good monday morning. >> we begin the biggest night in hollywood. history was made by south korean film maker his film "parasite" won in four categories he's set a record by walt disney for the most oscar wins in a sigil yearat me? >> "parasite." >> reporter: history at the oscars sunday night. the south korean satire "parasite" became the first foreign language film to win best picture >> we never imagined this to happen we're so happy >> reporter: best international film, original screen play and best director for bong joon-ho >> thank you i will drink until next morning. thank you. >> joaquin phoenix >> reporter: the title role in "joker" brought him his first oscar. the second for rene zelweger for playing judy garland in "judy. >> judy garland, you were certainly among thd define us and this was certainly for you. >> laura dern for "marriage story. and she saluted her parents. >> some say you never meet your heroes but i say if you're really blessed, you get them as your parents >> reporter: brad pitt accepting supporting actor honors for "once upon a time in hollywood." >> they told me i only have 45 seconds, which is more than the senate gave john bolton this week >> reporter: others included best cell and they have original song from "rocketman" and "hair love" for best original short. he paid tribute at the man who won four years ago for "dear basketball." >> this is for kobe bryantking moments as they say in hollywood the show must go on. after the ceremony, the stars headed to the governor's ball and several of the big after parties. in hollywood, i'm stephanie stanton. >> stephanie, thank you. democratic candidates are hitting the granite state running. the presidential hopefuls are campaigning around the clock for the nation's first primary according to latest polls bernie sanders and pete buttigieg are the frontrunners but another candidate is quickly gaining momentum >> reporter: the road to the democratic nomination. lines past diners and caves. town halls and gymnasiums across new hampshire, the political fight on the ground here hand-to-hand combat. >> and what this campaign is about is asking people to think outside of the box >> reporter: bernie sanders and pete buttigieg >> brought to washington and the answers are going to come to us and because they're not from washington >> reporter: lead thing polls. >> this isn't about polls. this is about how we repair an america that's not working for most americans >> reporter: elizabeth warren and joe biden looking to close the gap. >> quickly get up. >> reporter: amy klobuchar seems to be the wild card right now behind but gaining momentum and more than $2 million in donations after a strong debate performance. >> we need a president that brings people together instead of shutting them up. someone that is able to win big and that's me. >> reporter: the new hampshire primary, an important bridge to deciding who will ultimately battle president trump for the white house. >> i think it's the right candidate comes to the top, that things can happen and can be a real race. >> reporter: a real race for thmdize with another caucus and primary all in the next two weeks. two u.s. soldiers were killed and six others wounded during an attack in afghanistan. they've identified first class javier gutierrez they're questioning whether this was part of an insider attack. >> reporter: the ambush that took the lives of sergeant first class, javier gutierrez and sergeant first class antonio rodriguez of new mexico was quick and violent. an individual in an afghan uniform opened fire on the combined u.s. and afghan force with a machine gun, according to the defense department unloading his weapon at the end of a meeting with lo a nest for taliban and isis combatants two killed and six more members of the special forces group wounded. they're still investigating if the shooter is actually a member of the combined u.s./afghan forces, which would make this a so-called green on blue attack the deaths of gutierrez and rodriguez are the fifth and sixth of the year after a bloody 2019 when 22 american service members died in afghanistan. all as president trump tries to negotiate a peace deal with the taliban after 19 years of fighting >> we're working to finally end america's longest war and bring our troops back home >> reporter: and asfor those potential peace talks? well, the taliban hasn't claimed credit for this attackte, mike pompeo says the taliban has to demonstrate the will and capacity to reduce violence. >> hans, thank you a gunman goes on a rampage targeting new york's finest. two officers shot just 12 hours part police were ambushed after the gunman walked in firing several rounds inside. the mayor calling it an assassination attempt, slamming governor cuomo and mayor de blasio >> reporter: a new york police lieutenant is in stable condition, shot in the arm after a gunman walked into a bronx police precinct and opened fire. after opening fire on two police officers, hitting one twice in the chin and neck. police believe the same gunman is responsible for both shootings. >> we're confident he's the same person who attempted to assassinate our police officers last night >> reporter: identified as career robber williams >> it was a pre-medicated effort to kill and not just to kill human beings but to kiiform that represents all of us >> reporter: the commissioner crediting quick action by police and grateful no one was killed >> it's only by the grace of god and the heroic actions of those in the building who took him into custody, that we're not talking about police officers murdered insadide a police precinct >> we have to protect, not only new yorkers, but everything we believe in, in this city >> reporter: susan mcginnis, nbc news and nasa has taken another step towards the surface of the sun. a rocket successfully launched from cape canaveral, florida it's designed to withstand temperatures up to 1,000 degrees and take pictures of the north and south polls. >> good morning. >> pretty quie still have the storm systemslyly moving across the northeast. we still have lingering winter weather advisories but those are set to expire earlier this morning. you see behind the snow is predominantly rain so, across philadelphia, new york, into the boston area going to be dealing with rain for most of the day this is the next storm system.week temperatures continue to rise across the south look at this seven to ten inches. we'll talk about this coming up. >> thanks. now, feast your eyes on one of nature's wonders. a water fall defying gravity, flowic in reverse. you can see the winds whipping the water up and over the cliff. it's in sidney, australia. it's caused by a trifecta of high rain, wind and floodingd pope francis shine as spotlight on human trafficking >> will the hilton app help us pick the starters? 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