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Its dangerly because people are staying home but warns we are not out of the woods yesterday. The latest numbers in the bay area. Almost 4,000 errorereported cas every county except sonoma has new cases today. Doctors and nurses are hailed as the heroes of the pandemic. And now they are also paying a price. Community fear and social isolation. In part its because of what they wear. The scrubs. Damian spend the day in san jose. You will see it in nbc bay air yoonchts you see them coming and go but doctors and nurses say they have to watch they what they wear when theyre in public. They leave the hospitals and clinics after of a long shift, dealing with the unknown. And now to make matters worse, nbc bay area learned the scrubs are becoming a stigma. We have had nurses that have been in the Grocery Store after they left work and while people are grateful, they dont want them around them in the scrubs because there is a fear they are carrying covid 1. We heard from nurses at hospital with the same story. It doesnt help when it comes to all the stress they are deeming with. There is together deal with. Its a novel coronavirus. And his staff is now allowed to shower and change in civilian clothes an at the hospital so they are able to on go home put the public reaction. They can go home in normal gloeths and not the have to worry about the star let letter attached. Of bring it home to the family. And having to hide their own profession from an anxious public. And the chief acting officer says the data says there is no real concern of infections through hospital scrubs but he understands the concern. Nbc bay area news. Thank you. Lets take a look at the rate at which the cases are increases. Santa clara county, and look at days, march 31st, an crease of just 4 cases and for the whole week, the increase stayed below 75 cases. Sunday night, an increase of only 17 cases. Another the east bay nursing home is dealing with with the outbreak of covid19. Palace sent hill, they have 13 cases. Patients and Staff Members have tested pos ti. Jody hernandez is in pleasant hills. Reporter this is the scene this afternoon. Each call for help is treated with every prekaux after four residents and nine Staff Members tested positive for covid 1. Nearby, another Senior Care Center has been hit by the virus. 27 patients and 22 members are positive. One patient died from virus over the weekend. Once you have it, you just have to pray and hang on and hope to get better, come out the other end. Elaine lives next door to the carlton center. She only goes out for herrer daily walk but she is concerned by the outbreaks. If one of us gets i, i think were all in in danger in some way. These are most Vulnerable People in the state. The nursing home reform says not enough is being down to protect the staff and the patients a the living centers. She is calling for more testing and protection for workers. Any facility where you have an outbreak of one person, Everyone Needs to be tested. And we need to make sure that we protect the workers there. We have to protect the workers because really, theyre you know, theyre First Responders to this. Reporter Health Officials say they are currently just testing people at this site who have symptoms but they are evaluating the ability of testing everyone who lives and works here. In pleasant hill, im jody hernandez. We saw this coming, and today it is official. Thousands of bay area students will finish the school year at home. Six local counties agree that campuses will remain closed. California School Superintendent says that states are working to supply the districts with devices so the students can learn from home. Some of the students have access to devices and the internet and many dont. We know we have to keep working to close the digital divides that have existed for declads. They have asking any company a that can donate computers, ipads or tech equipment to contact the state department of education. Among the many challenges, what happens with high school students, juniors now they have to finish the school year from home and worry about college and grades. Its a kri cal time. A lot of confusion. Jessicaing Jessica Aguirre is working from home. And your dawger. Reporter yeah, and the junior year, you have to get the good grades, take the s. A. T. And the a. C. T. And all of that is now up in air. What is happening . Most have been canceled right now. Olivia was supposed to take her a. C. T. Last week and the s. A. T. Next month. But thats not going on to happen. And how is it going to affect the kids across the country. I talked to an a. C. T. s. A. T. Specialist who said his students are bummed about this. Math ewe todd. This is what he does. But yes, its a detour for students but its not the end of the road. You hit the nail on the head. I work with tons of tunes and all of them are upset about it. They have been working for the tets in april, may, they are upset. Where can they find resources to keep their skills sharp . There are wonderful resources free of charge on the internet. You have con academy. Youtube. If a student wants to improve an s. A. T. Score, they can absolutely improve it. Are free tests everywhere. And the a. C. T. And s. A. T. Administrators provide free tests all the time. They go on google and type in practice test. Your best piece of advice for parents that may be freaking out . Show no fear. Number one thing i can tell patients is your students are terrified right now. Reporter so no fear. Show no fear. I keep repeating that to myself over and over again. I saw the inspirational viral post from a Dublin High School teacher about what they will remember about this time. I got this post as i was heading down the hallway and it might help other parents too. All of us in the process, it was stressful back then. I cant imagine now. Thank you. A dozen doctors are calling on San Francisco to abandon mass shelters and move thousand of homeless in vacant hotel rooms. Having thousands of Homeless People in shelters with common bathrooms will spread the virus throughout the community. Unless we take action now, its only a matter of time before we see a huge surge in cases across the city. The citys current plan is to house 5,000 homeless in a dozenen hotels and four mass shelters. Small businesses are struggling to stay open and now a boost there facebook for the bay area. Facebook will provide grants to businesses hit hard in the pandemic. 15 million in grants will be spread out the bay area. Small Business Owners can apply for the grants by the end of the week. Fshlg still to come, safety in the skies. Flight attendants say its time to ground almost all planes in the u. S. We investigate. Im chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. I have details on warmer temperatures tomorrow and a shower chance that is sneaking back in the forecast in about six minutes. What we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Are e we on the verge of grounding all air traffic . The nations flight attendants want flights halted. Exkrep for critical travel. They are worried about safety. The flight attendants i spoke to asked to remain anonymous. At least two tested positive for covid19 days after flying. Reporter seens captured by a photographer show the impact, a flight attendance alone in coach, and another in an empty cabin. Other pictures show a handful on board. So many flights canceled, some are jam packed with passengers, making social distancing impossible. All of it is concerning the flight aten dants we talked to. We spoke to flight attendants for all carrier in nation. A member of a closed Facebook Group gave us access by those expressing worries and fears. We are still acquired to clean the lav, the kitchen, the galley, and prepare the food and pour the drinks regardless of whether we have gloves or not. We are in a metal tube for hours a the a time with passengers that are no respecting the stay at home order. We reached out to five Major Airlines for comment. Southwest sent a statement says our First Priority has always been and will continue to be the safety and wellbeing of the employees and customer. We are e value waying each flight basis, and there are no penalties assessed. Are you scared . I actually am. Five of the flight attendants are now sick. Two tested positive for covid19. Three more have symptoms and cant get tested. One had to go to the hospital just as we were getting ready to interview here. We do not the need to have Leisure Travel now. And tourests returning home to continue to fly. And air travel, its impossible to social distance. Crews need the flights that dont need to be taking off t stay on the ground. Why they would not dirtly address the idea of grounding flights, a Spokes Person to airlines for america, a trade group, said since the onset and the throughout the duration of the covid19 crisis, u. S. Carrierses have closely followed and come plied with all safety rules and will continue to do so. Its violating the shelter in place order in the county youre in. Reporter the county supervisor says no one should be traveling unless its a critical need such as a medical team. But there is a gray area when with it comes to enforcement. If you dont need to travel, please dont do it. As for the idea of grounding flights, an faa Spokes Person told me we do not have Regulatory Authority over decisions to play or airlines to operate. It will take an executive order from the president to actually ground domestic flights. A big part of the coverage is all the good that is happening in the community. We talk about it every night. Berkeley engineers now are getting creative with leftover supplies they have are. They are turning sleep apnea machines into ventilators. It allows mthe machine to accep pure oxygen. They will be used for nonicu patients. Nice day for a swim if you are a whale. One splashing around in the San Francisco bay area earlier. It went to the surface a couple times before swimming away. We saw it, that is a nice shot. What a difference a day makes. The sun was out in full force and we soaked up every minute of it. It was nice. It was. And there was cloud cover moving by an at times, who cares about that . I was stunning outside. A nice rebound for three days of a row in rainfall. If you have been inside home schooling the kids, making dinner, working yourself, i want to make sure to get you a blue sky camera shot now. One of the best is coming to us from the santa clara valley. A highdefinitioning camera over downtown san jose, and over to the distance, a few puffy cumulus clouds. And will is that blue sky. 61 degrees, drop in 50s tonight and clouds as we move in early tomorrow morning. I want to make sure to give you a close look at the forecast. Tomorrow around 7 00 a. M. To do meditating, yoga, make sure you have a jacket. You will be in the low 50s. We are going up to the warmest temperatures in the bay tomorrow. 69 in santa rosa and 73 in clear lake. Low clouds tomorrow. And partly cloudy as we move through the day. I dont see problems wednesday. By i do have to make ur aware of a small change in the forecast. The system to the south is going to bring up a slight chance of a spotty shower on thursday. We will go over that and then we will talk about that nice, nice weather coming in for weekend and the 70degree temperatures. I will have it for you in about 25 minutes. We will update you on the snow pack. And show you the 30 day period. We have all the help we can get. A bay area High School Teacher giving advice to parents overseeing their kids education. Were all in this fight, all the way. The heroic doctors and nurses on the front lines. The 7,000 cigna clinicians beside them. And everyone staying home to protect others. We will get through this together. And everyone staying home to protect others. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh. Its real. Believe me. I mean, this is unexpected. You would say, remarkable . Absolutely. A remarkable deal thanks, i get that all the time. Wait what . grocrey outlet jingle wow. I think ill take two. For the love oh. Our commune uppity battles the virus, now more than ever we dmeed to stick together. We know you have questions and you need to help. Whether about your job. Or you just want to know how to clean and disinfect. No question is too small. Contact us any time visiting us online. Or just pick up the phone. We respond to every call, every email. These are challenging times. But were in it together. Good evening. Im Jessica Aguirre, coming to live from my home school in pleasanton. And my daughter is on spring break. No Distance Learning at all. Owe e livia is amusing herself, aside from sleeping, combining two things she really enjoys, making fun of me and doing tiktok videos. Watch this. Mom. Mom. Why this is amusing, im not 100 sure. Its odd and its weird. But apparently, she is really enjoying doing this. So, so weird. So today, i got a Facebook Post sent to me that really stopped me in my tracks. I was just about to head down the hallway for yelling at people for not being productive. And i saw this post, a special ed teacher. And sage advice. She wrote, reminds us our kids are just as scared and nervous as we are. And goes on to talk about the idea of how being out four weeks sounds great and when you dont get to see your friends, its very different. And that we all had a lot of plans and schedules we want them to do. But she closes saying that at the end of this, really, its your kidss Mental Health more than anything else. And they are going to remember how you spent the time and all the things they learned and information they got. I thought that was good advice to pass along. There is a lot less yelling at the aguirre household today. I like the groaning and grunting on tiktok. I think its sweet, thanks. Here is what the new normal looks like in the home of scott budman. What is that . Its a plan ket fort built by one of his daughters, looking to be left alone. Its hard to sociay distance from the rest ofhe family nice fort. Coming up next, the grand princess greeted by protesters as it docks in San Francisco. The extra help they went for the crew stuck on board. And clear skieses and air. Does lighter tffic have to do with this . Its more complicated than you think. Stay wh us what we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Right now at 6 30, to take a look. This is the grand princess cruise ship docked fts for the First Time Since february. The nightmare continues for hundred of people still stuck on board. What a mess this has been. The ship was held at sea and now in San Francisco a the dock. Yeah, there are more than 500 crew members still on board. The ship docked today to pick up supplies and will leave again. Here is sonja shin. Reporter grand princess docked at noon today and the protesters demand e ber treatment for the crew members on the ship. They do not pose any risk to the health of the public or the community. The are skeptical that kit be disinfected. They accuse the people of being more worried about profits and Princess Cruises responsible for t the death of a worker. The worker was denied access to full testing, and safe quarantine, all of which might have prevented this. Reporter the groups are demanding they provide more testing, counselling, and the cost of getting crew home. Britain sess cruises released a statement saying the health and safety of the crew remains a top priority. They have been following cdc guidelines and they are finalizing a plan to get home. The ship will depart from the port later today or tomorrow. No word on its final destination. Sonja chin, nbc, bay area news. President trump says its going to be a painful week. But the Coronavirus Task force says there are signs of hope. By the time we get to fall, we will have it under control enough that it certainly will not be the way it is now, where people are shutting schools. My optimistic school says we will be able to renew to an extent. But it will be different. The virus likely wont disappear. Mike pence says we restarting to see stabilization in hot spots like new york and new orleans. Its hard to navigate. Try to determine, are we really making progress . In california, governor says we are slowing the spread but the peak has yet to come. The curve continues to rise but not the slope that was with projected, without the interventions, the nonfo nonpharmaceutical distancing. They have brought the state valuable time to prepare for the surge in patients. California has nearly 16,000 confirmed reported cases. We may be stuck inside. But the view outside is beautiful. The skies are clear. Air quality is god. Fewer cars on the road messes mean pollution. The cut in traffic will cut oc2 e emissions by 22 . Joining us from oakland, joe management. M the bay area air thank you for joining us. Blue, blue skies. How much is the sheltering at home really contributing to cleaner air . Well, the sheltering at home is contributing. Many, many less cars on road than we normally see. But its important to remember too, the contributing factor to the good air quality, we just had a weather system that came through and really just pushed forth really clean air. So theres multiple factors but having fewer cars on road playing a major role. We said at it was about 25 . Is that accurate with the shelle at home . Yeah, so the estimates i heard were 20 , 25 . Around tha blpar iould say thats a fair estimate. Can you compare the air quality thi year to the same time last year . The biggest difference . Would you say its because of the fewer cars or maybe the weather system . Are there other factors . That is one of the questions i actual askedur Meteorologist Team about. They are trang to e see how it compes with previs yea. Definily the colors are goiars o play a role. With fewer cars on the road. But this time of year, we usually have e beer air quality in comparison to other portion ps of the year. As of now, its hard to say exactly what all the sources are. Bu a qlity is impoefing sorry, thears being off the road. And its also industry the industry levels are also improving and there are fewer people who are burning wood. So it really encourage people to litt limit the air burning. Inwinter, people are wood. And springtime is cleaner air because of the storms that wash out the air quality smnchts you hift it on head. That is whea what we are basing it off of. We really get really good weather and less fewer cars on the road and you can see before we go i know air quality is your expertise. What do you think the shelter at home will do . Do you think it will encourage people to change their has been byes . Commute less. Encourage businesses to have their employees who are working from home . It appears to be working well . You know, we as a government agency, we cant up comment on that specifically. But i will say having fewer people on the roads is improving air quality. I know its been a big adjustment for a lot of people, for us personally, working at home has been an adjustment. Its been pretty positively met. But for us, we just want to continue to protect public health. We have inspecters out there, and they are still inspecting and p still providing permits to businesses. That is where our number one concern is. Keep up the good work. Bay area air quality management. Get outside rye now, take a huge breath in in this stressful time. Thanks. We are enjoying the frish air. No relief for Small Businesses on the peninsula. San mateo county supervisors would ban evictions of Small Businesses impacted by covid19. But during the video conference, board voted it down. The more tatorium could have applied to businesses make making less than 250,000 a year. And san jose, choice lunch normally delivers food to schools but they launched pantry. The food comes straight from distributors and workers will bring it right to the car. You have to order food two days in advance. We have a programming note. Lester holt hosting our hour with with nbc news correspondents across the globe. Find out what is happening in a race for an a vaccine. We will take a look at where expers say we need testing right now. That is tonight, 10 00 p. M. Still to come, a new way to keep the virus from spreading. Santa clara county sheriff deputieses are setting up to keep First Responders from taking the virus home with them. Thats next. 58 million latinos live in the united states. If we all participate in the 2020 census, we can ensure fair funding for our schools, libraries, hospitals, and other public services. The census is safe, its confidential, and our community is counting on us to do our part. We know who we are and how vibrant our community is. Lets make sure our nation knows it too. For more information, visit getcounted. Com, and to participate, go to census. Gov. The impact of covid19 kopts to grip businesses nationwide. The seattle based Real Estate Company announced its cutting workers. Redfin forced to furlough 41 of its ajens. The impact that covid19 is havingen the company. They are try its hard toast bring back everyone on furlough. The majority furloughed until september 1st. Take a look. The can ta clara countys. Any First Responder can show up, day or night, go through the process and get a clean change of clothes and peace of mind. I think this a muchneeded, critical asset for the county of santa clara. Make sure its open for law enforcement, first e responders in general, just an an mmazing thing. There are more than 24 13,000 positive in santa clara county. Give blood. The drive had two purposes. To encourage people to give blood, and they have a ban of donations from gay and bisexual men. Lets head to jeff ranieri. Is it a living room or family room . I would say living room. Yes. And you know, i have sun coming in the windows right now. We can see that blue sky as well. I will take you outside for the sky camera network. A few showers before warmer weather. They cant get to their destination because of the virus. Now some of the lodging hosts are refusing refunds. Nbc bay area responds next. The best way to predict the future is to create it and change the world. Here at abbvie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. The pandemic has forced millions of families to cancel trips and many who Book Vacation ren to tal rentals cant get the money back. By the way, its spring break. Our family can semied a trip. Lots of money is on the line for lots of folks. Dmaifd lafayette, out 5,000 trips for a canceled hawaii trip. And 8,000 for a trip to arizona. And bonnie, out more than 6,000 dollars for a Family Reunion that is too risky to hold. I dont think its fair more me, my family to have to give up this money for something were not able to utilize. Brbo sent this note saying it encouraged homeowners and Property Owners to adopt more flexible cancellation policies and to offer full refunds. Encouraged but did not require. Bonnies host refused to honor the 6,000. And e we turned to vrbo. E we believe the policy strikes the best balance for vacation homes owners and property mansionment. And they offered bonnie a 100 credit for a future stay. But they have to book with the same host and that is not what they feel is fair. Vrbos policy differs from other places. Hilton and marriott are giving people money back. Airbnb is offering refunds too. If you cant get your money back from the rental, try to speak with the host first and look for Common Ground to see if you can maybe work out a compromise. If that fails, as we have seen here, you can go back to the booking company to see e what they are going to do. Let them know you tried and ask them to give you a credit for a future travel, elsewhere, ideally. As a last resort, see if your Credit Card Company will open up a dispute to challenge charges that way. We are taking coronavirus questioning and complaints an at nbc bay area. Com. You can go to the main area and Quick Respond and give us a call. 888996tips. I will be back at 7 00. We will talk about one step that people need to take if they are unable to make their rent on april 1st. We will see you. Thank you, chris. We are following the jack dorsey, the funder of twitter, is pledging to donate nearly one third of his wealth. He says once its disarmed, they will focus on health and education. Several other tech leaders have made significant contributions as well with. Speaking of zuckerberg, the facebook ceo and his wife had a video chat with an Infectious Disease specialist. They asked the dr. About the chance that covid19 will become a seasonable virus. Respiratory disease does call in the seasonal. And you increase the immunity in the general population so its lef less severe. He is the third guest to appear on the live stream. Dr. Anthony fauci and Governor Newsom made an appearance. Jeff ranieri from his living room in the east bay. We have nice weather on the way, right . Yeah, so much blue sky. It still el feels strange to me. Almost like a habit to be here at my house doing the weather and broadcasting it back home to you guys. But we have all the same equipment and technology to bring you the accurate forecast. Lets get to it. And live, highdefinition sky cam. Im controlling it from right here in my living room. You can see the blue sky. This is one of my favorite sky cameras. I looked through all of them today to find the best shot for you. If you have been stuck inside doing home schooling, vacuuming, cleaning, san fitizing, you wile see sunny skies and tonight, mostly clear skies until about 11 00, and tomorrow morning, we do have low clouds that will be moving back in, i dont think its going to be super extensive tomorrow. But expect patchy low clouds. And east bay at 47, San Francisco 49. Best time to get out tomorrow m i have been trying to do it. 11 00 to 4 00 p. M. We will have warmer temperatures and the blue sky is back was. Tomorrow, everywhere across the bay area, you will be able to enjoy it, if you are going e meditating, yoga, or a quick job. 67 in san jose, fre monday, antioch, 69 degrees, and over to pittsburg, upper 60s. The peninsula, more 60s as well. 63 in redwood city. And San Francisco, chilly along the coastline. 57 in the outer sunset. Winds an out of the southwest at 12. And north bay, take note. Stan rose ra, clear lake, some of the warmest temperatures. Okay, i have to do it, tell you about small changes. I dont want to you get caught off guard. Thursday, wlea following the south, the best chance of rain to los angeles. We could see just a little bit of a spin to the bay area. Not a big chance but i want to you be ready for that on thursday. Here we go, this is a pay back for us. This is something we will all love. This weekend, High Pressure is back and that will have us with warmer weather. In San Francisco, the change will be minimum. Low to mid 60s. Inland, get ready for this. Hopefully you are sitting down. Come to the tv fast. Check it out. 72 on saturday and next tuesday, we are up to 76. Okay, told you i would get you all up date on the snowpack. We dont want water restrictions. We have seen good head way. March 7th, we had 38 for the essential sierra. We saw it jump up to 67 of normal. If you have to check on family members up in the sierra, dry weather we know the resorts are. I have to try to get outside for my broadcast tomorrow. We will see how it works with the signal and everything. Lets do it. Thanks, jeff. With the olympics postponed this bay area Gold Medalist is doing something good with her time. A new challenge she is taking on that is inspiring others. Everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. Beholdeach for astors different type of music. When i have all six strings, im going to turn all the trolls into rock zombies. Rock and roll ahh im not going to let you do this. Well overpower them with glitter. Grrr were gonna have to go. Where no pop troll has ever gone. Who wants to party . Without smiling. The World Premiere is in your home friday. Whaso lets do the rightver chanthing, today. Ow. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Its part of the olympic spirit, do good for your community, your country and planet. And an olympic gold medelist is di doing just that. She picked all sewing needle. She was hoping to be in training right now. Planning to defend her gold medal in paralympic volleyball. Instead, she is home bound. Its definitely taking place of what i normally do with training. Reporter these days, bethany is busy sewing masks for hospitals. 200 made and more to go. I have several friends who are nurses in the community. Soy reached out to them on social need yarks and said, do you need these things . Would but able to use them . Reporter the answer, yes. So bethany and her sister, mom and grandmother are making and e donating masks. Were pretty used to taking on the challenges that were faced with. Reporter using her talents to help those who need protection. For hours, you are doing the thing to perfect your craft. We all have a job and we are doing it. Reporter bethany said she was making the masks for friends and family members and heard about the shortages. Scott budman, nbc bay area news. That is nice. We have all date. A lot of viewers quick quick to respond about an east bay nurse of fears of bringing the virus home. Yeah, jamey is sleeping had in her car to avad exposing her daughter. They wanted to help her. And the Oakland Hotel has invited her to come stay for free. That is very nice. We wish her the best. Thanks for joining us. We are not done. We will come back for the 7 00 news cast with more information about what is happening today. Right now at 7 00 it is bending. But its also stretching. We havent hit the peak yet. But california leaders are showing signs of optimism, as the growth of new cases slows down. Good evening. Thanks for joining us for our special 7 00 p. M. Newscast. We have some key updates to pass along, including a projection that we might be limited in our social movement for the rest of the year. We are also joined by Jessica Aguirre. Raj and janelle, it is official today. Six counties have canceled schools for the rest of the school year. And

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