Bashir salahuddin and diallo riddle, musical guest randy newman and the legendary roots crew its the tonight show at home edition. And now heres jimmy jimmy welcome everybody to the tonight show. Thank you so much for watching what a show we have for you tonight. Oh, also, im going to debut my new zoom camera. I have a new zoom camera it doesnt quite work. Its a little wide angled and its weird but you got to you got to try you got to try new things and see what works and what doesnt work and all that i hope everyone is staying safe out there. I know its tempting to just enoughs enough, but, yeah, youre doing the right thing wear masks, wear gloves, stay home when you can, social distance, do everything you can. Lets get rid of this thing. What a show. Ill just run through it real quick. Martin short, funniest human of all time love him so much hes just on fire, hes just the greatest i love him, love him, love him so much. Also, speaking of funny, i met them as writers on late night, and now they are just ruling the world right now and hitting home runs, comedy home runs all over the place Bashir Salahuddin and diallo riddle, the creators of south side and also shermans showcase, which is having their black History Month spectacular, airing this friday man, they are so funny, its unbelievable the special is great quest is in it its awesome and to close out, honey, do you know who the musical guest is tonight . No, i do not. Jimmy well, well, well whos one of my favorites of all time that is that a trick question jimmy no, no, im sorry. But are whos mutually, who is one of the first few people we listened to . No, no, its endless, endless. Ready . Yes i was going through who hadnt been on jimmy i know, theres a lot of people. Yes jimmy randy newman stop it jimmy randy newman is tonight. Oh, this is a big one jimmy i love randy newman. Oh, my gosh jimmy and hes my guy. Yeah. Jimmy yeah, i just i dont know what a show. All right. Lets get to some news here. Here we go lets get right to it. Today started off with big news from the Supreme Court we have breaking news from the Supreme Court. It is a landmark decision for the lgbtq community. The justices ruling that it is illegal for workers to be dismissed from a job based on Sexual Orientation and gender identity jimmy oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh its 2020, i thought good news was illegal. Until this the only good news to come out of 2020 was baby nut. Yeah, its not the outcome the Trump Administration wanted. Experts say its the most damaging thing to happen to trump in the last eight hours. The space word for watch wearing a watch. People used to wear timepieces yep, the decision protects gay and transgender workers from discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately thanks to trumps handling of the pandemic, there is no workplace. The court decided employers cant fire workers based on their Sexual Orientation or gender identity. Theyll have to stick to the usual reason workers get fired not muting themselves on zoom. The final vote was 63 when he heard that, trump said, okay, what about the Electoral College . Yep, its a tough day for the Trump Administration were just one more will grace reboot away from this being the worst day of mike pences life. The 63 opinion was written by trumpappointed Justice Neil Gorsuch trump plans on punishing gorsuch by violently shaking his hand again [ applause ] jimmy whats he doing . Its like hes trying to start a lawn mower thats like you know who would do those handshakes . Kreskin would do that when he came on the show and i always thought that was part of the trick or something because i go, nice to see you, and you go and hed shake it really hard and you go, is this part of the did he just put something on my back, by distracting me . No, its just the way he shook hands. Hi, kreskin. Um well, everyone is talking about this everybody. Over the weekend, President Trump gave a commencement speech at west point but looks like he had some trouble leaving. Take a look. You see him walking very haltingly, one leg at a time it starts happening here down a ramp. Jimmy yeah, apparently trump was a little sensitive about the incident, because he then tweeted, the ramp that i descended was very long and steep, had no hand rail and most importantly it was very slippery final ten feet i ran down to level ground momentum yeah, thats about the only momentum trump has right now ten feet the last ten feet he ran oh, my gosh. You know, theres so much to say about the ramp video, and i just cant pick one joke so im going to tell as many jokes as i can in the time it took trump to walk down that ramp you ready . Lets go he was just doing an impression of his Approval Rating [ ding ] that was still faster than his response to the coronavirus. [ ding ] he first broke his he broke his first fitbit record of ten steps. [ ding ] he looked like skier doing pizza instead of french fries. [ ding ] thats audition tape for american ninja warrior. [ ding ] it would be faster if he sat at the top and did a butt scooch down [ buzzer oh all right. I got some in there. I had a couple more. Want to just tell ya mmhmm. Jimmy he still hasnt realized its not an escalator [ light laughter ] thats right trump said that the ramp had no hand rails and was very slippery he really came down hard on it i dont know if hes going to let it go. But check out this new attack ad he just released. Theres a new threat in our country. An enemy of the state like weve never seen before. The ramp we already know the ramp is taking jobs from hardworking american stairs. But who is the ramp really a known member of antifa a Foreign Agent . Paid for by americans against ramps. Jimmy yeah, its been a rough few months for trump but at least his family is sticking by his side President Trumps niece is coming out with a tellall book about her family and revealing she has been a key anonymous source for reporters looking into the president s finances. Jimmy yeah, okay, maybe not. Another trump tellall book. Its crazy that after all these tellall books, theres still more to tell trumps tellall books are starting to feel like a 3 00 a. M. Infomercial. But wait, theres more okay, so the Supreme Court ruled against him, theres viral video about him, and a a Family Member has turned on him. Im sure there couldnt possibly be any other bad news for trump, right the fda announced that it is ending the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine, and cloroquine, to treat coronavirus. Jimmy trump was like, this is ridiculous. Ive been taking it every day and i feel coconut, tricycle, waterfall. Trump reminded the fda that it only works [ laughter ] trump reminded the fda that it only works when you take it with a full glass of bleach. Yeah whos the scientist now . What and finally with everything going on in the world, people are sharing a lot of information on how to stay safe it can all get very confusing. So here to answer some questions is the president of american guidelines, mr. Nelson fleming jimmy mr nelson fleming, thank you so much for joining us great to be here, jimmy jimmy theres a lot of different information out there about being safe during this time can you help us sort it out . Sure thing. While protesting, it is recommended and or required that all people, with some exceptions, wear facial coverings over their nose and mouth. If youre an essential worker, you may or may not have to wear a face mask while also shielding your eyes. Gloves are not mandatory but certain areas may require you to wear them, depending on whether your eyes are shielded or only your face. And of course, it is important to remain six feet apart from other people, unless it isnt. But, staying 20 feet apart is ideal but six feet or not is also recommended jimmy okay, sorry, wait a minute so let me get this straight. Youre allowed to leave your home to go protest, but while protesting, you should wear a mask, maybe gloves, and try to keep your distance from other people well, that depends on what state youre in. In parts of california, masks are not required while exercising and technically protesting is marching which is a form of exercise you can check your apple watch to see if youre exercising, unless youre wearing gloves jimmy wait, wait, wait sorry, can you slow down a bit sure thing. If youre in arkansas and not eating, you must wear a mask but if youre in virginia and under ten, you dont have to if youre an essential worker, you may be required to wear a mask no matter where you are, unless youre under ten, in which case, you should not be an essential worker. Also, it doesnt only depend on what state youre in geographically, but what state youre in mentally are you in a state of thinking that justice is your priority . Or are you in a state of thinking health is your priority and is there really a difference jimmy im sorry, this all just seems so confusing. It does, doesnt it i understand that this is a lot of information, which is why i designed this chart. Its very simple first you must ask the question, am i going to a a protest . If yes, you move down here to this venn diagram. Then, all the states, mental, geographical, and matter, meaning solids, liquids and gasses, are color coded right down here. After that, you head to this line graph that measures the number of protesters with zone and if youre over 40, this chart doesnt apply to you youre going to want to look at this chart and start all over from the beginning so if thats confusing, we also have this, which is technically a chart that walks you through all of the other charts. And for that youre just gonna need 300 pieces of paper and a a hole punch and then of course, failing that, theres this jimmy what is that this shows an interdimensional relationship between the charts and the binder its pretty selfexplanatory now. Jimmy well, thank you for being on the show. And if youre protesting, be safe out there you be safe in there, jimmy jimmy that is our monologue, everybody we have a great show more tonight show. Martin short coming up now come on back come on back stay tuned where will you go first . Will it be familiar streets . Or perhaps unknown roads . 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Jimmy martin short is one of the funniest people on the planet and one of my comedy heroes i got to zoom with him today which is just fun to do anything with martin short so heres part one of my conversation with martin short jimmy there he is, martin short, everybody. [ applause ] hey, how are you . Jimmy thank you so much hello, james. Jimmy for being on my show you know i love you. Im honored jimmy thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you and by the way, i dont know what you have on your lens, but you look fantastic really, is it the bleach injections is the hydroxychloroquine . What are you doing you could be a third cuomo, really [ laughter ] really and even though were 2,400 miles apart, wow, that is pungent cologne. Ill tell you, thats thats strong english leather i think, or is it i dont know which one but its pleasing but i watch you every night. And youve been doing brilliant from home shows, really. But, you know, i will say that that you have a slide. Jimmy i do i have a slide in the house, yeah thats just thats very odd. Why is it that i feel that you sleep in a race car bed . Is that possible jimmy who is telling whos [ laughter ] whos telling . Who giving you my secrets or a birds nest, a birds nest where big birds fly in and you go, im just a little egg. Theres a youthful quality to you thats pleasing and at the same time, alarming. [ laughter ] jimmy i like to keep people on the edge of their seat. You know thats what i do marty, can i talk to you about whats going on right now with everything obviously, the pandemic, but then, you know, the protests and everything. How are you dealing with everything . You know, im like everyone, i just cant believe what im seeing, but im im also aware that this is a defining moment in history. And even though weve been on the precipice of great change in the past, when i think of like sandy hook and how we thought everything was going to change with gun laws and Nothing Happened even though president obama had every parent of those 20 children at the rose garden and Nothing Happened i think this is different. I feel wildly optimistic and i have a sense in my heart that this time it really looks like change might actually happen jimmy good so im im feeling very positive jimmy youve been youre in l. A. Right now, right i am. Jimmy did you start there, quarantine, or did you end up there . Where were you when no, no. Steve martin and i were on tour in the united kingdom. Jimmy really yeah. In march, President Trump got on and said, you know, everyone had to leave in 24 hours from europe and so we frantically, you know, got flights and got back we later you know, he left out that although if youre in ireland or the united kingdom, thats fine, or if youre an american citizen but we didnt he forgot that part. Jimmy how have are you been how have you been spending the time in quarantine just a lot of ive been watching television, old reruns by the way, when did you replace jay . Ive been so far behind. Ive been watching again old reruns i you know, i finally i saw the last episode of st. Elsewhere, totally surprised by that, very moved. And, you know, i started out this pandemic knowing nothing about the Property Brothers and now i know that jonathan is the spunky one the other thing ive been doing, which is hilarious, is ive been photocopying you know, every time theres a something horrible that happens in los angeles like a fire or something, im usually away. And one of my kids says, dad, were loading the car. Theres fires. What should we put in . And i was always say, i guess old photo albums. So while i was watching, you know, these old shows id never seen downton abbey. I watched six years of that or six seasons of that. I started i got a photocopy machine and ive been taking old pictures starting from 1913 on, transferring them to my computer, then i play with them i think, gee, grandma looks tired there. What if i got rid of her bags . So i do that and then i put it in a file and think, gee, grandma looks kinda hot. So im making people who died 50 years ago feel better about themselves jimmy this is a show right there. Id watch this show. What have you been watching what have you been watching . Jimmy i love any reality show ive been watching so much i watched below deck and survivor and any reality show im im just obsessed with it right now yeah, i dont i dont really watch any Reality Television show. But, you know, remember, im a a reader so its different [ laughter ] jimmy i see. I see. But ive tried to ive tried to keep busy exercise, i started jump roping really . Jimmy yeah i think im going to bring back the jump rope. I would like to see that. What are you wearing when you jump rope . Jimmy im completely naked wow that must be the first time you felt having a small penis as an advantage. [ laughter ] not going to hurt anybody. Jimmy yeah, yeah well, i didnt want to tell you but what do you think im using for the jump rope . Oh. Jimmy oh i miss hanging out with you though we did actually how great how wild was that zoom call that we were on for real . Oh, that was hilarious. That was tell them about the zoom call. Jimmy we well, we have a mutual friend and he said, lets get some friends together and so we can all just zoom and just kind of try, you know, get through the quarantine and just talk about our stories and blah, blah, blah and i go, okay. So we i didnt even know that you were you were on no one knows who was going to be on it, right . No, no, no. Jimmy so heres my version of the story because its bizarre. I did mine on an ipad so i could only see six squares on mine so mines like a brady bunch thats all i can see i cant see everybody thats on the call you had to hit gallery. Jimmy i didnt know that well, youre young. Youre young jimmy i think its different on an ipad or Something Like that. For an ipad, you have to swipe it or something. Anyways so i saw it was you i saw sandler, rock, spade, guy, and then, i forget who, and then you, but then everyone kept reacting to everyone. Everyone was going like, hey, leo. Hey, whats up man . And i go, leos here . I dont see anyone i couldnt it was insane Julia Roberts and danny were there. You know, beck it was the most eclectic famous zoom in the history of zooms maybe jimmy you remember the first time we met . I do, vividly we met in september of 1999. And it was at the 25th anniversary of snl. And they had a big, big, big show kind of like the 40th, but it was the 25th. But everyone was in black tie, and all humanity of celebrity was there. And i remember steve and chevy and i did a thing as the three amigos in our full amigos costume, and kind of bombed, i remember kind of bombed to the point that when i then took my seat back in the audience, Billy Crystal said, hey marty, when do you go on . [ laughter ] jimmy thats a good one. But i remember at the party afterwards, and again, it was a million people, and every time nancy, my wife and i looked over, you were kind of there like this. You were like 23 years or something started jimmy yeah and she said, should we invite that adorable puppy dog over . And i said, yeah. And you came over and you said, okay so, let me say this, you did a special called im martin short goes hollywood. if you say any line from it, i can say the next line because ive seen it over 150 times. Jimmy i mean, i wore i wore that tape out i would watch it every single day, at least 20 times a day its so brilliant. I was freaking out to meet you yeah. And and then after that, we became friends jimmy yeah right away, i was struck by you had such an actual authenticity about your enthusiasm toward people that you and it was very jimmy well, i love you do you mind sticking around for another segment . Is that okay you know, im kind of jammed but sure let me clear some let me clear out my schedule. Jimmy more with martin short when we come back, everybody. A pandemic brought the world to a halt. But thanks to you, were finding new ways forward. Your comfort and care push us to do even more. Your generosity reminds us what matters most. And your courage inspires us to find Better Solutions for tomorrow. On behalf of all novartis employees, thank you. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . 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And this show is kind of like steve at the urinal. It streams for 42 minutes. [ laughter ] jimmy marty, have you talked to steve at all during the pandemic well, i certainly talked to him on the phone i tried to zoom with him, but he tends to stand in front of a white wall, and he just blends in. So theres a sense of, you know, chatting with a ghost. Jimmy thats tough you know who is on our show tonight by the way, is randy newman ah, randy newman. Randy newman is a genius, and was the cowriter of three amigos. Jimmy yeah the three amigos script was written by steve martin, lorne michaels, and randy newman and randy, of course, wrote all the songs. Jimmy do you remember getting that script . Is that the first time you met steve . Yes um i being considered for three amigos, you know you know, everyone had, you know, carrot top had passed. Believe me, i wasnt the first choice but i remember going to id never met steve. And it was i had just finished a year at snl as cast member. And i had a oneyear contract, so thats i was now no longer doing the show. And it was may 1985. And i went to his house. His old house in bedford drive, in Beverly Hills and Beautiful House but when you went inside you couldnt believe what you were seeing i mean it was just because of the artwork you know, steve is a major art collector. Jimmy yeah and youd see a picasso there, and a hopper there. And i the first thing i said to steve was, how did you get this rich . Because ive seen your work. [ laughter ] and he said to me, can you try to get the script to martin short, please . [ laughter ] jimmy thats really good do you remember we were at steves house, we were doing a a bit . I forget i think he was coming on the show or something, so we did a bit where we pretended i got really wasted at the dinner, i got in a fight . Yeah. Yeah, and then it was one shot of you, like, with your shirt up, just screaming at people and were like this. And the last shot was you just passed out right on my lap [ laughter ] jimmy yes. Shirtless and passed out it was like, yeah, we had fun. I think the bit was like, yeah, we had fun time at dinner party. Fun time. I went to Steve Martins house, i couldnt believe it. Jimmy had many fun dinners and fun nights out do you remember going to orso . Did lorne leave . We went to yes, it was dinner with john alexander, lorne michaels, you and me and then lorne, i guess had to leave to go back to snl. Jimmy oh, yeah and we had the most hilarious night. And there might have been a cocktail and then at one point, you and i went downstairs, we were in the bathroom, and then were now in the hallway down below at orso. And were doing dueling Robin Williams jimmy thats right were doing oh, get down, man. Jimmy yes, we were both and we were so loud the maitre d leaned over and said he thought we were having a fist fight. [ laughter ] that was fun jimmy do you remember going out with Paul Mccartney and lorne . Oh, my god, yeah. And then we ended up in the polo lounge. Oh, yeah jimmy yeah, we sang a song with the piano we sang a song at the end paul, paul felt it was one of the great boys night out. Jimmy it was really good hes had some good boys nights out yeah jimmy do you remember whos ill never forget this the best bit ive ever seen. We were at ah, ill say an italian restaurant, really delicious. Im going to forget name of the restaurant now with paul, you mean jimmy yeah isnt it medeos . Jimmy medeos, thats exactly right. So we were at medeos. And so, were kind of in the corner, and we got paul up in through, like, a different entrance he came out through an elevator underneath so no one saw him and so hes kind of sitting there with lorne in the booth. And its Paul Mccartney. And im there, and i think lee eastman was there too, having dinner with us. And so were just being cool and you come into the restaurant its the best move ive ever seen and you come in and you go, paul, paul . Do you see me . Paul lorne . Lorne Paul Mccartney over here ah, guys, hi. And you were banging the table pretending i couldnt see you. [ light laughter ] jimmy its a small restaurant its the funniest bit. Jimmy lorne . Paul [ laughter ] jimmy its like ten tables, you can see ten tables, i know. Jimmy it was so well done, man. Martin short, i love you buddy im gonna i cant wait to see you. Be safe. Well be right back with the creators of shermans showcase, Bashir Salahuddin and diallo riddle. Come on back polo marco. lo marco. polo marco. polo si . Marco. polo scusa . Marco. polo ma io sono marco polo, ma playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui whats not surprising . Geico helping you save even more on car and motorcycle insurance. Ahhh. Polo. 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They came up with some of our favorite bits, your favorite bits, like slow jam the news, history of rap. We miss them so much, but they are crushing it, man this is this thing, wait till you see this. So theyre doing shermans showcase black History Month spectacular. Its going to air this friday, 10 00 p. M. Amc heres my catchup with Bashir Salahuddin and diallo riddle. Jimmy bashir and diallo im so happy to have you on the show thank you so much for coming on it means a lot to me i appreciate it. You look good, guys. Thank you jimmy hey, bashir . Yes jimmy you have a baby. I have a i have a little boy. Ali michel, he is jimmy what hes six months there he is. Jimmy oh, my goodness. Dude, im so happy to be part of the dad crew let me tell you. My actually, my motherinlaw was here and we just had like a little prefathers day brunch in my backyard so that was awesome. Jimmy ahh. It was good to have to have my first jimmy you first fathers day. First fathers day brunch yeah it was cool. I felt so weird sitting there not doing anything i was like, i feel like i should do something. But they were like, no sit down yeah, yeah, its all right jimmy were growing up man hey, with everything thats happening right now, how are you guys dealing with being funny and writing jokes . Its kind of challenging you know, bashir and i talk about that a lot because i think that in some weird way, what we do hasnt changed. Like weve always written what we thought was funny and, you know, sort of spoke to what we think is the truth and so that hasnt really changed. Like the things that the world is struggling with right now, the pandemic is is its own beast, but as far as like the protests and the demonstrations, like, none of those things are new and so weve been talking about them for a long time so when people see the special, weve had a lot of people say, oh how could you have ever predicted this and how could have predicted that . Theyve been on our radar for years and for most of our lives. So if anything the world is opening up to a perspective weve had for a while. Yeah, and you know obviously like a lot of i listen to my wife and i listen to my friends and family and i take everything that they say very seriously. And i really do i feel blessed that we are gifted enough to make people laugh when we do our work and i feel its really nice to be able to gift that to people because even if people are going through whatever theyre going through, i think people do need those breaks and those respites and so for us it feels like, great, this is a perfect time to take what god gave us and continue to use this and this is actually more of a a time to use it because you never know whose you know, whose sunshine whose day youre giving a little sunshine to and i think thats a wonderful, wonderful thing to be able to do so im really i feel very, very happy that im able to do the work we do, making people feel good. I think thats very important. I was gonna say, john legend is one of the executive producers of shermans showcase. Thats right. And he always says that if you have a gift, its your obligation to share it, because it might be the thing to get somebody through some hard times. And i think, in general, like, you know, our culture is that we would, you know, come up with some amazing songs to get us through hard times. We come up with, you know, some levity and some moments of laughter to sort of recharge our battery. Because theres a lot of work thats got to get done so thats just a really fancy way of saying that like, we still want to laugh. We still want to love and love each other, and thats really how we continue to work even when the news is relentless, thats how you got to work. And by the way, we kind of learned it from you and working at fallon. Because at fallon, you know, there were days when we would come in and the news was absolutely horrible. Yeah. Even back then. And you just were like, what are we gonna do the show for . But we know that the shows got to go on, because people are turning to the show to bring some light in their lives. Jimmy speaking of good music, i received this in the mail and i flipped out [ laughter ] yeah. Jimmy flipped out. You guys know how to do it yeah. Jimmy you guys, this is so sweet. [ laughter ] look at you. This is unbelievable, dude its so great. Talk to me about the shermans showcase black History Month spectacular. Yes jimmy it will air this friday at 10 00 p. M. On amc whats the story about the black History Month spectacular . Well, i think, you know, we always knew we wanted to do a black History Month episode. And at the time, were preparing it for february. And then the network said, we dont have space on the schedule, how about in june . And then we were like, its called black History Month spectacular. You cant put it in june, its supposed to be in february. And then, we thought about it. And we were like, actually, thats kind of funny so why dont we call it the black History Month spectacular, dot, dot, dot in june. Like we thought thatd be so funny. Then everything happened with everything in the world, and we were like, wow, we kind of need it now in june more than we might have needed it in february so were actually its weird how it worked out that way jimmy does your nephew you say your nephew is that who does the animation my nephew, seng his name is seng riddle, seng with an e and he does all the animation. Oh, he did. He did. Jimmy he knocked it out of the park, its great its a home run. We wanted to do what a Charlie Brown christmas was for christmas, we wanted to do for black history. And we were like, who better to be the peanuts gang than the roots . Thats right. Jimmy its so perfect, i want to show a clip. Heres a clip of shermans showcase black History Month spectacular. Historian who everyone will know better once hes played by chadwick boseman, declared the second week in february to be negro history week in correspondance with birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and the abolitionist fredrick douglass. It was a time to celebrate our heritage and save on mattresses over time, the week became a a month, and was officially recognized in 1976 by president gerald ford. Damn, who knew president ford did anything i feel like i should do something to honor black History Month, like get a tree we got plenty of trees. Jimmy this show is everything that you guys have been doing all into one hour special. This is like the best of, but its all brand new stuff you guys, congrats on this stuff. This is one of the best things thats coming out. Its out this friday want everyone to check it out. Thank you jimmy at amc, 10 00 p. M. Id like to talk to you guys a a little bit more, can you stick around sounds good absolutely. Jimmy thanks guys. More with bashir and i was going to say bashir and diallo theyre a comedy team. But i know them. But anyways, Bashir Salahuddin and diallo riddle when we come back we stick together, for worse or for better yeah through any kind of weather, yo youre my friend in need. come on, come on we stick together, we make the sunshine brighter, we make it all feel better, youre my, youre my, woo, yeah youre my family. yo youre my family. bbut its even nicer knowing atthat if this happens. Ice it is to save on your auto policy. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. So, get a quote today. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum tmobile and sprint to power your business. Were building a 5g network that will deliver unprecedented reach and reliability, and the highest capacity in history. With more coverage and more bandwidth to keep your employees connected, you will get the largest and most Reliable Network at an unbeatable price. Tmobile for business. Why are we doing this . 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You know, its always cool when somebody shows up and they just wanna they got the joke immediately and they just want to have fun. Yeah. So that was oh, my god. Mario van peebles comes through thats right. And does something that i honestly, if you have ever seen the movie new jack city, you do not want to miss Mario Van Peeples on the black History Month spectacular. Yeah. Its kind of amazing. Jimmy sonny spoon thats right. Thats right jimmy remember that . Yeah, i remember that jimmy shermans showcase black History Month spectacular, this friday, 10 00 p. M. On amc. I cant wait for everyone to see it uh, sorry. Guys, you you look different. Oh, different i mean, you noticed . Oh, yeah. You noticed that . Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, this is we just decided to wear some kente cloth. Little kente. Jimmy looks good looks good yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much you know, like everything else, kente cloth comes from africa west africa, specifically. Everything comes from africa thats right you know and a lot of people dont know this, but at graduation time, whether it be high school, middle school, college, grad school, a lot of black kids black American Kids will actually wear kente stoles over their graduation robes. Yes, kente cloth is the is at the center of a uniquely africanamerican tradition thats right. Grew up with it. Thats right and, you know, we love it. We love kente so much. We think its really a good part of any look you can have. In fact, for the spectacular, we made a music video about it called add some kente. And is it cool if we show you a little sneak peek right now, jimmy . Jimmy absolutely all right jimmy here is add some kente from the shermans showcase black History Month spectacular. Add some kent to your tins add some kente to your rims add some kent to your jean add some kente to the marines add some kent to your lambos add some kente to rambo jimmy that is awesome. I cant believe i cant believe you did that, like, months ago but diallo, i saw you in there, man. Yeah, in the gas mask jimmy in the gas mask. That was a total coincidence. We shot that in january. Thats right. And bashir my singer in the video, that is thats your sister zuri thats true thats right not only is that my sister but i actually have her actual kente stole from siu, baby lets go salukis jimmy whoa salukis jimmy wow, that is a a keepsake right there yeah, yeah. Yep. And i saw her graduate and i had two thoughts i said, number one, how beautiful. Number two, i see a Business Opportunity here. Us kente cloth wholesale i got a kente guy you know, were going to make quick buck every year, millions of kids graduate i saw dollar signs i was like, this is going to work out. Jimmy yeah unfortunately, though, not really this year no, no, not at all. Yeah, weve got tons of overstock, jimmy never know when youre going to be in a Market Correction here we are. Jimmy here we are. Guys, shermans showcase black History Month spectacular airs on amc 10 00 p. M. , june 19th. My thanks to Bashir Salahuddin and diallo riddle. More tonight show when we come back. I love you dudes thank you so much thanks, jimmy jimmy my thanks to bashir and diallo i love those guys. Im so i just love them so much more tonight show when we come back. The one and only randy newman. If there was one immediate commitment we made at wynn when we closed in march, it was keeping all 15,000 teammembers on board with full pay and free testing for all. We then focused our fivestar level of service to all who needed it in our communities and in our homes, we were there. With food and supplies and with love. We made improvements to peoples lives. We strove to be better. And we made people happy. Like we always do. This closure may have temporarily taken us out of wynn and encore. But it couldnt take the wynn and encore out of us. And now. We are proud to welcome you back. 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President have pity o the working man maybe youre cheatin maybe youre lyin maybe you have lost your mind maybe you onl think about yourself too late to ru too late to hide now the time has come for u to say goodbye no mr. President have pity o the working man thank you jimmy thank you so much for watching, everybody. Please, wash your hands. Dont touch your face. [ bells ringing stay safe. Oh, thank you, frannie jingle bell jingle bells jingle all the way jimmy and have a great week [ bells ringing not time for jingle bells. Its not time for jingle bells [ laughter ] anyways, enjoy what a great, fun week we have ahead of us [ screams bye bye [ laughter ] announcer tonight, on late night with seth meyers, pe davidson, star of perry mason, actor matthew rhys, an all new closer look, featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. And now, Seth Meyers Seth hey, Everyone Welcome back to the attic. We had our onethousandth show last week, and lets just say after we taped, we raged

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