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Red flag. The newly revealed memo that reportedly shows the white house was warned about the risk of a pandemic in january, as dr. Anthony fauci suggests life after the outbreak may never be the same. If you want to get to precoronavirus, that might not ever happen. Well talk about the difficult road still ahead with the nations Surgeon General. Turn for the worse. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spends the night in intensive care amid his ongoing battle with the coronavirus. A top official now deputized to step in as the nations leader when necessary. Just ahead, the very latest in a live report from london. Aboutface. The secretary of the navy apologizes after slamming the captain of a u. S. Aircraft carrier, concerned over a Virus Outbreak on his ship. Hes a, too naive or too stupid to be the Commanding Officer of a ship like this. The blame game of the captains firing and fallout. And breaking overnight. Bringing back baseball . The plan reportedly being worked on to start the Major League Season as early as next month. Where and how the games could be played. Today, tuesday, april 7th, 2020. From nbc news, this is today, with Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hi, everybody. Welcome to today. Happy youre joining us on a Tuesday Morning. Savannah working from home once again. I know. But i got a different look. They upgraded my background, hoda. I have a little bit of 30 rock. I can feel a little closer to you in studio 1a. Yes. Im still in my basement. I like that look. We have a lot to get to overnight. Theres 368,000 case of the coronavirus in the United States, with more than 10,000 fatalities. But here in new york, efforts to flatten the curve appear to be working. Meantime, despite the states stayathome order, todays president ial primary in wisconsin is still being held with inperson voting. The governor issued an executive order that would delay voting till june, but late overnight, it was overturned by the highest court. The leaders are working on the next rescue bill to bolster the hardhit economy. House speaker, nancy pelosi says another 1 trillion is needed on top of the 2 trillion recently passed. And concern isPrime Minister Boris Johnson after he we have complete coverage. Were going to begin in new yowhles. Gabe gutierrez is near the u. S. And is along the hudson. Gabe, good morning. Reporter good morning. This Naval Hospital ship has only treated about 48 patients so far, but overnight some breaking news. One of its crew members has just tested positive for covid19. Only noncovid patients, but Governor Cuomo asked the president to change that as the citys Health Care System is pushed to the brink. Some good news in hardhit new york. It would suggest a possible flattening of the curve. Reporter daily hospitalizations are down. So are icu admissions and daily intubations. And though deaths are still rising, the increase has been stable for two days. Still, Governor Andrew Cuomo is warning new yorkers not to let their guard down. If we are plateauing, we are plateauing at a very high level and theres tremendous stress on the Health Care System. Reporter President Trump has now agreed to allow the thousand bed, floating hospital, the usns comfort to treat covid patients. But a crew member was isolated after testing positive for the virus. Meanwhile, theres another 2,500 beds at the Javits Convention center, which has been converted into a massive hospital and is now open. And possibly another 200 more beds next week at st. John the divine, the largest cathedral in america, that is working out logistics of opening its doors to the sick. All potential relieve valves, for doctors who work at a covid19 unit in north Shore University hospital, and says all of her patients are seriously ill. You can actually smell fear. You smell death. Reporter in harlem, frustrated medical workers are demanding more protective equipment. To have an n95 mask every day is nothing. Thats like begging for crumbs when we need dinner. Reporter new york city accounts for nearly onequarter of the nations surging death toll. A funeral home in brooklyn says its running out of body bags. Were overwhelmed. Overwhelmed. My staff is theyre on wits end. Reporter as city officials urge new yorkers to wear face coverings when going outside, the governor is furious that some are not properly social distancing. And he has doubled the fine from not doing so from 500 to 1,000. Savannah . All right. Gabe, thank you. Now, to the dire shortage of vital medical equipment nationwide, including testing kits and even thermometers. Its being highlighted in a new government watchdog report. Were going to talk about it with the nations Surgeon General in a moment. First, tom costello joins us with the details of that. Tom, good morning. Reporter good morning to you. The nation right now bracing for coming days and weeks. The president , meanwhile, defending his administrations handling of the outbreak even as, on the ground, in the nations hospitals, state governors and an Inspector General watchdog report, paint a devastating picture. This morning, a new definition of our new normal. If back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, i dont think thats going to happen. If you want to get to precoronavirus, you know, that might not never happen in the sense of the fact that the threat is there. Reporter as the nation faces a critical stretch in the battle against the coronavirus. The next week, week and a half, is going to be a big surge, the professionals tell us. Reporter a new inspectorgeneral watchdog report finds hospitals nationwide are facing shortages of critical medical gear. And many states are warning their hospitals will run out of personal protective equipment within days. Among them, hardhit michigan. At all three health systems, there are less than three days until face shields run out. And less than six days until surgical gowns run out. Reporter illinois governor, echoing the dire situation, criticizing what he says is the trump administrations rationing of resources. When you compare our federal shipments to our burn rate, the product that weve received from the federal stockpile will last only a handful of days in this multimonth battle. Reporter meanwhile, many Small Business owners are struggling to obtain loans promised under the 2 trillion relief package. As technical glitches and sheer demand have overwhelmed the Small Business administration. The president saying the money earmarked for the plan may not be enough. Were going to have to probably add more money to this to save and to keep our Small Businesses going and to keep the employees of those Small Businesses working. Reporter also overnight, South Carolina reversing course. Now telling its 5 million residents to stay at home or work with few exceptions. Still eight states remain without a full stayathome order. Dr. Anthony fauci says he spoke with the governors of two of those states, iowa and nebraska, and he believes they have an acceptable equivalent. The president says it will be left up to the states for now. They are doing what we are asking them to do without having to put the seal on it. I will have to say, if i thought it was necessary, i would do it in a heartbeat. Reporter as the country enters another week of sheltering at home and social distancing, dr. Deborah birx is calling on americans to take care of each other. While acknowledging how tough the situation is for everyone, including her own family. My grandchild of 10 months got a fever of 105 this weekend. Im the doctor. And i couldnt get there. And thats just an illustration that i know you all are making sacrifices. And i guess i want everyone to take this seriously. Reporter meanwhile, the New York Times is, this morning, reporting that senior white house trade adviser, peter navarro, warned the president , warned the white house, of the situation with the coronavirus in late january. Peter navarro writing, on january 29th, the lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave americans defenseless in the case of a fullblown coronaVirus Outbreak on u. S. Soil. The lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a fullblown pandemic emperiling the lives of millions of americans. He wrote that on january 29th, at the time the president was suggesting this was all a hoax. Savannah, back to you. Tom costello, thank you. That brings us to dr. Jerome adams, the u. S. Surgeon general. Good to see you, sir. Good morning, savannah. Let me ask you about what tom Costello Just reported. The New York Times says its seen a memo dated january 29th, in which a top trade adviser at the white house warned that trillions of dollars could be at risk and millions of americans could be at risk because of coronavirus. Did you ever see that letter . Were you aware of that letter . And more broadly speaking, do you believe the white house, at its most senior levels, had sufficient warning of the pandemic potential . To answer your question, i never saw that letter. But you and i talked about the fact that i ran a state Health Department for three years. Ive been in Public Health for 20 years. Weve been saying for decades this is a possibility. But when you look at sars, when you look at mers, when you look at the situations we dealt with, many people at all levels, did not expect Something Like this to happen at this magnitude. And so there are many lessons learned. This virus has humbled many of us. And i think at the federal, state and local level, we will backtrack and try to figure out how we can improve moving forward. Its interesting that you ai. You just said, it kind of took people by surprise. But i guess thats the point of this memo being reported by the New York Times in january this year, january 29th. It said particularly, that this could put millions of americans at risk. Coronavirus in particular. Do you believe the white house had that sufficient warning to know how bad this could be . Well, what i know, based on my interactions with the task force and remember, i joined the task force later there were preparations going on the entire time. I can tell you within hhs, that secretary azar, from the time this started to develop in china, was looking at the stockpile, was trying to come up with plans. So there was work going on behind the scenes. But again, this virus has humbled many of us. What im focussed on now is helping the American People understand what they can do moving forward to protect themselves. And thats why were learning into t the good news, savannah, is we are seeing many places across the country level out their hospitalizations, their icu admissions, their death rates. We know mitigation works. And so, i want people to focus on what we need to do in the next two weeks to really flatten the curve and slow death rates. I wanted to ask you about that. You said many places, but new york in particular has real glimmer gs s of hope. Intubations down, hospital admissions down, icu admissions down. Do you believe new york has hit the peak and flattened the curve . Well, i dont want to say theyve hit their peak yet. Sometimes places will go down for a little bit and then pop back up again. But i want to say, washington and california, kudos to the Public Health professionals out there who have flattened their curve, definitely. And in new york, we see that because people have been cooperating remember, savannah the power to change the trajectory of this epidemic lies in the hands of the American People. This virus spreads persontoperson, and the way we combat it is each person with maximum distance between each other. And the people of new york are doing that. I know that i helped america understand this was going to be a hard and tough week, but i also wanted them to understand weve had hard week, weve had hard times in our country before and weve come together. And america is coming together to battle this disease. And we are starting to see progress. At the same time, you have this Inspector Generals report, from the administration the health and Human Services agency, stating there is still a severe shortage of testing, that hospital workers dont have that personal protective equipment in the numbers they need. Theyre even not having enough thermometers in some places. Do you acknowledge, sir, that theres woefully inadequate resources right now for many, many hospitals and Front Line Health Care workers or colleagues . Pile doesnt have enough in there to deal alone with this type of epidemic. We know that states are responsible for stockpiles and they were inadequate. We know that hospitals when you look at hospital prepared preparedness, and i worked with hospitals as a director, we didnt have enough in there. Were trying to move and allocate the resources. And i can tell you that so far, we are working with governors to make sure people are getting what they need when they need it. And remember, people called me an alarmist when a few weeks ago, i was telling places to pull out of elective surgeries. And i was telling people, dont take the n95 or medical masks because thaw arent helpful for the general public to prevent them from getting coronavirus, but they are needed for Health Care Workers. I have told pe now, its important for everyone to do their part and lower demand so we can move supplies to where theyre needed and make sure my colleagues, my Health Care Workers, my friends are getting what they need to be able to protect themselves. A couple quick things. I only have a few seconds left. I know you have to go. Georgia beaches were reopened by the governor. Good idea or bad idea . Well, thats the governors decision. If youre going to go to the beach, stay six feet apart. If youre going to be closer than six feet, you can make yourself a homemade mask to protect yourself and your neighbor from being out there. Right now, the best advice i can give everyone, just stay at home. Give us a week, give us two weeks. Ideally, give us 30 days. But stay at home. What about the state of wisconsin, which is having inperson voting today . The governor there actually tried to delay the election but it got into a court battle and the voting will go on today, what do you say about that . I say as a black man, i know that people have died for the right to vote. This is very important to our entire country. Out there and vote, please, do it as safely as possible. Maintain six feet. Please, especially in wisconsin, consider wearing a cloth facial covering to protect your neighbor. If youre going to exercise your right to vote, do it as safely as possible. And check out my advice at cdc. Gov or look at making a cloth mask and see how i put this one together. Well do that. Dr. Adams, thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Thank you. Be safe. Were going to get through this. Thank you, savannah. Also this morning, messages of support are pouring in for british Prime Minister Boris Johnson. He remains in intensive care in a London Hospital this morning, after his coronavirus symptoms suddenly worsened. Today Senior International correspondent, keir simmons, is there. Reporter good morning. We just received an update from British Government officials. They say the Prime Minister has been stable overnight, he received standard oxygen treatment and hes been breathing without mechanical support. They also describe him as in good spirits, but it is deeply d distu disturbing. Take a look at this. The hospital where Boris Johnson is in intensive care is just across from the houses of parliament, where he so often faced political opponents. Now his challenge is a simple virus. Prime minister reporter hes been leading the british charge against coronavirus. But this morning, britains Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is in intensive care. Focused on the fight of his life, his own difficult battle with the virus. Politics pushed aside. European leaders, like the french president , who so often disagreed with johnson, tweeting support. When youre in intensive care, its a big deal. Reporter President Trump, hoping the Prime Minister will pull through. Americans are all praying for his recovery. Hes been a really good friend. Hes been really something very special. Strong, resolute, doesnt quit. Doesnt give up. Reporter on thursday, johnson was outside downing street, cheering Britains Health workers. He looked visibly sick in a video message friday. I still have a temperature. Reporter on sunday, he was moved to the hospital. And yesterday, just hours after tweeting, im in good spirits, he was given oxygen and moved to intensive care. The queen being kept informed. His foreign secretary, who will run the government in his absence, visibly stunned. The governments business will continue, and the Prime Minister is in safe hands with a brilliant team. Reporter his pregnant fiancee who lives with him at downing street, has also been sick, but says shes getting stronger. Initially, like so many, johnson failed to take coronavirus seriously, shaking hands on a hospital visit. There are actually a few coronavirus patients and i shook hands with everybody, youll be pleased to know. And i continue to shake hands. Reporter this morning, britain is waking up to an unprecedented crisis. Its hospitals are overstretched, treating the victims of the virus, including the Prime Minister himself, in intensive care. British government officials are saying that the Prime Minister has not been diagnosed with pneumonia and at the same time reassuring people that his treatment is being determined entirely by his medical team. But these are disturbing moments for the british people. Hoda . All right, keir. Thank you so much. A programming note. Join lester holt and our team of correspondents for a live primetime special on the coronavirus pandemic. Theyll bring you the very latest and our experts will answer your questions. That is tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, pacific. On nbc, msnbc, and nbc news streaming service. Now seems like a good time to check out the weather with mr. Roker. Good morning, al. Good morning, hoda. We have Severe Weather already developing, as you can see on the radar, were looking at some strong storms firing up. We are expecting a risk of 43 for 43 Million People. Hail 2 inches or more possible, through today, with an isolated tornado threat tomorrow. 17 Million People for memphis, nashville and knoxville again. Giant hail could be a big, big problem. Rainfall through wednesday. Were talking locally, upwards of 3 inches or more. And get this, thursday through saturday, up to a foot of snow in parts of maine. And 3 to 6 inches in upstate new york. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Still tracking some rain especially in the north bay right now. Weve seen those showers moving through parts of sonoma, solano as well as napa cnties this morning. Right now a lot of of showers as we go into the rest of today. A closer look shows you do have a wet commute heading out the door. And then as we look at the rest of our forecast, scattered showers today and cool temperatures. Warming up with sunshine coming up. And that is your latest weather. Hoda all right, al, thank you. Just ahead, as the weather turns a bit nicer, the mounting concern, hoda, from coasttocoast about people gathering too closely in outdoor spaces will they need to be completely locked down to keep everybody safe, or can we still be outside . Sam brock is live with that part of the story. All right, savannah dr. Torres, hes on call, ready to answer your newest questions about the outbreak, including what could make certain people more vulnerable to the coronavirus. But first this is today on everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. Coming up, what pet owners need to know after that tiger tested positive at a new york zoo. Plus two reasons to smile. Weve got tracy morgan joining us live and another special guest goldie daly along with carson after your local news a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. An effortless transactionall without leaving the comfort and safetyof your home. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, receive 0 apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. And defer your first payment up to 120 days uhoh, dead battery at your rustic rental. What if a little birdie told you its switching time . Thanks friend. Switched up to twelve hours of battery life. Switch to chromebook. Businesses are closing. Living rooms are now offices and schools. Our world is suddenly different. But one thing stays the same. Sate farm is there. To any of our customers currently facing financial burdens, call your state farm agent because were here to help make this new normal, feel just a little more. Normal. Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ® and a good morning to you. 7 26. Im marcus washington. The latest look at the coronavirus cases here in the bay area. There are now more than 3,700 with Santa Clara County accounting for almost a third of the total. 97 people have died. Two counselecounties are stillo protect homeless. Ed to secure t of hotel rooms in the help to flatten the curve. And San Francisco supervisors plan to make more hotel rooms available. Opening the Moscone Center as a shelter. Then two people staying there tested positive. About 20 others were exposed. It is now closed for a deep cleaning. Lets get a look of the forecast for you. Meteorologist, kari hall. Were starting out with dense fog in the trivalley right now as we take a live look outside in dublin. We are going to still see our rain chances continue for today, but it wont be as widespread as yesterday and we will get a mix of sun and clouds as we go into the afternoon as our temperatures warm up into the low to mid60s. The storm system is still very close by. So were seeing scattered showers moving through in the north bay where were seeing lingering rain moving through. This may make things soggy for commuters heading out the door for those essential jobs. A closer look shows the rain moving through parts of lake and mendocino counties moving into Sonoma County as well. Our sevenday forecast keeps it mild for today but we are getting ready for a warmup over the next few days. In fact, as we get closer to the weekend looking at 70s and sunshine. We have to remember to keep our social distance. Marcus . Thanks, kari. Well have another look at the news coming up. We got an i24 i24 oh richard waving the hammer up high. We got charles that is not the normal bingo night. But man, i like it, hoda, how about you . Oscar winner Matthew Mcconaughey calling the numbers over zoom. Zm. Over the computer. For residents of a Retirement Community in austin, texas apparently he had made this plan to host bingo night back in september. And he said, im coming one way or the other so he and his family decided to do it online a promise is a promise. He kept his promise. Its fun seeing camila and the kids there it looked like his mom, too. That looked like a lot of fun. Lets get right to your 7 30 headlines. When it comes to the coronaVirus Outbreak, overall there are now 368,000 cases in the u. S. With more than 10,000 fatalities. Here in new york efforts to flatten the curve appear to be working. President trump announced yesterday the administration has reached a deal with the manufacturing giant 3m to produce more than 160 million masks. The president had previously clashed with the company on twitter saying it wasnt doing enough to help fill that mask shortage. Big news from the golf world, the open championship in Great Britain has been canceled for the First Time Since 1945. Other major tournaments have been rescheduled the u. S. Open will be played in september. The masters, which was supposed to tee off this week, now pushed back until november. Savannah all right. Now, hoda, to a fresh concern tied to this fight against the virus as the weather gets a bit nicer. There is, of course, greater temptation for people to get outside and enjoy it, and who can blame them but is it safe sam brock joins us from miami with more on this story. Sam, good morning to you. Reporter savannah good morning. From new york to california, some alarming behavior over the weekend leading to hefty fines for violating social distancing norms. Here in miami beach, the signs are not subtle look at this, beach closed but at the same time georgia reopening its beaches right now as people are testing the limits between exercise, recreation and Public Health. In the sunny shadows of manhattan, brooklyn residents recline and work out, some practicing social distancing others, not so much. Now is not the time to be playing frisbee with your friend in the park. Reporter after all this activity in central park, new yorks governor, andrew cuomo, has said hes seen enough. Frankly there has been a laxness on social distancing, especially over this past weekend that is just wholly unacceptable reporter in new york, state parks remain open with signs telling you, be smart, stay 6 feet apart other activities less smart after Nassau County long island, reopened the golf course. Im not going to lie, driving here, i said to myself, should i be doing this . Reporter across the coast in california, fines and handcuffs for banned behavior. One man arrested in malibu for paddleboarding in the pacific, while 22 sun seekers were cited for trespassing on closed beaches. As much as i hate to see that happen, and i really do, we run the beach and use it all the time, i do think its probably the prudent move at the moment. Reporter beaches buried in the middle of debate all over the country. Georgia Governor Kemp reopened his beaches and heavily criticized. In my opinion they loaded a gun and pointed it at the beach. I hope im wrong. Reporter in miami beach, access to sand and parks has been shut off for weeks. But people are out exercising with varying levels of concern what is your understanding of social distancing, what should you be doing right now dont go to parties dont go to gatherings. What do you think when you see people biking together, running together in close proximity together theyre idiots. Theyre putting themselves at risk. Reporter for many, Outdoor Activity they say is essential i think its the absolute antidote to despair. Reporter some leaders, like Governor Cuomo, urging people to use that privilege with discretion or face a 1,000 fine its not really about the fine nobody wants the money we want the compliance. Reporter stopping the spread of this vicious disease one action at a time. Sam, most states do have those shelterinplace orders right now but an exception for going outside and getting exercise seems to be the rule in most places. So how should people proceed reporter yeah, thats a very delicate question. Most of the states do have lockdowns, almost all of them, savannah have some sort of an exception for Outdoor Activity, especially in new york city. You cant be within 2 feet of a person in many places you have to wear a mask you can argue Governor Cuomos message is clear just because you can doesnt mean you should. Savannah and hoda. Absolutely, sam okay thank you so much. Hoda, back to you in the studio. All right coming up next, dr. Torres, hell join us to answer your coronavirus questions and hell set the record straight on that antimalaria drug drawing both hope and controversy as a potential treatment. Well talk to him about that coming up right after this social distancing doesnt have to make us distant, right . After all, cars were invented to bring us closer together. So, carmax is doing everything we can to keep you going. And thats the way it should be. vo theyre adapting to supporto their communities. S. But many need our help. If youre a Small Business in need, or want to help a local business, go to quickbooks. Com smallbusinesshelp intuit quickbooks. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. Cause frosted mini wheats are made to fill people up. And they have 10 layers of wheat. And seven vitamins and minerals. Just one bowl. And youre good till lunch. This is hals heart. Its been broken. And put back together. This is also hals heart. And his relief, knowing hes covered by blue cross blue shield. And this is our promise, with over 80 years of healthcare expertise to be here for you now. And always. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. This is the benefit of blue. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. Youve got something up your sleeve what you didnt know was you were surprising your fatherinlaw steve the best part of wakin up is folgers in your cup whose idea was once again commandeered by brad. While he droned, her bladder dripped. But, she keeps it together. Because ella has poise. Poise under pressure and poise in her pants. It takes poise. After all, cars were invented to bring us closer together. So, carmax is doing everything we can to keep you going. And thats the way it should be. We are back, 7 39 with something new. Our series, on call, answering your questions about coronavirus. Theres so much info out there so its hard to know what to believe. Nbc medical correspondent john torres will help us sort this out. Hey, dr. John. We started our newscast with some hopeful news, that new york and new jersey appear to be flattening the curve a lot of people at home might be going, yay, its over but where are we in this fight hoda, youre right. Were not over with this at all. Flattening the curve just means were doing the job of not getting it all of a sudden at once to overwhelm the Hospital System whats happening because of all the different steps were taking and if we start relaxing on that, that curve will pop back up so we cant let down. In georgia, speaking of that, the beaches were reopened yesterday. We saw a bunch of people on them a good or a bad idea i think its a bad idea because a lot of people say, well, if you stay 6 feet away, if people wear masks, the reality is people dont go to the beach to wear a mask, they dont go to the beach to stay 6 feet away from somebody else they will start ming ling throughout the day as we told you time and time again, we need a few weeks of staying indoors. We need to get over this, bu people need to do that the next week lets do that, not open beaches, not go outside any more than we have to. Lets do the things we know will work to flatten that curve to get through this as quickly as possible. I think every Single Person is desperate for a treatment to this virus, and the president antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine, its not been proven or there are no case studies. Listen to the president s sound bite. I say it, what do you have to lose ill say it again, what do you have to lose take it. I really think they should take it but its their choice. Its the doctors choice or the doctors in the hospital. But hydroxychloroquine, try it, if youd like. All right so his question is always what do you have to lose. So im going to ask you that question, what do you have to lose potentially you could lose your life. There is one side effect, you can get a heart arrhythmia you can get your heartbeating erratically, and that could start causing problems especially if its taken with azithromycin that has the same side effects it doesnt happen. We dont know who. We dont know its going to work it did great in the labs in small studies it looks hopeful. We cant put something on our hopes, we have to use Scientific Data to say go out and take it, what harm can it do . It can potentially do harm every medicine has side effects. Trust me, as doctors were as desperate as anyone to get help on this. We need to wait on this. We need more Clinical Trials to see if this can actually work and not cause more harm than good doctor, theres something circulating on facebook, people are wondering if they had coronavirus back months ago. This is what was written it said in part, who got sick in november or december, lasted 10 to 14 days with the worst cough that wouldnt go away. Then you probably had coronavirus. Is that a possibility . Hoda, i think its a lot of Wishful Thinking its a possibility but not really probable. It probably didnt happen. If you think back in november, january, february, the flu was here, a cold was here, a different type of coronavirus. More than likely thats what you had. If you got sick come march, april, more than likely its probably coronavirus but thats later in the year. The thing im telling people if you got sick early on, november, december, january, february, time frame, dont assume you had coronavirus, dont go out there saying i think i have a good immune system now, im immune to it, i can do the things i want to do, because thats probably not what that was. I want to ask you about the tiger at the bronx zoo im sure a lot of people at home are wondering, if the tiger can get it, can my cat get it . My dog get it . I contacted American Veterinary Association, no pet, no cat or dog has been tested positive for coronavirus in the world theres been only four pets that have come up positive this lion is not a pet, obviously. Its positive. We know things can go from human to animals, animals back to human. In this case it went from human to animals, looks like its staying there. Supposedly the tiger is doing really well. Well for people at home with your pets, the main thing they told us, if youre sick, treat your pets like other people, stay away from them and make sure they social distance dont let them off the leash and let them play with people in parts. Thats something that could spread take care of them like any other family member. Kerry sanders will have a lot more on the topic later in the show all right, dr. Torres, thank you so much. We appreciate you. Now, what do you say we check in with mr. Roker and get the latest on the weather. Hey, al. Hey, hoda, are you ready for some spring temperatures here they come soaring temperatures take a look at chicago today 31 degrees above average at 77 kansas city, 80. Thats 16 degrees warmer denver, youre going to see 73, 16 degrees warmer as well. Then for tomorrow a few record highs possible from houston, new orleans, atlanta, d. C. , up to st. Louis and cincinnati as we get toward the end of the week, closer to average, with cleveland getting to 53 by saturday, 57 in new york des moines 60, charlotte a high of about 66 on saturday after being 81 on thursday good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We are going to still see some lingering showers across parts of the bay area today. Were still seeing that storm system very close by. Going into the rest of the afternoon with lower rain chances and scattered showers across parts of the north bay where were seeing the rain right now. As the storm system remains nearby, rain chances. Our overall trend will be for us to dry out and our temperatures will warm up over the next several days. And thats your latest weather. Hoda. All right, al thank you. Coming up next, some good news overnight, if youre missing baseball the potential plan to start the season much sooner than you may expect thats coming up right after this thats how a home and auto bundle is made. [ chuckles ] so, what are some Key Takeaways from this commercial . Did any of you hear the bundle your home and auto part . I like that, just not when it comes out of her mouth. Yeah, as a mother, i wouldnt want my kids to see that. Good mom. To see wait. Im sorry. What . Dont kids see enough violence as it is . Ive seen violence. Maybe we turn the word bundle into a character, like mr. Bundles. Top o the bundle to you. [ laughter ] bundle, bundle, bundle. My kids would love that. Yeah. Nourishing oils meet fastabsorbing lotions for beautifully nourished skin. Nivea oilinfused lotion. Try new nivea body wash with nourishing serum. Starburst . Juicedratic equation. Super topsecret mathematical formula they keep stored inside a safe, inside a vault, inside a volcano. Unexplainably juicy. Test test test test test test test test test life is measured in moments. Buddy, you want to say hi to your baby sister . Securian financial offers solutions that give you the confidence to enjoy the here and now. No, no thank you. So you can make every moment count. after all, cars were invented to bring us closer together. So, carmax is doing everything we can to keep you going. And thats the way it should be. Seresto, serjake. Eresto. Seresto, seresto, seresto. Whatever your dog brings home to you, it shouldnt be fleas and ticks. Seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. Seresto, seresto, seresto. Ohh no, jake. Seresto. 8month. Seresto, seresto, seresto. Ive learned a lotother got of things. M smoking, like how to help her out of bed, how to keep track of her medication, and how to keep her spirits up. [announcer] you can quit. For free help visit cdc. Gov tips were back craig jones us guys, some good news for sports fans. Lets get to it yes thats right. First, the nfl moving forward with its plans to hold the 2020 draft at the end of the month. Now, they will do it in a fully virtual format that means the teams gm, coaches and other personnel, theyll be at their own homes. They will be communicating by phone, by video conferencing, maybe by zoom. The draft was originally supposed to be held in front of fans in las vegas, but a draft is a draft thats a good sign. Right . Thats a good sign meanwhile, Major League Baseball, theyre working on some plans to try to get their season started according to multiple reports this morning, baseball could re steam right now calls for all 30 teams to play games with no fans in the stands and they would play these games in the greater phoenix area teams would play at chase field and various spring train as and various spring Training Facilities in the area as well they said they wouldnt be in the dugout they would be like in the audience 6 feet apart. So no dugout. We could all use that distraction. How do you tag someone out . Better than nothing. Its been a long time since i played softball in fourth grade but i do remember that. Yeah, there is a tag. One of the things i enjoy doing now, watching old games like on espn you can watch some of the classics from 10, 15 years ago all right, guys. Coming up, when were told not to go to the Grocery Store, how do you get food for your family . Vicky nguyen on the hunt for new ways to find those essentials. Plus, youve heard about the tiger that contracted the virus. What does that mean for your household pets Kerry Sanders will have more on that after your local news y, weg trusted information from top health experts. Sharing tools to help protect families from fraud. And creating resources to support family caregivers everywhere. As always, you can count on aarp to advocate for you and your family. Join us and stay connected at aarp. Org coronavirus after all, cars were invented to bring us closer together. So, carmax is doing everything we can to keep you going. And thats the way it should be. Edward jones is itswell aware of that. Et. Which is why were ready to listen. And ready to help you find opportunity. So. Lets talk. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. Thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. And one gram of sugar. The strength test. Like leather, skin is stronger when its hydrated. Thats why dove men care bodywash has a unique hydrating formula to leave skin healthier and stronger. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. She spends too much time on the internet. According to the census, you can complete the census online in no time at all. Shape your future. Start here. Complete the census at 2020census. Gov. Stop dancing around the pain shape your future. Start here. That keeps you up again, and again. Advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. Advil pm that Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Were gonna find a way through this. Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses are techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these all across puget sound. People have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just know were all with you. Thank you,thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses mom but i promise, its going to get better a little goes a long way heartwarming the world. Crunchy oat clusters with a hotouch of honey. Ombine. Plump, juicy raisins. And tasty fiber. Into one delicious cereal . It took a lot of branstorming. Get it . Kelloggs raisin bran crunch. Two scoops of delicious. Be head of the household, had to because i became a dependent. My tip is, every time i wanted to smoke a cigarette i would think of my children. announcer for free help, visit cdc. Gov tips. Good Tuesday Morning. Im meteorologist kari hall at 7 56, we are seeing dense fog in the east bay and the trivalley. Visibility is cut down to about a quarter mile or less in some spots. In the south bay it is all clear and sunny as we look in san jose. Weve seen the drifts of fog coming around and then as we go into this afternoon were going to reach into the upper 50s and low 60s. Most of the rain in the north bay. Expect scattered showers to continue with this storm system just off the coast and pulling some rain into the north bay right now as we still see the scattered showers passing by and going into today as well as the next several days our trend will be to dry out and inland temperatures will be in the low 70s by this weekend. Mike, anything new happening out there on the roads . Yes, in the positive sense. The dumbarton bridge west 84. Light traffic. Youre back at speed, recovered very quickly. Around the bay we are looking at green sensors and fog in the trivalley. I want to show you our camera in dublin. Reduced speeds. There are low clouds in the area. Drivers are getting through okay. Leaders in twocounties are getting ready to debate new ways to protect the homeless. Santa clara Housing Options with rvs want to use hotel rooms and scrap the shelter at the Moscone Center. Leaders are talking about waiving up to three months of rent for people left jobless from the pandemic. Landlords are not happy with the plan. Have you heard . Whats up . For the first time ever. You can watch the brand new Trolls World Tour movie. Wait for it. At home. What . What . Ooh [ gasping ] what a troll. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, glimmer of its 8 00 on today coming up, a glimmer of hope. Suggest a possible flattening of the curve. Some good news out of new york reporting a drop in hospitalizations, but the governor warning residents not to let their guard down. This morning the nationwide death toll still rising as officials weigh in about life going back to normal if back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, i dont think thats going to happen. Were live with the latest. Plus pets and the pandemic what all animal lovers need to know after the tiger tested positive for the disease at the bronx zoo. Can we get coronavirus from our pets weve got your questions answered. And stars and celebrations well catch up with the one and only tracy morgan about the return of his hit show whoa, whoa, whoa. And carson joins us with his new baby goldie today april 7th, 2020 so much good coming up in this hour welcome back to today. Its a Tuesday Morning a lot of you just starting out your day youre working from home, maybe youre home schooling the kids we just want to say thank you for hanging out with us in the morning. Savannah. Yes we are so happy to have you along. Hi craig, hi hoda. Im actually still in my basement but look at my backdrop, it looks like 30 rock so ive got a little slice of my other home, studio 1a, as we all continue to contend with this Coronavirus Crisis this hour we have the news but a lot of things to smile about. We certainly do were going to get started with the news at 8 00 craig, why dont you get us started. Lets start with the three things that we are watching on this Tuesday Morning the first thing, dr. Anthony fauci said on monday that the United States may never get back to where it was before the coronavirus pandemic, especially not until we have a vaccine. If back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, i dont think thats going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population if you want to get to precoronavirus, that might not ever happen in the sense of the fact that the threat is there. The second thing were watching this morning, some potential good news in hardhit new york Governor Andrew Cuomo suggesting that the curve may be flattening in the state daily hospitalizations and icu admissions are down, fatalities are essentially flat the third thing were watching, the shortage of testing kits and other medical equipment in the United States. While new and faster tests are becoming available, delays in getting results are compounding problems for overwhelmed hospitals. Savannah asked u. S. Surgeon general dr. Jerome adams about that just a short time ago here on today. We know the federal stockpile doesnt have enough in there to deal alone with this type of epidemic we know that states are responsible for stockpiles and they were inadequate we hospitals, when i worked at hospitals, preparedness, didnt have enough in there were working together trying to move and reallocate resources. Dr. Adams said federal government is working with governors across to get tests and supplies to those states that need it the most. All right. Also a story were watching this morning. The act Navy Secretary has apologized for mocking the former captain of that virus stricken Aircraft Carrier just days after taking away his command. Nbc White House Correspondent Kristen Welker following this one for us kristen, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning to you this is a remarkable reversal. Acting Navy Secretary thomas modly who flew from washington to guam to address crew members of uss roosevelt said he regrets calling the captain Brett Crozier naive and stupid he levelled that attack after the captain levelled that in a letter that leaked to the press. Unfortunately it did the opposite. Reporter this morning a stunning about face from acting Navy Secretary thomas modly, apologizing to the navy and to former captain Brett Crozier days after dismissing crozier from command of uss Theodore Roosevelt and then excoriating him in remarks to the crew on his ship First Published by military website task purpose, modly accused crozier of betrayal of trust writing a widely circulated letter which sounded the alarm about the outbreak of coronavirus on his ship. If he didnt think it was my opinion that if he didnt think the information was going to get out into the public in this Information Age that we live in, then he was, a, too naive or too stupid to be the Commanding Officer of a ship like this. Reporter in a letter overnight, modly writing, i want to apologize to the navy for my recent comments. I do not think captain crozier is naive or stupid he is smart and passionate, i believe precisely because hes not naive or stupid that he sent his alarming email with the intention of getting it into the Public Domain in an effort to draw public attention to the situation on his ship. Just hours earlier we pressed President Trump about whether modlys initial comments were appropriate. Its tough language but i dont want lets not get into that its tough language. Modlys comments came just two days after this video circulated online showing supportive crew members cheering crozier as he departed the ship. Captain crozier captain kroez crozier reporter overnight the Democratic House Armed Services committee called for his removal for the critical comments against crozier. Meanwhile President Trump said yesterday, he may intervene in the navys decision to dismiss crozier, saying while his letter was a mistake, he doesnt want to, quote, destroy somebody for having a bad day craig, back to you Kristen Welker from the white house. Kristen, thank you also from the white house. President trump said he had a friendly phone conversation with former Vice President joe biden on monday to talk about the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic mr. Trump said it was a good call and that biden made several suggestions. Mr. Biden sat down with me just before that call and i asked him what should be done about november 3rd election if its not safe yet to vote in person. Id much prefer to have inperson voting but it depends it depends on the state of play. But we cannot, we cannot delay or postpone a constitutionally required november election you can see more of my oneonone interview with former Vice President biden coming up on the third hour of today. Look forward to that, craig its now 8 07. How about a little morning boost. A new york mom who spent two weeks in the hospital with the coronavirus, savannah, she got quite a sendoff when she was finally cleared to go home [ applause ] hospital Staff Members lined the hallways and cheered her she had to be isolated from her husband and five kids while she was battling the disease her husband was there. He was waiting it was just what you would expect, a beautiful reunion. The director said christines recovery shows the strength of those fighting the virus and the courage of those saving lives. Wow. It must do so much for their morale, too, for the Health Care Workers who are there just to see, hey, heres a good story, hes a Success Story thats beautiful on a totally different note, hoda, we all know john krasinski, we love him from the office and others things. Hes really been lifting spirits, he has a homemade youtube show when a little girl aubrey said her visit got canceled, they decided to get zoom bombed by Linmanuel Miranda and the rest of the cast of hamilton. Alexander hamilton my name is Alexander Hamilton theres a million things i havent done but just you wait just you wait in new york you can be a new man in new york you can be a new man i mean, is that not incredible john also promised he would fly aubrey and her mom to see the show on broadway once were finished with social distancing and its safe and broadway reopens. That day, we cannot wait until life returns to normal wow, a little moment of beauty for a little girl who deserved it. She may have forgotten the broadway show many years later, shell never ever forget what just happened on her computer screen that was really cool coming up, vicky has everything you need to know if youre struggling to get gror groceries delivered in light of that new recommendation shell have your answers coming up right after this. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated. With an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Yeah, im married. Youd do that for me . Really . Yeah, id like that. 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Into one delicious cereal . It took a lot of branstorming. Get it . Kelloggs raisin bran crunch. Two scoops of delicious. I heard there guwere fleas out here. R . And ttttticks and mosquitoooooooooooes listen up, scaredy cats. We all have k9 advantix ii to protect us. It kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, too. There will be parties and family gatherings. There will be parades and sporting events and concerts. To help our communities when they come back together, respond to the 2020 census now. Spend a few minutes online today to impact the next 10 years of healthcare, infrastructure and education. Go to 2020census. Gov and respond today to make americas tomorrow brighter. Its time to shape our future. Magnum ice cream double caramel. Now in ice cream tubs and bars. Oyou got this. You can be feminine and fierce. No sweat. Introducing new secret with essential oils. The strong sweat protection of secret, now with the indulgence of pure essential oils. Secret. All strength. No sweat. Thats why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. An effortless transactionall without leaving the comfort and safetyof your home. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, receive 0 apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. Welcome back this morning on with you today, the new federal guidelines that suggest even a quick trip to the Grocery Store these days can be kind of risky. If youve tried to have your groceries delivered, its tough to even schedule that order. So what are shoppers supposed to do nbc investigative and consumer correspondent vicky nguyen is here to help us out. Hi, vicky. Hi, good morning, hoda. Getting groceries isnt just a simple trip to the supermarket shortage and now were told ay home for the next week orso this morning were findingew ways f you to pickp your oceries. This morning many amicans are wondering how to get food and othehousehold necessie dr. Borah rx, the white g from house Coronavirus Response coordinator. This the moment not going to the Grocery Store, not the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and friends safe. Irx clarifyi those headline making comments. On monday. What i meant was, if you can consolidate, if you can send one person, the entire family doesnt need to go out on these occasions. So, you know, maybe once every two weeks we can do a Grocery Store and pharmacy shop for the entire family. Tt means the way we all shop will have to change. Grocers have been finding Innovative Solutions and ways to meet the growing consumer demand in online sales. Lau reprents the National Grocery sto grocers sociation. A group of independent stores. What actly are ocery stores doingow to meet this new demand. A number launching ecommerce platforms and grocery Delivery Services. National chains like whole foods, fresh direct, and withnline orders, up 150 p comparo last year. Amazon, which owns whole foods and other Food Delivery Services says help is on the way, writing were adding more delivery windows throughout the day and hiring over 100,000 positions across the u. S. And well continue to expand quickly to reach more customers people are also turning to options like Curbside Pickup offered by retailers like target and walmart. Kroger, the nations largest grocery chain says its responding to increased demand by waiving its 4. 95 fee for curb side pickup but many on social media saying these options dont work, with one person writing, they no longer can offer Curbside Service because slots are full, delivery full, too they recommend not going into the store either so how exactly are we supposed to get groceries now one idea, consider turning to services that can do the shopping and make deliveries but it comes as a price. I tried postmates. My postmates order just arrived. There it is. I ordered 47 items but only 20 of them arrived and it took a lot longer than the original promised delivery time. On top of the groce tab i paid 28 in fees postmates told us they would investigatour order t added they are not typically ud for Large Grocery deliveries theres also taskrabbit. Are you shawn i am. Our producers delivery guy all his groceries. O hours with this time the fees totalled 34, what we agreed to up front also check some of your local restaurants. Offelater told us heap and they would be crediting my account. They said they are working hard during these difficu times to meet the needs of the customers. They did give me a heads up saying a lot of these items are sold out at the stores. You did get it in a couple of hours. Which i found surprising we have a lot more to get to weve been collaborating with facebook we have a lot of questions mellie has a question for us trying to get that delivery slot time is almost impossible. She wants to know why they are canceling pickup, like if i want to go to the store and pick up my order. I thought that question she was saying canceling deliveries. I havent heard of that on social media or those requests we are in contact with major Delivery Companies they say theyre just experiencing overwhelming demand right now. They werent designed to handle this they are hiring more people. In the meantime, what are you supposed to do tips here. Take stock of what you have in the pantry, review what you already have that might relieve anxiety you probably have more food than you realize. Then you really want to check the websites of the Delivery Services throughout the day. You and i have experienced this, when that window opens up, just snag it. You can make adjustments for 24 hours ahead of time. Thats super important also, you really want to consider your local independent Grocery Stores, a lot of them are now stepping up and offering the delivery and the curbside pick up as well. We have a question from denise from facebook she wants to know if only one person should go to the store or can her husband come with her because it makes it quicker. They can get through it quicker. You and i talked about this experts say limit the number of people going to the store and designate one person you can help speed things up by giving them a focussed paper list, so you can avoid being on the phone. If you must use your phone, consider putting it in a ziploc or plastic bag and throwing it away afterwards. Look with your eyes, not with your hands pick out exactly what you need to avoid touching more things than you need to, and when you get home, wash your hands. Have a list, dont wander up and down the aisles. Steve on facebook has a question. Is it safer to make a quick trip to the Grocery Store yourself or have a stranger deliver your groceries to your home good question. Health experts say certainly there are risks to both, but really in this case, having that one delivery person earn dropping it off, contact less delivery is the best way to go, because thats only one person youre coming into contact with. Here comes our most popular question on facebook this one comes from stacy. Do we need to disinfect and wipe down Grocery Store products and Reusable Bags . Thats a big one. Experts are mixed on this but they all agree its a very, very low risk think about all the things that have to happen someone sick has to touch the package, then you have to touch the package, then you have to touch your face in order for you to get sick. But its possible, because we are touching things all the time in our house we are taking all precautions, wiping things down as they come in. Designate an area for the things you dont need right away. Let those sit for a day if you dont have wipes were washing our vegetables warm water, light soapy solution but make sure you rinse it off. All good advice vicky, thank you how about this, how about we get a check of the weather from mr. Roker. Hey, al. Also a lot of Grocery Stores arent letting you use Reusable Bags, so dont bring bags to the Grocery Store unless you know they will let you do it. Lets check out whats going on right now as far as your weather is concerned were looking at severe storms developing right now in the ohio and Mississippi River valley nice and warm in the midsection of the country flood watches developing in Southern California as a big storm system moves in. Beautiful day in the northeast and plenty of sunshine through florida. Thats wha good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We do still have some rain in the north bay. Ive been tracking that throughout the morning as we get a look at the radar right now. Were still going to see those showers in the forecast as we go into today. Kind of off and on, but i do think it will be more off than on for much ofar. But for the north bay, expect more of that rain and our temperatures today that will reach into the 60s. We have some warmer weather and some sunshine headed our way for the rest of the week. That is your latest weather savannah all right, al thank you so much. And now to this story that still has a lot of people talking, a lot of questions about the tiger at the bronx zoo that tested positive for the novel coronavirus. It was infected by an employee who didnt show symptoms that has a lot of pet owners wondering, wait a minute, could we infect our own animals and vice versa nbcs Kerry Sanders has that story this morning hey, kerry, good morning. Reporter well, good morning. Large animal vets say this came as a big surprise. A tiger getting the same coronavirus that is killing people thats kadar, one of eight big cats here at the zoo in west palm beach. None of the big cats here showing signs of coronavirus, cause for celebration, yay what was uncovered at bronx zoo has many asking that exact question what about my pet cat and dog. First, a little background on how we got to that question. At theronx zoo nadia, a 4yearold tigerull ofnergy and spunk. This washen she was a healthy cub. When zoo keepers noticed her wheezing with a dry cough, not eating, they wondered, could it be coronavirus a special animal testing lab, not the ones used to test humans in this pandemic, revealed nadia was infected believed to be by vets at the bronx zoo believe three lions and three other tigers might also have covid19 but were not tested. At the outset, it was disbelief it really was covid but, of course, the labs are really excellent and we believe them we see coronavirus leading to death in humans. Same concern for the big cats . It was the fear of the unknown. They have all begun improving. We expect them to make full recovers. Reporter this morning at zoos across the country, including the oakland zoo, strict protocols now mandate masks and gloves for all zoo keepers when near the animals. Ron mcgill at zoo miami. The fact this happened at the bronx zoo is proof it can be transmitted between a human and an animal. We were unaware of that until this point. Reporter which is why pet owners this is one of my two kitty cats. Reporter especially those wi cats bualso witdogs are now anxious. On socl media, examples pet owrs going to extreme lengths that experts say are not needed. Still the questions persist. This is our cat ifhe has coronavir, can we andre wants to know, can he get sick from the conavirus . Reporter we took owners questions to the american veterinary medical associaon can we get coronavirus from our pets, cats or dogs, and vice versa, can we give it to them . The answer is pretty much no to that. All the leading experts in the world have saithat they not believe that animals canhed cod to people. Reporter sti, some pet owners not taking any chances. Wipe his face, wipe his ears. Reporter with their furry best friends for him, i have been wiping down his paws as soon as we get inside you know, ta a step inde, get a rag and wipe down his paws and everything, ke sure wiped down, because you never you never kn reporter thes an additionaleason theyr watching this ever so closely because kadar d his mate are expecting cubs, which is extremely rare those cubs are expected metime next month if you have a pet and want a little more information, the American Veterinary Association has put together a long list with details on a level that the average person can understand. We put that on today. Com to help folks out, follow it one note, if you have a pet ferret, you might want to go to the website and read it good morning to you. 8 26. Im marcus washington. The bay area now has more than 3,700 confirmed cases of coronavirus with Santa Clara County accounting for about onethird of the total. As of this morning, 97 people have died. San franciscos struggling Small Business owners may soon get a boost. Supervisors today debate a resolution calling for new protections for restaurants and other merchants who have closed their doors. The resolution also calls for the state Insurance Commission to grant certain exemptions. Meantime, property taxes statewide are still due friday, but another bay area county is trying to help. Contra costa countys tax office says that w till waive late fees and penalties but after july 10th, a payment plan will have to be set up. This is if they cannot make that full payment at the end. Now well look at the forecast for you. Meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect today. We started out with some fog in walnut creek and were still seeing that still clearing out, but we will have some low visibility in some spots. Were watching out for that and scattered showers in the north bay. Well have a chance of rain all throughout today and then well start to see drier weather in the forecast over the next few days and our temperatures warming up as we head toward the end of the week and more sunshine. Just between us, you know whats better than mopping . Anything at the end of a long day, its the last thing i want to do. Well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. Its an allinone so its ready to go when i am. The cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. And the pad absorbs it deep inside. So, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. Plus, its safe to use on all my floors, even wood. Glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. Try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee eveso we can stillg a answer your calls. Now. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. In this time of crisis we run with them, toward those in need. We are 7,000 doctors, nurses, pharmacists and therapists supporting their efforts on the ground and virtually. And just as we are by their side, were by yours, too. With answers to your most pressing questions and expert advice at cigna. Com covid19 were back its 8 30. Its Tuesday Morning, its the 7th of april, 2020 guys, theres an important reason were playing this song its lady gagas newest hit. You like it, hoda . Im loving it you know what, shes teaming up special concert and its an awesome cause. Workers amid this Coronavirus Crisis one world together at home its going to feature some of the worlds biggest stars. Were talking about paul mccartney, elton john, lizzo, the list goes on and on. It is going to be quite the show the host, by the way, jimmy fallon, jimmy kimmel, steven colbert. It airs april 18th on nbc and most major networks. Its also going to stream on facebook, on instagram, youtube. Guys, get this, the event has already raised 35 million for the world health organization. All right. Hasnt even started yet thats pretty amazing. Dont you like when all the networks get along, we get together and do something together yes thats pretty cool. Speaking of stars, guys, we have aw ason of his really hilarious show has arrived, and it couldnt come at a better time hey, tracy. Hello. We capital wait to catch up we cant wait to catch up with tracy in just a bit i love it. Then a huge star in our book, too, who else is joining us, savannah just the one, the only goldie daly, and carson, too. They are all snuggled up is she sleeping . Should we be quiet whats up with carsons hair then guys, coming up after that later, were going to get o simple tips from cookbook author alison roman on how to prolong the shelf life of items in your fridge, things you have in your pantry as well t weather, sir all right cant wait to see little go go but first lets go go and see what weve got as far as your weather today. We are looking at severe storms developing in the mid plains were also looking at april warmth flood watches out west, plenty of sunshine in the northeast and down through florida for tomorrow, record highs along the gulf severe storms moving into the upper ohio river valley and into the midatlantic states. A flood risk will continue in Southern California into the southwest and plenty of sunshine in the Pacific Northwest thats what going on around the good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Were still going to see scattered showers today, and temperatures staying cool. Some of our inland areas will reach into the low 60s for this afternoon. But we are going to see rain chances going down over the next few days. In fact, a lot of dry weather going toward the end of the week. And temperatures warming up into the low to mid70s for the valleys. For San Francisco, still some showers, clouds and fog today. But then were going to see things drying out. And thats your latest weather. Hoda. All right, al thank you. Coming up next, do you have something new to watch on tv i bet the answer is yes. Tracy morgan has the answer. Were going to talk to him live were going to talk to him live but firsthis is today ont mrs. Walker. Were going to talk to him live but firsthis is today ont Michael Vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Come to the right place. One of the funniest guys around, our pal tracy morgan hes with us, his show the last o. G. Returns to tbs tonight with his character tray continuing the fight of reminding people of what his brooklyn used to be like take a look. This coffee shop has been a staple in brooklyn for over 30 months, thats over four decades in hipster coffee shop years whoa, whoa, whoa. Pardon me, these people paid good money for an authentic tour of brooklyn. So if youll excuse us, well be on our way authentic authentic. You call this brooklyn we call it crooklyn. All right, tracy, how are you this morning im good. Good morning to you. Good morning to you, my motherinlaw christy says good morning, she loves you tell her i love her back. Tell me what life is like being at home for tracy and his family me and my wife have been quarantined in here for like three weeks, so shes pregnant like three times every week she got pregnant. Also, were roleplaying a lot now. Were roleplaying shes playing a young maiden whose grandfather was infected with coronavirus and im the scientist who discovered the cure and shell do anything to save her grandfathers life. And i mean anything. You are a creative one. All right. Tell me, we know what your house looks like tracy, willie took us on a tour. We know whats going on in that home of yours. Theres a Bowling Alley thats not important. I was watching the show and the tiger in the bronx zoo got me scared so im going to get all my pets tested yeah . Im going to get my sharks tested, my eel tested. I just bought a 600 pound silverback gorilla, im going to no, for real. This is real stuff yesterday i was driving to the supermarket and i didnt have my mask on. I was in my car with the windows up, and i didnt have my mask on and my gloves on i stopped at a red light and the lady pulled up next to me. She said roll your window down she said you dont have your gloves on, you dont have your mask on. Im telling. Do you make it a habit, tracy, of wearing the gloves and mask are you adhering to all the things they are telling you to do absolutely. My mask is right here. Ive got the n95 yeah but this is this is not normal but i feel like i finally feel like a real surgeon you know whats interesting about you, tracy, i remember when you went through what you went through with your accident and you talked so much about the nurses and doctors who saved your life it goes beyond that my dad told me when you was born, when the doctors pulled you out of your mom, they could have dropped you on your head. So i give them respect from that day. These are the people, they know what theyre doing they are fighting on the front lines. I love them. I spent a lot of time in the hospital, and i know what goes on in there. And i know these people work hard to take care of you. They sure do. Im proud of them theyre my heroes. Like i said, when were running out of the burning building, the firemen are running in thats exactly whats going on. Police officers come out of their house to patrol the streets, they dont know if they are going back home. We have to give them respect i respect that. I totally and completely agree with you tracy, a lot of people are at home, and they are looking for something to watch season three of your show, the last o. G. Is on tell them what will be in store if they tune in. This is going to be awesome for people and for everyone involved in the last o. G. This is a gift to the world. This is a gift to the world to keep you entertained and the struggle is real right now were struggling people want to criticize the president. Imagine being president of the country and half the country got sick its difficult for him we have all got to pull together as people now. Now is not the time for blame and all these other things, and anger. Its here now. Weve got to be together weve got to all stay safe nobody wants to transmit it, nobody wants to attract it, nobody wants to get it lets stay safe and do the protocol that we have to do. Protect our kids and our pets. Thats a Good Public Service announcement, tracy. We appreciate you being here with us today. We just want to let people know season three of the last o. G. That premiers tonight on tbs coming on tonight check it out it will be great. All right, babe see you later. Just ahead, something to smile about. Carson and siri daly proudly show off their baby girl goldie. A couple of other kids, too. But first this is today on nbc. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh. Its real. Believe me. I mean, this is unexpected. You would say, remarkable . Absolutely. A remarkable deal thanks, i get that all the time. Wait what . grocrey outlet jingle wow. I think ill take two. For the love oh. All right. Welcome back, everybody. Last time we had all the gang all together was when carson was announcing the birth of baby girl goldie, and this morning, even better, hes back with goldie herself and with siri we just want to say good morning, goldie. Good morning, siri, super mama good morning, carson, super dad. Look at these little cuties. Were so happy to see you. How is it going . Good morning, guys. Its so good to see you all. Its going great this is baby goldie who is how old now . 12 days maybe . What day is it . Yeah, about 12 days. Shell be two weeks on thursday. She is doing great. Mom is doing awesome she is the little pot of gold at the end of our family rainbow. She came, obviously, at a much needed time for what is going on in the country a much needed distraction. We have three other kids and they are really good baby goldie is home. How are they all getting along . Who do i see in the frame there . Which one of your hoda, theres kids all over the place. They are like spiders. They are never less than 6 feet away from you at any point shes doing an educational app. Shes watching the greatest showman. The kids love her they are like little mothers and fathers. Jackson to her they cant get enough. They are so helpful. Its the Silver Lining in all of this to have all of us home together because they just snuggle her up and grab binkies. When needed. And burp cloths. They dont change diapers yet. Hey, buddy. With my two, even if the first two weeks it seemed like you what their personalities might be like. Can you tell what goldie will be like shes headed towards professional beer drinking because she burps all the time. So that must be shes chill. Shes very chill. She takes after you, carson. Yeah, on the beer front, maybe not on the anxious chill front. Shes very calm demeanor. Shell just go to any of the kids she seems very adaptable like not, you know i think she kind of has to be because she was born into this chaos of a family and then this crazy world right now. So shes just going with the flow shes making little noises. Had. You know, were catholic so when all the other kids were born, we had the opportunity for the chaplain at whatever hospital they were born in to come in. Honestly, we didnt care what denomination we wanted somebody with some faith to for the newborn we didnt have that opportunity with goldie because we were in and out of the hospital so fast due to whats happening. So we had a nice little outing recently where, we live in long island, we got to do a driveby blessing with father bob there thats our Catholic Priest at our parish he married siri and i. He blessed our home when we got it we drove goldie there and he stood 6 feet away and gave a wonderful bless. Thats really been a highlight in the last 48 hours. A driveby blessing wow. My one time out of the house. Carson you were saying, carson sorry, go ahea goldie was born and you said we really needed her light right now. I think thats so true i know every time i see a picture of her, i start tearing up what has she really brought to the family, to dalys party of six now . Well, thats sweet. Dont fight over me, girls its Like High School again. Theres plenty of me to go around its been amazing. Its a really bittersweet event, as we all know, because were all hunkered down in our homes for me, im such a family guy, i feel like i work so much, im traveling a lot. I work to be home. Now i get this unprecedented time with my wife and kids, its great, but it comes at such a cost theres so many lives lost and so many people hurting its almost hard to appreciate the time with your family whenhn the world. When we got home from the hospital there was a glyt othere at our house, drinking champagne, celebrating, goldie coming home. They all lined the streets, made signs. It brought tears to siris eyes. And that was a really nice shes been a light to our family, our community. Our neighborhood everybody is anxious about the unknowns of the pandemic here comes little goldie and she puts a smile on their face 40 of all the coronavirus cases are coming from the state of new york its a harrowing time to b pregnant especially where we are geographically theres a lot of nervous people around us and shes been a beacon of hope. Like you said, savannah many people are saying, i just need a goldie picture shes happy to do that. We have to ask, carson, on a totally different note about your lid its out of control. Loving it whats happening with that. I said if they are going to do a reboot of highway to heaven, i could play him yikes michael landon. I dont know my kids are thrilled, by the way, the easter bunny and tooth fairy made the essentials list so thats all happening. But, as you know, you cant get your hair cut. Ive been cutting my sons hair outside. I have a makeshift barber shop for jacksons hair jackson, would you like to come in here . I do a good job with him theres my salon. Looks good. Hes got lines. I gave him a little fade jack, you look good hes high and tight, looks awesome. Like a young harry styles. Were going to braid carsons hair. Should we braid it i do need a cut but ill wait. Its so good to see you. Maybe jack d could actually cut your hair, return the favor, carson just a thought i have no problem with that the quarantine has really brought me back to my punk rock roots. I pushed through my nose ring from my mtv days the other day that really happened. Using ettas little stud wow, theres a picture of that i dont know how you have that so im not opposed to going to a mohawk. Actually, carson, i heard, and tell me if this is right i think youre coming back tomorrow because were going to do a segment on how to cut your own hair and youre going to do it yes. And youll be helping others. I would like to say i hope my husband will be watching that segment as well. Hes getting a little harry myself yes, im excited to do that. Public service announcement. I stood in line to be in that segment. Tomorrow well chop it up. Look forward to that, carson. Siri, goldie, you guys, thank you so much. We love and miss you guys a lot. We miss you guys, too love you cant wait to see you again in person thanks everybody watching for the well wishes. Were praying for you and your family we love you. Coming up, you guys, thi morning best selling cookbook author alison roman, extending the shelf life of your food so you dont have to go to the Grocery Store so often but first what we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Were back with today food as we discussed with vicky americans are advised to avoid Grocery Stores in the coming days this morning we have tips and tricks to extend shelf life of the groceries you have in your house. Joining us alison roman, cookbook author of nothing fancy and dining in. Good morning. Good morning, how are you lets break it down to the food groups. One is bread some people have bread at home or bread in your freezer how can you extend that lifemyrr and on my counter at all times when i go to the store i like to buy a few loaves they go bad quicker than i want them to. A tip, if i have a crusty loaf like this, i freeze it full. And then, to refresh it when i want fresh bread, i run it under cold water, put it in a 450 degree oven for 20 minutes, and its like a fresh loaf is born for sandwich loaf, ill slice it and then freeze it thats a trick i learned from my friend Emily Weinstein that just makes it easier to defrost. I like that. So you can pull it as needed. Its great lets move onto fruit we bought a ton of fruit early and its going bad i was thinking what do i do with it other than toss it. That can be tricky. For fruit i love to freeze it also that can be a really great tip or i just make a quick jam, so Something Like berry, stone fruit, apple ill stick them in a sauce pot with a little sugar until its a jammy figure and put it in the fridge it will last up to a month that way. That is a way to extend especially if its going bad quicker than you want it to. What veges are good to freeze and which ones arent . I dont love to freeze vegetables necessarily my trip for vegetables is taking the jam approach i want to preserve them in something. I want to cook them first. I want to take dark leafy greens and i want to make like a salsa verde or something with the stems, cover it with olive oil and that will last for a good while in the fridge. Leaves like kale, you can get a blanche, saute and then freeze my favorite thing to do with vegetables like onion, eggplant, tomatoes, is to cover them with olive oil and slow roast until tender and super flavorful and then you can store them in the refrigerator covered in olive oil, for up to two weeks, sometimes longer thats a really great way to have a nice, preserved conveniently table. Thats a really good idea this one may be my favorite. Youve taken like one chicken, and youve taken it and broken it down into five or six meals what do you do with the chicken . Yeah. Im feeling like a true miracle worker these days, taking one thing and making it last an entire week. Im staying with two friends right now, so were feeding three people every night we had one chicken what i did was i made the whole chicken into a soup like this, which fed us that night and for lunch the next day and we have some left over but i saved the breast i pulled it from the soup right as it was cooked and shredded it and set it aside that way i can make things like chicken salad, salad salad, sandwich, stuff like that. So it just kind of extends it keeps going on, the chicken that never ends. We appreciate you the tips and advice, we appreciate that. Thank you. Shell have much more on today. Com food. Just ahead the third and fourth hours but first a look at your local news. Have a good one, guys. Well see you tomorrow and a good morning to you. Its 8 56. Im marcus washington. Bay area coronavirus cases now exceeding 3700 with Santa Clara County acounting for almost onethird of the total. 97 people have died. Two counties with the largest homeless populations are still scrambling to protect them. San franciscos supervisors plan to talk about making more hotel rooms available. The city recently opened the Moscone Center as a shelter but two people staying there have now been tested positive. Its been closed for cleaning. Santa clara supervisors plan to discuss new Housing Options utilizing rvs or removable tiny homes. They tried to secure thousands of hotel rooms to flatten the curve. Were monitoring the Santa Clara Countys hearing and well have a live report during our midga newscast. San jose is looking at waiving up to three months of rent for those suddenly left jobless. Landlords not happy about that plan. And new from overnight, a new plan to have Major League Baseball back within a matter of weeks. The catch is all of those games will be played in arizona without any fans in person. Head to our twitter page for more. Found one laughter found one found one. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. G. Powered by the nationsrepared largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. A good Tuesday Morning, Everyone Welcome to the third hour of today. Crying melvin in studio 1a, al and sheinelle working from their homes once against s jones, how is that voice after your first day back . You know what, im hanging in there. I to say its kind of our new normal as we speai have three kids downstairsoing to School Virtually on their lapto yesterday after e show i went downstrs and put on my teacher hat. A ntleman really admires what you doing a gentleman in central park, i like to go to central park and exercise

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