To show you how deep that is, if and there were so many people in Mount Everest was submerged soledad im soledad obrien. That shelter, i didnt feel safe there, its peak would still be welcome to matter of fact. And i had to go out. So i packed my bags and went more than a mile under water. Protests against police while at the bottom of the out. Soledad seattle and king county ocean, sullivan placed a call to brutality have now turned into estimate they have between the astronauts aboard the protests against policing in america. International space station. With activists calling for major 10000 and 12,000 Homeless People an extremely cool way of connecting both of her like najera. Historymaking moments. Reforms, to defunding and even the homeless in shelters abolishing Police Departments. So a big congrats to kathy suddenly stood in the path of a sullivan. Deadly pandemic. Ive always been worried where do you think shes going Marilyn Mosby is the states next . Attorney for Baltimore City. About the homeless populations e thats it for this edition of back in 2015, she prosecuted six matter of fact. Officers for the death of freddie gray. Living so close together. We know that thats almost a we will see you back here next perfect storm. Gray died after he was handcuffed and shackled in a soledad a storm that had been week. [captioning performed by the police van without proper safety brewing for years. Restraints. None of the officers were king county was already dealing national captioning institute, convicted. Which is responsible for its with another crisis. Caption content and accuracy. A lack of affordable housing. Visit ncicap. Org] well get to ms. Mosby in a it is a bit of a paradox because, you know, as people moment. We begin with scott thomson, the have had more opportunity and in former police chief of camden, new jersey. General, wealth has increased. Folks have been squeezed out of after scores of Excessive Force housing. Complaints there, and a murder there is a lack of housing. Rate 18 times the national the housing that exists becomes more and more expensive. Average, the mayor and city council dissolved the camden soledad this new crisis forced Police Department and rebuilt a them to scramble t get the homeless to safety. They started searching for countywide force. Chief scott thomson, thank you housing to isolate the sick and installed hygiene stations so the homeless could keep clean. For talking with me. You were the police chief during we will want to identify the reforms, camden undertook a complete overhaul of their department. Anybody who may have been in everybody was fired. Including you. Close contact with another describe for me what that resident, shelter client, staff, overhaul looked like. Scott i had been a police or volunteers. Soledad they sent teams out to officer for 20 years. Test for covid 19 inside i had been a police chief for homeless shelters. 204 staff and residents tested five, but i was a new employee. Positive. What that really provided the king county moved about 500 people out of the shelters and into hotels, some into isolation until they recover. Opportunity for was the ability its really scary because you to build culture versus the feel like you cant breathe and you dont know if its your last challenge of changing culture. And a lot of it was because we no longer had to deal with day or not. Mrs. Walker. Overly restrictive existing work soledad overnight, new housing Michael Vasquez come over here. Rules from the other winter. At least tiny housing. Organization. Usually a village like this ive heard such good things about you, your company. We had a union at the time tha well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Would take three or four months. But because of covid 19, we have staff and volunteers and without this place. They were guardians of the contractors that are helping set this is for you. Status quo. Michael, you didnt have to. And conversely, when we went and, were going to need some help with the rest. Us up in three weeks. Into the new organization, they shame, shame, shame. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Still organized. Perhaps its time to partner with someone they became union. Soledad then in late may as the same union. Who knows you and your business well enough just different leadership. Number of infections was to understand what your wealth is really for. Soledad was it a very difficult slowing, the police broke up maneuver to move people in some homeless encampments, which thinking about how they would do forced the inhabitants into their job differently or move crowded indoor shelters where the community from how they should look at policing differently . Covid19 spreads more easily. Scott what we focused on with my concern is they are spending so much money from Covid Response money from feds identity, what we were looking for were the traits of an or fema and theyre putting people in hotels or putting identity of reflecting more with people into public spaces like seattle center. A member of the peace corps than being a special forces operator i think the thought is that the for united states. We were not going to go in and absolute moment the crisis is militarize neighborhoods. We were going to work with people. Soledad when you hear about the over, all the Homeless People defund the police movement, what are going to be back on the does that mean to you . Street. Soledad for now, thanks to the hello and welcome to asian scott if the conversation covid19 response, lola najera pacific america. Is doing better. Im robert handa, your host for she has a tiny home to call her own. Starts there, i dont know how to even say those words, this our virtual show on nbc bay area and kozitv. Crucial issues on race, first forward. You have to have police. With john osaki, the executive there has to be some form of director of the Japanese Commission youth council. The really bad people that do coming up, why one tech well talk about their connection to black lives company wont sell facial matter. Then joining us is regina really bad things. Recognition technology to police. Jackson, the chair of the what i have learned is that in your most challenged soledad now to a weekly feature out there . Oakland police commission. Then we highlight one of our communities, the people in winners in the growing up asian there, they want police. In america contest, essay winner they need police. They just want them to behave differently. Soledad what would you say to aria Police Officers who would say were the ones being vilified, were the ones being wronged . Nissan is ready to help you with a bold, scott look, i think that my awardwinning lineup. Biggest fear is that policing as kick off summer. With no payments for 3 months. Plus, well cover your payments an institution and its leadership will circle the for up to 2 more months. Wagons and well cross our arms, well become defensive. Or get 0 financing on 13 models for up to 84 months. Look, at the end of the day, shopathome at nissan usa dot com. Youve got to be empathetic with what the world saw on that video and understand that there is going to be an emotional reaction to that. The people have the right to state these things whether we like to hear it or not. And the worst thing we can do in this moment is to close our ears and just ignore whats being said. And if if we refuse to have any topic of negotiation or conversation with the community in this, you know that thats just not going to end well. Soledad Scott Thompson is a former police chief in camden, new jersey. Nice to talk to you, sir. Marilyn mosby is Baltimore City state attorney. Its so nice to have you with us. We mentioned in your introduction the freddie gray case. What differences and what similarities do you see between that case and also whats unfolding in minneapolis right now . Marilyn the difference, i think, between then and now is that you have a level of the veil of ignorance has been lifted from americans when it comes to the engagement with police and black people in this country. And so i think that imnghe civo expose, you know, the the racial intolerance. And so im encouraged. Soledad how do you see getting to Police Reform and then eventually into criminal Justice Reform . Marilyn it starts with we like to call were paying attention even if youre too busy. Accountability. Ibm is getting out of the facial recognition business. That is first and foremost. We have tangible reforms that are in place where officers are and says now is the time for a National Dialogue on law now mandated to seatbelt all prisoners. Officers are mandated to call a enforcement agencies use of medic when requesting. This technology. In 2018 we introduced you to there is an affirmative m. I. T. Researcher joy obligation for fellow officers to intervene when their fellow buolamwini. Her work revealed the extent tol officers cross the line. There are use of force and deescalation policies in the city of baltimore that emphasize the sanctity of life. Recognition systems, including ibms, were biased. However, there are systems in place that prevent police even though it is artificial intelligence, some systems could accountability. So inside of the courtroom, first and foremost, you should only detect her face if she was wearing a white mask. Have independence when investigating police joy overall, the systems work accountability and misconduct cases. No profession should be responsible for investigating better on male faces, lighter your own. Soledad what do you think has faces, and they worked to happen to make criminal justice more fair . Marilyn we really need to especially poor on darker female faces. Soledad did you go back to the Tech Companies and say you have a problem . Reimagine not only policing in this country, but also reimagine joy so ibm got back to me within 24 hours and said we acknowledge this is important what Public Safety really means. Were going to look into it. Soledad now an about face. Which is one of the reasons why, the company said it opposes the use of such technology for mass in the city of baltimore, ive surveillance and racial profiling. Come out and we dont prosecute and it will no longer research, marijuana possession. We dont prosecute prostitution and drug possession because its develop, market, or sell facial those types of engagements that can lead to the death of black recognition products. People in america. Now amazon says it wont sell to soledad how do you convince people of the big picture, which police for at least a year and is a much more nuanced and microsoft says it wont until complicated picture than just federal law regulates this kind saying law and order lock people of technology. Up . When we return, s marilyn thats what weve been doing for the past 40 years, is law and order lock people up history in space, but soledad now another historictsr tough on crime approach. And we see that it has not beene when it comes to parenting, youre a pro. You know your kid doesnt step around puddles. Is exacerbate the distrust among communities of col a and you know cheap leaky diapers are an amateur move. Enforcement. Since the time that we were brought here as slaves through you need luvs prolevel protection. The enforcement of slave codes luvs. Parent like a pro. To the inception of the abolishment of slavery through jim crow, through the civil thanks for sharing your savage moves, rights movement, through the war on drugs, the Police Department and especially your awkward ones. Have always been the enforcers thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Of a system that has been racially charged and has allowed now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. Ultimately poor black people to a 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies be dehumanized in this country. For both current and new customers. Thats what has to change. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. Soledad Marilyn Mosby is the state attorney for Baltimore City. Its nice to have you. So thanks again. Thank you for talking with me. One good share deserves another. Marilyn thank you for having me. Next on matter of fact. Coming face to face with a so thanks again. Controversial technology. Plus, this mother is seeking in pampers cruisers 360 fit with its ultrastretchy waistband and adaptive 360 fit more than salvation in a pampers cruisers 360 fit maryland church. Shes fighting deportation. Soledad across our country many when it comes to parenting, youre a pro. You know your kid doesnt step around puddles. And you know cheap leaky diapers are an amateur move. You need luvs prolevel protection. Luvs. Parent like a pro. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Somtimes we all need help. For spending a perfectly reasonable amount and sometimes the person who helps us of time on the couch with tacos from grubhub . Isnt wearing a badge or a helmet. Grubhubs gonna reward you for that with a 5 off perk. They wear a headset. doorbell rings [crowd] grubhub fireworks exploding whethey fell in love with itsng gaiirresistible scent. Looks like their dog michelangelo did too. New gain ultra flings with two times oxi boost and febreze. For spending a perfectly reasonable amount of time on the couch with tacos from grubhub . Grubhubs gonna reward you for that with a 5 off perk. doorbell rings [crowd] grubhub fireworks exploding communities have begun to re open. Weve started to see fresh haircuts. Diners in outdoor cafes, and more people moving freely in the streets. Our special contributor joie chen met a mother who understands shelter in place better than most of us ever will. Joie the words of the song tell her story. I thought i would be alone and that everything would end, that it would be my end. It was desperation that drove Rosa Gutierrez lopez to this refuge, a suburban maryland church. While most of us learned the meaning of isolation this spring, shed long been counting the days. I have already been here for 511 days, since december 10, 2018. Joie thats when immigration ordered her to fly back to el salvador. Despite her pleas for asylum. Like many latinx migrants living in the u. S. Without documentation, Gutierrez Lopez claims years of bureaucratic mixups and misunderstood directions kept her in the shadows. She says she tried to cooperate, going to immigration to make her own case, and coming home with a monitor on her ankle. My kids were saying, but you arent a criminal, why are they putting that on you . I started crying and my youngest son wanted to get it off of me. But if i get it off, ice can charge me with a felony. Joie Gutierrez Lopez three children are u. S. Born, the youngest with special needs. The single mom fears his health would suffer in el salvador and all may become targets of machetewielding gangs she says killed three other family members. Joie you believe if she returned to salvador her life could be in danger, and her familys life . Yes, yes in serious danger. Joie Abhi Janamanchi leads cedar lane unitarian universalist, the church that took Gutierrez Lopez in. Its one of nearly 200 congregations that offered to shelter deportees following a 2011 memo that identified churches and synagogues as safe havens from immigration enforcement. Joie should a house of worship really be using a loophole like this . I dont see it as we are somehow exploiting a loophole as much as we are responding to a higher calling. Joie rosa prayed. While her attorney petitioned for a stay. But for months, ice maintained she was an immigration fugitive, subject to deportation at any time. You dont think you are helping her evade justice . To the contrary, we feel are providing an opportunity to seek justice through due process. Joie nearly 50 migrants now living faithbased sanctuaries, some for more than three years. And unlike Gutierrez Lopez, most arent able to live with their children. The people here are angels. Not people. They are like angels surrounding me because they allowed me to stay with my kids. Joie but like any mother whos had to keep her kids inside for too long, Gutierrez Lopez kept praying for a future, in freedom. For matteroffact, im joie chen in bethesda, maryland. Soledad rosa was finally able to leave the church a few days ago. After 19 months, immigration granted her a 60day stay of removal. During that time she wont be deported but will have to check in monthly with ice, while shes waiting to appeal her case. When we come back, a deep dive into the extraordinary world of astronaut kathy sullivan, but first, how the Nations Health crisis forced seattle to tackle its homeless crisis. This is my home. I have a home

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