Departments dead line itself, to determine bed capacity and covid19 testing. Bob, i know you were listening to that press conference. Tell us a little more about it. Reporter well, the county says its expandible and elastic when i comes to thi beds opened and available in kante scholar ra county. Is that number going to be enough if we do see a surge of covid19 cases . The county Operations Emergency Center wrapped up this News Conference about 30 minutes ago. They announced two new dashboards on the Public Health we believe site, you mentioned, which lets the county know in terms of bed capacity and covid19. Heres the latest numbers as of march 31st. You can see they have over 9 aqueued beds available, just over 90 icu beds, close to 1,500 surge beds. These are beds that theyve added because of this crisis. That includes 250 of the Santa Clara County convention center. They have just under 400 ventilators. Again, thats as of march 31st. As of yesterday, the county labs, commercial labs and academic labs combined, they have tested over 8246 positive. Thats about an 11. 5 test rate. Heres the importance of making this information opened and available for the public. By sharing the data, i think it will reassure people that our hospitals currently have significant amounts of remaining capacityles. I think another reason for sharing the data is to highlight the importance of the social distancing order with each additional efforts towards social distancing. We anticipate that our prevalence of illness in our community as well as our hospitalized patients should be impacted by that increased social distancing. Reporter and if you want to see those dashboards that they just put out. You go to scc ph. D. Org. Thats the santa collar ro county Public Health department website. It says 198 people are currently hospitalized with covid19 and right here, this red bar is a good indication right now that indicates that they have 99. 66 surge capacity. We do not want to see that go green. So that means there is a lot of people who are the overflow patients from the hospital going to the Convention Centers and other places that theyve added those extra beds. Scc ph. D. Org, covid19 testing and bed capacity. Reporting in the bay area, bob r riddell, nbc news. You know what, bob was just saying in Santa Clara County there are more than a thousand cases, thats more than a third of all cases in the bay area. San francisco has the highest number with 450. A total of 68 people have died in the Bay Area Associated with covid19. And as the number of cases increase in San Francisco, the city is doing even more now to help with social distancing in its vulnerable Homeless Population and its moving of people n. Is from the tight shelters with cots about 3 feet apart to wide opened spaces. Nbc bay area is live where the first 30 people are moving. Niece are people already in shelters. But the city wants get them to a more opened area . Thats right. Eventually they plan on getting about 400 people here into moss cone west and the city aims as getting people resheltered and two other large buildings like this as weltd and into about 2500 hotel rooms it plans to lease in total. But its not going to represent rooms for all of the Homeless Population. Nearly 10,000 people here. Mayor london breed says the city already faces up to a 1. 7 budget shortfall over the next two years due to the pandemic and it unfortunately cannot afford to pay for the medical mental health, drug dependency and Treatment Services needed by a huge number of this growing population. And the resources in general needed to provide the wraparound Supportive Services for many of these populations make it very difficult to just open the doors and allow anyone to walk in. Reporter San Francisco doing a great job with social distancing. As you can see from this nbc bay area drone video from the bay bridge and points throughout the city streets, nearly empty and most people froming the good hygiene and good distancing pre caucus or flat out staying home. A National Article yesterday looking at the action taken weeks ago by mayor breed and bay area leaders, compared to other major cities and urban areas that took longer to act, you can see the camera still never blinks and so far it shows on the flatter curve and the city of San Francisco doing a lot better than many of those urban areas that were compared to probably most around the country. But the mayor warning people not to let up on that social distancing over the next two weeks, three weeks or so. Governor newsome as well, because the peak of this pandemic is still three weeks aw away. We are live, thom benson, nbc news. New there will soon be a new place for covid19 costa county places to go. Officials are working with federal and state partners to convert the craneway pavilion to turn it into a 250 bed medical station. Supplies are being brought in by the National Guard this week. And breaking news to tell you about this midday. The Democratic National convention is being delayed at the convention if milwaukee now will be on august 17th. This is from july 13th. Thats a week before the Republican Party anothers convention. The likely nominee, former Vice President joe biden called the convention to be rescheduled in response to the coronavirus pandemic. And that pan themmic continues to hurt the economy, scott mcgrew, millions for out of work. Thats right 6. 6 million americans filed for first time jobless claims last week, marcus. That goes double what we saw the week previous. All told, since america went into lockdown, more than 10 million americans have told their states they are out of work and need help. No doubt, there are actually very many more unemployed. Wall street expected that pad news, after all with many Stores Closed and hotels empty, restaurants at skeleton staff, we knew this was coming. Markets mildly higher after a real thumping yesterday. Tomorrow we get the data on jobs created. Thats the big monthly report. The one we used to talk about all the time, so, this will be for the month of march. Its probably going to be a mixed bag. By the beginning of march, most americans had realized that the coronavirus was going to be a very serious issue, but there were still people at the beginning of last month who were saying, oh, its no worse than the flu so we werent quite into where we are today back then. Those numbers, were going to get tomorrow, well report them to you, marcus. I dont think theyre going to be very instructive of much, if anything. All right. Scott, well be watching for that tomorrow morning on today in the bay. Mayor hayward says the bay areas first free testing site is running pretty effectively. Barra holiday says it was put next to the fire clinic for people that didnt have adequate medical insurance. The city is looking to move the testing site to a new location. Its going well. You know, maybe i seen a little glitches in traffic. We may now be looking for a different place to move it to accommodate cars down there. But i think were really up and running. Its helping a lot of people in the community to you know have that cover of being captive. As for now, the free Testing Center is at heywards fire situation number 7 opened tuesday from sunday from 9 00 a. M. To 6 00 p. M. Well take a look at that weather. Look at that, beautiful, were getting closer to the weekend. This is a live look at bridge from our camera in emeryville. For the rain, you know what, its headed to the bay area, carrie hall is telling us about that i know you are giving us the forcet for it because the rain is coming . Yes, we will see rain just in time for the weekend. Good tameing and also look like we will see a huge amount. Weve had several days of dry weather. As we take a live look outside in San Francisco, expect those temperatures with all the sunshine to start as to warm up. So as we go into the rest of the day, its going to be a nice one as we started out with some Cool Temperatures this morning. In fact, in the north bay, we had some spots that were in 30s. Well, were going to make it into the mid and upper 60s in this afternoon. Right now were at about 60 degrees in oakland and 47 in santa rosa. Heres a look for our highs for today as we reach up into the mid60s, upper 60s for parts of the east bay. With you we are also tracking that rain in that weekend forecast. Well see is that moving again as we head towards saturday. So ill have a look at this storm system as it approaches with a time line. Well talk about how much rain we are going to see and how much snow may fall in the sierra. Thats coming up in the next microclimate forecast. Looking forward it to. Thanks. You know this weekend, we want to give you a look at the good things going on during this pandemic. Join us this saturday for an nbc bay area news special. Coronavirus our community respond, its a difficult time. But one thing about the bay area, give us a challenge and well stand up. Now, this weekend, well bring you the best of the best and tell you how you can do something good for our neighbors in need. Coronavirus, our community responds, thats this saturday at 7 00 p. M. Well, coming up, hungry in the south bay, the steps leaders are taking to make sure the leaders are fed during this pandemic. Local Grocery Stores are looking out for First Responders. The way they are helping those. As we are all dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people are worried about keeping their family virusfree and also free from hunger w. So many people out of work, Food Insecurity is a very big concern. Today san jose mayor talked about new efforts on this front. Nbc bay area Chris Sanchez joins us live from san jose. This isnt just for people struggling to afford food right now. Reporter no, this is a resource really to connect people to connect volunteers and even connect those of us who are spending a lot of time in the kitchen with a little takeout treat once in a while. I will show you the interactive map in a minute and where mayor made that announcement. He was at San Jose High School where families were also picking up meals. Now, through the Silicon Valley strong coalition, there are now more than 100 schools in 21 School Districts in the county feeding kids weekdays, thats monday through friday, breakfast and lunch. Seniors now having a says to 29 nutrition sites and Second Harvest Silicon Valley is connecting people with food resources, too. When the mayor put out a call for volunteer, would you believe more than 1,600 people showed up . Second Harvest Food Bank providing nearly 1. 7 million meals a week to residents throughout our region. Just as a point of reference, during the school year, our school traditionally serves about 100,000 meals every single day to families throughout the county. So, clearly, they didnt want anybody falling through those cracks. I want to show that you map, put in your address and then you can see all of the little icons start to pop green, those f teens, blue is meals for seniors, age 60 and up. Yellow is for food banks and their partners and the orange dots are for restaurants that are Still Available for pickup. Its pretty user friendly if you want to use it on the phone. I definitely looked at it this afternoon. The kids said maybe we can get takeout. I think theyre fantastic. Personally. I did put this link up on my Facebook Page and also on twitter and on instagram so that if you need help connecting with food or you had help to give, you know how to do it n. San jose, Chris Sanchez, nbc bay area. Thanks, chris. You know, also new at 11 00 for you, some Grocery Stores offering shopping hours just for First Responders. Food maxx along with lucky and save mart are dedicating special shopping hours for people on the front lines. Those stores will open one hour before and one hours later than the posted store hours every day. First responders need to show credentials to be allowed inside. And with a grim projection about the spread of covid19 from the head of the world health organization, he says that in a few days, we could see 1 million cases world wide and 50,000 deaths. Its something that dr. Anthony fauci, the head of the covid19 task force echoed this morning on the today show. If you look at the curves of the acceleration of cases, hospitalizations and deaths, you know, its superimposed corrected for population. Its a really serious issue. Italy got hit very hard. And its very clear that we are getting hit very hard. Right now the epicenter of it in the United States is new york city. But as you see, its not going to be confined to new york city. Seeing this kind of thing in other large cities. Its a very difficult situation as was predicted. This is going to fet worse before it gets better, for sure. Dr. Fauci agrees with the u. S. Surgeons recommendation on a nationwide 30day stayathome policy. Two cruise ships with sickened passengers are now making their way to ft. Lauderdale. Four passenger versus died and more than 200 now have possible symptoms. The source tells nbc news a deal is in place to allow those passengers to disembark. Floridas governor already allowing the ships to dock. But until this morning, local authorities were not giving the green light. A special story playing out in san diego. International passengers are stuck on a Carnival Cruise ship. Many of them from south america. One of them spoke with a reporter by phone. We have all our people infected. Because when they found it, [ inaudible ] now, those passengers, they have nowhere to go once they get off the ship because their home countries have closed the borders. During the pandemic, the future is uncertain and scammers want to capitalize on the fear and take advantage of you. Special agent edwards from the secret service in San Francisco says scammers are taking money because of the lack of interaction while you arent home. They are preying on people because theyre desperate. They need money, they need medical devices. Its a tough time for everybody and a really easy time for them to steal your information or your money. Agent edwards says most of the scams they are seeing have been phishing emails and texts asking for donations. Something good for you now. An east bay Animal Shelter is offering a special gift if you help save animals by giving a small donation. Berkeley Humane Society says if you donate 20 or more to the shelter, theyll draw a picture of your furry friend. Thats rusty, the dog. They admit the volunteer artists are no mike Michael Angelo or piccasso, but they hope they make you smile or laugh. You have until next week to donate. Meteorologist kari hall is drawing on the forecast. Today, it is looking nice. It is looking beautiful out there. Ny ve enjoyed sunshine, better than this weather wise. But we are going no see that continue today as well as tomorrow. Lets get a live look outside in the south bay, checking out san jose, where we have also seen more on that sun. Heres a heads up. If you can hear how congested aim, its because we have a lot of pollen. Its tree and grass pollen affecting people. Even if you are opening up the windows to let if fresh air. Heads up that tree pollen is going to cause issue officer the next couple of days, until that rain comes in and finally helps wash out the air a little bit. Heres a look at our current temperatures. When continue to see it warming up. We are right now at 50 degrees in san jose, 60 in oakland. Going into the rest of the day, well see our temperatures warming up quite a bit. In fact, its going to be very much like it was yesterday as we reach up to 69 degrees in concord as well as antioch, santa rosa reaching 67 degrees and lower 60s for clear lake as well as santa cruz. Going into the forecast for the weekend, a new storm system will approach and this will bring in some scattered showers, starting out on saturday. It continues into sunday and may also linger into monday as well. Now, this is a pretty decent storm. Its not really strong. It brings in the amount of rain were expecting over the course of a couple of days. So we are going to see our dry weather continuing for now. Once again, saturday, sunday and monday will be the days we will see this off and on showers. At times the sun may peak out. There wont be an and this time moderate drought. So were looking at rainfall totals. We will make it up to a half inch, maybe threequarters of an inch. It shows up to an inchandahalf or farther to the north. Yesterday was a really important day. The sierra snow pack that last measurement was taken. They did find that we are right now only a little over half of the normal amount that we see at this time. The good news is that we do have some more snow in the forecast going into the weekend with that next storm system arriving. It will bring in some more snow as we go into the rest of the week. We could see up to 45 inches of snow over the next week at kirkwood. Of course, thats great news, because we dont have a lot of that rain here in the bay area. It would be nice to at least see it pay off in snow. Our 7day forecast shows for the inland areas, we will reach into the upper for the weekend once that rain movers in. So it does cool off. We will see it all moving out by tuesday. We will gradually get warmer once again going into next week. Looking pretty good in the forecast markets. I like to see sun, rain, not too much of things at a time. I like that, space it all out. Everyone can get it. You like sun, you get sun. Thanks, kari. Coming up, if your car registration expires at the end of this month, the dmv is giving you a break. Chris drives you through this process next. First, happening now, talk about a touchdown. The new England Patriots seeing playing is helping bring more than a Million Masks to the United States. That plane transported the mump needed n95 masks from china. The Massachusetts Governor calling on the Patriots Organization to help in acquiring those masks. The patriots plane has to be upgraded for International Travel and the waiver to avoid that 14day quarantine in china. Its half the cost to acquire the masks. We will have more news for you right after the break. For over 80 years, nissan has been with you through thick and thin. And now is no different. Were offering Payment Options for current owners and our Service Departments are here to help. And for future owners, were offering no payments for 90 days on 14 models. This is help when you need it. Welcome back to you. In an effort to stop the spread of covid19, most of us are pushing back on those errands, but what about a trip to the dmv. If your registration is about to expire, you can skip that trip . Reporter good morning, thankfully you dont have to risk your health to get your registration moving. But we want to caution you about a catch involving smog testing. The state still expects you to pay for your registration. You can do that thankfully online. Heres the thing. Smock tests are contradicts thes to stay home. So whats the state doing ability that . Well, it tells us you can delay your smog test until after the crisis is over. Heres what it said. You may still pay your registration fees to avoid any late fees. However, you will not receive your new registration or year sticker until the smog information has been received by dmv. No renewal sticker that caveat begs a huge question here, what happens if a cop pulls you over for an expired tag . Dmv says it is asking Law Enforcement to take it easy issuing tickets for expired registration, asking, not telling. Dmv cant require cops to give you a break. Heres what we recommend. Pay for your registration online on time. Indicate you will get your smog test after the crisis. Then print out that application and put a copy of it in your car. If a cop pulls you over, tell them what you did and different them the paperwork. Dont have a printer . Just save an image of the payment page on your phone. Were taking new coronavirus questions every day. Submit yours at nbcbayarea. Com. Or call us 888996tips. Grade at vice, chris. Coming up, more states telling residents to shelter in place. Is there action too late . And you dont want to miss this one, a heart felt reunion after quarantine, that home koj between an nbc reporter and her son, that was 49 days in the making. And thanks for joining us for an extended version of our news day newscast, im marcus washington. You know three states have given in to mounting pressure, ordering residents to stay home avoid spreading the coronavirus. Nearly a dozen states are still handing out. With coronavirus cases exploding in places like pennsylvania, florida and georgia, governors in those states are forced to reckon with the one order theyve restricted for days if not weeks. A full shelter in place mandate. Every day we wait the coronavirus spreads further and becomes more difficult to suppress. I know you want to return to business as usual, but we must first overcome the obstacles we sponsor in our path. I will be doing an executive order today directing all floridians to limit movements and personaler actions outside the home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services. Reporter the orders all go into effect by the end of the week. In some cases represent a full about face. Floridas Governor Ron Desantis just last week. To order someone not to be able to earn a paycheck when them going to work is not going to have any effect on what we do with the virus, that is something i thiscy inappropriate. Reporter across the country now 38 states and the district colombia have some form of shelter in place. Texas governor is not calling it that. Oklahoma has closed businesses but says a shelter in place isnt practical. Arkansas decided to limit overnight stays at state parks. Residents right now urged to exercise social responsibility as the invisible enemy marches onward. The question many people might have this morning, why did it take until early april for all of these governors to take executive action . Glachlt Governor Ron Desantis says he watched the cdc expended guidelines for 30 days and decided, quote, things are not returning to formalcy. Sam brock, nbc news. San jose nursing home is forcing residents relatives to scramble amid the mounting cases of infections, according to mercury news, the Canyon Springs postacute care facility is asking people to tack their loved ones home. Their request comes after two People Living at the facility and a staff men tested positive. Person tested positive. They are working hard to ensure everyone else that remains at the nours nursing home remains isolated. The most confirmed case for the agency. Ac transit posted a letter at the bus yard yesterday to notify staff. The notice states that the driver was last at work on march 11th and then went on vacation. So the agency said it is unlikely that the employee had the virus three weeks ago while he was working. East bay congressman Eric Swalwell hopes to hold a facebook question and answer this afternoon. He is sitting down with stanfords disease Expert School of medicine getting under way at 1 30 on the congressmans Facebook Page. You are encouraged to submit those questions in advance of todays events. Uc and calstate systems are now relaxing admission requirement force the next fall and beyond. That includes eliminateing required test scores and letter grades. Applicants are suddenly dealing with dramatic situations. In some of those cases, tests are being cancelled and some nehools have now also been teaching. Starting this morning, the california dmv opened business for services online. The dmv says some drivers licenses will be able to renewed. It will allow process title transfers and complex vehicle registrations to be completed online. Dmv employees across the state received that training yesterday. Some say they are running into some glitches. The dmv closed the doors to public indefinitely last friday. Housing actistists say an Eviction Moratorium is not enough for San Francisco residents suddenly struggling to make it into the bay. There is video from last year, veritas. This is the citys largest land board. The managers say they manage about 6,000 units. Supporters actually say they are asking veritas to can sell for those stay at home order they say they do not oppose such an effort but that effort must be united and carried out at the state level. Well, deposit stimulus checks should roll out soon making tear way to millions of americanles. Taxpayers have direct deposited a tax to their last filing will receive the money that way. That money is a part of the 2 trillion relief bill passed last week and signed by President Trump. Taxpayers can expect anywhere from 1,200 to 2400 based on theiren come and filing status. The amounts are based on the latest tax filing, either 2018 or 20 fine. If you want to get an estimate of how much cash, check our stimulator an nbc bay area. Com. Well, a few response to the pandemic from costco, which now plans to limit how many people can enter its stores, starting tomorrow, no more than two people will be allowed inside for each card shown at the door. Earlier this week, costco cut its weekday hours with stores now closing at 6 30 p. M. New at 11 00 for, after 49 days away from her family covering the coronavirus pandemic in china, nbc news Janice Mackey fryer says she is finally reunited with her husband and 6yearold son. We report on that heart warming reunion from beijing. Reporter like a lot of people i travel for work and some trips do last a bit longer, but when i left here in midfebruary to report on the crisis in japan, i didnt know id be away for as long as i was. To come home to my family felt really really good. After 49 day ace way from home, seven weeks of uncertainty, there was nothing i needed more than this. My only child. So brave and resilient during a time thats got to be confusing when you are just 6yearsold. My husband and i captured it on video so we can show him some day and explain how our family, like so many around the world has navigated this pan deming. For us it started late january when i traveled to wuhan in chinas hubei province, to report on the still mystery virus. The streets are unusually quiet. They scrambled for us to leave. Were packing up and heading out. Reporter it marked the beginning of a story that spread across the globe, with a number of deaths rising in the morning. Good morning, there are hundreds on this cruise ship. Reporter in midfebruary i left home, while trying and often failing to figure out a plan for the family. When i finally returned to china, it meant 14 days of quarantine. Like many countries, supporters have heightened here to prevent the virus from being reimported. To get official permission to isolate at home, my husband and son had to stay somewhere else. So they found an alley from where they can wave and i could ate least see them. I have this notice saying i cant leave the apartment for 14 days. Behind every live interview is a phone, a laptop, a blender. Reporter during quarantine, i have to get together a home studio to begin to report on the changes here, over two months into the crisis. Across china, signs of a country coming to light and in wuhan, the city is no longer a ghost town. Businesses are reopening. Here in beijing, streets that only weeks ago were deserted, now busy with traffic, schools are still closed. International flights are cut and foreigners are baned from entering. Life here is not yet backtonormal. But the one family, my family, it at least feels more compete. There are a lot of things here that still arent normal for a 6yearold to process. He know there is is germs and thats why he isnt in school. He cant go to a Movie Theater or play at the playground, there are show signs of progress here as the economy starts to come back on track. But there are also questions about how real the recovery is and concerns of a second wave of infections. But for now, at least for me, im under orders to stay at home. Janice mackey fryer, nbc news, beijing. Well, something good this morning from the city of alameda. People are being asked to do something simple just to make sure essential workers know theyre appreciated. [ cheers ] yeah, everyone can do this one. City leaders are asking everyone to applaud every single day for one minute at 7 00 p. M. The goal here is to thank First Responders for putting their lives on the line. Im just clapping for all the people out there. The Healthcare Providers who are providing essential services. Some alameda residents are also putting teddy bears in their windows. So people can see as they walk by. This is also to add a sense of comfort. I love seeing that. Well, firefighters in the south bay are battling a fire that believes has started in an rv. It spread to two homes. This is video that came to our newsroom this morning during today in the bay. A fire broke out on north 7th street near east st. James street blocks away from san jose university. At one point firefighters had to subdue a man and strap him to a gurney. Firefighters say there might have been a language barrier. Fire crews say that 15 people wont be able to return to their homes we still dont know the cause of that fire. The coronavirus is now delaying the census. Yesterday was supposed to be the official start of the census. Normally the Census Bureau would hire thousands of workers to do Field Operations to conduct surveys. With shelter at home orders in place, operations were suspended. Its required by law to complete the census by july, but it will, it was actually pushed back a month. This is because of the pandemic and alternative options, thats to go online, over the phone or using that mailin form. Now to decision 2020. Both Democratic Candidates joe biden and senator Bernie Sanders are bolstering their Online Presence after the coronavirus shut down their campaign events. This afternoon, biden will hold a Virtual Press briefing. And a new National Poll shows that biden with the edge over President Trump in november general election showdown. The former Vice President has a 4743 advantage over President Trump. Well, coming up for you nick, california live. Welcome to our special stay at home edition of california live. So, ladies, who you are you doing . You know, were doing okay today. But it changes daytoday. I get a little restless. Im a little nervous, im ready to get back to normal right now. Im ready to get back with you. There are days im great. There are days im not so great. Weekdays im working, keeping busy. Weekends are a challenge. I have to find ways to enter my son and out. Its a challenge that were taking on and of what we can. Well, amber might have an idea for you had and your hubby. Amber and her hubby dan, they like to have fun together dan was an absolute sweetheart for doing this for us. But i guess he was kind of our guinea pig for facials. So off have to take a look at this. Okay. Hey, everyone, we are back with our beauty expert. Im excited. Shes going to take a great face maveng and guess who else is joining us . Our husband and dan my guinea pig. I think its easy athome mask. I actually dont do do, i thougd have my news of the day and su it and our husbands can use them, too, so why not get them involved. Very, very busy, all you need is a few samples of yogurt. Tumeris, that gives that it great yellow color and a due drops of honey. I will take you through it, super easy, i would do twotothree scoops. Its only one face unless you want to do yours as well so three scoops of yogurt. And whats great about the yogurt is it has lacking the acid, naturally eats away at skin cells. Thats why its so important for the skin. Giving notice, back in egypt in the egyptian days, they used to have lactic acid, its so good for the skin. Thats a really fun fact. I love that and tumeric is great for inflammation. Think acne, redness. This is really really great for it. You want to put a bunch of that in. You dont have to be perfect. What you do want to make sure is it gets that great yellow color. That will mean its really active and the ingredient are working. I actually need to put in. I think he needs a little more. Slop it on there. Why not . And then the honey is really great for hydration. Its also antibacterial and antifung am so gits going to be really good for all those things, too. Mix it in. Mix. Mix. Mix. Until you get that beautiful bright yellow color. Dan, you look gorgeous. Beautiful. And then i just take like any old brush and then i just put it right onto the skin. You want to leave this on for fivetoten minutes. But you dont want it to get really dry. Because thats actually bad for the skin. You want it to get it off when its still moist. Oh, you look so beautiful. Amber, your mask is actually better than mine. You put more tumeric. You hear that . Dan doesnt get a fancy brush leak your husband does. I am slopping this on. Heres what happens when are you quarantined. Use what you have. Honestly, i dont know about like all the viewers out there. You feel like the men that are usually pretty good about taking care of themselves, they are going to do hair wraps, not sure if they are doing skin stuff at all, whether thats washing or moisturizing. My skin is breaking out. You get dry, everyone is getting woozy at home. At the end of the day we are getting out of this quarantine together. We might as well enjoy. Honey. You are fresh. Its actually not too bad. You did a better job than me, time one thats supposed to be doing this all the time. I think you did a great job. Boys, you are wonderful sports. Where can people find you for more tips . You can find me on liz kennedy. I will be dog lot of athome things. Holler. Perfect, thanks, guys. Bye. All right. Smile for camera, baby. Hi, guys. Bye, guys. You guys getting a facial . You know, hes not a facial guy. Im going to have to convince him. But, yay for dan hes a good sport. Well, you know thats what we are here for, to make everyone laugh and doesnt it feel good to laugh . Yes. Yeah. You know, we just want to uplift people. Well be cool for you. Anything we can do. Absolutely. So make sure to stay home. Stay safe. Keep watching us. Well make you laugh at least. Thank you very much for watching all the time, of course, follow us on our website nbccalive. Com instagram nbcca live. Thank you, we will see you next time. Bye. Thanks, ladies. Well, coming up next, karis forecast. Ive discovered that while keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out sort of. So while youre discovering new things to do in the box, well be here for you. At the drivethru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. While keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out sort of. So while youre discovering new things to do in the box, well be here for you. At the drivethru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. All right. So lets get a look at that forecast, kariin you is just beautiful. Is that what we are seeing in the bay area today . Absolutely. Its been like this the past few days. We have all been katz up inside. So lets get a look at all of our microclimates as we take a wide look in walnut creek. Nothing but clear blue skies all across the bay area. Really from it to see. Weve also seen this looking at these views in San Francisco. So if you are about to open up the windows, maybe you want to go out for a walk around the neighborhood, its starting to warm up outside, it was a chilly start to the day. In parts of the north bay, we had upper 30s this morning. As we get a live look outside, as we head down to the south bay, weve seen also more of that sunshine here and going into the afternoon. Were going to see it continue even into the day tomorrow. And i know people are looking for those opportunities to get outside and maybe even cooking and grilling out there, its going to be a nice afternoon for that in the south bay. Well see those temperatures reaching into the mid60s and then cooling down into the evening. We have been checking on the weather forecast, seeing how it shapes up for the rest of the current as this large scale stayathome order in place for many of the states. Were going to see those temperatures that will start out in the 50s and 60s for parts of the upper midwest, reach into the low 70s, into the south and, of course, here in the bay area, were enjoying more comfortable weather. But were about to get a little more uncomfortable going into the weekend as our temperatures cool off. We will see a new storm system approaching. As it does so, our temperatures will cool off. We will start to see that rain cooling in on saturday into sunday. It will continue into monday as well. At this point we really do need the rain. Its been so dry. We are in a pod rat drought. We will see decent amounts of rain going into the weekend. So we are looking at that time possibility for most of us to get about a quarter to half inch of rain, maybe even up to threequarters of an inch of rain and it shows that farther to the north in spots like an inchandahalf plus. So thats some really great news to see there in the forecast. We will continue on with some comfortable weather. Then as we go into the weekend, it will be cooling off as we see our temperatures reach into the mid to upper50s for the inland areas. Still a cool start to the week that rain will gradually taper off on monday, tuesday and wednesday were dry as our temperatures start to rebound and going into the forecast for San Francisco by sunday, were only seeing highs in the mid50s and once again, rain moving out on tuesday. Well have more on this and a look at the news. Another update coming up after the break. As our Community Battles this virus, now, more than ever, we need to stick together. So with students across the state staying home, parents have turned into teachers and it seems like the perfect time to organizer all that tupperware, why not put the kids to work, get two things done at once . There is some math involved in that right . Let me know what you are doing to keep the kids occupied. Some things to end the midday with. Something to make you smile. Its trending as well, some of the toughest things to do is getting in that gym time. Some people in the uk are finding creative ways to burn those calories its not unusual sho what you are seeing right there neighbors on one street participating in social distance dancing. Theyre in the driveways and door steps, uk under that similar lockdown much of the u. S. Is dealing with right now. Everyone is being asked to stay at least 6 feet away from each other. I think we can do that in the morning for today in the bay. Yeah, we will try that, before the zoe on zoom or something. Lets check out our forecast, upper 60s, beautiful weather today and tomorrow, i will be tracking that rain headed in for the weekend with. Marcus. Thanks, gary. That does it for us on our midday newscast, our next newscast coming up at 5 00. Well see you starting at 4 30. Have a great day. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh. Its real. Believe me. I mean, this is unexpected. You would say, remarkable . Absolutely. A remarkable deal thanks, i get that all the time. Wait what . grocrey outlet jingle wow. I think ill take two. For the love oh. Beholdeach for astors different type of music. When i have all six strings, im going to turn all the trolls into rock zombies. Rock and roll [ screaming ] im not going to let you do this. Well overpower them with glitter. [ growling ] were gonna have to go. Where no pop troll has ever gone. Who wants to party . Without smiling. Today on access daily, tisha campbells here and its a house party reunion. [ screams ] then this fierce Police Officer is making history in the boxing ring. What are your daughters think about this . They love everything. Its so great plus, our skin guru to the stars reveals his numberone beauty trick. The cup and sweet then you get juicy. Juicygoosy. [ cheers and applause ] oh, welcome to access daily at Universal Studios hollywood. Scott is at world of dance today. Mario and i holding down the fort. How you doing, hoover . Whats shakin . All right. Whats shan

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