Attacked the impeachment inquiry tweeting, this impeachment nonsense is just the continuation of the witch hunt hoax. Okay, this is beside the point but witch hunt and hoax mean the same thing [ laughter ] calling the impeachment a witch hunt hoax is like calling you dumb donald trump. [ laughter ] you dont [ cheers and applause need both. According to a new poll, 50 of americans say theyre ready to elect an openly gay president if for no other reason, just to have a president whose suit fits [ laughter and applause what are you doing, man . I mean you look like a kid playing a grownup in a school play. [ laughter ] President Trump today tweeted an edited image that depicts him presenting the dog that participated in the raid on the leader of isis with a medal with the caption American Hero. Sure, you say that now, but wait til you find out that dog is testifying in the impeachment inquiry. [ laughter ] also, its a good thing they put you American Hero in there, otherwise it just looks like trumps about to strangle a dog. [ laughter ] games up, dog. [ laughter ] just put some kibble down, then ill sneak up behind him [ laughter ] following the news that ivanka trump and Jared Kushner hosted an Anniversary Party at camp david over the weekend, the white house issued a statement stressing that the event was not paid for with taxpayer money because the trump family does not pay taxes [ laughter and applause beginning next year beginning next year, china will ban people from lying down in the subway while in new york, if someone is lying down in the subway, they dead [ laughter ] dwayne the rock johnson announced the launch of his new brand of tequila today even crazier, so did dame judi dench. [ laughter ] a man in nebraska recently attempted to open a bank account with a fake 1 million bill. [ laughter ] said the man, well, at least i got that get out of jail free card. [ laughter ] and finally, a woman in california was rescued this week after she got lost at a National Park and used rocks to spell out sos. But only because she didnt have enough it rocks to write camping sucks. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause hes the star of Tom Clancys Jack Ryan which returns for its Second Season this friday on Amazon Prime Video John Krasinski [ cheers and applause is back, everybody so happy to have him here. Hes a very funny comedian and actor who you can see in nbcs new comedy sunnyside. Joel kim booster is joining us [ cheers and applause and she is running for the u. S. Senate in kentucky. Amy mcgrath is here tonight. [ cheers and applause so youre here on a good evening. Before we get to our guests, as the house prepares for a formal vote to authorize the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, republicans are comparing their situation to a horror movie for more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth just step back and remember that from day one the actual facts in the ukraine scandal have been damning for the president. We have the notes from the call. We know that trump held up hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid that congress had specifically directed to ukraine. And while he was holding up that aid, trump asked the ukrainian president to investigate his political rivals its all right there trump mentions bidens by name multiple times the only the only legitimate reason a president has ever had for mentioning joe biden on a call with a foreign leader is when obama had to apologize for him. [ laughter ] uh mr. Prime minister, im sorry about joe. [ laughter ] just because he could see london and france does not mean he should have anything about your underpants. [ laughter ] and of course, lets not forget during that phone call with the president of ukraine, trump literally said the words, i would like you to do us a favor. Remember, during the russia investigation, when everyone was wondering if there was a smoking gun, well, this is the smoking gun. It turns out the smoking gun was Donald Trumps mouth the whole time [ laughter ] and his brain, much like a revolver, is only capable of holding six words. [ laughter ] now, we know we know [ cheers and applause we know that one of those words is perfect because trump keeps insisting every time he speaks, almost without fail, that his phone call with the president of ukraine was not just unimpeachable, but perfect he has said it dozens of times, including multiple times just in the last week. The level of unfairness for a perfect conversation with the president of ukraine this was a perfect conversation. But this was a perfect conversation its one conversation that i had with the president of ukraine that was perfect i had a perfect conversation with the president of ukraine. Perfect. The conversation has been perfect. I had a perfect conversation perfect. The conversation was was perfect. [ laughter ] seth stop saying perfect. When you overcompensate like that, it only makes you sound guiltier [ laughter ] most people if you accuse them of robbing a bank would say, i didnt do it. Trump would say, it was a perfect transaction. [ laughter ] i filled out the slip, the teller was polite. Perfect. Perfect. [ laughter ] trump is just a weird, weird man. Hes like an alien who learned to mimic Human Behavior [ light laughter ] but didnt do all of the homework like when he was giving out halloween candy at the white house and for some reason [ laughter ] decided to put some on top of a kids head [ laughter ] place the candy up on the head of the minion where it waits. [ laughter ] until all seven moons are in alignment. If trumps going to do that, he should have to put candy on the head of all of his minions were joined now by white house Senior Adviser stephen miller. And is that a hershey kiss on your head . [ laughter ] it is the president put it here and i for one am happy we finally have a leader with the courage to put candy on the heads of the american people. [ laughter ] but trumps insistance that the call was perfect is actually a huge problem for his fellow republicans. Those republicans are reportedly dreading having to actually cast a vote in the impeachment inquiry if it gets to the senate because on one hand they know what trump did was wrong, but on the other hand trump wont admit it is wrong. So they have no wiggle room. Theyre basically parents sitting in the Principals Office saying, i promise our son wont pull the fire alarm again, while the son is sitting next to them saying oh, yeah, im going to do it again. [ laughter ] and they have to say, hes not going to do it again hes not going to pull it. He knows what he did was wrong. And hes saying, it wasnt wrong, it was perfect. [ laughter ] it was super loud and it was super funny. [ laughter ] and on top of that, republicans are also afraid of what else might come out during the impeachment inquiry. According to the washington post, republicans voiced exasperation at the expectation that they defend the president against the troublesome picture that had been painted, with neither convincing arguments from the white house nor confidence that something worse will soon be discovered one veteran republican senator said, it feels like a horror movie. Yeah, every minute with donald trump feels like a horror movie. [ laughter ] thats why rudy always looks like he just closed the medicine cabinet [ laughter ] and saw the reflection of the killer behind him. [ laughter ] and, im sorry, but you guys dont get to complain that youre in a horror movie when youre the ones who invited the babicrook into the white house [ laughter ] but republicans were right about one thing. It does keep getting worse as more information comes out about the quid pro quo trump and his team tried to orchestrate with ukraine. For example, you might remember that the memo from the call that was released from the white house specifically said it was not a verbatim transcript of the discussion but that didnt stop trump from insisting it was anyway. You had stenographers, you had people that took it down exactly. It was a perfect call. All you have to read what they wrote down, the stenographers. They wrote down an exact call. We had stenographers on the phone taking it down word for word this is an exact wordforword transcript of the conversation, right . Taken by very talented stenographers. Seth first it of all, they must have been talented to make sense of what the hell you are saying [ laughter ] in fact, we know we know its hard to transcribe trump because one time trump could not say the word origins so the white house literally had to make up a new word spelled orangeins [ laughter ] which appeared in an actual white house transcript because thats how trump kept pronouncing it i hope they now go and take alook at the oranges, the orangeins of the investigation, the beginnings the Mueller Report i wish covered the oranges how it started. [ laughter ] seth remember when the president of the United States couldnt even say the word origins . [ light laughter ] like a College Freshman who accidently took too big of a rip off a bong you know whats a funny word [ laughter ] orangeins [ laughter ] orangeins also, it definitely seemed at the time like the memo of trumps call was not in fact complete transcript because there were multiple ellipses throughout and those were definitely not pauses because donald trump does not take pauses he just yammers until he runs out of oxygen and then inhales like hes about to go pearl diving [ laughter ] this week we found out that the transcript trump claimed was wordforword was not in fact wordforword. The top ukraine expert on the National Security council, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman who listened to the call testified on tuesday that the notes from the call had some missing phrases and that he tried to correct the transcript. Now, to be clear, the phrases do not fundamentally change lawmakers understanding of the call but nonetheless, this makes clear that vindman is an extremely credible witness who offered a first hand account of critical episodes in the quid pro quo. And was so trubled by trumps live phone call with ukraines president that he reported his concerns to his superior the behavior was so troubling that trumps allies cant actually defend it so instead, theyre attacking the process and witnesses themselves, like vindman, a decorated iraq war veteran who received a purple heart. Trump allies in congress and the media have suggested that vindman might have an affinity towards ukraine because he emigrated from there when he was three. So hes got a purple heart and he is from the soviet union. He emigrated here and has an affinity to the ukrainian people we also know he was born in the soviet union, emigrated with his family, young. He tends to feel simpatico with the ukraine. Seth simpatico what are you [ laughter ] a right wing beat poet that cat wigged out, because hes simpatico, daddyo, you dig it . [ laughter ] republicans cant defend trumps corrupted abuse of power because the are indefensible theres nothing they can say in fact, theyre so at a loss to defend him that even when it comes up in private, they quickly move on to other topics. Heres how democratic senator chris coons explained his private conversations with republicans in the senate about impeachment. Ive worked hard to develop some meaningful friendships with my republican colleagues in order to be able to legislate on a wide range of issues we are having no meaningful conversations about whats the path forward about the president s conduct with regard to ukraine when ive tried to open conversations about this, my friends changed the subject. Seth how do you just change the subject . Lets talk about impeachment . Speaking of peaches, would you like some fruit . [ laughter ] ive got a bowl full of orangeins. [ laughter and applause seth trump allies have ran out of defenses. So now theyre just whining about the process and smearing a witness simply because he was alarmed by the president s corrupt behavior republicans have nothing left to say so all they can do is repeat trumps lies and some of them are doing it wordforword [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with John Krasinski [ cheers and applause happy halloween. Thank you treat what do ya got . Yawn yeah woo pleasure doing business with you. Not much, how about you . Are you answering my text in person . I am. Yeah. Lol. Come on in. This is tech that helps you be there. The nissan altima. Now offering the most techadvanced engine in its class. Can match the power of energizer. Because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. Backed by science. Matched by no one. 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[ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause and sitting in with us once again, shes the drummer for an exciting new rock and roll band, starbenders. Be sure to check out their latest release japanese rooms, as well as their brand new single holy mother. Emily moon is being here, everybody. [ cheers and applause thanks so much for ebing here, emily. Our first guest tonight is an actor and director you know his work on the office and a quiet place. [ cheers ] he stars in Tom Clancys Jack Ryan which begins streaming its Second Season friday on Amazon Prime Video. Lets take a look. [ glass shattering ] seth wow [ cheers and applause please welcome back to the show our friend John Krasinski. [ cheers and applause seth what a [ cheers and applause what a genuinely you look great. Thank you seth but that was genuinely a great clip well, it got a wow out of seth it got a wow. I was laughing backstage. Seth i dont often you just went, wow seth wow a clip. So much running yeah. Seth and rooftops. And you cant i am fake exhausted [ light laughter ] seth yeah. Yeah. Seth you cant i think people in action movies, it strikes me yeah. Seth that you got to be really good at running fast for super short distances. Yes seth yeah. It is, yeah seth and i was i think you did a great job there. Well, thank you very much seth yeah. You actually have to pump your arms faster seth yeah. Because the first movie i did that had action, i ran like i did. And it was it looked like scooby doo character seth yeah. I was like [ laughter ] seth but its important that thats and they were like, thats not exciting at all. Seth but thats the right way to run if you do if you Mission Impossible down right seth like, nobody wants to see that and thank you for saying, Mission Impossible. We all learned from tom. Seth yeah, well, tom like, we learned how to run from tom seth tom is the greatest action runner of all time. For sure, yeah. Seth yeah. And but this is i mean, some of that, im assuming you did some of your own stunts. Like, that little slide. I did, yeah seth slide down the roof yeah, i did more of my own stunts than i should have. Seth okay. Its one of those things where i was like, guys, im getting older. I dont want to do it. And the stunt guys were like, no problem. Maybe just give us one and i was like, of course. And then like 17 later, i was like, guys, guys [ light laughter ] seth what was the hardest stunt you had to do for this jumping from building to building not. [ laughter ] no i for this one, it wasnt actually a stunt it was it was a blackhawk taking off and we did this one take where i get on a blackhawk and then blackhawk takes off all in the same take which sounds super exciting. And it was, except for the pilot didnt care whether i got my seat belt on or not. [ light laughter ] seth oh. So i was like, ill see you back there. And then i was llike, not yet, not yet [ laughter ] he was just like, here we go. And i was like, nope, nope, nope, nope so in the trailer when you see me, like, out the door really looking confident, five seconds ago i was not confident. I was terrified. Seth you filmed some of in this in london in london, yeah seth and your wife emily is from england she is. Seth but you never [ cheers and applause so you obviously spent a lot of time there but never shot there before. No, never shot there. And certainly never shot a roof top jumping scene. Seth yeah. Which was phenomenal. They also shut down piccadilly in london as well for us it was very exciting but i think my favorite part of the day was going back to my fatherinlaw. cause there was always a littl part of us by the way, my fatherinlaw is the greatest human ever seth thats very nice. And hes got the greatest thank you, yeah. [ laughter ] and hes got the greatest accent and hes so impassioned about everything so hes like, what are you getting up to today, johnny . And i was like, oh, you know, i was, like, running on some rooftops and then, like, a guy jumps into the thames. And he was like, really thats absolutely wonderful good for you [ laughter ] fantastic, fantastic it was i was like, thank you so much. [ light laughter ] had i known thats all it took when i proposed to your daughter seth thats the only reason i did it. Yeah, exactly seth Everything Else is a sham. You just turned 40 congratulations. I did seth big birthday. Thank you [ cheers and applause seth happy birthday. Thank you thank you. Seth and still still running as fast a little slower now seth you this is very sweet. On social media, you made a plea for a birthday if anybody had any interest in giving you a birthday gift, you directed them to a great organization. I want to give you a chance to talk about it. Yes, i told them to give me money. Seth yes if youre a fan of mine, you should give me money seth yeah. Thats what i said. But, no, it all went to these incredible people and an incredible organization. Family reach which is based in boston and they help financial situations of families who are going through the battle of cancer so not only is cancer as bad as everyone knows it is, but the Financial Stress of going through that and being with kids or family members that are going through it is so difficult so we raised some money to help them out seth thats awesome. What a nice gesture. [ cheers and applause yeah, it was great. And its still going on. You can still donate go to familyreach. Org. Seth familyreach. Org your family, two girls, halloween. Do you they know what theyre going to be yet . Oh, yeah. Seth okay. They do, yeah hazels going to be a rocket ship seth a rocket ship yeah, like a full rocket i was like, an astronaut . Seth okay. Like, rocket ship and i was like, astronaut. Shes like, no, no, no, its a rocket ship. [ light laughter ] seth gotcha. Now does then does the point of the rocket ship the head . Is that like yup, correct. Seth does it go this way shes like in the cockpit seth okay, got you yeah, and my youngest is going to be a cat. Seth okay. And i said, you know, so what should i be . And the youngest said, you should be an alien for hazels rocket ship. Seth yeah, thats very good. I said, wow, thats so nice. Maybe i will be an alien that has cat ears on it. She goes, daddy, im the cat. [ laughter ] okay, geez, i get it and then she, like, stabbed me with a barbie leg. I was like, oh. Seth do you, fellow new englander, do you have any good halloween memories of your days growing up i have tons seth yeah. My birthday is around halloween so it was always that big month for me but do you remember spooky world . Seth i when it was mentioned to me today i have it was on the radio and it was, spooky world. Seth okay. Not ringing any bells seth not like, it kind of ringing a bell now im embarrassed seth but i never went. I never went to spooky world its basically our version of all of the amazing special effects, you know, l. A. Scare areas. So a guy came to boston and on spooky world. Its not quite as well done. Seth uhhuh but it was just so many good stories. One of which was i go through the haunted house. Im terrified of all things scary. Is anybody else . No you guys are all [ cheers ] youre terrifying. Seth was spooky world in boston oh, no, in the middle of nowhere, in a farm seth okay, got you it was terrifying seth yeah. And scary and they had a haunted house. And i just loved there was one father with like a 7yearold boy going in in front of me in line. And the kid is like, i want to go in. And he was like, you know what . Lets not go in. I think youre too young and i think youre scared. And i dont think we should do it. [ laughter ] and the kid is like, no, im fine. And you could tell it was definitely the father who was terrified. [ laughter ] so as hes going through hes like, i dont really think we should do this i dont know. So we got in and the first turn we took is dracula coming out of his coffin i kid you not, the dracula is like, blah and he goes [ slap ] and just [ laughter ] i mean, hit dracula. And dracula was like, no and the coffin went back and then i swear to god as we were leaving, i saw dracula talking to a cop and the guy [ laughter ] and dracula was like, and then he hit me. And then like it was it was fantastic [ laughter ] worth the price of admission seth thats i mean, to see a guy, to see a massachusetts guy punch dracula. Thats why they have, like, theres almost no reports of vampires in massachusetts. No. Seth cause theyre like, its like not worth the trouble. [ light laughter ] yeah, youll just get coldcocked seth yeah, youll get coldcocked and also their bloods got a lot of alcohol in it its yeah, totally [ laughter ] seth its mostly beer. You cant bite and drive in boston seth yeah, no, no, absolutely not youve been namedropped a few times on our show recently by other guests really . Seth which i think is very high praise. Its great praise seth chris hayes who i went to college with chris hayes. Seth you went to college with chris hayes yeah. Seth and you you guys were in the Theater Department together or he was in the Theater Department seth okay. And i was just, like, armed guard number 4 in whatever i could get. Seth was that no, so your early days this is very healthy oh, yeah. Seth for people to hear, i think. Especially young actors in college. You dont always i was ready to be a professional chorus member forever. Seth yeah. It was great. Seth did you guys is it true that you did a you did a diehard play yes, he directed a play called artistic license. Brown is an Amazing School and does all these allows you to take big risks. So we did. We did diehard the musical. [ laughter ] at brown and chris directed and he was the most amazing director because i was, you know, scared guest number six, i got to just watch chris. And he had the he was the most intense director. But really enthusiastic. So youd see him doing this, like this. And then whenever somebody had a nice moment, he would go [ laughter ] and i was like, this guys incredible but there was an actor, actually, he was so intense that we i remember we were rehearsing and the sets werent done yet seth uhhuh. I didnt know that. So these sets it take place in the met and so the temple of pandora, that huge ancient thing in the met. We had built it out of styrofoam. But it looked real so we rehearsed. And our lead actor goes up there. And i actually have this emblazoned in my brain he started singing the song. And it was to his daughter and he was playing john mcclane or whatever. And he goes up on there. And he goes i swore to a protect he and keep her from harm my life gained new meaning the day she was ah and he fell a story and a half [ laughter ] through a styrofoam set. And i was like, oh, my god [ light laughter ] and chris was like this. Its all right youre all right [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth early beginnings. Early beginnings to great things yeah. Thats John Krasinski, everybody [ cheers and applause season two of Tom Clancys Jack Ryan begins streaming friday on Amazon Prime Video well be right back with joel kim booster [ cheers and applause im your cat. Ever since you brought me home, that day. Ive been plotting to destroy you. Sizing you up. Calculating your every move. You think this is love . This is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. And if you have the wrong Home Insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. So get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like meow. Hey everything goes my way halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes thank you. You too, have a great day. Five years ago. I had psoriasis everywhere. Head to toe. People were afraid i was contagious. Alright, ill be back in one hour. My skin hurt. I felt gross. Whats up jay . Hows everything . Whats up man . Hope youve been practicing . But then i started cosentyx. And i havent really had to think about it. See me. Cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis. Look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked. For tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections. And lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection. Or symptoms. If your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop. Or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine. Or plan to. Serious allergic reactions. May occur. I just look and feel better. See me. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a very funny comedian, writer and actor. He stars in sunnyside with new episodes available thursdays on hulu and the nbc app lets take a look. What is this doing on my side of the bar its there because i wanted to stop you from embarrassing yourself how are the decorations coming terrible. Jun hos refusing to give up on his ridiculous hindenburg idea rainbow sparkles isnt an idea its a freaking cupcake, honey and nobodys buying. Fine. Seth please welcome to the show joel kim booster, everyone. [ cheers and applause seth how are you im good. Im good this is crazy. Ive never heard so many people scream for someone theyve never heard of before. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause seth but its nice though. Right . Theyre very optimistic. Theyre very optimistic. This is a wonderful show kal penn plays the disgraced politician whos helping people pass the immigration test. Yes seth and you are you have a sister on the show yeah. Seth and you and the actress are friends in real life yes seth yes poppy liu, we didnt test together they didnt audition us together we share every single shot, every single scene of the show were in together and they really rolled the dice with us and it turned out that we got along really well. Seth and you got true story that you got matching tattoos . Yes, we do. Three weeks in were like, were getting matching tattoos. Were getting a new tattoo for every season that the show gets picked up. Seth oh, wow so, please watch. [ laughter ] we really want to do it. I can show everybody seth all right what is it its like right here. Can you see . [ audience ohs ] seth oh, wow its right there. Seth so, now what is that . Thats like you know kpop . Seth oh, yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] its yeah, we like it. Seth was that your first tattoo no, no, no. Seth okay. This is my sixth tattoo seth okay. I got one when i was 18, this guy right here seth okay. Can you see it . Seth okay. Its its a nordic rune. Seth okay. It means journey, which is nothing. [ laughter ] completely meaningless jimmy yeah its a little embarrassing. Now i just like to tell people its for rihanna [ laughter ] seth yeah, thats true thats a good thats better makes more sense. And then i have a tattoo right here on my foot that i actually am its incomplete, but im so glad i ran out of money seth okay. Before i could finish it. [ laughter ] seth did you run out of money in the middle of the tattoo sort of, yeah, because it is it says the whole world in latin, but it was suppose to say, the whole world is a stage. [ laughter ] and it was for the best. Its was for the best. Seth yeah, you dodged i did, yeah seth you dodged a bullet i dodged a bullet, and then what else do i have . I have i have a jane austen quote. [ cheers ] seth jane austen i know. You wanted it. You wanted that. Didnt you [ laughter ] its this is a an anal sex joke from a jane austen book [ laughter ] she does have them [ laughter ] look closely and then i have some naughty tattoos that are on my legs. Seth okay, gotcha. So this is yeah, youve been in the tattoo game for a while yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth that was a clip from a halloween episode. Do you have halloween plans . I do. So i just moved into a house, a little onebedroom house in a neighborhood in los angeles. So, i get trickortreaters for the first time seth oh, for the first time. I know. Seth thats really exciting. But im a little im torn, because i dont think i can dress up the way i normally do like i really wanted to be slutty la brea tar pits. Seth okay. [ laughter ] and i just dont know [ laughter ] i dont know if the children are ready for that seth yeah. You know . [ laughter ] and seth no, i would imagine they would have a lot of questions. Yeah. Seth yeah. But you know what maybe its for the best. Seth yeah. You know . Start the conversation early [ laughter ] what are the la brea tar pits . Why are they slutty . You know [ laughter ] seth the reality is like no matter who steps in the tar, theyre into it. You know theyll take anybody so, you on the show, you play a very wealthy you guys are a wealthy brother and sister yes seth you were raised in International Waters you were born in south korea and then raised in illinois. Yes seth very different life adopted by a nice couple in the midwest. Very, very poor. Did not realize how poor until much later on in my life like when i was seven, my dad was laid off and my parents had to postpone christmas because they couldnt afford gifts, but i didnt realize thats why it was. I just thought my mom was like, were postponing christmas this year. Were putting it off until january. And i was like, this woman. [ laughter ] what a bad bitch [ laughter ] just moving christmas . [ laughter ] i didnt even know you could do that. [ laughter ] i was like, bravo, mom. Bravo. I was like, yeah, we could have christmas whenever we want, i guess according to my mom. [ laughter ] and so, they did a really, really, good job of just like making our childhood like full of moments like that and doing the best they could. Seth and you were you were homeschooled. Yes, i was also homeschooled. Seth how was that . How was being homeschooled bad [ laughter ] it was i mean, it was fine. It was just there were a lot of gaps my parents are very, very christian and no judgement. [ laughter ] but for their lifestyle choices. [ laughter ] and they so theres a lot of stuff they didnt want us learning like sex and evolution, but in not teaching us that stuff, they missed a lot of other stuff. Like everyday, im shocked to learn about like a new state you know [ laughter ] i had no idea there were two dakotas. [ laughter ] and why . Really you know, thats the question. Why do we need two of them [ laughter ] ill let you guys answer that for yourselves but, for me, it was like a mystery. Seth you were you were then nationally ranked bible quizzer . Yeah. This was one of the, like ways they got me out of house was one of my extra curriculars was bible quizzing and i was excellent at it. Seth wow [ laughter ] i crushed i crushed the bible. [ laughter ] yeah, at one point, i knew like the first eleven chapters of acts, verbatim i knew the first like Nine Chapters of john, verbatim every season you would pick a new book [ light laughter ] seth has it does it stick with you do you remember any of it . They ask me this. I was like, i think like the john stuff, like it is unfortunate. Ive killed so many brain cells off. [ light laughter ] seth if i started john yes seth lets see how you would do just wait. Now is that king james seth i wouldnt know the difference okay, well. [ laughter ] so, we only did we only did king james because nothing makes evangelical seth it is king james. Oh, my god. Seth yeah. Wow seth yeah. Okay. Seth im assuming thats what kjv yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] all right. Evangelicals love some old english. Seth all right ready . Ill in the beginning okay. Seth whats the word in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him, and nothing that was made that was made [ cheers ] in him was the life, and the life was the light of man. The light shining from the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Thats all thats all i got seth that was really good. I mean [ cheers and applause seth that was really good. Wow seth a very of all the things i thought i would be doing on late night tv, reciting the first seven, like verses of john was not one of them seth well, i bet that of all the things that people who watched you in the bible quiz competition thought you would be doing this year, would be adapting jane austen, an all gay jane austen. Yes . Yes seth so, they i think both of you are in unexpected places yeah, exactly [ laughter ] seth so, explain this project real quick yeah. I mean, it started as sort of a joke that i made to my friends while i was on vacation in fire island. For those of you who dont know, it is an all gay island. [ light laughter ] so, for about half of you, a nightmare. [ laughter ] for me, paradise and i was always i always sort of struck by like, you know, social class is really something that jane austen tackles a lot in her novels. And when you get just hundreds of gay guys together on an island, we create our its like lord of the flies really. Maybe thats the adaptation i should make, actually. [ laughter ] but, yeah, and so i was really struck i wanted to sort of create a story. A loose adaptation hitting those beats, but on Beach Vacation island full of gay men seth that is fantastic yeah. Seth i look forward to that. And it has just been lovely having you here. Yeah. Seth thanks so much for coming here today. Thank you so much for having me [ cheers and applause seth jole kim booster, everybody. Sunnyside is streaming on hulu on the nbc app well be right back with amy mcgrath. [ cheers and applause [ whimper ] we were lost, in a vast desert completely devoid of basset hounds. [ back in babys arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. Im back in babys arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. We were found. Im back where i belong found by the hounds. 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The other aviators pick it for you and usually its trying to make fun of you seth okay. Okay . So my call sign was krusty, after krusty the clown seth okay. [ laughter ] i had big hair that stuck up. Seth uhhuh. And when i put my cover on, it would stick out and, you know, the guys thought that was really funny. [ laughter ] seth were you heart broken when you first heard that it was going to be krusty cause you had to know, of course, that was going to be permanent. Yes, and so, you know, it was hard for me to explain to my mom. Like, whats your call sign . Krusty. You know, thats kind of like [ laughter ] but but eventually, i became one with the call sign and you know what . Ive heard so much worse seth yeah. Call signs that like, i just love krusty now. Seth thats good im like fine with krusty [ laughter ] seth so youre running against Mitch Mcconnell. I think its fair to call him both deeply uncharismatic, but also very effective at certainly delivering on the things that his party would want him to deliver on yet hes very unpopular. I think hes often times polls as the most unpopular senator. Yet in kentucky donald trump, very popular how do you run against a republican in the state where donald trump is this popular well, i mean, i think if you look at the reasons why people voted for donald trump, for many people, they wanted an outsider. This is the system that is not working for so many kentuckians. And you know, Mitch Mcconnell is the epitome of a dysfunctional system he created the swamp that donald trump said he was going to drain so i think, you know, thats my way there. Thats my message. You know, if you want to drain the swamp, you have to get rid of Mitch Mcconnell seth but dont [ cheers and applause dont you think that even if Mitch Mcconnell wasnt there it strikes me that even though he ran as someone who wanted to drain the swamp, we found certainly in the three years since as far as somebody who hires lobbyists and doesnt seem to actually have any interest in draining the swamp but even without mitchmcconnell i think we would have Donald Trumps swamp in d. C. Wouldnt you agree with that but i also think, you know, for folks in kentucky, a lot of people get it, the fact they feel that Mitch Mcconnell has, you know, turned their backs on them they feel that, you know, he represents and really is bought off my special interests and so people are tired of that. And, you know, im a bit of an outsider i was a military officer for 20 years im somebody that didnt grow up within the political system. And i really think we need new people a new generation of leaders in this country, particularly to take out folks like Mitch Mcconnell. [ cheers and applause seth kentucky is a certainly a beautiful state. It is also a rural state its a red state its the kind of state the democrats have had trouble with in recent years. How, as a democrat, do you run in a red state like this one that donald trump won by 30 , but again as we mentioned you came within 3 cause i think if you were effective, it would be i think taken as a roadmap for Many Democrats in the south well, you know, i think many kentuckians are tired of both political parties. And i feel like they are looking for somebody who believes in things like character and courage and honor. And somebody whos not bought off by special interests, and i think that thats you know, my message has always been, lets put our country above our Political Party. You know, my husband im married to, a lifelong republican. And, you know hes hes spent 20 years in the navy we served our country. Thats what we care about. And, you know, the difference between Mitch Mcconnell and myself, the most fundamental difference and theres a lot of differences right . You know, both age and gender and Political Party, but the biggest difference is, you know, i will work with any president to do whats right for kentucky, no matter whether he or she wears a red jersey or blue jersey and thats the most important thing. And thats what i come from in the marine corps [ cheers and applause seth now, obviously, if you were in the senate, you may be in a situation to have to vote on impeachment youll come out and said you were proimpeachment can you talk us through that journey to come to that decision, and what it was based on well, for me, this is about a National Security concern. I mean, i look at everything from a National Security lens. Thats been my life. And, you know, we have the potential here for the commander in chief, who potentially withheld security aid, military aid, to a partner who is being invaded by our adversary think about that and did it for potentially personal political reasons and, you know, that to me is a National Security concern. And my oath i took the oath to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and i took that oath six times in my life that oath is to the constitution and to the nation, not to a Political Party or not to a president. [ cheers and applause seth you mentioned your husband is a lifelong republican does that mean when you ran for congress, he cannot vote for you in the primary that is true. [ light laughter ] seth okay. That is true. Seth was that awkward, or . You know, it wasnt that awkward. We knew it was coming. Seth yeah. But the biggest thing, concern in our household right now, actually, i was back in the green room texting because the breaking news is that theres a ton of rain in kentucky, so they have potentially changed trickortreating. Right . And i have three small kids. And oh, my gosh. Halloween is very way more important than the senate race, i got to tell you. [ laughter ] and, you know, so im texting my mom friends like, is this true . When is trickortreating now . [ light laughter ] seth would you say being the mother of three small kids is easier or harder than being a Fighter Pilot . I would say its way harder seth okay, yeah. Its way harder [ laughter ] seth yeah, cause again, when youre up in that plane, no one can bother you thats right, i mean and things generally work you have some semblance of control with children, like no [ light laughter ] i mean, my middle child is george hes 5 years old, and i just love him dearly. And the other day i guess about a month ago he just decided he didnt like his name anymore [ laughter ] so he wanted to be called he will not be called george anymore, will not respond to it. He wanted to be called dark knight. Seth okay. [ laughter ] and so, you know, its really seth and thats crazy because you were probably between the two when you named him. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth so have you done it have you caved do you call him dark knight . Oh, i absolutely caved. Because, you know, you got whatever works seth yeah, exactly its like when my mom says, honey, whatever works. Seth yeah, thats i mean, i think thats the truest basically example of the fact you will work with any president no matter the party. [ laughter ] if youre willing to call a george a dark knight, you are a flexible person. Hey, whatever works [ laughter ] seth hey, thanks so much for being here awesome [ cheers and applause seth i really appreciate it. Amy mcgrath, everybody well be right back. [ cheers and applause at hertz, we know that a change of scenery shouldnt mean a change in standards. Thats why thanks to you were rated number one in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to John Krasinski, joel kim booster, amy mcgrath, emily moon. And, of course, 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, im gonna be here. Im gonna sit here and do things no need for props tonight, because weve got a big show with lots of star power, because i im going to be interviewing Chelsea Handler lilly, i know this is your own show, but can i give you a piece of advice . Knock first. Lilly wait did we accid

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