hit problems and all that it would take to solve it would be a good night sleep yeah. And i couldnt figure out why a problem that i was unable to sort out at 10 00 at night, and i could wake up the next morning, make a cup of coffee and sit down and the solution in 90 seconds i could see what to do, and i couldnt think what was the problem the previous evening. And i realize it was only because my unconscious was actually went on working while i was asleep and then i lost a script i was writing with graham, and i knew hed be cross with me. So i had to rewrite it out by memory to pretend i hadnt lost it and then i found the original, and the one i had done from memory was better. It was more concise, and clever and tight. It was a better bit of writing but i hadnt been trying to make it better. Seth um, i have more questions for you about the book and the way you think the mind works. Well be right back with more john cleese right after this boost mobiles new upgraded network has a stronger signal and faster speeds. Its not just fast its super fast. We like it. But how can we say its more than super fast . Boost mobiles upgraded network its eeeeeyooouuuuuuuu fast curious how do you spell eeeeeyouuuuuuuuu . . . Get boost mobiles shrink it plan, and watch your bill shrink to 35 month after just 6 ontime payments. Plus get a free Samsung Galaxy a11 when you switch, all on our new, upgraded network. That gave us the time to celebrate the things that connect all of us . Tonight, try pure zzzs all night. That connect all of us . Unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. The restaurant and watering hole that catered to closing in 4 months. So many including the staff. announcer mr. Peter walsh. Peter. peter walsh people came and they met and they felt comfortable. 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Sing it, yeah, yeah from coffee that opens more eyes to black business. All gold to me to a hundred shades of beautiful. Yeah, good to me knowinits hard. Re is hard. Eliminate who you are not first, and youre going to find yourself where you need to be. The race is never over. The journey has no port. The adventure never ends, because we are always on the way. We matter. Were important. We count. Completing the census ensures federal dollars are spent on schools, hospitals, and restorations in our neighborhoods. Funding is at stake for marginalized communities. So make it count to be counted. The more you know. Seth welcome back to late night. Were here with john cleese. Uh, you were telling that story about writing from memory and the draft being better i sometimes find that when im stuck, like, ill have it open on my computer, and i will just open a clean document and sort of start over. Because sometimes, you know, ill look back, but sometimes when you put a word down on the page you have a youre sort of falling in love with it in a way that you need to not do. And [ laughter ] and so, like, i just am like, youre going to sit over here, and were going to try to rebuild you from the bottom up. Like creatively clean out the mind because, sometimes you think your ideas you dont want to throw them away. But sometimes its good to just like, i dont know but when you play with an idea i mean, all the research on creativity puts all the emphasis on play can you play the Great Research was done at berkeley in the 70s by a guy called mackinnon and he discovered that it was nothing to do with intelligence. It was all to do with can you play and kids, of course, can play, childlike play, he described it as. And kids can play, because their parents are minding the shop and what kills play is ordinary everyday responsibilities, having to remember to do this and do that, and youve got to f that so in order for an adult to become creative, he has to construct conditions in which he can play in which he can actually forget about every day. Well you can only do that, if you sort of shut the door or go and sit in the park where youre not going to be interrupted. And then do that for about at least an hour, probably an hour and a half, because the first 20 minutes your mind is just chattering, when you first start saying, oh, i should be calling this, or i should be doing that, or i should be buying the hamster a birthday present. All that kind of nonsense. And then as that settles, like it does like a meditation, then and only then, can you start just having a very relaxed play with the ideas that youre talking about. And thats very hard to do at the moment, particularly with all the electronic interruptions that are going on, people glued to their phone you cannot be creative if youre running around answering the phone and looking at your watch all the time its got to be youve got to be quiet what you think seth you know, i wonder if this has ever been contentious for you in relationships but sometimes, you know, i have a wife whos incredibly well organized and knows exactly whats happening and then, sometimes shell say were going to go on a 90minute errand you should write now and, i try to explain to her, like, it just doesnt as much as i wish it worked like that, it doesnt quite work like that. You do need like, you almost just need 90 minutes to get it all started. Yes seth have you been able to explain that process of needing time to your i guess, lets just call it what it is, your many wives [ laughter ] well, it all depends. What ive often noticed is that very, very good writers are smart enough to marry women who kind of look after them. Seth yeah. And kind of allow them to be a bit childlike, and deal with all the responsibilities and then these guys can spend all the day playing with ideas and writing. Seth but you saying that will make my wife want to marry you. [ laughter ] my wives have tended to require a bit more attention than that. [ laughter ] seth your actually, your third wife was a therapist, correct . She was a therapist thats right seth and did you was it easier to be married to someone who had a good sense of how relationships worked obviously by being someone whos in therapy well, she was a therapist who didnt really think that she herself could change and i thought that was a bit of a fraud, because if you try and change other people [ laughter ] then i think you should be interested in changing yourself. [ laughter ] seth well, you know, i know a lot of writers who are very good at giving you advice about your writing and then when you give them advice about theirs, they say, no, mine is perfect as it is. [ laughter ] no, thats right. No, youve got to accept that you can always improve it. And when i write anything, like at the moment, i got an idea for a light comedy about cannibalism. Seth oh, good. And its going to be called yummy. [ laughter ] and ive already shown it to about 10 or 12 people, and every one of them makes a suggestion like i said to my wife a week ago, i said, this guy is in a big building, big office, sort of hotel, and hes got to hide somewhere. Where can he hide . And within a minute she said to me, in a grandfather clock. [ laughter ] and i thought that was wonderful. So i get people to help me and one of the things, if ive got a narrative, i tell the story to someone over coffee because the moment that they just kind of go, and you lose them, thats the moment youve got to work on seth and do you find that youve sort of cultivated a group of friends that you trust with your writing . I imagine over the years one thing that happens when you are an icon, is people are maybe loathed to be honest with you. Well, that is a problem, yeah seth so i imagine its really helpful to have friends that you trust yes well, its also important to phrase the question right. You dont say what are the two things that are wrong with this script you say, how can i make it better give me two suggestions of making it better. So if you phrase it in a positive way, people then can make suggestions seth well, that is a very good piece of advice for us, not just in writing but in all things, to look for positive Solutions Rather than to ask for negative feedback. Yeah. Seth it is always a positive experience to spend time with you, john. Hopefully next time in person. Always great to see you. Yeah, i hope we can do it next time in person. Seth all right bye bye seth cheers. Goodbye, bear bye seth john cleese, everybody. Creativity a short and cheerful guide is out now well be right now well back, excuse me, with Glenn Howerton they dont care where youre from. They dont care who you marry. Pets dont care about what makes us different. They just love. Adopt today at petsmart. Com adoptions. Crunchy oat clusters with a hotouch of honey. Ombine. Plump, juicy raisins. And tasty fiber. Into one delicious cereal . It took a lot of branstorming. Get it . Kelloggs raisin bran crunch. Two scoops of delicious. Im a verizon engineer. And im part of the team building. A powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. Like los angeles. And in new york city. 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And who know when you spend less, you can discover even more. And never, ever stop discovering. Spend less, discover more. At t. J. Maxx, marshalls, and homegoods. Seth our next guest tonight is a talented actor and writer you know from the series its always sunny in philadelphia. He stars in season three of a. P. Bio, which is currently streaming on peacock lets take a look. She has a little white house replica right inside of her door so anthony and i can plant the glitter bomb and retreat very easily we just need we need somebody to distract granny [ bleep ]bird. We need the ultimate distractor. How about you, sarika . You seem like you go into a lot of stores and ask to speak to the manager. Only if the Customer Service is subpar. You ask to speak to my manager. Its called a hairnet, grace. Okay, no. But we need a true distraction here if it comes to it, id be willing to show my kazoo ewww. You no no come on, no. And please never tell us what youre referring to. Seth please welcome to back to the show our friend Glenn Howerton how are you, buddy hey, man. Im good how are you . Seth im very good i do miss having you here in person because you often show up in sartorial splendor. Did you dress up at all for us today . Eh, no, not really. Just sort of a green shirt today. You know what i thought you were going to say, is that i thought you were going to say you missed my hugs. Seth i do. I do miss your hugs. But mostly while im hugging you, i just want to have your style. [ laughter ] what a very wellappointed office though. Is it safe to say youre in an office right now im actually not in an office seth are you in a closet [ laughter ] this is im not that opulent no its like a little its like a tv room basically, like a media room seth you i want to ask this question. You obviously none of us, im not dressed up either for this because were living in a time where a lot of the standards are lower. I know you just celebrated an eleventh wedding anniversary is a celebration like that during a pandemic, does it take the pressure off a little bit because you cannot obviously roll out the red carpet . Yeah. Yeah, totally. No, its an opportunity to kind of be like, well, i guess i cant i guess i cant really we cant really do anything for this [ laughter ] you know, its sad to think of that as an opportunity no, but we did we kept it very simple i mean, i think last time i was on there actually, we talked about my wife and is tenth anniversary trip seth yeah, which was a bit of a i guess a boating mishap, right . Like, you were outdoors, you were doing all the things we used to do and, lets be honest, this year went probably better for you uh, yeah. Well, anything where im not throwing up off the back of a boat is [ laughter ] seth yeah. Is much better for me. Seth you are youre in california right now, which is based on everything you see and hear, a very hot place to be right now. Maybe a little bit of a scary place to be right now. How are you . I know your kids are eight and six. How are they handling school how are you guys getting through it uh, i mean, everybodys taking it in stride. I mean, look, i cant complain im financially stable california does seem to be on fire i cant seem to stop my eyes from watering. Im assuming thats because of the fires. Either that or its im crying about something that im, you know, subconsciously unaware of. Seth like a super repressed thing is coming out during this time [ laughter ] thats possible its possible. No, i mean, were teaching our kids at home kind of splitting our days between teaching the kids and, you know, trying to get our own work done. And you know, just kind of riding this thing out. Its not so bad. I mean, i luckily, i actually like my wife we enjoy each others company. So, um, its seth thats good im finding the same its a very nice thing to realize, like, oh, were doing good with all this time, which is very nice to find out how do you how are eight and six in so far as they can handle Attention Spans of doing school right now . That has been a struggle for sure because, you know, especially the kindergartner. I mean, he hes very social he wants to be, you know, moving around and stuff and zooms not really conducive to that. And you know, my kids are i mean, they do okay, but theyre also a little bit the kind of kids that would, like, sit in the back of the class and like hope that the teacher doesnt ever call on them or notice them. [ laughter ] which is a lot easier to pull off when youre on zoom. As a matter of fact, actually the other day i looked in the play room, which is where my kindergartner is doing zooms and the zoom call was happening and i could hear it. And i looked in there, and he was just, like, draped across the chair like in a superman pose like not paying attention to the zoom at all. Just like doing i dont know what he was doing. But he was not doing school. Seth its good its good to give kids room to make their own choices [ laughter ] this is very exciting. You know, i think both you and i are excited and delighted that there even is a season three of a. P bio. For those who dont know, was an nbc show that then got picked up on nbcs new streaming service peacock. And you guys had shot eight episodes of ten when this hit. Do you remember that day like when the decisions were being made because they were being made pretty quickly i remember there was a lot of talk about it. I remember we were a little stressed about being able to finish eight because i remember thinking if we can get eight out, i think you can release eight episodes and it almost feels like a full season of television you know, so luckily, we were able to get that done. I was also in the middle of i think editing the episode that i had directed a couple weeks prior. So i was in the middle of editing that and then, you know, things shut down you know, there was a part of me at the time i was, like, oh, well, this would be a Good Opportunity to just, like, rest. Because im tired. [ laughter ] seth yeah. You know. But luckily, we got eight good episodes out before we seth its a delight to watch. One of the most jarring things about watching it right now is that it takes place in a high school and im wondering if that is refreshing for people to look at a school where no one is worried about things like social distancing, or if it is like a horror movie to just watch people touching each other and bumping into each other in the hallways i personally find it the former obviously. Yeah. Its strange because you see that, and it seems like such strange behavior now to see, like people talking face to face and, you know, hugging each other. And you know, being in proximity with each other without wearing masks. So its both, like horrifying and also like, you pine for it at the same time i dont know that theres too many things you can watch where youre both horrified by it and you pine for it at the same time [ laughter ] seth yeah. You have this incredible supporting cast with patton oswalt. Obviously paula pell one of the things thats really fun about this season is you classroom. This is onns but its the same kids in the classroom and theres a really nice chemistry with you guys. It must be fun to, you know, not only get to know the characters better and know how to react to them, but to get to know the actual actors as well. Oh, god i adore this cast. Im the luckiest man in the world. Like, i love working with these people i get to laugh all day long. I mean, every single all the students, all the other teachers, everybody is a, you know, a scene stealer. And i mean that in a good way, like theyre all so funny. And it just it tickles me im having a blast, you know and the kids especially, because they were, you know, younger actors its been really fun to watch them get more and more confident as, you know in the third season they came in so sure of themselves. And you know, that just makes them more comfortable and funnier. And you know, you can kind of riff and improv with them and stuff. Theyve just been amazing. Seth you are one of our most excellent thespians when it comes to playing likeable jerks. And i mean that sincerely. But, you know, over the course of the series and certainly more this year, like, he seems to like where he is more and like the people hes around more. Is that more fun to play or do you enjoy the more irascible where he started i think its been more fun for me because it allows me to play notes that i havent been able to play as an actor very much you know, i mean, my other character on its always sunny in philadelphia is in no way, shape, or form warm. [ laughter ] to get to play that is nice. And its also nice because it creates a lot of conflict for the character because, you know, my character still really wants to think of himself as this elitist hollywood philosopher. You know, but hes slowly being faced with the fact that maybe he could be happy with just being a hometown toledo boy, which is also his worst nightmare. So theres this great tension, you know, within the character that he wants to be one thing, but he feels Something Else and he cant quite give into it. So but hes definitely, like, i think hes really growing close to these kids and to the other faculty and he really loves these people and its fun to play that. He just cant admit it seth you mentioned dennis and its incredible to say, but theres a its looking very likely now that there is going to be a 15th season of always sunny. Which is just i mean, it continues to be an incredible accomplishment, but that doesnt mean that it shouldnt be noted so congratulations on that as well thanks, man yeah, no, were very lucky i mean, hopefully the show is now at a point where it just kind of feels ubiquitous, it just is. [ laughter ] seth yeah. And all it will be. You know [ laughter ] i think there are some people who ive met kids that are like i started watching your show when i was in junior high and im, like dude, youre 30. [ laughter ] the shows been out a long time. Seth its very funny to think of like 60 minutes in the same class as always sunny. [ laughter ] which is like, yeah, i think that shows just its on. Hey, man, always great to see you. Give love to the family. And i hope to see you soon yeah. I hope we get to i want to give you one of my, you know, warm bodily hugs at one point. Seth one of those classic hugs [ laughter ] all right, thanks so much. Classic warm body hugs. Good to see you, man seth good to see you too Glenn Howerton, everybody. All three seasons of a. P. Bio are streaming on peacock and check out the a. P. A. P. Bio, excuse me, podcast, which is available now well be right back with more late night. Tmobile and sprint have merged. And tmobile doesnt just have a bigger network, but a better one than ever before, with scam protection built into its core. Introducing, scamshield, free from t mobile. Wer am calls. 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[cell phone beeps] stop dont be on your phone. Let someone else take the wheel. Make a little eye contact. Make a plan. Its a busy world out there. Were all in it together. Go safely, california. A drink with friends can turn into two, and a prescription can be stronger than you thought. Stop there are a lot of ways to get a dui. And a lot of ways to go text a friend, call a cab, share a ride. Whatever you choose to do, go safely, california. [ cheers and applause seth every wednesday and friday we release a podcast edition of late night so you can catch up on the go its audio from the show and includes a closer look, comedy bits, and guest interviews plus extra things exclusive for the podcast, like bonus backstage interviews, chats with the late night staff, original comedy sketches, and more. Head to latenightsethpodcast. Com to subscribe and its free, which is great

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