For the coronavirus, President Trump claimed he was just being sarcastic. Like when he took the oath of officeon President Trump claimed yesterday that people who know him and the history of our country say he is the, quote, hardest working president in history. Youve got to be kidding me. Abraham lincoln worked harder than you after he went to that play and thats im confident thats a joke, uh, that did as well today as it would have in a room full of people. Its nice to have those. It just reminds you that some things are still the same. President trump and Vice President mike pence reportedly tested weekly for coronavirus, while melania is tested every single moment of every single day. According to the New York Times, President Trump rarely attends the Coronavirus Task force meetings that precede the press conferences, which isnt surprising at all. Trump is like the kid in your Group Project in high school who didnt do any of the work. But the only difference is that kid never volunteered to give the presentation he just stood in the back and held up a styrofoam planet or something. Trump needs to become that kid for this project fauci, get him a styrofoam planet what does jupiter have to do with it . Just hold it okay, ill just hold it. Thanks, fauci, for doing all the work i feel like ive really been a burden for you, but ill just hold this and then well share the grade . President trump in a series of tweets yesterday repeatedly misspelled the name of the nobel prize. Said trump, look, i dont care how its spelled, my point is chef boyardee deserves one. Following a New York Times report last week that President Trump stays in his bedroom until noon each day, white house aides have defended trumps work habits and said there are days when he doesnt even have lunch. Yep, its just breakfast, brunch, and straight on til dinner republican senator tom cotton suggested yesterday that students from china should be banned from studying science in the u. S. In order to safeguard intellectual property. And if you think Chinese Students are upset, you should see the american ones. You want us to study science . Dude. According to a new report from the new York City Health department, the number of confirmed std cases has fallen by 80 during the coronavirus lockdown meanwhile, tennis elbow is up a billion percent. But david, i dont understand with the lockdown, you havent been able to play tennis. Sometimes, it flares up, diane. It just flares up. According to the latest numbers, almost 16 Million People watched the first round of last weeks nfl draft. It was the secondmostwatched thing after whatever my neighbor across the street is doing and finally, cnn aired a sesame street town hall over the weekend to answer questions about the coronavirus featuring elmo, abby cadabby, and grover oscar would have been there, but he was deemed an essential worker thats the monologue we got a great show for you tonight. My friend maya rudolph is here and well talk about her new animated movie on netflix called the willoughbys. And i want to hear what her life is like now. Shes quarantined with her four children i cant wait well be right back with a closer look. Life is too far to walk alone. You cant do it on your own but time will show and dont you know how bad we need each other . You know what im saying . Hmmm. Mmm. Mmmm. Mmmm lets see. Its dry. Theres no dry time makes us wonder why we booked fifteensecond ad slots dries instantly and keeps you protected for fortyeighthours. It didnt take us long to realize. We werent in the car business. 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Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Seth hello, everyone, and welcome to the attic again we just got back from a weeklong hiatus although lets be honest, back isnt quite the right word, because i didnt go anywhere i just sat here with the lights off, quietly performing closer looks to myself about how every time i kill a wasp in the attic, three more appear to avenge their kin. I got so bored, i started parting my hair on the other side then sure, sure, i also did some drinking alone, which is depressing i mean, its always depressing but a year ago i was drinking with rihanna, so this is a precipitous drop off. And look, i know this is a long shot, but rihanna, if youre on zoom, my meeting i. D. Is 91711215 and my password is work work work work work work from home. Anyway, lets just get into it without a segue. The president suggested the coronavirus could be cured with disinfectants, then said he was joking, then threatened to stop doing press briefings altogether, which of course we know he cant do, because he loves cameras more than wasps love my attic. Theres the segue. For more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth i got to be honest, when we went on hiatus a week ago, i did not expect that when we came back id be talking about the president suggesting you could use disinfectants and powerful lights to cure the coronavirus but then again thats on me. I mean, i should have expected it we should all know by now trump will be more outlandish with each passing week, because thats his nature. Its like the frog and the scorpion fable i wont go through the whole thing. But at the end the scorpion stings the frog. And as they sink to their deaths, the frog says, why would you sting me . And the scorpion responds, some people are saying scorpion venom is an effective treatment for the coronavirus. Im not a doctor but i have you know, i have heard that, and what do you have to lose [ indiscernible that was a scorpion drowning we have to expect this nonsense. Looking back, i should have known i would be doing my show from the attic before this was all over when trump won in 2016 i should have called up the Wardrobe Department and said, hey, could i get a few more shirts to put in my attic in case i ever have to do the show up there . And they would have said, how many . And i would have said, five i mean, i cant imagine it would be for more than a week. And then they would have said, okay, but if its more than a week youll have to rotate shirts. And id say, guys, its not going to be more than a week. Long story short, this shirt has now been on camera more than any recurring character i ever did on snl. So congratulations, shirt. Anyway, after the president said that psychotic thing in a White House Briefing last week, he cycled through his usual series of obviously bs excuses starting with the classic, i was just joking. Because if theres one thing people want from leadership during a pandemic, its sarcasm. And that was me using sarcasm. I was asking the question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen but what i was asking, sarcastic in a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside okay reporter but you were asking your medical experts to look into it. No. No, no, no to look into whether or not sun and disinfectant on the hands, but whether or not sun can help us seth you have two renowned scientists working with you. Why are you pitching ideas like a sixth century druid . Maybe the sun can help us have we thought about sun . More often than not trumps ideas for solutions are things that have always been there and require no work or effort from him. Hes like a kid who forgot it was show and tell. Well, i appreciate everything my classmates have brought in today. I would like you to direct your eyes out the window to an item i brought which is 100 times the size of earth. Did you forget, tyler did you forget it was show and tell day . I did i did forget also my diorama is just my mouth. And you were not talking to reporters. You turned to your medical advisers, directly addressed them, and asked them to look into it. And then i see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do Something Like that, uh, by injection inside or or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So, it would be interesting to check that so that youre going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds it sounds interesting to me. I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if theres any way that you can apply light and heat to cure, you know if you could and maybe you can, maybe you cant. Again, i say maybe you can, maybe you cant, im not a doctor im like a person that has a good you know what reporter youre the president. Deborah, have you ever heard of that . The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus seth just look at dr. Birxs face while hes asking her these insane questions if this keeps up, shes going to start wearing five more scarves. And look, we just need to be prepared this is going to keep happening. Trump is a powerful dumb guy and he is friends with other powerful dumb guys and they like to call each other up and pitch their dumb ideas to each other the whole thing is like a lifelong episode of shark tank where no one has a good idea, and everyone wins. Theyre called sock gloves. Yeah, im in. Im in yeah, were all were all in. At his next press Conference Trump is going to tell people that they can replenish their energy by eating one battery a day. Some people need doublea some people need triplea. The other day someone on the street told me im a giant d. look, this matters, sadly, because trump is, you know, hes the president , and unfortunately people listen to him as marylands republican governor larry hogan explained on sunday. We had hundreds of calls come into our emergency hotline at our health department, asking if it was right to ingest clorox or, you know, alcohol cleaning products, whether that was going to help them fight the virus so we had to put out that warning to make sure that people were not doing Something Like that, which would kill people, actually, to do itd states i mean, this idiot gets on tv and pitches harebrained ideas that are liable to get people killed, because he thinks hes a medical genius dude, youre not jonas salk. Youre jonas sulk. Remember, he began this whole outbreak by repeatedly ignoring dire warnings from Public Health officials and claiming it would go away like a miracle now, over 50,000 americans are dead and at least 26 million are out of work. And the president is still insisting there will be a miraculous ending. Over the weekend he tweeted, i never said that the coronavirus is a hoax. I said that the democrats and the way they lied about it are a hoax. Also it did start with one person from china and then grew and will be a miracle end. No, its not a miracle end if in the process people die or lose their jobs they wouldnt have called it the miracle on ice if the entire American Hockey Team had drowned in lake placid also this will end, not becausee collective efforts were making as a society to slow the spread. You know, hard work and sacrifice. But trump cant recognize either of those trump is the kind of guy who if you slaved all day in the kitchen to make him a fourcourse meal, would finish it and say, whats your secret, is it miracles i feel like i tasted miracles in there. This stuff is hurting him politically. When the coronavirus outbreak first began, trump was getting free unlimited airtime on all the news networks. His poll numbers actually went up despite his dismal response, which makes sense because thats how trump got popular in the first place. He was always on tv, first the apprentice, then celebrity apprentice, then his years as a racist blowhard who was always on cable news. Im pretty sure he even popped up in those Liberty Mutual ads remember, he was the guy who said insurance is a waste of money, because nothing bad ever happens. And when it does you just wait for miracles and then of course there was his president ial run where Cable Networks breathlessly awaited his speeches by training their cameras on his empty podium. Remember that . When the democratic candidate for president had to compete for the medias attention with furniture . When trump loses this year, who are the republicans going to run in 2024 . A racist beanbag chair that brags about how many women have sat on him folks, ive seen more asses than you would believe. Now, pollsters suspected trumps initial rise in the polls was what they call a rally around the flag effect, which americans show their support for the president in a time of crisis. And sure enough trumps poll numbers have already begun to fall again trumps Approval Rating is down significantly from 49 in march while his disApproval Rating is up 9 from 45 trump had the shortest rally round the flag event in modern president ial history which is surprising for a guy who knows a thing or two about rallying around the flag i mean, my god, these two look like they just met in person for the first time on love is blind and you can tell immediately from the flags reaction she is not into it. This is a classic jessica, marks situation and yes, i did watch all of love is blind in two days. And i have said it before but when this is all over and we all have a lot less on our plates, we need to talk about jessica. Anyway, the point is this, it can be maddening in a crisis like this to see trump up at that podium every day yelling at reporters and telling people, you know, to huff lysol. Or Mitch Mcconnell doling out tax breaks to big corporations while decrying socalled blue state bailouts or small groups of unhinged right wing protesters screaming at nurses funded by conservative groups and cheered on by fox news but just remember that these people have always been and continue to be massively unpopular. Just take the protesters polls show americans overwhelmingly support the social distancing measures used to fight coronavirus you just dont see them on tv, because theyre in their houses. And nobody can see your signs when youre in your houses so trumps numbers are already falling again even as other World Leaders facing similar crises have won praise for their responses. Just take new zealands Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern whose handling has won more than 80 approval, well above any leader in the group of 7 wealthy democracies. 80 . The only way donald trump could ever get an 80 Approval Rating is from himself. Like over the weekend when he tweeted, remember, the cure cant be worse than the problem itself, be careful, be safe, use common sense, and then one of his other personalities replied to that tweet and said, so true. Hes just fully talking to himself now. Please, fauci, birx, just give him an unplugged mic, sit him down in front of a mirror, and hell be perfectly happy this guy giving this speech is making a lot of sense. I hope hes not being sarcastic. I like what hes saying. In fact if he sits on the lawn and holds the mirror under his chin he could even cure himself with some light and heat. Seth so new zealand has effectively contained the outbreak in fact experts believe new zealand could succeed in eliminating covid19 so how is new zealand doing it obviously there are giant differences between their country and ours but for one thing, their Prime Minister is a sane, normal person, which is nice. Instead of self aggrandizing mini rallies where she theorizes about blasting powerful lights into your eyes like were all experimental patients in a clockwork orange, she holds both formal press conferences and also more informal Facebook Live chats where she updates residents on the countrys Strict Lockdown measures and i thought that i would jump online very quickly and just give another summary. Perhaps a shorter one than the one we did at 1 00 today, announcing what the rest of the alert level framework looks like youll be pleased to know that we do consider both the tooth fairy and the easter bunny to be essential workers. But as you can imagine at this time, of course theyre going to be potentially quite busy at home with their family as well and their own bunnies. And so i say to the children of new zealand, if the easter bunny doesnt make it to your household, then we have to understand that its a bit difficult at the moment for the bunny to perhaps get everywhere. Seth i mean, can you imagine donald trump addressing the nations children on the status of the tooth fairy or the easter bunny . For one thing, every time they appear in public together, trump rambles so much that even the easter bunny looks like he wants to mainline clorox into his veins. Or maybe, i dont know, he already did. You ready for the White House Easter Egg Roll . Yeah, just, umm just give them a glass of bleach first. Obviously the geographic realities of life in new zealand are very different but there are still lessons we can learn from how they and other countries have successful dealt with this crisis and begun to slowly reopen their economies in a safe way. And some states are trying to learn lessons from other countries. Like germany, which has begun opening some businesses like book shops and auto dealerships. Germany is employing a technique known as Contact Tracing, which we desperately need here and new Jerseys Health commissioner said this weekend that she has spoken with Germanys Health minister about the steps theyd taken to implement that program and reopen the economy he emphasized the importance of robust testing to help to quickly identify new cases as well as their contacts so, they can be isolated immediately. They are being very aggressive in their Contact Tracing, using a team of 5 officers for every 20,000 members of the community to trace people who have come into recent contact with every confirmed case their experience can inform our efforts as we look ahead to ease some of our social distancing restrictions in the state and increase our testing capacity. Seth first of all, that is valuable information and its crazy that individual states have to get it themselves instead of, you know, the federal government second, i think the best thing about that to me is imagining describing what new jersey is like to a german [ german accent so you identify yourself not by the town you live in but by the exit youre from is this man, you call him the boss even though he is not yet your supervisor . And is it not difficult to travel when your highways are jammed with broken wheels and last chance power drive . And yet not only are we failing to adopt those techniques nationwide, trumps sycophants are actually mocking the idea of Contact Tracing. Last week the president s chinless gargoyle Rudy Giuliani went on fox host Laura Ingrahams show where the two laughed about how ridiculous it was for new york city to implement Contact Tracing for coronavirus. Michael bloomberg is going to handle the tracing, army of tracers in new york, we learned today. Well, thats totally ridiculous i know, army of tracers then we should trace everybody for cancer yeah, army of tracers why dont you trace everybody for cancer and heart disease, uh, and obesity and i mean, a lot of things kill you more than covid19 well so we should be traced for all those things seth yeah, man, i hate when someone sneezes on me, and i catch heart disease. You know what else we should trace . Brain worms. Because im pretty sure you guys are spreading them around. And by the way, just a tip, rudy, no ones going to think youre smart just because you started wearing glasses. All it does is make you look like dr. Bunsen honeydew went on a meth bender. Adding glasses isnt going to suddenly make you look like a gentleman of letters well, well, well, who is that scholarly kumquat . We could easily be learning important lessons from other countries and implementing techniques like mass testing, like Contact Tracing, on a nationwide basis to safely and slowly reopen parts of our country. Instead the president is musing about using disinfectants and powerful lights to clean out the lungs and having conversations with himself on twitter. Ive got to be honest, at this point i think something might be wrong with his you know what seth this has been a closer look. Weve been talking about city harvest on our show. And theyve told us youve all been incredibly generous in helping to raise needed funds. So lets try to keep it going. With unemployment skyrocketing, theyre keeping their trucks full to feed the growing number of new yorkers who are turning to them to put food on their tables theres a website on your screen where you can donate to help well be right back with maya rudolph announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. 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We care about keeping london safe. Keeping the Police Service going. Were living on teams. Its as simple as that. Seth our next guest is an emmy nominated actress and one of my favorite people on earth please welcome to the show maya rudolph, everybody. Hi, seth. Seth oh. Oh, maya, hi i know, its been so long how are you doing . Seth are you, umm, are you not wearing, umm, uh pants ive seen everybody doing that old thing, that old chestnut i put pants on this morning. So, its not like seth gotcha. Gotcha no pants. [ laughter ] seth maya, you look good i think a lot of people are worried that, you know, uh, those of us arent keeping it together here, but you seem to be doing a really good job im doing great seth yeah. Im doing great you know, i mean, im doing great. I feel like i feel like i really have this thing, like, locked down now. Like, im handling it, you know, in the best way possible and im i feel really good. I feel really i feel really together and, uh, yeah, yeah, things couldnt be better ive been drinking a lot of celery seth juice celery juice, maya i think thats what it is, yeah seth are you i think about people like you during times like this, maya, because youve got four kids living under one roof i do have four kids, yeah and people, you know, people have been asking me a lot, how do you do it all and im like, youre looking at it [ light laughter ] seth yeah. So youre not falling to pieces at all i mean, you know, some things fall through the cracks. [ light laughter ] i mean, im not you know, im not a perfect im not a perfect mom. I mean, i brush my teeth, you know seth thats good i think wrey to be healthy. So i feel like thats all that matters, you know. Seth you have a new animated film on netflix called the willoughbys. Yes seth this was based on a book was this a book you read to your kids seth, can you see me like im seeing myself right now. Can you see, like, below my chin seth yeah, were a little bit wider than just your head, yeah ill be right back. I forgot something on the stove. [ laughter ] hey. Seth oh, there we go sorry about that. Oh, sorry about that seth oh, thats fine i was baking. Seth youre in an animated film called the willoughbys, that is on netflix yeah. Seth this is based on a childrens book. Was it a book that you had read to your children actually my oldest daughter was reading the book on her own. She before i ended up doing the movie, she actually just found it on her own through her School Librarian it was really sweet and she was telling me about this really interesting book and, you know if i had my glasses on, id be able to tell you the authors name. Seth i think you might maya, i think if you just look up, you might i just realized i have my glasses on okay ive got to be honest with you, seth im a little stressed out. Seth yeah. But like i said, i feel like were really lucky so, i have nothing to complain about. But i, uh, i havent, umm i havent, uh, you know, bathed in a while seth you havent bathed in a while . Yeah yeah. Seth is it one of those things because you look very clean on camera. Would i be able to tell if we were in the same room . Yeah. Seth yeah. Maya, i actually was happy to hear that youre doing an animated film. Because last time you were on the show, you were saying that your kids were begging to watch bridesmaids, which is maybe not age appropriate. Yeah, thats true [ light laughter ] seth have you finally caved on that . Have they gotten to watch some of your more adultthemed films . Just that one just my oldest daughter watched that one and she liked it i felt a little uncomfortable just like when it started, because i was like, what am i going to say but shes seen all the embarrassing other than pooping in the street, which i think she already knew about, i think she was pretty psyched but the funny thing is, you think, like, oh, theyre going to be excited but they always get a little weirded out, because its their mom like, hmm, oh. Seth right thats interesting, yeah because especially because youre young, youre somebody completely different, whereas i think if my kids watched this show they would be like, oh, its the same guy i hear droning on all the time. Yeah, when you think youre being cool, youre [ light laughter ] seth our friend will forte is one of the voices in this movie. Yeah. Seth are you guys actually doing press together, even though you cant be together right now . We did get to do a morning together, which was really lovely and i met his puppy, and he got to see pictures of mine. Hes got a really cute, cute new little puppy and he looks good. He looks great seth now, you will plays a character with a bowl cut in the film youve known will long enough that there was a time he had it, and that was as an adult thats correct. He was a fully grown male when i met him, but he sported a bowl cut. Seth yeah. We were probably like i would say 24, 25, maybe. Seth yeah. So not okay, right no. But very very in character with will forte. Seth yeah. Because it strikes me as, he either puts a ton of thought into decisions or no thought yeah, no, it was perfectly on brand. Seth yeah. He weve known each other for many years we were at the groundlings theater so, we did a lot of shows together he was always youll be surprised by this, he always did bits backstage where he would walk around nude for no reason. Seth yeah. Which, you know seth that tracks with my memory of working with him you play a nanny in the film mmhmm. Seth did you were you a babysitter back in the day . And now is it weird to have to trust your children with babysitters the whole trust, i dont know how you feel about this, but the whole trust with babysitters thing in the beginning, especially when you have little ones, is terrifying. And what was actually more terrifying, living in california, was if they ever get in a car with someone else, i want to pull all my hair out its so scary. But you get used to it i was, you know, like high school, like college days, i did a little babysitting. Nothing seth i did a little babysitting too i now have more fear about turning my kids over to babysitters remembering what i was like as a babysitter. Not that i was a bad babysitter, but i was just a kid. No, but we werent paying attention. Thank god we didnt have phones, because things would have burned seth right yeah, thats true. Im probably by nature a better based on the technological limitations of what was available to me, i was probably a better babysitter yeah, oh yeah yeah i mean, i think i was probably on the phone with my boyfriend at one point i think he might have come over. [ light laughter ] but, i mean, nothing too scandalous i was such a good kid, it was probably pretty boring no one ended up with like an early Linda Mccartney haircut or anything seth right, right. Did you were you happy when you saw what your character looked like . I imagine that must be the most fun part about doing animation yeah, it is, actually and it also sometimes is kind of frightening, because you see elements of your behaviors that, you know, little mannerisms that you werent aware of but shes nice and freckled. Shes really buoyant and delicious. And shes got some the hair in this movie is really amazing actually the whole movie looks incredible but all the willoughbys have this beautiful magenta yarn hair thats so incredibly detailed and gorgeous and nannys hair is shaped into this gorgeous big, thick heart but it really has this like i mean, kriss movies are hes pretty fantastic i knew it would be really beautiful. But once you actually finally get to see it done, its so great. And its so funny and clever its nice to be genuinely proud of something and that you can share with your kids its a great its a great movie. Seth you mentioned hair. And when we come back, i have a lot of questions about i want to verify i want to confirm the rumor that you just have loose wigs at your home. Well be right back with more maya rudolph okay. 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Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Seth welcome back. Were here with maya rudolph i was very jealous i heard that there was a snl childrens talent show there sure was. It was pretty delightful, i got to say [ light laughter ] i think it was i think it was tinas brainchild. Seth uhhuh. And then, she got our older kids to get together and plan it and as you can imagine, it was it was pretty great seth so this is mostly sort of my era of women of snl and their children doing a talent show on zoom yeah. Yeah, tina fey, amy poehler, rachel dratch, ana gasteyer, paula pell, emily spivey, and myself and seth and all four of your children performed no, mine were feeling a little shy that day. My youngest two performed. They claimed that they had jokes, which is always a little scary because thats seth yeah, terrifying. Improvised but they just ended up doing a lot of bickering in costumes for a while. I think my son was dressed as a hamburger. And he was bickering with my daughter who was holding a sword. So you know, stuff like that seth yeah. Pretty run of the mill. Seth and you have a fair amount of wigs at your home, yes . Yes, of course. [ light laughter ] seth im happy to hear that. [ light laughter ] youre one of our nations finest wig actors. I dont think you would argue that fact. Im really grateful to hold that moniker i personally love a wig. I really love a wig. And i and we did a zoom Birthday Party for our good friend paula pell recently, and the wigs, the wigs came out flying seth the wigs were flying . The wigs were flying, yes i dont know i cant remember what my characters name was anymore, but at some point, i had whats the iad a merida wig on from brave. D d, that i look nude and then, somehow we decided that she was she was like carole baskin, but for dogs. So she had a dog sanctuary she was pretty hateable seth gotcha. She was realy hateable seth thats good i see these are its fun to do a talent show and find new characters yeah, thats listen, i got time, so thats thats what i do with my time. [ light laughter ] seth i was wondering what you think, have you watched any of the snl at home, because i watched on saturday. And i found it so its all so fascinating to me, especially because theres a way theyre doing snl now that you and i have never experienced are you at all jealous that you dont get i mean, again, its for a bad reason that theyre doing it, but it does seem like its bringing out some real creativity i think its lovely and i love the very First Episode for that i feel like it really held on to that spirit. It reminded me so much of that spirit of when we worked at the show seth yeah. You know, when we worked there, it was after september 11th i remember having to come into the writers room and figure out what we were going to do in light of what was going on i remember the day that they said, hey, theres anthrax in the building, and we had a show that week. And we lost our host, and then, our host came back i mean, these things all started flooding back in my head of like, oh, yeah, we kept working. And theres a looseness and a joy and a goofiness in those episodes and then, seeing kenan in a blanket as a costume was like maybe my favorite. Seth yeah, kenan in a blanket is always going to be a winner its the top of my list but i have to say, its Pretty Amazing to turn it on, you know, the next time they do saturday night live at home, and people, i mean, brad pit and i mean, its beautiful, its all so beautifuleverybody pitch it seeing tom hanks host that first week getting to meet peoples cats. Its its beautiful its the spirit of the show that i genuinely love the most. Seth yeah, and i really have a ton of respect for what theyre doing because like you said, after 9 11, we were really lucky to be together and the fact that theyre doing it apart so that other people can feel that closeness is a really, really sweet, great undertaking. Yeah. Seth i heard another i believe this was, again, the brainchild of tina feys children, that you adopted as the themed quarantine party, dinner party the themed dinner party is i mean, i was so impressed with the initial idea tina sent a video of her girls putting together, like, a themed airline dinner so seth how does this work . So you have you have a Flight Attendant and the Flight Attendant comes around everyones vip everyone gets moved to first class. Seth gotcha. So youre just sitting in chairs in the house sitting in chairs everyone gets an ipad. [ light laughter ] and everyone gets their order taken. And then, your dinner is brought to you and then, you have an ipad, and possibly a glass of wine, and then, you watch your show and eat in silence [ light laughter ] it was magicaleth and the kids. Oh, they loved it i in my house. We actually didnt we didnt the kids the kids used the ipads we just sat and had a really nice quiet dinner. But it was pretty awesome. But, i mean, you know, my i have to say, there are so many incredible ideas going around on the internet and from other kids and i love the way everyones just just figuring day by day out. From that, my kids are obsessed with disneyland. So then, they decided to have a disneyland themed dinner one night. And we had they reenacted the rides. And then, i guess you can go on the site where it takes you through each ride and my kids acted out the thing on cars where the cars were coming and talking to us. And then, we got in the bathtub at one point and did jungle cruise it was [ light laughter ] seth well, im so happy to hear how well youre getting through this im so excited for everybody to see the willoughbys. And it is always such a delight to talk to you thanks. Seth maya rudolph. I love you. I hope youre well i hope im sending love to stay well. Seth all right, love from our whole family to yours. See you soon, maya bye seth well be right back does this make you want a reeses . Oh, how about this . Ok, well stop. Just kidding, were not gonna stop. Not sorry. Reeses how do you gaveeno® happy 24 7 . With prebiotic oat. It hydrates and softens skin. So it looks like this. And you feel like this. Aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin healthy™ the family has to share one. 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Now it means getting high first thing in the morning, because youre sad you ran out of cereal [ laughter and applause a jack in the box. Tube tops. The connection things bout to be poppin out [ laughter ]nd lilly ive got sisters erin and sara foster. He was at the gym the same time as her. And you know in the gym, youre like in spandex. I mean, you look well, you dress really slutty at the gym i do. [ laughter ] lilly time you did it for the gram. I mean, i would say for you ra [ laughter ] has her 3yearold and 9yearold daughters oh, yeah. Take photos of her in bikinis. My 3yearold is doing a wonderful job. [ laughter ] daniel coming up

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