Former trump adviser roger stone was found guilty on seven counts this weekend including making false statements, witness tampering, and making off with the lindberg baby. [ light laughter ] according to sources, President Trump has abandoned plans to increase restrictions on vaping out of fear that it could hurt his reelection chances because right now hes polling at 83 among high school dirt bags. [ laughter ] President Trump reportedly screened the joker at the white house this weekend for family and friends. Wow, thats a lot of makeup, said the joker [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause according to a new poll, mayor Pete Buttigieg now has a roughly tenpoint lead over the democratic field in iowa this is going to look amazing on his College Applications [ applause ] trump made an unplanned visit to Walter Reed Medical Center on saturday he tweeted he was there to visit the family of a young man having surgery. And while he was there he said, quote, also began phase one of my yearly physical everything very good great. [ laughter ] phase one of a physical. That sounded strange so we did some digging and discovered that his annual physical has five phases so lets take a look now at the five phases of Donald Trumps annual physical. Phase one, measure his official height and negotiate his official weight. [ applause ] phase two, a complete strip, spackle, priming, and repainting phase three, his annual battery of paternity tests phase four, surgically remove his hand from a nutella jar. And finally, phase five, ask about getting breast implants. Not the procedure. He just wants to play around with them. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause this has been the five phases of Donald Trumps annual physical according to the New York PostPresident Trumps childhood home has been taken off the Real Estate Market due to a lack of interest incidentally, lack of interest in trumps childhood is what got us here in the first place [ cheers and applause the Supreme CourtJustice Ruth Bader ginsburg returned to the bench today after missing part of last week with a stomach bug. And when i say she returned to the bench, i mean this one [ cheers and applause the national zoo in washington will return its giant panda bei bei to a chinese Breeding Program this week aboard a private flight with 66 pounds of bamboo and snacks. Which incidentally is exactly what air force one is like [ laughter ] the bamboo calms me down. A newspaper in england issued an apology last week after they published an obituary for a man who is still alive plus the obituary was titled good riddance. [ laughter ] and finally, today was mickey mouses 91st birthday and like most 91yearolds he celebrated by having no idea who or what disney plus is [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we got a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause you can see her in the new Action Thriller 21 bridges in theaters this friday Sienna Miller is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause he is the star of a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood out this weekend, matthew rhys is back on the show [ cheers and applause and her powerful novel red at the bone is available now Jacqueline Woodson is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause so we got a great show for you before we get to everything, the president is facing three more days of impeachment hearings this week after a second day of damning testimony and yet another conviction of one of his associates for more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause now, if youve been following the impeachment hearings, i know what youve been thinking. Where is the evidence . I mean, only six of the president s closest aides and associates have been convicted or pled guilty to crimes i mean, who among us doesnt have at least six work friends who are also criminals [ laughter ] i mean, we all know every friend group has a carrie, a miranda, a charlotte, and a roger who looks like mary poppins coked up exboyfriend [ laughter ] that, of course, is roger stone, a longtime associate of President Trump in his actual outfit from the inauguration and on friday stone opened his magic umbrella and teleported himself to jail. Roger stone, the selfproclaimed dirty trickster and longtime associate of President Donald Trump and ally was found guilty in federal court of witness tampering and lying to congress about his pursuit of russian hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clintons 2016 election bid. Man, who could have guessed this guy was a criminal . [ laughter ] i mean, he looks like a character from the 1960s adam west batman. [ applause ] when they closed the door of his jail cell, itll go, wham, clank, pow stone is now at least the sixth trump associate whos been convicted of or pled guilty to a crime. And im not even including trumps current lawyer Rudy Guiliani who we found out friday is under investigation for his links to Ukrainian Energy projects. Theyre two of rudys two associates lev and igor who are arrested in part for their role in this whole ukraine scheme remember these two this looks like a before and after picture except its before and even more before [ laughter ] they look like they got their start in a live action game of whackamole they look like they got fired from their jobs as mall santas for stealing from the food court. We thought auntie annes was free for santa why would auntie charge . In fact, on friday we also found out that these two dummies met privately with trump at the white house. And that they later told people theyd been given a secret mission by trump, himself. Weve learned that both of the men had a meeting with the president and Rudy Guiliani last year at the white houses annual Hanukah Party where they discussed what parnas describe as a secret mission to pressure the Ukrainian Government to investigate former Vice President joe biden and his son hunter days later we are told that parnas insinuated to people that he clearly believed hed been given a special assignment by the president. Some sort of, and im quoting here, James Bond Mission seth thats right. These guys thought they were on a James Bond Mission for trump [ light laughter ] im sorry, but these guys arent 007s theyre just double os [ light laughter ] but this is one where i might believe trump over them. I mean, i can imagine them cornering trump in a long, boring conversation about van damme movies and canned fish and trump trying to get out of it by just going, hey, will you guys go on, like, a secret mission for me . [ light laughter ] by the way, while all this was happening, the house was also conducting its second day of public impeachment hearings with the former ambassador to ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Basically yovanovitch was the subject of a Smear Campaign by guiliani and was abruptly pushed out by trump because they knew she would be an obstacle to their corrupt scheme shes a Career Foreign Service officer whose credibility is unquestioned by anyone in either party. So naturally as she was testifying trump decided to attack her the president attacking former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine Marie Yovanovitch during her public testimony tweeting in part, everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in somalia how did that go . Then fast forward to ukraine where the new ukrainian president spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. Seth everywhere she went turned bad [ laughter ] youve gone bankrupt six times and botched everything from casinos to your charity to your dumbass businesses you made a vodka so bad no one would vodka. How do you screw up vodka . Only trump [ cheers and applause only trump could take something could take something thats supposed to be flavorless and make it taste like [ bleep ] [ laughter ] but the worst part is trump tweeted this while she was testifying he tried to intimidate an impeachment witness in real time so she responded in real time. And not only was it a bad look for trump. But legal analysts also suggested his tweet might have been a crime as we sit here testifying the president is attacking you on twitter. What effect do you think that has on other witnesses willingness to come forward and expose wrongdoing . Well, its very intimidating. Its designed to intimidate, is it not . I mean, i cant speak to what the president is trying to do. But i think the effect is to be intimidating i think theres a good argument that given all the circumstances here, given the timing right in the middle of this persons testimony, given the nature of the tweet, that it could be witness tampering or witness retaliation. This could fit into federal laws that are broadly defined in terms of witness tampering seth thats right, trump committed witness tampering during an impeachment hearing. Thats like punching the bailiff during your assault trial. [ laughter ] but i think i know what hes doing here you see, trump figures that if he just keeps committing impeachable offenses democrats will have to keep investigating those offenses which means theyll never actually have time to impeach him. He thinks he can just keep committing crimes to run out the clock. At the next hearing hes going to drop in from the ceiling and steal everyones wallets like tom cruise in mission impossible. [ laughter ] in fact, this was so bad that even fox news had to admit when it happened that trump had only strengthened the impeachment case against him the president was not advised by counsel in deciding to do this tweet extraordinarily poor judgment. And that does raise the possibility of witness intimidation and witness tampering as a new charge here this whole hearing turned on a dime when the president tweeted about her real time. Now, that enabled schiff to then characterize that tweet as intimidating the witness or tampering with the witness, which is a crime adding essentially an article of impeachment real time. Seth thats right. Trump added another article of impeachment in real time at this point he just should just start doing dvd directors commentary during the hearings as you can see here thats Marie Yovanovitch. I pushed her out so i could bribe the president of ukraine that was a fun scene and, oh, heres jim jordan we pulled a prank on set where we stole jims jacket. [ laughter ] still, if youre republican, i get it its just so hard to say is trump innocent or is he guilty i mean, all we have so far is the six Trump Associates convicted of a crime two more indicted associates saying they were on a secret mission for him. His lawyer under criminal investigation. Trump himself committing witness tampering. The whistleblowers account claiming the president clearly committed criminal acts. And notes from the call in which trump mentions the bidens multiple times the part of the call where trump tells the ukrainian president , i would like you to do us a favor. The president chief of staff literally confessing on National TelevisionRudy Guiliani going on tv and bragging about what he was doing. And, like, a bunch of witnesses saying, yes, there was a quid pro quo. Im sorry, thats not enough to convict [ cheers and applause seth republicans wont budge unless we have a photo of trump on the phone with a word bubble coming out of his mouth saying, i am doing a crime now. [ light laughter ] i mean, just take that quote where trump told the president of ukraine, i would like you to do us a favor. We just have no way of knowing what he really meant its not like trump has said himself on camera for the entire world to see that he wanted the president of ukraine to start a Major Investigation into the bidens what exactly did you hope zelensky would do about the bidens after your phone call well, i would think that if they were honest about it theyd start a Major Investigation into the bidens its a very simple answer. They should investigate the bidens seth damn it, donald why are you so coy . [ light laughter ] but in case you still needed more evidence tying trump directly to this scheme to extort a foreign country to investigate his political rivals by dangling hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money you got that evidence from last weeks impeachment hearings multiple witnesses tied trump and his lawyer Rudy Guiliani directly to the quid pro quo and one witness, ambassador bill taylor, even revealed some bombshell new information about a phone call trump had had with one of his key henchmen, the ambassador to the eu, gordon sondland. Taylor said a staffer of his recently told him about this conversation involving the president and the trump donor turned ambassador to the eu gordon sondland. In the presence of my staff at a restaurant, ambassador sondland called President Trump and told him of his meetings in kiev the member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone asking ambassador sondland about the investigations this was a cell phone i take it it was a cell phone the president must have been speaking loud enough for your staff member to be able to overhear this . He was. Seth these guys are such morons trump was in the process of committing a crime and he was screaming into the phone so loudly everyone on the other end could hear him thats what happens when youre used to doing all your press conferences outside next to a giant helicopter [ laughter ] its like taking a date to a metallica concert. Im having a really great time tonight. What . I said, im having a really great time tonight did you say youd like to commit a crime tonight . Yeah [ laughter ] trump yelled so loud everyone could hear him honestly it would have been easier if trump had just held a Conference Call and let everyone dial in. President trump has joined the Conference Call. Hello, everybody, thank you very much for being here ukraine should investigate the bidens and im guilty this Conference Call has ended. [ laughter ] seth so a witness literally overheard trump yelling about his crime on a phone call with one of his key henchmen. And just in case it wasnt already incredibly clear what had happened on that call, we found out on friday from that witness what happened next the witness, a state Department Official named david holmes, testified that after sondland hung up with trump he basically admitted everything on the spot. Following the call with President Trump the member of my staff asked ambassador sondland what President Trump thought about ukraine. Ambassador sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of biden which guiliani was pressing for i want to a read a section from holmes sworn testimony, his opening statement. In particular i asked ambassador sondland this is david holmes speaking if it was true that the president did not give a [ bleep ], excuse the language, about ukraine . Ambassador sondland agreed the president did not give a [ bleep ] about ukraine. Seth he literally hung up the phone and said, trump doesnt give a [ bleep ] about ukraine. He only cares about investigating the bidens he just admitted it its like if you saw your spouse on their phone and said, are you texting a friend . And they said, honey, shes more than a friend she is my mistress. [ laughter ] so fridays deposition could not have made it any more clear. Not only did trump try to extort the president of ukraine during his own phone call with that countrys president. Trump was also calling other key players in the scheme and checking in with them too. In fact, during his deposition on friday holmes also said that he overheard sondland and trump discussing the Pressure Campaign directed toward ukrainian president zelensky and what he heard was both very colorful and very damning. I heard ambassador sondland greet the president and explain that he was calling from kiev. I heard President Trump then clarify that ambassador sondland was in Ukraine Ambassador sondland replied, yes, he was in ukraine and went on to state that president zelensky loves your ass. Seth thats right trumps henchman actually told him, zelensky loves your ass. I mean, its classic bad guy talk thats something the wolf of wall street would stay after snorting cocaine off a strippers butt. Woo, daddy loves your ass. [ cheers and applause now trump has denied ever taking the call from sondland despite that fact that we now have multiple witnesses confirming it although its clear from his denial that trump was, as always, lying. There was one moment where ambassador bill taylor recounted a conversation that an aide of his overheard, in which the aide says he overheard you say to sondland how are things going with proceeding with the investigations . Is that correct . And can you fill in some more i know nothing about that first time ive heard it do you recall a conversation with sondland . I dont recall, no. Not at all seth yeah but you do any time trump says he doesnt recall, he definitely recalls. He always does this. You can show flash cards of the people closest to him in his life and hed pretend he doesnt recognize them what, no, never met him doesnt look familiar. Is he an extra in the walking dead . i dont [ laughter ] i dont know. Trump has pulled this move so many times and every time we found out that hes lying. Remember when the news first broke that his lawyer Michael Cohen had illegally paid off Stormy Daniels to cover up trumps affair with her . Trump denied knowing anything about it but later found out that trump had reimbursed cohen and orchestrated the whole thing in fact, we literally saw a copy of the check trump wrote to cohen. And you can tell its trumps signature because it looks like he was trying to draw a Straight Line while riding a seesaw [ laughter ] we already have all the evidence we can possibly need and theres still more witnesses waiting to testify. Republicans have no defense. All they can do during these hearings is perform for trump to earn his approval. I wouldnt be surprised if at some point this week a gop congressman looked directly into the camera and said, President Trump, the Republican Party loves your ass. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with Sienna Miller, everybody [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Touch is the most important thing that i do. I like to feel things. I love something feeling intuitive. I love something feeling natural. Its awesome, it gets me super excited. man and woman [burst of t lking to animals] vo it feels good to give back. attendant thank you so much. woman oh, you are so welcome. vo you can choose the aspca to get two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru when you get a new subaru, like the all new outback. vo 2 get 0. 9 during the subaru share the love event. Even though i find you so captivating and im done with hesitating lets see where this goes . Save on a gift that says it all. Jared paul switch to sprint everyone is talking about. S the. sprintern the new iphone 11 or iphone 11 pro with amazing allnew camera systems. 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Give it up for the 8g band right over there [cheers and applause also sitting in this week on drums, hes a member of grammynominated rock band queens of the stone age. And has played with renowned groups, like the mars volta, one day is a lion and golden hes one of our favorites. Jon theodore is back everybody [cheers and applause welcome back, buddy. Thank you seth our first guest tonight is a golden globenominated actress you know from films such as American Woman and the girl. She stars in 21 bridges which is in theaters everywhere on friday lets take a look. Never shot first. Never all right let me be more precise, detective burns. Ive never fired without just cause. Seven dead cops feels like a lot of just cause these guys are killers so i need to know that we got each others backs tonight because i got a kid at home. Doesnt need to wake up without her mother you wear that badge, i got your back. Seth please welcome to the show Sienna Miller, everyone [ cheers and applause seth hi, sienna. Hi. Seth im so happy youre here i am, too, finally. Seth this is yes, finally. This is a bit of a change of pace for you youre playing a narcotics detective. Yes seth did you enjoy that . I did seth yeah, its very tough stuff. Its pretty cool. Also just to hang out with cops is pretty cool i now have cop friends seth you have cop friends. Yes which i think is useful. Seth it is yeah i think as far as you never know. [ laughter ] yeah seth cops and doctors i would say yes seth are very important people yes, yes. Seth comedians you do not need at all. Not really. No seth yeah. No. [ laughter ] seth you they would actually come set and were they were sort of consulting and giving you yeah. Seth any good cop tips over the course i mean, i can reload a gun quite well now seth you actually brought proof of this at first i heard for you seth thank you well, i heard you could reload a gun really well and i thought, well, what does that actually mean and i just want to say that once i saw Video Evidence im very impressed. Seth and lets just show the youre out. Combat reload. There you go let it go. Seth i mean, that is very fast thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause seth it thank you yeah so they so, yeah, they teach you how to move tactically and look like a cop which i dont think i normally present as. Seth yes [ laughter ] so it was good. Seth right it was necessary. Seth ive never seen you anywhere and whispered to someone, i think shes a cop. [ laughter ] yeah seth now, the film is called 21 bridges. Mm. Seth but this is not the original title of the film the film was originally called 17 bridges. Seth wow and when you wrap a movie you get, like, a hoodie and a mug. They still say 17 bridges. Seth gotcha. At some point during filming they realized there might be more than 17 bridges [ laughter ] it gets complicated. Seth because its about getting off. Off and on. Seth yes and so you want to be accurate you need to be precise. Seth yeah. Because thats the name of the movie. Seth it does seem like someone should have checked off the top. [ laughter ] youd have thought that maybe. Seth yeah. I dont want to be judgmental or anything. Yeah. Im just calling it several bridges. Seth several bridges. Yeah. Many bridges [ laughter ] seth the bridges movie al of a lot of bridges seth yeah. Yes, yeah seth you you were also in a wonderful film earlier this year i want to talk about called American Woman. Which even less than presenting as a police officer, in that film you were a grandmother. [ laughter ] i was seth which i think you maybe even present as less than a cop. I love you. Seth oh, thank you very much [ laughter ] no, but shes a she had a kid at 16 and her 16yearold has a kid so the numbers add up seth they do, right. To something not too offensive. Seth gotcha. But, yeah, it was quite fun seth thats really cool to do cool gram seth yeah. Gram. Seth to be a grandmother gram. Seth jump ahead. Because you have a 7yearold now. Yes seth so years away from that being a possibility. Yeah, unfortunately seth youre raising youre raising a new york kid. Yes seth and im fascinated by this ive got little ones yes seth how has what do you feel like having a new york city kid . You know, theres something about them which is very kind of stoic and tough, but walking to school in the mornings is a little bit like going on safari. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] i mean, its like the things you cannot unsee im like, eyes ahead, dont look, dont look. Seth yeah. Theres [ laughter ] 8 15 on 6th avenue is its a mine field seth yeah. Yeah. My son was his scooter, hes 3 and a half just zipping between scaffoldings yeah. Seth and i am thinking he has less fear than i have ever had. I know. [ laughter ] seth and then he very thoughtfully said to me today, daddy, why does new york stink . [ laughter ] and i was like, well yeah, yeah. Seth that is a very very fair but its making him tough seth yes making you tough yeah. Seth the rest of your life everywhere you go will smell better [ laughter ] what you have not done does your daughter, yes . Yes seth does your daughter understand what you do for a living at this point she does because shes never known anything else but there are moments where its intense seth yeah. Like, she has been on sets. I did this movie highrise. It was really violent. Seth yeah. And shed visit and people had black eyes and covered in blood. So id say, we had a ketchup fight. You know you kind of come [ laughter ] and then shes like, yeah. And she calls Luke Evans Luke with the ketchup but it was not ketchup seth it was not ketchup, no. Definitely not ketchup, yeah. Seth did you because i will say you probably have not done a lot of movies that are kidfriendly none. Seth none. None. Seth none, that is and i really need to. Shes really on my case now. Seth got you are you trying is this a no, i did embarrassingly do a vocal audition for trolls. Seth trolls. [ laughter ] and i was like, oh, trolls, okay im going to do something unique, which was the stupidest voice. I was like [ indiscernible like a [ laughter ] which she at three thought was amazing. I was like, i crushed it. Seth oh, so you ran it by with her first yeah. Sent it off and didnt get it. But im sure that there will be a tape circulating around that studio of the ridiculous troll voice that i thought was appropriate. Then i watched the movie, she just did a great kind of normal voice. Seth gotcha. So its really off the mark seth is that heartbreaking when you see the part that you didnt get and you realize how off yeah. Seth how far off field you were yeah, i wanted to do that troll. Seth yeah. I did [ laughter ] no, but i have to find i need to voice something seth you know what you could always do is you could just get the troll movie, right yeah. Seth and then just rerecord your part. Thats true seth dub it over, and your daughter wont know. You know exactly [ laughter ] hello. Yeah no, i do need to do something that isnt rrated seth gotcha. Yeah thats true. Because i think im guessing shes not going to love even 17 bridges, 21 bridges is not for her. 17 bridges is not for her. Seth yeah, no. No. Seth 17 and 21 are probably the ages most appropriate to see it, yeah i would say i would, yeah. I would encourage you to be a little older than seven. Seth all right yes seth thank you so much for being here its such a delight to see you such a joy. Seth Sienna Miller, everybody. American woman is on demand. 21 bridges in theaters everywhere this friday well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause mom oh oh, so cute fozzie ma mom oh honeybear fozzie hey, im trying some new material. You think i can run one past you . mom oh of course, dear. fozzie good good good. [clears throat] so, why do bears wear fur coats . Because wed look silly in sweaters ahhhh mom wocka wocka. fozzie wocka wocka, ma. fozzie vo portal. From facebook. people talking for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. Shop small and watch it add up. Small business saturday by American Express is november 30th. Twice as long as the why law requires . Beam because whats a couple more years when you have seven generations looking over your shoulder. Dont. Even. Think about it. Jim beam. Raised right. So why treat your mouth any differently . 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New olay retinol24. people talking for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. Shop small and watch it add up. Small business saturday by American Express is november 30th. Good lunch . Amazin toyota. Lets go places. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is an emmy winning actor you know from the critically acclaimed fx series the americans. He stars in a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood, which is in theaters this friday lets take a look. What about mr. Rogers is he a hero i dont understand the question well, theres you, fred and then theres the character you play mr. Rogers. You said it was a play at the plate. Is that is that what happened to you im here to interview you seth please welcome back to the show matthew rhys, everyone. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back thank you very much thank you for having me back its great to have you. This is a fantastic film thank you seth you play this is based on a, reporter actually wrote a very famous profile of mr. Rogers he did. Seth and hes is a bit cynical. Yes seth and sort of discovers a lot about mr. Rogers over the process. Yeah. Yes. Seth you grew up in wales. Did you have any context for mr. Rogers no. Seth oh. So, ironically, i am very cynical and i knew nothing about mr. Rogers seth yeah. [ laughter ] and it was perfect casting. Seth so, you got to take the same journey yes i did very little. Seth what was it like the first time cause, i imagine it must be very jarring when youre told about mr. Rogers and you go back and watch mr. Rogers it is seth what was your first reaction well, actually, my first reaction, i read the script and said to keri, who is mr. Rogers . [ laughter ] and shes, like get out get out. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and she pointed up mr. Rogerss voice, as it will, is already in our living room cause our 2 1 2yearold was watching daniel tigers neighborhood. So, i was, like oh, right yeah. So, then i took a deep dive and i thought somethings wrong because this gentleman is speaking very slowly and seemingly only had one camera that they would never cut away, and was he forgetting his lines and then i realized it wasnt for me it was for children of a certain age. [ laughter ] and then i discovered the true genius of mr. Rogers. Seth yes, absolutely they do say if you get introduced to mr. Rogers, its better if it happens when youre young. Yes, yes. [ laughter ] seth its not, like the sopranos where theyre, like oh, you got to rewatch it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth start from the beginning come in from the middle on mr. Rogers yeah. Seth what were what was Kids Television like for you growing up a little strange. Seth yeah. You know, my first language is welsh seth yeah. So, at that time when i was growing up the welsh language station was fledgling, was discovering, you know, its identity it wasnt quite sure what Childrens Television should be or wanted to be. A lot of strange puppets [ light laughter ] there were two gentlemen, who would kind of put a jacket over the camera and then beat each other up seth okay. [ laughter ] it was strange. It was strange so, i went into acting seth its very strange to do Childrens Television where part of it is a hide themselves from the children [ laughter ] and then, yes and then beat each other up. Seth yeah. So, thats what we did as children in wales. Seth did is your 3yearold, now you said he was watching daniel tiger. Did you start watching mr. Rogers with him as well . Im sadly or not i think hell be richer for it, but he kind of became my mr. Rogers guinea pig so, then i went and put him in front of the show. The actual show, back, you know, the black and white version, and it was an incredible moment. Seth he went for it. Oh, he still is its, like his daily 30minute meditation seth oh, thats fantastic. [ audience awws i know. Seth it is really meditative i mean, thats the great thing about mr. Rogers and also as a parent, i learned far more from those 30 minutes, like im the one behind him going seth yes [ laughter ] so, were both learning seth good. casue, i remember you were terrible at putting on a sweater last time i saw you and now from watching mr. Rogers you just get it on and off, like right away oh, like nobodys business. [ laughter ] yes. I was listen, i was no stranger to a wool knit sweater. [ laughter ] six years, i served my time. Seth thats right. You tom hanks obviously plays mr. Rogers and, you know, one of the things we all know about mr. Rogers is one of the things we all know about tom hanks, which is he is actually as lovely as he seems its kind of crazy though, right . Yes, and im almost to the point of going, when do i start a new rumor . Seth yeah. [ laughter ] just saying that. Im going to take down hanks seth yeah. [ laughter ] just, like fulltime bad guy ill do both. Ill take down rogers and hanks. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Ill go, listen, ive discovered two things about them youre not going to like it. Listen to me, america. Seth yeah, they both have a very dirty, dark secret that is the same thing and its awful. Yes its to do with a cardigan seth do you get [ laughter ] the first time you do a scene with somebody, like tom hanks, do you feel, like is it make it hard as an actor, because you are aware, obviously as a person, that its tom hanks. Well, listen, for me not knowing mr. Rogers, tom hanks was my mr. Rogers. Seth right, right. I grew up with tom hanks. So, it took me days of trying to act as if i wasnt nervous or perversely star struck before i could start acting with tom hanks. [ laughter ] so, i was acting, trying to be calm and trying to stop my head from sweating in front of tom hanks before i could do anything to do with the film so, it was one of the greater acting jobs i think ive ever done seth well, we all tip our caps ah, yes seth so, you have done this before so, keri, your costar and partner now in real life yes seth so, your first two years in the americans. Yeah. Seth i have heard it told that you were doing the same thing with her you were not acting to be in the scene. No. Seth you just were trying to, like impress her the very same thing so, i spent the first come, two years on the americans trying to impress keri. So, im quite sure my acting was at its worst [ laughter ] and the same with tom hanks. I wasnt acting to serve the script i was trying to impress tom hanks. [ laughter ] so, im just in this cycle of trying to impress people and not really serving the script. [ laughter ] seth thats the key though as long as your as long as your shows run enough seasons, we eventually get to see you the actor. Eventually, if you give me the real estate, ill get there. [ laughter ] seth yeah. I just need a solid three years. [ laughter ] seth i have not seen you since the americans ended, a show ive told you before i love so much. It must be wonderful to have left a thing and very, just a pristine ending of a show that i think is going to endure for years. Does it feel great incredible and, you know, we were all very well wed had this incredible five years. We were all very worried as to how, what would happen and, you know, in all fairness to the writers they ended it beautifully and perfectly. I dont think, i dont feel we run the towel dry. We kind of left it on the right note seth it was great. Keri and you, you have a 3yearold, and this is very exciting for a 3yearold. Shes is going to be in the new Star Wars Film yes as soon as he grasps that concept. Seth yes yeah. Seth because all you have right now to show him is her outfit in the film yes seth so, this has been released thats been released. Well, actually happened is, i dont even know who the toy maker is, but they very kindly sent the bobble head seth okay. To our house. Seth sure, that is a nice thing to do. Yes, so obviously it is not very well proportioned the head is giant. Its a bobble head and he opened it with keri keri tried to explain what this bobble head was and then she i came home and he ran up to me with the bobble head and said, moms inside. [ laughter ] i went, good. [ laughter ] keep her there. [ laughter ] itll be our secret. Seth there you go. Dont let her out. Seth dont let her out yes seth every now and then mom needs to be in the bobble head yes, yes. Seth thank you so much for being here its always such a pleasure to see you. Thank you seth congrats on the film. Thank you very much seth matthew rhys everybody. A Beautiful Day in the neighborhood is in theaters this friday. Well be right back with Jacqueline Woodson [ cheers and applause running out of gift ideas, seeking something more. Well if inspirations what youre searching for. Follow me to a place i know with Endless Possibilities so you can check your list off rowbyrow. Im making this song up as i go come on look around so much in store, youll spend much less but gift much more at the stores that youve been searching for spend lessgift better. At t. J. Maxx, marshalls, and homegoods. Ah, that worked well too shabby too much i can rent this . For that price . Absolutely. Its just right book your just right rental at thrifty. Com. Its just right worried im not picking it up. You pick it up im not picking it up ill pick it up theyre clean raps cuz my hineys clean. Oh yeah im charmin clean. Charmin ultra stro just cleans better. Enjoy the go with charmin. Lights, ornaments, chand lil choo choo trains. Cmon. 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Seth it also deals with some moments of great historical significance, like the Tulsa Race Massacre and 9 11 what was the impetus for putting those things in the book well, i think those were two very traumatic experiences in our country and also in the existence of black lives and, so when i started writing the book, one of the reasons i wanted to put the Tulsa Race Massacre in there was i hadnt heard of it until i was in my 20s and it was huge so, the idea that it wasnt in any of my books, fiction or nonfiction, and that this thing happened that changed the narrative of the black experience was really important for me to try to figure out how to write fiction around it, to bring it to light. Seth and it is really nice when things, like that moments, like that find their way into art because otherwise unless you are reading history books you miss them entirely yeah. Seth you have written 21 novels. You write from different perspectives of race, sexuality, gender, age. What is it about writing that you or what is it about your writing that it becomes wider when you use a different perspectives thats such a good question i think i bore easily. [ laughter ] you know, i get bored easily and the idea of just staying in one perspective or even writing for just one age group, i would lose my mind, and i think that there are so many important stories at every age in our lives so, i feel, like i want to tell them and i want to tell them from all points of view. I also write realistic fiction so, the idea of writing realistic fiction from just one single perspective would bore me so, i know you would be bored and the rest of the world would, too. So, i have to move around a lot. Seth i think its important not to have a boring titles either red at the bone is gripping. Do you come up when does the titles find you or where do you find the titles . Sometimes, i know the titles even before i begin writing the book and for red at the bone, it took some time to get to cause i had to kind of figure out, what the story was trying to say, and how it was saying it and what did it mean to be having all these different characters telling this story and what were they getting at . And, you know, it hit me that they were all becoming in some way. They were all red at the bone. They were all still not quite done yet and i think thats a question as humans we ask ourselves all the time, where are we in this moment and where will we be when we leave this world . And until we leave the world we are all very red at the bone seth you had some over the course of your career, and all these different books, you have had some censorship youve had books that have been challenged can you explain what you mean by that it means that people dont like them and dont want other people to read them. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] so seth and how does that manifest how do they try to stop other people from reading them well, they take them off School Library shelves they take them out of classrooms i remember, i didnt even know i was challenged or censored i got a call from judy blum and she wanted me to be in an anthology. Seth let me just say, as far as name dropping goes, thats as good as it gets. [ laughter ] thats a really good one yeah imagine picking up your phone and her being on the other end of it. Seth yeah. Right seth yeah. And she was doing an anthology called the places that i never meant to be and she asked me to be in it because it was an anthology for censored writers. And im, like ive never been censored and shes, like oh, yes you have. [ laughter ] so and it was wild cause yo dont know it all the time, right . I dont know that people in maybe idaho arent reading my books and that someone sent a memo around to get all the Jacqueline Woodson books off the shelves or whatever or this particular title i dont know until someone tells me or tweets about it. Seth yeah. Well, thats scary to think you feel very comfortable that your arts out there and then youre finding out that its slowly being taken away from people well, you know, thats all you have to do is censor a book to have people running for it. [ laughter ] seth yeah. So seth right thats the jackpot right there well, let me on that case just say, no one should read this garbage [ laughter ] you have two children. I do. Seth do they want your help . Having a writer as a mom, do they want your help when they write . Um, one would think they would. My daughter is applying for colleges now seth yeah. And she basically is, like mommy, do not read my college essays. And im there with my pen just, like let me at it toshi, please let me at it. [ laughter ] but, no. They kind of like me to stay far away from it, but they, you know, theyre pretty down low about me being Jacqueline Woodson seth uhhuh. Their mom, so seth how do you know theyre down low [ laughter ] cause i guess a lot of their friends have probably read your books because again, youve written for so many different ages yeah. My daughter had at her high school, one of my books was assigned so, then she was really mortified. [ laughter ] but, i remember when she was in middle school and her friend was holding her cell phone and i texted her and her friends, like Jacqueline Woodson texted you . You know Jacqueline Woodson . [ laughter ] and when she came home and she was so excited to tell me this story. Im, like really . Youre that down low that they dont even know im your mom . [ laughter ] seth also, just enter it in your phone as mom. [ laughter ] thatll avoid that problem right there. [ laughter ] people see my phone and theyre, like you know my mom . [ laughter ] i want to congratulate you you won a very serious award the Astrid Lindgren award. Yes seth and this is a lot of money. Its half a million dollars. Yes seth and can you talk about what youre going to do with that money and what the award is for . The award is given by the swedish government so, i had to go to sweden and its given in honor of Astrid Lindgren, who in sweden is actually on their money seth right she is on the money literally, and so you go there and you get it and im using the money to start a writing colony for an artists colony for artists of color, for visual artists, poets and writers and composers in brewster, new york [ cheers and applause seth thats wonderful. [ cheers and applause thank you seth that is really, really cool hey, thank you so much for being here thank you seth its been just a delight to talk to you congratulations on the book. Its wonderful red at the bone available wherever books are sold. Well be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause im ladeia, and theres more to me than hiv. Theres my career. My cause. And creating my dream home. Im a work in progress. So much goes into who i am. Hiv medicine is one part of it. Prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv1 treatment and who arent resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. Dovato has 2 medicines in 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. So your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines while taking dovato. You can take dovato anytime of day with food or without. Dont take dovato if youre allergic to any of its ingredients or if you take dofetilide. If you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. Your hepatitis b may get worse or become lifethreatening if you stop taking dovato. So do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor. 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Stay tuned for lilly singh well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, fresh off the boats constance wu and i recite some classic movie lines. [ cheers and applause i am thrilled to be here. Lilly oh, what movie is that from oh, its not from a movie im genuinely excited to be here [ cheers ] lilly no, i know this one. Im so excited to be here. Was it jaws . No, no forrest gump. I really just meant it. Im im so excited to be here