Change into my pajamas and when i come out of my room, i see that he has left his wallet. So i call him. He comes back to get it. I step out onto the porch with no shoes, in my pajamas. And instead of walking to the end of the porch and down the stairs, i just reach over the side of the porch to give him his wallet back. So, he rides up on his bicycle and just lets his bicycle fall and then reaches up to get his wallet now, at that moment, im reaching down and hes reaching up, a cop car pulls up, flashes its lights the cop gets out, and shes like, hold it right there we gotcha. Im like, okay now, everything she says to us she says with her hand on her gun. Now, im terrified, because while im a black lady, anthony is a black man, and this cop is a tiny, little white lady. Now, im scared. Anthonys scared ive had a lot of runins with the cops at this point and isnt it hilarious that when people say runins with the cops, they mean they got caught doing something . But when i say it, i just mean being a person that they bother . Okay, so, this cop says, why were you guys running from the police . And were like, were not im not running anywhere i live here. And shes like, okay. Meanwhile, im like, bitch, i have no shoes on i dont say that i say im in my pajamas with no shoes on, and she goes, let me see both your i. D. s. I go, okay, but to get my i. D. , i have to go in the house, okay . And shes like, fine so i go in the house, and the whole time im in the house, shes asking anthony a million questions. So, i come up, i give her my i. D. She says, this address is from nebraska. And shes right. I go, oh, yeah, i dont have a new chicago i. D. Yet and she goes, well, then i need proof you live here. Go get some mail now, this is where the story takes a turn, and i cant describe it exactly, except to say, now she has unsnapped that thing that holds your gun in place and is holding on to her gun tighter. So, i go inside and im freaking out because shes going to shoot my friend, anthony, for just being bigger than her . So i go in, and i tear up the house looking for a piece of mail with my name on it, but ive just moved there, so i dont really have any so, i go, i get the mail, i come out, and for some reason, she has calmed down. I give her the mail. She looks at the mail, and she looks at us and she goes, okay, from now on, when i tell you to stop, you stop now remember, shes never told us to stop anything. And i look at anthony, like oh, my god, are you going to handle this cop lying on us and he looks at me and he looks at the cop and he goes, okay. I look at him and i go, okay, and we live to get harassed another day because thats the kind of thing you have to do to stay alive when youre black. You have to let the police lie to you at your own house thats it. Thats my story. We used to open this show with fun jokes, but for the last three days, weve opened this show with stories about me getting mistreated by the cops and if youre tired of hearing these stories, do something announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers, amanda peet actor and comedian ramy youssef and cofounder of black lives matter Patrisse Cullors. Music with tim mcgraw. Featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. And now, Seth Meyers Seth hows everyone doing tonight . A little angry at me for even asking thats fair. Well, i will just say that while i am not good, i am better for being here with you. Now lets get to the news. President trump had lunch with secretary of state mike pompeo today. Pompeo ordered the chicken, and trump ordered the tear gassing of Peaceful Protesters President Trump tweeted yesterday that the Republican National convention will not be held in charlotte because of social distancing restrictions put in place by North Carolina governor roy cooper. So now the only place left is that pool in the ozarks. Now id like to introduce our next speaker, mike pompeo. Swim on up here, mike. Here he comes, splashing around. Not the best swimmer, but hes making his way lets just if we could just move our inner tubes to the side to make a path, a channel. President trump claimed on twitter yesterday that his administration had, quote, done more for the black community than any president since abraham lincoln. Are you serious . Youve been terrible for the black community. Thats like godzilla bragging hes done a lot for the japanese when asked by reporters republican senator john thune damn, thats what you say about someone on their death bed have you visited grandpa . Hows he doing well, you know, he has moments. Republican congressman and white supremacist steve king lost his race in yesterdays iowa primary, which is tough for king, because his race is like his favorite thing he famously loves it former Vice President joe biden spoke in philadelphia yesterday and criticized President Trumps response to the protests against Police Violence across the country. Said biden, if anyones going to act racist in this country, its going to be me accidentally. According to a new poll, 53 of American Office workers worry that their current skills will be outdated in fewer than five years, skills like nopants budget meetings. Royal caribbean has announced that due to Coronavirus Travel restrictions by the canadian government, it has canceled all cruises that pass through canada through october. So, if you planned to take a cruise to canada in october, youre doing cruises wrong, i think . Im not an expert, but today was National Egg Day, which comes before National Chicken day. But wait, chicken day happened last year, which came after egg day, which came before damn it karen chee, everybody. When the news is dark, you can count on americas sweetheart, karen chee, to write you a joke about National Egg Day thank you, karen i miss seeing you. Today was also excuse me, im on an egg day high today was also National Tailors day, or sew it seams Mike Scollins, you can [ bleep ] right off. You know what . Show me a picture of karen again. Sew it seams hi, karen. And finally, researchers now believe that having sex with someone you are not quarantining with can increase your risk of getting the coronavirus, unless, of course, youre an essential worker Mike Scollins again. You won me back, buddy throw mike up there and let the people see mike. There he is. That was a monologue we have a great show for you tonight. Ill be talking to actress amanda peet and then a conversation with ramy youseff and Patrisse Cullors this year, ramy won a golden globe for starring in ramy, which he created, and patrisse is a political strategist, cofounder of black lives matter and founder of reform l. A. Jails. Plus, well have music from tim mcgraw well be right back with ambers minute of fury. We stick together, for worse or for better yeah through any kind of weather, yo youre my friend in need. come on, come on we stick together, we make the sunshine brighter, we make woo, yeah better, , youre my family. yo youre my family. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Does your deodorant protect you all day . We put dove menveness care to the test. With mike who transforms homes for those in need. I feel comfortable and protected all day long. Dove men care 48h freshness with triple action moisturizer. Charmin ultra soft is so soft much are you hon . Youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. [truck horn blares] vo the subaru forester. Dog tested. Dog approved. Whether you need or a room with a view. Fresh hay all day. Or a ball to play. Bribes to roll over. Or an overdue makeover. Get all your pet essentials right when you need them, with Curbside Pickup at petsmart. Just order online, drive up, checkin, and pick up without contact. In cities across the country, americans have protested the recent murder of george floyd at the hands of police. Many of those protests have turned violent, due not to the protesters, but to the response of the police themselves here to comment on that is one of our writers, amber ruffin with a segment called ambers minute of fury. Fool dang, Police Violence at these protests what are you doing your response to please stop unnecessarily hurting us is to go to a peaceful protest and unnecessarily hurt us . Your response to we think you are too violent is this outfit . You idiots stop killing black people is so easy its like, when they give you a point on the s. A. T. S for just writing your name. But its clear some police cant handle that. So, maybe theres an adult in the room who can go, okay now, no more killing black people and i mean it. And then everyone else can just be like, yeah, youre right. Is that possible oh, wait, wait, the president is going to talk soon hell save us i am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting. Damn, that that doesnt help at all this is crazy at least this is the only emergency facing our nation at the moment coronavirus . No one took care of coronavirus . Whose job was it no ones wow, this is the craziest april ive ever been a part of june okay, so, the officer arrested for killing george floyd, derek chauvin, had 18 previous complaints filed against him 18 how is he still policing if you stick your hand in the pudding at the Golden Corral once, you will never be allowed back in there. So i heard being a cop is easier than eating at the Golden Corral . Im just kidding ive never acted crazy in public or anything like that, because when black people do that, we run the risk of being murdered [ chime now, i know what youre thinking, not all cops are bad i heard some of them are kneeling with the protesters so, look, i dont like to get mad at people for trying i dont think thats very nice i can see how on the surface, Police Kneeling alongside the protesters is a nice gesture, but, um, how do i say this get up off the ground and help us train your Little Friends to do their job correctly make it illegal to kill us without cause and then, and this is where i think you can really help, enforce that law even if its your buddy who breaks it now, those are my suggestions, and theyre good ones. You know whats not a good suggestion instead of standing there and teaching a cop when theres an unarmed person thats coming at him with a knife or something, shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart damn it, joe you are not helping i am so sick of you already. Just keep your mouth shut until november and dont say anything racist if you have a problem figuring out whether youre for me or trump, then you aint black. Dang it, joe i swear to god, if you dont just shut up and let us vote for you. Now, the protests this week have been rough on the protesters, but you know who else theyve been rough on . Reporters. These people have been arrested. Theyve had rubber bullets shot at them. This one lady even got shot on the air. Weve got plenty of time here ah are you okay . Im getting shot im getting kate katie, are you okay rubber bullets rubber bullets and they were shot but, im like, dont you know why everyone is protesting because the police like to hurt people for no reason this is like going to a bake sale and being surprised when you see muffins. Mmmmmuffins at a bababake sale yeah, dummy now, i can remember years ago when everyone was talking about stop and frisk and i swear to god, i was like, its illegal for cops to do us like that . Im telling you, i had experienced it and seen it so many times, it never occurred to me, that that might not be allowed. So yeah, the police might hurt you without cause. Oh, my god i almost forgot. Okay, there was one reporter who got cuffed and taken away on air, and before you ask, of course he was, but then he was back to reporting after the commercial break do you know how much resilience that takes once there was a spider on my desk and i went home for the day. Oh, hold on, i just heard the president is going to talk hell save us. One law and order and that is what it is we have one beautiful law. That wasnt helpful at all damn meanwhile, in the middle of all this, these two idiots just [ bleep ] left us here cowardly spacemen. They got to leave the planet i cant even leave my house because of coronavirus and curfew but thats okay, because the president is on tv again, and i bet hes going to do something really helpful [ sirens ] why what are you doing you know what, i dont think hes gonna help us and we are in a dangerous spot, because this fool is amping up the rhetoric this is a real problem and for things to change, we need real leaders. Leaders who have the courage to take a stand for our safety. I wont traffic in fear and division i wont fan the flames of hate ill seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain ill do my job and i will take responsibility i wont blame others thank you, joe. Good job now, back in the basement until november this has been ambers minute of fury. Seth thank you, amber ruffin well be right back with amanda peet so im gonna hold on promoting you this quarter. Cool . Drop the taco. Get in the car. Does this sentra feel like a compromise to you . Wait, what. . The handling is good, right . No compromise there. Nope watch this. Umm. Bbrie. Brie brie rear automatic braking. So if this Nissan Sentra isnt gonna compromise, why should you . Youre right atta girl. The allnew Nissan Sentra. With more standard safety features than any other car in its class. With more standard safety features contactless delivery trright to your car,et. Designed for your day. Your moves. Your style. Your taste. 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Jake from state farm at 3 in the morning . Who is this . Its jake from state farm. What are you wearing, jake from state farm . Uh. Khakis. Hey, do they ever ask you what youre wearing . Uh. Yeah. Red sweater, button down shirt. Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. vo you start with americas verizmost awarded network, to build unlimited right. The one with unbeatable reliability 13 times in a row. This network is one less thing i have to worry about. vo then you give people more plans to mix and match so you only pay for what you need verizon unlimited plan is so reasonable, they can stay on for the rest of their lives. Awww. vo you include the best in entertainment and you offer it all starting at 35. Because everyone deserves the best. This is unlimited built right. Only on verizon. Seth you know our next guest from her work on shows such as brockmeyer, togetherness, and the romanoffs. She can be seen next in the Second Season of dirty john the Betty Broderick story, which airs tuesdays at 10 00 p. M. On usa. Lets take a look. Are you sleeping with her why would you even ask me that are you if this is where your head goes when you dont get your way, thats the real problem you should get some professional help for that. A lawyer would say you still havent answered the question. Seth heres my conversation with amanda peet amanda, it is so lovely to see you again. Thank you so much for being here thank you so much for having me seth it must be, i think its a strange time for all of us, it must be a little weird to be talking about a Television Show you made before any of this started happening. It is very weird and awkward, and maybe we should talk about other things seth yes but i will say that i know a lot of people that are running out of Great Television to watch, and so, i do think its important that you know that youre also providing a service. Thank you very much for saying that. Seth is it your sister is a doctor, and her husband as well, in philadelphia right now. Have you been you must be fairly impressed with what theyre pulling off. Yes i have been first i was very worried in the beginning when they were both you know, they both go through their service for certain weeks and then at home for certain weeks and at first i was very nervous, but then i always have to remember that they do really know exactly what theyre doing. My brotherinlaw is actually Infectious Diseases. Hes an Infectious Diseases doctor and pediatrician. So, hes really usually hes researching poop but now hes being yeah, microbiome research. But now hes being inundated with covid calls, especially from us. Seth thats you know things are bad when youre upset to be pulled away from your poop research yes seth maybe theres something actually exactly seth the last time you were on the show, we talked about the fact that your three children are not particularly impressed with your career as an actor and yet, you do want to take some time today to say that you have been incredibly impressed with their teachers through this incredible time were living in. Yeah. I mean, i feel like theres been a vacuum in terms of president ial leadership. And i guess i felt like from day one, when we were david and i were sort of discussing whether frankie, my 13yearold, was old enough to watch the full video of george floyd. And by the time we had made our decision and came to her and sat down, she was like, oh, yeah, i already watched it in my core class. And her teachers were taking were filling that vacuum and then my sister and i have been sending back and forth letters from heads of school that are very moving and inspiring. And in fact, my sister sent me a note from my nephews head of school who was requiring school wide homework for everyone to watch the trevor noah video. So, we watched that as a family. And its been incredibly comforting and inspiring and a huge relief. Seth yeah, it is very nice to know your children are in safe hands and we feel very lucky as well as parents through this time. And also in addressing it, you know, instead of sort of sidestepping it it seems like they you know, we were sort of we were so i think we were overly cautious. And they were like, you know, discuss, discuss, discuss. And i feel like one of the things in the trevor noah video, the the sort of the essay that he did was talking about how you know, it took george floyd, the george floyd video and the fact that hes actually murdered in broad daylight and it was filmed, and it was in public for us to start discussing systemic racism and i feel like both my kids schools and my nephew and nieces schools in philadelphia have just been theyre just going right into it. Right into the conversation. Seth yeah, a lot of friends of mine who have slightly older it was a really powerful, really moving video by trevor, that also, i think, spoke about the social cfeel like people have spoken about that eloquently so, i also yeah, i thought it was really important that he was saying that, you know, people in positions of privilege and power, including trump, cant dictate the terms of the protest. Thats, you know, antithetical to the idea of protests. Were actually protesting the status quo were trying to upend the current hierarchies in which were entrenched in which were entrenched. You can cut that out seth i do want to talk about this is season two of dirty john. It was based on a true story youre playing a real person, Betty Broderick. It does strike me as this must be must have been an exhausting character to play to some degree because of how emotionally taxing it is, knowing that it was a real story, knowing both what this woman did and what she went through that led her to that moment when you took it on, did you put a lot of thought into what you were about to embark on . Yeah. I mean, we knew that it was probably going to be a really intense schedule, and so we did have a little we had a family meeting to explain to the kids that i was going to be pretty much gone 13 hours a day for three months and so, yeah, david stepped in, and you know, he did all of the parentteacher conferences and soccer uniforms and soccer games. And any time there was any griping, i was like, dude, nine years of game of thrones. seth yes for anyone who doesnt know its your turn. Seth your husband was one of the cocreators of game of thrones, which i imagine like took up some time. I imagine being behind the camera for that show took up lets just say there were i did several parentteacher conferences on my own. So it was about time he took the lead seth yes well, im glad that he stepped up and did his part. He really did seth and its always so lovely to see you. Please give my love to david and your family. Thank you he sends his back to you seth and i hope to see you in person soon me too. Be well. Seth and to you. Well be right back with ramy youssef and Patrisse Cullors thats how a home and auto bundle is made. [ chuckles ] so, what are some Key Takeaways from this commercial . Did any of you hear the bundle your home and auto part . I like that, just not when it comes out of her mouth. Yeah, as a mother, i wouldnt want my kids to see that. Good mom. To see wait. Im sorry. What . Dont kids see enough violence as it is . Ive seen violence. Maybe we turn the word bundle into a character, like mr. Bundles. Top o the bundle to you. [ laughter ] bundle, bundle, bundle. My kids would love that. Yeah. Im an associate here at amazon. Step onto the blue line, sir. This device is giving us an Accurate Temperature check. Youre good to go. I have to take care of my coworkers. Thatow am. I have a son, and he said, one day im gonna be like you, im gonna help people. Youre good to go, maam. I hope so. This is my passion. If i can take of everyone who is sick out there, i would do it in a heartbeat. To kiddo curls. Ays. If i can take of everyone who is sick out there, to playgrounds reimagined. Were all finding new ways to soak up a little sun. But sunscreen is still a must. So grab the brand derms trust most for their families. Love, neutrogena®. 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Lather, rinse, refresh with dove men care body wash that washes away germs and moisturizes skin in with every shower seth our next guests are ramy youssef, the golden globewinning creator and star of ramy, currently in its Second Season on hulu, and Patrisse Cullors, political strategist, cofounder of black lives matter and founder of reform l. A. Jails. Here is our conversation seth ramy and patrisse, thank you so much for joining us today. Now, ramy, we had you booked to talk about the Second Season of your fantastic show, ramy on hulu, and with the time were living in, you asked if you could bring your friend, patrisse, who is a cofounder of the black lives matter movement. And i was just wondering how you two met in the first place patrisse and i met on a we were on a ship, right, patrisse . Yes we were on a ship, on a cruise ship seth like a boat yes [ laughter ] i was i was doing comedy on a cruise ship as, you know you know comedy. You know how comedy works. Seth sure. You know the places comedy can bring you. But we were part of a really cool thing called summit series. So we met we met there and then instantly just became fans of each others work and like you said, obviously, its a weird thing to promo a show while these things are going on, and it felt really exciting to bring patrisse on to talk about the amazing work shes been doing for so long seth obviously it is hard to promote anything in these times, but your show does deal with heavier issues than maybe most sitcoms would deal with. You actually have a an anti or i should say you have a racism episode about the fact that not just whites are racists in this season of your show. Yeah, its a theme that we definitely explore i think there is this dialogue that racism is like white people versus people of color and i think part of what were seeing right now is under the people of color umbrella, there are a lot of forms of antiblackness that go on you know, like white people are defiacism. Like, theyre doing it on like a professional, you know, like nba level. But i do think that there are other groups in there where youre like, oh, you guys are, youre playing some like euroleague racism, like you wish you could be in the nba. You know, and i really feel like calling that out in our own community. So, for me looking at it, of course, in my own communities, where the antiblackness is, but you know, as much as we can really look at that and examine ourselves, instead of making the argument really binary seth so, patrisse, you started black lives matter after the murder of Trayvon Martin and obviously, what were seeing, you know, this week and last week is violence is still happening against black people, young black people but do you feel positive about how much the movements grown in the years since that first started . Sure. I mean, you know, first i just want to send a lot of love and condolences to so many black people who lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement and vigilantes so much of our work is about not just black death but the fight for black life and right now were in a moment where the entire country, and i argue, the entire world, is trying to reevaluate its relationship to black people and how much were standing up for black people and how much were fighting for black people. And i think my hope lies in the very people who are on the streets, the people who i call essential workers for black life were not just protesters. Were working for black life were working to make sure that our children get to grow up in a society where theyre not murdered or gunned down in their own neighborhoods or in other peoples neighborhoods i have a lot of hope right now, even amidst the grief and the rage, i feel seth the protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful, but there is a media focus on looting. Obviously, that makes for very, you know, i dont want to say good television, but it feels like it ends up on television a lot. Absolutely. Seth and you were frustrated by the fact that oftentimes someone like yourself, someone who is supportive of the protests, has to answer for the looting. How can people speak about that great question. I think, and what im often describing to people is we are very obsessed with Property Damage Property Damage is seen as sort of like the pinnacle of destruction and violence and we rarely hear the media focus on Police Violence or police terror. For example, saturday, many of us were out protesting across the country, me included i was at a protest in los angeles, off of third and fairfax, and it was peaceful for two hours. And then the Police Showed up and it was no longer peaceful. The Police Tear Gassed folks they beat up people. And it was unprovoked. And so, theres this conversation that i think is an uneven conversation in the media about people who are looting versus the infrastructure and the structure of racism and the Police Officers who continue to cause havoc and chaos in our communities. Seth ramy, you have been at some of the protests visually, and you have some pictures we can share right now, because your billboard is up for the new show and lets be honest, you avoided what could have been a lot worse based on show billboards ive seen in the past yeah. I mean, its yeah, ive gotten a lot of photos from Close Friends and i went myself, too. And i was like, man, this is a really im so happy we didnt pick the picture of me smiling there was like a big talk with marketing. Like, no, you should be smiling on the billboard, you know it would look more inviting. And im so glad its just that look down, because it would be kind of sinister if i was smiling over everything thats happening right now. Seth yes but yeah, yeah. Seth that would have been the rare case where you it wouldnt have been marketings fault, because you just wouldnt have known how bad a look it would have been. I also want to talk about this idea which i think people believe to be radical, which is when you hear activists talk about the idea of defunding the police but it is a less radical idea than maybe people would jump to, because its not going from the Current Police budget to no police budget. Could you just speak to what that terminology means and why most people would probably agree with it . Sure. If anybody has time, they should look up their city budget. Its public. And what theyll come to realize across every major city, and i argue small cities as well, is that the majority of the budgets are made up of police, of Law Enforcement, as a Law Enforcement budget and what we start to realize so much in our communities that are divested from, that have little access to health care, educational opportunities, access to jobs and healthy food, is that our city governments are using our tax dollars to primarily pay for an economy of punishment over an economy of care and thats what so many black lives matter organizers and organizers that are allies of black lives matter are asking for is to allow for a reallocation of investment into some of the most marginalized and divestedfrom communities. Seth ramy, i know youve been doing comedy for a very long time. Do you ever feel like even when you talk about the issues, that youre helping i think really the most that i can do or a show like mine could do is emotionally prepare people to face the questions that they have i really dont think that comedy is supposed to give answers or that the work can give answers, but i think a lot of us have questions that were afraid to ask ourselves. And i always hope that the work can bring people closer to those questions and closer to facing the things that they need to but to me, the real change comes from people like patrisse, people who are out there, who are not only protesting, but theyre looking at legislation and theyre organizing and theyre really getting people together so, i think if we can on our end in making things help, emotionally prepare people, its a good part of the process, but its hardly the kind of change that, you know, someone who i admire so much, like patrisse, is doing and has been doing since she was 15 seth and so, how many years into into activism and organizing are you, patrisse its 21 years ive been doing it for 21 years. Seth how do people first react to you when you, i guess, you must have been a teenager, as ramy said, when you first started taking this on my friends thought i was strange, but thats not uncommon for me i was like not the i was always kind of the strange kid doing my own thing so, they would come with me to events, because you know, friend groups, and i would be like, all right. Then theyd be like, lets go do this thing id be like, well, lets go to this march, or lets go to this meeting about activism and the Transit System in los angeles. And we would be the youngest people in the meeting with like 50yearold 50yearold folks and folks my friends would be like, yo, this is not it this is not it, patrisse but i promise you when i started black lives matter seven years ago and we were first on the streets, one of my good friends who makes fun ofget it now. I get why youve been doing this for like so, yeah, ive always done this. My father, you know, one of my fathers would tell me that i grew up in the wrong generation. He was like, you were supposed to be born in the 60s or 70s, because clearly, you missed it this is not your time, but then we created it. We created a new movement, and im so grateful for that seth you know, obviously, you want i think we all want to be optimistic of what will come with this, but you know, i do think its important that our sadness, our anger, our frustration about what happened to george floyd remains. Ramy, could you just speak to what islam teaches about forgetting yeah, this is something that wehich is in islam about what is the humans biggest problem. And its not that were bad people, its that were forgetful, is that we forget and so, so much of our faith is about how do we remember god, how do we remember our higher selves, how do we stay connected to the principles that we know make us good and the ones that we know help us serve humankind and serve ourselves in ways that, you know, surpass the ego. And i think so much of this is challenging the ego of society, challenging the supply chains of how we get things, challenging the way we look at human life, and its almost like Something Like whats happening outside right now. Its not radical in the sense that no ones heard about this its just us being like, oh, man, we forgot, you know we forgot again. You know, we keep forgetting, and we really need to step into that and again, its why the work that patrisse has been doing is so important seth well, i want to thank you both for being here. Ramy, thank you so much for the introduction to patrisse i hope the next time i see both of you, its in person and please, do be safe out there. Thank you so much, seth thanks. Seth thank you to ramy youssef and Patrisse Cullors well be right back with music from tim mcgraw. At tmobile, you dont have to choose between a Great Network and the best prices. We give you both. Switch your family from at t or verizon to tmobile and you will save up to 50 off your Current Service and smart phones. 50 with three or more lines of essentials with unlimited talk, text and data. All on a network built with our best signals for coverage. And keep your current phones. Well pay them off up to 450 bucks each. Now get an Amazing Network for an amazing price. Only at tmobile. 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Got a call from a friend about a frien with some news no on ever wants to hear it hit me like a punc it took my breat he was just gettin into his best years yeah somethin like thatll shake you up wake you u so i stopped off at a texaco bought a slim jim an a coke i parked out by the water just to watch tha river flow grabbed my guita from the back seat wrote a song just for m and i sang it fo the blue sky and a couple live oak trees i thought of home grabbed my phone from my pocket and i called mama it rang a couple time and she picked u i can always hear he smile when i call i just called to tell you that i loved you i was missing yo and dad and home thats al i got to really thinking this morning about whats important so i stopped of at a texac bought a slim jim an a coke parked out by the water just to watch that river flow grabbed my guitar from the back sea wrote a song just for me and i sung it fo the blue sky and a couple live oak trees i thought of hom grabbed my phone from my pocke and i called mama and from now on i aint gonn wait so long to stop off at a texaco buy a slim jim and a coke park out by the water just to watch that river flo grab my guitar from the back seat write a song just for m sing it fo the blue sky and a couple live oak trees i think of home grab my phon from my pocket instead of sayin tomorrow im gonna and i called mam and i called mama hey, thanks seth. You guys take care seth tim mcgraw everyone i called mama is out now well be right back. Seth i want to thank my guests amanda peet, ramy youssef and Patrisse Cullors also, tim mcgraw thank you to fred armisen and the 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh. Stay safe. Wash your hands. We love you. Lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh ive got a lot to say about space travel. The Flight Attendant is just like, are you comfortable assisting people as they exit the spacecraft into the vast [ laughter ] adam pally and abby elliott are here your youngest son is named drake. Name a better jewish rapper lilly was that category . It was pretty much like drake or i was going to have a child named mike d [ laughter ] lilly well play a game about changing your story under pressure you know, i got a little dizzy and i was [ ding ] just woozy [ ding ] i got a little diarrhea. Lilly okay so explosive. [ ding ] so long. [ ding ] so democratic. [ laughter ] adam and abby, have you ever lied on a talk show

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