President trump said, quote, i guess everybody makes mistakes. Yeah, but there are mistakes, and then there are mistakes. When i overwater one of my plants the economy stays open and americans can still travel to canada. During an interview yesterday, President Trump refused to say whether he would accept the results of novembers election if he loses to former Vice President joe biden, which is completely terrifying and antidemocratic, but also dont you wish democrats would have that kind of fighting spirit al gore lost by like nine votes and just said, well, the people have spoken. During the interview, President Trump also said hes not a good loser. Oh, stop it. You are the biggest loser i know enough of that talk. According to a new poll, former Vice President joe biden has a 15point lead over President Trump nationally though, dont get too excited, thanks to some creative gerrymandering, no matter who you are, this is your closest polling place. According to a new poll, 55 of voters in the south consider the Confederate Flag to be a symbol of racism. Though they didnt do nearly as well on the followup question, and thats bad, right . Crayola has announced it will offer a School Mask Pack for kids that includes five face masks, a calendar card to help parents and children plan daily use, and a mesh laundry bag for easy washing that story again, crayola has a more well thought outback to school plan than new york city in an effort to be more environmentally conscious, ikea has announced it will begin offering plantbased swedish meatballs. That should really hit the spot as you walk your way through their 50 thousand square foot tree graveyard doctors in japan recently removed a live worm from a womans tonsils. Officials are calling it the least terrifying medical news of 2020 we have some good news for you. You just had a live worm on your tonsils. So we are going to send you home. And finally, Ohio Governor mike dewine said in an interview yesterday that he was worried the surge of coronavirus cases means his state, quote, could become florida. Buddy, you wish, said a coked up alligator on a jet ski. Thats the monologue and, remember, t f weve got a great show for you tonight my friend, colin jost has a great new book out called, a very punchable face a memoir. Im always happy to see him. And if you havent seen the new film, palm springs, you should its getting rave reviews and stars cristin milioti, who will be here to chat all about it but first, a closer look. Hello everyone, and welcome back to the captains quarters. Now here at the show we have always been responsive to viewer feedback and criticism so id just like to say to those of you who are not necessarily huge fans of my new sidekick the sea captain, we hear you and we are taking it under advisement now, you should know this feelings sea captains are people too seth but as ive told him, thats one of the hard realities of show business maybe this old mariner just wasnt cut out for the rocky shores of hollywood. Seth and speaking of deranged conversations that dont go anywhere, President Trump gave a truly terrifying interview in which he made clear he does not care about the pandemic thats raging out of control as he sends secret police to an American City to snatch protesters off the streets. For more on this, its time for for a closer look. Seth the countrys in the midst of a spiraling pandemic that has killed 140 thousand americans and left tens of millions unemployed. And yet the president has, according to republican officials, people close to him and our own eyes and ears decided to just move on from the crisis an adviser to the republican governor of texas where the outbreak is spreading out of control told the New York Times over the weekend, the president got bored with it. Oh, im sorry, commodus, were you not entertained . Seriously, you were bored with the pandemic bored with the quarantine i understand ive watched so much netflix, the onscreen message changed. But youre bored with the pandemic thats your job. Would you have preferred if the coronavirus had a swimsuit contest . And even when he can be bothered to talk about the coronavirus outbreak, he cant help but immediately veer into a topic thats more interesting to him like his tv ratings. Today he announced hed be bringing back his humiliating press briefing slash therapy sessions, not because theres an out of control pandemic thatutee his tv ratings were so good. Well, we had very successful briefings. I was doing that and we had a lot of people watching, Record Numbers watching in the history of cable television, theres never been anything like it so i think well start that probably starting tomorrow ill do it at 5 00 like we were doing we had a good slot. A lot of people were watching and thats a good thing. Seth the ratings were incredible people are spending a lot more time inside watching tv for some reason. It sucks so hard that we have a president who says things like we had a good slot. Hes bored by coronavirus, but he loves tv. Were hoping in the fall they put me on after this is us, that would be a hell of a leadin. Also, of course, the ratings were good. People are locked inside with nothing to watch, desperate for information about the out of control virus you failed to stop ratings for wheel of fortune would be up too if pat sajak went on a killing spree and announced his next victims via puzzle pat, id like to solve. Youre next, dan from rochester. Of course, trump doesnt actually care about the deadly virus thats spreading he wants to resume the briefings so he can do what he always does, whine about how unfairly hes been treated. Threaten his political opponents with state violence. Fight with reporters and speculate wildly about dumb new treatments until dr. Fauci covers his entire face fauci, what have you, and im just blue skying here, ate a battery and took a bath in peptobismol would that cure the virus, fauci . Fauci, why are you wearing so many masks . So, trump is bored with the pandemic and you can tell hes bored from what hes been choosing to focus on instead, beans and trucks on a day when 941 people died of the coronavirus in this country, this is what is front of mind for the president , beans. The president giving an endorsement to goya, a day after his daughter ivanka trump did the same, weighing into this bizarre culture war after goyas ceo was criticized on social media for effusively praising the president. During an official event at the white house, it became a photo op for the president , looking to move past the pandemic and look toward the november election, the president claiming the biggest threat to this country is his rival, democratic president ial nominee, joe biden. The event turned into a campaignstyle rally the president had pickup trucks and giant weights symbolizing government regulation. The president only mentioning the coronavirus once seth on the same day the u. S. Set another daily record with 75 thousand new cases, the president was playing with trucks on the white house lawn like he was lured into one of those chevy commercials. Jd power, isnt he part of the deep state this looks like one of those summer replacement game shows where if you get an answer wrong, Ellen Degeneres drops a truck on you at what point can we consider an obsession with trumps disqualifying attribute for a president . I mean, adults are allowed to have whatever hobbies they want. But if bill clinton had shown up to every press conference with a tamagotchi, republicans definitely wouldve impeached him a second time. Now, if you excuse me, i got to go feed this little fella. I mean, having a president obsessed with trucks is like having a president obsessed with trains amid a National Health crisis and record unemployment, the federal government led by a bored and sadistic president has abandoned us they simply do not care about the 140 thousand americans who have died, the tens of millions who have lost jobs, the 5 million who have lost health insurance, or the 23 million who face eviction in the coming months this is the result of decades of conservative governance that has raided the treasury to dole out billions in defense spending and tax cuts for the wealthy while hollowing out everything else. Now we have a puddingbrained infomercial salesman whos more interested in what happens to a dead confederate general than a living middle schoolteacher trying to convince us that statues and graffiti are more important than a pandemic thats caused massive suffering and even when he was asked point blank about the Record Number of new cases by foxs Chris Wallace this weekend, trump basically shrugged im going to do you a favor cause im sure a lot of people listening right now are going to say, trump, he tries to play it down, he tries to make it not seem as serious as it is. I dont im not no this is very serious 75 thousand cases a day show me the deaths chart. Well, i dont have the death chart. Well, the death chart is much more important but i can tell you the death chart is a thousand cases a day. Excuse me its all too much. It shouldnt be one case it came from china they should have never let it escape they should have never let it out. But it is what it is seth it is what it is, is a fine thing to hear from a Drinking Buddy as he promises you that in time you will forget about denise but when the it is a pandemic and the guy saying it is the president , thats a problem. Had fdr responded to pearl harbor with a [ bleep ] happens tshirt, wed probably feel different about him today we certainly wouldnt honor him with the finest strip of road along the east river thats ever existed. Also, i love that wallace started out by saying im going to do you a favor, and then trump immediately interrupts him. Thats how bad a strategist he is someone says, im going to do you a favor, you freeze like a squirrel in a park until you find out the favor you dont start an argument. Second, its not reassuring when presented with evidence of a rapidly spreading disease, your answer is show me the death chart. You know, because that implies there are enough deaths for a chart. In fact, if you work in any Office Setting and you have death charts lying around, something isnt right. Hey brad, Regional Sales are looking really good this quarter. Thats fantastic, linda. Hey, would you hand me the death chart, you know, the big one that folds out . In fact, if this interview revealed anything, its that the president is far less concerned with the deadly virus sweeping through this nation than he is with proving that he supposedly did well on a test designed to detect cognitive defects that he constantly brags about except this time he was challenged by the host Chris Wallace in a way he obviously was not expecting. Lets take a test lets take a test right now. Lets go down, joe and i will take a test. Let him take the same test that i took incidentally, i took the test too when i heard that you passed it yeah. How did you do well, its not the hardest test no, but the last it has a picture and it days whats that and its an elephant no, no. You see, thats all misrepresentation. Well, thats what it was on the web. Its all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy but ill bet you couldnt even answer the last five questions ill bet you couldnt. They get very hard the last five questions. Well, one of them was count back from a hundred by seven and let me tell you you couldnt answer you couldnt answer all right, whats the question many of the questions id get you the test id like to give it. Seth heres a question that should be on trumps next cognitive test name one question from your last cognitive test if youre going to constantly brag about how well you did, you should at least be able to cite one of the questions if you come home and tell your parents you aced your driving test and they asked you what you did, you cant just shrug and say, i dont know, car stuff because then theyre going to know you skipped it and had your buddy print out a fake i. D also, i dont know whats more alarming that trump even had to take this test in the first place or how proud he is with how he did. Its possible this is the first test he ever passed that he took himself. He probably paid an m. I. T. Student to come with him. But then when he saw how easy it was, sent him home elephant, well, i know what that is. Get out of here, poindexter. Im not paying you, poindexter the deal was if you took the test good news, i wasnt going to pay you anyway dont be sad, poindexter. I genuinely cant believe this was a Real Exchange that happened at the white house. If you read this transcript without any names attached, youd think they were doctors notes from a psych ward. Also, there is no [ bleep ] way trump can count backwards from 100 by sevens. The money i would pay to see him try that 100, and then youre into the 90s. Some people say 95 some people say 92 i had a guy come up to me the other day. Big guy, tough guy, tears in his eyes, and he said, sir, i think its 91. And i said, obama, he wouldnt let you say that but i will, i will. the only cognitive test weve ever needed for trump is a camera and a microphone and hes failed it a hundred times. We know this weve also known since long before he was president that he admires and seeks to emulate tyrants and despots. The guy doesnt know how many articles there are on the constitution, but hes repeatedly bragged about his good relationships with authoritarian leaders and defended some of the most horrific human rights abuses in history. Like, for example, the Tienanman Square massacre. Mr. Trump, [ applause ] some of your republican critics have expressed concern about comments you have made praising authoritarian dictators. You have said positive things about putin as a leader and about chinas massacre of pro democracy protesters at tienanmen square you said, quote, when the students poured into the tienanmen square, the Chinese Government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength that shows you the power of strength. How do you respond that doesnt mean i was endorsing that i was not endorsing it i said that is a strong, powerful government that put it down with strength and they kept down the riot. It was a horrible thing. It doesnt mean at all i was endorsing it seth yes, you were trump refuses to be pinned down about anything one day hell say youre his best friend. The next hell pretend hes never met you. When he named his eldest son after himself, he probably wrote on the birth certificate, this is not an endorsement. The tienanmen square protests were Peaceful Demonstrations led by students calling for democratic reform. But trump sees any peaceful challenge to the status quo as a riot instigated by terrorists, which is how despots talk. And he issued a chilling threat to send more federal officers to American Cities after lying about the protests in portland on sunday. More federal Law Enforcement that i can tell you in portland, theyve done a fantastic job you know, if you look at whats gone on in portland, those are anarchists and weve taken a very tough stand if we didnt take a stand in portland you know, weve arrested many of these leaders if we didnt take that stand, right now you would have a problem they were going to lose portland. Seth what the hell are you talking about they were going to lose portland, to who . Oh, okay they were playing a long game, huh . People in portland are anything but anarchists restaurants in portland have more rules than a manhattan coop board. If you dont put your banana peel in the compost bin, they will drive you to city limits in a solarpowered car and leave you there. This guy is so detached from reality. Everything in his yogurt brain is a Steven Seagal movie n ortland is under siege so i attack force, out for justice. What were seeing in cities across the country are peaceful protests against Police Brutality and systemic racism demanding change to an unjust and oppressive system. But trump is only capable of emulating the authoritarian despots he admires, which is exactly what hes doing in portland there are secret Police Operating on the streets of an American City under the direction of the president and the past week they have been recorded snatching a protester off the street and forcing him into an unmarked car and shooting another peaceful protester with a nonlethal round in the head. These agents have been driving unmarked vehicles and teargassing protesters while refusing to identify themselves. Oregon public broadcasting chased the story down, reporting, quote, federal Law Enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around Downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least tuesday. Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation about why theyre being arrested, and driving off. Trump is using these federal forces as a personal Paramilitary Force that is what dictators do. That is not what president s of a democratic republic do seth oh, good, a mentally incontinent man toddler has his own personal Paramilitary Force. In addition to kidnapping protesters and stuffing them into unmarked vans, hes probably got them in the white house kitchen trying to open a can of goya beans. Ive never opened a can before. I tried to eat the last one but it got lodged in my esophagus. So much of our democratic system relies on norms. And trump freely just shatters all of them. For example, as joe biden opened up a 15point lead in new polls, trump said on sunday he would not necessarily accept the outcome of the election as legitimate because mailin balloting, a thing americans including trump himself have been doing for a century and a half might somehow rig the election i think mailin voting is going to rig the election. I really do. Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election i have to say, look, Hillary Clinton asked me the same thing can you give a direct answer, you will accept the election i have to see look, i have to see. Im not going to just say yes. Im not going to say and i didnt last time either. Seth oh, youre going to keep us in suspense . Youre talking about a president ial election and the peaceful transfer of power, one of the hallmarks of our democracy like its the Season Finale of dallas. Except, theres not much suspense when you walk around with a huge gun talking about how much you hate j. R. Fresh dallas ref. Seth cool it okay. Seth second, you and your aides including your press secretary and Vice President have all voted by mail, which americans have been doing in this country since the civil war. Which, i know is sensitive for you, since you rooted for the side that lost so this is where were at. The president who dispatches secret police to round up dissidents and refuses to accept the outcome of a democratic election weve certainly had National Crises and horrible president s before, but when historians look back at this moment, im certain theyll say theres never been anything like it. Seth this has been a closer look. Seth so many new yorkers are needing to turn to city harvest for help feeding their families. And they need your support now more than ever theres a website below to donate well be right back with colin jost announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. 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Everyone does right up here. It happens to all of us. We buy a new home, and we turn into our parents. What i do is help new homeowners overcome this. What is that, an adjustable spanner . Good choice, steve. Okay, dont forget youre not assisting him. You hired him. If you have nowhere to sit, you have too many. Who else reads books about submarines . My dad. Yeah. Oh, those are progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Look at that. Seth some exciting news. Our rotating drummer program is back this week, and to kick it off, we have one of our favorite players sitting in with the 8g band. She plays with maceo parker and her own band, the nth power. Her upcoming ep, iphone sessions, was made completely on her phone and is available on all platforms. Nikki glaspie is on drums all week welcome back, nikki. Our first guest tonight is one of the head writers at saturday night live and coanchor on weekend update. His memoir, a very punchable face is available now heres my conversation with our good friend, colin jost. Hey, colin how are you, buddy hey, good how are you, seth . Seth good. So you are in montauk right now. This is the house that you filmed your three weekend update, your quarantine editions of weekend update, correct . Thats correct, yes seth obviously, we both have friends who are very kind with their gifts. You sent me a photo of what your coanchor michael che sent you for your birthday. Yeah. It was really a photo i could only send to fellow comedy writers. Michael che sent me a box on my birthday and the card that came with the box said, dress for the job you want. And then i open the box and it was a Police Uniform, a Police Officers uniform with a Republican National Convention Badge on it. And i opened it and i was like, i dont i laughed so hard for like two minutes straight and then had no idea what to do with it and my friends were like, you should take one might as well just take one picture in it. I was like, that is the worst advice. Like, oh, yeah, what could go wrong with one picture of you in it . [ laughter ] seth what i love the most about it is a good amount of thought and care had to go into it oh, my god. Seth he really went the extra mile in the middle of a quarantine, to track down an official Police Uniform and get it in the mail to be delivered by someones birthday when other people cant get, like, toilet paper. [ laughter ] seth colin, che is a huge friend of you. He is a great supporter of you you are the person who found him for snl. So you guys are really close and yet he actively tries to cancel you on social media this is a photo that he posted on instagram we have so, this is you guys are hanging out together having a nice time. Yes he came to visit me. It was very nice, and we got to catch up and hang out. We were driving around and he, of course, noticed that the local drug store is named, whites. And so he had me loop around in front of it again and then take a photo of the two of us i was smiling in the photo he is grimacing. [ laughter ] and then he wrote that he made that i made him wait in the car so that i could go into the drug store to buy tiki torches. So, i could go into whites drug store to buy tiki torches. And then the first comment on the video is someone saying, i dont understandds or not . Y wou and che immediately responds, we are not friends, i think thats obvious. [ laughter ] and then everything hes been every post, even if its unrelated to me, hes just been putting, canceljost seth and you are currently on a press tour for your new book yeah. Seth and this is a time that i assume you have a publicist working with you to help you manage the press what does your publicist feel about how your friend is lending a helping hand i would probably say trepidation, deep anxiety, confusion. [ laughter ] seth as a friend to you, i was very unhappy and again, i think this is anyones goal in life, is that your friends will write a memoir and you will end up in it and there are multiple stories about a trip that my brother, andy samberg, and you took to scandinavia back in 07. And im very glad that you i think a lot of people, if this happened to them, they would maybe leave it out of their memoir, but you are very honest in this book, and you do admit to the fact that you fell asleep in a graveyard in helsinki, finland. Thats correct. I come forward i come clean on that my favorite detail about it is, you know how bad i am both with managing time and understanding the concept of time. And i remember i fell asleep in what i took a nap on the way home seth yeah. Walking home through helsinki, finland, alone at 3 00 in the morning. I got tired, and i was like, i better take a power nap halfway through this city ive never been in at night. And i went into what i thought was a park seth sure. So, of course, a great place for a nap at 3 00 a. M. Went into a park, fell asleep, and then woke up what i thought was hours later, and saw that i was surrounded by tombstones, cemetery seth yeah. And then i came when i finally came back and found you at the hotel and woke you up, i was like, oh, my god, seth, ive been asleep in a graveyard for hours. I mustve been in there, if not hours, maybe days even. And you were like, colin, its been 45 minutes. We saw you 45 minutes ago at a bar. Theres no way it was hours. And that is my sense of time and then your brother, very lovingly, we were sharing a room, he very lovingly saw i was in a bad way, took all the pillows from his bed, sheets from his own bed, made me a beautiful makeshift bed next to his own bed for me to sleep on and rest and i, after he put all that work in, i fell asleep directly next to him. [ laughter ] not touching any of the blanket or pillows that he had set up lovingly and fell asleep on a hard helsinki wood floor for the night. Seth and i know people are thinking, oh, you guys are a little old for this. But this was a long time ago and when this happened, i was in my mid30s [ laughter ] well be right back with more colin jost targets same day delivery contactless delivery right to your door, designed for your day. So you can work out, join in, and game on. Just download the target app and try it today. Cheei must be dreaming. Read. No, no. Its actually a real thing. You should try it. Its delicious. Mmmm. 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Umm. Bbrie. Brie brie rear automatic braking. So if this Nissan Sentra isnt gonna compromise, why should you . Youre right atta girl. The allnew Nissan Sentra. With more standard safety features than any other car in its class. Seth heres more of my conversation with colin jost one of my favorite things about the book is and your tenure now at snl it has been so long and i had a great time writing with you over the years. And im such a fan of your writing. And you talk about a lot about your favorite sketches you have created some real indelible characters drunk uncle, one of my alltime favorites. And i should note, you created two with bobby moynihan. The other being Anthony Crispino second hand news second hand news, yeah. Seth when you did you come up with drunk uncle first or did you see bobby and think that he would be good at being a drunk uncle . Because [ laughter ] hes obviously perfect at it hes hes like a deep its one of the best acting performances youll see on our show cause its live. And hes finding all these different registers so quickly and all these different emotions he i come up with the concept of secondhand news. And i was like, what about secondhand news and then he had the voice. He just had the, like, yeah, i dont know about that. Like that kind of which is a pure performance thing that made gave a whole new dimension with drunk uncle he came to me and was like, two words, like, drunk uncle. I dont know what it is. Is there something . And i was like, i think theres something there. And then figuring out, like, what you know, what the hell it was but it was he was just like i just thought that was a funny phrase and the weird thing is when you do that sketch, you know, bobby and i both have uncles so of course their first comment their first question is, now is this based on me in some way i know i kind of go for it on thanksgiving but i can hold back most days. And so thats the first questions kind of like, are we okay seth from your uncles. Yeah you you also wrote Cecily Strongs the girl you wish you hadnt started a conversation with at a party. I think i said it right. Its maybe the longest character name in the history of snl i think almost no one, even fans of the character, know what the characters called i think i think michael che said that his mom calls it, the girl whos always wrong. [ laughter ] seth thats not bad. Something like that and i was like, yeah, thats pretty thats maybe better. [ light laughter ] seth that was one of the more i mean i think people forget i think that was the first thing cecily did on the show and its one of the most, like performances i remember i remember in i write about it in the book, but i remember being with you afterwards like, when you got offstage and you had just done it with her. Like, been out there and just seen the character for the first time and we had a moment afterwards where we were both kind of in awe of her performance and cause you just dont see someone whos brand new at the show hit it like just knock it out of the ballpark in that specific very finetuned way seth yeah. It was really special seth i think there was a moment where she glanced in her purse at a phone there was some sort of physical moment that i just thought, who can also do this . Yeah. Own a small physical movement in the middle of this big character piece on your first, one of your first shows at snl seth yeah. Like, and the move yeah, youre right i remember she looked and like put the phone and just with perfect precision and ease seth yeah. It was like, oh, there she threw a perfect game her first time on the mound. It was amazing yes, it really is i think thats like the right analogy. Like, it was like throwing a perfect game your first game seth it is its such a fun book and but that is one of my favorite things about it is over the years on this show and again, i dont think a ton of people know this. Youve done such a great job of identifying whats really funny about cast members and writing to that voice. And i think its the most important thing for a writer on that show. And youre just so good at it, buddy. I mean, i learned a lot from you. Like so many people who wrote at the show in the time when you were a head writer, you helped me tremendously. And i learned about writing for people from you. And you would write a scene where basically every cast member had a part. And it would be their funniest character that they never got on the show in some other way like freds mets character [ laughter ] where he just i remember one sketch you wrote that was about people brainstorming themes for a prom and fred is fred is already, like, looks like hes a 45yearold man with a mustache in a mets jacket at a High School Prom theme meeting who is just like, what about the mets . The mets are pretty cool. [ laughter ] you know, it was like a throwaway thing he had done in the office and you made it a starring part in this sketch you were great at it seth i think we both we both would admit to the fact that we have been incredibly lucky in our careers to be surrounded by performers that elevate every word you would ever put on the page yes and that is thats where you learn i certainly you learn your own limitations and then you see someone else that can do these things that you cannot and youre, like, ooh, thats exciting to write for that write for that persons voice and get to do things that you cant do yourself. Seth well, buddy, obviously nobody knows what the future holds, but im looking forward to hopefully the fall, and snl and you at the desk. And congrats on the book and its always the best to see you. Thank you it is wonderful to see you i was trying to figure out some elaborate scam when you had an attic door still of who i could hire to be in there and jump out halfway through and scare you. [ laughter ] and it turned out its hard to hire street performers who will travel to remote places during a quarantine to scare people seth to violate to violate pandemic rules for the purposes of a laugh . And then also hard to convince wives to let a stranger hide in a crawl space for a day before a show. Seth oh, no. My wife loves all your ideas [ laughter ] they love all of our wives love your ideas the most [ laughter ] all right. I love you, buddy. I love you. Its great to see you. Seth a very punchable face a memoir is out now well be right back with cristin milioti. This is my body of proof. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. 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This is a timeloop romantic comedy. How did it feel when you first read the script . Because i imagine it required a bit of imagination on your part. No. [ laughter ] no, i remember reading it and just, like, i had never read anything like it it was so weird, and funny and also very moving and i remember reading it and just absolutely adoring it like, there was no part of it. Sometimes you read a script and youre like, god, i love all this stuff that part, i dont know, but well figure it out. And i did go like that with this seth its impossible to watch a movie like this, even though its very unique and not think about a groundhog day, which is even, you know, referenced to some degree in the film have you seen groundhog day . Havent seen it never seen it. Seth wow and you still even with your timeloop comedy, you did not want to go see groundhog day well, nowodoint yeah, you lived it ive lived it, yeah no, i havent seen it. I mean i love bill murray, obviously. But i just i dont know i havent seen it. But theres also like a lot of movies i havent seen. So its seth are there a lot of movies youve seen more than once showgirls. Seth so how many times have you seen showgirls twenty, ballpark estimate i love it. Its one of my favorite movies seth will you defend it real quick for anybody who may have doubts about showgirls absolutely. Seth, thank you. Thank you for giving me this platform to defend show girls. [ laughter ] yeah i mean, i think its brilliant its obviously very campy. Its obviously, like, larger than life. But i do think that, like, Elizabeth Berkley was unjustly maligned shes going for broke and giving like a very avant garde performance. Shes not doing anything different than, like, what nicholas cage has done or like, when Christian Bale loses 70 pounds. Like, shes just going for it. And youre so at the mercy of editing. And i think i dont know, i just think that its so unfair that shes not celebrated. I also really enjoy showing it to people for the first time seth yeah, i understand that but i love it seth watching the reaction to it. Yeah. Watching the reaction to it. Gauging like and then like getting those people obsessed with the quotes. And like, i want to get something made for different places do you know that scene in the movie . Seth no. I dont remember it. They ask her where shes from, and shes like, back east. And then her friend is like where back east . And she throws up like a tray of food because different places. And its like and if you have like something in your home thats from different places, many people can walk in and be like, oh interesting but if theyve seen the movie, its like next level seth yeah, cause then you know youve got so [ laug its like an instant vetting so, yes. I could have watched groundhogs day. But i didnt and i stand by it seth you the movie is available to stream on hulu, but its also in some driveins. And you went and you saw it in a drivein, yes . I went with a bunch of my friends. We all wore masks. We stayed in our cars. And it was a blast i like driveins seth driveins are the best. Theyre very romantic and i mean, yeah, i dont know, oldtimey. And like, it was really nice although we saw it they screened it during the day so any scene that was at night you couldnt see, which is like half the movie seth yeah. That seems like a that seems like a pretty easily fixable mistake on your part seeing it in the day [ laughter ] that was the only showing seth you would argue that there need to be more musicals at driveins, correct . I would argue that. I havent before but i will now. Seth go for it im going to just keep making you make arguments thats my whole i want this interview heres the thing. Seth defend this thesis. You got it. Musicals and driveins lets start from the beginning, a very good place to start like, sound of music reference. Which i also watched recently, which doesnt hold up as well youd hope seth wait, i missed that wait, what doesnt hold up the sound of music. Seth oh, interesting yeah i mean, its such a beautiful show, but i watched the movie recently and i was like, god, theres so much unsaid. Like, what happened to his wife, and why are his children like this and why does he whistle for them and then they, like, dance once at a party and get married its like everyones insane. But also the nazis are there, so i think theres just emotions are running high [ laughter ] seth i cant believe that we have basically ranked two films over the course of this interview. And it seems like showgirls very near the top and sound of music is very near the bottom like, you could have just gotten away with just praising showgirls. But you also decided to [ bleep ] on the sound of music. I had to get a couple extra of extra digs there. Rodgers and hammerstein have had it too good for too long, and ive got something to say. Seth i heard that you tried to find your way into the cast of hamilton. Yes, i did. I saw hamilton twice it was so brilliant. And i heard that Jonathan Groff was leaving the show and i wrote multiple emails. I went i was like, what if i play the king and what if its like the sickly prince from the holy grail. The like, you know seth sure. And i would wear all Jonathan Groffs costumes so that they were big and i would have, like, maybe, one long tooth and be really like sickly and inbred, but also psychotic. And it was met with resounding nos [ laughter ] seth i will say i fully i would happily defend that that was a good idea. If ever im put on a spot, i will say that we all missed out a little bit that you did not get a chance to play the king. A sickly inbred boy king. Seth cristin, i want to thank you so much for your time today. The movie is so good palm springs, everybody should check it out and its always such a delight to see you its so nice to see you too, even virtually here we are a nation divided. Red, blue, 16 percent undecided. But 2020 had us shook. So we gave the world another look. And saw a future of differences celebrated. Every voice heard and advocated. Where everyone can show their pride. cause love should never have to hide. Theres a world of possibility that cant exist with you versus me. It will take work, thats indisputable. But oh man it could be beautiful. This world where we are we. [orange] hey, whats up guys . [ginger] oh my god [captain] orange, why are you naked . [orange] okay hold on. Hows that . [miscellaneous reactions of disgust] [orange] floridas finest baby. [miscellaneous reactions of disgust] burke neigjust an app. Whatcha working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. 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Come visit a store today. Stop in or book an appointment online at a time that works for you. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover at your local xfinity store today. Announcer for more late night, go to latenightseth. Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth and be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook head over to ierook and more downloaded right to your phone. Lily eve you get more bandwidth and hbo max included. So, everyone stays entertained. So i can just watch the show instead of reading the book . You know, if you turn on your subtitles. Thats almost reading. Get 1 gig internet with at t fiber for 49. 99a month for a year. No annualcontract. And now get hbo max included. Limited availability in select areas. Call 1. 877. Only. Att seth i want to thank my guest, colin jost and Cristin Millioti i want to thank Nikki Glaspie and the 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh. Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. We love you. Lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, i celebrate jason clarke and lake bells 11year anniversary. [ cheers and applause but were not married were not married. Lilly oh its its not your wedding anniversary . Yeah. No, no, no. Were not even dating. Yeah, no. [ laughter ] lilly its not your dating anniversary, either. Yeah, theres no anniversaries involved were married to other people. So lilly okay, wow. [ laughter ] its like i know you two better than you know yourselves [ laughter ] join me and these two delightful people in one minute here on nbc. [ cheers and applause what happened 11 years ago . I have no idea. Lilly okay, dont try to guess. Its better this way, okay stay tuned [ cheers and applause

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