Store has been here here for 14 years. The owner says Santa Clara Countys tighter restrictions will and should prevail. The day that the governor said open up, as we get this alert saying stay home. So its confusing, but were following the county. Reporter along with clothing stores, the governor wants to reopen music shops, florists and sports goods stores. A big development. Today the county opened two new Testing Centers in san jose and gilroy. Thats significant, because Health Officer dr. Sarah cody told supervisors today increased testing is one of the restrictions to easing enough hospital beds for a surge and Contact Tracing for 90 of cases. This Virtual Exchange at yesterdays supervisor meeting demonstrated the potential for confusion and contradiction. When you increase the number of people you test, then youll get more positives. As we start looking and finding, we hope that we sort of jump up to a like a new normal. Reporter the owners cant wait. Theyre expanding their online business, belajaime. Com and seeking bailout loans. We have all this new invento inventory, so not the best time to close. Reporter dr. Cody wants to hear the guidelines thursday before considering changes to the local plan. Robert handa, nbc bay area news. Thank you, robert. Lets show you the latest numbers across the bay area. Napa and Santa Clara County added some more cases. Santa clara still has more than 2,000 cases, the most of any county in the bay area. So far, 333 people have died all across the bay area. Lets look a little bit at that number of cases and the death rate. We were doing great, but then we have seen a spike. Thats what happened to the state numbers overnight. This graph all the way here tracks the number of new cases per day. Its done so for the last seven weeks. The cases were tapering off, especially over here. And then they seemed to dip for us, and then all of a sudden yesterday, we had a big day. 2600 new cases. So where are those cases . Lets show you the next graph. It shows a breakdown county by county. 1600, almost half of the cases i just showed you, the new cases were in los angeles, okay . Now, only one county here is on the list. All the way down here in alameda. It added 57 new cases. And so overall, by the looks of it, the bay area is still doing pretty well. Pretty tough down south. Its not a good combo, cabin fever and a heat wave. Public places that would normally serve as cooling centers for those who need relief are now offlimits, as the temperatures climb so the 90s. Will some people break the rules and leave their homes for a cooler spot . Heres melissa colorado in pleasanton. Reporter the lake here is closed to the public. This is the closest were going to get to the water. That means no swimming, no boating, and no kayaking. Health officials are worried that this heat wave will push those with cabin fever to break the rules and find some relief. So close, yet so far away. Em emma garcia and her sister gaze at their neighborhood pools in san ramone. Do you know why its closed . Because of the sickness going around. Reporter the coronavirus em has shut down all the Public Places we libraries, malls, movie theaters and senior centers. The heat wave in Southern California prompted l. A. County to open cooling center where is people must stay at least six feet apart from one another. Over in contra costa county, a spokesperson says the stay at home order has left the county without any options to recommend people who need to beat the heat. Jessie casey is the essential worker you will want to show up to your house if your air conditioner has gone kaput. I really feel our jobs are essential in these times. Has there been an uptick in calls in in the last week there has because of the spike in temperature. Reporter casey says hes been responding to a lot of house calls because more people are working from home. We are finding a lot of peoples offices are in the upstairs extra bedrooms. So always upstairs is always really hot. Reporter while it might take weeks, maybe months before we can dive into a public pool, the advice is always the same for those at risk of a heat stroke. Stay hydrated, and stay indoors. In pleasanton, melissa colorado, nbc bay area news. He is saernly lcertainly an worker. This is a live look in downtown san jose. Chief meteorologist jeff ranieri has the timeline for our heat in these next 48 hours. Hell join us in 15 minutes. The Program Includes giving the homeless alcohol, pot and methadone. The city admitted to providing some drugs to homeless addicts living in hotels provided by the city. The program is funded by taxpayer dollars but it has significant individual and Public Health benefits during this pandemic. The move is leading to a series of complaints accusing officials of harming people and catering to addiction. Today, the Citys Department of Public Health defended the program. Our focus needs to be on supporting them and meeting them where they are. Meeting them where they are so that they can be cared for in the most appropriate way, in a way thats good for them and for our community. He says there is for decades of literature that supports this approach. He says the plan among other things, keeps potentially infected people from leaving hotels and putting others in danger of catching the virus. Heres the question a lot of people are asking. At what point can you see your doctor for a regular checkup . Heres the guidance. Do it. Janelle wang joins with us more. Yeah, raj. A routine doctors checkup or like that dermatology appointment that is yearly, you could delay that. But precancer screenings, you maybe should go ahead with that. Theyre starting back up again. They were shut down when the pandemic first started, but they are up and running again. So if youre due for one, consult with your doctor first, find out if you can delay it because youre considered low risk or if you should go in right away. I spoke to the director of medical oncology of El Camino Health systems who talked about cancer during this time of covid19. The key to defeating cancer in many cases is defecting it early. So el camino at this time is full speed with respect to screening mammography, breast mris and colonoscopies. So all of those are being done routinely, and with all the safety precautions in place. So i want to reassure patients through this forum that any Screening Test that have been potentially delayed through this process are now available. Do you have patients that have are both being treated for cancer and the coronavirus . I have had them. Early on when the virus broke, there was a handful of people in our center, and frankly none since. And those people were on active treatment and infected with the virus. And those patients have done well. Theyve done beautifully. So that is promising news. I asked him if it had anything to do with the chemo therapy treatment they were undergoing at the same time. He said its not known and would be great to get some studies started on that. As for precancer screenings, he says its so critical. El Camino Health opened up their new facility on precancer screening and cancer treatments. They opened it up despite the covid. They said its up and running because Early Detection is key. So if you are due for a precancer screening, like a mammogram or a breast mri, call your doctor. See if you should go in and go in if you need to. Back to you guys. Thank you, janelle. Its an absolutely dramatic effect. The covid crisis is hitting u. S. Immigration court especially hard. And nowhere harder than here in San Francisco. That story coming up. Im chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. Ill have more on the incoming heat tomorrow and where those low ninths are possible in about seven minutes. Crushing backlog of immigration cases is now growing even larger because of this health crisis. That means that some people, especially unaccompanied juveniles could be deported because the courts are closed and the juveniles have run out of time. Reporter the streets are quiet. U. S. Immigration court closed in downtown San Francisco. Only open for electronic filings and emergency detention hearings. Done remotely via videoconferencing. Its the same across the country. From atlanta to san diego. 49 courts, nearly three quarters of all u. S. Immigration courts nationwide, are either closed or operating remotely. All personal asylum hearings for immigrants postponed indefinitely. Its a dramatic effect. Reporter cofounder of the social Justice Collaborative in the east bay, represents many immigrants who could now see their cases pushed back to the year 2023. All of these cases that were set for trial are going to get reset. When they get reset, it means typically theyll go to the end of the calendar, because the other cases that exist cant get canceled once the shutdown ends. Reporter the case backlog in Immigration Court was already at a crisis. Now with the covid shutdown, its dmgetting worse. According to data, at the end of march, the backlog reached 1. 1 million active pending cases. 180,000 of them in california. Delayed hearings for juveniles seeking asylum is even more problematic, because for them, the clock is ticking. The longer they have to wait, the older they get. And they could age out of special immigrant juvenile status when they turn 21. And thus lose the benefits that go along with that. Translator 2 1 2 years ago, i came from honduras. Reporter this young man spoke to us by telephone from the east bay. He asked us to hide his identity because he fears for his safety. Translator i wasnt able to finish my studies because of the gangs. Reporter antonio says that 2 1 2 years ago when he was 17, he walked four days across the mexican desert to the u. S. After fleeing gangs in his native honduras. Hes already had one Court Hearing postponed, and hes now scheduled for a hearing in San Francisco on may 15th. But he worries now because of covid it will be postponed, too. Are you worried it could result in you being deported . With a lot of these kids they only qualify for one or two types of immigration relief. Reporter Emily Abraham is antonios immigration clients. She has several clients who are at risk having their court dates pushed back their 21st birthday. Theres no rhyme or reason to a lot of whats going on. Its difficult for us, because theres a lot of agencies going on. We are in new territory. Reporter the judge spoke to us in her role as president of the National Association of immigration judges. The union. Were in for a rough ride, because it is going to involve further mismanagement, murt micromanagement, and frankly, a disconnection with what is required to be a real court which judges controlling their own dockets and being able to adequately prioritize the cases that are ready to go forward versus the cases that need some time. Reporter the problem is especially troubling here in San Francisco, where Immigration Court here now has a backlog according to trac of more than 69,000 cases. Second in the country only to new york city. We asked the executive office for immigration review which oversees Immigration Courts about all this. Spokes come catherine maddingly said reporter though she could not estimate how many cases that will impact. Trac calculated last year when the federal government shut down, 20,000 cases a week were added to the backlog. Im steven stock, nbc bay area news. San mateo is looking to the streets to help its restaurants. They are considering closing sections of b street to allow restaurants to set up tables outside, in the street, to safely serve more customers, so that they can maintain social distance. The owner of vault 164 says yeah, lets do it. Well be hampered by what we can do inside. So if we can increase availability by opening the outside, so much the better. The mayor has asked city council and its staff to come up with more specifics. But the plan has critics, including delivery drivers who say that move could make it difficult for them to do their jobs. Maybe other cities will follow suit. Lets bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. A lot coming our way in the next several days. We have the heat and possible rain, jeff. Yeah. My calendar, it is full with a bunch of different changes as we head through the next seven days. Well get you through the most immediate changes right now, and it has been a fgor usgeous day. If you spent 10, 15 minutes outside, you felt the heat moving in. A live look right now in the bay area, and you can see here towards San Francisco, theres only a little bit of fog. Its really hard to see, right back there towarding the immediate coastline, near the golden gate bridge. Otherwise, it is clear. Up to 86 in santa rosa. Concord 85. Livermore 84. San jose 81. And San Francisco at 72. And it goes hotter tomorrow. Look at my forecast here. The good news is we do have some clear and cooler 50s to start. So we get some relief for the morning. By the afternoon, anywhere from 3 to 6 degrees hotter. Plenty of upper 80s and low 90s inland. San francisco up to 74 and oakland at 80. So yes, warmer tomorrow, but the hottest day of the week comes on friday. By 2 00 p. M. On friday, this is not even the hottest time of the day. Well have low and mid 90s inland, and it will go even warmer than this. Well detail that coming up in 25 minutes. But i wanted to make sure you see these heat safety trips. Drink water, take frequent breaks, a cool towel on the back of your neck and hot car danger, 30 to 50 degrees in a car with windows rolled up. And all the pets that need grooming, they get hotter, too. So make sure they have plenty of water. Well talk about the rain chances coming up in 25 minutes. Lucy was looking at me today like, im finished with my water, i need more, i need more. Lucy needs a haircut. Who else needs one . Humans need haircuts. Exactly. Thanks, jeff. Up next, have you planted your garden yet . An expert tells us what is the best thing to plant right now. Janelle wang rejoins us. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employees and their data. Entering data. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. And i live in San Francisco, california. I have been a sales and Sales Management professional my whole career. Typical day during a work week is im working but first always going for a run or going to the gym. I love reading. I love cooking healthy. Its super important to me. I was noticing that i was just having some memory loss. It was really bothering me. So i tried prevagen and it started to work for me. I wish i had taken prevagen five or ten years ago. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Original crown molding, walk in closets. We do have a ratt problem. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. It does help us save. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. Round and round what comes around, goes around. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com janelle wang working from home. Some businesses getting the green light to reopen this week. And that includes a family run nursery on the peninsula. Its been around for six decades. Were talking about wegmans nursery in redwoodty. It officially opened its doors today. The family nursery celebrated its 60year anniversary this month. But the last two months have been tough. The nursery could only do pickup orders. But the inventory was all in, so they had to be there every day maintaining all their plants, flowers and trees. Now theyre ready to roll. A limited number of customers in the nursery at a time but excited to be back open. Its been a hard seven to eight weeks. We had to stay open we werent open, but we were keeping the nursery alive and trying to survive. And we did it. Its been tough, but its been really good. And now we have a parking lot full of people ready to garden. And its vegetable time. Now is the time for everybody to be here. Its just wonderful to see people. The owners had to cut down staff by 2 3, but they are ramping back up and so happy to be doing that. Vegetable planting season usually runs from march through may. But mark wegman told me its not too late. Its california weather. So i asked him what are the best veggies to plant right now . He said tomatoes, zucchini, squash, egg plant and green beans. Fruits, strawberries and melons were good recommendations. So i got my daughter to do some planting today. We planted romain le lettuce, zucchinis, tomatoes. And check out my leftover plants from last year, strawberries are coming back. And have you seen my artichoke plants . Its the talk of the neighborhood. Ive got five artichokes now. I dont know how i have five. I didnt water that thing for ten months. I actually thought it was a weed. I was about to pull it out last month, and then i saw an artichoke. And i was like, i planted this thing . I totally forgot. And now there are five. So maybe i do have a green thumb. But haley is helping me. She doesnt really like it, but she likes it when the vegetables grow, so there is a payoff. That is hilarious. Maybe because you ignored the artichoke it grew. Did she say shes the talk of the neighborhood with those artichokes in apparently over her artichokes. Yes. Excellent green thumbing there by janelle wang. Way to go. Up next at 6 30, after public pressure, he changes his mind. President trump explains why he will now keep that Coronavirus Task force in tack. Out of work and getting a paycheck. The bay area restaurant making sure its staff makes it through this pandemic. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Right now at 6 30, President Trump reversing course saying the Coronavirus Task force will stick around after all. This is that task force we see nearly every day giving critical information. Today, the president changes his stance. He said the group will stay on indefinitely. It will have a special focus on safely reopening the country. President trump says its time to lift the lockdown. The country wont stand it. Its not sustainable. I had no idea how popular the task force is, until i started talking about winding it down. The president honored Frontline Health care workers, even as he acknowledges hospitals may start to fill up again. New information about Contact Tracing. Thats the process of identifying people who have the coronavirus and then help track down who theyve been in contact with. Today, ufsf along with ucla, began training people to be contact tracers. We need thousands of these people. Joining us now is karen white, the director of ucsfs pandemic workforce training academy. Lets just start with the basics. How long does it take to trainl about five days. We want to training them not only in juan to say but how to say it. Motivational interviewing, building rapport, all that stuff. Thats really important, because we have a few minutes and we need to convince them to selfisolate, quarantine, depending on whether theyre sick or just exposed. It takes about five days to get them trained. If i start tomorrow, by next week im on the job. What is the job . What are you telling me to do, go to someones house . No, no. Its all by phone. And so theres two functions to it. The first is someone calls every single earn who has tested positive thats a case investigator. And part of the conversation they have is asking them who theyve been in close contact with since two days prior to infection until they selfisolated. They elicit these contact names, and then the next job is calling all of those contacts to let them know they have potentially been exposed and they need to quarantine for 14 days. Its kind of those two functions. I know the governor caused them a disease detective. He want 2 wants 20,000 of theset tracers. Is that weeks or months away . Theyre asking for it to be a month away, weeks away. So were training 500 start thing week, and then they want us to ramp up to about 2,000 a week after that. And then i think really the total number is going to depend on the epidemic. And once shelter in place, you know, gets released a little bit, you can imagine well have more cases and each individual will have more contacts. Right now, most of the people who are close contacts are household contacts. So that could go up, as well. I know in new york theyre paying contract tracers about 55,000 for the project. Do you have any information on the salary or benefits . I dont, because were not in charge of that. I know that for starters, there will be state and municipal employees repurposed for this. So i imagine theyre going in San Francisco, weve been doing this work for San Francisco department of Public Health. And we trained a lot of librarians and city attorneys and assessors. So i think its theyre still in their same category of work, theyre just repurposed to do this function. At some point, it will open up to the general public . If i lost my job, i can contact someone to get trained . Well see. Good. Your information has been very helpful. One last thing in closing, how difficult is the training . Well, the training is not hard. I think what were trying to do is, you know, instill a lot of skills, so some content, understanding the disease and transmission of the disease and the difference between isolation and quarantine and giving advice to people. But also making sure that were really going to motivate people to do what we ask to stop the spread of the infection. And because were in california, we are so diverse. Are we going to train in different languages here . Yes, for sure. Almost half of our current calls for the San Francisco department of Public Health are spanish speaking. So thats a huge part of it. Karen, thanks for your insight. We wish you the best of luck as you train hundreds, if not thousands of people in the next couple of weeks. Thank you. Governor newsom says more testing for the virus is a must to reopen the state. Now theres an easier way for you to find a test site. On the website, you can find the testing location near you. Type in your zip code and it will zero in on your choices. He wants to test up to 80,000 people a day before reopening california. Were about halfway to that number. We have a lot more work to do, but the work of our Testing Task Force has been very, very successful. Particularly not only addressing the needs in the aggregate, but focusing our testing strategies in a strategic way. Two new sites opened in the south bay. Now, the pandemic has forced thousands of restaurants around the bay area to lay off their staff and close up shop. One south San Francisco business has found a way to keep it going. We show you how its keeping dossens on the payroll, even though the doors are closed. Reporter well, nanyone driving through south San Francisco, they may not know the vast Cultural Center sitting here. For 48 years, the center has come alive with weddings, festivals and a full restaurant. All built around a vast handball court. But on march 17th, the general manager had nothing but silence. No graduations, no communions, no weddings. It was quite painful. Reporter as the nation crept into isolation, there was no playing handball. No one dancing in the ballroom. No one sharing traditional five course meals. All those abruptly came to a stop. Reporter even as business ground to a stop, the Centers Board voted to dip into savings to keep all 50 Staff Members on payroll, many who have been here two decades. So that was the thinking, to keep the family together. Reporter with restaurants around the bay area laying off staff, the centers longtime waiter jose santana is grateful for a paycheck looking forward to the day when he can return to work. You can only clean so much, you can only weed the garden so much, read so much. I miss my routine, my structure. Reporter for now, the center is sharpening knives, getting ready for what comes next. On thursday for the first time, the restaurant will sell takeout dinners. He says any return to normal will be a long, slow return. A 10 million gift, the Silicon Valley foundation is raising money to fight this pandemic. Today, the Hewlett Foundation is pledging 10 million, going to nonprofits across the bay area like meals on wheels. That is the largest single grant the foundation has ever received. That is big. Up next, theyre watching you in france. Surveillance cameras being used in canne to make sure youre social distancing. Lets take a look outside. Rush hour on this wednesday night, not like our usual evening commutes. If you notice, there is more traffic out there. Each night were seeing a small buildup, a slight increase. This is a live look now at 880 in oakland. This pandemic is also slowing down the housing market, but it hasnt brought down prices. Shelter at home orders make this an awkward time to show or sell a home. So new listings plunged at the end of march. San franciscos new listings fell by 50 from the year before. Now, san joses metro area saw listings sink by nearly 35 . Supply may drop, but prices havent. The median sale price for a home in the bay area is nearly 900,000, because buyers still outnumber sellers. France is getting help from Artificial Intelligence cameras to make sure people are following social distancing guidelines. Thats being tested in the city of cannes. Surveillance cameras, fitted with Artificial Intelligence, will alert police if someone suspect wearing a mask. The cameras in the Public Places. Not clear how many other city also adopt this method. Interesting. It is. Youve been outed sometimes there if you are caught on camera. Lets bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. Yeah lucy, the star of the show. Loucy wednesday, you guys. Yes, we all need a little cheer. Shes happy today. Shes inside staying cool. Well tell you when some showers are on the way. Ill see you in about six minutes. The irs it turns out sent stimulus payments to people who had died. Their survivors are asking us, can we keep the money . Weve been pressing the irs for answers. Weve got them, next. Many familys financial survival hinges on those payments. But some checks went to people who already died. Now after weeks of confusion, the feds want the money back. Chris has been pressing the treasury for answers. Thats what they are saying, the money should be returned. Emphasis on the word should. Weve heard from several different families. All of them say they received stimulus payments for a parent or spouse who recently passed away and they asked, can we keep the money . Well, at first, the irs wouldnt say. A tax pro told us, yes, they can keep it. So we asked the treasury, who is right here. Today it responded and said a payment made to someone who died before receipt of the payment should be returned to the irs. Should. Not must. Should. Kind of sounds like a recommendation, not a requirement. So we asked the treasury to clarify that. Must you return that money . And is there a penalty if you dont . Were still waiting for answers. We want to know how the irs could send payments to dead people. How is this possible . Well, they base the Economic Impact payments on tax forms filed this year or last year. So those people might have been alive, but a lot of people have died since then. Heres the thing. The Social Security administration keeps a master file of death. So maybe the draetreasury and i could have cross referenced that before sending the money. Did it . We asked. We havent gotten a response. Leslie sent us a question asking about prisoners. Are prisoners eligible for covid19 payments. Today, the treasury said no, they are not. Same answer here, the payments should be returned to the irs if the recipient is incarcerated. All right. How do you return a payment . If it was direct deposit, you have to write uncle sam and check and mail it in. Heres what they want. Make it out to u. S. Treasury and then down here in the memo, write 2020 eip, and then the Social Security number of the recipient. If you got a paper check in the mail, the irs says write void on the backside. Then mail it back. We put the addresses on our website, nbcbayarea. Com response. Back to you guys. Thank you, chris. Did we say it was lucy wednesday, is that how were doing it . I dont want to spoil your fun, jeff, but she was yawning when you were doing your commercial. I know. She must be tired. Yes, and she wants her own show. Shes like, ive got this. Shes on the phone to her agent. We do have some really warm weather coming as we head through the next few days. We have to make sure the dogs, the cats, do have some extra water. And eventually, well have the possibility of some rainfall moving on in. Lets bring you into that microclimate forecast. I want to start off with the top headline tonight, thats this area of High Pressure. Wherever you see that High Pressure move, its going to take that heat and bring it with it. And this is far reaching. This big dome, this bubble of heat is stretching all the way up towards canada. Thats why its going to be so hot here as we head throughout the next two days. So the good news we can find in this is tomorrow morning, it will be cool to start. If you dont have air conditioning, you can open up those windows, get that cool air before we have to shut them and keep that heat out. 53 in the trivalley. South bay at 54. Sunny for the east bay. And well be at 52 in the north bay. East bay, 56. And sf 54. Im p pinning the best time to be outside from 7 00 a. M. To 2 00 p. M. Try to make your plans in that time zone if youre going to be outside for an extended period of time. Well be up to 87 in san jose. 90 in gilroy. East bay, notice oakland going up to 82. And while its not dangerous heat, its warm for your standards. 92 in concord, 91 in livermore. Peninsula, 86 here in palo alto. And my forecast drops it off to 66 in daily city. Thats because that ocean breeze is going to win on out. Also, 60s right up near the coastline for the San Francisco area. But then you headed downtown at the mission, well have milder, mid 70s. The ocean breeze just not as effective there tomorrow. And for the north bay, 82 in mill valley. 91 in clearlake. Back to napa feeling the warmth with degrees. So warm tomorrow, but were going to two to the hottest as we hit friday. So a preview of our warmest temperatures in the records. I think were going to get close to some record setting heat here in santa rosa with 92 friday. Concord, likely could go down as one of our warmest at 95. So when does all this get out of here . Might be a little too hot for you. Well drop back to 66 on saturday in San Francisco. Nice mothers day. By monday and tuesday, 70 chance of showers. Thats what im calling for right now. Monday night into tuesday, trace amounts to about a tenth of an inch. At least things will get better. 77 for mothers day on sunday. Inland, and then well see low 70s as we move through next week. That storm system i wanted to show you real fast is mainly based off to the north. So well be on the tail edge of if this moves any more to the. Lucy, come here. Up, up, up. She wanted to say bye to everybody for now. And have a good night. [ laughter ] shes not yawning any more. Shes smiling. She hears you guys. Hi, lucy. I think she wants her clip back. She looked so stylish with it. She has eyes, everyone. We love lucy wednesday. Thank you. Not sure if theres going to be an nfl season, but the schedules come out tomorrow. Tonight, we check in with this guy, nick bosa is ready to work. All right. Exciting part of the year. Who are the 49ers going to may, who are the Las Vegas Raiders going to play . Will they play at all . The nfl schedule will be released tomorrow. Players are getting ready, including the 49ers star nick bosa. Anthony flores catches up with the rookie of the year. Reporter nick bosa is one of the most dominating forces in football. And the pass is picked off by nick bosa. Reporter and the nfl defensive rookie of the year expects to be better this season. I think im going to be a much more, much smarter player next year. And im just going to know how to approach my opponents much better. Reporter and hell have to, because of a loss of all pro buckner who was traded to the colts. Seeing him go is bittersweet. He obviously got a good contract and he deserves it. But losing him as a leader, were going to have to really figure out how to step up and fill that void. Reporter the 49ers kicked off their offseason virtually, meeting online. Bosa has been working out at home in ft. Lauderdale with his brother, joey, who plays for the l. A. Chargers. It begins with a morning run and ends with weightlifting at his dads gym. Its a good way to get in shape and forget how things ended with a loss in the super bowl. Just like any loss, it stings for a while and you eventually get of it and realize life goes on. Reporter hes confident that he and his teammates will be ready to go for training camp. But he doesnt know when that will be because of the coronavirus. Im not too concerned about myself getting it. But, i mean, everything is so uncertain right now that i couldnt even say whether i think well be back or not, because nobody really knowing. Reporter but hes eager to get back to work, preparing to dominate on the defensive line. Anthony flores, nbc bay area. We do have some baseball news this evening. Happy birthday to willie mays. The say hey kid turns 89 years young. Considered the greatest baseball player of alltime. He still loves to hang out at the park when he can. Hes celebrating tonight at his home in atherton. Happy birthday. Finally tonight, it is graduation season. No grad ceremonies, so were improvising, helping grads mark the milestone like everything else, virtually. If you have a grad pick you would like to submit, go to nbcbayarea. Com. We love all the smiles. Congratulations to the class of 2020. So many beautiful places. And bringing us back to our own family and friends. Its the Virtual Reality now. We wish them the best. Thanks for watching. See you tonight at 11 00. Byebye. Good night. a welcome to access hollywood. Im mario lopez. Coming to you from casa lopez. Lets get to whats trending with 3 in 30. Lori loughlin is confident the charges are going to be dropped against her in the College Admission scandal. Whoa, this according to an us weekly source after prosecutors allegedly withheld key evidence in the case. The trial starts in october. Brad pitt is sticking with quarantine protocol but has reportedly gotten a few visits from arrested Development Star aaliyah show cot. She lives close by and just

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