Out all the good things hes been up to you sure . Hmm. Mmm. But first lets just start the come on, come on, wild thing. Show with some jokes lets go if you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Hi guys. Before we get into our monologue which is hot off the fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Presses ow i want to say thank you so much for watching this show wethe conference room. Ore. Thank you, youtube. Com the speaker phone. The missing files. Youtube has been great airing these shows so, so many people can see it early not in the room . Then youre not in the know. And also if you go to youtube. Com fallontonight, if youre there right now or if youre watching this on nbc, well, this has been nice, but can we not . Who also we thank. Microsoft teams invites everyone you work with to work together. Next to our link, theres be seen, be heard, be there when youre not. A donate button. That will go to share your files, and your opinion. Nokidhungry. Org, so thats the way you can donate to that, and anything can help. And maybe even a happy little fruit guy. Speaking of helping, i was when youre ready to unleash the power of your team, thinking about this, and if theres any way your local food pantry, google where that is open teams. Where is my local food pantry . They all need help right now out where i am, easthampton food pantry is desperate for anything on the shelves. So if you go stocking up, wherever you are, just get an extra can of soup and drop it off to what or a case of soup jimmy or a case of yeah, well, if you can get a case of soup i guess people are buying things by the cases. Go to costco and get like a pallet of soup and drop one can off to the is that what youre saying, honey off to the food pantry so but anything you can, really, think about thatd be great if you could its weird times right now im standing in front of an odd tree i dont even know where i am in the house, but its there, and im not going to talk about it but im i see true colors of people are coming out, and everyones being very creative now, and its kind of a heartwarming thing to see. Theres also the other side of people too because i was walking my dog the other day, and with my camera operator, who is my wife i dont walk like this what was i doing so i was walking normally, and everyone crossing the street because its socially distancing, which is great but just because youre doing that doesnt mean you dont have to smile or wave. You can do that. You dont have to not be a a person you can be like, hello, you know you can do that, cant you can you say hello . You can do that. Hey, good to see you i mean were far enough away we really are. Like, id say more than 6 feet, 12 feet. Anyway, im really seeing everyone being creative on the internet and everything, so lets get to some monologue jokes right now. And then after that, by the way, well do were doing our interviews, but we also have kind of a best of is what were doing. Best of the the tonight show this whole week and as long as we have to do this so these are clips that make you happy and maybe just kind of get that balance back in life so youll see Bradley Cooper, emma stone what is this thing working yes, its awesome. All right. Oh, whats up, jimmy fallon . Here we go here he is, jimmy fallon do you want me to turn my screen sideways as well . I can do that. Thank you very much. Welcome to the tonight show. Jimmy oooh oh, i forget, my sister gave me does that work for you . A joke jimmy definitely works for me, man. Gloria fallon, ill give you props for this what are you doing it on, a laptop or you got an ipad . She said, hey, guys, a lot of us have entered our second wr,nd ive got an iphone, man skin left on your hands, from im in San Francisco washing. Thats where i am. Jimmy this does are you really in you shouldnt be outside. Youre on lockdown good one. Jimmy i know oh, man here we go whats going on . Welcome to the tonight show, everybody, at home edition are we starting yet . When are we starting i hope everyone is doing okay. Jimmy this could be starting right now i had a tough weekend. Its so good to see your face, man. The governor of new york how are you dealing . Declared me the definition of nonessential where are you right now . Im actually at home. Dont get disappointed why you do me like that . Hold on. Im gonna try to show you ive never used this before. Well, its week two of selfquarantine, and were all feeling cooped up. Im trying to find hold on. I can so, yeah, im actually at home. Today my amazon alexa asked to give me sorry asked me to im sorry. Give it some space jimmy ah, beautiful. Are you in like a cabin please back six feet off me. Where is this place . Have you been kidnapped . As if things arent crazy jimmy no, no, no enough, now the weather is insane as temperatures have dropped in half. Im totally this is home. Im in like kind of a its its like the weather caught whatever the stock market has. Like a guest room, but it looks like a cabin type of room. Honestly, who cares about the who are your guests weather, right hunters . Were all inside anyway. I was watching the news today, and the weather guy turned to jimmy this has all changed the sports guy and was like, why are we even here since the quarantine started this was just a normal room, and now ive become like a a huntergatherer type of thing. [ laughter ] right this is like you preparing for the new world postthe coronavirus apocalypse why are we even here jimmy dude, im making weapons out of tripods and to deafening silence listen to this, guys, i saw everything that audible is now offering free audio books for kids stuck at home. I dont know what how are you handling the social distancing and the selfquarantining and all that so if disney plus didnt hold your kids attention, im sure ben stein reading war and im not gonna lie to you, jimmy. Peace will do the trick i havent noticed any difference in my life. I am genuinely im not even trying to be funny here. I heard that best buy announced some people are gonna say this that theyre now offering Curbside Service with no human is a joke. Contact. Theres no jokes like i have experienced no when they heard, best buys geek squad was like, whats change in my world human contact . So my whole life ive been an indoor kid, right . I love playing outside, but i this is a cool one of our guests tonight, dj dnice hosted a social was like the my mom had to distancing dance party on Instagram Live chase me out of the house to go and play with other kids cause i was like i wanted to be at home thats right i wanted to play video games, a social distancing dance party, or as its also known, and i wanted to watch tv every middle school dance. I dont go outside i dont need to go outside like people always you know how people will be like, but its such a beautiful day. Why dont you go outside . I read that since the increase in toilet paper shortages, no people have been buying more bidets i dont care yeah, it can act as a great jimmy really you like being inside . I dont like being inside i love being inside. Substitute for toilet paper. I live inside. Thats me. At happening and if youre really desperate, a soda stream. [ laughter ] im worried about whats gonna happen in the world for people economically you know, i think on a health level, were probably gonna get this thing under control i learned about an online toilet paper why is that but i worry about the effects for the just every economy funny . In the world and how that affects the poorest people i read about first. Oh, i heard about an online toilet paper calculator that tells you how long your supply jimmy yeah will last. Thats the thing that stresses me out. But like for me, im not even gonna lie to you and say i have so if you think youre bored, been stressed in any way imagine being the guy who just i am completely fine i also started intermittent created an online toilet paper calculator [ laughter ] fasting just before coronavirus started, so i i dont eat cause i realized i dont need to eat this is crazy. I realized someone tricked me into believing i need three i saw that germany has now banned gatherings of more than two people meals or five meals a day or Something Like that. Yep, a twoperson gathering, or so now i eat i dont eat for as its known in russia, a 40th high school reunion. 18 hours in a day, and then ill eat for like the rest of we only ones who make it the but i eat like a few things and then im done my mom does the same thing jimmy i started that like two weeks ago, and then when our classmates were the foundation of this school, literally. This happened, i stocked up on so much food that i ive theyre in the foundation. Never eaten more in my life. Theyre in the cement somewhere. And finally, this is amazing ive never eaten more food because i dont want it to go i read that the movie pretty to waste and i go, youre not woman hit theaters 30 years ago today. Gonna to finish that you cant waste it do you remember that this is we need it now more than ever. Not pretty woman, i mean going to a Movie Theater and i just im eating like six six meals a day thats our monologue everybody what no, my friend no, ive done the complete opposite, cause my thing is i jimmy now its time to do didnt buy i didnt buy a a bit that we normally do on the show where i play a cowboy a bunch of stuff character whos kind of ignorant, and just tells it like i think i get why like it is and he tells things people were panicking, but you know what it is . To go on and git living in new york has taught me not to panic because people panic every year when they say like theres gonna be a blizzard, then people rush were going to use a out. A teleprompter thing, app that i got. And ive noticed people maybe this is an american i dont know if its going to work or not, so just bear with thing. Us here is, go on, git. People dont know what to buy in an emergency. Thats what ive noticed hey guys, its time for go on, git. Jimmy i totally agree, this is is this grandpa juvonens hat . Because youve seen it or because youve done it no, because ive seen it. Jimmy yeah dad like when people say theres jimmy its your dads hat . Gonna be a blizzard in new york mmhmm. Jimmy so this is an actual and they say its gonna be like 12 inches of snow and we might real cowboys hat. Definitely. Not be able to go anywhere, ive seen people buy like jimmy and i put my cowboy they rush out and all the bread boots on that i got a couple is gone. Years ago, and it took me about an hour to put them on bread is the worst thing to buy and i think im just going to for a disaster have to leave them on all week like bread is its all right. Here we go jimmy it doesnt last. It doesnt last. Thats our teleprompter thing jimmy no, i agree. That were using right now, and well see if it works. All right. Its time for here we go and then, like now with coronavirus, people are buying toilet paper like coronavirus is going to make you just go on it can be hard to say goodbye, a rampage in the bathroom or but sometimes you have to. Something. You dont need that much toilet and there are a few things id paper. Like to say goodbye to right now. Jimmy yeah, its a lot of toilet paper talk. Its time for go on its not working. My friend bought four giant things of canola oil, and i go, its time for go on here we wow do you plan on deep frying go it can be hard to say goodbye, but sometimes you have to, and i mean whats whats there are a few things i like to say goodbye to right now happening in your quarantine . Its time for go on, git. Its they go, i dont know i just bought it cause it was there. I realized, you know what it is the problem with coronavirus is that its invisible, cause if coronavirus was zombies, we wouldnt be acting like this jimmy yeah go on, git, every Single Company sending emails about what theyre doing to deal with coronavirus. Like if coronavirus was actual zombies walking through the streets, no one would be dont get me wrong like, ill take my chances. Im glad everyones being careful at the sacramento Holiday Inn Express i went to one time on a road trip in 2006, but i didnt need an jimmy yeah no, exactly. Email telling me about the complimentary mini muffin bar will be closed until further they would be locking their notice door ten times yeah, exactly jimmy and yeah, youre right. So, yeah, thats a good idea pretend there are zombies out there. Is it is it i know Comedy Central is now airing your show now, go on, git to the spam folder on Comedy Central, which is awesome because a lot of people dont have the internet or dont understand it like people like i would say my dad. Go on, git, insanely cheap plane tickets. So hes so happy to have my show on tv oh, really hes like, finally i can watch. Flights to miami are 17 is it odd telling jokes with no you dont say. Laughter you know damn well that its irresponsible to take a nonessential flight right yeah, its very weird now. Ack on because ive one of the first things i did was work as a standup comedian. You, temptation. Thats been my career for, what, going on 14, 15 years git now. So its ive never told jokes ive never just told jokes to myself. Thats like the first sign of madness in my opinion. So ive never stood in front of go on, git, organic Peanut Butter the mirror and been like, you see what happened today . You aint nothing but a dang ive never done that Swimming Pool of oil so its weird. I got to stir you around, stir you and stir you around. Git. Jimmy i used to practice i used to practice my standup there was a piece of brick wall in my apartment where i lived in l. A. , and i had a mic stand, and i stood in front of the brick wall go on, git, seasonal allergies are you serious jimmy and used to do acts in my bedroom by myself, my read the ding dang room. Whole routine. That is so youre made this is not the right time for for this, then you to be showing up jimmy yeah, this is finally, this is my i really usually youre a minor annoyance, but now one sneeze found my medium. And my family is changing into hazmat suits and making me youre the corona king. Sleep in the dang dung basement youre the corona king no, like its weird. Its weird doing the show so go on, git, seasonal allergies and take pet dander without an audience because i with you think its always a reminder after like every joke or every moment its always a reminder of the time were living through you know so jimmy yeah the thing im trying to do is im trying to inform my go on, git, spam phone calls, audience calling me from my own dang im trying to stay informed. Number i still dont believe anybody should be watching news i know its probably a scam, 24 hours a day because the but i cant take the chance and not pick up. Truth is news has to tell you news so theyre gonna find bad things to tell you for 24 hours what if its me from the future to make the thing continue and i need help because im trapped in a basement . How long have i been in there . Jimmy thats correct but i dont think its dont worry, future me, im coming for you, unless it is a healthy. So for me i go, hey, i know a a lot of people watch my show a spam number, then why dont because they just want to catch up on essential news, and then you go on, git they want to carry on living their lives. And i im honored that all right, everybody thats been go on, git. People would have me provide hopefully you enjoyed it that so thats what i do. Well be right back with more i work with my team. Everyones at home tonight show. Mu we make the show its weird because you just say a thing and then nothing happens. Like, this is great right now. This is like jimmy you get a little back and forth, exactly yeah. Jimmy im loving this, yeah rocket fuel by dj shadow featuring de la soul its good that youre doing this and making a lot of ladies and gentlemen people you know, again, the severity of whats happening but also it provides a little get ready, yall bit of balance so thank you get ready ready yeah, because i think thats set the thing is we have to remember the balance were not staying at home because everyones gonna die were doing this preemptively. Were trying to prevent a disaster from happening, and so we have to do the boring thing. Prevention is always boring. Jimmy yeah you know what i mean . Jimmy thats not the part thats not the part of the zombie movie you like. Exactly exactly. Nobody like in the beginning of a zombie movie, theres always the doctor who is like, we need to quarantine everybody. Theres something spreading. And theyre like, shut up, klaus. You know what i mean jimmy yeah, hes not anyones favorite character. Yeah. And then when the zombie outbreak happens, then hes like, i tried to warn everybody. Jimmy yeah, and then they and he gets attacked exactly yeah jimmy yeah the charity that you were mentioning tonight is no kid hungry yes jimmy why this charity well, heres the thing. There are millions of kids in america who get their food from school there are millions of kids in america who might get one of their only nutritious meals at school and in closing the schools, which i understand was necessary for many people, we also have to acknowledge how many children now no longer have access to that one meal or that one nutritious meal that they were having every day and i think its really important for us, especially in this moment in time, to try and support those in our communities who are the most affected by this people who dont earn a lot of money, people who are lowincome this is all throughout the country, you know, from idaho to new york, from california through to kentucky and delaware there are people the people who are gonna get affected first and the most are people who have the lowest incomes, people who dont earn the most, people who live from paycheck to paycheck. So for me, you know, feeding kids is something you take for granted. I know what it was like to grow up in a home where we didnt have food all the time i know what it was like to go for two or three nights not eating, and i dont think any kid should ever have to go through that so for me, you know, i think whatever we can contribute and its a little you know, a lot of a little makes a lot. Jimmy yeah and so for me, its everyone just chipping in and saying, hey, well help well help feed these kids lets keep the kids fed. Think about their parents who are oftentimes working in the industries that we need them to stay in right now. People who dont earn minimum wage or maybe just earn minute wage, working in Grocery Stores that you need to stay open, working in pharmacies that you need to stay open, working in all of these places you need to stay open to survive they also have kids. Their kids might have been getting food from their schools. So for me, i think everyone, if possible, whatever you can give i know not everybody can, but everyone who can give, try and give a little. Jimmy whatever you can give even a dollar, anything is just everything matters yeah. Jimmy so please, right now, they would love it trevor, youre the best for doing this, buddy. Thank you for doing your show, but thank you for doing my show and keep up and keep people balanced, please thank you so much for everything youre doing, buddy yeah. Thank you, jimmy thank you so much. And im gonna send the police to your house cause i think someones buried in the basement if i look at that room and the someone was in that house . D jimmy this is this is like is it like misery . thanks so much, bud. I appreciate this. Im heading back to San Francisco now. So, enjoy being stuck in your house. Jimmy say hi to gavin for me bye, buddy thank you, thank you, thank you. 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Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. Jimmy with these shows were also going to give you some best of tonight show clips. Stuff that we love that we want to see again this first one is me and Bradley Cooper barely making it through an interview i hope you enjoy jimmy new york is going to love you back, because boy, youre back on broadway here look at this, this is giant. [ cheers and applause the elephant man. Its a great story. Jimmy oh my god. Patty clarksons in it and Alessandro Nivola too, and the rest is a great cast jimmy i love them. Love Patricia Clarkson now this is uh the story clearly of john merrick. I saw billy crudup do the elephant man. I was in grad school when he did that thats right, yeah 2000, 2 2000, i think he did it. Jimmy yeah, youre much younger than him uh, now. [ laughter ] no im not. Jimmy i was in high school when he was on broadway. No, i couldnt get a job i was like oh, ill go to school jimmy no, but you studied a long time, you actually you wanted to do this play a long time ago i did, it was actually the reason i wanted to become an actor. My father showed me this movie when i was a kid and then i realized there was a play, and i did it for my thesis in grad school and then i did it in williamstown two years ago jimmy ah and i mean thats its a tricky play it is tricky, yeah. Its especially because the movie theres prosthetics, but, i love that we still have these on, but uh it just feels good tell me it doesnt feel good jimmy it feels actually really good. I got to say, yeah, it does feel good. Little protected. Im willing to do more crazy stuff. Jimmy im protected, but yet still free, you know what im saying yeah [ laughter ] its a combo platter, man, i i love it. Thats right. Thats right jimmy im thinking visors all the way man. No more hats, bro jimmy no more hats, im done with them i want a fullon guy fieri blonde, too. This is the way to do it no, you got it better jimmy you take me real serious, yeah. I got like fro i dont know what this is. Jimmy yeah, thats like highlights, yeah its like frosted tips. Jimmy boy band yeah, absolutely you got boy band hair. Anyway, i went to london, i went to see his bones and it was amazing, but [ laughter ] segue anyway, the bones. Jimmy we cant use that. Well cut this out [ laughter ] i love that were talking about the the elephant mans bones, wearing these hats im sorry. We got to reset. Weve got to reset [ cheers and applause jimmy we have to reset because this is bad so, uh so you did a lot of research yeah, tons. Jimmy uh, no, but you did. I did i did, actually. Jimmy you did do a lot of research yeah, but its its a tricky role [ laughter ] because its based on a real guy, Joseph Carey Merrick who lived in in the late 1800s died at the age of 27. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause jimmy i cant have a a serious conversation i cant have a serious conversation with you. Partly from before. [ laughter ] i can barely talk. Jimmy you can barely talk. Lets do it again. Lets do it again. Whew, oh, my gosh. All right, sorry, sorry. So ill just i will cut to a zoom in on this and then well edit around it this is based on a true story. [ laughter ] we got it, we got it, we got it [ cheers and applause jimmy you cant use that quit laughing. You cant laugh here we go. Jimmy cant laugh at the elephant man. All right, here we go. I wont look at you jimmy all right, dont look at me. [ laughter ] we got it, we got it, we got it jimmy all right, we got it this is a [ laughter ] this is uh this is based on the true [ laughter ] should we take them off jimmy im sorry, maybe well then we cant continuity oh yeah, the continuity [ laughter ] jimmy all of a sudden the country would see we have no hats on. We have to get through this. Okay, we got it jimmy all right. Yeah. Jimmy this is based on the a real guy, of course. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy you went to [ laughter ] jimmy gosh, i dont know how to do this i dont know how to do this but we have to do it [ laughter ] whats that . Oh, when we come back we can take the hats off. Okay, thats what we do. All right, very good [ laughter ] the whole thing, its going to be six minutes of this. [ laughter ] like, what happened . What happened . Jimmy that was the worst interview ive ever seen yeah all right, ready so well go to this and well take the hats off. All right, lets get into this right here we can take the hats off for this one yeah. Jimmy but this is, you know, its based on john merrick this is the actual real man. His name was Joseph Merrick [laughter jimmy is that right . [ talking over each other i know, its hilarious that they changed his name. With a sonic shield and holographicmapping drones. Impressive. There is one more thing. Ah. Jake from state farm. 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Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner. Thats the power of sanctuary. Your mighty, mighty tiger. Bring out the tiger. Your mighty, mighty tiger. Tigers start their day with the great taste of frosted flakes, so they can be grrreat part of a complete breakfast. Especially when thexfinity has you covered. With the fastest most reliable internet. With advanced security to make sure everything you do online stays safe and secure. And with the most tv shows, movies and streaming apps all in one place. With simple Digital Tools you can get the help you need or even trouble shoot your services on your own. Download the xfinity my account app or just say help into your voice remote. We are doing all we can to make things simple and easy. Download the xfinity my account app today. Yo, whats up man jimmy no, come on [ laughter ] ah, man jimmy what did do you . What did you do . Oh, my gosh. Man, man. Life, man. I just wanted to do something good for people, and it turned into something really good so, im expected jimmy it was really good i loved it so much dnice, its an honor. Thank you so much for doing this i appreciate you doing the tonight show at home edition. What youre doing is exactly what we need youre bringing people up. Youre lifting peoples spirits. I got an email from a friend that said, do you see what dnice is doing right now . I was like, what and theyre like, hes deejaying for like nine hours [ laughter ]is dance party thin what so, i went to your live instagram, and when i was there, it was already i mean, first of all, how did it come about it started i was sitting here at home, you know, just i was alone and, you know, i wanted to just play music for my friends and i had a small instagram following, you know, and i wanted to play it for like my friends, you know, and create an Instagram Live and i was deejaying, and it was just like people, you know, from the Music Industry you know, questlove would pop in Black Thought, actually Black Thought was the one that was like, yo, you should just play some music, d. Lets do it and it was a small group of like 200 people, and then it turned the next day it was 2,000 people. Then the day after that it was 12,000 people. Then friday it was the one where, like, wow, theres 25,000 people in here. Then all of a sudden j. Lo popped in and i was like, wait, j. Los in here and then ten minutes later, drake was in there and i was like, wow. Jimmy oh, this is a party. And then saturday was you know, i mean, it was like 100,000 people thats thats when i checked it out it was 100,000 it was like i was like, this is so much fun when i was there, Kamala Harris jumped in. Buju banton was there. Yes [ laughter ] jimmy it was like the craziest mix of people coming together joe biden you know, Michelle Obama was there. Janet jackson was there. Jimmy Ellen Degeneres were you nervous knowing that Michelle Obama was in there . I was i was nervous and even though i deejayed for them. I played, you know, the second to the last party at the white house and did the inaugural ball, there was something about, like, in that setting where im like really at home, like this is my kitchen. Jimmy wow. Im deejaying in my kitchen and something that i was doing in my kitchen was able to touch the world, like it was just beautiful. It was beautiful jimmy it really was a great thing. I loved it so much it was the hashtag clubquarantine is what everyone was calling it. Yes jimmy and it was the number one worldwide trend. Wow [ laughter ] jimmy it was just did you like get nervous when the numbers started going up and you kept seeing all those hearts flying around, like hiw. So, it was the average person. Then there was kelly rowland, and it was but kelly they had been there and they were like cheering it on, like oh my gosh, because we had never maxed 25,000 it was like lets see if we can get it to 30 oh, my gosh. Were at 30, and it just kept climbing [ laughter ] when it reached like it was 98,000 people, and then all of a sudden, Mark Zuckerberg logged in, and we were like, wait, mark, what are you doing here please dont shut us off let us get to 100,000. And he posted he posted you got this and as soon as it 100,000, everyone just went crazy. Here like, oh, my jmy ii mean, cause as a deejay, you feed off the crowd, right . Yes jimmy and but, you have no crowd in your kitchen. Did you still get the same type of excitement or more . I received the same type of excitement, but its, actually i would say more you know why because when youre feeding off of the crowd, youre trying to play for the crowd, right . Im watching body languages, and im trying to get them i want them to hear what they want 100,000 people were in that live to hear what i wanted to play, like, and i was able to play from my heart i love music, so i was able to play stop the music and play kenny rogers, like, would you never hear kenny rogers in a a hiphop club, you know so, i was able to just do what i love, and it was beautiful to experience jimmy whats next . Are there going to be more dance parties . Whats next . Man, i have one on wednesday. Im trying to like do them maybe like every other day not every day the way i was doing it i didnt expect it to become this but, you know, just give people a break and allow them to be more excited about it and you know, look, its just been a beautiful thing. I want to continue as long as were doing this, as long as were quarantined, at least do my part, which is through entertainment to touch people, to bring people together jimmy exactly right and thats what youre doing, and i cant even tell you. So wednesday night, what time should we tune in . 3 00 p. M. Pacific time, 6 00 p. M. Eastern standard time im just going to go in, like, after work, people get to here music and dance together jimmy its on instagram. Follow dnice, one word. Yes jimmy it was so enjoyable and i cant tell you how happy i was. I was yelling at you through my phone. [ laughter ] i was like, yes go it was so great. I loved it you made so many people happy. I cant even tell you, like, how its to go worldwide like that, you got to be proud and thank you for doing what youre doing thank you i appreciate you, man. I appreciate you jimmy im a big fan. Bye, buddy thank you. Bye buddy peace. ve all been here before. The conference room. The speaker phone. The missing files. Now. Well, this has been nice, but can we not . Microsoft teams invites everyone you work with to work together. Be seen, be heard, be there when youre not. Share your files, and your opinion. And maybe even a happy little fruit guy. When youre ready to unleash the power of your team, open teams. I need all the breaks, that i can get. At liberty butchumal cut. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. We are tmobile the first to go unlimited. First with no annual service contracts. First with taxes and fees included. 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Well take turns lip syncing sections of well known songs, each one of us trying to lip sync better than the other person we dont know which song the other ones picked only the performer knows which song is coming next. Were gonna do two songs each. Emma, youre new here so, ill go first all right [ light laughter ] jimmy just step aside. Not good luck jimmy what not good luck jimmy thank you, not good luck thank you. My first song is from a little lady named iggy azalea [ cheers ] and the title is fancy. First things firs im the reales drop this and let th whole world feel it and im still i the murda biznes i can hold you down like im givin lessons in physics you should want a bad bitch like this drop it low and pick it up just like this cup of ace cup of goose cup of cris high heels somethin worth a half a ticket on my wrist takin all the liquor straight never chase tha rooftop like w bringin 88 back bring the hooks i where the bass a champagne spillin you should taste that im so fanc you already know im in the fast lane from l. A. To tokyo im so fanc cant you taste this gol remember my name bout to blow [ cheers and applause jimmy got the jitters out. Just got the jitters out right there. That was pretty damn good jimmy just getting the jitters out right there. All right, emma, lets hear your first song. All right im impressed jimmy. Jimmy thank you. Im impressed my first song is hook by blues traveler [ cheers and applause because the hoo brings you bac i aint tellin you no lie the hook brings you bac on that you can rely suck it in suck it in suck it in if youre rin tin ti or anne boleyn make a desperate move or else youll win and then begin to se what youre doing to me this mtv is not for fre its so pc its killing me so desperately i sing to thee of love sure but also of rage and hate and pai and fear of self and i cant keep these feelings on the shelf ive tried well no in fact i lied could be financia suicide but ive got too much pride insid to hide or slide ill do as ill decid and let it rid until ive die and only then shall i abide this tide of catchy little tunes of hip three minut diddies i wanna bust al your balloon i wanna burn all you cities to the ground ive foun i will not mess around unless i play then hey i will go on all day hear what i say i have a prayer to pra thats really all this was and when im feeling stuck and need a buck i dont rely o luck because the hook brings you bac i aint tellin yo no lie [ cheers and applause jimmy i cant even talk to you right now. Forgot all about that song [ laughter ] so good. All right. Time for my i really got to pick it up, man. Gotta up my game you guys with me on this one lets do it. Come on. [ cheers and applause for my second, and my final song, the styx classic, mr. Roboto. [ cheers and applause domo arigat mr. Roboto mata au hi made youre wondering who i am secret secre i got a secret machine or mannequi secret secre i got a secret with parts made in japa secret secre i got a secret i am the modern man ive got a secre ive been hiding under my skin my heart is human my blood is boilin my brain i. B. M domo arigato mr. Roboto domo arigato mr. Robot thank you very muc mr. Roboto for helping me escape just when i needed t thank yo oh yeah [ cheers and applause that was i mean all right. All right, thats a tough one. Jimmy how could i be out of breath at a lip sync [ laughter ] i didnt really do anything. Its supposed to be lip syncing but i was full singing the blues traveler song. [ laughter ] jimmy no, i know it was karaoke singing. Jimmy okay, go for it. Okay, that was incredible youre a very worthy competitor my second and final song is all i do is win. [ laughter ] by dj khaled dj khaled all i do is win win win no matter what got money on min i can never get enough and everytime i step up in the buildin everybody hands go u and they stay there and they say yeah and they stay ther up down up down cause all i do i win win wi and if you goin in pu your hands in the air ludacris goin i on the verse cause i never been defeated and i wont stop now keep your hands up put e in the sky for the homie that didnt make it an the folks locked down i never went nowher they saying ludas bac blame it on that conjure the hood call it ludayac make millions every yea the souths champion cause all i d all i all i all i all i do is win win win no matter what got money on my mind i can never get enough and every tim i step up in the buildin everybody hands go up jimmy oh my goodness [ cheers and applause come on that was the [ laughter ] that was the best one thats ever been done on the show emma stone, the winner right there. [ cheers and applause clear, clear, clear winner oh, my gosh. Jimmy thank you guys so much for watching. Nokidhungry. Or please, go donate. Give what you can. Guys, wash your hands. Dont touch your face. And i cant wait to see you tomorrow thank you so much for watching our show go, win. Go, fran here i come boo [ cheers and applause announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight beto orourke from good boys actress and comedian retta from euphoria actress Hunter Schafer featuring the 8g band with fred armisen [ cheers and applause ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening. Im seth meyers, this is late night. Hows everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause that is wonderful to hear. In that case, lets get to the news well, today, the uk finally answered the question. If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you [ light laughter ] probrexit politician Boris Johnson was officially elected today to become the uks next prime minister. Great. In 70 years, the uk has gone from Winston Churchill to a roady for spinal tap [ light laughter ] President Trump continued his attacks on minority congresswomen today tweeting the quote, aoc plus three are a