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That makes sense, since one of his lawyers has been really busy causing the impeachment hearings [ laughter ] President Trump on friday called for an Environmental Review of bathroom fixtures [ light laughter ] and claimed that, quote, people are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. [ light laughter ] huh . Apparently its harder than i thought to get rid of a wedding ring [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause Time Magazine has released its list of finalists for person of the year, which includes President Trumps personal attorney Rudy Guiliani though im pretty sure he hasnt been a person since 1649 [ laughter and applause a team of three men announced last week they have set a new Cross Country speed record driving from manhattan to los angeles in 28 hours. How did you get from new york to l. A. That fast . Said spirit airlines. [ laughter and applause an arizona man recently registered a swarm of bees as emotional support animals. [ light laughter ] and so far theyre doing a great job. [ laughter and applause look how happy he is a dentist in alaska is on trial after he was caught on video extracting a patients tooth while riding a hoverboard. [ light laughter ] the jury will rule next week while the dentist already does [ laughter ] and finally, officials have announced that the chevy suburban will be getting its own star on the hollywood walk of fame no word on whether it will attend the ceremony alone or with an escort [ laughter and applause we got a great show for car comedy [ cheers and applause we got a great show for you tonight he is an iconic filmmaker whose latest film once upon a time in hollywood is golden globenominated one of our favorites, Quentin Tarantino is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause so excited about that. She is the creator, writer, and star of a terrifically funny series, this way up. Its currently streaming on hulu aisling bea is here, you guys. [ cheers and applause very excited to talk to aisling. And his latest book, the fifth risk, is available now in paperback. Michael lewis is joining us tonight, as well [ cheers and applause happy to have him back so we got a good show for you. Before we get to all of our fantastic guests, the house held its latest impeachment hearing today as President Trumps allies doubled down on a ludicrous Conspiracy Theory about ukraine. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth this morning the House Judiciary Committee held its second hearing laying out the impeachment evidence against trump. Now, as weve established, republicans have no counter argument on the actual merits of the case for example, theyre so desperate that this morning on fox news republican minority leader Kevin Mccarthy argued that you shouldnt be allowed to impeach a president in their first term in modern history weve never gone after impeaching a president in the first term. Seth is that really your argument [ laughter ] we shouldnt impeach him because its his first term . Everyone knows the founders said you can commit unlimited crimes until your second term [ laughter ] republicans cant contest any of the facts, so instead during the hearing today, they tried to stall by staging as many dumb interruptions as possible and forcing chairman jerry nadler to gavel them down. The House Committee on the judiciary will come to order without objection, the chair is authorized to declare recesses of the committee i object. Objection noted [ talking over each other [ pounding gavel ] held objection point of order [ talking over each other [ pounding gavel ] you made a ruling on the point of order, mr. Chairman you cant then not allow us to [ pounding gavel ] the gentleman is not recognized the obligation, not the consideration. [ pounding gavel ] you are obligated the motion tabled is not in debate [ pounding gavel ] gentlemen will suspend gentleman is not recognized. [ talking over each other [ pounding gavel ] a chance to offer rebuttal. Gentlemen will suspend [ pounding gavel ] nobody asked for this [ pounding gavel ] the gentleman will suspend. [ talking over each other over witness [ pounding gavel ] bang it harder. [ pounding gavel ] gentlemen will suspend will you let him finish his point of order he made his point of order. [ pounding gavel ] the gentleman will suspend and not make a speech. Seth man, that gavel is getting a workout. [ laughter and applause when this is over, jerry nadler is going to have one giant hulk arm. [ laughter and applause republicans had to engage in these dumb stunts, because they have nothing else. For example, they also demanded that House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff, who conducted the first round of hearings, testify during todays hearing. And to really hammer the point home they brought in a poster that said, where is adam . And another poster with schiffs face on the side of a milk carton why . Why do these look Like Middle School art projects . [ laughter ] i mean, cant the republicans hire someone who is good at Graphic Design this looks like something a crazy guy would wear on a sandwich board in times square [ laughter ] now, this of course follows the gops proud tradition of bringing very stupid posters to official house proceedings, like the time they made a poster that said, liar, liar, pants on fire for Michael Cohens testimony. Or the time they brought in a poster accusing democrats of acting like soviets during the first Impeachment Vote at this point, republicans are the only thing keeping the d. C. Kinkos in business [ laughter ] if you walk into kinkos now, their price list includes black and white copies, color copies, dumb republican posters. [ light laughter ] now, the main point of the hearing today was to let lawyers for democrats and republicans lay out their cases. And the republican lawyer was a guy you might remember from the first round of impeachment hearings, steve castor in those hearings, castor often struggled to question witnesses. At one point during the first round of hearings, his line of questioning was so bad it flustered the witness and left him speechless in in in fairness, this this irregular channel of diplomacy, its not as outlandish as it could be, is that correct its not as outlandish as it could be its a little unusual for the u. S. Ambassador to the eu to play a role in ukraine policy. Okay. And, you know, might be irregular, but it is certainly not outlandish [ light laughter ] and then secretary perry seth i mean, thats [ laughter ] thats probably the same series of faces the kinkos employee made when the republicans asked them to print those dumb posters. [ laughter ] can you can you put this mans face on a milk carton . Its for congress. [ laughter and applause so thats [ cheers and applause thats the guy thats the guy republicans had making their arguments today now, lets compare the democrats lawyer, who presented a lengthy body of evidence, witness testimony, and Video Evidence to castor, the republicans lawyer. President trumps persistent and continuing effort to coerce a foreign country to help him cheat to win an election is a clear and present danger to our free and Fair Elections and to our national security. To impeach a president who 63 Million People voted for over 8 lines in a call transcript is bologna. [ laughter ] seth oh. Its, uh, abologna. [ laughter ] really loses the drama when the word youre ramping up to is bologna. [ laughter ] you know, you never hear a detective in a mystery novel saying, ive deduced that the suspects alibi is bologna. [ laughter and applause castors demeanor throughout this whole thing was that of a guy who knew he was fighting a losing battle. In fact, instead of keeping his documents in a briefcase or cardboard boxes like most lawyers, he showed up to the hearing this morning with his papers in a Grocery Store tote bag. [ laughter and applause i mean, look at that its like he forgot about the hearing until the last minute and had to find whatever was lying around his house [ laughter ] i bet there was only one piece of paper at the top of that bag and the rest of it was just organic produce. [ laughter ] and the fact that he kept all his papers in a grocery bag might explain why he didnt seem to know very much about what was in them. The republicans wrote their own report rebutting the impeachment inquiry. But when castor was questioned by the democratic counsel about a key element of that report, he didnt seem to know anything about it quote, i thought that the references to specific individuals and investigations such as former Vice President biden and his son struck me as political in nature, given that former Vice President is a political opponent of the president. So you left that out of your staff report, too, didnt you . Well you know, miss williams sir, did you leave that out of your report, yes or no . I i if youre telling me i did, i mean, i dont i dont know as i sit here right now whether thats in the report or im telling you, you did. Okay. [ laughter and applause [ stammering ] seth hold, i got my the report in my bag just let me [ laughter ] thats a rutabaga [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause you guys, i think i brought my groceries. [ laughter and applause what we saw yet again today is that the Republican Party of donald trump is fundamentally untethered from reality. And my favorite recent example of this came on friday when trump was at the white house talking about repealing environmental regulations, and he said this truly bat[ bleep ] thing about toilets. We have a situation where were looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where, uh you turn the faucet on, and areas where theres tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea, because you could never handle it [ light laughter ] and you dont get any water. You turn on the faucet, you dont get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, just dripping out very quietly dripping out [ laughter ] people are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once seth hey, man. Just because you have to flush 10 or 15 times [ light laughter ] doesnt mean everyone does. I mean, look at your diet. Standard toilets were not built to withstand this. [ laughter ] i bet the white house toilets are like those theme park models that will suck down anything you know, when you flush them they sound like an f14 taking off. [ laughter and applause i bet at least once a day the secret service knocks on the bathroom door and says, mr. President , you still in there . Its been over an hour. And then he says, hold on ill be right out. [ jet engine ] [ toilet flushing [ applause ] son of a gun. I got to flush again. [ jet engine ] [ toilet flushing my favorite part, though, came right after that when the president said this. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once they end up using more water, so epa is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion seth oh, was it your suggestion [ laughter ] im pretty sure we all knew where it came from i mean, can you imagine the epa going through their suggestion box at the end of the week and its like, all right. bring back casual fridays. thats not a terrible idea oh, new coffee for the break room. we can do that lets see what we have here. look into toilets that have to be flushed 15 times. You turn on the faucet and you dont get any water. You take a shower and water comes dripping out very quietly. Dripping out. guys, who told the president about the suggestion box . [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause so trump wont tell the epa to deal with the Climate Crisis that poses an existential threat to the planet, but he will tell them to look into toilets that supposedly have to be flushed 15 times but still, you gotta give it to trump. He might not know how toilets work he might not care about the Climate Crisis but when hes right, hes right. And later at that same event, the president said something that even i cannot criticize, because it is undeniably true. You have many state where they have so much water that it comes down its called rain [ laughter and applause seth cant argue with the man. Thats airtight. Sounds like the sports guy on the local news who had to fill in for the weatherman. And the clouds theres no other way to say it. They had too much water. Theyre puking water [ laughter ] its also called rain [ light laughter ] but this is how detached from reality trump is, and as weve learned throughout this impeachment process, its not just him hes brought the entire Republican Party along with him. Just take texas senator ted cruz now, you might remember him as the guy who grew a beard and looks like santas deadbeat brother. Well [ laughter ] to defend trump during the impeachment inquiry, republicans have been pushing a ludicrous Conspiracy Theory that ukraine interfered in the 2016 election, and thats what trump was concerned about. So cruz, who was himself the subject of several trump conspiracy theories during the campaign and even once called trump a pathological liar, went on tv yesterday and repeated that insane theory to the shock of meet the press Host Chuck Todd do you believe ukraine meddled in the American Election in 2016 . I do, and i think there is considerable evidence. You do . [ laughter ] seth wow [ laughter ] you know what you just said is crazy when the person youre talking to reacts like that. Its like if you were at a party and someone said they hate baby yoda. You do . [ laughter ] but all he does is sip soup. He doesnt want trouble, you monster [ cheers and applause now in that interview cruz pointed to an oped written by Ukrainian Ambassador in 2016 criticizing trump but thats not even close to the criminal russian hacking campaign, and its not what trump was taking about in his infamous phone call with the president of ukraine trump was repeating a deranged Conspiracy Theory that the democrats had somehow colluded with ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election and hide a democratic computer server which does not exist in ukraine. Its a theory thats so insane even fox and friends gently pushed back on it when trump brought it up during a rambling interview last month they have the server, right from the dnc Democratic National committee. Who has the server . The fbi went in and they told them get out of here. Youre not getting were not giving it to you. They gave the server to crowdstrike or whatever its called, which is a country which is a Company Owned by a very wealthy ukrainian and i still want to see that server you know, the fbi has never gotten that server thats a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian Company . Why . Are you sure they did that . Are you sure they gave it to ukraine . Well, thats what the word is [ laughter ] seth how do you how do you know what the word is . You dont even know how toilets work i heard i heard they hid the server by flushing it down the toilet 15 times. [ light laughter ] every single part of this Conspiracy Theory has been debunked, and yet republicans have been mindlessly repeating it to defend donald trump. For example, the Cyber Security firm crowdstrike, which did help the democrats investigate the russian hacking, is not owned by a, quote, wealthy ukrainian, and the server does not exist. And when republican congressman randy webber found that out on live tv last week, he was shocked. Chris, was crowdstrike involved in the d triple c hacking . Yes [ light laughter ] is crowdstrike in part owned by a ukrainian no. [ laughter ] really . Yes thats not the information yes really or thats not the information that we have and the president is extremely you have bad information. [ laughter ] what trump is saying is go back and lets look at all of the information on the d triple c server that helped there was no server finance his campaign they operated in a cloud system there is no server to steal. Seth well well clouds are even worse, cause according to my weatherman when the clouds get too full of water they burst. And its called rain [ laughter and applause it is undeniably called rain. [ cheers and applause so this theory has been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked and yet republicans keep claiming theyre gonna find more evidence to prove it in fact, last week it was reported that trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani traveled to europe and ukraine again, even while hes personally under criminal investigation for his ties to ukraine, to try to prove his theory that ukraine meddled in the 2016 election. And trump suggested this weekend that rudy might even present his findings to Congress Rudy has decided there is no better time for a trip to Eastern Europe interviewing people about ukraine more specifically, working on a new project to discredit the democrats case against the president. According to the times, giuliani was in budapest tuesday meeting with an ousted ukrainian prosecutor trying to dig up dirt on the president s political rivals did Rudy Giuliani tell you why he was going to europe and do you approve well, i just know he came back from someplace. And he is going to make a report, i think, to the attorney general and to congress. He says he has a lot of good information, but i think he wants to go before congress and say and also to the attorney general and to the department of justice. I hear hes found plenty yeah seth oh, is that what you hear did you hear it from rudy . Boss, youll never believe it i found the server the one the democrats sent to ukraine. Hes here at a restaurant asking me to order something. [ laughter and applause also, please, i am begging you i am begging you, please let rudy testify before congress that would be amazing. It would probably take five minutes to get him to accidentally admit to everything the guy breaks down under zero pressure hes already confessed on tv and given us all the evidence. Did our state Department Ask you to go on a mission for them . They did. So you did ask ukraine to look into joe biden. Of course i did you know who i did it at the request of the state department its all here. [ laughter ] right here seth rudy already held his own trial where he confessed and indicted himself its like watching a oneman show called my mothers italian, my fathers jewish, and im in jail. [ laughter and applause so, just to recap, these guys dont know how impeachment works. They dont know how Computers Work they dont know how toilets work theyre pretty close on rain [ laughter ] all they have are delusional conspiracy theories theyve concocted to defend a criminal president , and every day new evidence of trump corruption comes dripping out. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with Quentin Tarantino, everybody [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Finally a little quiet time, huh . Oh my goodness. 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Only at target. man and woman [burst of t lking to animals] vo it feels good to give back. attendant thank you so much. woman oh, you are so welcome. vo you can choose the aspca to get two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru when you get a new subaru, like the all new outback. vo 2 get 0. 9 on a new outback during the subaru share the love event. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause and sitting in with us this week, he is the drummer for heavy rock duo big business, the murder city devils, and has also played with rock icons, the melvins. Check out the latest release from big business, the beast you are. Coady willis is here, everybody. Welcome to the show, coady [ cheers and applause whats up, seth seth our first guest tonight is an Academy Awardwinning writer and director whose films include django unchained, inglourious bastards, and pulp fiction. His latest once upon a time in hollywood was nominated for five Golden Globes earlier today. Lets take a look. [ speaking Foreign Language all right whats the matter, partner its official, old buddy. Im a has been what are you talking about . What did that guy tell you he told me the [ bleep ] damn truth is what he told me whoa, whoa. Hey. Im sorry about that. Im sorry about that here, put these on. Seth please welcome back to the show Quentin Tarantino, everyone [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Good to be back thanks seth you [ cheers and applause hi, everybody seth so, i have to ask youve been doing this a long time, obviously. Is it still exciting on a day like today to find out the film got nominated five times oh, yeah. Man, i was like a well, in particularly the Hollywood Foreign press, theyve been kind of sweet to me my whole career and its especially, kind of, fun when you when you screen the movies there and you do the press conference. And then its just a lot of the same group of people that youve seen for 20, 25 years. And you get to know them at a certain point. So i kind of got the idea that this one in particularly that they took a shine to so that made me feel really nice seth when you originally got the idea, because obviously, you know, at this point i am assuming most people have seen it but, Charles Manson is a character. Yeah. Seth sharon tates a character. But the basically the main character and a stunt man, that was the inspiration. Yeah, yeah. Seth right that was the seed of this idea and what gave you this idea to, sort of, have your two main characters be an aging star and stunt man . Well, it was actually interesting, cause id been working on this piece for about five or six years, not in any really hurry just kind of exploring it, writing, and moving it up the moving the rock up the hill for a while then putting it aside and doing Something Else but the first actual, i guess, thing where it caught fire was i was doing a movie and i had kind of, like, an older actiony actor in it. And i was working with him and then he comes up to me one day. And he goes, you know, quentin, i got a stunt double all right . That ive been working with for the last nine years. And i didnt really want to bust your balls about it, because i dont like i know you dont really have anything for him but, you know, there is that gag on thursday. He could do that [ light laughter ] you know, so would you mind if maybe we, like, kind of throw him that thing on thursday . Seth very nice of him, yeah. You know, and im like, yeah, yeah. Sure no worries no worries. And so so the guy showed up and it was one of those things where you could tell, because theyd been working together for nine years, you could tell even five years ago that they were just, like, this killer duo. Where they could have practically shot closeups of the stunt guy, all right and it would have been fine. Well, this time was not that time [ laughter ] they had kind of grown in opposite directions to some degree seth gotcha. Their body types, you mean yeah, the body types. Seth yeah. Their body types. I mean, im not it wasnt unshootable, but you could tell this was towards the end seth yeah. Of their tenure. [ laughter ] and, but the guy did a great job on the thing but anyway, he was there that day. And so im just, like the shoot is going on. Im sitting on an apple box and i kind of look over the set. And i see the two guys sitting in directors chairs, you know, shooting the breeze with each other. And, again, one guy is the actor in the movie, and the other guy is his stunt guy so theyre dressed identical to each other, because the stunt guy always wears the other guys costume. And even the stunt guy has his hair done in a cockamamie way that resembles the actor, so its like this kind of not quite double, all right, sitting next to a guy and theyre are both dressed identical to each other. But im watching them just kind of Smoke Cigarettes and talk and laugh and just kind of, you know, keep each other company. And i i could see them doing that for the last nine years because an actor, like, he does this movie, he does that movie he knows people on this movie, maybe this new movie he doesnt really know anybody but he knows the stunt guy. Seth sure. And, like, yeah, the stunt guys got a lot of stuff to do, but part of his job is to just, you know, be the guys buddy all right . Be his friend. But its also an interesting relationship, because one guy works for the other guy. Seth yeah. And so im sitting there, kind of, watching them across the room and i look across the set and im like, thats a really interesting relationship [ light laughter ] i want to know more about that and if i ever do a movie about making movies, all right that would be a neat way in. Seth and it was a great way in and one of the cool things about it, obviously your attention to detail is well known and you built a film career for this fictional character yeah. Seth rick dalton not just a film career but a television career. Was that i have to imagine that was one of your favorite things about this is building a back story like, its so my favorite thing about it, that i could have just done that. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and i would have been happy you know i had to eventually move on and tell our current day story seth yeah. But if i could have just shot 45 minutes of the bounty law show seth yeah. [ laughter ] and then, like, the entire lancer episode and then, like, you know, all of 14 fists of mcclusky, all right, i would have. Seth you obviously it, you know, is a love letter of sorts to los angeles yeah. Seth in the late 60s you grew up in l. A. In the early 70s yeah, uhhuh. Seth what was your childhood like was your mom strict . Well, look, i grew up in that late 60s early 70s time as far as im concerned, like, the greatest time of american movies ever seth yeah. And i saw them all when i was a kid. When i was 9, 10, 11 i saw the godfather when it came out i saw the French Connection when it came out i literally saw the wild bunch on a double feature with deliverance when i was in third grade. Seth wow thats thats not a lot of stuff youre learning in third grade. But, you know, but frankly its one of those things well, at one point i asked my mom, i was like i kind of started realizing that i was allowed to see movies that the other kids in class werent allowed to see and so, you know, i asked her. I go, hey, mom, you know, my other friends arent able to see the kind of movies that you take me to go see um, look, im enjoying it, but whats your thought process on this . [ light laughter ] and she was like, quentin, its a movie. [ laughter ] theres nothing youre going to see in a movie thats going to screw you up its a damn movie. [ laughter ] seth thats very good feedback she goes, im actually more worried about you watching the news than i am a movie. Seth i think that is really good feedback. Thanks so much for being back and congrats again hey, its always a good time. Thank you so much. [ cheers and applause seth Quentin Tarantino, everybody. Well be right back with aisling bea. [ cheers and applause i was contagious. I felt gross. 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But he did have a few friends. People who were raised the right way. Over 120 days, they rebuilt the distillery. And while their names might not be on our bottle. Its because of them, we can raise this bourbon today. Jim beam. Raised right. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a very funny actress and comedian. Her show, this way up is currently streaming on hulu. Lets take a look. Sing something. Oh, no, mommy no, no. Sing it the one about the ghosts. Oh, its not about ghosts, mommy. Oh, its not about the ghosts sing it. No. No. But you see its not m its not my family in your head in your hea they are fightin with their tanks seth please welcome to the show aisling bea, everyone [ cheers and applause seth how are you oh, im so good hello, everybody seth i [ cheers and applause ah, america seth am delighted i love it seth well, actually so, america cause this is a show you made in england. Yes seth or in ireland yes no, we made it in brexit seth in brexit yes [ laughter ] seth and now, its nice that american audiences are getting to see it. Yes seth and what was your first visit to america to america ever seth yeah. Oh, the first time i ever came to america i was myself, and my mother brought us to disneyland in florida. Seth uhhuh. And i think we were too young. There is one person who is like, woo [ laughter ] welcome, florida and it was myself, my mother, and my little sister sinead, and my aunt mora who is a nun. Seth mhm. So, already youre thinking, is this the plot of the hangover . [ laughter ] and we were wed never been on a plane before. Wed never been in a hotel before and we were probably too young to come to terms with what was happening. But when we when we got into the hotel were like, disneyland is amazing and my mother was like, this is just the hotel, guys. [ laughter ] and the first thing we went to was seaworld and you know, which we now know is a terrible place for fish seth yeah. But, at the time we were okay with it. Seth at the time we thought the fish loved it. Oh, god, they seemed so happy. Seth my parents told me the fish started it. Yeah [ laughter ] right seth this was their idea, yeah look, theyre trying to get out of the water and walk like us [ light laughter ] so, yeah but shamu at the time splashed us and we were, like these little irish ham children and it took all the sunscreen off us [ laughter ] and we were, like, in florida going, this is fine and we sort of walked around and got sunburned. Seth oh no and i got sun stroke. And so my memories of america are, like, a mouse and a whale and just [ laughter ] a hotel is this real life . Yeah seth it is fantastic Sharon Horgan from catastrophe, she plays your sister on the show yes seth your actual sister, the same sinead i believe. The same sinead who got sunburnt in florida in the past. Yes. Seth she worked on the show as the costumer. Yes seth which she does for other things as well oh, yes well, we were filming living with yourself, which is a netflix show seth yeah. That im in with paul. And we she was assistant designing little women. Seth oh, wow yeah, so it was a real step down to do my show [ laughter ] but because, like, she is my little sister, i can bully her into work. Seth yeah. It is really great to have your little sister on set, cause you can legally bully people on set. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] so, its real nice. Seth and you can be a monster and people dont even pass it along. They just assume thats a family thing. Yes. Oh, yeah. Thats a family thing, but its not. Seth yeah. Its not. [ laughter ] and so, sinead was actually doing all the costumes on set. But one time, i remember sharon had to wrap up all of her filming in two weeks and i was just so, kind of, sad to lose sharon and when sharon was leaving i was like, oh, god i feel, like im losing my actual sister. And sinead was behind her. And shes like, im right here. [ laughter ] seth you you had an actual job in your early days. Yes seth this is not an acting job. Before i became a star. [ laughter ] seth you had before i actually had a job, like a normal person, yes [ laughter ] seth you were a tour guide oh, yeah i was. I was and this is, i suppose, so many peoples teen experiences. I was a tour guide in a stud farm seth okay. And i dont mean, like, a place where hot guys go. [ laughter ] i mean a place where horses go to make love seth yeah. [ laughter ] and and yeah seth and it is love, having seen it happen, do you feel, like theyre all in love there were a couple of couples who i dont think will be continuing their journey after the island [ laughter ] but some of them did get the rose and lasted. [ laughter ] seth yeah. So seth so, wait, this is i did not realize knowing, sort of, what happens at a stud farm, i would not think there was a tour element of it [ laughter ] oh, i know. Seth right neither did any single american who were brought on it. [ laughter ] seth yeah. They were, like is this legal . And youre, like nah, not really. [ laughter ] so, i would bring them round. And id show them, like, the two favorite bits or the jaw droppers one was, like, the teaser pony so, a teaser pony is, like a pony whos, like, a bit of a Joey Tribbiani character [ laughter ] hed be like, hey, how you doin . Whats up . You know [ laughter and applause and his whole job is to get the mare the, like, high quality mare in the mood seth yeah. So, when shes like, okay, okay, i see you. Hes like, right, not you. [ laughter ] and then they take her off to the real, like, high, expensive stallion seth yeah. And then, of course, the teaser pony is just out there being like, ahh. [ laughter and applause and so he sometimes gets, like, a sort of, like left over pony at the end of the evening but sometimes its also someones job to, like seth oh, like to like yeah. [ audience ohs ] im talking about a therapist, guys [ laughter ] take your mind out of the gutter seth you mentioned living with yourself oh, yes seth on netflix and you got to work with paul rudd, who is yes, i did. Seth just truly one of the most lovely guys and today he was just nominated for a golden globe seth he was, for that same show [ cheers and applause yeah. Seth he gave you a lovely gift oh, yes seth in your dressing room do you wanna ill let you hold it up yeah. Seth here we go. Throw it over there. Yes so, it says, dear aisling, congratulations on working with me [ laughter ] paul rudd. Seth paul rudd, congratulations to you, though thats a real catch to work with so it came it was in my trailer. But the worst part was is that game recognize game. I had done this to my friends for birthday presents, because i thought its really funny to give, like, a signed photo of yourself to someone. [ light laughter ] yeah, i dont find they didnt find it as funny either [ laughter ] and but, also the picture was about this size and framed in a really ornate frame. Seth yeah. And it is kind of a double prank, because afterwards im like, well i cant just throw it in the trash now. What do i . Like i have to, kind of, keep it seth yeah. And so, its in my house on a mantle piece, but it looks like an altar to paul [ laughter ] but, like, you cant dismantle what do you do with it so, it the extra pranker seth yeah. It is a long tale prank. Yeah. Seth its very well done hey, thank you so much for being here and congrats again on both shows. [ cheers and applause aisling bea, everybody this way up is streaming on hulu well be right back with Michael Lewis. [ cheers and applause milove you, miss you guys military moms family love you joy ofodu we got this kids wow santa was here military moms husband whoa. military moms husband how did this happen . military mom i think i know. military moms husband Merry Christmas honey. military mom Merry Christmas kids look, its snowing. Ition and we broke through. Olays retinol24 complex hydrates better than the 1 retinol. Visibly smoother brighter skin in just 24 hours. New olay retinol24. Oh yes and its on rollback. So cool shes going to love this. Sound bar . 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So much goes into who i am and hope to be. Ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. Shouldnt mean a change in standards. Thats why thanks to you were rated number one in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a journalist and best selling author of books like, moneyball and the big sh the big short, excuse me his latest book the fifth risk is in paperback now. Please welcome back to the show Michael Lewis, everyone. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Pleasure to be here seth im happy to talk to you about this book. This is basically about how the Trump Presidency and donald trump himself had no interest in maintaining a functioning government through the transition of the Previous Administration and youve said that only donald trump could make a book about bureaucracy interesting. Yes seth can you just explain that hes hes electrified the material [ light laughter ] so, the way he did it is great that he did it by starting out firing the 500 people who were supposed to handle his transition the day after the election so, theyre supposed to go in and learn how the Government Works and there are people waiting to explain to them, like, how the Nuclear Arsenal is managed or how we stop the ebola virus from becoming a pandemic and they just did not show so, when i realized i had a book and this material was very good, when i realized i was the first person to talk to the person who handled the Nuclear Weapons that, like, nobody had bothered to get the stuff and, to this day you can Wander Around and theyve never taken the time to have the thing explained to them, because he has no interest whatsoever in it and then the question is, like what does that mean . Like, what does it mean if the president who is supposed to be running this 2 million person operation, actually does not care or wants to dismantle parts of it . And, i think was it means is, like, there are all these risks that the government manages. And, i mean, some are really obvious, like you dont want Nuclear Bombs going off when they shouldnt go off. And you dont want viruses spreading. But you dont want, like the research thats happening, so we can grow food in a different climate not to happen. And, theres all this stuff. And so that was that was the beginning of the thing for me. It was, like, these risks are all more probable, because hes not there. Seth and you know, obviously, he spends a lot of time attacking, sort of, what government means and the people who choose government as a life. And a lot of these people are you know, these are Civil Servants these are bureaucrats. We saw them in the impeachment hearings, right . The minute you see them you realize, like, the deep state is just people who know what theyre talking about. Seth right right and thats it. Thats it. Theres no deep state. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. I promise you i was there. Its not there seth there is no secret elevator that goes down . No, no. Its a very shallow state. Seth you added to this book, in the paperback version you wrote about art allen. Is that the name so, thats right. So, you see so, when the government shut down in the beginning of the year, 800,000 people were sent home and told they were inessential so, i asked for a list who are these inessential government workers it wasnt a whole list, but it was a whole big list i didnt know i said, i want to find one of these guys. I took the name at the top, arthur a. Allen. Seth this is how it works as a reporter [ light laughter ] youre just gonna take the first name its kind of how i roll [ light laughter ] seth yeah. Right i call him up. What are you know, youre an inessential. What did you do . Hes the only oceanographer in the coast guard search and rescue department. He got there in the late 70s. He you know, he kind of stumbled into the government he finds after a few years that everybody is asking him questions that iif he doesnt know the answer to, like, nobody knows the answer to. And theyre kind of science questions, like how long can someone survive in the water in a survival suit before they die of hypothermia . He starts answering these sorts of questions and he goes out and he sees he goes and watches a search and rescue and he sees a storm come across the Chesapeake Bay and a boat get lost with this little girl and a mom on it. And, when i was sitting in his living room talking with him about it, he said, you want to know why i do what i do . And he pulls a clipping out from his like, a yellow news clipping out from his book shelf. And it is about this mom and her daughter who died, because the coast guard couldnt find them and he realizes that what we dont know, that we need to know, is how that boat drifts after its capsized that these people were on and he spends his career, and this is what hes been doing and this is, like an inessential worker in the minds of the trump administration, is he spends his career tossing stuff out into the Long Island Sound and studying how it drifts depending on what it is. An upside down sail boat, a fat person [ laughter ] a person on a life raft or whatever it is and what you need to understand is that at any given time there is an unbelievable amount of crap floating on the ocean and a surprising amount of it are americans. Seth yeah. Like, americans we have a gift for getting lost at sea [ laughter ] seth yeah. No, no, no, im deadly serious. Like 13 people a day on average. Ten get rescued, three die and a lot of times they die, because they dont know how they drifted. He makes a science of it and when he teaches the coast guard how you follow an object thats drifting at sea, they start finding people who never would have been found. Days after he releases this information to the coast guard, a 300pound man runs out of his window of a cruise ship into the ocean. And three hours later, they find hes gone. They know where hes they ended up finding out when he went off the ship. That man is dead at any other time in human history. And because of this guys work, they plucked him out of the ocean. And this is a guy who, thousands of people are alive because of his work and nobody knows who he is and he has no impulse to market it or tell anybody about it. And thats what our thats whats in the government and thats what were telling youre telling these people theyre inessential . Its crazy seth and do you think, because we have a president who obviously, you know, is a braggadocio, and these people have great humility, do you think he values them less because theyre not yeah, because they dont know how to sell themselves seth yeah. Its just theyre almost the opposite of him. They know how to do things, you know seth yeah. [ laughter ] right [ laughter ] seth yeah. [ cheers and applause and they and they know things seth yeah. And theyre, like, the key to the future, but they dont know how to persuade you that theyre important. They dont know how to tell their story. Seth well, its very nice that youre telling their story. Im so glad you added that to the book and thank you so much for being here yeah, a pleasure to be here seth its always a pleasure. [ cheers and applause thank you. Michael lewis, everybody the fifth risk is available on paperback. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause hey, come on. [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott . Elliott. You came back [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to Quentin Tarantino, aisling bea, Michael Lewis everybody. Coady willis, and of course the 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh. See you tomorrow [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, im going to center myself as i dive deep into Holistic Healing theres nothing worse than trying to heal yourself and realize that your crystal is at 10 . [ laughter ] and after that, i try my hand at becoming a real starbucks barista. Its not working oh, yeah. Lilly i think i broke it [ laughter ] then we look into the future with a special tarot card reader

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