the deadliest yet for the coronavirus. tonight health officials in the south bay arelaring a local health emergency. >> here's what we know. two of the bay area's four confirmed cases are in santa clara county. the virus has already killed more than 1,000 people worldwide. we should note those are the numbers being reported to us publicly. it could be more. another 43,000 people are infected. there's also a new confirmed case in san diego, and that brings the total number of cases in california to seven. nbc bay area's ian cull joins us from the santa clara public health department, the county health department, with the latest details. >> reporter: those health officials reminding just two confirmed cases in the county. this doesn't mean they have seen more cases yet. instead, this local health emergency giv to things like resources. it does not mean that there's a greater risk to the public, but it gives them what they need in case the coronavirus spreads in the bay area. there are now more than 43,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus around the world, and just 13 in america aboard a quarantined cruise ship in japan, confirmed cases doubled overnight. 25 americans have tested positive as 3,000 more healthy people sit and wait for the two-week period to end. >> my wife said to someone else, she said imagine being trapped in your bathroom. >> reporter: matthew smith is from sacramento. >> our interaction with the crew, they come by three times a day for meals, and then there are various things throughout the day. this evening, they delivered some prescription medication for the first time. >> reporter: among the 195 people quarantined at march air force base in motr and her 15-y daughter. they were in wuhan, china, visiting family, but then had to self-isolate. she called the embassy nonstop to get two seats on the evacuation plane. >> it's more than nightmare. you wouldn't think this would happen to you in real life. this is like -- it's worse than movie. >> reporter: they'll be released tomorrow. she'll then stay a full week at home to ease any of the community's fears. >> everybody's negative. no positive result. so none of us is infected basically. >> reporter: those evacuees will have one more health test tomorrow morning before they're released. as for the passengers quarantined at travis air force base, their quarantine is set to be lifted on february 19th. live in san jose, ian cull, nbc bay area news. out of stock. the demand for masks in china is wh prompted a supplies. medshare is an organization that collects unused medical supplies from hospitals and donates it to places in need. nearly 2 million masks and 80,000 gowns are now being sent to china. the supplies are coming from medshare's warehouse in san leandro. newspaper at 11:00, a chp is on the other side of the law, emont police say that this man, brian watkins, started having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old girl last july. detectives say the two never interacted while watkins was on duty, but the relationship continued even after watkins learned he was being investigated. officers arrested watkins thursday, and the alameda county d.a. charged him today. more than a year and a half after their son drowned during p.e., an east bay family has reached a large settlement with the school district. 15-year-old benjamin curry died in may of 2018 while taking a swimming test at san ramon valley high. a wrongful death case was supposed to begin next week. instead, the school paid the family $8 million according to the lawsuit filed by his family, curry and 56 other students were told water and drowned as the teacher looked at his phone. new at 11:00, a happy ending to a terrifying situation. this is a story we first reported last month. a 10-year-old girl from the east bay contracted a virus that left her paralyzed. the symptoms were initially similar to the common cold, but soon her legs stopped working. tomorrow she's going home, and she'll be fulfilling a promise. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd has been following this little girl's progress every step of the way and joins us now in oakland. cheryl. >> reporter: raj, she made it cleaver to me she'd be walking out of children's hospital once she was released. she's going home tomorrow, and she's making good on that promise. >> so with me, this is the furthest that she's walked. >> reporter: this may not seem like a milestoneor sw her. i met her last month when she was partially paralyzed from th >> she is able to walk with her walker. bit with her gait belt, and i think last time chef was barely moving her left leg. >> reporter: sami suffered from afm, a rare but serious condition that brings on polio-like symptoms of weakness in the arms and legs. the virus comes on like a common cold. according to the cdc, there have been 607 confirmed cases since the agency began tracking afm in 2014. there were 37 cases reported just last year. 12 of them in california. >> the only cure is therapy, and you start off slow. >> reporter: her road to recovery started in november, when she collapsed and couldn't walk. luckily her diagnosis came quickly. >> when i was in therapy, i would always look at the other kids. i would also see them just transferring by themselves. i always looked at them, and i was like, man, i can't wait until i can doand more. she's even able to walk without a walker in her room. for her mom, her biggest cheerleader, her recovery is close to a miracle. >> you read about stuff, and you never think it's going to happen to you, and it did. >> reporter: in oakland, cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. first it was san francisco. now it's the south bay. meth use is skyrocketing, so santa clara county announced plans today to open a 24-hour sobering center. it's located on mission street in downtown san jose. it's going to help people under the influence of meth. instead of immediately throwing them in jail. county leaders say people with nonviolent mental health issues will also be allowed in. >> in some instances, people who are on meth can exhibit mental health issues like hallucinations or paranoia. >> san jose center will open on march 4th. the san franciscon will open this spring. a student in an east bay high school are demanding an overhaul of how the district handles sexual assault complaints. hundreds of students walked out of berkeley high school today to make their point. they're fed up with what they call a some of the female students shared their own personal stories about assaults and criticized how officials at the school handled their complaints. >> i want to see change and repercussi repercussions. >> berkeley superintendent says the district is open to at least one of the student's demands, expanding affirmative consent training to all high school students. workers at a popular san francisco bakery have hit a roadblock as they try to k 140 of tartine bakery's 200 employees from various locations sent a request to management asking that they recognize their right to unionize. today the bakeryds would have a say, and it wants all workers to be involved in the decision. management declined. the workers have filed for an election through the national labor relations board. that vote will happen in march. tonight the race in new hampshire is officially asprint. in just a few hours from now, the polls will open for the nation's first presidential primary. democratic hopefuls crisscrossing that small state, making their final pitches to voters. the winners of this primary capture a lot of momentum in the race for their party's nomination. president trump, by the way, also in new hampshire tonight campaigning. >> we are going to defeat the radical socialist democrats. we are going to win new hampshire in a landslide. >> we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of ic >> bernie sanders is expected to do well in new hampshire as he did in iowa as weve he nomination. also worth noting, senator can still win the ultimate sanders and pete buttigieg want iowa democrats to check the results after that blunder at the caucuses. they filed a partial re-canvass request today. yesterday the final results did come in awarding buttigieg 14 delegates and sanders 12. the iowa democratic party says it will respond to their request within the next 48 hours. the california primary is right around the corner, march 3rd. our website is a great resource for super tuesday. scott mcgrew posted a complete voter guide with issues for each bay area county, and ian cull looks at how santa clara county's e property tax measure could impact you. go to guide. making it in the bay. what some people living in an east bay apartment are doing to protest their high rent. also how bicyclists want to make the embarcadero in san francisco safer, but it's controversial. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a wind advisory over the north bay. we'll let you know how long those winds could stay gusty for the mountains. plus details on what could be aggravating your allergies. i'll have that in about nine minutes. fighting climate change isn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and hell, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. cyclists in san francisco have been asking for it for years, cement barriers. tonight a group called people protected took to the streets to make their point. they're pushing for the embarcadero, from oracle park to pier 39. jean elle is live along that waterfront with what the impact might not be just to them but also the drivers. >> reporter: jessica, people in cars, people on bikes, and scooters and on foot, they all use the embarcadero, and of course all along the route are businesses. they can be a dangerous mix and making it safer for cyclists will take compromise. cars and bikes have their own lanes on the embarcadero in san francisco, but with deadly collisions and close calls, bicyclists say it's past time for a protected bike lane. >> protected bike lanes save lives. >> reporter: a group called people protected stood between cars and tonight, making that point. lining up near the water bar restaurant's valet zone where bikes often find their lane blocked. >> there's constantly cars using the bike lane to load and to park while they're waiting to go to the restaurant. >> reporter: the restaurant's owner says he wants to welcome people and keep cyclists safe. >> you've also got the dynamics of uber and lyft that show up, of which we have no control over. so we're just always trying to do our best to keep them moving so that it keeps it empty so that people can pull up at the t an sfpd traffic unit ordered them out of the street for their own safety, a move another officer says was a mistake. people protected organizers say they plan to deliver their concerns to the port commission tomorrow. the port will discuss the future of getting around on the embarcadero. a future that may look like this. a protected bike line that also includes loading and curb access for businesses. now, transit and port officials are working toward that goal of a protected bike lane here on the embarcadero. in the meantime, transit officials say they are hoping to get some temporary safety solutions in place later this year. reporting live in san francisco, jean elle, nbc bay area news. >> jean, thank you. theft on a staggering scale. that's how the attorney general characterizes china's 2017 hack of equifax, the creditep firm. four members of china's military are charged with a massive and sophisticated computer breach, stealing the personal information of nearly 150 million americans. attorney general bill barr revealing the four were indicted by a federal grand jury last week. a local sheriff's deputy is still going after the toronto raptors president claiming he has a permanent disability. you may remember we showed you this exclusive video. raptors president moments after toronto beat the warriors in oakland to win the nba title. alameda county deputy alan strickland claims he hit him in the face and chest. after he failed show proper credentials to go on the court. the deputy has now filed a federal lawsuit because he says he has serious injuries. last october, the sheriff's department said it would not pursue charges. making it in the bay. this week we launched an in depth series focusing on our housing crisis. unable to keep up with rising rents, tenants of an oakland armt building are protesting in a bold way. for the past four months, half of the tenants have refused to pay. they hope by banding together they can afford to keep their homes. here's nbc bay area's jodi hernandez. >> i got a lot of hats. >> reporter: francisco perez takes pride in the little apartment he's shared with his wife for the past two decades. >> this is my place. 20 years is a big part of my life. >> reporter: but perez says he can no longer keep up with the rising rent. the retired roofer says it's more than doubled in the past five years. >> to this point, i've been able to pay, but next year i'll be looking somewhere under a bridge to move out. either i pay the rent, or i -- or i eat. >> reporter: but perez and his neighbors are fighting back. they've gone on a rent strike. sevenbuildi 1 four months. with the help of the alliance of californians for community empowerment and the oaknd community land trust, they're trying to buy the building, which according to county records last sold for $717,000. >> the offer right now is to buy the property at $3.1 million, to put it in the oakland community land trust and help the residents take ownership of the building. and at the moment, the owners have not given us a direct answer. >> reporter: i talked to the son of the property owner on the phone. he didn't want to talk on camera, but he says they're surprised by the rent strike and feel they haven't done anything to deserve it. he says they're hoping for a swift and peaceful resolution and don't plan on displacing anybody. >> reporter: jesus alvarez says with his rent going up and up and up, he's stressed out. we four. the tenants claim the place isn't maintained the way it should be. they showed us leaky sinks and kitchen cabinets collapsing. but they want to stay. they plan to strike as long as it takes to make a deal with the owner and keep from joining those forced to the streets. >> next year, like i said, i won't be able to have a roof over my head. >> reporter: in oakland, jodi hernand hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> so many layers to these stories we're reporting on. more bay area workers are becoming super commuters. those are commuters with extra long commutes because people simply can't afford to live close to work here in the bay area. we rode along with a super commuter. e head through is report on ourf tomorrow. pretty enjoyable outside. then eventually some cooler in . let's bring you into that microclimate forecast right now. i did want to start off with our wind advisory. after the damaging wind we had on sunday that impacted all of the bay area with the power outages that were numerous, we're still holding on to a little wind for the north bay. it's for the higher elevations around san rafael, healdsburg, calistoga. overnight, wind gusts of 20 to 50 miles per hour. that expires at 11:00 tomorrow morning. we'll be covering anything that happens overnight and on today in the bay. the big focus in the weather story as we move through tomorrow is high pressure. this is thing is back, and it's going to continue to pull up some warm air, pushing that storm track away. we have not seen any measurable rainfall so far this month, and that is jre for us because febr usually pick up so much rainfall. so drought is starting to come back. we're seeing our snowpack slip and also those rainfall numbers continually dropping. so for tomorrow morning with that high pressure moving in, i do think we'll start off on the cool side. it will feel like february temperature-wise with 39 in the tri-valley, 43 in the peninsula. south bay at 40. mostly clear skies. 45 for san francisco and the north bay at 39. but as we move through the afternoon, that high pressure i showed you, that's going to catapult temperatures 10 to 20 degrees above average. close to some records, and you'll see in the south bay, everybody from cupertino down to gilroy looking at these low 70s. there's no calmer winds out of the northwest at 8. we got more of this for the east bay. 74 in concord. 72 livermore. hayward, 70. sunny skies on the peninsula. 70 in san mateo. down into palo alto, i have you at 73 tomorrow. san francisco, close to 70 in the mission at 68. and the embarcadero at 67. through the north bay with wind in the morning coming more out of the north, that's a drier wind. i think this could be some of the warmest temperatures tomorrow. 76 in santa rosa and 74 in sonoma. the weather's going to be great to be out in tomorrow with the blue sky and all of that sunshine. you may have a problem if you have allergies. look at t e trees in the high category. think about that now. do what you need to do if you have allergies and you should be good to go tomorrow. temperatures drop in san francisco by thursday with some morning fog and a cooler wind. 50s for the upcoming weekend. and we might just get some more wind by next monday. 15 to 30-mile-per-hour gusts. we'll keep you up to date. it's an early warning so hang on with that and we'll update you each and every day. inland valleys, 70s next two days. down to some cooler 60s this weekend, but no rainfall next seven days. look at the rain outlook. what i'm showing over the next ten days on my forecast model data, it's all going to washington and oregon. we're missing out on rainfall averages over this ten-day period of two to four inches that we should have. so it's not look going right now. >> it's all just above us. thank you, jeff. up next, once the darling of the silicon valley, now elizabeth holmes back in court. what the founder of theranos is asking the judge to do. happening now, it's called the broom challenge, and it is sweeping the internet tonight. people all over the world posting their videos of brooms standing on their own. they say it's because of nasa's post saying the earth is in perfect balance. while the original mention from nasa hasn't been located, it isn't stopping people from testing out the theory. we'll be back with more. obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. we have an update in the case testing startup theranos. today holmes was back in court . she she d not defraud patients as the prosecutor claims. the judge told holmes that her former co-worker that he'll consider their request. they're facing up to 20 years in prison. her trial is scheduled to start in august. we're back in a moment. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time two bacon, two sausage, this is the two eggssuper slam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. nis better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. well, well, well, it felt like a family reunion. andre iguodala on the floor of chase center. the only difference, not with the warriors. >> he's on another team. >> wearing a different uniform. >> but the local fans treated him like royalty and the warriors gave him a chance to address the local crowd. >> from the bottom of my heart, i want to thank everybody that supported us, supported me my entire time here. it definitely feels like home every time. i just left, but it feels like home. >> that's classy. >> both sides. it was nice. nice moment for the 2015 nba finals mvp. a few minutes later, andre checked into the game for the first time as a member of the miami heat. the crowd loved it. the heat, one of thees teams in the eastern conference and they showed why. they beat the warriors tonight 113-101. olympics are coming and a few warriors stars will likely be headed to tokyo. today 44 finalists were announced by team usa and steph, scl klay, and draymond are all on the list. t if you're a sharks fan, cover your eyes. it's getting uglies. the sharks and flames at the tank. third period, matthew ca chuck goes between his legs before scoring. calgary wins 6-2. we're back in a moment. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. a former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. before we go, remember those unlikely friends we told you about last week, the coyote and the badger? it's all good. we have an update. turns out the two have been playing together for quite a while. this is the video we showed you last week. they're walking under that free way near gilroy, hanging out. two buddies here. well, today here's the update. the group that captured the pair on camera posted footage of the animals earlier that night. they also say this is the first documentation of a badger and coyote hanging out. however, here's the real cool part. native american records show the two animals have been known to team up and hunt together. >> there they are. he's like, where's my friend? where did you go? >> the coyote and the badger. >> mr. badger, come back. >> so it's a thing. >> that's really neat. >> new to us, but it's a thing. >> they've got a bromance going. >> a badger bromance. >> there you go. okay. we're looking at some cool upper 30s and low 40s tomorrow morning. mild 70s. yeah, it's february and we're looking at some spring weather here. 74 for the afternoon. cool off thursday. great weekend moving in. we'll watch out for more wind possibly next monday. >> maybe in march we'll get all the rain. >> i sure hope so. >> thanks for joining us. have a great tuesday. we'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his janet jackson,

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