Washington yesterday, which means that, for the first time in his life, mitt romney tasted pepper im more of a salt guy. Alternatively, no seasoning at all. Thats right, mitt romney marched in a black lives matter protest yesterday. And wow, he is easy to spot, isnt he its like he is in a Childrens Book called theres waldo. Now you have your answer if you were wondering who kept chanting on the downbeat, black lives matter black lives matter. Former secretary of state colin powell announced he will vote for former Vice President joe biden instead of President Trump, and said that trump has, quote, drifted away from the constitution. Drifted away i mean, he was never anywhere near it. Its like saying the jets drifted away from the 2020 super bowl though, who knows . Maybe when the nfl comes back every time you fumble, you get ten points the rules might change, in which case, theyre closer than i think. While in maine on friday to meet with fishing industry leaders, President Trump criticized the states governor for putting in place restrictions to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and said she is, quote, like a dictator. Buddy, you cant call someone else a dictator when you are being a dictator its like criticizing someone for being a stoner when youre placing an order for your second pizza of the night into a banana President Trump on friday reversed an obamaera executive order that created a marine sanctuary off the coast of new england and opened the area up to commercial fishing wow, trump is literally undoing everything obama did at this rate i wouldnt be surprised if he visits chicago and tries to get obamas marriage annulled. Did you know barack and michelle are living in sin yeah, lets just say i did a Little Something they dont know but theyre living in sin. Youtube held a virtual commencement for college and High School Speakers yesterday, which featured 70 celebrities including beyonce, tom brady and former president obama or, according to students, beyonce, someone else, and someone else after Wichita State university canceled her commencement address over the weekend, white house advisor and President Trumps daughter ivanka trump released a video of her speech god, imagine the honor and confidence needed to deliver a graduation speech to a graduation you werent invited to its like when the drunkest guest at a wedding steps up to the mic and everyone is like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No one asked her to speak. She doesnt even know the bride and groom. Yeah, yeah, no, shes someones plus one garys plus one. Yeah, gary sure can pick them. Thanks for nothing, gary. The department of agriculture announced last week that a dog in new york had tested positive for the coronavirus. Oh, thats too bad, said the cat who coughed on him today is jellyfilled doughnut day, so head on down to your nearest doughnut shop and get in line outside the store, stay six feet away from other customers while you wait, nervously slip your debit card through the open window, grab the paper bag thats held out to you in a gloved hand, walk home on side streets to avoid crowd, go home, wash your hands, take off your mask, put your clothes in the wash, take a shower, and then sit back and enjoy your jellyfilled doughnut. Because everything is fine, you guys its a normal jellyfilled doughnut day and finally, today is the 71st anniversary of the publishing of George Orwells novel 1984. Look for it in your bookstores told you so aisle. You guys, that was the monologue. And i think for a monday i dont know that was pretty good we got a great show for you tonight. You know him from Brooklyn Ninenine and he is also the host of americas got talent. Terry crews is my guest. And if youve watched nailed it on netflix, you know how funny she is. Nicole byer will be here shes got a new book and im very excited, as always, to talk to nicole. We will be right back with a closer look. vo love. Its what weve always said makes subaru, subaru. And right now, love is more important than ever. In response to covid19, subaru and our retailers are donating fifty million meals to feeding america, to help feed those who now need our help. Its all part of our commitment to our communities through subaru loves to help. Love, its what makes subaru, subaru. Boost mobile has a new upgraded network eeeeyyoooooouuuu get ready for a stronger signal, faster speeds and more coverage. So you can do more of this. A little bit of that. And a lot of whatever this is. Boost mobile has changed the game get a new upgraded network and get ready to change yo life step up with boost mobiles new upgraded Network Stronger signal. Faster speeds. More coverage. 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There are secret police with no name badges or insignia lined up in the Nations Capital like extras from a [ bleep ] Steven Seagal movie. Not one of the high enders one of the a highly infectious virus which has killed over 110,000 americans, hasnt gone anywhere. I mean, were learning more about covid19 every day, but i doubt well ever find out its prone to politely excuse itself. Hey, we didnt realize the extent of had whole racism thing you have going on, so were just going to were just going to go. Unemployment is at its highest level since the Great Depression if this was the first chapter of a ya novel the teen protagonist would say screw it and move to canada and through it all, the president is a recluse cowering in a bunker behind a eightfoot tall fence like j. D. Scalinger next time he appears in public hes going to have teninch fingernails and a unabomber beard. Of course, his beard would probably look like this. Yeah, its a hair joke sue me just think of it as a way of river. This is a moment of national anguish, heartache, and suffering unlike any weve seen in recent memory or, as the president put it on friday today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in American History but you its not going to stop here. Its going to keep going seth jesus i havent heard anything that tone deaf since Rob Gronkowski appeared on the masked singer. I mean, im still im still pretty impressed they found a mascot head big enough to fit over his actual head i always assumed Rob Gronkowski was a masked singer costume with a singer inside him, that one of the greatest tight ends of all time was actually Patti Labelle in a gronkowski suit but this isnt a comeback yet. Its not a comeback at all when the knicks are losing by 30 and hit a threepointer at the buzzer to lose by 27, the d. J. Doesnt play yall ready for this . There is no question the may jobs was good, and better than expected and also, a little misleading. I mean, a lot of the jobs that were supposedly created are jobs that were lost to the pandemic being recreated its like bragging that you lost three pounds right after you gained 45 pounds but to suggest that we are not mired in an unprecedented calamity is just deranged. Nearly 40 of households with income of less than 40,000 have reported job losses. Meanwhile, u. S. Billionaires have become 565 billion richer since march 18th thats right billionaires actually got richer during the pandemic, while the poorest households lost jobs we are living in a dystopian film written and directed by Bernie Sanders see it, dont see it, who cares . But one thing we all agree on, 6 for popcorn is insane. I miss him being around because i think it became a passable a passable impression. But of course, trump is celebrating because things really have been just fine for his wealthy patrons and the corporate husks he chums around with at the maralago omelete bar, which, knowing trump, is probably byo eggs. We provide the peppers. The pepper, we just have the one pepper, but dont worry. Its a good pepper, its like a red or a green its a yellow. We have one Yellow Pepper for everyone at the omelet station to share. And while millions of americans have been in the streets protesting systemic racism and Police Brutality only to be met with more brutality from the police in a pandemic that has killed 110,000 americans and unemployment is at the highest point since the Great Depression, trump is still bragging about the stock market. Our stock market is almost its just short of an alltime high ive had 144 alltime high stock markets during a three and a half year period nobodys ever come close so that and were going to do it again but its going to be Even Stronger than last time. When i would say that to you two, three months ago, i could see whats happen i have a good ive always done well with numbers seth no, you havent always done well with numbers i mean, just ask these two zeros. No one who is actually good with numbers ever has to say ive always done well with numbers. If your doctor took your Blood Pressure and then said, ive always done well with numbers, you might want to get a second opinion. Yeah, my last doctor said my Blood Pressure was negative 52 degrees celsius. Is that is that bad . But the more shocking thing is trump bragging about the stock market if 40 Million People have filed for unemployment and over 100,000 have died, and police are violently beating Peaceful Protesters, maybe the stock market hitting an alltime high doesnt actually mean we as a country are at an alltime high. We used to hear that the stock market hates uncertainty, and i dont know what clearer sign of uncertainty there could possibly be than unemployed americans putting on industrial masks and stepping over empty tear gas containers on their way to cash a 1,200 government check. Maybe maybe this is your hint that the stock market is actually bull[ bleep ] kind of like when youre a kid and you find the christmas presents in the closet and your first thought is, thats weird. Why would santa store his presents in our closet . Then your mom signs a permission slip for a field trip, and you think, that is weird. Why does santa have the same handwriting as my mom . And then you come downstairs early on christmas and see your dad on the floor using all the curse words as he tries to tie a bow around a hatchimal, and you finally realize, oh, mom and dad work for santa, and im santas baby. Trump and his allies have been gleefully celebrating one good jobs report amid an Ongoing National calamity, to the point where you cant help but conclude that they are totally detached from reality. Watch this very real clip the white house posted over the weekend from trumps top Economic Advisor larry kudlow. America is coming back. Three million new jobs, lower unemployment rate, furloughed temporary layoffs going back to work green shoots popping up everywhere stocks are soaring potus policies are working stay with the winners. Trump and pence and me the best is yet to come. Seth are you about to sell me a mattress . Are you telling me to come on down to america . I feel like im watching a local commercial for crazy Larry Kudlows furniture warehouse. Come on down to larry Discount Furniture warehouse. Our quality is kudhigh, but our prices are kudlow. You want another take, larry no, yeah, we got it. Of course, trump and his buddies are gleefully celebrating the soaring stock market our deeply unjust system works for them just fine, inflating the wealth of the most privileged people in our society even in a time of abject misery and crisis while crushing the poor and working class its rigged to protect the privileged and the powerful, and the same is true of policing last week you might remember trump had this to say when he gave a speech threatening to unleash the americas military against american citizens. One law and order, and that is what it is one law. We have one beautiful law. Seth okay, first of all, i dont know why you need to be creepy toward the law. Beautiful law sounds like a show on usa about a group of swimsuit models who become public defenders we, the jury, find the defendant sexy. Second, its not true. There isnt one law and order. We know that because anyone who did even a fraction of what you have done would be in jail by now, never mind the serial tax fraud or profiting from your Public Office or the ten allegations of obstruction of justice in the mueller report. Prosecutors have already named you in an indictment as the guy who orchestrated a criminal scheme to pay hushmoney during an election to cover up an affair we have the check with your signature on it. You literally signed the evidence even o. J. Knew better than to make it clear the ford bronco was his. There isnt one law and order. There are two separate and distinct systems one is a system where the law serves people of privilege, and order preserves their privilege, where the police work for them and the other is a racist system of predatory policing that systematically devalues black lives and which acts as an Occupying Force in their own communities. And now were seeing that system unleashed on mass demonstrations across the country, with one video after another making the rounds of police descending on Peaceful Protesters and subjecting them to brutal violence, including here in new york last night in new york city, there was both a curfew and also a large peaceful protest that was happening after the curfew the peaceful protest then thnypg people this is what that moment looked like this is footage shot in manhattan last night it appears to show nypd officers just striking a person on a bicycle as onlookers recorded the scene while stuck in traffic. They are aghast, by the way, and then other officers joined so theres four people beating this one guy on his bike videos have been appearing on twitter from protests in new york city of the past week, showing police using batons on protesters seth what the [ bleep ] is going on four cops beating a guy walking away with his bike thats never called for. Even if hes one of those bikers who overuses his bell, the most the absolutely most they deserve is a middle finger these arent just some isolated scuffles were seeing it across the country. Theyre trying to send a message. Thats why theyre raining tear gas and flashbangs and pepper spray down on everyone from protesters to reporters. Like this cop, just casually launching pepper balls at a reporter whos reporting it live on the local news. Think how shameless you have to be to do that on Live Television whats that cop going to do next livestream himself knocking over a liquor store or parking in a handicapped spot . Police are lashing out aggressively because they see that the protests are working and that there is a growing demand for Police Accountability and for Police Resources to be shifted elsewhere. The mass demonstrations have had a powerful impact on public opinion. A new poll found that americans support the protests sparked by the death of george floyd by a two to one margin. By a 27 percentage point margin, americans agree that blacks and other minorities are not treated equally with whites by the criminal justice system. And that is huge huge i mean, you have to remember millions of people, most of them over the age of 90, see this [ bleep every night. Big companies, cynical, soulless, craven corporations like pepsi, intel, and airbnb, are funding this chaos theyre giving money to black lives matter, which is pushing to defund the police but it isnt just major corporations that are fueling all of this. Celebrities are, too, by paying to get violent rioters out of jail as you read through this were going to scroll through their names on the right side of the screen first off, actor Steve Carrell from the office donated to the minnesota freedom fund, which is providing bail to rioters. Seth rogan, don cheadle, Janelle Monae donated as well. The cast of broly a police comedy, gave 100 grand to help t hollywood power couple blake lively and Ryan Reynolds donated 200,000 to the Naacp Legal Defense Fund seth wow, tucker, you got them Steve Carells career will never be the same now that you included him in your little fifth grade Powerpoint Presentation im surprised you didnt throw in some 90s clip art like a globe or a cat seriously, why are graphics so bad . This looks like a 12yearolds geocities website. Couldnt even spell Chrissy Teigens name right. I mean, im doing my show from the attic, but we can still pull together a halfway decent looking graphic. For example, here is Tucker Carlson with his pants around his ankles being carried away by a huge bird. Ah, nope never mind we also have a typo. I take it back [ bleep ] tucker this stuff is hard its hard to do. The privileged and the powerful, the people served by a racist system of predatory policing, see that the public overwhelmingly supports the protests and thats why theyre lashing out. In recent days, the protests have only continued to swell, with massive peaceful crowds streaming into cities across the country. If lawmakers can learn anything from these crowds, its that mild reforms wont cut it. As weve seen, police will abuse their authority under any circumstances. Its a fundamentally corrupt system thats why youre hearing protesters embrace the refrain to defund the police we need to shift the money were spending on tanks and tear gas and batons and move it to community programs, like Housing Assistance and health care its not hard to do the math just put someone in charge whos always done well with numbers. Seth this has been a closer look. As new york struggles to reopen this week, remember that we are still a city in crisis, and city harvest has been stepping up to meet the increased need. Theres a website below to donate well be right back with terry crews. Announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. A new moment in wireless has begun. Tmobile and sprint are joining forces. By bringing together our two networks, tmobile will build americas largest and most reliable 5g network. With more towers, more engineers, and more coverage. Youll get the best 5g network, and the best prices. Welcome to tmobile. Americas largest 5g network. Itchy . Scratchy . Family not get charmin ultra strong. It just cleans better, so your family can use less. Hello clean bottom enjoy the go with charmin. So can your skin lather, rinse, refresh with dove men care body wash that washes away germs and moisturizes skin to refresh you and your skin with every shower im going to need you to. Never mind. 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Bbut what if you couldg do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver, in new ways, to new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. And now, with one of our best offers ever, month for three months. Were5 a call or go online today. Seth our first guest tonight is a talented actor you know from his work on Brooklyn Ninenine. Hes also the host of americas got talent which airs tuesday nights at 8 00 here on nbc here is my conversation with terry crews. Seth terry, its always so lovely to see you. I know from everyone i have interacted with, you are the most positive, optimistic guy. You can provide a unique the nfl from 91 to 97. And i am wondering what your reaction was to commissioner Roger Goodell saying last week, basically, we got it wrong, we should do a better job of listening to our players. You know, it was the same feeling i felt when i saw obamas inauguration i thought i would never see this this is it was a moment that, you know, it stands in time, even to this day, to watch, you know, Roger Goodell actually admit that they were wrong because i left the nfl 23 years ago and it was it still is, but, you know, racism was prevalent all the way throughout and, you know, but there was a lot of indignities that i had to just put up with simply because i wanted to, you know, make conditions better for my family. Especially and one of the big things, and i have to call, you know, roger on this though, is the fact that they did not mention Colin Kaepernick seth right which is still the most glaring example of racism that the nfl has ever had, and they could correct it but im really, really hoping that kaepernick gets a chance to show himself on a nfl field, which would really mean healing. It would really take, you know, the nfl seriously on everything they are saying right now. Seth you know, i think a lot of us watch the nfl and we see white players, we see black players and we think, oh, this is a great example of diversity, because obviously the league is a meritocracy, you would think, and the best players play. But can you speak a little to how black players were treated differently than white players in your years in the league . When we were in the locker room and you were in the training room, basically you had an injury. It was always viewed in regards to the black players that we were faking. That we were trying to get out of work. That we were trying to skip the game and yet get paid anyway and with the white players, we noticed this whole thing of if they were injured, it was because, oh man, you know, it was a real injury, it was something that were going to the league, you knowwhen i was d to call me tyrone. This is a white guy. And said, no, sir, my name is terry. He was like, no, i like tyrone. Im going to call you tyrone. And you are talking about this whole mood of, you know, even when we were out there out on the field, they are walking the line, it felt like a plantation. And you felt like you could be bought and sold and you actually were if a lot of nfl players realized they could do more, they would, you know you know, its like we could go on and do Something Else because who wants to get knocked out on monday night football, you know what i mean . But my thing was, is that once i discovered that i did have more, it lost its power, you know . It was one of those things i was like i can go and im fine and i think more players right now realize the power that they have more than any other time in nfl history. Especially, you know, with the Current Events that happened, you know, just lately. Its a wakeup call for the league because, again, you are talking more than 60 of the players are black, but there are no black owners very few black coaches and it still, still needs to change i mean, immediately. Seth you were on the rams in 1992 during the riots then pulled over by the police then and being a player for the l. A. Rams did not provide you any safety in that not at all. In fact, you know, we were in Orange County at the time and i was driving into l. A it was after the riots and i was pulled over by a couple of cop cars, which really shocked me it was like there is two here. And i was told to put all four of my windows down, keep my hands at 10 and 2, and those officers came out of their car with their guns pointed right at my head. I cant even describe to you how it felt. I mean, you are so flustered you dont know if you are doing things right or you are doing things wrong they are barking things through this megaphone about, you know, put your right hand into your pocket, get out your identification, put it out the window. Just like, if i make one wrong move, the whole thing is, you realize i could die. If they dont understand my moves, if they misconstrue any move that i am making, they would feel justified to shoot. Seth your life, your career has obviously taken so many unexpected but also welldeserved turns to the place where you are obviously playing a Police Officer on one of my favorite shows, Brooklyn Ninenine. A show with as diverse a cast on Network Television that you can find and yet you guys are playing Police Officers. Do you expect that the events of the day are going to affect the next season . Definitely. You know, we actually all got on the zoom call just the other day because of whats happening in this country, and we were witnessing so many, you know, just abuses of power we had some somber talks and some really, really eyeopening conversations about how to handle this new season seth you tweeted something this week that received some backlash do you want to take a minute to speak to it . Yeah, you know, one of the big things i tweeted was the fact that i felt that, you know, defeating White Supremacy without the help of white people could create a black supremacy now, the term black supremacy was just destroyed and what i was trying to what i was trying to say is that the fact that, you know, i, as a member of the black community, there have been socalled gatekeepers who decide who is black and who is not and in this effort to, you know, to really push quality and to end White Supremacy and systematic racism, there are certain black people who determined that what im doing has no bearing i have been rendered moot because i am successful. And my point is, is just the fact that we need all of us. When you are talking about womens rights, womens rights without men, nothing changes if you dont if men dont understand how to treat women, were going to have a problem. And its the same thing with white people if white people dont understand how to treat us as a community, were going to have a problem. But also in our own community we have to know how to treat each other. And we have to allow ourselves to agree, to disagree, to have different viewpoints becae ri of joe biden, if you dont vote for me, you aint black. And these are terms that are even passed around within our own community. And im going, guys, its bigger than that its bigger than that. Were we are bigger than that. And that was the point i was trying to make, but people held on to the black supremacy concept. And, again, its twitter and taken out of context, anybody can roll with anything so but i do want to let everyone know that that comment and that tweet was said out of love in an effort for reconciliation and i want to be the solution. I do not want to be the problem. And i do understand that we need all of us. We need every american out there to contribute to this new watershed moment that we have right now. I mean, this is an opportunity this is an opportunity and we can all get better. But i do not want to see us get more and more extreme. That is the biggest, biggest thought thats the biggest point i am trying to make. Seth i am often frustrated by your many talents, special athlete, actor extraordinaire. We talked about the fact that you are also a graphic artist. You gave me a Childrens Book that you illustrated called come find me. Its one of my kids favorites and you taught an online zoom art class during this lockdown youtube came to me with this whole idea about celebrity substitute, and i got with a teacher from compton, her name was rachel wong, and she teaches art in compton, and i joined her class. And it was the most exciting to see the faces of the students, i mean, the bright smile and, oh my god, hes here you know, i just wanted to be a light. You know, i love art art really saved my life in so many ways, and i could see what that can do for other people and i cant wait to do it again. I am actually, like, trying to figure out a way to sneak in some other classes seth there you go. If youre an educator, most school is over, but terry crews is available to pop into your zoom art class sounds good [ light laughter ] seth thanks for speaking to us always such a pleasure to see you, terry stay healthy and well and give our love to rebecca. Love you, seth. Thank you so much, my man. Seth all right, ill see you soon well be right back with nicole byer. Now in the subway app, get a free footlong. Just buy one and get one free. When you order in the app with contactless payment for quick and easy pickup. Thats buy one, get one free. For a limited time only. Hold on one second. Sure. Okay. Okay safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 save 40 it out. Safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . 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So you can find new roads with confidence. Think you need to buy expensive skincare products [ ] to see dramatic results . Try olay skin care. Just one jar of microsculpting cream has the hydrating power of 5 jars of a prestige cream, which helps plump skin cells and visibly smooth wrinkles. While new olay retinol24. Provides visibly smoother, brighter skin. For dramatic skincare results, try olay. And now receive 25 off your purchase at olay. Com brand power. Helping you buy better. Seth our next guest, a very funny comedian, actress and host of netflixs hit show nailed it her new book very fat, very brave was published last week and is available wherever you buy your books but support independent book stores, people. Heres my conversation with nicole byer. Seth nicole, it is so great to see you i cant wait to talk about your book but you have been marching in l. A. , protesting. How has it been . Its been pretty nonviolent my voice is a little gone because, you know, chanting, screaming at Police Officers to go home. Like, why is the National Guard in l. A. . Its so weird. But honestly, its been like a good uplifting experience to be around likeminded people who have the same values seth you you posted a video of yourself twerking in front of some of the aforementioned Law Enforcement officers who seemed very overdressed and maybe not fully enjoy your performance yeah, actually, they did kind of one of them after i was done was like, how can he and not me . I just did it to make my friend smile because its been like a tough couple of weeks for black people so seth yes just trying to, you know, keep a smile seth you know, youve posted on twitter and on instagram weve talked about the fact that children love your show. Yes seth and you, should be noted, have talked on my show about the fact that you dont love children. I dont love children, but i made a post to be like, this is how you can talk to your white kids about racism. And the reason i wrote it is cause this guy said, im just going to keep my head down and let my kids watch your show at night. And i was like, so youll let your kids watch me but you are not going to stand up for me that makes me feel like a prop or like a mammy and i dont like feeling like that. So i wrote this thing to make it personal, to be like, you like this black lady, right like, you would be really upset if the police did something to this black lady that you like. And i think when things dont happen to people, we tend to lack empathy, but when you make it real, when you make it tangible and you explain whats going on, kids, they want to learn. They want to exsorb absorb exsorb absorb stuff [ laughter ] theyre sponges. Seth i mean, i do think that, you know, it was a nice piece and its one of the benefits of representation on television is that, you know, kids can see a black woman and have empathy for that black woman and parents should take advantage of whats good about having different people on television yeah, and its good to explain to kids that, like, if im not in not in hair and makeup, im just a random black lady and if i get pulled over from a traffic stop and i dont look like me, i dont get treated like me. And i think its really important for also adults to understand that. If i truly, if i when im at the airport, i hardly recognized cause i look like a little boy traveling alone just like in a little baseball cap. So i think its just, like, making black people human, like, taking me off the tv and being like, its real this stuff happens. Its its depressing, but its a good conversation to have with your kid early. Seth one thing that is not depressing at all is your book very fat, very brave. I noticed yours is prominently displayed next to the flowers and i think i can do the same. Oh, there we go i love it seth i am worried its going to fall down but can you tell me how you came up with the idea to write this book so i post pictures on instagram in bikinis and i always hashtag it veryfatverybrave because its a little tongueincheek cause its not brave its not brave to go to the beach. Its not brave to wear a bathing suit, but people love to say to fat women, oh, my god youre so brave. How do i get this confidence . And im like, maybe i will write a book about it. My friend, allison rich, was like, you should compile this into a Coffee Table Book. And i was like, i will absolutely do that and i not give you any money for the idea. I spent the whole advance on the photographer and, like, doing stuff so thats why she didnt get any money for it yeah, its like its a Coffee Table Book its not a memoir. Its just seth no just a lot of pictures of me in bikinis and there is seth there is a very brave photo i want to ask you about because a lot of these are locations that i would feel like i dont i never done a Coffee Table Book, but that you would have to get permission there you are on a ferris wheel. Uhhuh. Seth how do you so, you know do you have to arrange in advance to take a ferris wheel photo . I would say most people would. Most people shooting things of, like, locations and stuff but me and kim, kim newmoney who shot all the pictures, we went down to santa monica. We hopped on a ferris wheel and every time it circled down, i would, like, put on a jacket so no one would be like, what are you doing . Theres a picture of me at offroad rentals, which is like this atv place in palm springs and i said, can i take a picture here . And they said, is it for business or is it personal . I was like, business. They were like, no. And i was like, personal . And they were like, you cant do that. I just kept talking and theyre like, fine, fine. Shes not going to go away or shut up. Take the picture. Seth i should note its a each of the photos comes with a this sort of caption we come to know you for its very funny. It must have been fun after the fact to have all the photos which was the hard part and then to write to them yeah, it was i had more captions than i had photos so then some of the captions are just composite i had three photos and but its like we can only have so many pictures. I said, fine. So then i would cobble them together but yeah, it was very fun to write and its very silly. Its a very silly book i cant believe someone let me do it. Seth youve always used your social media for both silliness and also things that are serious. And you recently talked about a story when your sister and you were selling your house. The people were very surprised by to hear on social media that maybe those in the black community would be less surprised by yeah. So when we sold my dads house, this was years ago, maybe like eight years ago, seven, im not sure we had this really wonderful realtor. I loved her. She was really sweet and before we had an open house, she was like, girls, you have to take down, you know, pictures of the family and also which is like a normal thing they tell you to make your space blank as possible. But then she was also like, the art has to come down, too. And my sister and i were like, the art as well . And then we looked around and we are like, oh, my mom heavy just images of black bodies around the house and the realtor was like, you know, its just so people dont know who lived here before. And that wording, my sister and i, like, we laughed but it was not fun. It didnt feel good to be like, oh, maybe somebody wont buy our house because were black. And its just like the older you get, every step of the way when you get to adulthood, you realize systematic racism is a thing and implicit bias is a huge thing that people its implicit like, its in your head. You dont realize its happening. So it was just a shock, but then we honestly werent that surprised. I grew up in a very white town thats, like it teetered between liberal and republican and now you Better Believe this, very republican. They love trump so im glad i dont live there anymore seth do you feel when you post stories like that on social media because you do have a lot of white fans, do you find the way they speak to you, is it frustrating for you . Or do you feel optimistic about the fact that people are hearing things and are open to hearing things that maybe they would have been less so in the past . I would say its truly, like, 50 50. Hat was your experience im learning im listening. And then people go, um, actually, thats not your experience. And youre like, are you in this black body . Are you a black woman . How are you telling me this wasnt my experience . So, yeah, truly its 50 50 seth i know you have a couple of podcasts one with sasheer youve mentioned who i was lucky enough to work with at snl. Are you still managing to knock out podcasts through this social distancing era yeah. Honestly, like, thank god for podcasts because i can pay my mortgage you do all of that from home but, yeah, why wont you date me . , best friends with sasheer. I have drag her which is a rupaul recap podcast with my friend mano. I have newcomers where Lauren Lapkus and i are rewatch or not rewatching, watching star wars for the first time was really i realy recommend listening to two people who have heard about star wars their whole life and had no its like trying to find, i dont know, like a juror for Harvey Weinstein where you are like, you havent heard anything about Harvey Weinstein . Like, the fact that there are two people who have no star wars who also do improv. Improv is filled with the dorkiest men with seth yeah, right with, like, pockets filled of knowledge of star wars. And anytime wed be in a scene and someone be like, han solo, id be like, yes, i know who that is. But now i do seth well, i am glad youre keeping busy congratulations on the book. And its always just nice to hear you and i hope the next time i get to see you its in person. Me, too seth, youre nice. [ laughter ] seth well be right back with more late night. How fast does dove men dry spray actually dry . 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Show me parks and rec. See . The best really did get better magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included for no additional cost. No strings attached. Seth i want to thank my guests, terry crews and nicole byer. I want to thank fred armisen and the 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh well see you tomorrow with Tiffany Haddish and brad paisley stay safe. Wash your hands. We love you. Lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh im going to tell you everything you need to know about tattoos. A face tattoo tells everyone that your soundcloud never took off. [ audience ohs ] then i sit down with two of my best friends humble the poet and viral story teller jay shetty. Who would you say is more boujee jay [ talking over each other lilly he didnt even think you are super, super, super cheap. [ laughter ] illy two of us will get tattoos. [ cheers and applause and well be joined by the hilarious Subhah Agarwal i got into a car accident i jumped out i was like, how dare you hit my car, you entitled white privileged son of a gun. Hes like, youre right im so sorry i benefit from the cis gender patriarchy my queen. [ laughter ] lilly you two know me so well whats something that the audience doesnt know about me lilly likes throwing crazy

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