Announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers. Jason sudeikis from pbss Washington Week, journalist robert costa an all new closer look. Featuring the 8g band with thomas lang. And now seth meyers. Hows everybody doing . Are you wondering if you should start mailing christmas cards now so they arrive in december me too lets get to the news. You put her on the first night its like starting coachella with beyonce you want everyone to stick around for the rest, right senator Bernie Sanders also spoke tonight at the Democratic National convention assuming he remembered his wifi password its the one that came with the router look up where the one that came with the ro thats what bernies i. T. Guy is, over there President Trump spoke at a cops for trump event over the weekend at his private new Jersey Golf Club it was the first ever Campaign Speech to start with, do you have a warrant come back when you have a warrant. Oh, youre here to support me . All right, well then you can stay. President trump over the weekend defended postmaster general louis dejoy and said he was a fantastic man who quote, wants to make the post office great again. Then he unveiled the new 2020 mailboxes. Top democrats have called on postmaster general louis dejoy to resign over his plan to cut operations and make mail delivery less reliable thats right when it comes to the mail, dont mess with the old people they love mail thats why Chuck Schumer keeps his glasses in the opening bills position at all times. Honey, did we watch bridges of Madison County last month . Did you know that set us back 3. 99 . Top democrats have called on postmaster general louis dejoy to resign over his plan to cut operations and make mail delivery less reliable, but dejoy got the last laugh because he put his letter of resignation in the mail. Thats a stupid joke its like an o. Henry story or a twilight zone. I dont know you choose either way, the joke was dumb. President trumps soninlaw and white house adviser Jared Kushner said yesterday that he has no fear about sending his children back to school amid the coronavirus pandemic and that, quote, children have a six time higher chance to die from the flu. He then added, besides, dying isnt so bad i died 100 years ago, on this very night. President trump has reportedly told aides that he would like to meet with russian president Vladimir Putin in person before the november election. Ah, so the rumors are true he is replacing pence. After it was announced last week that israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a deal to normalize diplomatic relations, a block on calls between the two nations was removed, and the first phone calls since 1971 were made but their voice mail greeting was, hello. This is israel hello . Haha, just kidding, leave a message. And now theyre fighting again a man who was in a Facebook Group called loaded guns pointed at penis that features men pointing loaded guns at their genitals was hospitalized recently, but its not what youre thinking. He shot himself in the penis [ light laughter ] look i dont its just dumb its our last week in the Captains Quarters, so were gonna just were having some fun. Disney world announced last week it will open a state run drivethrough coronavirus testing site for employees, which is good news for employees who may have engaged in risky behavior a woman in alaska gave birth midflight last week while flying to the hospital and named her son sky. No fair, thats way cooler than my story, said his older brother, arby. And finally, movie theatre chain amc announced last week they will sell tickets on august 20th for 15 cents as a reopening promotion called movies in 2020 at 1920 prices. Not to mention, 1918 symptoms. [ light laughter ] well, i dont know why im laughing son of a gun that was the monologue hello everyone, and welcome back to the Captains Quarters. After today, we sadly have just three shows remaining before returning to the studio and yet, so many plot lines we havent gotten to. For example, there is that b plot with the giant ghost lobster we promised you. My agent told me this would be a multiepisode arc seth we were going to have an intervention for steve, the fish, who probably has a drug problem. My only problem is i like to party. Seth and ira, the Prospect Park duck, requested we do a full closer look about water fowl education well, because we have nine ducklings and we need to know what the deal is with school in the fall, you know like, is it remote is it a combo . Hey seth, do you know what ducks use instead of ipads seth whats that, ira . Lily pads [ light laughter ] oh boy. Oh, okay, so ira cant make jokes. Good to know, very helpful seth also, our beloved sea captain is celebrating the results of last weeks poll where we asked, do you enjoy the sea captain during this difficult time . And yes, hes a nice addition beat no, i hate fun in a landslide. Now, this time there was not a third option called other but a lot of you have asked what would have happened if there had been and if in that scenario, other had won . Well, in that case, we would have introduced a new character, the sexy mermaid with the unsexy voice. Well, hello there very pleased to meet you. Hi, hot stuff any you fellas want to take a dip . Uh no, thank you im okay. Dont love the water seth and speaking of bummers . Lazy segue. Seth President Trump and the Republican Party are in lockstep behind a plan to dismantle the post office that is both an assault on democracy and the culmination of a decadeslong movement to privatize one of the countrys most cherished Public Institutions for more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth House Democrats announced yesterday that theyll be returning from recess early to address the crisis at the post office, after it was reported that mail sorting machines across the country were being removed and the Postal Service had warned 46 states that voters could be disenfranchised due to the changes. And if youre wondering if its just coincidental that the post office is being dismantled as the country nears an election that will depend in large part on mailin voting, one, congrats on waking up from your coma, and two, heres trump admitting it last week. They want 25 billion billion for the post office now they need the money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots. But if they dont get those two items, that means you cant have universal mailin voting seth once again, he just confesses. Just like he did with russian hacking and the ukraine quid pro quo. He confesses like he has james bond strapped to a table youre probably wondering how im going to steal the election. Well, ill tell you every detail, mr. Bond, and then ill turn the laser on and leave the room. The entire Trump Presidency has been like an episode of law and order where the killer confesses in the first five minutes and then they turn it over to a cable news panel to discuss. I mean, sure, he said he killed him and where he buried the body and when they dug up the body, it did have traces of his dna but can we really can we really take him at his word . Or are we maybe over are we maybe overreacting now, as we and many others have stated, millions of times, there is zero evidence of widespread fraud in mailin voting. Even trumps own Voting Integrity Commission couldnt find any evidence of voter fraud. In fact, if anything, mailin voting is especially secure because you have the physical evidence you suspect fraud, you just look at the name and signature on the ballot and make sure its a legal vote and yet on sunday, trumps chief of staff, mark meadows, kept repeating the lie that mailin voting could somehow lead to fraud. You dont call up and say but theres no evidence of widespread voter fraud, though [ talking over each other theres no evidence of widespread voter fraud theres no theres no evidence that theres not either seth thats not how evidence works. You cant arrest someone for possession of cocaine because they cant prove they dont have any cocaine. [ light laughter ] but do you have any i can get some. If you join me for a dip ugh uh, no thanks, im going to get clean. Seth that was the intervention [ ding ] i just had that same meadows argument with my fouryearold son. Theres not a monster in your closet. Theres no evidence, there isnt either. Damn it, you got me where did you learn the meadows maneuver, boy . You have cnn on all day i learned it from you, dad. Now, even before Donald Trumps rise to power, there was a decadeslong effort by right wing billionaires and deadeyed corporate husks to privatize the post office, which is, according to many polls, the single most popular Public Institution in america. And if you dont believe me, just watch this ad from massachusetts senator ed markey featuring some of the most likable boston postal workers you will ever see. The Postal Service handles in one day more business than fedex and ups do in a year its an integral part of the economy of this country and the security of this country and right now, its an important part of democracy. Were in every town, deliver to every house every day, the infrastructures, it cant be matched. If they privatize this institution, well be at the mercy of corporations, and we all know they have no mercy. Seth so great that masks can keep out coronavirus but are completely impervious to a boston accent. No one was watching that thinking, where are those gentleman from . Hey, were shooting a commercial here can somebody quiet the [ bleep ] seagulls down . How can you not love those guys . Its like if the post office was directed by ben affleck. We service more homes in a day than fedex, ups, and we are sorry to say, even your mother. Post office has been woven into the fabric of america since before the founding. Its as old as the republic itself its literally in the constitution u. S. Postal service has been delivering mail since before the declaration of independence was even signed. President George Washington signed the Postal Service act which authorized congress to create the u. S. Postal service this established routes and made it illegal to open anyones mail seth thats right, George Washington made it illegal to open anyone elses mail of course, washington couldnt have envisioned living in a new york city apartment and getting mail for the previous five tenants every day. By the way, if youre watching melvin schwartz, rebecca had the baby and yet despite its storied place in our history, theres long been an effort by republicans and billionaires like charles koch to privatize it as far back as 1988, Ronald Reagans budget director james miller said theres no good reason why the Postal Service should remain part of the u. S. Government, and no good reason why it should enjoy a monopoly over the delivery of letter mail. Yeah, why would you want to stick a 55 cent stamp on your letter when you could walk to the fedex store and wait in line to pay 12 for the same service . While were at it, why should the interior department have a monopoly on the parks . Lets sell the naming rights to some private companies and turn it into yellow coldstone creamery National Park or mountain dew code redwood National Park. We could replace smokey bear with a corporate mascot like chester cheetah or the taco bell chihuahua. Yo quiero forest fires incidentally, that reagan official miller later went on to serve on the Postal Service board of governors until his nomination was thankfully blocked by senator Bernie Sanders at the behest of the postal unions. And you know bernie loves mail hes like one of those guys who waits for the mail carrier on the stoop every morning and knows more about their route than they do morning, shirley. Got those cb2 catalogs today, right . And be careful on fourth avenue. Theres a new puddle. And on sunday, bernie was one of the most vocal democrats calling for an immediate investigation of the changes at the usps do you think Speaker Pelosi should call the house of representatives back to get a Free Standing bill to fund the post office to the senate and then to the president . And do you think that the house of representatives should be using their oversight role and investigating what exactly is going on in terms of the changes that the postmaster general is making the answer to both questions is yes over three months ago three months ago democrats in the house passed the heroes bill, and among many other things, it provided 25 billion for the Postal Service seth bernies so committed to protecting the Postal Service, he called in on a sunday from his weekend home inside an avatar movie seriously, bernie, what in the world is this zoom background . That looks like the default screen saver on windows 95. Surprised hes not surrounded by flying toasters. This is why you got to love bernie the president is a cheesy crook doing press conferences at his ritzy golf club for his millionaire buddies and bernie looks like hes on the cover of a sleep sounds album from 1985 listen to the sounds of the forest, the birds chirping the creeks running. Well, go to sleep already. Come on, ive got things to do seth so in many ways what were seeing is not new, its been a goal of the conservative movement for years they want to turn one of americas most cherished Public Institutions into a chain restaurant where you can buy a pack of stamps and unlimited breadsticks. Privatizing the post office is like turning your local fire station into the Cable Company my house is on fire well be there between 9 00 and 1 00 make sure someone is home and yet, as an election approaches in which the incumbent president just happens to be trailing badly in the polls, conservatives are suddenly concerned that the post office loses money former fox business host trish reagan captured this sentiment yesterday when she tweeted, heres the deal on the United States Postal Service its just a bad business poorly run, loses billions if it were any other business, it would have gone under by now. We need to make it more accountable, not keep throwing money at it. Yeah, but its not a business its so telling that you ghouls never say stuff like this about i. C. E. Or the police. The pentagons had more flops than johnny depp but you guys still love to throw money at it. Also, as we explained last week, the post office was actually profitable until republicans passed a law in 2006 requiring it to prefund 75 years of Retiree Health benefits in ten years. And without that law, the post office would have remained profitable it operated at a loss in the first couple of years of the 21st century, but by 2003, it was back to operating out of profit in fact, from 2003 through 2006, usps recorded a total 9. 3 billion profit if not for the 75 year pension in health care obligation, the usps would have recorded operating profits for the last six years. Seth the post office turned a profit even uber isnt profitable in fact, if anything, uber should be taking cues from the Postal Service instead of a chevy suburban, they should be riding around picking people up in a mail truck. Hang tight, ive got to pick up three more people. So the same republicans who are now complaining that the post office loses money are the ones responsible for the post office losing money its like if your boss at krispy kreme said, why is no one coming to our store . And you said, you made us put up that sign that said we stick our [ bleep ] in all the crullers . Also, side note, is there anything george w. Bush didnt make worse the guy wrecked everything from the middle east to the mail to a bunch of perfectly good canvasses. I know some people have a tendency to gloss over his eight years as president , but next time you get a wedding invitation in the mail six months after the wedding, just remember, mission uncomplished. And now the privatizers have joined forces with a president whos desperate to subvert an election he knows he cant win fairly which is why hes installed a postmaster general, louis dejoy, with tens of millions of dollars worth of conflicts, who donated 360,000 to trump and the rnc, which is unprecedented the post office is supposed to be nonpartisan. Putting this guy in charge of the post office is like putting tom selleck in charge of hud dont worry, i wont take your house. Would mr. Baseball lie to you . Dejoy has been gutting the post office just as states prepare for a surge in mailin ballots, thanks to the deadly plague trump failed to stop he slowed mail delivery, slashed hours at post offices, removed mail sorting machines across the country, and told 46 states their voters could be disenfranchised by delayed mailin ballots. And by the way, its not a matter of whether the Postal Service can handle the volume. Even if every single one of the 150 million registered voters mailed in a ballot, that would be nothing compared to the post offices usual load. The Postal Service processes nearly 500 million pieces of mail every day, and it annually handles more than three billion pieces in the week before christmas alone. Yeah, and just think of how crucial that week before christmas is weve all had that moment of terror where we realize we forgot to give a gift for a loved one, panic bought something at the last minute, chose overnight shipping, and then wrapped it in old newspaper. Here you go, honey. Remember when you said we needed a new toilet brush well, i remembered. What were witnessing right now is a marriage of Postal Service privatizers and an antimajoritarian Political Movement intent on undermining democracy in order to impose its will on everyone else. They know they cant win fairly, so theyll do anything to cheat, including dismantling one of our most cherished Public Institutions because they have no mercy. Seth this has been a closer look. Weve got a great show for you tonight. Our friend Jason Sudeikis will be here. Hes got a new show on apple tv plus called ted lasso where hes an american football coach taking over a premiere League Soccer team in london. The first four are already up, and hes absolutely fantastic in the show i cant wait to talk to him. Plus, ill chat with the moderator of Washington Week on pbs, robert costa and this is very exciting. We have a new sponsor, and its mapleworth murders on the streaming service quibi. It was created by Late Night Writer john lutz with the wonderful and brilliant paula pell full disclosure, i am an executive producer on that show. So ive seen all the episodes, and they are truly, truly very funny. Its a mystery whodunit where paula solves murders, and the victims and suspects are all of our comedy friends the cast is insane the first mystery streamed last week, and theres an excellent new one today. Its mapleworth month on quibi and new episodes drop every week take a look. Its eeeyouuuuuuuuu fast. Curious how do you spell eeeeeyouuuuuuuuu . . . Get boost mobiles shrink it plan, and watch your bill shrink to 35 per month after just 6 ontime payments. Plus get a free Samsung Galaxy a11 when you switch. After just 6 ontime payments. Crunchy oat clusters with a hotouch of honey. Ombine. Plump, juicy raisins. And tasty fiber. Into one delicious cereal . It took a lot of branstorming. Get it . Kelloggs raisin bran crunch. Two scoops of delicious. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Are irritated. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. 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Com welcome back to the show, thomas our first guest tonight is a talented actor and comedian who you know from his work on saturday night live, the last man on earth, and booksmart. He stars in the new Comedy Series ted lasso. New episodes are released every friday on apple tv plus. Lets take a look. So i thought if we start the attack on the wing, jamie could run from the near side then when the defense follows, sam could fill his spot. So use jamie as a decoy no. No well, yeah yeah in this case, yes. Lets give it a shot. What, youre going to use my play i mean, were going to try it on, see if it fits you know, it might not then again, it might be a very flattering silhouette. I might wear it right out of the store. It makes me feel good. I start to strut im like, ooh, i like this i like the way this makes me feel seth heres my conversation with our very good friend Jason Sudeikis seth welcome back, jason how are you, buddy not too bad, you know healthy, and but locked up and going crazy, like everyone seth i think we were going so crazy and so locked up with our kids that we took the step of actually using them in a sketch we did a Second Chance theater, which now seems like a long time ago. I know. Seth and i could only use, in the end, one of my kids axel, it turned out, was too young to act so ashe was in it, but both daisy and otis came through bigtime are they Different Actors . Are they different kinds of performers very different. Very different process yeah, otis is otis is like a premise guy. Hes like one of those kids that i had friends growing up like that theyre like, hey, what if mr. Doyle did this . You know, and you just sort of sit in the back of the classroom, and youre kind of pretending, what if we threw something into the fan . And otis is that guy and then, daisy is just fullon daniel daylewis shes just in it the whole time. She wakes up olivia almost every morning coming into our room going, mama, will you pretend im a baby horse named, you know, screwdriver . And then, liv is, okay, yeah. Come here, sweetie. And then, she crawls into bed. And then, she just, mm, mm and then, does the same thing. But she will stay in it forever until you yell cut, and then sometimes beyond seth i she definitely she was the standout of the three. I will willingly admit that. Yeah. Seth your wife olivia also had the idea this was ted lasso was a character you did in a series of commercials for nbc sports yeah, yeah. Seth a few years back now. And olivia was the one who suggested that maybe this could expand into, you know, the kind of character that could carry a show yeah. And i totally forgot about that until brendan mentioned it, our buddy, brendan hunt, who is on the show and was one of the producers writers. He mentioned it in the press, and then liv mentioned it to me at home. I was like, really . She was like, yeah, we were out to dinner. And she explained the whole thing to me, and she just liked the fact that we enjoyed doing it, loved working with, you know, our buddies brendan and joe. And similar to the reason i enjoy doing it because its hes just in a good mood a lot of times especially by the time we did the second commercial, and she was like, you should look at doing this as a tv show or movie. And then, she reminded me of that i just sort of sat there at dinner and just started riffing. I was like, why is he so happy oh, maybe hes going through something. And then i kind of just went in my head and ruminated over, you know, deviled eggs or who knows what, some back when you could go to restaurants. Anythings possible. Seth and this was you know, i really i love the commercials, and they definitely played off the idea of a fish out of water, an american football coach who is in charge of a British Soccer Team i will say i was surprised and delighted by the change in sort of tone of this show i mean theres still the fish out of water quality, but you have a very upbeat, optimistic, sort of jimmy stewarttype attitude about what youre embarking on as this coach high praise, yeah i really do believe that that happened from getting to do with the second commercial. Because the first commercial, the whole premise was that he gets hired by the Tottenham Hotspurs and then gets fired three days later and so when those commercials did well, they asked us to do a second one, but theyre like, but you cant go to the uk. We dont have the budget for that. It was like, okay all right. Well, then, maybe he just loved his brief time there and fell in love with the sport. And it was that, like, childlike enthusiasm that really unlocked it for me and made it really fun to play. And i just think him being relentlessly stupid would be impossible our big rule in the writers room was like, hes seen sportscenter. He knows that you know, like, he knows the ball has to go in the net. Seth i do like that he is a it shows that you can be cheery and optimistic and also not stupid because even when people make fun of him, he is both cheery, and you can tell on your face as an actor, is aware that he has just been burned [ light laughter ] yes seth i like that depth of character. It is thanks. Seth it really, like, steers away from being cartoonish at all, which i think is just fantastic. Yeah, the mustache is about as cartoony as it gets [ light laughter ] we really but, yeah, that was a big thing for us, was, um i also love that do you remember that del close quote, you know, our improv guru . Did you have him seth sure. When you were in chicago yeah seth i missed him. I missed him yeah. Yeah, you were in you were at boom you were in amsterdam at that time when he was doing his thing. Seth yeah. But he would say, you know, treat your audience like poets and geniuses, and theyll rise to the occasion. And i feel like, you know, ted its nice to know that it is coming across that, yeah, ted knows that hes being insulted he just he just knows that its well, they dont know me well enough to really be talking about me you know, the other thing we talk about is, like, ted is kind of like mushrooms. Hes sort of egoless and people put their own thing on him, and hes just kind of like, yeah, all right. Well, okay. [ light laughter ] it just bounces off him because, again, if you dont know someone, how can you hate them already . Its not for the right reasons its their own stuff, and it doesnt rattle him in the least because, you know, hes kind of like, oh, you know, ill find my way here. Seth well be right back with more Jason Sudeikis tmobile and sprint have merged. Now tmobile has thousands more locations across the country. More towers and more coverage than ever before. Tmobile is americas largest 5g network. With more 5g coverage than verizon and at t combined. Experience it now with our best deal ever. Unlimited for 25 dollars a line for four lines with 5g access included. Its time to join tmobile. burke just an app. neighbor whatcha working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i felt gross. It was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. Four years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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[ barking ] seth heres more of my conversation with Jason Sudeikis seth you mentioned joe kelly. You mentioned brendan hunt what those two guys have in common with you and i is we all went over and worked at this theater boom chicago in amsterdam. Im pretty sure thats where all four of us learned to fall in love with soccer, none more, it should be noted, than brendan hunt, who plays your assistant coach. Yeah. Seth beard. But what was your relationship because you came over a couple years after me i went in 98. There was a world cup going on holland did really well. Yeah. Seth the city came alive, and i was like, oh, i want to be a part of this forever. What was your in it was initially playing playstation, you know, in the green room, in the shiny there, that i cajoled everybody to chip in 20 gilders before the euro so that we could get a playstation, mostly so i could play fifa with brendan and tony hawk pro skater alone. [ laughter ] and it was 2000, so it was like, you know, the main teams were arsenal and man u. Brendan being a huge arsenal fan would take them, so it was just battles of like henry versus beckham. And brendan is, much like his character, a fountain of knowledge and enthusiasm and ability to speak in parallels of metaphor, and he would explain the game to me as we were going. So then, i started to map, like because he would explain using the 90s bulls and the triangle offense, and i started to understand the tactics of the game a little bit better and the back story of the players and how well they translate that into the fifa game and then by the time we did once the commercials came up and the opportunity, i was like, oh, i know exactly who to hire. Like, you know, or who to bring on, and thats brendan and joe and then, we would add, like, a little in the contract, like, hey, we also want to be able to come over, you know, and be given like the red carpet treatment. You know, mostly for brendan to go see a game seth yeah. At emirates, which is such a joy to get to do i know you feel the same way, taking like your pops to go see a steelers game and stuff. When you get to have these people treat you so well and your friends and family. Seth this is completely up to your exposure level to international athletes, correct . Like, youve actually now been recognized by people who have never seen a single episode of snl. Oh, 100 . Yeah, i mean, Thierry Henry and tony parker being one of them. That was the thing early on. You know, you make the commercials, and, like, wed joke about, you know, go make a viral video. You dont do that. Like you make lazy sunday, and then it sets the internet on fire, and it introduces people to youtube but, like and for the record, i know i wasnt in that. I know you werent in that, but yeah, right seth i dont think it we were around when we came up with the idea, so i do think we deserve a little bit of credit i feel like yeah, absolutely. And a little of this, if lorne would seth just a little just a taste. Just a taste [ light laughter ] but, yeah, me and our buddy john glazer were at the u. S. Open, and i remember we were watching the tennis match there in queens, and i look down, and i see Thierry Henry and tony parker, both of who i know because theyre legends. They like both look. Theyre like, hey, waving at me like theyre 8yearolds waving at, you know, Ronald Mcdonald or something and im like, why are they i dont know whats going on here. Like maybe theyve seen hall pass a bunch of times or something. And then, after the match, they come up, and theyre just like gushing in their, you know, lovely french accents of how much ted lasso oh, my gosh, ted lasso. And i was like, wow, this thing and then, steve nash was another guy who im a huge fan of, and i think hes just, you know, terrific huge soccer fan. Big tottenham supporter. And seeing him at a jayz concert out here in l. A. Like, he came up to me i was like, this is this thing has got this thing has got reach in ways that i had no way to anticipate. Seth you have we did get to work with some athletes in our days at snl. And i actually just went back and watched the sketch you did with lebron, because i thought the magic moment that im going to ask you about had actually happened onair and they cut away, but it was dress or rehearsal it wasnt even dress. It was rehearsal it was, like, either thursday or friday rehearsal, yeah seth but i want you to know that i also remembered it. You do . Okay seth independent yes. Thats good because, you know, you feel like youre going to go, you know seth now, i might remember it because you told everybody like multiple times after it happened i did tell it a lot i tell it a lot. Thats you know, thats what ive learned from our president. You just say the same thing over and over some segment of the population will remember but seth so share your lebron story. Well, the whole sketch was it was this thing that bill hader and i used to do where i would play like a hothead sort of like stagehand. Like it was a boom mic operator with Julia Louisdreyfus and with lebron, i was like the guy handing him his props, and hes doing a commercial and i eventually get to a place where i just challenge lebron james as basically myself to oneonone, and he you know, he scores on me very easily he hits me with an elbow i come up pop up with blood all over my face and then, the way the sketch ends, i think the term we would use at snl is rave out, where i would then get the ball with blood all over my face and then try to take him to the hole again as the crowd, you know, claps hopefully. So at rehearsal, you know, you run through it usually like three times. And the very first time we did it, i went down, and the hoop was probably, you know, 8 1 2 feet or Something Like that. I went down the left side. I went up, you know, like that, and reversed it and came underneath and kissed it off the glass with a little spin, and it went in. And all the camera guys, everybody on the set were like, whoa im pretty sure maverick, who, you know is lebrons, you know, righthand man was there too i was just like, oh, snap. And lebron came over and gave me a little love. I was like, okay, great. And i beelined it to the control room because we film all those things, and as a writer and as an actor, you get to watch the shots and see what works and what doesnt and i quickly got a dvd of it burned and went to go watch it, and you see me go to the hole. It fades to black as the sketches do in rehearsal, but you hear the audio of, like, the crowd going ah like that. [ laughter ] and thats it. It only exists through oral tradition. So thank you for allowing me to spread this lie continuously seth of course not a lie, and it really happened. Seth in my head, i saw it happen so maybe i was on the floor for it, or maybe you just tell a story that has great visual details to it. Me and Garrison Keillor thats you know [ laughter ] seth hey, congrats on the show, buddy. Thank you seth its always a delight to see you likewise. Seth hopefully back in the city soon. Yeah. Well get the kids together and have them do some improv and, you know, all that stuff [ light laughter ] right . From six feet distance, of course seth all right all right take care. Seth be well, buddy. Watch ted lasso on apple tv plus well be right back with the moderator of Washington Week on pbs, robert costa and here we have another burst pipe in denmark. If you look close. Jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip . Ouch, okay. Huh, boring, boring, you dont need to see that. Oh, here we go. Can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle . Wait, youre a lawyer . Only licensed in stockholm. What is happening . Jamie anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. You know karate . 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Its totally not the same without you. Were finally back and cant wait until you are too. Universal orlando resort. Buy now and get two days free at the parks. Restrictions apply. Seth our next guest is a reporter for the Washington Post and moderator of Washington Week, which airs friday nights on pbs. Heres my conversation with robert costa seth hey, robert how are you . Hey, good to be with you, seth thank you. Seth im going to assume you are a political reporter the Democratic Convention starts tonight. You are not there, and that probably stinks. Am i right its terrible i mean, everything im doing is a zoom call. It it one bleeds into the other. Conventions are the ultimate sourcing opportunity you get to actually see that your sources are real people, not just people you call on the phone. So im missing all that. Im missing all the fun for sure seth so Bernie Sanders will be speaking tonight. Youve interviewed him multiple times. The last time was a few months ago, and you i guess this happens often, where you will have a producer in your ear while youre also trying to interview someone, who tried to get you to ask a question that you just were not willing to ask. That is true. I actually just spoke to senator sanders earlier monday had a long conversation with him. Ive been covering him for years, and weve talked a lot about five years ago when he first ran for president. At the capitol, he came out for his announcement as a president ial candidate and said, i dont really have a lot of time i got to go back to work. And there were like four reporters there. Even the tourists at the capitol didnt seem to care. And to think hes been through these two campaigns, now finishing it all up tonight at the Democratic National convention but im so locked in, seth, sometimes as a reporter, im not kind of following Everything Else so a few months ago i was talking to senator sanders at the Washington Post, when i get this thing in my ear from my producer and she says, you got to ask the senator about cardi b. Cardi b is just endorsing senator sanders. And so i keep the interview going with senator sanders, and i dont ask the question then i hear in my ear again, ask about cardi b. And im thinking to myself, i prepared for this interview. Im not im not really sure what shes talking about. And so i dont ask the question, and then they keep screaming, ask about cardi b we need a headline we need a tweet. The interview ends we go offstage, and the producer is saying to me, you know, why didnt you ask . And i said, who is cardi b . [ laughter ] they all looked at me with immense disappointment and actually i have this at my workfromhome office now. They gave me a cardi b mug so i never forget cardi b, all respect, but i will never forget cardi b now seth i think its i think its very forgivable if she did not know who you or i were, but at this point, theres no reason for us not to know who she is. [ light laughter ] thats true seth do you think you know, you mentioned bernie, and you mentioned him speaking tonight, and thats one of my favorite clips, you mentioning him when he announced and said he didnt have a lot of time at a weird podium outside, a few sheets of loose paper. Do you think theres enough of an appreciation of how far you know, even though hes had two unsuccessful campaigns, it does seem like he shifted what is considered now the middle of the Democratic Party oh, there is not enough respect for the sanders campaign, historically speaking, politically. I could think about senator sanders a lot like Barry Goldwater, the republican nominee in 64 goldwater lost in a landslide to lbj, but 16 years later, Ronald Reagan wins the white house in part, in many ways, because Barry Goldwater laid an Ideological Foundation for reagan what sanders is doing is laying this Ideological Foundation, and we cant forget five years ago, when im sitting there with sanders in los angeles having breakfast, talking about a possible president ial run, he was raising things like free college, medicare for all, that were issues that were considered fringe calling yourself a democratic socialist was seen as curious and strange. No one did it, and he brought all of those ideas into the mainstream he has changed american politics and his personality is interesting, his story is interesting to be sure the son of jewish immigrants, grew up in new york, becomes this political outsider in vermont. But as a political figure, historic and two campaigns that changed the way the democrats think about themselves seth you mentioned laying a foundation another foundation that seems to be getting laid right now, is this idea that we will not be able to trust the election results. And this seems to be a foundation that the Trump Campaign is pretty much using every chance they can on, you know, the sunday shows yesterday was a great example. Is that how youre seeing it as well that theyre sort of sowing a fundamental distrust of the electoral process . They certainly are. But the question is why . And ive covered President Trump for almost ten years as a businessman, a candidate i really think we got to step back from this postal crisis its not just about the Postal Service. Its about President Trump trying to protect his brand. This is a guy who four, five years ago when he was running, his aides used to tell me privately, seth, that if he lost to secretary clinton, he would never concede. Hed go on for a year saying the election was rigged. He needed to protect the brand and this exercise now on the post office has immense consequence for our democracy, no doubt about it. But at its core, based on my reporting, its a businessman trying to protect his reputation in his own mind as a winner, and thats why hes going and attacking this institution that he thinks he can blame if he is defeated seth and then do you predict a long, litigious tale to election night, were joe biden to win the presidency . I mean, theyre all talking about it on both sides i just talked to newt gingrich, whos close to the president and he said almost gleefully, this is going to be like 2000 where it stretches on, maybe goes to the supreme court. And i talked to Jen Omalley Dillon earlier monday, the Biden Campaign manager, and she says shes well aware the republicans have these 50,000 socalled poll watchers to watch everything. And the Biden Campaign is going to have to have this army of lawyers, and it could stretch on for months, and its because of the Postal Service and all of those issues seth i do want to finish with this very impressive tidbit we found in your bio you might not have known who cardi b was earlier this year. True. Seth but you booked some pretty considerable bands back in your High School Days i did i mean, thanks for looking at my wikipedia. [ light laughter ] i mean, im never going to escape what i did in high school i had a great time seth why would you want to escape this . Im not saying i always said to myself what happened in high school is i booked maroon 5 to come play at my high school when they werent famous. I met their manager at a show. And then they were opening for john mayer, who then i invited to my prom i had no money, but it the whole experience taught me i had no money, no connections, big public school, pennsbury high school, 4,000 students, and i just said, why not make a big ask . Why not have some fun . And all these artists came mayer, i give him a lot of credit mayer didnt even go to his own prom, but came to play our prom. He wore a tuxedo jacket and jeans, and it was the time of it inspired everyone where i seth well, i really appreciate it, and thank you not only for inspiring your senior class, but also for managing to cover a convention from home we really appreciate your time thanks, seth. I appreciate it. Charmin ultra soft is so soft much are you hon . Youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. It can be used on the hands, body, and face. It cleanses and moistuizes with 1 4 moisturizing cream. 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Att seth the days are winding down here in the Captains Quarters and there are only three days left before we set sail for i dont know where, but were packing these days with great guests russell crowe. Patton oswalt. Music from the lemon twigs sandra oh, gayle king, busy phillips and Kenan Thompson will all be here and of course my companions and sea captain, and ira the duck and all of the other very talkative characters that i think are real, but they may just be the first sign of our so watch those shows and find out. Well be right back. M hi. Were glad you came in. Whats on your mind . Can you help keep these guys protected online . Easy. Connect to the xfi gateway. What about wireless data options for the family . You can customize and save. What about internet speeds that can keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. And now with our stores reopening, were putting Healthy Practices in place. Come visit a store today. 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